UiiS OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMfiKU 11, If 14. mm i 1; i ; 1 : i 1 Jeff Could as Well Have Said a Thousand Legs and Made it a Flock Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher X..OVVT THOUGH r OP A SwGLU RltDL I TO PULU ON NVJTt! r 4 ' . i AY MUTT HeRJS'5 A R.itoce FOR. YOL. "UHKX FM6 IN THS AIB.LVKG BiR.0 .MD HAt FOUR. UTM6 5C6( VMrvr rue& In All. UKG fclfct) AKO MA ' 4 f wait a MiNirreT 'v. " "V DON'T TELU . rAfc ' .m I two eAftte& J f ) V - HALF CENIURYOS DIAMOND "Orttor" O'Hourke of Bate Ball Fame Here for Convention. IS . OLD JUIEND IN OMAHA Visitor Ran lata Patay Haver of ; t Local Poliro Force and Hoik Kirkaiiit Ballrttn off' He-anlalacrneee. 1 i i The' man vrbu b nil odds holds the rotda record? for the .longest career, as bl player -1s al tltfs contention. .Me hone other. than!t Vou. than Jamei V .O'Kourka, of Bridgeport. Conn.. Ora of. CTRourko. r.a he wits known buck U fha .primeval aVa ot the Rrii, ' H.U tha only man who, hat oUn!o-J t.a..half contury.on th glnrnond-r-not ruiin an hi mi ov proci (jiomii pioyer, Irt -inoat of ft." '. '.''., -((No ever,' "Jim- O'Roiirke la a I'pllnhm fpnlUwa: una ttverf modft fcn. ! talks of Ma great daya as one ff the original Ntw Tork nianta, as well ft A'meml)cr of K'emt tams of titlwf': tlinaa, but nrver t xplolta hla owi ai.hlcvvmanta. r V 1- .. ' . '!.r wlndlnj up W wonderful CiHrr lH 'ear York. Mr. O Hourka rallied to Ma-Ts.t!v Brldirrcrt. where lie, bqmtht the team and later became mayor of the Sty.' - He waa aJaa jtroalUent . ft , ,tlip trario, all tho while playing, .catching or at third or In 'the uytfleld. (aa hi teajn, which ha manWaed' himself, needed him. H graduated IjOjt frtrn'Tthls team lnt) ' tlw o third - socla . V BIO MOGULS OF THE GAtyE This group of base ball luminaries comprises player, scout, manager, owner, league president and historian. Front row, left to right: Garry Herrmann, president National commission and the Cincinnati club; Charley White of the Spalding company; Ban Johnson, president American league! Miller Huggins, manager and second basemen St. Louis Cardinals. Back row: President Britton, St. Louis Cardinals; Dick Kinsella of Springfield, HL,.big league scout; Charles Ebbets owner Brooklyn Nationals; A. J. Flanner, secretary , to Garry Herrmann; President Barrows, Interna tional league. t 'T...-, : : - .:v .' The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Ar i Read Pally by People In. Search of Ad vertlaed Opportunltlea.' : oif Jrtv up base ball now end'taka. It faayj and so I did to please her." ' 'Mr. ORourke foitnd in old bo'yjiood friend In Omaha, Putey" iiavey, er fktit r I',..' ' :C: 1 lmiji'"i i m inn iiwwiwsiwiiswwwpinaip iitiiMiwasMsisfitsWWinirp mTmnm fiin nTtiiwsiiisiiiiiiw Twelve Racing Cars, in the Desert Race NEEDLES, Cal.. Nov. lO.-Just a day break twelve racing cars, survlvori of tlt trans-desert race from Loa Arujelesv shot away toward Prescott on the second leg of the 7J-mlle race to Phoenix, v W. C. Duant, who beat Barney Oldfleld technically by one second Into the check ing station last night, waa first cway. Oldfleld waa second out and ttte other ten cars followed. v " ' "' .V, Olin Paris. Mo. 4, winner of last year's Phoenix race, waa ' first past Kingman today In the sprint ever the mean tains te Prescott Within five minutes four, other racer went by Beaudet, No. l;.Durant, No. t; Nlkrent. No. i, and Oldfleld, who waa running ls car on flat ttrea, On elapsed time Oldfleld was second. LYONS HIGH AND WAYNE - NORMAL PLAY SATURDAY t.TON8, Neb.. Nov. I. (Special.) The Lyons High school foot ball team plays the Wayne. Normal at Lyons next Sat urday. .The team here Is one of , the fastest in this section and expects to hold the normal school to at least a low score. genial old player-writer. Tim Mumana of the Boston Ulote. Time waa when Tim . v. u u itm p wyr ,1JII. bill iruin 1 1 1 1 '7 uum r. . . . . .. ame T,.yed Tut'ZZ Z ngTeen ... . . , . ' f, I - I ' "-vcj a-uuH. nm is Dase uai ot Aetire frir Tbree Team. personified and, exudes - it ajand good ; "I have not ..bVpd ball foMbree yeArs,'' humor kll over. i the grand.-, bid ; man. MtvtV In t , f- ! . ' ' "- ' ' . "' ' ' fact, disposed tof my im .r dnt a-at. 1STWAJC AJ IVflmr . J" Wpweas. A the ;uet of tnj' wlfe. Vben slie'knew ItiiilV Ad. UDllL VI ' ,t "v' I hasVrUrn In he-was dying she said to me, 'Won't I - nTtTIJt .-urn "il !5i ?,!... (Continued from 'Page One.)' a free hand in regard to dlckerlngs with, the Federals. While the minors may be vitally . Interested In peace agreemeataj for their own salvation they must not hinder any action Uiken byithe hlg.boya. That a the purpose of tthe resolution primarily. ' . . ' Loyal to t law. " ; This la the resolution: ..' An linilallafitrtnrv COndltlor. profealoiiul Iwao nau aur ycat In certain aectlojia o( our luHsdlctlon and .. Whoross. The practtc of oneourajrlng and Inducing certa htll' players to diar reKard their ohl gallon to Oixtnlxed base ball has -raised a doubt In. the minds of the publlo as to tho honesty and m ... ... . . . 1 1 ine puDiio os io mo nonmi nnu mi and one of the rooaA .pjipular members in th national iSKrcemcnL They-desiro ' terrlry of ball players ss a claaa and . ef OmaUa'i pollre force. And they are representation on the National commla. I Whereas. Certa n , newspapers have toll ing ovar.uhos old days bank la drar s on. whkk now mly, Inoludes Han 3ehn-1 Ll!? .Z" .? T..1ifVJ MIlrWiiKiit, H'iA "Alkd. Jttrtiscr.'- hVv son. aw ry Hcmnnmi, John B. Bruee, Joe n4 flieloyalty In the ranks of the Nv In IHUf A'l'W(lH.-'tJt,X"r.t)rr.,wat 4 'laine n aovernor Toner. Ao they , tlonal Aasoclatlon of Profensional Base iT.-S'4 .Vveh-'Immi and Jack Martin, how ; hop -for -proper" te.4 station which wUti p?.n Iff B"es: theieforo. be it mr thp.r' t - i. i, I,., k. . i i .v TL. . j. . Resolved. That we, the repreaentat ves are theyr And so It goes, it has bi-en place the minor-, bod rs on such firm ' k.n i ik. and solid basis that they will be self-i longuos. at this ( ml aeenlcn of our four usta nlng ana. not'ilependant to a large ! teenth annu-t meeting moat emphatically j,. ... . ' . i. ,v. and unni'iivorally reaffirm our allelanre d- gr.e on sales to the major league clubs. to 0rF.n,tw) D. th, flea, Jonol. 7 hla laat they bore for in aiHi of another tlnn for the future prosperity of the or.ta.nlia.tlon of auch an outlaw Icasue as - grat national frame: and be It further ncsoivea, i nni inese rosoiuiions re a long time slnte the old tr'ciula met, hut at that Patsy aays he knew Jim at first sight. Players Old and Meet and; Young the Federate. .The fal'rg off of the draft has hurt the minors dwp'y. In his report read m it r f ' - .to tne copvoniinn yosteroay necreiary lalK UVCr (iame rnU-volged th infvimatlon that the arart ana rurcneses ror amounieu made part of the recorda of thin meet In a; and he given to the press as the iKnrrsilin of our view on present condi tions. Gsvrraer Falls to Cam. Governor Morehead, who had Intended jto wi,870. while in W1I the amount was ! an address of welcome In he- naiE vi aiam. waa auwni Decsuso oi over-exertion In tho recent campaign. Aa Innovation waa Introduced by presi dent Sexton. He asked that a committee on credentials bo- appointed. A motion waa made to that effect, and D. B. Dug- Caeaanlttoo Aspotated The committee on revision conalats of W. K. Kavanaugh. , president of th. ! of. 8etU' T- .M- Chivlngton. prest Houthem aaaoclat'On: at. Baum. orea-! deBt of tha American association, and ldent of the Pacific cU.t I,... M r. i N, P. Corn!sh, president of the South Ltop Ragan, one ot many ball players, .$t,oeo. The loss of over 11.000 eut present and past, at the convention, baa. deeply into the profits of the little fe had the honor of chaperoning .his big.' leaa and they have no wish to experience .htf ' r''i. . "ST. L-KI-l. 1 UPAlr1M l.b.A ...W ....... -. ... . .-. ... rwyiip . l vum II, .lviur UU ID T aroMita aaamireouring mm to Trienas. Mr, Ebbets has let It L-e known te Don's fcofeie folks that he thinks a whole lot of the husky pitcher. Anion- other Omaha players about the' pJ-we ar Ous Williams, Chick Autrey. ju,oe president cf thii Central asso'cla- ' AtUntlo league, were apotnted to sans. Bupuy Carter. George Btoije, Bill Kchlpke , ton; john h. Farrcll. secretary of th i Never before has a committee on cr and Artie Thomason of the present team. National trace atlon. and M.ke Bexton. ' D, appointed, and It U thought Tommy, you know. Is wa'klng de'egat president of the National aaaociatlon! thftt tn won is to exclude any chance 'n ui piayeia union in tnese parts, tie Ciie up from his old coon hunting ecniunds at Liberty. Mo., whert he says tbl ' wsthr is fine and farmers ar over the big crops. Among th playora of other days la old' Ellly llarle, harpy, smiling Bll'y, who That committee will n.ttt this morning and pass Judgment on all proposed changes to the constitution. . It was suggreted at the convention yes terdsy tftat Ban Johnson and Oarry Herr mann make a talk giving their views on any r-rooon-d chansea. Ed Barrows was protbl has been in more Ungues and on d enated to bring them forward, but M T ' "an any ouier living men. they dec ned at that lime. Herrmann unVsa possibly It la Jsy Andrews. Billy promised to speak thla aftemom. but Is I favoilte, still. He was one, a great Johnson lft last night fur Chicago and x.s a very spcoiacuiar catcner. now ne ' will b unable to make any address. Is t ring an engine In Detroit. vyd there U old Ed Dugdale, now on(rr ot Ui Seattle team in the Pacific Coi.it league. I.d and Frank Handle of Onii.h used to play together "away back alt j-ait th skyline of history." But they haijnt met for twenty odd years. Handle fcnw DugdoJe, but Dug didn't; know Krr.k. Jim Rourke of Orand .' Island , and Omaha introduced them without men tioning Handle's name. f . "Kaine?" kd Lusda'e. ' . Other t'oaaaalttr 'Naaaed. Two other committees were arpolnted yesteiday by President fxton. The new Audlioriu mcommlUe w 11 consist of A. Lyon. Jim O'Rourke and K. H. Fassett The new resolutions cor.iinlttee will ron sirt of Tint Murnan. Edward Barrows and T. K. Moll. Tti convent.oo was estteriained last nlyht at a theater party at the Oi pheum. Miwt of th lower floor waa occupied by IhA m Wlik t. mnA . in. tnnmn.UI. v . -Bandle." and th Omaha man grinned, ,ra.,L. .r. H, r. ...... ramages by nonsupporters of Organised ball In the convention halt. Fancy Salaries Are Killing Influence to Sport, Says O'Neill President Norria L. O'Neill of tho Western league is 011.1 strong for putting th soft pedal ou th money talk In base ball. "It's a killing Influence," aaya Tip. "this eternal loud nolso about money, money, money. It's got to atop or w atop. And another thing, as I've con tended all along, w hav got to make our salarlea more nearly fit our gate re ceipts. I like to see a man get all the money he ran for his services, but paying exorbitant salaries to playera ia worse for them In th end than for the owner hM made his f.cs f.m liar enough. Tn, convenUon ye.tard.y )n-! golden egg. Pay a fair salary, on Lpt back of all thes old Mlow. la one ! gugu rated a few mmutea before nooal that comporta with th lncom and , , j , 7t"?1r ' "rtor" ! with the fi.t executive seaelon. Tom1 th ngs will go along all right, but pay ..,u,r,-uu v'." Falrweather. secretary of the Des these fanoy aularles and It's all off." Tip is not talking new. circuit tor th Western league. He Is not asleep to th league's Interest, but until there Is some pos'tiv disintegration, h ta not there with tb new circuit" stuff. 1 bay the) saute quality of ma lerlnl, the best, for use la my rat ing plarw as I u In my home. u matter tvhat you pay elsewhere you are) not ntdtlnn Iwttw, ami seldom pM.il food a you will et at - ' ' , I a y-a? 9 m ' Tii Pure Foo;i Sign. Qzickserv Cafeterias luuenicol City hatl U k HMg. tr llitolitn l,uurlia.- , . '.'I m.u(Ii I III u HI. IKlrt lKMlu t.. r-, ( ll.irh. a'Ullllll Fl - C " 'Moines club, opened th meeting with jan address of weicom tit behalf of th "Minn league, its : waa looowea my Mayor J antes C Dahtman. speaking for the cltlsens of Omaha. Mike Sexton, president of the MaUoaal association, responded. Mayor Dahlman extended th key to th ctty te th members of th association and assured them that any persn wear ing the convention badge would find all of Omaha open to his pleasure. . The roll was railed by President Sex ton and it showed twenty-sis leaguoa represented, while several more will b represented by (t.ls moralng. - Tli first order of business was th adoption of a resolution Introduced by President, fexton, afllrmlng " that; the minor leaguea intended to maintain el- U-nlajio to Organised ball. The resolution goes to prov that th minors Intend to give th major leagues I ther. MEXICAN AND. NEGRES GO . TO IOWA TO BE MARRIED A Mexican and a negrets, who hav been living together as- maa and wlf under th commoat law, finally duidd to b regularly married, upon advlo ot th Omaha polio. But when the man applied to Marriage Uceaae Clerk Her bert Hubbendoif for a license to wed, he waa refused ea th ground that he was a number of the white rare, and the Ne braska law prohibits intermarriage of while and colored people, bo the Meal can. and colored woman weat to Council Bluffs tn hop of securing license . Tte Amtocrat, Ths GUlett Set in JTrwneA Ivory, th material so much in .. vogu tor men's brushes, combs and other toilet articles, Triplo Bilrer-pUted Raxor, in boaud- . ' fully designed case of French Ivory with Blado Boxes to match, ," containing 12 doub1a-cdgd $ r . . . Oillett Blades(5e ahaWntf w f- Willi Oold Ragor, $. ', KNOWN THE WORLD OVER r .... INMOST 'men are practical. . At Christ-; JLIL- mas. ; uiG rveicomt -agut. u&& us. gift rthe Gillette Safety Razor that hts right into a man-s personal life, maizes things easier foir him and proves, its quality by the way it shaves.- Give to $50. v . ratmaa,t ge him a packet of Gillette Bkda 6 Bladei ;H r. j 12 shaving edge), SO cents: 12 Blades 24 shaving edges), '4L GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON C