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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1914)
THE KKK: OMAHA, MON'DAY, XOVEMHER 9, 10U. Nebraska FAYORS COMMON PLAN Captain Dolan of Western Suggest! Way to Modify System. PUBLIC TO ELECT DELEGATES Relieve Bmy Coaatltateel la This Fashloa Mill Hare Respect far People aa Nominate Mtlsfartory Mra, tKrom a Ptaff Corree'pondent) LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov S.-4iperial.) The failure of the primary to solve the problem which It m expected to solve 'Iim the system ei Inaugurated In thla Mate la deplored by no one more than the father of the law, the man who be 1 levee he Introduced tli- tlrat bill In the Tnltcd 8tatea for the adoption -of the primary for the selection of public of llclala. . In Captain .T). P. Dolan. now a merchant of wee tern Nebraska, ws a member of the Massachusetts leglalsture. Tor years Captain Dolan had studied the proposition of securing acme . better method for the eelecllon of atate candi dates to the. old Pay state than tho cau cus and atate ronventlon way.- Finally he was elected from the Lewrem dis trict to the lower house of the Masia (huaetta legislature and Introduced tho first primary bill ever placed before any legislature In this country for considera tion. To The Bee, In speaking of the matter, Captain I Man said: Hot Psjvored at First. "My bill was looked ut-on not very fa vorably when I Introduced It, and It was uch a novelty that It did not meet with very much consideration. However, I was not discouraged, and being elected to the next session, I again Introduced, the bill and had the satisfaction of seeing It pass the house, nut that was as for aa It got.' In 13 I tried It again, and thla time It pasned and became law, and la still In force. The new law was satisfactory at first, but evils crept In and the new method soon produced aa many drawbacks as the old system. The party responsibility which governed nomination under the old system was superceded by Irresponsi bility caused bp individuals who nomi nated themselves by personal solicitation and hot party action. This system low ered. In many case the ixrsonnel of the candidates. Raaaeata Tot It eased les. "There are two principal remedies which bave been proposed for the solu tion of the problem which confronts this state. Having been In the stmt four years I have seen the workings of the primary, and as It la the same aa In my old atate, I think I am In a position to discuss the matter, " "The f hat proposition deals with the matter of expedition In voting and effi ciency in management of the etati. It Is known as the short ballot, and I believe, a good thing. But aa It will take a con stitutional amendment before this propo sition can be adopted, there must be. something which . can be arrived at quicker and something which our coming legislature can solve. 1 am in favor of tho abolition of the present state-wide primary and h return to the old eonvsn- tlon fy item, Nebraska FULLER IS REPUBLICAN NOW Declares Progressive Party Has Been Turned Down by Voter. E7 LHIE WITH OLD ORGANIZATION Believes that Fair Teara of ere tic RipeHmeata Will Satiety People, Who Will Tar Party of Achievement. Censor Won't Pass News Dispatch Because It Is Very Badly Written (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) VA HIS, Oct. 30. -Censors at the war office are being recruited from profes sors of languages at French universities. Force of habit Is so sfong with thee Improvised officials that It Is sometimes hard for them to realise they are on sterner duty than correcting recitation paper All Bordeaux was amused when It was reported that a telgrari transmitting a new dispatch from tho bsttle front was stopped on the sole ground that it con tained defects of style. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. S. (Snerlal Ths re. publican party In Nebraska can come TELL bark and ' regain Its former Dlace In I ennrh maklne aemrrllna a f.nnln R Fuller of Lincoln, former private secre tary to Governor Chester H. Aldrlch, and who as a result of the split In the party two years ago allied himself with the third party movement and was this fall a candidate for the legislature on the bull moose ticket In Lancaster cointy. Mr. Fuller Is convinced that the third party can never accomplish what !t set out to do, anl that through the re pub- FIGHTING ISJESS YIOLENT French Report Strode Between N North Sea and Lyi Slowing Up. OF SOME ADVANCES Allies Are al4 ls Have made Little Prwsjress Near Vallly, Arsaejaterlest Chavoaae aad Boasjlr, , PARIS, Nov. 8. The Bunday afternoon French official war statement ssys: "Testerday between the North Boa and the Lys the fighting wsa less violent. Pome attacks, not general, of the enemy llcsn party alt the progressive legislation repulsed In the direction of Dlxmude EUSSIAN ARMIES ESTABLISHED ON GERMAN BORDER (Continued from Page One.) Favors Coa veatloa. ' I "The state convention Is all right if the telesales come direct from the people. By the old caucus system this waa not alwaya the case. I am In favor of a law which will allow each political party, at the lime time It selects Us county can dldates In the- primary, to select Its quota to a state convention. "Neither of these proioaltlons confllot with the other. . Under the short ballot system, such officials as may be selected can be selected by the other system and there is no conflict. I am of the opinion that both will work In harmony. "By selecting delegates to a stste con vention who will select the candidates there Is a responsibility placed upon those delegates and It Is to them we look for good Judgment In their selections Just as we look to our agents whom we may send out to perform any business mis sion. They come In contact with the candidates for nomination to the various offices. .They have an opportunity to en quire about thorn from the other dele gates and acting for their constitutents they can make eselectlons which will be a credit to the party they represent, and If elected, good officials." Captain Dolsn has taken an active part In political affairs since coming to the ' state four years ago and this year waa very active, making several speeches for the democratic state oommHteel needed can be enacted, and from now on his efforts will be given to building up In this state a united party. Kx presses Ills Views. Mr. Fuller Is convinced that there Is nothing to be gained by a third party end this morning prepared the following statement: "The recent election has demonstrsted the fact that the progressive party as a distinct organisation does not appeal to the voters of this state. Having been largely recruited from the republican party In the first Instance, the rank and file progressives evidently believe that the republican party Is ths most effective Instruments by means of which they can accomplish the enactment Into law of the things for which they stand. The late election has also demonstrated without any doubt that the majority of voters In thla country believe firmly In the gen eral eenomlo and governmental policies for which the republican party stands. The republican party In Nebraska Is largely progressive end the rank and file of that party stand for practically the same things, in the way of social re forms, demanded by tl)e progressives. No l ee Kee.lnsT Hp Plant. "There Is no use urging the progressives to return to the republican party because they have already done so, and the lead ers of the movement should recognise the fact that It Is better to continue the fight for progressive principles within the re publican party, for to do otherwise will lay them open to the charge of being and to tho northeast of Tpres. On ulmost all of this front we In turn took the offensive and advanced, ' nctably In the region to the north of Messlnes. "In the neighborhood of Armenteries, the British troops progressed slightly. Betweon La Bssse and Arras the attacks of the enemy were repulsed. "From Arrss to Solution nothing worthy of note took plsee. French Advance at Bolasoas. "Around Holssons our forces made marked advance. In the region of Vallly and equally cn the right bank of the Alsne we strengthened our progress to the north of Chavonne and Souplr. A German attack on Craonelle and Jleurtobiso was repulsed "In the neighborhood of Verdun to the northwest end to the southeast of the place wa are establishing the supporting rosltlons recently gained. "A dense fog prevailed all day in the r.orth as well as In Champagne bnd Lor raine, . hampering the action of the artillery and the aviation corps." LIYE STOCK MEN EXPECT HEAYY RUN . DURING THE WEEK (Continued from Pegs One.) as possible. Then both state and federal officials will co-operate In destroying In- almply political buahwackers and an aid f?tad c,tl for wh,ch 0WTer wl society to the democrat party rather than iC"? co,nl,en'n to be fixed by ap the sincere advocate, nf ... r.fn-m I P'alsera se.ected by the Department of "I hopo that the republican party two! f)f!j,t,?h ,, t M year, from now will nominate a republl- J?""?10 th w,d6 TT ted by the can candidate for governor who I. not 'T Identified with any faction or clique. Ti "' T"?'" f Unlfy' " make a etr.l.M-f rm.h.-.K,,M... n-i on ureal vnces io me publican campaign for republican prin ciples, without any apologies and equivo cation. If this la done there Is no ques tion about the result We know from the past that four year of democrats ex periments Is a maximum dose for the peo ple cf this country, and hlstdry will re peat itself In the next election. Therefore, no good can come from further continu ing the family row among republicans In Nebraska.' The rank and file of the Vot ers have said they want no more of It and It Is up to the leaders to fall In line." MAGNATES COMING FORBIG MEETING (Continued from Page One.) Both Sides Claiming Senator in Nevada KENO. Nev., Nov. I. With the repub lican (lata central committee claiming the election of 8am Piatt, republican, over Francis G. Newlands by fifteen votes and the democratic state central committee claiming a lead for Newlands of 110, votes, the senatorial fight in Ne vada still wss In doubt tonight. Vnoffl cial returns from all but eight precincts In the state have been accounted for. The eight precincts contain about ISO regis tered voters. It will require the official count, which will be nude Friday, to determine the result. No Stomach Pain, Gas, Indigestion In Five Minutes "Really does" put bad stomachs Iq order "really does' overcome Indigestion. dys pepsia, cu. heartburn and sourness in five' minutes that Just that makes tape's Dlapepsln the largest selling stom ach regulator la the world. It what you ut (enneuts Into. stuuoiiu lumps, you I, leu. gas and eructate sour, undigested foud and acid; bead is disty and aches; bream foul: tongue coated; your Insides rilled with bile and Indigestible waste, re member ths moment -fape's Dlapepsln" comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly aston ishing almost xnarveloua, and the Joy Is its harmlessneaa. , A largs fifty-cent case of rape's Dla pesia. wll give yov a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist bands you your money back. Its worth Its weight la gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs la your home mould always be kept bandy la case of m k, sour, upset stomach during the !ay vr at night. It's the tjukkeat. surest and iiiont harmless stuiuatu r ale lor lo It orld Advertisement shorter schedule and a lower salary limit. Wichita would make money, as would every other club. "But we are here to atay. They can put the guarantee up to $M0 If they want to, but Wichita will stilt stick. They cant fores us out of this Western leag-ue. They will have to buy the fran chise to do It, and we will get our price." Weald Deliver I'ltlsaataaa. Breese Is In favor of the minors de claring themselves to the big leaguers. The Wichita owner has an Idea he In tends to spring before the convention. At the present time If a player la sent baok to the minora by a big league club it Is necessary for Class AA leagues to waive on him before he can be sent to a Class A club, of which class the West ern league la a member, Aa Breese puts It, a player passed by the double-A boys is not fsst enough for thla league. That ruling Breeeo wants eliminated, and he Intends to spring the Idea when the con vention meets. Breese, Ilka all oth-w minora, la In fa vor of settling the Federal league propo sition." lis wants peace some way, and It la up to majors to make It. If the powers- that be In organised ball refuse to entertain plans for peace and .still continue to make the minors the goat. Breese declares he would like to see the minors deceit organised base bail for the Federals. Asks Only Dec at Treat Meat. "I am ftfr organised ball." said the Kansas magnate, "but I object to Jeop ardising my business Just for ths arbi trary actions of the majors. If they can't protect us, we roust protect ourselvea If we can get decent treatment In or ganised ball, I are for taking up the colors cf the Federals." la regard to transferring the Topeka franchise. Breeee favors Kansas . City, consumer Is looked for. A plentiful sup ply of dresed meat and of cattle outsldo of ths quarantined states is expected to prevent siy considerable loss. Dlslafeetlaar Coatlaaes. CHICAGO, Nov. 8. -Disinfecting at the Chicago t'nlon (Hock yards, which sus pended business on account of the hoof and moutn disease, continued today In the expectation that the place would be In t a thoroughly sanitary condition by the middle of next week. "If we have thoroughly cleaned up by Wednesdsy and If the epidemie has not In Poland westward t oppose the lines In France and Belgium. ' Thst they would do thl with en-.rmous Rusxlan forces threatening their own ter ritory, to military men here seems highly Improbable unless the Germans are satis fied that a small force- can prevent the Russians from entering Silesia and east Prussia. k" ' ' . ' tllvea Comparative Real. In .the west the same ding-dong fight ing which has been going on for months continues. Ths Belgians, who hold the lines along tbe coast, are being given a comparative rest after Ihelr three months of almost continuous fighting. The Ger mans still are concentrating around Tpres, where ther are trying to hack their way through the Anglo-French troops, which bar their way to the coast. Both sides claim . lo bave made pro gress here, the Anglo-French forces to the southeast of the town and .the Ger mans to the southwest Correspondents In the rear of the armies say that tho fighting, which has exceeded In fury any that preceded It, has not appreciably les sened and that both sides are using a tremendous weight of artillery In an endeavor to clear the ground for an ad vance of their Infantry. Both Belns; Relaforced. Bth armies are being reinforced. It seems to be realised that the Germans cannot proceed farther west, because of the co-operation of the warships with the land forces and that a route either here or farther south must be found It the Germans are to attain their ambition of reaching the French coast. Elsewhere along the line the usual at tacks and counter attacks have been de livered with success first to one and then to the other side, but without making the material change in the situation. Things are moving slowly In the near east so far as Is known here. The only news from there today concerns the bom bardment of the ports of Zunguldlak and Kusulu, on the Asia Minor roast of Tur key, by a Russian fleet and the sinking of several Turkish transports. Armentaas Aid Roas. It Is said also that the) Russians have occupied the entire region to the north east of Krierum in As a Minor. Russia Is said to be finding useful allies In the Armenians, who at last see a hope of being rid of Turkish rule. There Is no change In the political situ ation In ths Balkans, none of the at pres ent neutral states having made any move. It Is said, however, that agitation has been renewed in Rumania for the par ticipation of that country In the war on the side of the allies. The fall of Tsing Tau naturally caused rejoicing ' here, it Is believed that with the surrender of the German fortress the Anglo-Japanese fleet which took part In the siege will be detailed to hunt down the German cruisers still at large In the Pacific. Asaowat of Booty Nat Kaowa. BOYS RUSHED TO FIGHT FOR KAISER Trains Arriving in Belgium Xnroute to Front Tilled with Youths from 17 to 20. j TEUTONS BELIEVED RETIRING brraua Army Bald ta Re I'vaea- s; Its Posltloas Yser In Order te Open Strong Attack os) Tprea. GERMANS TAKE ELEVATION i Report Via London Indicate Teu ton! Capture Point of Advantage. STRUGGLE OTHERWISE QUIET Feaar Weather la Westerai Theater Precludes Mara Flahtlna; and Kothlnar Traaaplrea In the F.ast. BERLIN. Nov . fvla London.) The following communication from German general headitiarters was iseued today: "Our att"ks near Vpres and of Lille conlimird. yesterday (Saturday I. "An important elevation near Vlcnne La -Chateau inth west side of thi Araonne which has-bean the olijcct of fighting for. weeks past was taken. Two large gtins and two quick flrers were csptured. ) ( "For the reet, the fopxy day passed calmly n tho western theater of war. "On the rait nothing new ha transpired." ROOSF.NDAAL Yvla London), Nov. . A Belgian who tinder cover of darkness managed to cross the frontier et'ari un guarded point and reach this city, de clares that Antwerp and other Belgian towns are very lightly guarded. Every available German sol iter, he cays, ap parently has been to the front. Brueges, Antwerp. Brussels and Ixuvaln are is Ky filling up with an ever-lncrcaslmr number cf wounded soldiers. No civilian Is allowed near the railway stations, but the age of most of the men who are transported tn titters Indicates that tho majority of thsm are members of the older landsturm. On the other frnK', "PParcntly is an soeeinpllshed fact ... I In MnUn. lfta,'f.M.ln f Ih) .1.1- ... ... v. .mn .-..v. inivmiq UIIC 11. IV three d.iys. returns stronsiy In Its favor. and with half the precincts of the state reported a majorly of S.500 was Indicated. WOMAN SUFFRAGE SAFE, MONTANA RETURNS SHOW HELENA, Mont., Nov: S. Woman suf- hand. trains arriving from Germany en f-,n "er-rai route to the front are filled with boys ! n'1 th'n the otner for from 17 to 89 years old. who having I ,odjr ,?an Blowing s volunteered at the beginning of the war, are now sufficiently trained to enter the combat. No correspondent. If known, la allowed who, because they were able to speak Flemish and behaved Ilk clrlsens, fre quently managed to reach villages on tbe front. Is that the Germans are slowly. but surely retreating. They base their opinion on the fact that the German division staff on November 2 moved from Thleft to Ghent, thirty-three kilometers to the east and that the line from Ghent, i A lost to Brussels waa being heavily en trenched until November 4. when the engineers In charge were hastily called, to the front to fill vacancies It-to. clear, according to these correspondents that the Germans have been concentrate Ing large forces down from the south eastern battle line upon the front near Nleuport and Dlxmude. ' Vser Posltloas Evacaated. LONDON, Nov. .-Wlrtng from 'Am sterdam, the correspondent of Reuter'a Telegram company saya that the QermfLn authorities at Bruges have placed a proc lamation on the front of the town hall stating that the German army has evacuated Its positions on. the Vser in crder to open a strong attack on Tpres. At Qlts, Routers, Llchtervelde and Thouroua (towns in West Flanders) as well aa n other villages to the east of the fighting line, great movements of German troops can be observed. Kx laueted soldiers are returning from tho battlefields, while reinforcements of fresh men are advancing In the direction of Ypres anj Dlxmude. ' ' PREDICTS COMING PROHIBITION (Continued from Page One.) spread to more states so that wa can re ceive shipments of cattlo, we shall apply t No announcement has been made con for a lifting of the quarantine then," said cerning the amount of booty the allies ob A. O. Leonard, president of the stock ' tatned through the surrender of Tsing yards. , ave everknown was ever helped by the use of liquor as a beverage. I m a prohibitionist, local, state-wide. nation-wide, world-wide. I am a demo crat and a better democrat because I ' am a prohibitionist. If the saloon busl- nesa Is right then let us stop punishing It, but If It Is wrong, let us cease; temporizing and destroy It. i "Within the next ten years this land ' v. in be prohibition.. We hsve been a little slow rn getting started, but we will not j Tau. but It la believed that the Oermans toP untH w bve been victorious. The Tte fl m nuin a n . w.uri..d.. Mm(mw.4 avaviImv nn..ll.l. v ' Saloon hllAlneaa V. a , I i - . w. u. i ....v t u .vi iti.i 'J ... j .'.'ii. injn.lii, uviuii I .. .im.iu in HlconOUO said that although the quarantine had capitulating. When the siege began In ' liquors. Is dangerous and I am opposed neen oraerea to run until November l me port were one Herman cruiser, rour' 10 11 oecause 11 is the greatest df all It would be lifted before that time If It funboats and three destroyers, the Aus- were shown that the yards were in a fit condition. Brllevr.d I'ader Control. All other publlo cattle pens within the . . , M , was blown up. It is possible that ths are to be given a clean bill of health as v. . . 1 .i .. . t unnnwi amp met a similar latr. miu 1 1 b m UIET . I. lUUiniBi IRQ M II ti urn ttian cruiser Katserln Elizabeth, five Ger man merchant men and several prises the Oermans had taken. Of these vessels one destroyer ran ashore and was captured, and It Is believed the Austrian cruiser noun red free of Infections, Every confi dence that tho disease Is well under con- Oreat Britain la not yet satisfied that all has been told of the Pactflo naval battle and continues to hope that the cattle have developed cases. The new cases were among prise cattle , least been damaged recently exhibited at the National Dairy show here. About thirty out Of the J.oTnflr Plplf-Q "Mnf prise bulls and cows were condemned. I Udiilal ritUiUO llUL wasters. It dulls the edge of human en deavor; It poisons the very spring ' of justice, It Is the chief despoller of the I allot box. the enemy of the home and when the home becomes weakened and ' is undermined, American liberty will fail. As long as he home remain Intact American civilisation will live.. . , Dty of Oonrameat. - but were not killed. The owners, who value th cattle at several million dollars, appealed to the Department of Agriculture at Washington that special efforts be mad to save the stock.. A plan was devised to Isolate the Infected stock and subject It to special treatment for experimental purposes. Detroit Varsi te Close. DETROIT. Mich., Nov. . Th Detroit stock yards, from which Detroit and a section of Michigan draw their meat sup- Guilty to Charge NEW YORK, Nov. 7. -David Lamar, Indicted In 1913 on a charge of Imper- "I am not one who believes w can" trol here waa expressed after It was1 Oernn LeipB0 and Dresden, which en- P1 moTX ,nto wan. but 1 believ found, that only a few more suspected , ttLgei th Glasgow and which have not .TV? remov a temptation and make been reported sine th battle, have at 1 . J, ao ana easier t do .ma u i ne auiy or mis govern ment to Its cltlxenshtp. r hop 1 am not narrow-.nlnded on this subject ' I have been on both sides of It and I havf had as much experience as the next man but It Is my solemn conviction that the cmy way to achieve the end we seek Is to secure national prohibition. " .. ''I never saw a square circle an hone'at sonatlng government offlcera with Intent ; th!ef' "trB,8ht crook nor a respectable to defraud, pleaded not guilty today to "'oon' Th nly- respectable, saloon Is f , v. iji.(,..i. .... 1 u' one mat Has been cloatvt in $30,000 ball. Lamar, who had been' Th " Pountry from X818 to.lSGJ passed1 fighting removal from the District cf, rouh " ""olden age and during, that Columbia slnea hla Indictment tim 11 did but derive a dollar of hv..,,. ! rested lest nlaht in an untnwn hnt.l ti from the liquor traffic. -Do we ned tn ply. will be closed Indefinitely from next "nt ot Department of Justice. He ,"r,d ur. men th1 w may make Tuesday afternoon because of the hoof ; pont th nlht ln PoI,c atatlon ceil, j , one,y ' But th,r another economic coward LAuteroacn. indicted with La- "" w ""'ness men are reeognis Ing that the money spent for Intoxicating and mouth eDldemlo anions' cattle. An - . . .... , . l . , .L.:HUr. Will surrender Monday oratr receivea mis atieraoon irom mo .. . . . ! ii..,.- . . - - " Department of Agriculture said the yards " charr;d that Lamar telephoned " " d'yrted .'"", channel, of must remain closed until thav hav. been i""r ,or" "nancers. urg-ng mem to thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Kaasaa Take Aetloa. TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. I A quarantine against the shipment of cattle Into Kan sas Irom the states where th foot and mouth disease Is said to be prevalent was put Into effect today. The states In cluded In the order an Illinois, lows. Kan. He declares most strenuously "wA. Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Nsw the big boys can't keep a Weetern league franchise out of Kansas City, Kan., no matter how hard they try. By playing In Kansas City, Kan., when, th Kansas City, Mo., association club Is on ths road, a club In ths Kansas town would bs a paying proposition, says Brees. rial Trala Today. A special train on the Rock Island from Chicago will bring; a flock of maguatsi from the east and south into Omaha this morning. Most of the magnates will be In today. The meeting of the board ot arbitration will be held this morning at the Paxton hotel at 11:10. The convention will open Tuesday morning at th Rom hotel. Th mag nates who are not Interested In the meet ing of the arbitration board will arrive on Tuesday morning. PROHIBITION HIT BLOW . AT A F.L CONVENTION PHILADELPHIA. Nov, (.-The brew ery workers affiliated with th American Federation of Labor woe a victory today when the convention ef the union label trade department of th fed rs tlon went en record as being opposed to prohibition It Is said the resolution probably will be carried to the convention ot the federa tion, which opens here next week. York and Pennsylvania. Qemraattae la Mississippi. JACKSON. Miss., Nov. I.-A quarantine against cattle coming Into Mississippi within the next ten days, as a protection against foot and mouth disease, waa es tablished today by Dr. E. N. Ranck, state veterinarian. Dub Takes Precaa ties). 6PRIN FIELD, III.. Nov. I.-AHI cat. tie, shoep and hog In, Illinois, that have in any way come In contact with the Union stock yards of Chicago, were tonight ordered placed under quarantine by Governor Dunne. This Includes all catllo purchased from th stock yards since October 1. Meataaa tlaaraatla Ordered. II ELENA, Mont., Nor. (.-Governor Ctsaart today Issued a quaraatln procla mattoa prohibiting th shipping luto th state of live stock of every description, or th movement of llv stock vtthlq the slate, unless loaded through stock yards under the supervision of foderal or state Inspectors, This action followed a meet ing of state officials. ( ri aad ( aak Keeseudy. Dr. Kins' New Discovery gives almost Instant relief; first dose helps; best rem edy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, loc sad ll.ou. All druggtsts.-Advertlse-ment. employ Lauterbach as a lawyer, and that r-auerson said this country shoul l In these telephone conversations he rep- ce" to "aocept blood money." He as. resented himself at various times ss vari- ,rt1 ln government waa Inconsistent ous members of congress. ' I ,n licensing saloons and then discharging ' I u" omployes for drinking Intoxicants and News Note of West rolat. forbidding the us of strong dr'nk In the WEST POINT. Neb., Nov. T.- Special.) navy. He declared that any man who The regular fall term of district court j drinks, drinks too much, of Cuming county will convene on Mn- Before he changed his mind on the sub day next. On Tussday morning ths Jury Ject, Mr. Patterson said he drank and will report for duty. At this term there "humlllsted himself." believing In "por aro five criminal and forty-three civil snnal liberty" and the other ''cants am matters for hearing. Among this number hypocrisies." ere some very lraportsnt esses, both civil He concluded with a thrilling arraign and criminal. Amona the latter la th j rr.ent of the government's att tude toward case of the stste against Joseph Vance. ' naoonshlners. m hom he said, were too The annual conference of the church of.r00' Pay th "blood" money that per- (I W The General ' $ay$: Get. the habit of reading these advertisement. You may not want roofing now or for another year, but if you read our advertisements you will bo thoroughly posted on what to buy when 'you put up that new building. S Certaint&ed OuIit T Durability. CWt-ified iVOOling CoaraaMaf in 5tt three forms rolls, shin eles and built-up form is the best that money can buy, and its exten ive use on factories, warehouses, skyscrapers, business blocks, farm buildings, army and navy stations, residences, barns, etc. proves it is the most popular roofing on the market today. This populsrlty is the retiitt of the ex cellent service Certatn-tted Roofing gives on the roof and the reasonable price at which dealen sell it. Vo Season for Industrial B. pressloa. Prosperity Is a happy state. It depends upon good credit, etsble prices, employment f wage earn er and a general confldeno In tbe future. Of late there seems to have been an unnecessary amount of business depression, due mostly to the lack of fairness of one class toward SB other, and to a little dishonesty er overgrasplng scattered through all ths classes, but not In a majority ef any of them. In a country of our enormous na tural wealth, we should bave little to worry about. Tbe United States, with its insular poskeselona and Alaska. Is nearly as larre aa Eu rope. Our co.-.ats are Indented with excellent harbora and Intersected by internal waterways, and we have, by far, the finest and cheap est eoet railroad transportation In the whole world, making communi cation cheap and easy. W have tremendous water power and every variety of climate and soil. . Hx Blnoent forests cover a great area of eur territory. Our land is lib erally stocked With almost every variety of mineral wealth, and with our vast asrlcultoral wealth we" lead the world la a great many thins. When corporations sre renovated and their Ills sired by publicity, and when business men begin to feel a renewed. . confidence, end when political "cure alia,' wbe have never unlit a success ef their own a flairs, quit oderlng "reme dies' for all sorts ot Imsalnary troubles; when we have full pub licity In politics and ln government) when business managers and em ployees treat each other fairly, the oauacs for apparent depreaalo'a will disappear and roal prosperity' will return and stay wttb us. Certorn -e4 Ro'l Roofing Is guaranteed S year7or 1-ply, 13 yenrs for2-ply and 13 years fori-plv.and the written fiarantcc is backed by the asset cf our bitf mill. Is addition to above we alo make a com. pietc line of other roofiuga. builclln papers, etc. ask your dealer. He will be glad to give you further information about our goods and will quote you reasonable price. General Roofing Mf g. Company Suri' larvec nMuMwin ef ItmpTas im1 Bmuumt fopa R. A. Long Building, Kansas City Met Telephone Mala 3709-Bota Phoatae RewTersOty feeies . CMtar rlthWik PUeaeieaia Aitaata CaWul IWeu St. Lee Caefaaad lien City Baanni See Fraadate Seattle lee HeaeWrf Sjeaey YOU NEED Ml INTERNAL BATH! RheumasaUi Banishes Constipation Quickly and Safely If you are botheret. with constipation, headaches, sallow skin, coated tongue, bad breath, indigestion, biliousness, neu ralgia and rheumatism, then you heed an Internal bath. This Is effectively accomplished by sim ply dissolving a little Rheumasalt In a flass of water1, and you have a delightful carbonated .drink that cleans out tho stomach and lntetlnes, eliminates toxins end poisons and leaves the Intestinal canal clean. healthy and sweet. Chronic ronalipstion Immediately van ishes When -the sclenUficslly. blended snd cherrri. pure carbonated llthia drink, Rrmumaaalts, Is used. Rheurrmsoils rontulna no calomel or other dangerous drtiRs. It Is as pure as a natural laxative salts from the mineral springs. It acts on the boe!s. liver and kilneys quickly without griping or nau sea. It Is a uric ncid solvent as well as a SHllne laxative. It Is delicious to take. Ark your druggist for about five ounces of Rheumasalts. Tnke two teaspoonfuls In a rIhks of water before breakiaat each morning. After you have taken Rheuma salts a few mornings, the pleasant re SMiie will surprise you. nheurnasalta Is prepared by the famous KheUiuaL-ath Company. Minneapolis. Minn. e "is. u-a. FAT The Beer You Like Brewed and Bottled by KRKO KIU'G BR K VYING) CO. LUXUS Mercan tile Co. "ifebnters rbone Doug. 1889 v. tf THE BABY IS CUTTING lEETH , '" USE Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PHRFl Y VFRFTABLENOT NARCOTIC THE OMAHA BEE. i THE HOME PAPER a1EME.T8. 1,1 1 It? WP "il nauaael eVaw Hies. aeert an d w v w esrui vv mm iv fc ey vie U, XsXWUIWJ j TW1LE DAILY wTk Mat. Today JOS BTJBTIO rBESENTS ' This season's edition of that show whose title has stood for the best In burlesque the past eighteen years, 5 BOWERY' E t" BURLESQUER8 Presenting an exhilarating and con- , , tlnuously humorous travesty on. Alexander Bisson's powerful drama on mother love, "Madam X," and en titled 1VIAOA1VI WCUSE -O ME With Joste Kins la the name saxtt IITaGCaaXO k QUXATlf, .- .,v ZDaTA OslEEsT and nearly 60 others) am n DKAK HEAORR: Herei en alj 'rouos' sooa. how. Ther're a long .rem New York'e historic Boweo J treat 'em riht end they'll entertain you ryllr. You'll lauih at "Madam Xcure Me", even though you never aae the play Iteelf. O. U JOHNSON. Mgr. (leyety. Sveains-s, Brtnday Holiday Mats.. ' ISo, 86o. 60c and 76o ': It JMATS. 1 5c and 2 5c zy Chew 'gem If rou like, hut ne tm.'klnc. ' ' -IA.DITV 10T AJIT WETJK T errsiTl'' nT w a TTBrre Rabv Carrlare Garaere In the lihhv ORAfiCEIS Jdy"k Wei, w ujruge -w gI IQ afaa HA1 WiBD and I.UCT DALT, WSICAX OOMEOT, with aorosously aowced American Beauty Chorus. Wed. Mat.. H6o-R0c; Kvgs., 2c-50o-76c-t 1 "OTmV" Thursday, KOV. 12 REIlO'3tal snd His MINSTRELS AXX, BEW THIS SEAaOaT. '.a, Carpeiter Paper Co. OMAHA Distributors Certain-teed Roofing and Building paper. the Later Day Saints is now In session at the Land Holm farm home, east of this city. Three hundred delegates and visitors were present. mltted the brewers to thrive. rare lea I Mratal Effect. Dr. Bane spoke chiefly of the physical ani mental errect of alcoholics. He too. P.ev. peter Grobbel. pastor of Ft. asserted that "the nation must he m.. Anthony's church at Charlea In this oil white" and declared the proposed county arrived last evening from Europe. I constitutional amendment, which must be where he has spent several months. He! ratified by thirty-six states, would be loft Wsst Point, June 14 and reached 1 adopted within five years. ' . Oermany a few days before the werl The policy of the National Anti-Saloon broke out He was compelled to remain league was outlined by Dr. Bene n his there until September 17, when he ob-j call for subscriptions. ' A daljy paper, the tslned passage from Rotterdam. He says' biggest prohibition publication In ' the ine uermans are confluent of victory and. wona. wtu be launched la Wash In to a the the war has not caused much difference In buslneaa conditions. Oustav Zimmerman and Miss Olive Swedhelm were married at Fremont on Tuesday. News has reached the city of the mar riage at Brunswick. Neb., of Carl L. Vhlng and alias Kate .Wortmsn. TO CI' BH A COLD IN O.IB DAT Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. "VV. drove's slguature Is on each box. 23 cento. r. flret week In December and It U the plan of the league to establish dally papera all over the country and carry the fight through to the finish. Concluding Dr. Bane said. "New Tork City has as many saloons as thirty seven states I could name. Chicago has aa masy saloons as can be found south of the Mason aad Dixon line, hut we are bottUna- up the saloons for Uie final slaughter." .41 1 lonigbt. All Wask; K:. bun., Tburs, fcat. ETA Una, CstAJsX.EB MT''' aad associate players in "IIOF Till T." Prloes 15o and BOc. Week cf hot. IS "The Typhooa," Jfaoae Ponglas 4. ASTAHCED TAVSET1T.X.H. Tile erk. Mile. Naulie a M. Ferrari. Teul Klelet, Ana Chandler. eVHrUo, Ha.l A Co..' ! Valerio klarie ana Hlilr Hart. kae alriiooda' l"e.. Orpheum Tral WKIr. Price.-. Matinee, ttitrrf iOc; Beat Heat (ex. eept hUiturdar and tfunua). 1 Mishta, luo, til 6oceiid "(;. AMERICA M "L theater' 1476 To-alght, Matinees. Tnss Tbu., gat. . THE WOODWABD BTOCTK COMTAHT Ib Oeo. SC. Oobaa's Comedy, 'DPwOADWAY JONES." "' 2r ANY 6RAT 25t : Ilext Week ''Tbe College Widow." ... Bee Want Ads Are the Beet Business Boosters AMIIEHEiTI. RtMlpatk feeiles No, 4 SO. R0BT. L. OWEN, of Oklahoma AUDITORIUM, HOT. 10 10, IS, SO cents to holders of member tlilps. Itt-etrve seats at Box Office at a. m. Also Good Beason Keearyatiotui Yet available. e4 Tarpin's Dancing Acadcny 26th and Farnan Sis New -class for beginners nsxt Monday and TliursUy. ( p. m. Advanced class Tueauaya, t p. m. l'p-to-date dinrei are standardised auad easy to iaavrn. . ' aiiate XVessoas Daily. Assembly Heat Saturday Ivsaiag. HAEHET 614