Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A
i i
I l
of the German forces occupying the town, is shown at the left of the photograph. He
ordered his commissary department to distribute bread and soup to the people.
Fabric Gloves
Harrison's Reindeer Fab
ric Gloves have every ap
pearance of fine mocha or
suede. They not only
wash, but wash perfectly.
In street shades, black and
white $1.00 a pair.
Kayser's Leatherette
Gloves. Inexpensive and
very practical; washable,
65c a pa;ir. Gray, pongee
and white.
Wayne Knit
We keep telling you that
we sell these famous hose
because they give such sat
isfactory service that we
want everybody to know
all about them. -
In both lisle and silk; all
prices; ask for them.
Attractive Dresses and Gowns
Choice Exclusive Styles at
Prices You Can Afford
In selecting: a ready-to-wear dress or gown
you have one great advantage over the made-to-order
garments, namely, a correct idea of
your appearance in the gown chosen. A great
many disappointments are thus avoided.
Charming Dancing Frocks. R3ally excep
tional values $15.00, $16.50, $19.50. v
Dresses and gowns up to $150.
Viyella Flannel
Guaranteed to be abso
lutely unshrinkable and
fast colored; it Is unri
valed for women's waists,
gowns, children's wear,
shirts, etc. All the newest
shades and designs, 75c
a yard.
The Season's
' Suit Fashions
' An immense number of
choice styles including the
most po p u 1 ar fabrics.
Every suit tailored by
hand. x .
$19.50, $24.50
$29.50, $35.00
No extra charge for al
terations. -
The Store for
Wool Blankets
7Cx84, block plaids, range
of new styles, $8.50 a pair.
Full size of silkoline, satin
' and silk mull, assorted
printed designs; prices
range from
98c to $5.50
Cotton Batting
for comforts; all clean,
white cotton, 10c, 15c,
20c, 25c and 30c each,
large; 72x84 size in 3-lb.
and 4-lb. batts at $1.00,
$1.25, $1.35 and
$1.60 each
lYenoh Watching- Terrific" Struggle
Along Tprei in Every Detail
of Information.
Grrm Said to Be Changing
Tardea, .hat Even Caaaat
Make, Air Ianyreesloa
on Defenders,
PA RP3, Nov. 7.-Paris ta Watching' with
th. keenest Interest l.i the battla In tha
north and vary word from official", and
other sources la eagerly diaouaaed.
Having been driven by gunflra and
flood from tha road to Dunkirk, tha Ger
man appear to ba concentrating all
their energies on tha Yyres-Arras Una
with the object, of reaching Boulogna
through the valley of tna Canche river.
Three recently formed army corps tha
eighteenth from Frankfort,- tha - eighth
from Coolant and tha tenth from Han
over, have been brought up to atlffen
the German troop., who are exhausted
after nine day. of ceaaeleaa fighting.
The troops are being maa.ed around
Arraa, behind strong position, at Beau
vats, Tllloy and St. Laurent de Blaiigy.
Testis the Freaeh.
Preparatory cannonading ha become
Intense In the last two lya according
to a resident of tha district just arrived
la Parts, and Infantry attacks have ap
parently had the object of testing the
French strength. It was remarked that
tha enemy seemed to be abandoning tha
mass methods vf advancing and tried at-,
tacking In open order, making use of all
available cover, moving forward by short
spurts and throwing themselves down
when the French qulckflrers opened.
The result. It Is said, has been no bet
ter, as tha men seem to lack the Initiative
required to make this method effec
tive. None of these attacks so far has
made any Impression on tha French line.
The country between Arraa and Bou
logne la well wooded and hUly, lending
itself admirably to dufenslve fighting,
and every preparation baa been made to
utilise it. for it to reallsod that tha Ger
mans will make an even greater effort,
if that be possible, than before, par
ticularly In view of the critical situa
tion on the Russian front.
of lodgement a royal race resulted. It
endej at Edgcmont, when the fugitives
were compelled to stop for gasoline, and
the Wyoming sheriff caught up with
thorn. They confessed that they had
stolen the car and will be taken to Mon
tana to stand trial.
, .- (Continued from Page One.)
(Continued from Page One.)
encouraging. The market will jump with
the Chicago receipts, as soon aa confi
dence has been established. South Omaha
la the market which has always Insisted
upon being guided by the strict advice
of the government veterinarians.
activity. None of the neutral Balkan
stat.s has yst thrown In Ha lot with the
entente powers. All eyes are turned to-
Inferted Herd. Isolated by Do.
tfn ef Aalnial Industry,.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 7.-Wlth the fed
era! quarantine against the foot and
mouth disease coverlns nrartJc.llv
ward Bulgaria, which Is expected 16 j suspected cattle market, officials of the
move as soon as It la assured of desired , bureau of animal Industry today organ- ' ' trom tin County.
territorial; reward from It rormar allies. aed a force of Inspectors to trace every BEATRICE, Net.;. Nov. 7.-(Spelal )
The correspondent of the Express on shipment of cattle made from the In- 1 1'wla R nl Hattle. Fink, son and c'augh-
otusmn frontier, unoer date or ti- , rected area during the last two months. w or tM latB Iwui Fink of Wymore,
day, telegraphs the following: j Offlclula believe the quarantine al- hav "Ie(l objectiona to the probating of
inBaisT ib ciose 10 me xront in ready established covers all herds at
sianaera, malting efforts to Inspire his ! present Infected and that the strict main
tenance of quarantine and tha slaughter
of Infeotad cattle wfll stamp out ths dls-
! 1 1'
" ' i v mi ill, 'i ii ri m m M.ii..!.i'.u'ii..iiiwi.ini m n !.. ijiniwn nmia. Jiiriiu,,
ivnl Nut, per ton. . . .$4.75
tJonnlnr, ftrr ton . . . . 8 4,75
XimXGKR Fancy
Lump, per ton 85.50
anrl Nnt, per ton 80.00
ItADIANT Franklin
Co., per ton SO. 50
SIWDHA Harxl (al for
furnace nse, per ton 89.00
Cut Prlca Coal Co.
J223 Xlciioliw. Tel. P. 530.
Chieftain Announcei that He Will
Support Gntierrej with HU
aye Executive Elected by the Con
vention Is Legal Head of Gov
ernment Favors Re-spectlaa-
he. Law.
EL PABO, Tex., Nov. 7.-General Villa,
In a telegram to the Associated Press
from Aguas Catlentes yesterday,, said:
"General Ulallo Outlerrea having taken
the oath of ofrice today before the mill
tary convention assembled In this city as
provisional president of the republic,
want it made known to the Mexican peo
pie and the world In general that I am
in accord with his designation and tha
i win sustain mm with the force
arms Because j consider him a ravnln
tlonlst of a heart Identical with .that of
the people, and that I am disposed to ac
cept and make respected the law and to
procure . betterment and well being for
the people of my country.
"FRANCIS VILLA, General In Charge."
New Siege Guns and Aeroplanes
Big Factors in Fall of Tsing- Tau
TOKIO, Nov. 7. After desperate as
saults, in which the Japanese In the face
of heroic resistance, rivaled the bravery
of their forces at Port Arthur, Tslng Tau
surrendered at o'clock this morning.
At that hour Governor Meyer-Waldeck,
following the hoisting of white flags on
the (orts, sent an officer with a flag of
truce to the Anglo-Japanese lines.
At 4 o'olock this aYternoon the Japanese
and German officers opened a conference
at Moltke barracks, when the formalities
of capitulation were concluded.
The Japanese of floe rs pay unstinted
tribute to the bravery of the Oermans,
who fought teuarlou.Iy to the last. Un
official reports are that the Germans
blew up what was left of their forts be
fore surrendering and practically the
whole town Is In ruins. ' A Japanese tor
pedo boat flotilla that entered the bay
found that nearly all the ships had been
destroyed. f
An official estimate places the Japan
ese killed In the .final assault last night
at M with 122 wounded. The British
took an Important part In the victory and
two British officers were wounded. No
statement of the German casualties Is
available, but It Is believed that they
were heavy.
The minister of war states that the les
sons learned from the siege were, ilrst.
the destructlvencss of the new navy guns,
that the Japanese used for the
first tlnvu, and, second, the effectiveness
of the aeroplane observation service,
whereby the methods of the defense were
discovered. Tte prisoners, who will num
ber, it is said, between 6.000 and 8,000, will
be brought to Japan.
For more than'W years the success
of Warner's Safe Remedies in benefit
ing the health of thousands has been
gratifying There are many sufferers
from Asthma. Kidney Trouble, Dia
betee. Nervousness, Rheumatism, Con
stipation and Biliousness, who are not
acquainted with the remarkable rem
edial value of Warner- Safe Reme
dies, each prepared for the relief of a
separatn and distinct ailment.
It you are afflicted with any of
these diseases we will send a sample
free, or you may procure full size
packarea from ycwir druggist. Follow.
Ins are the remedies:
1 Warner's Safe Kemedy for the
Jtldn.y. and Iftr.
Warner's Bafe Xhanmatle Bemedy,
3 Warner's Safe Diabetes Kemady.
4 Warner Bafe H.rvlae. '
B Warns r's Bafe Asthma sVem.dy.
6 Warner's Safe Pills.
Warner's Safe Remedies Co.,
Dept. 933. Rochester, N.. T.
ployed In the offices of Kllpatrick Bros..
at this point for the last two years, died
o j Friday at a local hospital of typhoid
fever, aged 36 years. The body was taken
to Nevada, Ma, for interment
troops, to gain. Calais.
"Despite the . nearly suooeasfut bomb
attack on him at Tblelt Sunday, tha
kaiser -continues to drive- dally through
the territory behind the Bruges and
The bureau today had about ISO agents
In the field tracing every head of cattle j
Courtral roads. Ills route is alwaya kept , that passed through the Chicago yards In
ceorrt and he uses a car of different Bp
pearanoe eacn-time. . .
"Dally, he singles out certain, soldiers
for acts of esoeptlonal bravery and per
sonally gives them the Iron cross. lie
the laat sixty days and every railroad
car used to transport them.
With a single' except Ion. the agents are
destroying all herds where Infection ap
pears. The exception Is the National
visits the field hospitals and talks to the ' Llry show at Chicago, where about 1,000
wounded, Invariably saying: 'Good day, ot th DMt blooded breeding stock of the
comrade. Tbo kaiser w lahea you a speedy ountry are under quarantine. Thirty.
"The kaiser dined with the staff at
Ghent yesterday and returned to head
quarters thoroughly dissatisfied with re
cent events In the campaign."
Third of Cattle i
Section of Kansas
City Yards Burned
KANSAS CITY. Nov. T.-Flre that burned
fiercely for several hours early today
swept the Kansas City stock yards and
destroyed thirty acres of pens, covering
one-third of the catUe section of ths' among cattle of thirteen states. Placed
me win or the late Mr. Fink In h.
county court and hearing wilt be held
December t The plaintiff In tholr petl.
tlon charge that the provisions of the
will ar unjust and treasonable; that
th will la uncertain and Indefinite, and
t?t owing to dlseaje and Infirmities
to old age he was montslly incompetent
to make a will.
David Pitt, a native of England and
for forty years a resident of Beatrice,
died at his home hero frlday, aged 81
years. Mr. Pitt fought In the Crimean
war and participated . In the relief of
Raymond A. Scott, who had been em-
fqur, cases have been discovered In the
show animals, but the department la en
deavoring to prevent the sacrifice of the.
enure nerd.
In all tha states where quarantine has
been declared state officials have 'joined
with the federal ajents. In several atates
local quarantines have been established,
and It la expected that states outside of
the Infected area generally will prohibit
the shipment of cattle from quarantined
statee. .
Kllllasr Plaeoas aad Rats.
CHICAGO. Nov. 7.-The Chicago Union
Block yards for the first time slnoe Its
organisation forty-nine years axb. was
closed today because of the epidemic of
foot and mouth disease, which Is raging
News Motes ef Rnpertor. ,
SUPERIOR, Neb.. Nov. 7.-(8peolal Tel.
egram.) The grocery and b.kerv r vii.
alson Bros. va sold to R. J. Stevenson, J
w.i iaes possession gbout November 10.
The Daughters of the American Revo
lutlon members on Red Cross tag day
today took in 200, which is to be sent to
To get tha genuine, call for full name.
Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for sig
nature of E. W. Grove. Cure a cold in
one day. .25 cent..'
Bee Want Ads Produce Results. " , . .
Dr. Todd Is manufacturing
new teeth like your own In ap
pearance. Like your own in
Bbape and like the natural
teeth in comfort and cleanli
ness. With all the good fea
tures they are cheaper and
far excel the old style den
tistry. Dr. Douglas, associate.
Offices 403, 403, 493. 41,
489, 487 Brand?! Bldg.
All this week we effer H aal
iJf ub wlth ' beautiful
J""1" taaiie to nt. aqua-
w I'lami ana sneu
an complete for
One gallon globe with 4 gold
fish, cafiUe, aquatic plants
and shells, all complete for only
. xr. . ." .. too
. '.JnJiT'"'' we-u-aeraien lanKn, so by buying from us you
will receive DAlIsjr roK, which will X.IYD FOB tbV. V,l have a stock
u.vvu ii iikiiu. mine in ana see mom it s a sight
We are pleased to announce that we finally succeeded In getting our
canarle from Germany shipped through Holland. Our first importation will
Our painless
extractl pas
and filling
Is the talk of
the town.
Our satisfied
patients are
pre a d I n g
the Glad
Crown and
bridge teeth
as low aa
80 years a dentist.
20-year guarantee.
700 City Nat l Bank
Sky Scraper,
yarns, in. Mas. at rirst estimated at
1750,000, was a little more than $11,000,
according to yard officials.
Several men were .lightly Injured.
Whether any cattle perished Is not known,
but officials said they believed all had
been removed.
The loss to the ysrds will result In only
temporary Inconvenience, It Is sail.
EDGEMONT, 8, P.. Nov. 7. (Special.)
Insanity from brooding over the calami
ties of the Kuropean war has claimed a
second victim among Belgian miners em
ployed In the Black Hills. A month ago
JJavid Vianne. a Belgian of Lead, em
ployed In the big Ilomeslske mine, shot
and killed his wife and then himself when
driven Insane by the stories of the. suf
fering of his relatlvra In war-slrlcken
Belgium. Now Joseph Terrier, a native ; .la. have been taken prisoners by
of the same country, lies dead at ofte of Russians sad transported to Tiflla.
the other mines, the direct cause being; The Persian government and the Amer
brain and heart trouble. Terrier, who: lean minister at Teheran, Charles W.
was a friend of Vianne. had been morose Russell, have - protested te Russia, ao
for some time, and this week his wife , cording to the correspondent, against this
Russians Arrest
Turkish Diplomats
LONDON. Nov. 7. The Amsterdam cor
respondent of Reuter'a Telegram com
pany reports that a message received
there from Vienna says the Austro-Hun-garlan
consul general and tha Turkish
diplomatic representative at Tabria, Per
aked the officials to take him to jail
pending aa examination as to his mental
condition. The officers had just tailed
for him when he dropped dead. Coioner
Ballou performed an autopsy and found
a brain cavity and aa enlarged heart,
lie leaves a widow and several small
EDORMONT. 8. P.. Nov. 7. -(Special )
Sheriff Hackney of Newcastle. Wyo.,
was In town yesterday and captured two
men here with a Case automobile, which
they had stolen from Uulphur Springs,
Moot. The men were coming down the
line with their prise, and Sheriff Hack
iry did not receive worJ to stop them
until after Ihey had pas.d through
Newcastle. Thea he aet out In another
automobile to catch them, and over the
alleged Infraction of international law.
under quarantine by state and federal of- '
nciais Tor a period of nine days, the '
Chloago yards will undergo a thorough 1
fumigation before the slaughtering of '
animals will he permitted to be resumed, i
One thousand men. working wight and
day. In three shifts, are spreading dls
Infsrtanta over the 640 acres of ground
comprising the yards, In addition to miles
of chutes, pens, water troughs and big
packing buildings.
Professional rat catcher began to de
stroy the thousand of rats which Infest
the yards and trap shots biased away at
pigeons, thoussnds of which live among
the cattle pens. Both rata and plgeona,
government experts hay, carry the dl
Meaa. AU dogs and eats within the
neighborhood of the yards wens ordered
No shipment of live stock will be made
unto the yards unUl the quarantine Is
raised. Shipments of dressed nieata.
however, will continue aa usual. A ma.
Jorlty of the tO.OM employes wilt be kept
at work during the enforced suspension.
Bee Want Ads Proaooe Results.
At Once! Clogged Nostrils Open,
Head Colds and Catarrh Vanish
Rrenthe Frwly! clear 8tuf fed-up,
Inflame! Nuke anil Head and htop
Catarrhal Discharge, litre Dull
.Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle unvway.'ju.t to try
It Apply a little In the nostril, and In
stantly your clog sad note and etoiped-up
air passage, of the bead will open: you
will breathe freely; dullness and headache
disappear. By morning! Oie catarrh, cold-In-head,
or catarrhal sore throat will b
Knd such mtatrv' h.. . ,i
stretch of forty miles of good roads west J bottle o( -Ely's Crvam Uufiu" at any drug
store. This sweet, fragrant balm dis
solves by the heat of the nostrils; parte
tratea and heals the Inflamed, swollen
membrane which Itnea the nose, head and
throat; clears the air passages; stops
naaty dischargee and a feeling of cleans- '
ing, soothing relief cotnet Immediately. I
Don't lay awake tonight struggling for
breath, with head Muffed, nostrils closed, ',
hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, 1
with it. running nose, foul mucous
dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness ,
Is dl.tre.slng. but truly needless. j
Put your faith lust uun-ln "Klv- i
and yoir cold or catarrh
Offer '
ospe s
These combinations were made for our Christmas trade, buthey
may ba had XOW. Make sure that YOl' get one of these outfits.
Frmm D 1 TL I ?.c" ow ! vu
Triai S ivcmcmucr 11115.
four own home This
rhen the Chrt.tmaj
free trial in
will be hard to do
ru.h comes on.
Victrola 4
Victrola 6
Victrola 8
Victrola 9
Victrola 10
Victrola 11
Victrola 14
Victrola 16
With AU
Homo Life Is
No. 17577
No. 60105
No. 88138
No. 17639
No. 17623
No. 74163
No. 35402
No'. 17474
No. 64267
No. 16996
No. 65348
W 64267
I nnlc at TMs .V9 l!lM."SnD' ,with KACH outft. some of
LiUUft. dl 11115 the best "Red Seal- artists are include!
National Emblem March Uy l h. Marine Hand
German Fidelity March ..Uy V. 8. Marine Band'.
Roamin' In the Gloamin' liy Harry Lauder.
Silent Night. By ftchumanu-Heink.
It's a Long Way to Tlpperary By American Quartett
Soldiers of the King iv,or., iUnd.
Evening Chimes By XeopoUtan Trio.
Woodland Echoes Hy Neapolitan Trio.
Hunioresque (Violin) By Mih Elman. ' '
Reuben Fox Trot By Victor Hand.
Sam Sort of Girl One-Step. By Victor Band.
When You and I Were Young. Maggie By Harrison.
The Rosary By John McCornuti k.
(Christmas) By Trinity Choir.
. . By Trinity CIolr.
Aiona ue tarewell Song) By Hawaiian Quintette.
Kun Home (Native Plantation Bong). By Hawaiian Quintette.
Lo, Here the Gentle Lark -.By Aim tilurk.
Come All Ye Faithful Hymn ..
Happier Where There's a Victrola
JHIospe Co.
If yea tun sal a
awa srik aWay.
It's pay ia fotfaf
Cream Bulm"
will surrly disurpea-.-
"Our 40th Year"