ft TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: XOVEMftEB 8, 1914. DEBUTANTE MAKES HER BOW Miss Harriet Smith to Be Introduced at Reception Thursday. OTHERS ANNOUNCE DATES, TOO Omaha Worn nnthaalaBlle ,1" Their F.ffort to Help Vllnl- Saffrrlasr in War Wilson-Westerman Weddine Party trlrkea Karone. aortal Calendar. . Ml XHAY-Mr. end Mm. J Rhrrnwn, en Brauempnl reption lor riausnler. Min I n r, at the r hom. MiiMiAY-olKhlun lAi rtnn'f at rhrnbi'; tarter take fwl'nmlnK nnt Howling club at ajelropormn lun; M.mdav Hr.rtp rl'ib; Mm. K. I. Wil wn, hi trine purty for lleon-U eater man eiilina TI"KMIAV Martin Huah, rorltnl at First lie (.tint rhurrh; I eb,raii Kranklin kn olnKton ciuh ith Mi, t' '. Howe; Kunmiy Huh, Mrf. ,M. M. Kl.nn hoateaa: lelutant lrtile cluh; "lrfitt Imnrn'' . ritib at Tul l" i-sclpin ; l n ig n ton .wkI.phI collide ilntiLt M 'haitiiier' f ndmr ; Turariey hrlde-e cluhl M-nnrh soii.'ty. .VI. as Nora Fred. Iumt rae: ytrn. Kmert Mnliy and Mlaa Kitsu heth Kiniey. kuiiiiKln Inr Mim Kior enc'e Wesu-rmnn. Ci-rr.jian-UecKrr Wed ding. V h.l.KSnAY-We.lnee.iay nrldga lut. fuhm npt on ilnmt at I'lutdn a aiailemy. THl'KfclMY Mm. Arthur Ciittandnn ."mtth. lea trom 4 to 1 o'clock, to in . trodnre lior ila.iKhier, Aline Harriet Huntington flmltli; JKaJah club dancing t:.,rlv ml Turi.tn KlHiiila Mhpmiinj recital at Ja-il.s' hall: Mra ( harlea Kountze, Orlx rial Cooking club; Mmmn Card rluh, Mm. Anna lioyer, hoatraa; Columbian c rce eriterlatnmrnta, after iHKin and evening. FKlDAY-Mr. and Mr. Webster TWI1K loltie party at their dome; Temple Israel aialerhnod, entertainment. Mm. Jay II.' Kali, hostess; Blxty-al lxiiirlnn ' lub Mt Chambers'. "ATCRHAY-Paturuav Msht club dam-. lug party at Chambers'; sssemhly dance at Turpln's: dinner riante at Country olub: I,as AniMi rlub, Mm. II. H. hucklra, hoslpas; Mr. Klo d Smith, loacheon at tho Omaha club fur M.aa Harriet Hmlth. The firat of the srsson's drhulantrs U" mako her format bow to society will be Mlas Harriet Muntlngnn Bmlth, I'uiTuhtei of Mr. and Mm. Arthur Crittenden mi;h, who will lie Introduced at a reception Tburadar afternoon from 4 until .7 o'clock t the Sni.th home on I'ark avenue. Mix' Smith attended school nt Hronll Half, and later a a pu;ll at MIb .HprncA.K achool In New York City. MUk HtnlUi epent tha aurnmer abroad with tier, par ent, and wss one of tho. uteclnl reiVd Id attendance on the Alt-flar-Hen" iueen s. t vnii year. Almoat all of the 'season's deU'tanlc have announced their dale and. decided on tha plans for their debut parties. Mrs. Frank B. llochstetier will lva a te for liar daughter, r'tancaa, TiMaday afternoon. November IT. Later Mias 'Hoohstetler will entertain with .sk Ann Oifford at a dancing party. Miss) Harriet Mat iias choaru Wednes day, December t, .for nor debut tea and will receive with her mother, Mrs. Fred Mats, from S until o clocit. This affa will be followed by a dinner at tha Oman club, which will Include the debutante and a, number cf tha men. Mra, 'Frank Bacon will receive her friends Thursday afternoon. December 14, to honor of her daughter, Miss lAiclle, Tha tea, win tve followed by a dance tha aame evening, at Turpln a academy, fur the debutantes and, tha younger sot , The next three debutantes of tha, season have choaen danoUii' pMrttea 'axcluatvely for their comlng-eut feinotlons. -On tha vonlnr at DeMunbev -ii. at -tha 'Oman club, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Thurnmei win ntartain at a' debut dane for 'their' daughtar, Mine Katharine, arid three day later Dr. and Mra HaroM UtfforV. w-til lit trod ace their daughter, Mies ' Attn, at danolac party. Tbla affair wllf be hed at tha Mome hotel anl will be given In conjunction with Miss Franaes HiXh attitrer. . : J Mr. C U Deuel has selected the Coun try cixib for tha dancing party he has enounced (or December M. At this function Mr. Deuel will present his daughter, .Miss Blanche, to Omaha so cletr. ( To Sew for War Victim. Society has coma to tha relief of tha war autfarera Tha Franco-BeUi'.aa as sociation, organised during tha week. Brora utea to be moat active. Tha first boxes, containing K garments, was sent trom Omaha Saturday morning under this society's upanrlslon. 'All contribu tions will be sent free of charge and dis tributed through tha Frenoh embassy Ambassador Jussarand at Washington will look after, tha shipments front this end. ' , A . . .' Sewing circle have been organised all over tha city to saw for tha war suffer era. Mr. Kara M'llerd. ha organised a clrrle of twenty woman In Dundee, who wli meet ovary Friday afternoon to make practical garment for needy woman and children. On of the largest circles h been organised by Miss Jessie Millard to meat Thursday afternoon. Mr. Walter T. Pag ha organised tha women of th West Faroam district and Mia Arte Davis, tha South Omaha woman. Vf'ss L,ida Wilson' elret meets Monday and Mis Laura Scott 1 arranging for another group of women to sew at th Colonial Mr. HoWtmb, mother of Mr. John Baldwin, - Is In . eharc of a group of woman whe will knit artltto for their ooeilj Ihiitlun. Lioeal ere n Battens who will deviate from their own work to assist tha sster octsty are tha Visiting Kurs assorla - tlon, whoso members wi'l sew from now until Chttma for the European vVttma, and the Vaawar club, which will sew Fri day ' afternoona Tha Vassar chib rll eontlwu It practice of dreae In g dolls to be distributed at Chrltma time, a cus tom erteinatlng In Vassar eol'e. Th f fleers of th relief aenoiatlnn are: Honorary preatdent. Ma Auruat Moth Boreium: aefv areeldent. Miss Jeael Millard; secretary. M'ss Mildred Pngers; treasurer. Miss Helen Bcobla Other etlYly Interested In the work r! Meedame Arthur Crittenden Smith. Charle Offut Frank Hamilton,. Leula Bradford, Warren Rosier. . John ty Webster. Walter T. Vaa. C. W. Hamil ton, O. C Radlck, Joseph Baldiig and Thomas KilpatHck. Th Altar Ctailld of All Sarnt church will meet Monday to arranr for Its work and Trinity Cathedral Parish Aid society Inert every ' Wednesday to ew for th Teltef work and for It Christmas sale, which will be held Saturday, December a. M - 4" - f , :-.:x't V llV ELizAbdh TinlcyVi WW Hy Florence hijlern" " - " "Oidi II ' " fl at four parties during the coming year. I II v ' Ill out for a luncheon raturday at the ! Omaha club In honor of hr niece, Mls Harriet Pmith, the first of the season's debutantes. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Mills will enter tain at a large brl.lge party at their home Friday evenlnp. For lln. Bancker. Mm. John 11. Butler was hostess Fri day afternoon at a bridge party for Mrs. W. 1). Haockcr of Indianapolis, when there were three tables of player I pfeent. i Pleasure! Past. The M. T. I club met at the horn of Mis Agnes Heavey Thursday evenln. Th decoration were In, th club color and an enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Haxel Auer entertained at a phan tom party at her home on the boulevard. Th evening was spent In games and dancing. The decorations were In au tumn lvs, and a dainty lucheon was served. Those present were. Misses Misses Hasel Auer, Very Auer, Agnes Heaver, Agnes McCsrten, Marvaret McCarten, Mary Mctonough, t iarsnrei 1 aimnan. jceepmne i tiara. Majrme nuusn. the twenty-f rat birthday of their son, Alexander. The evening wss spent In game and music. Those present were: Mlaeee Teckla Bylander, Knutine Madsen, l'jnle Iincklurd, Harriet 3osch. Mi'.rs Vlexnndcr Backlund, Carl Ifurhes, N. Backlund, Ioiil ywaftson Ml aura Merle Ilughea, Anna ?non, Jennie Hanaon, Carrie Bylander. Jane Uoach, Mcrr. Carl Anderson, Will 5mlth. ChtI Hnr, "rneat .m.hnaon. Paiph Bmlth. Vr and Mra. Frank SotiHup. Mr. and Vra. Aiieuat Andnreon. Mr. and Vra. Alexander Backlund For Mrs. Irvine. Mrs. Frank Irvine arrived Tuesday from Lincoln, wh-re ahe ha been visiting, and la the guest of Mr. and Mrs..F. A. Pro pan. Mr. Irvine and her husband, Judte Irvine, are former resident of Omaha, but hve been gone 'rom here about ' seventeen years, having moved eajt when Juds Imine accepted the profcssorahlp of law' at Cornell university. . Mrs. Harold Oifford entertained In formally at luncheon Friday for Mrs. Ir vine, and Saturday Mrs. Broran gave a ART STUDIO MRS. E. M. McCALLUlW 1811 Farnain Sir WATEIl fAL01ia, OIL, CHINA Careful attention given to be ginner and students working from still life and nature. Tkoa Ked 8634 Nadine Face Powder (In Ctxa Bnxt Onty) Cecelia Mullen, Mary O'Neli, ) Meaars Donald a ean. Edward Curran. Pan Joneachelt, Carl Nelson. Tom Fennel!. Mr. and Mr. Alexander Backlund en tertained Thursday evening In honor of take the part of Judson. th newspaper reporter. Mr. Harold Doherty will sing ons of the songs. Some of th specialties will b danced by Mis Charlott Calla han and Mr. J. E. Forbes, Mr. Taylor Belcher and Miss France Todd, Mia Oretchen tngdon and Mr. Thompson YVakeley and Dick Stewart, 3d. Soma of the Important character In th cast of "Th College Hero" ara yet to be filled. Pagalco Dancing Party. . i Tbe Pagntoo club gave a dancing party Thursday evening at th Metropolitan club. Those present war: Mr. nd Mra Clarence W. Bnnls. nr, aim wrs. n. uauni. v m r. anu mre vv i.iikiii iuuvi, Mr. and Mrs. C. l. i'otter. Mr. snd Mrs, Misses: Ethel Demon. Ienor Btialer. t leo Handley. Lioulr Kreenian. Anne DnuUltt. Iren B tter, . Fl r Hurgelo. Ooldte Johnson, ('. M. I.arre. B. M. I'etersen, Carrla tJdwartla, Kmma Martlnwm. Cliriatensen. Misses: Happy Mulhollaud. Amies Duify, Jeaale' Helen Mao- . Velgh. M'tlaon. Lilly Carlson, Mary Malier. Mgln Gurdy. Anna J. Mansr, Nellie Courtney, Adclln Hnrum, Monle Hart. Mur;arut ttollen- Nell Hart, berg, Alma. Broderdorp. Bei-a Antony. Mamaret Brock- liene Baker, Hililr. Korrinne Kaunders. y n-uiisea. Hum Dixon. Iran Ptolienherg, Jane Shaffer, Ague rHevenson, Anna Vl eaaard, He en Harris. Msbel NV ah oaky. Matt Kuns, M shells Honlckar, Clslre McKenns, Fran Mulhulland. Oil i ert, Brewltt. Miadwe Malutnley, Meaars. P. U Kelly Wm. Boellar W. H. MrnckralUer. R. U Clifton Mart'n Boaer tianlsl 1 hls l-:-L Ieata M. Fuller " "yill riiretford V It. W, htarvenson U Uould H. U Keasler . Elmer ration - A. W. Jar-vie T. M. Carllel John Stelnert W. M. Caughn H. D. Hammond Oscar P. Dlk Albert Laxreon Geo. Freeman J. H. Perry Rav Brensan Hobt, fichobeneai Geo. Ed Doubio O. U. Ward F. llannemn H B. Ruffnek H. T. retereeo T. P. 8 trlpsoii E. V. Hwitiison T. Frilly Harry I'aiU t lare HrtxleiUorp, Martha Bockwell. F.va Jones, -Bose I lowland, Klale Kirk wood. Blanch Herbert, lnrs Scott, last el Norton, Alice Carden. Mabel Wl -on, Gentries Thomas, ' Oertrude WlUon, 1 xiulae Daml-ert, t line leva Harding, Meaars. II, H Hoffmann . W. O. Klaer Frank V. Selero W, C. Mellea CK B. Pernor K. M. Mv I William Nltt:r J W. Morrill K. V. Kelly V. W. UUmger Jack While J. K. Peterson U A. Callahan W. E. Banker Jack Uuller J. H. J sake Al. Swaaaon K. J. Colherg Ci B. Carlson Chaa Ptetiel, Jr. St. U Clevctt JTa. MoOrath W. A. Mna,nau P. J. Oarrtett Jo Harmon J. O. Maov-atfH B, Swanaon Harry LAaon Tom O'Connor Fred B. Butt P. H. Hoack a J. McDonald ia4ss, lZr dx'h rwr at four parties during the coming year. Th first of these will be held at th Country club Saturday evening, Novem ber 11 Mrs. Anna Royer will entertain th Matinee Card club at her .homo Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Arthur S. Rogers will entertain at bridge Monday in honor of Mrs. C. W. Turner, who Is the guest of Mrs. Barton MUlard. .Mr. Floyd M. Smith ha invitation . Messrs. : terns rd Curran, Itorlwrt l'eavy, Edward Heavey, Mel Fennell. fContinuel on Paeo Ten Column Two.) Keeps Th Complexion Beautiful eft and velvety. Manry back if not en tirely pleasod. Nadine Is pure and harm lesa Adheres until washed oft Prevents sunburn snd return of dlacolorations. A million delighted users prove Its value. Tintet Flesh. Pink. Brunette, White. By Toilet Counter or Mail. SOe. National Toilet Company, Paris. Tana. Sola k. Bnemaa a MM'mn Itti Store, tun tee Df'ie WrtMH Tirua Prt nii wthara. An Omega WATCH is Something to Prize Even th cheapest grade is fully adjutted and hat double roller es capement. Sell for $10 and More fPLXrJ xIewelers sfeJeA lA OUUl T OMAMA SBS 3CCT W Mmk EcMisinniy Attrastfi For a 6mall amount we will make your . clothes look new as long as they are worth wear ingthat means that we will enable you to buy fewer, garments and, at the same time, always appear well groomed. Our-PeMected Dry. Cleaiuinig Successfully Solves the Problem of Less Expensive Dressing , At suitable intervals phone us to call for your clothes and we will keep them in good order and neatly pressed it costs very little. Let us "tell you more about our system. A PERTINENT SUGGESTION Cold weather la past doe may come any day Is sure to come soon. You ihould have your wraps, heavy outer' garments and other clothing cleaned. Dressed and repaired. Det us do it for you; we'll do It thoroughly and satis-' ractorujr. won't put It oH DO IT TOMORROW. i We Clean Everything From Laces to Carpets i "Good Cleaners mnd Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St Phone Doug. 963 dreae th high school student and th Brownell Hall girls. Miss Janet Monroa Wallace will give a tea Tuesday afternoon for President and Mra Burton, and Tuesday evening they will din with member of th Smith Col leg club exclusively. Returning from Europe. Mis France Nah sailed Saturday on th Rotterdam for New Tork and I ex peeled In Omaha shortly. Mra Nathan Merrlam sailed Wednes day on th Baltic, for New York, leaving her daughter. Mra Dlehl and lieutenant Plehl at Plymouth, where tho latter Is awaiting war order, as he belongs to th royal navy rtservea On the Calendar. Mra F. D. Wilson will gtv a bridge party Monday evening for th Wilson. Westerman wedding party. Mr. Robert 'lnley and Mia Elisabeth Finluy will give a konslngton Tuesday afternoon fur Miss Florence Westerman. who wlli b married Thursday evening. Th Columbian Circle announce two entertainment for Thursday afternoon and evening, to be held 'at their ball on Twenty -second and Locust streets. Th hostesses will be Mra F. B. Mogaa and Mra Jama C. Swjlft. Th Saturday Evening Dancing olub, which Include thirty couple of th younger married set, plan to entertain Slirp rise the Folks A portrait of you and the children almost invariably fur nishes a big surprise to father, mother, brothers and sisters. There's no better time for that surprise to come than on Christmas morning, when all are at hand to loo with wonder on the changes time has worked, eope cially on the youngsters, , ... . " , , Pose nt once for a portrait of yourself with yourt t little ones and use the pictures liberally as J; Christmas gifts. Besides your immediate family, you have a score of acquaintances ' to remember with something inexpensive, yet full of personal ity. Nothing auswers quite so well as artistic portraits. ' BUT artistic .ptoses require time and pati once, both from you and frqm the photog rapher. Rushed work is never up to standard. So do not. wait until the last moment, hut Telephone at Once ToAny of These Good Photographer! and Arrange an Early Sitting on Xmas ia, I f 1- . . :- :-h. . ' y IE M Charles H. Cady, 2521 Sbsran Am., Wib. 3791 Hijb Studio, Cor. 16th to. Kottrd, Doogtu 481 larotirt Studli, 1517 Firmro Strut, Doagtis 3333 Rembrandt Studio, 1922 Firnam SMouglis 3548 F. A. Rloehirt, 18th and Farnan St., Doug!as1732 Rodstroo Stodlo, 1811 Famaa Street, Douglas 5622 Sand.erg ft Eltner, 107 So. 16 th St.'.Douglas 2387 J. W. Skogtund, 920 North 24th St., Douglas 1375 War On Prices ! The European war, with the en tailing quietness of business, has left u with a, heavy accumula tion of wollens, tion of woolens, and other goods which Is encum bering our shelves. These fnfrlcs nre all of the best, but we believe we should clear this stock rather than carry it over for another season. For that reason w are offering in this special sale any suit made from this line of fabrici, ordinarily sold by kis at $63 to 7. at $5' This Is really an exceptional op portunity to make a material sav ing on a winter suit. M. Selicow , Douglas 1376 Suite 7 and 8, Balrd Building. X. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas Sts. O Smith Alumnae Qneiti. r Keea Interest Is being shows In th visit of President T. 8. Burtoa of Smith college and Mr. Burton. Mr. and Mra Burtoa wUl arrive In Omaha Monday, November it, and will be guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Boott until tho following Wadaaeday. Th Smith colleg alumna will giv a dinner for thee guests at th University olub Monday 'venlng. Reservation for this affair may be mad with Mia Dorothy Rlngwalt. president of th Smith college club, or with Mr. Bernard Capon. After th dinner th president will talk on 'Th Meaning of a CoUg Education t Wo man." Tuesday President Burton will apeak at a publto affair luncheon at th Com mercial club, and th aam day will ad- Cait for "The Colleg Hero." Mr. Charles Gardner I east to tak th part of Richard Ftsk In Th Col leg Hero " Mr. Gardner to built for the part physically ' and to also a, good singer as well as a clever actor. .Th rest of ts east are as follows: Mis Alio Duval wlU play th rol of Helen. Mrs. Jack Webster will be Elsia, Miss Harriet Met will sing th rol pf the Co-Ed banjo Girt. Mr. Louto lorlng will play B ratio, th foot .ball roach; Mr. Harold Pritchett. th character part of rlt Perkins, th campu cop. Mr. B. W. Cotton will be seen a Pet th Pest, the I ooueg maaout Mr. jack Baldwin will I LOKI Gift Srinn ar Bew aaew- eaiV tasT a oow omuiet aag aclaet lia f OsUIMTal. (irOOba. saeease, apaaeee learaeas, viaaeea AaUiuu, iewei Boita, (aaiaa Bnaaa. is. Xassaaeus Brass, Eai Ware, aaaalcaa lUa', Ciilaeae, Japauee sa rreaok Vtm A Bear aalutueat aauee Kryptiaa Be4s aaa Tts unggi rotxory tub reset ve. isi-iai w. o. y r A OF EXHIBITION OIL PORTRAITS EACH DAY FROM TWO UNTIL FIVE P. M, FROM NOVEMBER NINTH to FOURTEENTH Admirers of th artistic and historic, ara cordially invited to attend a series ol dally exhibitions of Oil Portraits, rendered In a fashion closely simulating the works of Masters of Art fftos posing, were In every Instsinco representative Omaha ladiea and Omaha children, and each portrait In the collection is a replica, as far as possible, of some famed Art Study or othar you have admired In the past. The Oil Portraits In question were produced by Jerome Frederlo Hsyn. No admission foe Your appreciation being sufficient. T cieyn Studio 16th & Howard Street Omaha o ?j,vtifw"riMi( 11 ItiXiX ! ,ti gkc3 0 ftjj at rr i .a rr i ORIENTAL RUGS Prices greatly reduc ed big values in beautiful rugs 10 to 25 70 from our regular prices. We are offering the people of Omaha who appre ciate the rare boauty of Oriental Itugs a wonderful opportunity. Our rug prices are very, very low discounts from these prices mean most astonishing values. " Every rug is personally selected by an expert we guarantee quality colors and grade of every rug. This week we will offer every rug at a substantial price reduction. BEATON & LAIER CO. LIT r