.K HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, XOVF.MnKK 1014. ( -BRIEF Cm NEWS Llrbtlnf rixturaa, Hiirg-raa-rJranrlen Co. rtdality Storaf k Tan Co. Don. 888. T Boot Print It Now Iiracon Prejs Bsautlful All Modern Homti for Bait cn tha easy payment plan. Banker llealtr Investment Co. Phone roue. 2'A Babbl Coha Speaks Tonight Habbl Frederick t.'ohn w.n fibk tui.tMu Temple Israel on "The rieu of the Jew.' A Good Investment la an office In The Beo BulldlnB. Good location, sood strvli-M, good neighbors. The building that l always new. office room Wayae Alamnl Banquet a Alumni, traVhera and li it'u.a of km ayiu; m.i Normal achool held a reunion and dinner at the Faxton hotel Thursday evening. "Today's Complete Hone rrorruua" classified section today, and appears li The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving; rlrtvre thesters of"r Married Three Thousand Rev. Charles V. Bavidgo performed his S,0ttn lmir.ia. - ceremony Thursday night when he un. lei George Norman Mill and Jessie. May V 1 fcurn. both of Omaha. Tatnlnoaiaa TUea Bxception J. L Taminosian has Jiied Ins ul.l u excep tion In district court to Judge Sutton's dismissal of his application for prrmls Ion to change his name to Mohammed Nacllr. Woodard rinds Tatting- Assistant Foalmaater Woodard la In possession of Borne blue silk tatting, together with a black shuttle, which was picked up at Tenth and Howard streets by one of the carrlera. The owner may obtain tholr possession by applying at the rost master's office. Horary Oeta "tJolenqe Book" The .Omaha Public library has recently re ceived from the trustees under the will d Mary Baker Eddy "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy. This book has been pre sented without cost to the library and Is placed at the disposal of the reading public. James YVhlttnker at the piano aa llRht. Ills i oompsntments or rl fe.-llve but never obstructive, and so per fectly in accord with the singer a to mark him as one ef the best aeompanist ho eer visited our city. It la hoped tint we may hear him again soon. de-i Before closing a word must bt said about the excellent enunciating of Mr. Hamlin. Ins splendid English was al ways understandable, and hie French and German eeomed tt the writer, as clear ami perfert aa that of anyone who might have been a native in either country. Upon the whole It was a most excellent recital, and one of the kind of which the throne of Servia, left vacant by the we ran not have too ninny. 1L M. Tt. assassination of King Aleaander and Q'.ieen Urate a new stanii was Issued to commemorate hi coronation. The central portion of the design consists of two heads, Klna peters and Ihst of the founder of the Karageorcevttrh dynasty; but, by some grim coincidence, when the stamp Is reversed, only one had can be seen, nnd It bears an unmlstak- ama thai Are Hare. The value of certain postage stamps has been greatly enhsnccd owing to cir cumstances connected with thHr Issue, cr events which occurred after their Issue. When. In 1!XH. King Peter ascended. able likeness to the murdered monarch, hum King 1'eter succeeded. It so happened that the sevenpennv stamp, bearing the head of King Edward VII, should have been issued on the very day of his death. The demise of the king also prevented the Issue of a twopenny stamp, mauve In color. These, mumps were never put Into circulation, but King George, who possesses one of the fitarst collections in the world, has apc Imena of both of them. In mint countries the Introduction of postal facilities is rrtiarded as a blessing wholly unmixed. Hut this was not the case in Korea. The poetofflce erected there In lv had a very short existence, for the mob. In their blind haired of nil Innovations, rlofVd ami rased It to the ground. In ronsenuence of this Korean sinmps of the first Issue are bow ol great value. Answers. Music Omaha" music lovers were privileged to hear Mr. Georgo Hamlin In song recital yesterday afwrnoon at the Brandcls theater. And a privilege It really was, for Mr. Hamlin only proved again that he well deserves his place among the foremost tenor singers of the day. His voice is full of a variety of color, hli tones aro clear and distinct, even in the ptanissimos, and big voice shows a flex ibility and evenness which makes It pos sible for bim to do with it whatsoever ha will, and he knows exactly what he .wishes to do. His work at all tiroes shows a care and thoughtfuiness of even the smallest details, and as a result there la a polish and artistic finish to bis in terpretations which make a convincing Impression upon the listeners. He sings with sincerity and a dramatic ability which presents each number In Its clear est light. Mr. Hamlin deserves a vote of thanks for the excellent program with which he honored us. It not only pre sented variety and interest, but was from the very best literature In the world of song, yet It scarcely touched upon the usual recital program of the 'usual visit ing artists. Even the numbers from the classic and romantic writers were' from tmortg the less familiar of their works. The progrnm opened with the recitative ml air, "In Native Worth," from the 'Creation," by. Huydn, followed by the ;ir, "Love Sounds the Alarm." from "Alcus and Gulatea," by Handel. In koth of these numbers Mr. Hamlin re spected tradition, and sang them with .ex ceptional taste and u4ndoratandlngytiio-.s were louoweu oy two numuera oaon iron Schubert and Schumann. These were nonetheless beautiful although they were little Known. Especially attractive were "I'm Abendroih," by Schubert, full of reverent devotion, and the livelier "Hi dalgo," by Schumann. A group of three modern operatic arias succeeded. One from "Enfant Prodlgue," by Debussy; one from "Fedora," by Giordano, and one from "Ln Boehme," by Puccini. In these Mr Hamlin ahowed a fervor and dramatic Intensity, which, governed and controlled by his excellent taste gave a vivid presentation. The group ln English, three from the cycle To Julia," by Quilter; "Since You Went Away," by Johnson, and "Nocturne," by Herrmann, were ably Interpreted. , The Quilter numbers are beautiful .bits The last one made a inott favorable Impres sion for the delightful manner ln which the subject matter was treated, end Its dainty accompaniment. "Since You Went . Away" proved such a favorite that It iwaa ropeated, and the "Nocturne" was ung with a firo and brilliancy which completely captivated the audience. Two encores were granted. The work of sbsISHMB 5 An Announcement THE contractors who are remodeling our show windows have cut off the greater part of our Harney street dis play which is usually given over to specials in the Economy Base ment for Saturday. Although the display in the windows is very limited the offering for Saturday in the big Underprice Basement Store are in greater evi dence than usual, in cluding final cleanup of the men's furnishing stoeks of the -Nebraska. Suspender, Belt & dar ter Co., also Atlas Mfg. Co., at ridiculous prices. You'll find it greatly to your advantage t visit this big supply center every time you are dovi town. It's a good habit to acquire. Burgess-NashI nriMOAMV i tVlHYBODY'S STOer" Friday, November 6, 1914 BURQESS-NASH COMPANY STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY BURQESS-NASn COMPANY Telephone Douglas 137 S,000 Fresh Cut Chrysanthemums, Five to Eight Hunches in Diameter, With Lomg Stems, on Special Exhibition and gale on the Fourth v Floor Saturday They Will Be Sold at 9c Each or $1,00 a Dosen Women's SHOES, Combining Style and Comfort, $3.50 Pr. WONDERFUL line tor both dress and street wear, umbraclng tbe newest models and evry one noses- lug that much-Bought-for quality of comfort. These shoes have all the snap of the higher priced footwear. rhey are button style, patent, gun metal and kta leathers, plain and tipped toes, flexible sewed soles and Cuban Louis and spool heels: perfectly made ln every detail. This Is truly an unusual value. Mimes and Children's Shoes Button shoes for school wear, made of gun metal leather, broad and medium toes, lasts that are per fect fitting and very comfortable; shoes that will give the service you expect for the price. Misses' sixes, 11 H to S $2.25 S2.50 Children's slsea, 8H to 11 $3 A S2.J5 arrest-aTssa Oo. Mala rioor. pi l av-. A& Special Concert ON THE VICTROLA in the Victor Concert Hall On the New Fourth Floor. SATURDAY AFTKRNOOX 2:80 to 4:30 Featuring all the very lat est records. Come, you will find it most enjoyable. Bttrgase-Waah Ou. ronrth floor. New Arrivals Kayser's SILK GLOVES at $1.00 THEY'RE very desirable for present wear and our selec tion is so large that you are cer tain, of finding just the style and shade ygu desire. Pure silk with double finger tips black, white and colors. Burgess-Baaa Co. main rioor. Dainty Conceits in NECKWEAR COLLAR and Cuff Sets, ln or gandy and pique, vestees, roll collars, etc. Splendid assortment at 25c. Neckwear at 50c Organdy and pique vestees, or gandy and pique collar and cuff sets, many new designs. Burg-tss-Wasa Co. Kaia rioor SILK RIBBONS at 19c the Yard AFFETASV moire, satin fan cies, flowered prints, plaids and stripes, S Inches wide. Handkerchiefs, S for ftOr Pure linen, hand embroidered corners, . beautiful designs, ln a lancy box. Barg-aas-Nasa Co. Main rioor. Many New Models Have Been Added to This Offering for Saturday of Smart women's tahlored:'sui CTfSI at $14.50, $18.50 and $25.00 idons, many of thorn EW STYLES that represent tho sea eon's vcrv latest copies of the more expensive and exclusive models, The offering ns a whole is unusually attractive, individual and distinctive In style, beautiful In design, rich In color and material, depicting every nt-w feature that ha been given favor, but offered to you at prices away below the ordinary. The materials Include weol serges, poplins, cheviots, gabardines, broadcloth, etc. Thi colors are plum, navy, Russian green and brown, also black. Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, $10 The variety Is varied to the extreme, includ ing the college coat, as well as the more con ventional models. Beautiful mixtures and plain cloths; slses for women and misses. The colors are the most favored for winter. Women's and Misses "Cloth Coats, ftA Different and distinctive styles from which to choose. Made of imported mixtures and broad cloths, superbly tailored and finished through out. The season's best shades are represented. Saturday We Feature a Sale of Girls' Coats Girls Coat, to 14 Yearn, (M.WI Good, heavy materials, in brown, navy and green, with plaid collars, cuffs and belts. (iris' Coats, 0 to 14 Yearv $7.9 Military cape coats, trimmed with velvet or buttons, ln blue, brown and green. Child's Conts, $:i.OH for ages 3 to 6 years; chinchilla- and cordu roys, gray, navy and novelty 83.08 Burrss-Xfaaa Co. dlrls' Coat, 6 to 14 Year, .V9ft Smart little cape coats of fine itbeNne. In brown, blue and green. MIsncs' Coats, 14 to 1ft years, 7.95 College coats in plain colors, heavy winter weight materials, in navy, Copenhagen and brown. . Child's Kwoater Het, $2.08 Including leggings, sweater, cap and mittens; all wool, extra heavy, at 82.08 -sjaoond riopr. LEATHER BAGS Saturday at $2.50 That Are Extreme ValuesJust Note A PARTICULARLY big selection, including fine real pin or natural grain seal, real morocco and silk moire bags. German silver frames, silk or leather linings, pannier or ribbon handles. Some have four fittings. All have mirror and coin purse; black or colors. Real Leather Hand Bags at $1.00 Several veTy, desirable new styles. Some have four fittings. Ex ceptional values. y , , .'w Party llox'e, Novelty Hag, $4.95 to 27.SO A great display of the very latefct novelties, Including the Mark Cross English-made goods. Borraas-ITasa Oo Xai rioor. You Will Be Surprised to See These Beautiful "Wirthmor" WAISTS at $1.00 EVEN the salesladies In bur waist department were' surprised when told the price at which these very appealing waists were to be sold. Had they been bought ln the regular way they would have to sell for considerable more, some models for double; but through a new co operative plan with the producer we are able to offer them at only $1. "Wirthmor" waists are sold exclusively here for Omaha several pleasing styles. Barf ms-IT ash Co. laoond floor. Extraordinary Purchase and Sale Saturday of At About i Under Regular Women's 50c Black Silk Gauze Mer cerized LISLE HOSE, at 25c a Pair A REMARKABLE value for Saturday. Strictly perfect quality, with double garter top, high spliced heel and toe. The saving represents exactly half. .-- X.. V- Women's 25c Me-rcerlaed Hose, 15o Plain black, full seamless foot, high spliced heel an extreme value Saturday. Bura-as-Tash Go. Main rioor. ind double sole; fKi ? f;l(.' Tl? 1-W111.V.14- 4 lira c.aviT-k1ft e sxi.. i if u uuugut'iiiu ramK' oiuv.r vyr ilk. m mm. N largest whole sale milliners in Chicago, yi of one of the . W. A I ECONOMY BASEMENT Women's and Misses' $19.50 to $25.00 Tailored Suits, Saturday at $12.98 $12i HP HEY'RE all latest styles, beautiful In style. A material and color effects, blade ln a va riety of fine materials. Broad cloths, fancy weaves, serges, etc., ln all the most durable shades. Regular $19.60 to $25.00 values. Women's $12.00 Tailored Hults, $7.08 They're made of plain serge, ln blue or black, new long style coat finished with velvet cuff and collar, full satin lined. The skirt Is yoke style and trimmed with velvet but- QQ tons. Reg. $12.50 vals. Sale price.. P s70 Cloth Dressee at $3.08 Made of fine men's wear aerge. with silk girdle and medlcl collar; skirt tunic style. f0 QQ Now at ipO aaO Women's Waists Variety of pretty styles In lawn and fancy white madras. Q Special USJC ;,h: Boys' Waists, 2Rc 'IV Light or dark stripes blue chambray and also black sateen, - OP specially priced 0 r. a r Glrla Dresses Stripes and checks, in splendid weight materi al; also plain colors: sl.es to 14 4Q years, at Men's Jackets, $1.08 Men's Cardigan jackets. Big Ass'm't Ji ftn Special.... Pl70 Men's $3.50 Tan Shoes in a Clearaway Saturday at $2.65 The shoes are button and lace styles, made from genuine Imported Russia calf leather, medium round and high toe lasts; full weight rock oak Goodyear Melt , sewed soles, leather top facings and inner back stays with military and low heels. Price Women's Shoes at $2.45 Patent leather ln tbe new stage ast, round toe, black cloth tops light weight soles and tbe ew Loula and Jft Cuban heels J)aWaxv faTwr sCl Paradise The way we bought is the way we are going to offer it to you. You know how scarce paradise is and how greatly it is sought for mil- inery trimmings. There js no need of further comment, other than to say that every piece is strictly perfect and exactly tv as represented. Prices tell the real story. worth $3.50, Saturday sale price $1.95 Paradise worth $5.00, Saturday sale price. Paradise worth $7.50, Saturday sate price $5.00 Paradise worth $9.75, Saturday Bale price $7.50 Paradise worth $12700, Saturday sale "price $8.75 Paradise worth $15.00, Saturday sale price $9.75 Paradise worth $16.50, Saturday sale price $10.75 Paradise worth $20X0, Saturday sale price -$13,50 Paradise worth $25.00, Saturday sale price .$17.50 Paradise worth $35.00, Saturday sale price. . ; . , . .$2250 Paradise worth $40.00, Saturday sale price $25.00 Included in the purchase were Several Thousand French Ostrich Plumes at V Price and Less They are all male bird stock, long flue and fibre, with heavy. heads. Black, white and every wanted shade. French plumes, worth $3.00 to $4.00, at, choice. . . .$1.35 French plumes, worth $5.00, Saturday, choice7777T7$2Jf0 French plumes, worth $7.50, Saturday, choice. .$3.75 French plumes, worth $10.00, Saturday, choice. $5.00 French plumes, worth $12,50, Saturday, choice $6.25 French plumes, worth $15.00, Saturday, choice $7750 Burs-sas-aTasa Co.. SJacoad rioor. You'll Appreciate These Values in WOMEN'S UNI UN SUITS at 69c ESPECIALLY so when Old Man Winter begins to breathe those chilling blasts. Made of fjne white cotton with Dutch neck; elbow sleeves, ankle length, medium weight. Women's BOc Knit Corseif Covers, 2.T Fine white cotton, lightly fleeced, high neck, long sleeves. ' Women's OOc VeU or Pants at 80c' White cotton or fleece lined vests and pants to match, usual GOc quality. lky' or tilrls' Union Hults, OOc Natural color, part wool, drop seat and open crotch; usual $1.00 and $1.60 values. ' argsa-aTaak Co. Mala rioor. Heavy GOLD PLATED BRACE LETS in Pretty Gift Boxes, at $1.00 EVERY one guaranteed by the manufacturer for one year. Plalu or engraved patterns, guaranteed hinge and catch. Hterlliu Pendant and Chain, $2.0,5 Beautiful patterns for selection, In a velvet gift box; very special. LlH-ky White Klepltants, liflc anil SOc You'll be lucky If you wear one. Tbe most popular novelty of the season. Surrsss-sTasa Oo. Main rioor. HOT WATER BAGS-About Half Result of a very special purchase, The bags are what Is termed "factory seconds." Some may have au otl spot; others tbe namepatcu has been taken off. Each bag Is guaranteed to be perfect otherwise. Dia mond C' Soap 11 cakes 25 Jap Rose soap 10c cake. .6C Eels Naptha Eoap 10 cakes.. 39 9-Pieec Earthenware CASSEROLE Set Like Picture, Saturday at 98c 20-Mule Team Doras, 1 lb., Oe William's Shav ing Soap . . .80 Safety Matches, COO for ... .8c Canthrox, . 60c else, for . . .20c Java Rice Pdr., tOc size . .SOc Mennen'a Talc Powder ...12c Iiabcock'a cory lysts Talc, 18o DOMESTIC Science schools are advocating earthenware casserole cookery. For Saturday we offer 9-plec casserole sets, like Illus tration, including 8-Inch covered casserole, 6 custard cups and 2 pud ding bowls, complete for 8Sc. (Limit of two seta to each customer.) Bargass-Mash Co. Tooita rioor. Carnations, Each 2c Fresh cut, long-stem, assorted col ors and white, special at Cut Flower Section, each, at t-2 arg-sss-Vash Oo Mala Zatraao. Pinaud's Lllao Toilet Water at fttfe Monoxide Tooth Powder 25c size 14c Jap Rose Talc., for 11c Theatrical Crni. lb 2.1c Horllck'a Malt ed Milk, $1.00 size 80c Biuyaas-iraaB Oo, Sanl- - can $ for,, fg-I 17 Ivory Soap, 6 cakeB for.. 10c Kondon's Ca tarrh Jelly, 50c size 2bc Tape's Plapepaln 60c alze 340 Sloan's Liniment ebc size, at .34o Uanver Mud, ftOa lza aso Ball's l'lna Tar aiid Honey, Cuo alze So Aspirin tablets, fCratn, J d. 85o Bi'.ott'e Kniulslon, Mala rioor. tl six 64 liroimj tieltsar. Cue jue aeo I.avon's 60c alza at Tollrt paper. ivo rolls . . liouaehuld monlH, cm Inn 1 Ih nuu a w a t a r hi cover with all 4r. bottla for . . .sso Durham TJuplaX razor, f 5 val. Sao Manicure arti cles, (0o val. 8o .ao 4 .too un- 1 at. 13a hoapltal Q 3a hut bottla Another Lot of BUCK'S RED OAK HEATERS $18.00 Values at $11.75 Stove pipe, 6-inch size, clear blue. Spe cial 6c Floe Shovels, t in. size, special at 10 Coal hods, large else. Jap anned. Special Saturday tt 20 argeaa-aTasa Wizard model steel ranges specially priced for 8at- urdy 81D.75 Gas heaters, all prices, ui rrom 81.45 Corrugated, one-piece, six Inch elbows Q Black Jack Stove Polish, special Saturday ....7, Furnace scoops, large size and strong, Saturday 33 Sleeve Ironing boards cloth covered, worth 85c. Specal at. each 15c Co. a asamaat. "everybody's store" $1 Free Lessons in ART Embroidery for Children Are given by a competent instructor every Saturday A. M. from 10 to 12. Borraaa-BTaah Co. Thlra rioor.