1CV-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: NOVEMBER 8, 19H. AUSTRIANS HOW IN FULLRETREAT Torcei of Dual Kingdom in Flight ' Over Entire Oalician Front, Say Petrograd. MOVEMENT IS NOT A DEFEAT tetloa Indicates obedience nr. era to Fall Bark Ratfcer Thaa Reaalt of Hoot by F.aesny. Copla-ht. 1!H. Tress IMbllshlng Co.) FE1HQGRAD. Nov. 7 (Special Cable gram to New Tork Worll and Omttia Pee.) The Austrian ara In full retreat over the entire Qallclan front. The move ment la iuch to Indicate a less grn ral defeat than a general obedience, to order to withdraw. The Kusslans have been present with great energy upon tha upper Vistula and Ban front, espe cially since the settlement of the trfaln f'.ght further north ngnlnet the Oermaji and mixed forcea. The Austrlans will retire to an esp- etally strong fortified position, extend- Couuty Winners ; Revised State Returns Brown Count v "lerk, Howard ft. Wtl mn, rep ; trrnsurrr, K. Kinney, r-p.; shf-rlff, Mnrlun Foster. dm.; superin tendent, Kmma Hiirritt. dem.; sttnrney, J. Iaion. n-p.; purveyor. J. W. Fer guson, oVm.; coroner, Amos Rurmell, n.-p.; commissioner. First district. V. F. Ji uli-e,, n.-p : commissioner, Second dis trict, I O. Wolfe, dom.; judge, John W. Harr. ' Hurt County County Jiidice, O. A. Ireland; clerk, II. V. Whltaker, rep.; ah.ritf. Ran Stntifleld, dem ; treasurer, Frnsrr Cook. rp.; o mner, 11. A. John eon, rep.; surveyor. W. M. Connealy, oVin.; suerlnt"nd't)t. W. T i'oucher, rep.; attorney, Heilx-rt Khoades, rep. Clay Comity County Judce, J. 8. Logan, dem.' clerk, Ward K. Newcotnb, dem.; sheriff, Taul ltonnifleld. dem.; treaaurer, Inert (iriess, item.; coroner, A. .1. Jen-. nlpon. r'P.: surveyor, Cnsries Prhketl, rep.; superintendent. STabri nirk, aeo attorney. M. I, Corey, dem ...7V i ..irt.ilJO 73.7S1 MKI'TKNANT 1 V KUNOK. (Forty-one Counties.) 1'earson, D lioagian:!, 1( ! BECUKTAHY OF HTATK. Ir'iity-nine Counties.) Pool. 1) ait. It v : AILITH. (Forty-ihre Counties.) Pmlth, I) W,M) Minor, M. ! 6s, ATTOHNKY (1KNKHAU (Forty-two Ciiunilea.) Heed, 1 i,S2C r-ears, H oi.ten. RAILWAY CU.MM l.SIONEK. tForty-two Couinlm.) Maupln. 1 W.rrso Hall, 11 dfc.vx lwM) CoMMJS.-'lUNlCK. (Forty-three Counties. I i Fast ham, 11 M.fii Cherrv Countv .In. lie. Frank Fischer. HecKhain, K WM'Ai drm.; clerk, A. II. (Jreen, raff", sheriff, BTATK HI.'I'KKINTKMjKNT, c. A. Itos ter, dem.; treasurer. Charles tForiv-fiva I'ounii... S. Hwanaon, rep.; coroner. A. I lewis. Whitehead, Jj , ... rep.; surveyor and commissioners, unde- Thomas, H ....... elded; superlnteivlont. Kdlth Adamson, I KT1Tr nir'tuY-'iYv-a d7:if n.or: ,T: , I . JonlulV,!u 6n.rvs.-, Dewold, rtem.; clerk. Rudolph Dr&zila. iiBm'-r it ' dem.; sheriff. . Sexton, dem ; treasurer, . 'I'-"' '''.'''1' W. A. McDonald, dem.; commissioner. LMVfcllMTT REUKNTrV ..MM P. F. O Sullivan, dem.; corwr. 1 Itlley, riem.; surveyor, O. A. McCllntlc, dem.; superintendent, Kmma K. Miller, t rep.; attiirney. 11. M. Nicholson, dem. Custer 1 County County Judge, N. , rlnht FWd. n.-n.: clerk. Robert lin ing from Cracow In the south to Knl i Waters, dem.; sheilff, Joseph F. Wilson (Forty-three Countiea I Miller, ) ....(K1.46J Noble, V 40, 3,'n llrown, H bi.'.i.A Jansen, ft 47,11 WOMAN FH7FFRAOK. (! orty-seven Counties, li7 ITeclntts.) on thT north. These places are seventy dem.; treasurer, M. . "';. '"' ' "r .. . , . .lister. George K. Porter, nein.; commls- Against 61.341 miles apart. The object of making ;,; u "j M, apm. . H. bchi.a- UNIVERSITY REMOVAL tand hers la to prevent the Russians rlnser. dem.; Fred W. Hayes, rep.; John (Twe,ty-ihrL Countuj..' attempting to turn the line of defense Walker, dem.; coroner . Ur. JI. B. Land a. ' Kor remov"" "!. , '.. ' 1073, of Germany along the Oder. Tf ft sue- Vinnde'nt' T C "imtS 5e7n ; i?t-1 A,a,""t ......'.Wl reasful resistance Is maintained here torney" Fiank 'Keily.'dem. ' WORKMEN g COMPENSATION. C.nn.rr will freA to throw tha arrester v... , ... (Twenty-five Countiea.) - - - I lOOKfl LUmiO-VUUllll J ""H' . . u I-. I I.',.- rrt of the armies which Invaded Poland back to tha western front In an effort to crush tha Anglo-French de fense. Retire vrlta mal I.naaea. These forces. In spite of tha Polish defeats, will lie considerable In numbers and valuable In quality. When retiring, after failure before Warsaw, the Ger mans planted a heavy rear guard to fight the battle, and succeeded In retting their troops away with comparatively small losses. In fact, they ' secured twenty-four hours' start, and by this time, doubtless, havo got back Into Ger many, still In good fighting condition, and possibly are already proceeding to ward Franca. On the east Prussian front the Ger ms is coi.Mnue to retire along the whole r.n. Tha Russians are following them tip closely. Mar Sfnnd at Tnrmn. The general opinion m tha army Is that the Germans will attempt to make a tand at their fortified positions behind tha river. Tarma, a few miles lnaida of the frontier of Poland, but that the Rus sians will drive them out and that the real stand will be mada along the line of tha Oder and the fortresses of Cra cow, Breslau and Thorn, In which case the Russian task will be difficult. There la an Impression that Russia Is piling up numbers at (he front only In proportion as Its mobilization reaches tha mora and more distant regions of the vast empire. This Is altogether wrong. , Russia maintains a large army at, all times, and since the Japanese war ii has. become a now army In many senses. ' Grand Duke Nicholas take to tha front forcea sufficient for the pur pose of his strategic plan. Others to Fill Gaps. Behind thesa and within easy reanh are others ready to fill tha gaps In tha fight ing line. They constitute a second army, while in distant provinces 'yet another army la belngpollslled up. Ever sine the war began a continual flow In regu lar sequence has ben taking place, and thus the fighting front Is always kept up to the full strength. Tha Idea that mobilisation In Russia means that every ablebodird man Is en rolled In the active army and getting there as fast as possible la ridiculous. This would bring ZO.OuO.ooo men at least Into the field, and Russia does not want so many. 'Adams 'Antelope , Arthur Ilanner Hoone Imii Butte, Moyd, 7 Mro n Widow's Bonnets in , Big Demand in London (Copyrlsht. 1914. by Press Publishing Co.) LONUON, Nov. 7. (Srwclal Cablegram tn New York World and Omaha Bee.) At many well known West Ed women's tailoring establishments and millinery hops no guarantee Is given that ordinary order will be filled, a preference Is given to orders for mourning gowns and bata, Twenty widows' bonnets were con spicuous In one millinery shop. When the question was asked '.why so many were kept In stock tho answer was: 'They are. for twenty widows, and represent orders given tn three day." At the tailoring place it wa said that extra help has been employed In order to get ready at shortest notice mourning clothe. All other rdor wer accepted on tbe understanding that completion would depend on circumstances at th front Wlntersteen. dem.; clerk, John O'Connor dem.; sheriff, W. C. Condlt. rep.; treas urer. Krnrt Hahn. rep.; register, Fred Klnes, d'-m.; supervisors. Forney, rep.; Nelson, rep.; Psrkert, dem ; coroner, A. P. Overgsard, rep. ; surveyor, William Hnnrlcn, deni-rep. ; superintendent, John Matsen, rep.; attorney, F. W. Button, dem. Dundy County County Judire, I r. Vaii'lerhoof ; clerk, Halton Erl, dem.; sheriff, C. F. McOonagle, dem.; treas urer. E. R 1-onan, rep.; coroner, K. A. Pickens; surveyor, Ira Ijunb; superin tenilont, Lorn a White; attorney, C. A. RatcllffM. Gosper County County Juris, C. O. Lewis; clerk, W. L Reynolds, dem.; sheriff. R. L. Bragg, rep. ; . treasurer, n, R. '."hambers, dem.; surveyor, J. E, Chambers, dem.; superintendent, F. W. Montgomery. rep.; ultorney, O. F. Itor.iiiUi, dem.: commissioners, Fred Hrm and O G. Nelson, dems. Griint County Treasurer, Robert N. sheriff. Albert Metcalf, rep.; superintend- i",."!1, 1 ... Tl.. A . ' . , lL)0(llTA White, Jem : coroner, dem.! roinniteslo rt;p., and Hdney Manning, dom. Harlan County Count v Judge, B. B. Webber: clerk, A. 11. Bhoemsker. rep.; "in. urani niBTKey, rt-p.; treasurer, J. For Against ..S3.491 31.437 Following are the tabulations: Far (i overs or. 1314) 1811 More- How- Kaek- More- Al- head. ell. ett. heart, drlch. ISO 1.741 J.O00 K 103 8" i2 ' 742 ij4 1.H7.1 i,m Fi4 1KI WIJ 440 ill 6D0 Ruff., 15 pet 1.7M l.'w.S Hutler Burt. 16 Cass Chase Cherry Cheyenne . Clay, un'f. Coliax .... Cuming cuater l.m.i l.lUU HOI 714 1.S7S . 1.145 -. 1,MS ... i.ili 1H6 ye, dem.; surveyor. C. F.. .,l'oUK? '.ifS. nroner. Wm. L. HowelU l A B .JsMl 10 uners Arthur J Abliott, 1 f u,nar' un ' ? Dakols. 2... Vti Frontier ... 671 Fillmore ... l.W) Franklin . 1 173 Furnas .. 1,1U Gage ....U. l,M Garden .... 6 Grant 179 Greel'y. un'f 1.0M4 Gosper .... 413 lall l.RCT G. Richmond, rep.; commissioners. F. W. N. Brown end Oscar Peterson; coroner, G. M. Baxter; surveyor, G. M. Perk; superintendent, Mnttlene Bragg, and at torney. G. tt. Hhelburn. Hooker County County Judge. W. E. Bowera, rep.; clerk. W. B. Adams, rep.; 'i,.mllton"l i t's sheriff. R L. Dutton, rep.; treasurer, c! .jilXn lel C. Campbell, rep; commissioners. H. U I liltw.rrl an? I'leruu. roll. ki,m H t 1 h.. . :!owmra' coroner. John W. Adams, rep.; surveyor.,,,,":; ', ff"IeIl?'kSU r'PlJ ulr""". I Jefferson T. V Johnson County-Oounty Judjre, I.lvinsv I ton; cleik. Kelley, dem.; sheriff. Khmer, ircaaurrr, jiiiiue, rep.; supervisors. K'num.v mil Rothell rep.. Piatt, rep.; coroner, Huah, i Tjincaater s'l4X rep.; surveyor. Gove, pr.; superintendent, Lincoln 1 M LE3 Kuster. dem.; attorney. Cowan, rep. I Logan " uuHtii ouiuy v.ouniy juage, iioga boom. n.-p.j olerk. Otto Geriach', dem.; sheriff. William Well, rep.: treasurer, A. R. Knalan. ren. : eommlaaloner. Hal- stead, rep.; coroner, I)r. Carr, rep.; sur-!Nemaha""'. 1,40 Tryur, j. ci. vYBBoner. rep, 7S9 186 Johnson .. L0 Keith 415 Knox, 26 1,672 Madison. 9.. 147 MoPheraon Ut Merrick .... l.'tS -inci ni 1 superln- ,rvi u, TT 15"' IIH. tendent, Mrs. A. U. Hill, rep. Madison County County Judge, M. 8. McDufTes, Ind.j clerk. D. T. Ilodson, rep. j sheriff. C. S. Hmlth, rep.; treasurer, W. M. lerlnton, rep.; register, K. II. Taylor, dem. 1 supervisor, W. 0. Crook, rep.; coroner, R. II. Foster, dem.; sur- "wij . uiiwjr, rif., uirrinconii-1 ' jvv' ent. N A. lluuml. dom iii.rn.v ur Hullne 1.312 U I)owllng. rep. ' rpy l.li 47 Nuckolls ... 1 636 Otoe 1,140 Pawnee .... L17U Perkins .... 2H Polk 1043 Phelps .... :2 Pierce 1 2f6 Platte. U... 1.02J K h ilson . Z.SOO l.ain 1,116 l.tvlrt l.iffi SJ4 . SIS (t,7 2,.tR6 23 310 110 3lZi "J J 74 1.7(6 ' 3 1,162 1.7K1 m 115 4HS 1.506 1.428 8:4 5S9 1.3S4 W 1.417 ' 76 31 l.Otfi KM) B.f.1! 1.224 1H0 li 137 l.lt 1.031 1,027 tr44 iwi 2113 Lisa 1041 k4 680 2,064 15 20 27 117 "l23 M 1US 1.406 l.tiWt 41. 1.620 1.271 2.32S , MX 1,177 77D 1.741 1.115 1.6S IWJ 2,M1 ia .... 20 "27 "it 174 1.357 1.W6 3i 1,1X5 001 1.S06 91 1.076 2,876 t'.m 118 1,404 27 16 M " 21 206 60 "ffi 631 "u it 22 15,4 12,000 ' 617 1,816 1.138 1.275 2,119 7 111 l,ns7 &K3 2.461 1.3ti9 1,(117 0 l.0 120 i.5; 1.226 36 "MB 7,111 "l7 l'.ioi 855 1,711 4X) no 796 l.RW 1.070 1.104 2.9 60S St W 1,733 1,4.19 8,6 600 1.742 150 l,tv3 097 867 1.019 6,266 "27 161 l!is9 1.05J 1,217 1.471 1.4:13 3.210 1,724 ti n .... . -aunaers Dalv. rep. 1 sheriff. Court Cash, rep. J treas urer, u n. -yser, r.; rommlsntoners, A. A. llaln, Ij. A. Worden, N. K. Trego, reps. 1 coroner, IDr. L. A. Carter, rep.; surveyor K. A. McMaln. rep.; superln tendunt. VI. H. Updike, rep. Nuckolls County County Judge, Wm. M. Feebler, dem.i clerk.' hi. E. lledircock, rep. I sheriff, John A. Jones, rep.i tress urer, (). (,'. Myers, dem.; supervisors, T. T. Kautfman. rep., Hugh Allison, rep.; rmoiwr KW. Roby, rep.; surveyor. A. W. MrReynolds, rep.J superintendent, IC. L. Kseley; attorney. II. A. Brubaker, rep. . Pawnee Countie Clerk. Mahaa. nn sheriff, McClung, rep.; treasurer, Al- Pcutts Bluff 740 Hherldan .. 716 Woux. .... 149 Htantqn ... fc6 Thurston . 1.0KI Thomas .. 211 Wayne, 5... Wash'rton l.sre Webster .. 1.190 York 1.618 1,614 1.445 . I7 727 112 j79 704 154 H 894 1,140 2.060 24 73 40 VI 45 67 43 1.110 246 1,024 1.607 1,073 ' i.139 21(1 1.1 U i.m jjio" i'Mi 1.0K5 650 1SS 1.3m 1,025 MS 7"5 159 H.TH vrr 1X9 301 1.300 1.2X6 1,046 M79 1.626 m 709 13 704 M 161 2"0 11 l,Mi 1.912 Totals ..f0),7T,l 83.60 9S.5V7 .44 a ... -1 "nxhl, rep.; commissioners, Ilanteker, ' Banner dem., and Drake, rep.; coroner Waddoll, ' Krown rep.i surveyor, I'rtUka, rep.; superln- Butler " tendent, Hammond, rep., aul attorney, iiUrt " Barton, rep. chevenna I'erklns county Count v tuiln T v 'I'im.ir. Hull; clerk, close; sheriff. O. A. Oliphant: . Colfas treasurer. Myles R Keller; commission- Dodge ers. Thumas Meade and H. E. Pankonin; Itousia coroner, F. M. Belli surveyor, W. J. Wat- Grant mm, superiniriiueni. m n. vanes; at-iGosnsr terney, u. jr. Hastings. Harlan Platte CountyCounty Judge, John Rat- Hooper terms n. Ind clork. John Graf, dem.: sner.ir, iienry c. Ui-nral, dem.: tras urer. Otto 1C Houer, dem.; register, Jerry Csrrlg, dem supervisor, John Ooets, drtin., If. K. Clothier, dem.; John B. Hyle, dem.; O. A. Peterson, rep.; coroner Henry Gass., dem.; surveyor, O. II! Swoneon. rep.1 superintendent, Fred ti I-cron, dem.i attorney, Otto F. Waltor" dom. Parpy County County Judge. J. Jf. Wheat; clerk. W. 10. Patterson, dem.; herlff, Charles Hutter. rep.; treasurer. K. A. Ruffv rep.i suiwrvlsors. W. 8. Ely, dem., W. Kykerl rep.; coroner. K. Arm stropg, dem.; surveyor, H. Patterson dem.: up-.iiile.lent 11. A. Collins, reu.i utturm y, M. Kickersun. rep. Haunders County-County Judge, Z. ron atu, n. p.! clerk. J. 1) Frui.m un. harlff. Jerry 1 .alley, dem.: traa.ur. F "rltioJuL blackhead. J. Polak rep.) registrar. W. J. Doleial. gu." h2tbv r iL-- 'm.l commissioners. Fmll Hel.lng, dem. rriiU 1 Z,Th. (iiul Toren Miller, dem.i ooroner. (Wlei P,ur, IT 11!?! h ' Teacher and Pupils Die in Prairie Fire BELF1ELD. . D.. Nov. 7. Miss Gladys Ilolllster, a school teacher, and three of her pupil ware burned to death today when they ran from tha school houoe. twelve miles from hore. In an effort to seep an onrushlng prairie firs. Three' t"""'ni "'" I surveyor, Georgo W. other children wer perhaps fatally M.niV: "TtTSnseV; xtR burned. I trsnd, rep, All the children were between the ago' Hchuvler 'County County Judge, A f and 11 The fire, started by . 'ls. dem.i clerk, Ed F. Vraak, rep.i thrashing outfit. w first observed when fi,JT"hHh1,!nkS.:rdUem',U colnnV.Xrt: flv miles away. With her twenty-two ers. K. K. lndflar. rep.; P. R Conrsd. children tha teacher dashed toward a r''''l ssessis, livld N. Woods, rep.i ploughed field, turns duitanca from the v".""!"' J ,CV W.,,,rd ," ; sur achoot Th. crowd had not divided. V77.' y&. ujwv wMit. wiui ocir ivavner. oeing caught a fuw fct from the ploughed ground. Klxty-otie countiea nnmnlnta and 145 nr.. clncts. . aprruis Jaadre. llollenlieck. Reese. 4ir, 64 1!2 415 434 vlWt 954 1,029 . 970 6X6 - 470 1.441 V32 1.2V, 42 i.m hh K.2XX 8.W4 66 199 255 29 s7 ' 792 79 Ul Oh! the Charm of Beauty M Htuarf OUrlnui Wafer Ufltor the tolur to Your Chc4kj and Iteinove tb Cwue of ltuipleg, lUackhcds, Etc. Drop s Two Bombs Into Naptha Tanks LONDON. Nov. 1. "An aviator from tha alUts lines draDKed two bnmh. I ! cm i sheriff, George Porter, rep.; t ...... . 1 Prer. T. Roe, rep.; supervisors, P. Jd, uura-, i-orblt. n.-rn : U. H. Karran ran; r,,.. Farrell, dem. Hherldan County Clerk, Maude n. John 1L erlff, R. M. Bruce, rep.; Gillespie, dem.i treasurer, John It. iTowder, rep.i siv suerinlendent. C. P. Kelley, dem.; attor ney, A. C. Plants, rep.i surveyor. Paul K. Brown, rep.i coroner. A. J. Molxahn. dem.i commlaaiuner. Third district, I. 11. Bray, rrp.l Judge, Dorr. Wayne County County Judge. James Ktitiou. 1111 ; cierk. CharWs Reynolda day, killing eight marinas." says a dis patch from Amsterdam to the Kxc hangs Telegraph, company. The message coo tie usa: I'STkonhauer: surveyor, H. If. Jonea rep.; super Intenc-nt. Pearl Bewsl), rep.; a:trny. I. A. Klvlinger, dem. Webster County County Judge, Ranny, .- . tf. uiruer, rep.j sheriff, Every one envies a beautiful skin. Just as avery one envies a healthy person. i nsignny faces ruled with pimples, dls- i. etu,, are nothing due to blood im blood and tha In ula! bleinlshc disappear, , "Xdf to ma mow la a aaaataoaa thing, for I have mada all kla troublaa a tMatf of tk pasV" You must not belleva thai druaa an.l salves win stop fallal blemlala. The cause Is Impure blood rilled with all man lier of refuse matter. etuart a Calcium Wafers cloanaa and Jefferson 731 710 lehmon ifT7 Hh' Lancaster (inc) 2,016 1.99 i I -"Ran w 22i M i'hrrson 91 lii e ... 1.27i 4(7 ""e 1,15 1 2V Perkins 242 zy, Pintle 2,417 KT4 1.04" (H4 Warpv pus 101 Saunders 1 (X2 j 717 Sheridan KH '77 flenton 724 U4 "tie 54i 847 Totals 3f,,o.T2 M.fai .trnaory. . State Suffrage Vote For. Against. . 41 147 .1.345 1.219 . 195 l.at . 50 151 . J 116 . M 177 . 271 1.S54 I . 172 Mi ! a 47H 961 A .W 1.2S-I .' XII . 2.13 l.W . 2.'3 1..V7.4 . 341 9hJ . 369 1.H46 1 Adams, missing... Antelope, complete.. Arthur Boone. 1 pet Box Butte frown 1 Burt Butler Chsse Cherry. 96 pet Cheyenne Colfax. 1 pets pets Adams (eight missing) Oto ., H a r 1 s n .' ' ' ' .' .' .' ' Urnnt ' Mi'Pherson Dene, Pclk Pawnee Antelope Bjl't I J, Y t n RMplnnl.l Kheridan Johnson Cuming Harpy Nuckolls i....ii.'.'."!." Tot' 5.034 . 14,440 Workmen's ( ompeaant Ion. Adams, three missing... fliiifiojin Hurt, two mlsHinc '. Colfax Curr.lng Deuel 4o(lge I'Oiigia Ganlen Giant Hamilton 1 '11 Ian ' iioit .; nonnson , Kearney Lancaster - UCKOllS Ooo Pawnee , Polk' farpy Sunndera , Hhi-rldan Webster ".' Mciherson pet . . 16 l ets. complete.. For. Against. 1 -V3 (W M 511 4Sf, v Mud J,2i7 160 m l,-.l I.:, . 7.798 9,518 a i 111 119 7"i0 7.,, 750 780 1.2S1 l.o,- WW- 1,11s 75 k: i 6.2f,9 4.019 . 1.279 1,144 . I.:i27 1.129 , 519 !! . 950 733 . fi 14 76 . 1.571 1,824 . 1 4W 1.024 1 t.v.1 1 136 6'i Total 33,4.11 Calveraity Removarf 31.43, Antelope. 9 pets. Arthur, 1 nlcts m f.urt, 1 pets mlRsi (. neyenna .... Cuming Grant , Harlan H.lt Hooker Johnson Keith Merlnk McPheraon .. Nucknlla Perkins , Pwlk , t-srpv Haunders .... Total suing ng.... For. .. 710 .. 54 .. 1)95 .. 443 .. 795 .. 62 .. 276 ..L2:t0 .. i .. 2- .. 461 .. 375 .. X2 .. 473 .. 223 .. 642 .. 640 ..1.104 ..8.495 Against. 77 1,4-13 738 1.641 236 1.613 1.728 116 1.S7X 333 907 JI8 2,131 329 1.678 921 1.102 . 19,400 A WsltlDg Game. The Seeress Tou will soon marry a luan with loads of money, who will give you a princely allowance. One dol lar, please. Customer I'll pay you out of the al lowance. Good-by. Clay. 12 Cuming . Dawes. 1 Dawson Deuel ... DoukIds Frr.nl lln. Frontier Ca .... Oarden . tioitper . Grant . Greely, Harlan Hitchcock Holt Howard Hooker Hal', complete .leffermn, 7, pets.. Johnson K earney Kcth Kimball 1 ..... I pet Lancaster. 64 pets. Madison, 1 pets.... Me PI erson Merrick Nine, complete. Nuckolls Otoe, complete... Pierce. pets Pswnea Polk Platte , Pcrkln P.ick eallne. 1 pet Sarpy Haunders Scott's Bluff .... Sheridan .eward, complete Thurston, pet.. Thomas Wflbster Washington For. Agslns?. ,..1,343 1.240 ,..1.030 i6 ... 78 42 ... 151 136 ... 634 470 .. 611 440 ... 9J 1.IW ...1.(14 l.6 116 t ... 72 6HI ,.. 457 6X4 ,.. 403 fl .. 798 943 .. 671 1.677 .. 303 171 1.543 1.017 .. 1-54 112 ..9,517 10.M8 ... :19 471 T2 R9 ..1,906 1,006 370 .. 323 441 .. 116 133 . .. 707 73k .. 9H 729 .. 39 i U . .1,205 1.313 .. 6.9 8i. .. 122 114 . .1.2SJ 1,667 .. 452 549 .. M3 1.118 .. 7K7 9S9 .. 3X1 206 , 806 14' ..67 64 j ..6,728 4.KX9 ... ino 167 j ... 1T9 S3 I .. 932 871 . . 75 7() ,..1.294 1.281 ..1,287 1,1 . . . 160 260 .. 623 7 ,..1,017 M ,..U7 1,897 ... 278 212 ... 318 24 ... 66 67 ... 611 791 ...1,400 9X5 . 648 464 ... 696 635 ...1.101 1,949 ... 2x5 - 378 ...1 66 ...1.001 1.144 .. 855 1.076 .56.236 61.344 George O. Prb-stlv, Oklahoma, and Har old li kes, Illinois, representing Miss Jsne Alliums of Chlrngn. Theodora Roosevelt did not attend and It was ssid he sent no message FLYER DESTROYS BRIDGE GERMANS ARE CROSSING , i The French then delivered' a bayonet charge, forcing the enemy Into the river. A pontoon brldg was quickly constructed and the French crossed. They succeeded not only In regaining the lost position, but in establishing themselves In an ad vanced position at Tracy. PARIS. Nov. 8. The story of sn excit ing Incident that took place near an Im portant bridge over the Olse, not far from SemplRny. has been received here, j The French were ordered to hold thei bridge at any cost. They placed quick : flrer. Which played havoc for twenty minute In the German ranks and pre vented the German advance. Suddenly the bugle sounded for a French retrest nd the Germans quickly pursued them over the bridge. A moment later a 1 French aviator, who had been hoverlna overhead, dropped a bomb which com pletely destroyed the brldpe. Bee Want Ads Produce Result. AMERICAN NAVY HAS MOST POWERFUL GUN DESIGNED WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. The largest and most powerful naval gun ever de signed hsa Just been completed for the I nlted States navy. It Is a 16-Inch rifle, which, It became known tonight, has been constructed without publicity at the Washington navy yard ani la now being put through testa at the Indian Head proving grounds on the Potomac, below this city. Forty-six precincts. complete countiea and 114 Election Echoes Declaring that the progressive elements In American politic were divided by the election on Tuesday, Representative Vic tor Murdock, progressive leader In the house and defeated candidate for United States senator from Kansas, said at Wlcnlta that the next step In political evolution 1 the breaking of tho "solid south" and an alignment that will bring progressives of all parties together. The progressive national executive committee met behind closed doors In New Yo-k City, three member and one man holding a proxy attending. There are eight member. Subjects of general Interest to the progressive party were dis cussed, it was announced, but no action was taken and the meeting adjourned to reconvene on December 2 In Chicago. Those present were: George W. Perkins, rha'rman; William Fllnn, Pennsylvania; SPECIAL SALE OF Royal Kirmanshah Rugs Beginning Monday, Nov. 9th Reductions of 20 to 40 In the districts of Tabriz and Sultanabad through oat u vast area centering about the old city of Kirman, are woven now, as have been for cen turies past, the finest rugs Persia produces. Among these the Royal Kirmanshahs are perhaps ' the most admired by discriminating Rug buyers in America. Their soft, mellow colorings, their design in most cases representing a Persian flower garden their fine texture, all these have made them the most favored of all Oriental Rugs. 'Comprised in this sale are all of a hundred or more Kirmanshah carpets and small Kirmanshah rugs from our stock, reduced in price from 20rc to A0ro. Rale begins Monday, Nov. 9th, and in many ways is one of the greatest opportunities ever offered Omaha people. VERY SPECIAL One lot of 8oljdeIi Klrmjutshiihs, average size 4-6x7-0; each, S6S.50.. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. r "Room! Room! Give us room to rhyme And we'll show you fine diversion In this good old Christmas time" One of our department manager placed on our desk a list of Specials, and his reason lor price cutting vras tliat ROOM was needed. Th human brain is a funny thing. When our attention was called to the necessity of making room, it reminded us of our boyhood. In those far away days we belonged to an organization called "White Boys" and we dressed ourselves up very much as our boys who play "Indian" do, and went from house to house at Yuletlde, dresard up gaily, indulging tn mimic warfare and ending by fighting a duel and resurrecting or restoring King George who had been laid low "from a deep and deadly wound" Tho doggerel at tha head 1 was sung by us uion first entering the house. Now at Thomas Kilpatrick & Co's. on Monday We'll show you fine diversion; but it will be no mimic warfare. There will be really serious cutting all, however, to your ben efit rather than to your injury. In our whole retail experience, we have never presented more op portune bargains nor all things considered, better values. You will note no wildly extravagant statements but in every case a satisfac tory reduction from the former prices recognized by the knowing ones as being always low in the fir st place. , v Never Any Mark-Ups to Mark Down Blankets! Don't Smile, You'll need them soon !)0c Cbtton Blankets, pair 69c $1.25 Cotton Blankets, pair 08c $1.50 Cotton Blankets, pair . 81.29 $2.50 Cotton Blankets, pair '. $3.00 und $3.50 .Cotton Blankets.; pair $3.75 Fancy Beacons, pair . . $4.50 Wool Mixed, pair $5.00 Odena, b50 wool, pair $6.00 ... $7.50 Lincoln, pair . $8.50 .Chilho woe, pair $6.50 And crerj' blanket up to $25.00 pair at a Reduction, .... $1.98 $2.45 $2.98 $2.98 $3.08 $4.75 $5.95 Thaodor Jtoossvslt advlsa "In tlma of paaoa prspars for wax." W ayi ''Bsmsmbsr this, la wsaUiax fair, you snoald prapax for oldsr air.' Comfort Price Cutting Monday $2.00 Cotton ComfortsT each $1.69 $2.50 Cotton Comforts, each $1.98 $2.75 Cotton Comforts, each $2.19 $3.50 Cotton Comforts, &ch $2.98 $5.00 Cotton Comforts, each .$3.98 $6.00 Cotton Comfort, each $5.00 $4.00 Wool Filled, each $3.25 $5.00 Wool Filled, each $4.25 1&6.00 Wool Filled, each $4.95 $6.50 Wool Filled, each $5.45 $7.50 Down Filled, each $6.25 All Silk and Satin Comforts, All Wool and Down Com forts, everything up to $30.00 each at very special prices. Here's An Extra! $3.50 Beacon Kobe Blankets, very warm and heavy, at, each .$2.59 Proprietors of Hotels! Rooming House Keepers Take Notice Here is an opportunity for you, If you will compare, the rest will be easy Big Business for Us Big Saving for you. Towela Compai-o the following well-known num bers. No. 224 Cotton Huck Towels, per dozen at No. 163 CottMi Huck Towels, per dozen at 75c 90c No. 24 Bath Towels, per dozen at No. 926 Bath Towels, r dozen at N.cv. 827 Heavy Unbleached, per dozen at , No. 929 Large Extra heavy, per dozen at 95c $1.45 $1.75 $2.25 Bed Spreads 7Cz83 Superior, each 9(1.00 7US8 Iteutful. each SI. 10 78x88 Poppy, each 81.2 74t8 Corunado, aach Sl.iSf) 84x$ Manor, each Hl.fW SOxlOO Mltchalana, each $2.08 Qua wars thund.rln yesterday and O. 1. Hed.e. rp.; treasurer. ;. U. R11 cirar th blooU. drlrlin out all ihIso?.s I i again tooajr id ta airacuon or Ttiourot " ' T'n . iv7.7 ' 1 "a 0- n impuriu. And ymi'll never have a and Tprsa Th. allle. ru. coastant FaE.-c" .rdv,e"orreoUr;,rnH' TeaT ?fte' a'r JS aUl.. from Pa..daela. lva mils, t.v.rin. rep.i .uueHnlenrtent . .JAru!?, , Jr?T 1 W northeast of Tprea. at nlht. I J -? ti'1 alturuey. rrauk; j. Mud- j jKmerful blood rleanarr. They ara esv- "ApparatiUy scout have blowa ut, th! J' 1! ir. . tlrely free Irom hannful aruas ulales. nllv Utu. n,. .. f!k... Y,.rt CVunty-Tounty Judjra. 1L O. I Your do. tor preacrUe thesa ouudrwd railway Datwaso Bru-e and Ghent, a a HopIi: cleric. Anna H. lieok. ran t ,.r ,i. . a-- " rneriri. J. Miller, reo. I treaaurer. A. ' train full of wounded wa obliged to re turn to Bruges today.' Closed ( fclppla-. WAKHINOTO.V Nov. 7. Uussia In foririad th American foverniuent today tttat no u-cuunt i t mluea the ealranoi-a to the Quits of Mnland and Kla ere 'luad to (.iliMi; that nJitea have been (ImteO arvuna Ids Aland UlnnJa and In Btuait CaUliun Warars o riifht Into Mnts. np.i n Hter. R. lavts. rep yOUi Wood. Their unf yd.-, benefMal vj.ulr5,.r.-:u,r;rl?'"uaT' 0 daa, y0i t.i btter in o..r Lord, reit; attorney. Ok Ulliuore, dem. L BaoVlea'a Aral aalv Prevented blood Kuton on Ur. a. W. iJ.itri V't.1"";' In ClVd of Wuuk. Mo.; this soothlni salve Sun elendlnK from latitude U driren . . . , OJ mlnuu-s north and east of th twenty-1 hele1 Jnrou- wound, fee All oru. fUsl tucrMian of lubfiiuda, j (tats AdvertiaSJoenL ovar I i li.,ii.. 1.1. .v.. i.. u..i .1.... ! i aouia it wm a prumriy. No matter how bad your complexion I. Htuart Calcium Wafers will work wonders with It. You ran set these lit tle wondwwoa tiers at your drutrslst for W cent a parkaKe. If you wish to Irv a anall ajnp!o first It will b mailed fre by adJreeaina y. A. Stuart Co., I7i atuarl Ufit-, Maxanail, Mica. Sundry and Divers Articles All Underpriced 12Vo 36-in. Cambnc, yard . .8C I2V20 36-in. Challies, yard . . 10c 10c 36-in. Dress Percales, vd. SVlC 10c 27-in. Outing Flan., yd. SVC 12Vac 27-m. Outing Fla,, yd. 11c 15c "Extra heavy, yard ...12ViC 25c Jap Crepe, yard 12VLC 15c Eden Cloth, yard 7l!lc We handle no mill remnant;. Oar Clothes Baskets and Hampers. These came to us direct from the Manufacturers and are hand made. $1.25 size Cbthes Baskets, ea. 98c $1.50 size Clothes Baskets, $1.19 $1.75 size Clothes Basket, $1.49 $2.00 size Clothes Baskets, $1.G9 Hampers usually $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00, choice for each $2.69 customers don't want junk. And you "Waste Baskets, 75c Jap Baskets, each 39C $1.25 German Baskets, each . ,S9c $1.75 German Baskets ea. 1.49 $2.00 German Baskets, ea. $1.69 Don't get excited over. the close connection of Jap and German Don't rock the boat! Thanls to tho man at tho helm,. this old ship of pay for nothing; but the merchandise state of onrs is keeping off the shoals fine. Come early on Monday, please in the aftemoon it will be difficult to give you our usual good service. For sjecial information on items mentioned consult Mr. Sass. Help us make room for holiday goods which are crowding us badly. - ' LZ)J