Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    K Great Guns on Channel Ft
pon-pcs ONF TO TWrXVP
he Omaha Sunday
Bee "
XLIV NO. 21.
Engineers Placing Heavy Cannon in
Position at Port of Oitend,
Facing Britain.
Three Divisions of Cavalry Crossing
Warthe Pushed Back Across
the Stream.
.Presents for War Sufferers Gathered
by The Bee Reach New York
Via Burlington Car.
Clothing nnil (llhrr Thin to Kr
Token to Korp for Those la
ISeed, Along; with Mttle
Tokens for Children.
Grand Duke Nicholas and General
Joffre Exchange Messages.
Hundred and Fifty Thonatund Ttu
tona Will Be MTf4 from
'Prussia to Belglunx Thla
Work, It la Said.
LONDON, Nov. 7. Engineers from tho
Krupp gun works are mounting heavy
guns at the Belgian seaport of Ostend
and faclnK them seaward, according to a
dispatch from Rotterdam to the Exchange
Telegraph company.
German Report.
BERLIN (Via London) The following
UNLOADING CHRISTMAS SHIP GIFTS from the cars at Bush Terminal, Brooklyn
preparatory to putting into the transport that is to take them to the child victims of
the war . - the sea.
1 ..aar
MOW YORK. Nov. 7. Burlington rir
No. 1I9.730, has reached here from Omaha
loaded with clothing and other donation
for the wiu- sufferers of Kurnpe. The
shipment was flouted from Jersey City
to the Bush terminals where It will bo
loaded upon the good ship Jason, which
will IrHnsport the donations across the
Atlantic, leaving port next Tuesday.
Many heavy freight trains are rumb
ling eastward and northward towards
New York with shipments from receiv
ing stations In Chicago, Philadelphia, j
noston, fcan Francisco, Memphis, Kansas
City, Omaha. Minneapolis. Seattle and
every other big city in the United States,
and all eyes aro turning towards the
placo where tho Christmas ship is about
to load.
The Christmas ship? It Is the modern
and up-to-date Santa Claus, soon to boast
a pack filled with good things destined
for tho Innocent sufferers In the great
European war the chlldron who have
been orphaned by it, who have been rob
bed of all hopes for Christmas Joys.
Newspapers, railroads, express companies
official communication was given out at ''';..,'" . "'l
. ,, the great American people whos? ears
vit: l J i icii i oiiijj . v . v. . ......
"In the eastern arena of the war three
divisions of Russian cavalry which
crossed the River Warthe above Kolo
were defeated and pushed back across the
stream. There have not been any en
counters elsewhere."
-n. More Cloacly Related.
LONDON, Nov. 7. The operations In tha
astern and western theater of war,
which during the early stages of the
campaign were only broadly related dally
are becoming more closely Interlaced, as
the Russians draw nearer, tha German
It Is argued by British observers that
If Germany can hold entrenched posi
tions along the river Warthe In Rus
rian Poland, it may be able to Uirow
much needed men into Belgium, but on
the other hand. If It la true that the
Russians have occupied Kolo on this
river, tho theory Is advanced that tha
defensive value of the stream Is to an
extent lessened and it may require every
. man that Einperor VVilUaa now has there.
If Germany hopes to put up a. stand along
the Warthe to rival the resistance shown
along the Atane.
A more frequent exchange of message
between General Joffree, the French
commander-in-chief, and Grand Duke
Nicholas, commander-in-chief of the Rus
sian armies, would seem 'to Indicate how
closely the allien are attempting to make
their moves consistent with the situations
la both theaters.
Little Chaste IaWi.
No noteworthy change In France or
Belgium was reported during the morning.
The latest British official statement men
tioned a decreased vigor In the German
attacks In Weat Flanders, while tha
French communication said that the bat
tle waai as violent as ever. The allies
are reported aa driving forward In the
vicinity of Dlxmude and were, at last
accounta. taking the offensive south and
east of Ypree, the point where since last
'week the Germans have been endeavor
ing to get through.
Many dispatches apeak of a stream of
German reinforcements and allies In their
official statements have taken cognisance
of the changed complexion of these fresh
troop. It Is pointed out that vast num
bers of raw men may have proved in
ferior to a smaller and better trained
lore, as the repulse of German mixed
forces along the Yser would indicate and
that the uae of more first line troopa in
"West Flanders may mean leas prodigality
. that seems to have characterized the
former German rushes. . .
More Soldiers In Wet.
A hundred and fifty thousand Germans,
It Is said, will be moved to Belgium from
Jluenster. Prussia, next week, while
troops, who fought near Sedan already
are In West Flanders.
England's chagrin ovsr the naval loss
In the Pacific was aomewhat assuaged
by the fall of Tslng-Tsu and by the
further news of the rounding up of the
rebels In South Africa.
are ever ready to hear tho cry of those
In trouble.
The Christmas shin the big ship Jason,
Captain Henry Thornton Merwethcr,
loaned by the United States navy for
the purpose Is to sp.1l November 10. That
Is why freight trains are hurrying New
Yorkward; why chlldlBh thoughts are
turned in Its direction. There Santa's
pack is being gathered there in the
great Bush terminal the gifts of Paul I
and Jules and Marie for Ivan and for
Gretchen are being gathered -and aa-
sorted. Within a few days the Jason will
be moved alongside and v the work of
storing them away for the trip across the
ocean begun.
Loading; la Blgr Job,
It was this Job of gathering the gifts
of all America together that gave the
projectors of the great charity the most
concern. It waa easy to call for g1t
easy too, to get them started east, once
the railroads had volunteered to do their
share and transport the goods free, but
where would they be sorted and arranged
fpr loading on. the Jason? Where could
a large central depot where a warahto
might moor be found without paying an
exorbitant price?
Miss Mabel Boardman, the head of the
Red Cross in America, In her Washing-
(Continued on Page Eight Column Four.)
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Chicago Packers
Deny Raising Prices
of Meat to Dealers
CHICAGO, Nov. 7. With the closing of
the stock yards today, retailers advanced
meat prices.
Mutton sold 2 cents higher; ' lambs, 3
cents, and the better cuts of beef V4
cent with prospects of further advances
At the stock yards the packers de
clared that wholesaler prices had not
been raised, but the retailers suld that
they were merely following the whole
salers. Armour & Co., and Cudahy A Co., gave
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcmfwyp" cmfwy f w fww
out statements, in which it was declared
that advances were not Justified and that
by the time there was prospect of short
age the packers would be running full
force again.
Warship is Ashore
on the Chilean Coast
BKRXJN. Nov. . (Via London, Nov. 7.)
Prof August Wlesmanri. the famous
xoologUt. died today at Freiburg
'was born in Frankfort In 1834.
LONDON, Nov. 7. The Chilean gov
ernment In a statement issued here last
night says the governor of the atate of
Constitution has reported that a warship
Is ashore on Capo Carranra and that It
is possible It la one of the combatants
lu the battle between the Germans and
British of f Chile last Sunday. It adds
that the Chilean government will send
aid to the stranded vessel.
The statement detailed at length" the
measures Chile has taken to preserve
strict neutrality in the war. It said the
engagement "between the fleets off Coronel
occurred at a coiiniderable distance out
side Chile's territorial waters, and that
Chiln sent a chin to the scene of com-
Bnperfntendent cf Omafcu., Schools
Prom Quite Popnlir with ,
Nebraska Teachers.
ChanreJlor of State I'nlveralty Gets
Largest Number of Votea, . but
Withdraws from Final
Race for Office.
Superintendent E. IT. Graff of the
Omaha schools was nominated for offloe
In the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion, according to. the canvass of the
nominating ballots by the executive com
mittee. '
As many as 200 candidates were voted
on for president, Chancellor Avery of the
state university receiving the highest
number of votea, 460. Next in line for
this office came Superintendent Fred
Hunter of Lincoln, Superintendent Karl
Cllne of - Geneva. State Superintendent
elect A. O. Thomas and Mr. Graff..
Five candidates were nominated for
each of the following offices: President,
French Officials Report Repulse of
.Germans in Belgium and France
War Summary
Thp Oernian attempt to reach
the straits of Dover, prosecuted
with surlr reeklewH abandon "nd
rijurago as to wring praise even
from the foe, appeared today to
have relaxed temporarily. Alonu
the Yser, from the Bands of the
North aeacoast to the ruined
town of DUnnide, the situation
today win reported "relatively
Along the rest of the battle
line, v which stretches ocroh
France, Important advantages are
said to have been won by the
Pending derisive developments
oji any of the Kuropean fields of
bntt!e, the fall of Tulng Tail htld
first place in tho attention of mil
itary men today. Official re
ports from Toklo show that It was
not without desperate reals: once
that tho German garrison, vastly
outnumbered by Ilrltlsh and Jap
anese, gave up . the fight. For
days the German forces have been
subjected to a withering fire from
land and sea.
"Suddenly," says the official
report from Toklo, "the flag of
surrender ran up fn the morning
breeze on the weathor bureau
mount, towering, above the sea
and land."
Notwithstanding Tl u 1 a n
claims to an overwhelming suc
cess, in the east, there la nothing
to show that (be German aud
Austrian forces have met great
disaster, and although they wero
compelled to retreat, they appar
ently were able to fall back upon
strongly fortified positions, se
lected In advance.
Russia, in an official statement,
makes claim that the resistance
of the enemy has , been broken,
after fighting of several weeks
along a front of S50 miles. This
campaign has now been closed In
the opinion, of the Russian mili
tary authorities, who ear that a
new period of" the war will be In
augurated. , V . ...
Germans Will Make One More At
tempt to Take Calais Before
Great Battle in East
Emperor Sees Need of Victory in
; Belg-innx Before Troops Must
; Be Sent to Other Frontier.
PATCH, Nor: ti The '6f ffeial announce-' I and' Arras, as welfaa between Arras and
neat given, out la Parts say that tha
situation U relatively quiet on the River
Taer below Dlxmude.
The text of the statement follows:
"On our left wing the situation la rela
tively quiet on the Yser down stream
from Dlxmude. The Belgian troops,' who
advanced along the right bank of the
Yaer from : Nleaport irv the direction of
Lombnerttyde, and who had been coun
ter attacked by the Germans, were sus
tained In time. The situation has been
entirely re-established in this locality.
"At Dlxmude the marine' fusiliers - re
pulsed a ' fresh counter offensive move
ment. Farther to the south the attacks
Of the enemy around Blxschoote also
were repulsed by French troops, who sub
sequently advanced. To the east of Ypres
the situation Is without change. To the
southeast of this town we 'have resumed
the offensive . In . combination with the
British troops operating in this region
the Olse, several counter attacks, de
livered by night and by day. have been
checked. We even made some alight
progress in the region of Verniclles and
to tho south of Alx Noulette.
"On the renter in the region of Vallly
we continued during -the day of yester
day to recapturo ground previously lost
by us. . In the Argonne .fresh attacks on
the part of the enemy were repulsed, and
at the. end of the day our troops ad
vanced at several points.
"To the northeast of Verdun we have
tnken possession of the villages of Ilau
court and Nogevllle. t
, "In the wooded region along the h ghts
of the Meuse southeast of Verdun and
In the forest of Apremont. southeast of
Halnt Mlhlel, the offensive movements of
the enemy failed. Some trenches in the
vicinity of Saint Reml were carried by
our troops. i
On our right wing the attacks of the
Dined with Staff at Ghent and Re
j turned to Headquarters Dissat-
isfied with Outlook.
Attempt to Hold East Line Pending"
Victory in West.
Dateh Flshln Boats Find Maar
Mines and Bodies Floating In
the North ftee- FUfctaar la
Practically Suspended. I
Many Omaha' Societies Raising
Money to Relieve Suffering1 in . .
War-Stricken Europe.
lirrnua and Franeo-Belalan Wpninu
Hew and Mend Garments to
Europe to' Keep Innacnat
Victims Warn.
and' repulsed an attack particularly vio- Germans .on . the advanced positions of
lent and pronounced by detachments be-1 the Grande Couronno of Nancy (the clr
longlng to the active army corns recently ' cle ' of ' fortified positions surrounding
brought Into this refton Lr the Germans. I Nancy) resulted In perceptible losses for
Between Amentleres and the canal of
LaBassee the British army on Its side
vice president, treasurer and members of I puiged a violent attack of Neuve Cha-
the executive committee from the Second,
Fourth and Sixth districts.
Superintendent Oraff announced that he
would be a candidate for only one offloe
member of the executive committee.'
Many nominees were chosen by lot by
the executive committee, having received
the same number of votes. .
A verr Withdraws f rupa, Race.
Chancellor Aery has announced that he
will not be a candidate for president.
Neither will Mr. Hunter nor Mr. Oraff.
Those wbo intend to withdraw wlU notify
President Kate McHugh of the associa
tion and she and Secretary Graff will
pelle.-v Between the. canal of LaBassee
the enemy. ' A surprise attack under
taken by the enemy agalnat the heights
which dominate 'Mount Salnte Marie re
sulted In complete failure."
(Continued on Fage Eight Column Two.)
The Weather
Tempera teres
at Omaha Yesterday
I lours.
5 a. m...
6 a. m...
7 a. m...
g a. m...
9 a. ni .
10 a m...
II a. m...
12 m
1 p. m...
i p. m...
3 I), m...
4 l. m...
6 p. ni...
6 1'. in...
7 p. m...
.... 4
.... 44 I
After a close race for congress in the
Fifth district, the last of the county re
turns in the district dribbled In last night.
42 ! giving Shalltmbrger a majority of laa.
.... 41 Hayes county was the last of the eighteen
4-' counties in the district to report.
4 Following are the complete figures, with
comparisons la the congressional race for
Barton beat Sutherland by 1.317. The vote:
No. 1S1 l&tf :
I'i U. lialleu- Barton Suther- Barton
Comparative a.ocal Record.
19I4. 1913. 1SH2- 1911.
Highest today W g
Lowest today
Mean lemperature 44 4S 6a
tieolpltatlon W
remreralure and precipitation depor
tiii. trim the imnnal:
Normal temperature l
1 xifn for lh? lav r '-i
Tula! ni'etl miick .Mrh 1
Normal precipitation Inch
l'edci. n y lor tha i' ur 1m. n
Til- ' -ui. '.fM I sine .NiarUi 1 Z4
IielKleni'v since Man h 1 S 23 in. hei
lef c'cik-v f.r cor. perin1, 111. 7 .4
lif iciem y f"r ;,r. lertc.d. U12. I 33 inches
L. A. WKLaU. Local Forecaster.
Will Hayward May
Succeed Whitman
as Dist." Attorney
Born and reared 1a Nebraska, William
Hayward, now located In New. York, may
be the successor In the district attorney's
office of Governor-elect Whitman, ac
cording to the political gossip' coming
from the metropolis. Hayward success
fully managed the personal campaign for
Whitman, on whose staff he has been as
an assistant district attorney for about
a year. Mr. Whitman will have to va-
rata Ilia nranetit office kin ha iMrniiiHi
Kernor in January, and will have tha
appointment of his own successor, for
which place he is expected to choose be
twten Frederick C. Tanner, the chair
man of the republican county committee,
and his own assistant, Mr. Hayward,
who has, 'been helping him make the
record on which, he secured his eleva
tion to tha governorship.
'ly. com 1777
Imiidv, com.. Sit
Fruiu nn, cuini;i44
floeper 4")
F"rnas. coni.HTO
Hull, com 15:
Umiun W77
Lulls com U'.
rheips, com.. 95
S'f . K .n 12
'Vi liMt. r com. 12 4
leu Willow
F'rontler ...
Kearney ...
. t-U
. Tit
Totals l.&a
X 1711 143
4.;4 J14 4"
DM 1242 10u9
41.1 4 M
l'.'ti ir, 12U
va 2
ii 914 9k7
, if'H its
1070 H IVil
24 2(5
!( 12i! 1"1
17 SIM 17H
514 4M fiiH
9(4 1
4' ?& 4:'ii
ft 5-A ".7
K1 ' 971 ll'4
M 2o 33
17J61 ' 17414 1737
Railroads Announce Advance to
East and South of Omaha After
December First.
11 II lis '
Experts Say liaise Will Not Affect
' ta Farmer, na the Boost In
Price la Pat on the Bale '
Price of Uraln.
Co-Operating with Western Iowa to
Secure Release ol Western Half
of That State.-
Socialist Proposes
New Law to Prohibit
Nonunion Marriages
NEW YORK, Nov. T -When he goes to
congress Meyer Ixidon, socialist repre-tentatlve-elect,
will try to have a law
paeed by which no workman will be al
lowed to marry a working girl unless
the has a union carj. Ixindon made this
announcement today at a mass meeting
of the While Goods Workers' union.
Quietly and without announcing ' their
plans from the housetops, all of the rail
roads of the Western Trunk Line associa
tion have laid their plans for a material
advance In rates on grain to Chicago,
the Atlantic aeaboard ' and gulf ports.
Unlesa protests are filed the rates to
Chicago will tie advanced 1 cent and to
Atlantic and gulf porta 2 cents per 100
Several daya ago all roads of the West
Situation Is Most Encouraging nnd
South Omaha Will lie Heady to
Ilnndlo n Ula; Ran by Mon- '
day Moraine;.
Co-ti crating with ih Iowa authorities
16 recuae the went half of Iowa from
government irlarentlno, the Houth Omaha
and NeLracka Live i-'tock authorities are
lievertlieleMi pushing ahead with, the
campaign of precaution and prevention
to save the stale from, the ravages of
the foot nnd mouth disease.
James 11. Ilullu, chairman of tho atate
live stock sanltury board, with Dr. L. C.
Klgln, stste veterinarian, and Dr. R. C.
. . Jbefiaug .eioo.00
..Wg 6,00
C K. SCcOotter 6.00
li gtlokney, Aabton, ITab.... 1.00
Jn. and Mrs. and, Barry Clapp,
rrlsad, Bab . . B.00
Boea Parka, Center rolat, Bab. .. , 8.00
When the Chrlatmaa ship suited out of
New York harbor this week carrying Its
Immense cargo of presents for the child.
ren of tha war sone of Europe and the
more substantial things for the mothers,
the wounded and the destitute. Interest
In working to relieve the suffering and
the destitute will not wane, so far aa
Omaha la concerned.
The contributions. of Nebraskans to the
cargo of the Christmas ship were num
erous and congratulations are constantly
coming to The Bee In praise of the good
work that It did In taking hold of the
project In thla portion of the central west;
fr, be It known, that Omahuna and peo
ple generally throughout the territory In
which The Hen circulates, contributed
more than a carload of things that Christ
inas morning will gladden the heurts of
thousands of women and children of war
trVken Lurope.
To Keep the Poor Warm.
Not only did the people aend toya, wear
ing apparel, clothing aiid bedding, but
they contrlbutud more than $000. In cash
that was spent In Omaha In the purchase
LONHON, Nov. 7. "It Is an
nounced from Berlin that the Ger
man emperor has ordered one morn
attempt to vanquish the British army
and force a way to Calais before the
great battle Is fought near the Sile
s'.an frontier." says a dispatch to th
Dally Mall from Copenhagen. Tha
message continues:
"For this purpose . all available
forces were brought- up, It being re
alised that In event of the defeat of
the German army before Breslau It
will become imperative for the Ger
mans to confine themselves to actlnu
on tae defensive In France and Bel
gians tn order to .send big torces'to
LONDON. Nov. T.-Mystery again
cloaks tho movements of the antag
onlsts along the battle fronts In the
eastern arena of the war. but the belief
is growing In London that Germany, safe
within Its defenses, behind the river
Warthe, and with the Austrlans behind
strongly fortified positions from Cracow
to the passes of the Carpathians, Is
rushing Its best eastern corps to Franco
In a final desperate effort to smash the
allies' line blocking the way to Calais.
Petrograd reports that the Austrlans,
after making a final furious onslaught on
the Russian llnea along the rlver rian,
had withdrawn in all dlrectlona. until
their front now extends from Dukla Paas
In the Carpathlana la Creeow, with a
wedge extending lo Prsemyal. which
fortress continues to resist the Russian
Another dispatch from Petrograd de
clares that a general pursuit of the re
tiring Austrlans la under way, but the
cautious tone of the official oommunlca--"
tton adding to - significant admissions
from Vienna, creates the Impression that
' k. i...(v1bii, wk Mtfalnlnff thlr tiirt I
HIV w . a -
fled position without suffering disaster.
Bodies and Mince In .North ten.
The feeling Is growing here that tha
recent raid of a German fleet off Yar
mouth was not the total of naval activi
ties In the North Hea, and this impression
has been increased by the news that
Dutch flshfhg vessels have found float- 1
log mince so thick some of them even
catching In their neta that they have
given up all efforta to continue their oc
cupation. These fishermen report also
tiiat they have seen bodies floating in
the sea
The British press continues lta cam
paign in favor of mora effective recruit
ing. " Home papers advocate compulsory
service, whilo others censure the govern
ment for 'not providing proper main
tenance' for persons dependent on men
filglble for military service.
in the near eaat there has been little
era Trunk Line aaaoclatlon petitioned Vermillion. In charge of the local gov.
ernment men, he)u a conference late last
night at the Live KukA exchange with
representatives of, tlie Live e'tock ax
change and 1'nlon Stock Yards com
pany. Orders were Isfued to all rail
roads serving tha market to disinfect
snd clean their cars. Tho refuse taken
from such cars to be burned. The order
affects lntra-alate shipments muuh In the
same day that the government order ai
fects Inter-state loadn.
the Interstate Commerce commlsnlou,
asking authority to make the advance,
filed their tariffs,, proposing to make the
new rates effective December 1.
However, before taking action looking
to an advance In rates, the railroads
sounded the Omaha Uraln exchange and
all similar organizations in Chicago, Bt
Loula, Kansas City, Minneapolis and
other grain shipping rentera. They were
given assurances that if all grain mar
kets were put on a parity there would
be no protests from the members of the
grain dealers comprising the associa
tions. The railroads gave their pledges
and then acted. They filed and pub-
(Conllnued on Page Three t'olumn Kour.)
YOt'Nfl man. 25 to SO, must ba well
educated, have executive ability and
furnish good references. Apply at
once at
rer farther information about
this opportunity, ess the Want
4 section of today's Bee.
Some Cattle In.
Two train loads of Iowa rattle were re
ceived and then the lid wu put down on
all Iowa stuff until the government
raises tha quarantine. The stuff waa re
ceived at what la known as the east
chuUa, which were thoroughly disin
fected and cleaimd after the cattle had
been through them. All the rattle In the
load were found free from disease, but
as an additional precaution thay were
sold with the understanding that they
would be slaughtered at once.
Altogether the uttuitlon here is most
(Continued on l ags Two, Column Three.)
of articles that. In the judgment of thel (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
committee, will serve the best Interests!
of the recipients of the conrlbutlons.
There were many 'who supposed that
Omaha and Omahans would forget the
pathetic side of the war when this Chrlst
inss ship suited. However, they have
done nothing of the kind. Instead, ap-i
parently they are now working harder!
than ever to do ail In their power to
add their mite to relieving the suffering!
that is general over fully one-half of the
area of Europe. In no Instance do they
Indicate1 that their interest is to lag for
a moment in continuing the good work.
A they read the papers and gather de
tails of the awful slaghter that Is going
on and then consider what this means
to the millions of Innocent andahelpU-ss
women and children, with renewed energy
they bead to the work they have under
taken. Necessity a, Urcat. ,
And right here It might not be out of
place to say that aid that Is to be sent
Want Ad
The Bee
I If you want quick action and
must be hurried through, for at thla time the most results of the right
the necessity la great and 1 going to ln- Irjrid at a triflinir Post
crease wonderfully with the approach of 1 8 lnlUn COSl'
winter, which right now Is at hand Inl Xr i i ,
many of the countries that are at war.l OU 'ftn pUlCe yOUT ad by
Winter In Europe is similar to winter!. telephone. Call
In this section and the portions of the. ' 1 '
I'nltrd Btute north of Nebraska Heavy
snows cover the ground and temperatures
frequently range from sero to 30 and even
a) degrees below.
This means that . death is to stalk
on Page Three, Col. Three.)
Tyler One Thousand
The Omaha Bee
- Er,M, Rmmda WW Ad