10 THE UKE: OMAHA, NOVEMHEtt 1014. WANT ADS Wsnt ads received at any limn. bit to Insure proper classification muM be Pre-a-enKvl before IS o clock noon for evenlrc edition and 7: p. m. fr morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after euch hours will be under th heaatng, "Too Late o Classify." CASH RATES. Feven ronseruUv times. X cent a wore rh Insertion , Three time within on week. 1 cent" A word eeih Insertion. One time $ cents e word. TODAVS COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Hee oat a. VENEZIA THEATER. 1211 S. UTH BT. Tricking the Government. V-rl. P.F.XSON. Sc MAIN BT. I'au.in Bush In Virtue It'll Own Reward. The. Mayors Msn.rure I'owrri. Three of a Kind. Tnlv. Ik ram!v, CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive time. cent a line Nrh Insertion. . ,A , . Three time within one week, 10 cnl a tine ech Insertion. One time. 1J cent a 1m . Count six aversge wor1 to a line. Minimum charge. cent. "rest. MONROK, 2T&J FARNAM ST. VV hen Bess Ont In Wmm. Nestor ranvdr. I A Redskin Reckoning. J-reel Bison. inn iMvorra, Powers. An advertisement Inserted tobe run un til discontinued roust b. stopped by writ U.n order. ) You ran place jour want ad In The Be b, telerhone.piioNB TTLFJl Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers1 Column" Hundreds of Hr "",wer. Ya'st railed for and delivered durum '"J week. It is reasonable to suppose J1!1" of the people v 'I""1 Vl "red swVvlr-thefor. do not call for t he balance of their nswers. Be Want Ads SC. 1313 ni'i l2g U.aJ 1148 Jl'47 149 1H2 1274 irA IKt ).7 128 mi in 1274 ISM r. 12 12 li7 liH 124 14 l:1 J.407 l:ii2 1314 PC. c. isw .14M i:ua no 1342 Hit 144 Mil 17 14l 1U4 11 Hi . 1431 1H74 1438 137 14"S .W 1441 HSO 1446 UH 1449 140J 14M 14C 14M SC. 14-9 141.2 1470 147? 147J 14K1 11M iriii ir.it l&li 1M7 H 134 RC. ;. 1.V.4 15 l.vVl 1K.7 I.M W lb70 U,74 JE.76 1:.77 16 17 DEATHS AJSD. FUNEHAL KOTICE8 gl'IXIVlN-MargM-et. ' Hi -yen: Novom-or . at re.ldrnc 0 dauKhUsr, I. C. White. U8 Kurt strsel . Funeral WedneaUa roomlntf frw'tn it.en tlemen a chapel at b: a. t.i. to BtCeceU church nt a. m. iDteimont . at Holy Hepuiclier cemetery- ' FOKTER-t'atherlne. beloved wlfo f Wllilam A. Koater. November , 1H. Funrl rvicei" will be held from family residence. T7 Boulh Twenty-alxtli streeL to Bt. Meiers church. Twenty eighth and heaven worth. Vdneday. November 11. at o'clock a. m. lt'-; ment. Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Krlmuls Invited. BIRTHS ATtO I)UTH. BlrthaA. and Mu-la Ipua. 12 South fifteen tn, boy;. John and Maim WoltmHn. tJi Kim, girl; Louis arid l-urii Markett 'liuapltal. iclrl; V. It, and K. MuMahoft. a-i t umlii, ulrl; ; 1. U. and lta bpulU, Ulty-llilril an.! renter, mrl. K J. and Blanche Harr. Vt Hickory, girl; S. and Hmn Gre.o. "1 1'lfice. Kir.; Aimelo and Maria, Nulone. evl South Blth. loy. . . lieatha-John-Bcanlon. 40 yeara. 21 11 Nlcholaa; Mia. Markaret VV. Hioyer. years, 2 Wt. Marys avenoe; Christ Jaraan al years, 404 Marcy; 4harloa H. llwrt, M years, hoe'Ual. ' ' , BlILDIKO PBRHITI. Rasp Bros.. 1K21 Laird, fram dwelling. 2fiU0, and A) eioutti. Tiitrty-tuth, irainu dwedlnn. 2,MW.. and ,outh Thlrty fitth, train dwelling. R6l. Coaacll If I at (a. ELITE NO. i. MS BROADWAY. The Hopeless flame.. Lut.ln. William Henry Jones' rourtshlp. Vita. Four Minutes hate 8el(g. &srTiltUAUWAV. reel Hex. ROl'ER, The Link thst Ttlnda Tii Fatal MnrrlaR. ly-Ko. comedy. i n ironger iovn. imp drama. unlh umano. HESSE, TH AND N BT8. Hr.snmary, That's for Kememlirance. Bet Micky Flynn's Escapade. Kalem. Mother o' Lreams. Kasansy. MAGIC, 24THAND O BT8. His Big Chance. Victor. lt I's Have 1'esee. 2-reel Rex. 9 naileTIII. OUHIIK M, 24TH AND M. BO. OMAHA. Series No. 24 of the Million-Dollar Mys- t.rr will ha shown hure Wednesday. Two thrilling reels. , ANXOUNCK.MKNTS HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Mr priKtpald; samples free, tiheruian MrConnell Drug t.'o.. Omaha. v et? iitf s'tii. rv mei-ls IIour. Hfi. Co. LI'CKV WrdninK r'nui l Beodena-irds. lawn" rovKiUNti. walnvt sim. Lj1'.. 1 1. i l V All Kiiida in Ivmal Work done, under carelul suprrvii:ion. at the tl.o C'relghton College of Dentistry. 210 8. lHth Ht. Children's teeth stralgh'nned. FEES very iimdernle. Extractlnns free. GET M. Mv C. A. ticket for Xmaa. LIVE WIKE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAI1A A B C ot Omaha ALL WATCHES, tl.amonda and Jew ry, special price, eepi. aim u. now, II a veea. vreeiern mwii una Jewelry Co., lioora i zii, narDncu fc.ock. A ALL elcry buy FISH of flie faolng lith strent. Just bo lng vacated, aplendld location. In the Be building. " Apply to Lh iiu pirlntcndent. room !( KW and sucond-hnnd electria tana ami motors. Lettron Kletliiu Woras. .il B. IZM. LmiiikIus 2li0., ' N MAHA F1L.I.UVV CO.. l&Jl Cuming. Doug. L'isi. Uenovates feathers aud mailivasej of an kinds, mak.es (.ther mattrvsei and down covers. 0 VACUUM cumnuri for sals, cieaiung dona la the houi. fcr ivy Co., 3ui He Bidg. Vacuuai bauuary AA f'11" rl,u""' neeiiita and paits ywiur an sewing rnacuinea. N ' iiKAP'iA CKCLK-CU., "Mickol'l 1-tU and Harney, Douglas 1602. Aecou.taala. ' rfcXiV f' THOMAS & COMPANY, . UJ1-X city NaU Bank Klug. Tyler IslU. . , ti. A. DWOllAK, C. P. A.. . 4JJ itamga Biug, uougias (4u. ' TOWAV'B CO.NiPI.ETK . MOVIK I'ROUHAMJ Exciutlvely in Tiio. . Ura Toteaw CAMERAPHojmC HOJ DOUGLAS lh Lynorook 'Irageily. -rel Kalem. j.rontuo Billy, Fuvor.ie. aaanay. Two's Company, hoiaon. tUU NO. 2. ' Wis FA UN AM Hetusl-Boag 7L The Mouiuain Law. 2-reel Lubln. Kidding tna Bum. Vltagiaph. BAlv.U, VAVTK WOLF?" 4i Kaluga Bi(U. Douglas 4M. Addlav Uatklses. Daiton Auu.i.t machines. 411 8 IB. D. 1449. Aduer Moh Co., tttna) yy. U. w. D. tx. Architects, va.-eu a, uodds. 812 Paxton Blk. l. 2 S1. LIVE WIRE RlSINEHS MEM OK OMAHA LlakHag, Flstares and Wlrlaar Mns Coat a-le and Lodge Sapallea. MI OR. of lodse regalli and cosiu tea. The largest stock of mas'iuerada and theatrical costumrs In lh country. Theo Uehen At Bon. 1 14 Howard. I). 41 IS. HKl.r VVAXTEfl MALE Mlra. anal W ladotr Saad Cleaaera. OLD shndee made like new. Midwest flhade Factory, 4010 Ham Itoai. Har. 4L WHITE LINK. 19 S. Iltli. DouulaS 2112. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. I1.M. Psyrb free. Mrs. H. si. l-k. IM S. 11th. D. 7. SWITCHES from coml.lnts, W.Mi. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Kck. Marcy. D. 1'7. Movl W. C. a, fttoruBe and C leaalsg. FERRIN. ISth and Capitol. Ty. 12V1. Masaensea. nm? a iirT TtK'iiv n s -. vi 1 9 Magnetic, satisfactory eastern treatments; bntha; dnl y and evenlnc. 1U7 B 17 Kt. Notice: Private entrance, basement, corner of bldg Vloei ttTvT Tvmss.'. 4 BeirTldgT D. ollj". Ageata, aaleasnea aad Salleltare. WANTED. Man between 2S and 40 years of aga of good chaiarter and who has had aom sals experience can secure permanent position with large corporation by mak ing mmediate application. Will consider applications only from men living In Otnnhn. Council Bluffs and fninth Omaha and Immediate vlHnlty. Would also like to hear from man who can speak Bohemian. Herman or Swedish. When writing give full part.culars. Address, F.IM. Bee. W E" CAN use twenty-five additional edu cated buslnesa men tlirouhotit the Fnlted Stilt's as representatives to supply the Inereaeel demand for the New In ternallonsl Encyclopaedia owing to the present European war For full Infor mation address Dodd, Mead It Co, New York Mty, WB have a number of openlns for com petent salesmen In various tinea Apply at onre. 212 Bee Bldg. Miss Jacobs, Mass., Imth, elc. trt. I). 713. Hath leen M ark, maasHgc A ba t h. D. 77AX Clara !-". bnth and massage. l)ou.-S7,.l TINNEftS wanted at once on Fontenell hotel. Eagla Metal Works. Fontcncllc Wdg. Di ug stor nari . i-i i-' te AtTOMORILES ! IX)ST AND X)UXD. SVVAPrEBS' COLUMN. FilRD cars paint d U'; other cars accord ing to jslse: work gtd Phon B. I'M. FOB SALiWayna "roadstr r, two ps aenger. In good condition, all new gears and new tlrea, forty horsepower. I'hona 211 S. Msl n Bt . Cou ncll Bluffs, la. rr'usirlsl Osrsre o. :Xith Hsroev ta. MODEL B-4 Ietro.ter touting car with aelf-starter, run leas than 5"0 miles; teriiilne bursa In at f7s0. The T. O. North wall Co.. 14 Jones Kt, iHiug. 1707. jt ht Between Omaha and Lincoln, I" piJTKR MfSIC A limited number of new 7xi Non-Skld casings, two S7xJ rW ,or (n-note player piano to red tubes and two Mx4' rims. Finder ra(), fOP typewriter, rifle or Edison pho return tire and rims snd receive re- n,,nraph records. What fiav you? Ad v.ard. Standard Auto Tlr Co., Lincoln ArMKm s, c. Ib77. Be Neb. LOST Red. chamoi lined. sleeveless j Jacket at Saturday hight uervine nem oo concert. Auditorium. M.iry 1 , Merriam hotel, 28th and Pod. Wood, FOR SA I E New Ford. Tel. P !4 ltorr clra. H A RLF.Y-D A VI PSOU MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Boos. "The Motorcycle Mnn." 271 Is venworth. I JMT New black grip containing Jewelry, pictures, set of civet furs and 2 pair of shoes. Finder call Wehfi44. Reward. LOST-0:"ld monogram watch fob; ini tials "E. L. K." Finder pleaa call Dourf 434. naTfBhono- tle or trad. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE r.ow ready, harealns In used machlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. Kth end Chicago X 1721 LOST Ladv a brooch, between 2Gth Ave. and Center Bt. Reward. D. LOST Roman gold brooch, eel with chip diamond. Reward. Call Harney4WMI1 STRAYED From-BioN. 21t Bt.. black 'PIGEONS 1 have a few pigeons that I would care to trade for som chickens. Address S. C. 23f. Bee. IlKiNOORAPH. ETC. A ems graph and ten records for shI What will you give me In exchang for UemT Address 8. C. 153. Bee. T-ROOM HOUSE. Ilk new. best repair. Price $2.7i0. Want auto, carry balance. A-IS2, Bee. REVOLVER Will swap a new .32 Colt a (new police) revolver for a kodak, or, what have yon? Address B. C. 2-'. Be. SXiNF. Imoinii., larh ion D Ii7a RfSINESS CHANCES. SI IT-JA) blue aerae suit. new. sis 28-29. E10 N. ZlSt St.. black VV 11 ..ll tin nr ill Ira Ha for Inma P' on nreasx ana biooi. . chickens, a hog. or anything I ran uaa FOR BALE Plumbing and heating busi ness In a good growing town In soil'n ern Minnesota of 1KJ. Address C 1&, Bee. J Suitable reward. Mrs. R.ckertt. LOST Phi Gamma Delia frat twoen Auditorium and 18th and How ard. Call Marguerite Jack Bellevue col. on a farm. Address 8. C. 239, Bee. TO JET In or out of busineaa. Call on OANOEHTAO 4'M Bee Bldir. 1. ?477. M m Schmidt, mass bath, elec. tr. D. Miss Fisher muss . e.ect. treat. Red I3. LEARN BARBER TKADB. Be Independent: wages and tools given Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big I demand for barbers. Call or write. I TllI-CITY BARBER COLLKOE. 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1032 N St.. I.lncoin. j WANTED Men to" learn, our "trade and ' MIKU (lul.lihN, bath, mass. Km. 224. accept posltiona made vacant by fr Nevllle blk.. l.'.th and Harney. D. 42f7. rjKn":" ""'"g drsfted for European war. MASSAOK. 1 B. 17th Ht. Mrs. Steele. f.w weeks auallfles: earn while learnlna: (open to everyone. Investigate. Motor Bar- pt conege, ll r4.l4th K. WANTED A firat clsis meat cutter at one. Must be strictly sober and must have had experience In a lnre shop. Top wages for the right man. THE CEN TRAL MEAT MARKET. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Mlscet:Mitroaa. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering Ic pays. 1-ong closely guarded secret of big factories. Partlculara free. Wm. Bar slow, 614 VA St., Oakland. Oil. GROCERY CoKE t.r sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.10O, located to western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate, tlood reasons for seH'tg Address V-234. care Bee. IF YOU have -i,0no to Invest, and a good knowledge nr the retail buslnesa, there Is a partnership open for you in a busi ness doing t.o,000 per annum. Address K 112. Bee. T. 1M. T'linl?" 1 TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. R Un derwood typewriter for casn register. Address 8. C. 229. Bee. LIVE HTtiCfl a SALE. M ASSAdK 454 BKB B1.TLDINO. Uniiifi., Ann tl:lMin H. I'. I. Neville Blk. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, IKK Karnum. 14. 2. Doug. knl. LIST VOIR BUSINESS with uu for quick action and equare treatment. QUICK. BALKS COMPANY. 418 Bee Hid. Phone Red VM. Ocailais. tr Eyes exsmined, glasses fitted, pay a you can lira.. McCarthy 1111 W (V IV. HI1I1 Ostropatklo rbyaieVkaa. Dr. Rerucha. W?.-i McCaguc Bid. D. JCrM. Palents. II. A. Slurpee. &V, Brandols Theater Bldg. D. O. Harm-ll, 1 axton Blk. Tel. Bed '117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 119 B. 11th St. Prlntlns. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. To!. Doug. 21S0. 624 B. 13th Bt. SIGNS, snow card. Clark Son. D U'K TH EATKRS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throuuh Theater Exchang Co., 140S Famara St. loui;ls ifli7. . DOUGLAS Print tig Co. Tel. Doug. 444 COKEY tk M' K KS'AK PTO. Co. DT"2641 RlEsi-HAI.I, Ptg Co., P20 Capitol. D. 1101 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUU. 1754. Palatlnsi alii Papering;. HUGH MM A NUB, 417 N. 4(Kh. H. 672S. I'lnmea Hennvateil. PLUMES A flowers ma 00 over, cleaned it dved. Bertha Kruger. 4a Paxton. D. M94. HoHcn Uaternitnator. n. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist Safe nail 'I'loie Luck Kxperts. opened, repaired, comb, changed, E. Daven port, 141 Dodge. D. liul. SAFES Mio Itepulit aw. Electric Shot Kep. Co.. 1W7 8. Mary's A. Slgua antl khorrcMrda, E. M. CLARK & HON, 113 BO. 16TH ST. More. nut. Of flea Flxlnree. DE!jK3, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, tc. We buy, sell. Omaha Flglur and pupply Co., 4I4-It-1K B. Kth. D. 271. Steel Ceilings. CARTER bi.eol Metal Works. 110 B. 10th. Towel snunlica. OMAHA Towel Bupply. 77 8. 11th. D. 621. Iruaka anil Mai teases. 1'Kl.l.lNG & BTE1NLE. IS.,0 Famara St, Tailors. CHAM. C, lANDERYOU. 10 N. 15th St. Vvterlnarlnn. DR. Q, R. fUUNO, 4fio! Center. H. tm. Wines and L.lqnora, ALEX JKTK8. 201-S B. 13th St. , Wines, liquors, ctgiita. plat dinner 11 to 1, 10c. Attraction. v OMAHA tiuu ex., 14th and Doug. Motion piciuro m;o i.ine aim tiuu uargalna. FA KN AM, 1414 FAKNAM A Woman Scorned. t-rel Kl. drama. . Tha Uuvers' Postofflce. Keystone cou Mr. C.nuerella. Tnuunouaer drama. lili r.XL-A'lb-H. lUkti AND HAKNE Horn of Paramount Pictures.. fmae Printing;. HORNBY Co.-Bluo prlnUng, under new ownership, fe'H Oinaiia Nat. Bk. D. lis!. rAKK, ' N. iTU US. lxru ccd Intervene. Lubln. Tii PuiMined Bit. 1-reei ivuisoB. Mtppery blim and Ureen-a.yeu MotHtr. PAKLOll, i DOUULAB Two Pals and a Gal. Joker comedy. Th Jutigl Master. J-rel BiBon. pKLNCLBis, ur,-i DOUU LAS Trey O Hcarta No. M. 1-reel Oold Seal. Animated Weekly No. ia. north.. A LHAMBRA 1811 North Twenty.fourth Th Mountain Rat, drama In reel. And a good comedy, be. Admission 6c. ALAMO. 24TU AND HHf. II. a 1-Mtlier's Son. 2-rl V kior. . Th Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Ufa's story. Powers. CLIFiON, .Military Ave. and Burden Tragedy of th North Wooda, 2 r. 1'oin. Arty th Artist, 'lnanhauser comedy. Every Man Has His Price. Majr.i o dra. Ant and atMsTHeta HeyalglaaT. aiugnetu lapuir wora a swail, 1), Auvllouarj-s. . y . Uuwd Auction Co., lli'J W. O. W. Rd S2i 3418. Ha r iters. It chaira. 10c shave, neck shave. 161T Far. lira as Fvnngrl. , laxton-Mitciifd CO., 27th and Martha Sts. Butldlag and lteMtlrtn. L. FHANTA. ill! Paxton ink, Doug. ;1J7 tatern and Well DiagtaK. NEED well or datum ciuauvd or dug? 8CIUIKk.fl does iu J'nou Web. 6aol. tnlltornln land. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. Ml. toal Datera. 5 SO )""on, special, also Victor nut. a big baskets coai. U. Wagner, isil N. la, 4. Iilropraetora. L. Oeidi. D, C. 228 Be P'dg. Doug. im. Inlaa falatlnsr. Ruth I-olchfurd, decorating, firing. R. 4N2, Citli a!naTlara. M. J. LACY 1U BEE BfJXl. DOUO. 471S, Uiolie liquor houa. 424 N. lath; California wlna, l.a per gal. Writ lor prK l.st. HKfWCY puLKOCK LigUOH HOUSE, Itth and Cap.tol Av. Ton-cent lunch. iL.v your lain.iy liquor at Klein's liquor iiouse, is. Ititli. Douglus ly. Ulil-P WANTED FEM ALB . Clerical and Office. STENO. AND Blvhril., eamry In keep. Itig with ability. App.y Mai uau Blug. un stenographic or clerical positions e uaiib "arJ:Cj?:'JL'w' tor" Tnea. CAoHlKK, aiocery expeileuto. Apply hj stal bank Bldg. GOOD FUTUKB FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an aut) xpert WE OIVE EXPERT WORK. Oo right Into the auto business from her. Best and f.nest equipped college. Opportunities best here new, ever have been. Writ for l-'st of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2119 Farnam St. Omaha. TO the Merchant who needa money quick. write us at once; we are now in a po sition to turn your stock to big money with our special sale plans. United Bales ' Co.. 21HI First Ave . Cedar Rapids. Ia - Ho are and Vchielea. HEAVY teurning gears, farm wagona ft harness; lartfe stock at attractive prices. Johnaon-Panforth Co. 1529-33 N. Kith St HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons Harness; Jolmaon- s; large stock & attractive prices. I -Danforth Co.. 1629-33 N. It'th St. 1EAM of ins res, 2.500 pounds, $175. Team of marcs, $125. snth and eouniy line. South Omaha. Tele phone South 3U2D. HAY, IS -per ton. Wagner, 01 N. 16th. TWO horses and two light grocery de livery wagons and one set double har ness at a bargain. Call th Lang Gro cery Co.. 2310 Cuming St MEDIC L I YOUR business, or real estate quickly sold. Writ Jim Wray. Bloux City. VOU HAVE WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over z.uuu appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. vs ot payment aitr appointment. Philadelphia huninoss col lege. (Mvll Service Dent.. Philadelphia. Pa. -Better Chances For Business When Your Office )g Ixicated In a Good Building Like the Bee Building WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egga Coffee John, 14th and Capitol Ave. Wanted at Once MEN to learn l no automobile business; th demand la great for our graduato. hav trained hundreds of men; lt u train you. Writ for tree booklet Nat '1 Auto Training: Ass'n, . 2M4 N. 20th Bt. Oman. Neb. (Th Building that Is Always New.) Z FINE ROOMS ENSUITE AT 33. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL EVENING CLASS. For the bene; It of thoae desiring a thorough, practical and theoretical auto mobile education, who do not hav time to obtain th same during th day, w are organizing an evening class, in addi tion to our regular day classes, commenc ing Nov. 16. Wo have Just added another building, over 8,00 square feet, to our already large space, giving us a total ot over 14,tuo square feet of floor spac, devoted, en tirely to th Auto Bvhool and auto re pairing. Remember that thla la the placa where you can obtain the practcal auto edu cation, getting your training by doing ac tual repair work, finding trouble, etc., Juat th same as you will do when you go out Into th automobile world. THE NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL vTh Practical Beliool." Phone Douglas 1M3. 14U-1-17 Dodge St Get Catatogtu. . "C." - - ' - Investments. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to in vest about 85,000 In an old established general merchandise business; will run It with ray own help. A good investment 'or th man that has tome money to ioan out Stock about JlO.ioi German preferred. Address Y 2A4. Be. EDUCATIONAL IMPORTANT tresurership open with going, safe, profitable business; essen tia, s Integrity, ability, investment $10,000. Address A 187. B. HELP WANTED MALE AND rkUAI.C WANTED Colored coupl to Uv at n gro Woman a hum. Apply -No. 341 h Bt. Web. 44u9. Ll factory and Trades. :ARX h in r arena ng. Op.-eii.ienn Parlor. lioaaeki-viiera and OouiMltea. Till Servant Ulrl Problem holved. Th K will run a ftorvani On Wauled Ad I KKa! uutil you gel in desired results. Una applies to reatuenis ot uniuua. aouin CMialm and Council illulls. Bring ad to 'liiu ! utiles or teie.nioiie Tv er Knv, WANTED Young widow to take car of mouain luiniahed room, on nour or to aih any lor boa id and room. Aa ures uil N. 14th Bt, Sou in Omaha. IN ANT DA girl lor general housework; ' two iu lamily; good waes. iluVljodg. Lx.l'EiUEiNCED girl for general' housed v.u:a; iun Leer lark itlvu. lei. Ayter 1KU, t treaut keparatora. The Shaipli Separator Co., 12th A Farn. YOUNQ girl wanted for general houso wurk, wno wants ood hum; taioily of two. Harney lli'i. DIAMOND, 2410 J.AKK I'enaistent levers. Crystal comedy. Th Bride of Marblehead. 2-r. Victor. Th Senator Lady. Powers. fiiANKLlN, Hi'fli ANlTt'UA.sKUN. Tne Vlier. s-reel Kalem. eoiptiiy b.iiii, loe AiurlgUK and Soph!.! 1 A' Ik, W Irt U'nnrf K,.,ni.h 1 HIPPODROME. 26TH AND" CUMING. In Dangers Hour, Thanhous.r drama. Jsil birds, two-reel American drama. Million $ Mystery in 2 pans, lltn eplnode. IT. ItiTii A.VDliv;i'ST8f5r The Girl at the Lock. 2-reel Lubln. Kill or Cur. Vllaeraph. 1 lier Doggy. Rlograph. Detect t Tea. JAM EM ALLAN. 812 Nevlll Blk. Evt dene secured In all cases. Tylur ltia. Ussrlsg Acndentles. Turpln's Dancing Academy, th & Farn. CHAM BURS' AcitUsiny, clasa.c. D. 171. Ma' kie a Acadomy, now open, lsi Har. IXJTHROP. 24TH AND LOT11KOP STS. i.rwac.ea.'e. Thnnhouaer drama, 2-reel.. Merra Jim's Ke.ormution. Aiajestlo dr. Tlie Horn Trader. Royal cuuusly. LoiAL. 2u CALDWELL. Th Tenth Commandment. S-reel Imp. llvlnle Outing. Surimg comedy. PA LAC IS, IM DAVENPORT fcT. Tale of a Hat Sterling comedy. Axiec Treasure. 1-reel Eclair. R I ' B l rR B AN" 24T 1 1 AND AM Ed. Bntlea' Baby. 2-reel Ediaun. .-nakeviliea Peacaniuker. Essanuy. It. Guiding Fa la. Biograpn. Dt'esainakiag. Terry Drcssmak'g college, 20h A Farnam. BP RANGE R In cily wants day work. 11 y rs' esju'i ience, i jnir oay Wli,..t iM. Ml.' Htl'HDf, 4la C... Hid 7oJU, FAblLONABLE dreasniaklng ; 1607 Corby. WATSON at LUN"b7"lllovnliaa7'n.lbT. Drags, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue fre. Sherman tt Me- Counell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. tK-uttata. Dr. Bradoury. No pain. 1S08 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveola.. ntntistry, 4oS Brandeis Palley, the iVntiat. 7oa City Nat l Bank. Taft IVnial RiMiins, 1S17 Douxiaa. D. 16. Pyorrhea, Dr. Fu kea. 14 City Nat Bank. Electric gnppllea. LEBRON Fiec. Wks.. WANTED GUI lor general housework; 1 in family. 1144 8. &,d St. Harney X,. WANTED Cook. Apply Mrs. F. 8. Cow Bill, f.M South St tii street WANTED Kxpei lence.i WMt girl for gtiierai houaeork Mrs. Tainmg. 4..I Caaa8t. TeL VVamui 2jlk. FIRST-CiIaSS cook for private tamily, Douglas, Wyo. ; lc monm; no wattiiUM. TePeiihona Walnut lOvii. WANTEIar4Joiiipeleiit girl to do general houaewCik.' Uood wages, Aujily wmi rervrence. . Mrs. Leonard A. bpauluing, oio liaojicy fet. WHITli GiKL for , general houaework. llurney 47 A YOUN'O girl to assist Willi Ji'liernl housework and help car fur child, ii. iu. 8!di Cass Bt. GOOD upstairs girl to asalst with taking car of children. 11. &. MEN, WOMEN Oct government Job; it, to U month; l.uw) appoiiiUiieou monthly. Write for Hat Frauaun insu lute, Dept 2U T, Hoc heater. N. Y. GET government Jobs, $us to $1M a month; itouv appuiutiueuia aach uiouln. For Hat ot posiUoua ouiaiuauis auuittaa V Mt. B. . y MEN WOMEN Got t4 to Ilju month. Iiiluun avanaoi. Fraykuu Desk go, Kochealcr.' N. k. dobi VV nt tor ust ot po- governuient iUSlltfll, WANTED SITUATION S WANTkvD Work aa cuauuuoruiaid ;a not, iu outatia or auuin wiuaua. 'uuu lutNU man wants plate to 'work lot board wan aueuuiiig. iloie toiit.n i eiufimho t'uugiaa lt. W ANTED A voung man waul to work for room and board: will uo anything Vv Hiita Ui go lo scnool at nig lit Uiw 17tn St. SITUATION Manlad as caretaker rooming houa Address A t. B.Xs-a.Ki.isca.u liauUeur wishes to urtve private car cart iu! urivcr. knows civy very weil; Auureaa r u oee, V AN I'ED 4. uokiiig uosiilun by culoreo perauii; day aoi K pieterrad W eo. 'iJii aUKANUEH ui c.iy wan la uay work, IS y'ra' experience, l pur day. alnutSJIl. foUNG lady with two yoais' experleuc aa aianogiai her wanla position; vau furnish good reierences as lo c miracle; and ablluy. Adui i J tki care Be. RELIABLE coloied aotnan wants gen eral housework, to go hum iu even ing. Douglas e5'. Mosher-Lampman College lTnnurpaseed cl:isse3 In business, short' hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Tlacea pro vided for young people to work for board. ' For free catalogue address Mosher-Lampman , College IMS Farnum St., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRV.etM Bee. TANK Wooden tank. 7-foot dla.. ( foot Inches high; taken apart. asy to handle. Address 9. C. 223. Bee. WATCHES ETC. 17 jewel silver casa watch, A-l. 2V.XSH Anico kodak, new. Iron punching bag ring for wall, com plete except bag. What have you to swap. S. C. 231. Be. - WILL TRADE EQUITY IN GOOD LOT for chickens and Horse. Address 8. C. 220. Bee. WATCH A 21-Jewel, 25-year, solid gold case Hampden movement watch for dia mond ring. Will pay some cash. Addresa 8. jC. 240, Be. HORSE, ETC. Will trade on horse; 1 small 4 single rig and can't be matched. What have you7 S. C. 1067. FOR RENT Tf nntnrti Cured in a few days without uiM,ult pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 308 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894.-o MONEY TO IX AN NEED MONEY 7 See Ux. Quick rervICA J?lf. U'1 rate. RELIABLE CREDIT v.u.. jus raxton Block. Douglas MIL Apartments and Flat. 5 ROOMS, strictly all modern, with 'ccp In? porch, nearly new, cement bnaemont, screens and storm sash, furnace;, first class location, 3118 Davenport. Price, $32.60. C. G. Oar.bergr. Sia Brandeis Theater Bldg. 610 6T7TrI 6-rooin modern flat, MA IC.-a N. i2dh; 7 room modern flat, $2' C. G. JAUL.KKRG, 312 Brandeis Theater. MODERN heated 6-room apartments at ?"lh n rl n .-sA n.r.r- V. fi. , 7,". rnll fDouglas S575 or 410 Bee Bldg. $15 S-room apartment, modem except heat. 2,"1 Davenport St Walnut 43. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so 4iclu your old clothing, furniture maga zines. We collect We t'lotrlbute. Phono Douglas 41E5 and our wagon will csll. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodca St. i VOUNG women coming to OmalA as strangers ure Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. anj St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elcrs' aid at the Union Station. IF William E. Jones, formerly with the Worthnm Carnival Co., will write to' Y 267, Omaha Bee, he will find out some thing to his satisfaction. RELATIVES of Daniel L. MoCarty. early Union Pacific ongincer, communicate with Glen O. Jones, 1U8 Mareh-Strong BlrtK.. I -os Aniteles, Cal. WANTED Party to Join mo shipping auto to Los Angeles and get car load rate. Addiesa M-lk3, Bedt BO YLES COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL- DAY SQIOOL Complete business course; , complete shorthand or stenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and English. Write, phono or call for 1914 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylesv Buiiu.ng. Omaha, Nebraska. . H. B. BOYLE3. PRESIDENT. OULTRS AND 8LTPLIE3 STEREOTYPE matrices make Die best and cheapest lining lor poultry houses. They aro Ix23 inches, stronger and more durabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7;ic a hundred at The Bee of i Icq. FOR BALE Silver Champion Cockerels, encap. r-niinps. r ort crook, rpieb. Web. Tyler 2023. Steam htd flats. 1h eV HALF MONTH RENT FREE. K50 S. 25th Ave.. -r.. mod. brick Hat, very woll arranged, $30. 114 S. 2Mh St., 7-r., all mod., $20. 2fi!7 Carltol Ave., B-r., mod. flat, $25. 241? B. 2oth St.. 7-r., new, mod., $20. 221H N. 27th. 6-r., mod. ex. beat, $15. 1118 N. 22d. 4-r., mod. flat, $17. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS. I3d and Harney Bts., 8 room apartments. Call H. 647 or D. &506. Moving. Packlnu. Storaae. Phone D 394 or Web. 1WJ. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. 11th St 4 AND 8 rooms modern flat. 1112 So, OGDEN ANNEX, 11th. Council Bluffs, rooms with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 84S. Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what houses and apartments each real estato office has for rent Phone us, Douglatt am. Fidelity ' Storage and Van Co. STEAM heated, handsome, 5 and 6-room apartments now ready. Webster 7b41, VERY choice S-room, steam heated apart- ment on West Farnam St JOHN W. ROBBINB. Igoj FARNAM ST. Tho Van Sant Schdol Stenography Day school. .ov w t.ue. ' Night school, 8:16 to 9:1a. 18th aud Farnam Sts. Douglas 6647, LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months. 14.00 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., Douglaa 2919. laon t-'amam. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given (or business ca reer. Privato Instruction If desired. 4oi4 Douglaa bt Tel. Walnut 2327. FOR SALE at a uiscuuni, a full unlim ited scholarship iu Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either ahorthanu or buuneas course. . Apply at tn oitic of Omaha Bee. FOR SALE i Fnralturo. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and sumo pianos. Omaha Van and Blorag Co., 8i 8. 16th St Board and Jtooiua. WEST FAP.NAM DISTRICT. Chance for refined young man to secure room and board In sp.endld house on west slue, one block from Farnam St.; Let residential section; home surround Intis; very attractive. Rata will r, v.- Pedlg.eed BlgianTiaw;WhTtT OrFhTi: 1 ll?;? t2'J?n w,th Ba rfer tqn Ci.lckens.wet). &m. M. iu K""It ence' U!- ""y iixe.1 grain. $l.t"pe'r"lbo. Wagner, 801 N. 16 J5-h bord' per t00 hon WANTKD to but OFFICE turnuuro uuugut and sold. C. Reed, 1A Faruan,. Ooug. tu4b. WE BUV M-hand c.o'.hes. H. i4ia. LIVE STOCK MAIiKLI OF WKSl SHIP live stock to South Omana. bav . mileage and ahr.nkago. lout oonSiga nienia receivo pruiuyt and careful aneu- lion. Llv Slock Commission Merchaataj MAUI IN LRUS. is. :0.. ExCuaiig U.Urf. SWATPER'S COLUMN AUTO Light auto truck, all overhauled. Address S. C. itll.. Bee. AU'iO CASE Want to swap for auto casings and tuots, 84x4, tur other por tuiiui pi opi ty, l have a btamey run about ausaintr in perlect conu.Ujn and latest siy.e, ana u ciassy-looking car. nut have you .' S. C. iM, Bee. 1 AL"luUJuil.u. ut iii.tr uuiouiuoht . bargains saw urn "Autuuieile" uiaaaiii' canon BlCtfC'LE NEW C, e H. BICYCLE t'OH sai or traue for anything I can use. Aduress B. C. 221. Ben 1.1CVCLE One year old. Address S. C. Bee. New A 2d-liand turiiliure. cash or t rni, reasonable. Aincr. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 14th. For Bale Good baae burner. Tyler 22o j. Maral Instrument. PIANO player: a baruain. Tat. 11. 471t Ty pemrlters. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented, ropal.-ed. Central Typewriter Exchang. T07 M. liitt. Kb NT Kciu nttona, MonarCns and Sniltll C. J. CAN AN. Real Estate and Exchanges CAMERA Will swap a 6x7 cauierai 8 plates and tripod. What have you? Ad dress S. C. VZl. llae. DICTAPHONE-EDISON PHONOGRAPH with complete outilt tor making and re producing both two and tour-miuut rec ords, together with supply of blanks; out fit almost new and cost uver $iu; Juat the thing for shorthand writers requiring dic tuli jii to work up speed, r can be used i lor .earning loreian language. Want good Pw.?tarl?.LVhVv.m;h'i"Jfr tZ: W.writ.r. or wl.l accept ton iiiM W, XKo ca7 u.r Addrels NURSE Willi baby girl wlU keop huuae 1 anu vara I or bi,i:u vuurio. ... mu rs VVeli StS). Best reierences. UlitL J. Ill ! lor general liousaaora. t. South 2oJd. 1210 N. sfl Isatiiaursai, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger ar Invited lo visit luo Youug Women Christian Aisoulatiou building at St Mary's Ave. and l.lh St. wueie luav ailt b directed lo auiiabl boarding : Welt. r laces or olhervkise aaaaieu. iooa lot our raveltr' guide al Urt ja station. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; enrea. Can cut meat Web. 271. refer- POSITION as chauifeur, urlvate or com mercial car; 8 year exper.enc: mar ried Best ol raleiemea. Addreaa 640 W. Wushlngton Ave., Council Blufls. J18 B. 12th. D. ;i7 oath. ARBOR. S2D AND ARBOR Cruise of Molly Ann. 2-r. Broncho dram. J ntak, Bleak. Break. American drama. Country Kl.la. Keystone comedy. APijI.LO. The l'am-er. How I the T aa4 LEAVEN WORTH 9. l U" .. ncie Brewsi4- V as loo Shifty for emptor. Ken Their Soldier Boy. wLLkliilA, 17lu bUl'Tll KTU ?!reea. in roster Mother, ,8-r. Vita, W hen Silpiwry blun Met tho Champlon. Esranay. t roin 1'erll to Peril. Kalem. Fnrrlrgra. , BEN FEN'STEEhF. N. 14th St. W. T7T7. Eritklnsi ( W asm en. Womkn'a Exchange, 43J Pax. Blk. R. 4911 ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating ; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcoi edging, ldsal Pleating Co.. MX) Douglas Block. D. UM. INTELLIGENT woman over au, aa trav eling manager. Permanent ami Brandeis Theater Bldg. LADIES' Ac misses' coats, suits, dresses at skirt samples at wholesale prices. Hon tl New York Sample Store. 2v N. lath. LEAKN to play ragum In twenty lea sons. Call or writ Christensen School, 4:1 L'uming St. Pnone Harney 8379. o Florlata. A. DONAHUE. 1G23 Harney. Doug. inot. BATH'S florists. U0 Farnam 8'. iMhuttr lliEATijl, atTH VINTON T!i Sheriff of Muacalln. 1-reel. K. B. "1 ;r Imimin of power, princeaa. C,,j.in Bl'ly. Royal. I'AViMiin:. i:i -viNTuN Ills F.rat Case. 2-reel Lubin. i- ally's Saeeihtart. Vltagraph. ' TKe Borrowed Book. Biouraph. i.r.ii. L SOUTH Xllln i Ei-N iiL 'i no Ixn ision. Uex. I.ui-t and burixeiy !-rl I.. Ko , comedy. 1 -st protection In the city. Ll KB". Ikt anktn Re konlng. 't !,e Acueie. Poiaars. A N elected Wife. U. Ik corned v, iil7 IN'TON. 2-lcul l;ison. 1-AoililE, A lio 24'IH AND LEAYLN VVOiil'll 'i llaron. SieiHng cu-i-.l v. i luiu .Suh.i. i-icti V ictor. L, HENDl HSoN, Uil Farnam. . Meintier -Florist Telegraph Dal. I). 1. Ass'n. Hfc&S A HSVOBODA. 141a Farnam fcL Hair Rrssslag. Harper MeOiod. R. 6. Balfd Bldg. D. Kit g-W ITCHES from combines. II W. D. 41 Hats Trlaamed. . . Hals trimmed, too. F. lamberton. Web 1914 Llv Stock Rented!. OMAHA Bcniedy Co.. fK 3. 13th. Red 43M. I.laktlua Flxtarsa nnd IVIrlns. THOMAS DUUKIN ' Elrctilc fixturea aud sufplies. contract ing and r ,otr work il-'lic reunjii.n.l. tlilCLVING. DoU'JLAd tax GOVERNMENT Job for women. $7$ a mouth. 1AM. free. Franklin Inslilute, Dpt 668-T. Rochester. N. Y. I1ELP WANTED MALE tiarical aad Ufflew. HIOH-ORADK commercial positions. WESTERN IlEF. & BOND ASSN. 7 ;j t) i na h a N a t U n SQUARE PEtiS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that rtts you. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants po sition as cnaiuotrinaia or ois.iaaner. 767. YOUNG man aa hotel clerk, desires posi tion; small wages expected. Addresa P 183. Be. CHILD'S nura or companion, wlnhes po sition; boat references. It. 8140. BAKER, ail-around, f list-class man on bread and pastry, wants position, cily or country. Add reus 8 16, Be. SITUATION wanted by young man with grocery an! anoe experience in country town store, city or country experience, ss ks Derma n A dd ces I 1S4, Hee. LADY with e-year-oid boy wants posi tion as housekeeer. Doua. T.. POSITION as P. B. for operator; xperl- lenc and reference, Douglaa 14.'i. ACTOMPBILE9 I'FviR SALE-aKyllnder Maxwell runabout lull model, Prealo tank, new tires. Just I overhauled; MOO it Jid this Weak. Call I Harney 6i44. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 101 IS city National rtank tiiug IF Vol1 have ability and umbitiun and ar of tn gel-ahead kind, e us for 11-. Animriimlil.. w nff-e VV ATTS tEF. CO., 840-42 Hrnndels Thea. I WILL trad my good electric car for good $100 torfe.t for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. ttayrdorfer. ll N. 18 Ageala, Islctuea aad Sullrllurm- WE ARE now carrying nw metubars until April 1, 1915, on th first payment Agents wanted in Nebraska and South Dakota; no classification: liberal con tract. Mutual Benefit Health and Acci dent Aim, 41:1 City Nat I Rank B dg. WANTEI-lTrt-clas stock salesman at ou. ii ior nianufa'iuriiig propos ton In r ulna Addiesa P. O. Bo. '. Great i aXi. Muut gaa car. Address t l a. Bee. LITTt-E 8, 8-paaaengnr leurlug Car, fully tuuil'iaJ. alactrtc lights and atarter. flrai-clas Condition, Uf.e.1 about four loonihs. Coat 11.4 . Flrit Jl.OOu takes th hurga'n. I'hone Wetister n2. ' I IndtKirg Bros , ",'J i-av Kly ng Meiklel TRY PELTON'a GARAGE for aimer storage; steam heat; make ar- rsliements now. Farnam. I liieauuusa Oiua-Ua Uad. Bap. Ce Mi Fax. Rental credited It you purchase; and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Itatea, lliree month for j, for undeistrok maciilnes or 84 per month lor latest mooei via;uia wruera. Ail mukea lypcwr.ters rented, sold, teriiia. Butts lypewtner. iw r amain, u. mil. Ulaevilaneoua. t1 IVl Duys bel coal for the money; try JfJ.UO lt eb. 4S. Harmon VVeetn. I-hand mch. Oroas W reck Co., 21 A Paul. 8x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, wlto 11 plat holders, carrying caa lor camera and carrying case ior piai noiu- era Th outfit In good conauion ana a b g bargain for lbs lot at 8U0. Address A SM. ii. ANTIQUE artlatlo Inlaid, drop-leaf card table; c-argain. lan weoster. ! b. C. L93. Bee. DUE bill for 860; good as cash as first payment on a l luno; sell for $25 cash. or trade for groceries, furniture or any thing. Aauresa o. c iajw. DUE BILL 4H0 duo bill, good on player piano, for aale or trade. What hav you? B. C. 223, Bee. ELECTRIC cfcok slove with coffee per colator, griddles, eyg boiler, etc.; com plete with electric Iron, room heater and separate bliachiiieuia; value Ij; want Vlctrola, sewlug machine, motorcycle or electric library lamp. Address 8. C. 23S. EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will U'ade or sell. l'rieeT SITjO. S. C. 214. l.skei v and furnace wood, in. Flor Ul. 3-S i'ONE aian Will sell for mond ring; V. K; valu laA hv trade w.th owner at cash value. $JJ r 875. Friedman. 132s Dolge. Per sore. S. C . g.l Bee. Kult SALE N" Ji nd aecuiiU-naud csroin and pocket bill ard tables and bowling alles and accessories; bar fixtures of an kinda; easy payments, in urunssrn;-Balke-Collender Co.. 4i7-4'e 8. lutn St. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship m Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for cither short hand or business course. Apiiy at tb office of Tn Omaha Bee. OAK off.ee railing and fixmreu icr sale; make us an offer. Alamtto banilary Dairy Co.., Douglaa 4 A Fur sal. 1 sets of books. 2 Wilkle Colli us aua one of George Kilol '. Web. 21o9. BICYCLE for sal. A bargain: In good condition 838 b Building BASE burner, Webster St. good condition. $lu. 1.17 COVERED LAUNDRY WAGON; A SAC RIFICE. WEB. 2ia6J . FRESH mushroom. Call Webster i-34. j. Urt MERCHANDISE J40 acres Im proved Nebraska land: part hay, bal ance pasture; good house and barn; fenced. Lonn 82.400, Interest 6 per ceut. FURNITURE lor a 4i-rooin hotel hear Omaha, l.'-0. Low rate rent on the building. What hav you to offer. AJ dresa 8. C. 12". care Ba. 8x7 GRAFLEX newspaper iauier, wliti 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case lor plat hold, era Th outfit In good condition 'and big bargain for to lot at BIO. Address 8. C. lf.ll I HAVE a York at Suns baritone. In line condition, almost' new. cost 870. also Ism worth of good standard band music. Will sell both for iirt. Band busied and Can net uee them. A .bargain. Acliiesa S. C. 227. Bee. kodak - eastman $-a. folding pocket kodak; post-card six, planato grapn lena. leather carrying case, tripod, etc.; almost new. Want visible type writer. Adore 8. C. U7. Bee. OFFICK KCKN1TURK Will buy sonw gotxt second-hand office furniture; rniatt b cheap for cash. Address & , C. 1240, Be. - ffaralaani kuwa.. - . LARGE front room, neatly furnished. modern: references reauired: nerval.. family. H. 4273. '.URNISHED room, private family, on Hartl'-V car Hue. Harnev 6.144. 7o7 No. SCd St. - Fl'1'..s rooms by day or wk.: modern; steam heat: $l.tiO up. 107 S, ll. p. NEAR 40th and Farnam, pleasant room, wuh lavatory, $l2.oO. Wpl. 2o7a. ' GOOD slsed room in private family, $3 and one 81. SO. Harnev ca Una 7u7 N. 3HA Bt. Harney tiML 1909' DOUGLAS Steam heat; 89.60 up. 626 Park Ave Room, alcove, coxy. H. 4031. TWO nicely furnished, for two. or ain- gte; everything modern. 16th and Cass. F.at No. 9. BUNNY, modern, 2209 Douglaj St sleeping room, $2.60. FURNISHED room fui'ienl. near rsigu tdn university. Phone Dmiglas 72S1. 826 8. 29Trf Furnished rooms, prlvatu family. Harney 4Xi ROOM with private family, Florence boulevard; reierences; 8'Oj vveb. 6718. HANS. PARK district furn. steatn heat ed room, private family, $10. H. 8337. 2633 HARNEY Nicely furniahed room, suitable for 8 gentlemen; hot water heat Harney 6767. CAPITOL 2413 Warm, pleasant all mod ern rooma, walking amtance. cneap. FUR. rooma, prlv. family. Web. T724. Purnisurd lloaaea. FOR RENT Furnished cottage tor the winter; convenient location; a bargain; easy ' terms. Harney 29'.H. 8-ROOM furnished houae modern except heat; piano. u orana Ave, wen evsa. Ilonaekerploai Rooma. THREB nice rooms, hsk'g 1111 S. Ilth. Knrntabrd lisa.ekeei.lBg HtMasa. FUR. h'k'p'g rooms. 1SJ7 Leavenworth. DAVENPORT, aas-TWO NICELY FUR NISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING RfXJMS. . Hotels aad Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel, I6th and California, Weekly rates U and up. Doug as 7ta3. OGDEN HOTEL, Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone S4S. DODGK HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. FOR RENT Dining roo i, Ogdeu hotel. Council Bluffa. la. Houses and Cottages. A new and very desirable mod ern bouse; 7 rooms, sleeping porch and sun room; fine view; exception ally good colgb.borb.cod; $50 per month, or $55 with garage. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 1603 Farnam St. Ph. Doug. 0. SEVEN rooms and hall, strictly modem. hardwood tinish In first story, three bedrooms upstairs, on bedroom or den and bath on first floor. tM. This house front on a paved street and boulevard, two and one-half Plocks from car line. J. H. VI HONT & CO. 1W Farnam St. Phone Douglas S0. S401 JACKSON. -r . modem, 822 5o7 8!S 3. 2fth St., -r., modern. $26.50. KCi S. 24tk Bt., 6-r.. prtly modern, $14. a?4 Dupcnt. 4-r.. partly modern, 88. 8M 8. 1G:h St.. -r.. cistern. 88. 33 8. 16th St. 4-r., ctty water, $7. 8"-K 8. 6'h St., 4-r.. city water, $7.60. ;ia 8. 29th Si.. 4-r., city water, $7. 8112 Elm. 4-r . well, $. CRETGH. PONS COMPANY, Phon Docglas JOO 608 Be Bldg. LOST AND FOUND nuiui COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET , been used but a year 8. O. Bee. RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would 311 N. 83d St. a 7-room modern complete hour In first-class repair. $40 per PI 1TFII PllVrUIW. nlavee iiUh..- monm. "".y TlV . ..-. I Phon.; " e. Bldg. PIANO Al'ioat new Chickering panoji do well to call up th otflc of th Omaha g . ial j,e. . nnnaoa I" all parte of the ity. OUStS cr-luh Sons Co.. Be building. A: Council Bluffs Street Railway company tr aacarialn whether they left It la the slrea.4 cars. Many article each day ar turned In and th company la anxious to restore tlie in to th rightful owner. Call Lous'. 18. PIANO To swap for Virginia farm land; will pay difference; will trade for lot In Omaha or Indtanapolia. Ind., or Cleve land. O : will pay difference. Addreaa 8. C. Be- 8 rooma, mod., $J0. , $18. x. rur.. tVoolworlh Ave. ,.". N. nh, 8 room, mod a.lii ewarJ rooms. Ilk 2i'l Farnam, 8 rooma, mod., 858. 1J4 N. 24th W rooma, mod. $40. Others. RINQWALT. Brandela Theater, J 6-R.. lull Iota Jvl 6, 63d,