BRIEF CITY NEWS &lfBtlnf future, Durgt s-Grandon Co. TUality Storage k Taa Co., Xong. SS8. Xav Boot Print I Now Beacon rrr ss. eaatlful All Modern lonii for Sal on the tasy payment plan. Hanker Realty Investment Co. Thone loug. 29il. A Ooofl Xaraatmsnt is an offlca In The B Pulldlng. Unod location, sool service, good neighbors. The b.illiltng that Is always hew. Offtre room 101 "Today Complete Mori rrorram' classified auction today, and appcara In Tha Bee E XC Lt-'.u I V K t,Y . Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. JUcital by Mist Xttkova- Mary Mtkova. daughter of Joe M.k. will ghr a piano recitation the evrninsr ot November 24 (it the First Baptist church. Ids a Knmpf In Serious Condition Miss Clara Kumpf, well known teacher in the First grade at Kd Hosewa ter school. Is In a local hospital In a precarious condition. Not much hope is being" held out for her recovery. Chris mae Mail ArrlTSa Fifteen new trucks to take care of the parcel post business at the In ion stnt'on are already receiving- their burden of Chr.stmas mall, which increases every f!ay, det'Pite the fact that It Is over fix wetks until Chrlttmas. To Ask Bids foe Truck The Postof. flee department has authorircd Cadet Taylor to got bids for the new postof flce tugs, or trucks, which are tu be added to the equipment of the parcel post equipment here. Ten o' these ve hicles will b bought to facilitate haul ing packages In the Omaha post office. Beper Compllmeats Local Postofflce Postmaster John C. Wharton reeclvel a letter Tuesday front Daniel C. Roper, as sistant postmaster general, In which the latter highly compliments the rtennrt- ment for the splendid showing made during the month Just closed. The local postotflea Increased their business by More than t per cent, or ttO.000 more than the corresponding month last year. Iee Kay Xi from Injuries 'Jlarence W., 534 Benton atrect. Council Blnffn, may dla from Injuries received" when he fell from . a scaffold at the Skinner i Macaroni company's new bulldlng: Four teenth and Jackson streets. Iee, who is a deaf mute, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital by Dr. Conwil, who says that the unfortunate man Is suffering from Internal Injuries, na well as a probable fractured skull. Nebraska Delegation to Suffrage Meeting ' PUFORD IS ON THE WARPATH ....V It V fa ... ni,. Women to Report False Advertising i to Omaha Ad Club 22rs. Draper Smith. The Nebraska delegation to the Na tional Woman Suffrage association con vention which opens Thu.sdny. left Tues day for Nas u tile, Tenn., where the meeting will' he held. The delega tion Includes Mra. Draper Rmith. state suffrage president; Mrs. H. C. fnimney and Mrs. James Richardson of Omaha, and Mrs. W. llareley of Lincoln, chairman of the sivakers and publicity bureau. Mrs. Smith, who will give a report of the Nehraska campaign at the conven tion, was almost deterred from making the trip by an attack of lllnoss, but had recovered sufficiently to warrant her traveling. On her return from the convention Mr. Richardson and eon. James, will meet Mrs. Richardson In fct. Uuls, where they will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Rlch ar.!son"s mother. ff Owner of Winnipeff Club Objects to Way He Wm Ousted. QUESTION UP TO THE MINORS nnveatlon Mni Oeelde Matter May Make. rrloia Kpllt In the Harmony Whlrk la Kt. preted n Prevail. Iven though peace be eventually de cided between the Federal league and Organised ball, tha minor league conven tion may see a serious split In the har mony of things. If certain action la taken by the board of arbitration the Northern league may become an outlaw circuit. The rase before the board of arbitration has to do with the Winnipeg franchise, A. H. Puford owner. Last seasonr the Northern league disbanded. It was Im mediately reorganised and Tuford and hH Winnipeg team left qnt of tho new lircut. Puford declares the disband ment and the reorganisation was merely to force him from the circuit. The Winnipeg man has his case r fore the hoard of arbitration Settlement will be inad a. wm. The point at lie ts inrly the legality of the actions taken by the Northern league. If they by the r I constitution are permitted to disband and I (hen reorganise Puford has no rate. Ceitsin officials of the league declare they do not want Puford In the Northern league, and that It the board of arbitra tion find for the Winnipeg man, they threaten to coma out from under the shadow of Organised ball ami make the Northern league an outlaw league. President John Burmelster declares the Northern league doea not consider Pu ford desirable and that they will take drastic measurei to keep him out. The ease promises to be a warm one and Puford will have plenty of testimony before the board. Tho Northern league will nlao have several volumes and the matter will be a touchy one to handle. Puford declares the Winnipeg club should be In the league. It drew over lonOirt people last year, mow than any other club, lie says the league cannot complain cm Its financial success and ho knows tin reason for opposition to him. MRS. FOSTER'S FUNERAL AT ST. PETER'S CHURCH Funeral services over the body of Mrs Catherine Foster, wife of Chief IVputj Bhenff W. A. Foster, will l held this morning at ft n'lim-k from bt. Peter church t Holy Sepulchre cemetery. l ame Back and Weak Kldneia greatly helped and often cured by Elec tric Bitters; keeps kidneys and stomac'l In healthy condition, gives prompt re lief. Me and 11 0". All druggists Advertisement. CASH PAYMENT Send, rpn MM To Your Home Read These Bargains Carefully: Dstck gklp Foandera. . LOWESTOFT, (via Ixindon) Nov. '.I The Hutch fishing lugger ponlster has foundered through striking a mine. The nt' were lnnried here todav MRij, II. C. SUMNliY. For the first time In local Ad club history romen- were permitted to take! part In affalra of the club. Heretofore I all meeting and- luncheona have been strictly stag affairs, but at the noon meeting In the Rome hotel olive room a doxen or more of the fair sex' were m hand. , . TV. O. Cleveland, chairman- of the "vig ilance committee" called upon members of the club to spread the request to ail women shoppers everywhere to report false advertising to members of the Ad club. ,'Womeri de wost of the buying and they will make the best detectives," de clared Mr. Cleveland. Th Omaha Ad club has a stunt up it collective s'.eeve for use at the base ball magnates' banquet Thursday night, but the nature of it Is being guarded sealously by those In charge. A'What advertisers ,t can do to help the printer and engravers and vlc?-versa," formed an Interesting topic. Many Women Listen ; to Murder Trial A score of women are Included Ir. the crowd of spectators at the trial of Mrs. Bernloe Russell In criminal court or the charge of manslaughter for the slaying of her husband, Charles Russell, last Au gust at the Sprague hotel. Besides the women, who are watching tha case with-unusual Interest because of the rarlf y of " female defendant In crltnlnal trial of such seriousness, almost 100 men are attending the hearing. A little child 1 also In tho crowd, sitting net to her mother and playing uncon cernedly as the story of the tragedy is told from the witness stand. Htate' evidence wa all In at noon and Mr. Russell took the stand to plead Jus tification gnd self-defense at th resump tion of the trial this afternoon. Uncle Sam Buys a : MoKeen Motor Car The reclamation aervtce of the United 8tt government hs purchased a Mo Keen fifty-five foot JOO-horsepowar, seventy-five passenger, all-steel gasoline motor car for It Yuma Valley railway twenty mile In length, which' I being constructed In the Arlsona Yuma valley. There are many features to the McKeen Motor car 1 not possessed by any other aasengrr car In th world, which make It eminently gutted for the service on th government' railroad In Arlsona. Thla la the third government .to adopt McKeen motor cars, the Queensland and Victorian government of Australia ha v. ing purchased seven McKeen motor car some time ago. APPRAISERS APPOINTED TO PUT VALUE ON LAND Inability of the Missouri Pacific Rail way company and Mrs. Mary A. Uailey to agree upon the value of the latter property upon the east side of Fifteenth, between Grace and Yates streets, has resulted In the appointment of a board of six appraisers to decide the matter. The railroad want the land for addi tional ewitch'ng tracks and yard room. County Judge ' Crawford appointed these men on tho commission to appraise the laud: W. R. McFarland. W. II. Gatea. W. V. Crawford. I. 4 Bholes, Harry A. Tukey and Oeorge K. ' Morton. A similar board of appraiser is now at work In Benson, because of disagreement- over value of property required for sewer purposes. . f Dyspepsia Gone! No Indigestion, , Gas, Sourness Pape Diapepsin ' Beat Kaotrn f'agk Remedy. Dr. King New DUcovery, best for cough, colds, hoarseness and all lung troubles. First dose helps. BOe and 11.00. All druggists. Advertisement. MRS. JAMES RICHARDSON. tire structure, Including the new lava tory on the top floor, which Is being In stalled for the Indians. With Cadet Tay lor, the Inspector spent tho morning in going over the blueprints of severallint provements to lie made In the building In the near future. Mrs. lilery accom panied her husband to the city and ts visiting with friends here. DEPUTY SHERIFF GOES TO LINCOLN TO MARRY ULLERY HERE INSPECTING P0ST0FFICE CHANGES Superintendent of Construction E. ti lery of Red Oak. Ia., is pendlng th day In Omaha, going over tha new platform porch whlcli u being established abov the entrance of the fediral building, aa well aa a general Inspection of the en- John PoBplrhal. a deputy under Sheriff Fetlx McShane. has been matrimonially Inclined for some time. However, he put off getting, married until after election. When Sheriff McShane was re-elected Posplchal decided to celebrate his bosV victory by getting married, so lie went to Unco'ii, with his bride, unbeknown o everybody except a couple of friends. The wedding was performed there, and when the couple returned they were given a lively reception by many friends at the Tel Jed 8okol hull. When jour meals don't ft comfortably, or r hat you eat Ilex like a lump of lead in yo'ir stomach, or If vou have heart burn, that la a sign of hvllgcKtion. iet front your pharmacist a fifty-cent ease of Pupa's lilapepsln and take a dose Just as soon as you can. There will be no sour rlslnxs. no belching of und geted food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating headi ( lies, dlsjtlness or Intestlnnl gr'p Int. This will nil go, and, besides, there will be no food loft over In the stom ach to poison your breath with nauseous odor. Pane's lilapepsln Is a certain euro for out-of-order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all atomach misery Is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-cent case contain enough 'Tape's lilapepsln" to keep the entire family free from stomach disor lers and Indigestion for many months. It belong In your home. Advertisement. Former Sale IVI.-e PrU-o $:l.10 Itad.lW.ui upright ..9178 .V"W llanlnutn upright ..$275 $H.V) Kmervin uptight ....$75 flto Nchnioller A .Mueller up right $1.8 9 MM) Stogrr & Nona upright $175 MOO lais Nona upright $150 -ZT,n llanelton upright $f5 .i(H) Hclimoller & Mueller up rlRht ; $1G5 Former lric $I.V Ntcgrr at & Song Sale IMire uprlRht $275 $lftO Kmrraon uptight ...$200 :too Klrhtcr upright ....$158 MOO Vrner upright ..$148 $:."K Schntollw A Mueller up right $103 Hl'-iS Hfeirer Hon upr'ht $235 $koo A. II. Clin graud . .$275 $.- Kteg'T Sons upr'ht $291) Freo Stool and Scarf With Every Piano. Every Instrument Fully Guaranteed or Money Refunded frlftO A MONTH HKNTH A HQ PIANO HomenilH'r the Place. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Omaha'a Only KxrliiKlve Piano House. 1311-13 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. HI Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1914 Burgeas-Nash Co. Store News for WedneadayBurgess-Nash Oo. Phone D. 137 WIDOWS' PENSIONS ARE NOT FOR BUYING HOMES 1 I Pensions granted to widow by the I county, and Intended to help the women ' support their families, must not be used to buy home for the families, Juvenile Judge Will; Q. Snr declares. It says that all th county can be. expected to do la to help by food and clothing for bereft families. Th judge made the declaration In connection with the rase of Mr. Mary Hess, MIS Caatellar street, who get a widow' pension from the county. It wa discovered that while her little daughter, Margaret, wa kept out of school to take care of the house, savings of Mrs. Hess and her son. Will, out or their earnings and the pension, were be ing used to make payments on a home they war buying. .. . BURGESSNASH COMBArtY. "SVSrYTOIOOrto TOftS" Announce for Thursday, Friday M Saturday An Extraordinary Sale in the ECONOMY BASEMENT of the Surplus Stocks of Several Big Wholesale Houses, Including WINTER MERCHANDISE i t of all kinds, which will be offered you at RADICAL PRICE REDUCTIONS See Harney Street Windows and Wednesday Evening's Papers for Particulars. Th OU of It. "Laat Pecember I had a very severe cold and was nearly down sick in bed. I bought two bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and It wa only a very few day until X was completely restored to health," write O. J. Mctcajf. Weath erby. Mo. If you would know tha value of thl remedy, ask any one who has uaed It. Obtainable everywhere. Ad ver-tiaement. The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are Read Daily by i'eople In tarcb of Ad rtlaad ODOortunlUea. K y i i.V ' W 1 ' ,5:-':-iC.; f hefm All Tht new "?pat TcP"Boott for women. Short vamps of patent calf, with uppers cut from Dreadnought c'oth of fawn, gray or black. Many different models, tnc.vdmg the one pictured to day, at Tea Ought to Be la fry1. Shoe 1GI3 at DOUGLAS A Very Unusual Sale Wednesday ! INCLUDING WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Atmini Pip ramil (Sewn rainigWirap8ainidlTaEllipdSrati AT AN AVERAGE REDUCTION OF OMiro OFF th MaOLAR PHIIICE IT IS indeed a most unusxial offering from every viewpoint. The great variety of styles for selection the exquisite beauty' and individualness of the models the materials and color range, and the extreme price reductions. The garments are all individual models (no two alike), the greater number of them imported creations which portray the handiwork of several of the foremost foreign fashion creators jiossessing that charm of chic individualness which every woman who gives a thought to her dress so much desires. EXQU1SJTE EVENING C0WN3 THAT WERE $52.50 TO $!98.00t NOW. 33&SQ TO $128.00 BEAUTIFUL AFTERNOON DRESSES, WERE $85.00 TO $85.00, NOW $39.50 TO $88.00 FJNE TAILORED SUITS, WERE $88.00 TO $128.00, NOW $30.80 TO 006.00 This announcement does not begin to express the real true importance of this offering you must come and see the beautiful garments for yourself, for there is no doubt th very dress, suit or wrap you have in mind is here and at a most substantial reduction in price. Sale Starts Wednesday Morning at 8:30. urgess-Nash Gompamy "everybody's store"