THK BKK: OMAHA. SATt'UDAY. XOVKMM'.I. 7. 1!lt. 15 for rent y IIoumi aad ta.ttagrs. -R., modern except tcm, Web. srwo, 271 m'OOLF.SBt, 6-r., rmvlTTx. t-eat, fig. 8. awl at., 10-r . nil mod.. . 418 Underwood Ave., 7-r., ll mod., 4). MtM" g. 2: St., -r., all "hhI .. 6;o. 2n.4 Marl St.. 7-r.. all mod.. IM. JW3 S list St.. 8-r.. mod. ex. heat. $-1 2iV3 Franklin Ft, 6-r., mod. fx heat, $;. Staridfo.d Circle, S-r., mod. ex. heat. $1T. ' tl7 8. 2Mh St.. 3-r.. part tmd.. $9. ' HIRKETT & COM TAN T, V Be- Rldg. Doug. M. FOR SALE OH RENT. tT HOUSF,S FOR BUNT. .'VTn room and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish on first floor. three 1e.l roji upstair, on bedroom and bath on flrt floor. $3ft. This house fronts on t e.l street and boulevard. 24 blocks froia car line. Sen-. rooma. sleeping porch and sun roomU new and desirable, exceptionally fine Slew, quiet neighborhood. $50, or $..5 with V. rut. riva- rooms, Bt. ixrjis ones, n modern. 42C. Harney. $36. ni-MnvT co.. Phone I'oua. FARNAM AND 40TH LINK-. . S-r. vary modern, square yard. O'KKEKR REAL. ESTATE J. 101S Omaiha Nat. Douglas Five- rooms, in. SJo.i Elghroom 1 J. H. lira Fa-nam St. 2715. iiiirfira win RENT. $47.50 7-r.i apmt. 618 South ,6th St.; ataam neat janitor service. 45 00 Rr.. 2113 Cass St.. modern: garage. 45.00 7-r.. 2106 Cass St, moiTern. first class. . 40 00 a-r.. l?S North 40th St., modern. 4iot)--r., 2TO South Central Blvd.. mod. J7.60 7-r.. ' BUS Capitol Ave.. modern bungalow, hot water heat us no 7-r., 340 Burt Ft. modern; garage. jtSOO.-7-r., t2 South 2Sth Pt, modern. 26.00 8-r., 219 Capitol Ave., modern ex cept 'heat - 20.00 6-r.. 14201 Cumins; St, modern ex cept beat. 18.00 6-r., pit Sherman Ave., modern ex cept 'heat. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. i. 902 City Nat l Bank Bids'. tores and Of flora. Offices in TheBee Building (THE BUILDING THAT IS ALWAYS NEW. J Farnam SW 17 th St., and on Court (Prices from f 10.00 to (50.00.) Ak for tha Superintendent, Room 103. GOOD barn, i room tor S or 10 horses. 1917 Webstef" St Can Douglas. 43. FOR SALE OB RENT. Very pretty o-ruom all-modern bunga low. 1 nunum rooms .n ok, buiii-m kitchen cat. not, furnace neat. Un paved treat 2 tioi.a troui car line and - blocks from good school. Hems fur $u per monin. Will tell for 131.50 cash and HI. 60 per month. f Telephone Webster 2233, Mrs. Thomas. WANTE1 iO itKNX WAiM h-U 'iu nt-r l'-A tajui on fihuruw. With everything lur.naliea. Auurua Copiiuck, i?ioicP'e, Neb. 1-K SAl.K tilt lu.NT. New biinfiHio. n r.M.'ns and hath, with tiice attc: strirtly iwlern. all nnk tln l"n, luillt-tn-biiffi't nml bi'.ik chsik; fin cellar and lmimlry. nml furnace: iltKe to Miller rk. csr line and s luiol. paved stret-t. I'rlcr .t.'X eiisy term, or U rent to gotnl purty lor $.. I'hone 1. 2IS.V UK.Xh KSTATK FOU KKXT farm for Hent. FARM FOR REXT A fine dairy fnrin. sood bull. tints, lit or more; cXttle, bones, sheep, poultry, farm machinery, pastures nil fenced woven wire, water in each; A No. l lai.d about 175 miles west of .Minneapolis. Will be rented verv cheap for cash. Don't apply unless you have n'mt means and very beat of references Address Y 2ft, Bee. FARMS WAXTFD. WANTKU TO BL'Y 1 want to buy about a 2.W)-acre ranch: must be good eras ing Hand, suitable for raising hay, timo thy, clover and alfalfa and hsve flr Im provements. Answer must describe land end come direct from owner. Address Y 2. Bee. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstiaut office. 3'fc tf. 17th Bt Fhone Iouglns i4S7. Rb.lJD Abstract Co.. oldeet abstract of flce in Nebraska. 206 brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE toil KXCHANOK K.OW eoulty In 11 room modern house, suitable for two families; bath and toilet on both floors. Box T'Jti, Omaha. UK I, KSTATK WF.ST MUH West Farnam Building Lots 110 down and Jin a month. Good Invest ment, en 8i(h St. between lodga and PTPOPT laveniv.rt. If you can make larger pay- iAVR1 i.vwn, we can rurnisn money to bullil "GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Breadstuff Likely to Go to a Higher Level. Still O KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., Th ne Douglas 2713. 101 Omaha National. REAL ESTATE SIBIRBAX DlllH, Dundee Brick Residence An Exceptional Bargain CLEARANCES ARE BIG Cra Pro pa fcesi N VcBtker l.lttle aad Oats Also Coasea of 4,ol aad Preaeat REAL ESTATE WANTED INVESTMENT tKOi'UTY WANTED that can be bought for cash; must be substsntlal. well built and good location. Customer oan Invest X0"0 to I100.0W, W. Ii. HOMAN, 831 Board of Trade fllde. REAL ESTATE LOANS. CITY and larm loans, 5, o'i. t! per cent J. H. Duniont & Co..l6o3 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Inters Trust Co. OMAilA homes. East Nebrasna farms. O KEEKE HEAL. fcSTA'le, CO., m umaha Natl. ' Douglas 2715. GAKVINFltua CTnt H AUKI fu. & AltitTON. Mite Oin. Natl. V 'I'D ! arm loanv Jiok lnv.i o. Omaha Wheat Wrsikaeea. UMAHA, Nov. , ISM. Breadstuffs are likely to advance to jriuch higher prices. The hfad cf ono ot the larger houses In the trade said to the writer last night that Insofar as their export business Is concerned the month or November has been wiped off th oooks, as they can sell only an occa sional boatload during this month, and that foreiiiners will be forced to wait fnt the morn deferred months In order to supply their wants. The foregoing sra actual facts and a reflection of tin "'"I situation In wheat. ,t mav 1 said that while, the future wheat market was In a over-bought condition yester- . 1; ri.. ,n,t attempting to secure I profits on the advances established ther were nrt losses for the day ul 'Uio be- ause or the pressure shuwn heat priori 1 are not likely to run away, shown by the recess ons yesterday. lZT?nv' ,rom th seaboard were bu. late yesterday. The decline In corn was partially on the Improved weather throughout the belt sbd partially on ti e weakness In wheal. oats followed the other grains In their price recessions. According to private cables the Argent. ne crop 1 as susta i.e.l Jome damage from frost in the south.' Export here were 7.1.000 bu. and HR.- REAf. ESUTr tticrfi...n :ir.' ,"re "-""gbt altogether. .The .... ...ii.ium;,, iwuaurr osta enmpanv bought 6.000 bu have Just been Instructed to sell tn of the newest, most modern, and best located brick houses In Dundee, for a Price less than the actual cost to build. tmV.- 'I J" sei for business, cause of the in..; , u ,m nome lor 106U), with the further inducements of1 U".VJn" thdroughly well built home, with every modern convenience, and In a location that WOUl.l niesae vnil ... at once. Terms reasonable. ' Glover & Spain Pjt-3) cy 2i"lrJ'J Phone Douglas K62. WE HAVE for sale In the Vt Far nam district a modern dwelling 1 yeara old; 8 room, electric light, bath and furnace. Ask ua for loca tion, then look this property over and make us an offer. We have another of 6 rooms and bath, within 3 blocks of car line; electric lights, gas, cemented base ment with laundry, hot water heat. mat we want an orrer on. See for location and termg. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111-12 City National Bank. rv n o 1 n Omaha, Neb ua FOR SALE FIRST MORTGAGES additional oata In Idaho, making a total oi mi. in three days. Provisions were Irregular and unsettled because of the abnormal conditions sur rounding the market at the stock varde I on account of the action of authorities In closing the yards for a short time. 1 ne buying; was mainly by shorts In or der to even up the positions, while the larger packers led in the selling. Wheat ws unchanged to He lower. Old corn was unchanged to la higher; new corn was unchanged to I4c higher. Oats were MWHe lower. Clearances were: V, hest and flour, equal t HW.OOO bn.; corn. llS.Om) bu.; oats, 27S.000 bu. Liverpool closelng: Not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were 2.0.ilo9 bu. and shipments l.T!8.0CO bu.. against re ceipts of l lM.ono bu. and shipments of 871 0U0 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were ROS.000 bu. and shipments 34S,10 bu.. against receipts 2.000 in five years, drawing per oknt, 1 of J.'O.noo bu. and shipments of 204,000 bu. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Fainanf isinllh Ac Co., ia:u Farnam. CITY properly. Eatge loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, i2t 8tate Bank Bldg. $W0 to Jlu.OuO inuuc promptly. V. D. Wead, em, rimg., utn anu ran. am his. P,'li, hu f . I I I . 7 ' . 1 ' I $4 OtO c lla vuiMtia vaiuso. at 4.tXi in five years, drawing per cent Intei est, payable semi-annually, secured by brick apartment house In Omaha, good location, valued at x,eou. These loans are on very cieslrahle rloee-ln prnpertlra. 1IAHT1NUS & HEYDE.N, 1H Harney St. MONEY on PanU lor city and laun luaua. Z1J ' lu" rau. iiaiiK tiiug. G clTY. l-OAIsB- Ucinltf-cuilberg Co., om-oj cTiiuucis 1 neater isiag. Real estate FAHBI &. Hi.M-11 I.JAiJj l-'OH S-iLK Arfcauaia, 1'HL'IT unj gram ianon ut north Aikun aa Hi. leaduiiaUiO pncuB. vvin.8 I'llucr ajiuh. i-tvaity ..o.. o.vey, Ark. tvatisaH, BARGAIN Fine Improved quar ter Btjctiun in camera ivauous, near ivubaa. city, very couvf'iueut 10 rail roaa and Vuwar epieuaid soil, good 1. two, aiei' an eur. Midui Uakj iiari. pyinent in Omaha lru- i4l (ill. . .' ' W. 'f. SAUTH CO., 1 111-12 City National uauK Bldg., 1). Uuiana, Neo. o Mluui'tots. UAHCiAl. 5ik-Ktit mpioveU farm, 20 uoui tuatuuapoiia. 011 goou giavel itiuwu, .I, ivi:i; uooui lit uci'es unaer tu.n.iii.'vu.1 aiaucij ueu lor pas.uic; tuu.u iiik' iiimiww lauu; tan pracucany a.l i,v u,iur cuiuvgLioii, uUiiuuiKa CUIU.,1 Jl UUaU, Pul'u. tilUUUl, ui 14 c.iuo, u.iici.iuo unco, winunu.i, ic; huuu ait) tntiialu. pKi au.e; uu;-.i4i iM.i j-caauilui.'e Ui "la on oai auwe. 'Aujuuj'.Mi iunii at ioui.o una fl'.cv. DLHWaj, Ju. r'.jiuuuUi iliu.., ..,.. Meufr.uiia,' Atiiwi. . . SEE us first it' you want a larm loan. wi iuru otaiea 1 rum io.. uinut.a, Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE See This Place S420 Parker St., a 5-room completely modern house on a large south front lot, WxK7. close to car. stores and school; xjoo cash and the balance monthly. hla house was built for a home: You should SCO It, S110 Burt St.. a 8-room, modern except heat, house, on paved street and close to three car lines; 3u0 cash and balance monthly. If you buy 3412 as well, the price will ho reduced. This is worth thinking about. Greigh, Sons & Co., Douglas 200. 60s Bee Bldg. RANK STATEMENTS. IMA'iiuVEiJ ku acre farm, in unlea irom .Minneapolis; 4 acres under cultivation, baiuuL'u used for pasture land, covered vitu poplar iud oa tiiuoer, very caauy cleareu,', 110 v.usle land; neatest set of bu.iulueS Irt thai Vicinity, cuiimstuiB of houne, bun, gtgnary. corn enh, etc.; one heavy team, three Jersey cows, ,all young stoL-k, luu cluohens, iiouh. complete ae'. of lurm macninery, watous, buggy, cream separator: 1 if tact, everything Is complete; :ilsu IS tona of meadow flay, g tons clover hay; i acres of corn; 00 bushels potatoes, 10 cords wood cut ir. stove length; In act, everything on the farm , goes at Sn.aoO; )3,oO cash, balance can stand. SCHWAB BROS., 102S ply. mouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Prettiest Mile ' EiKlit-room hotlBe in the prettiest part of llio "Pri'ttiest Mile'' Just north of Home Miller's. East front lot overlook ing beautiful Carter lake and the Iowa lilliM. .Two lots. For quick sale, 17,00. Harrison & Morton For tale .New all-modern, U-room fcun gal'J'.v, principal rooms In oak. Hot air ncfli. , This house is located one block irotn "ar line und two blocks from school. Be k'lre to cull us about this at once. Sniull cash puymcnt down, balance like rent. NKF.US REALTY INVBSTMENT COMPANY. Ci round Floor Hoc Building, Telephone Dot'g'as 2S2. No. 277B. : REPORT CF THE CONDITION OF The Merchants National Bank At Omnha, in the Slate of Nebraska, at the close of ousines, Oct. ill, lull: RESOL'KCES. Loans and discounts Jt.KH.tlT.SB Overdrafts, secuied and unse cured 16.551 I'. S. bonds deposited to secure circuiat.on 300,000.00 Commercial paper deposited to I secure ciiculaiton 135,000.00 1 V. s. bouds 10 secure I'. de posits JCO.000.Oi) ; Other bonds to secure postal savings 13,000.00 Bonus, securities, etc., (other than stocks) 13,000 00 Banking house loO.UOO.OO Due tram national banks mot reserve agents) .....$ 338,015.04 Due from state and private banks and bankets, trust com panies and savings 2W.lM.3t Duo from approved reserve agents in -central cities 437,044.19 Checks and other cash Items 14.868.13 Exchanges for clear ing house 73,107.37 Notoa of oti.or na tional banks 90,500.00 Fractional paper currency. nickels and cents 645.93 Lawful Money, He serve in Bank, vig; Specie 674,274 60 Legal tender notes.. 121,210.00 l.SC0,039.50 Amount paid on account of subscription to llOO.OOu.nro go.d fund (subscribed) leas amount If any, returned to subscriber Redetnption fund with U Treasurer (6 per cent of culatlon) , last year, Primary oats receipts were 9,14.000 hu. and shipments Ml.on bu., against reeelpta or 727.000 bu. and shipments of 670,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RFCEIPTS. Wheat.Cnrn rials (Snrlav Dva v nicogo tUT Minneapolis .... 824 Duluth M) Omaha 87 Kansas City ... H30 St. louls 114 Winnipeg J76 Ttiese cash saes were reported today Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 12 cars, Sl.u;V 2 cars. ti.OH: 13 cars, 11.07V No. 3 hard winter: 6 cars, I1.07H; K cars, $l.0i; 5 rais, S cars, 1.00. No. 4 hard winter: 211 243 .. .. 17 ii 'i i t .. 10 60 December, WVi',c; May. 70' uhl'.e. Hens, Ho; . " y-;i 11X1 No. nite, 4-"o4i 'i H I.T11Y - kev. 14c. CHUN No 2 mlxrl. rwi7t-: No 71c. December, Sc, Msy, '!'ic. OATH No 1 white, 7ti47c mixed, 4Ku4..c. FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS li.MiCc; No. roosters. 9c; tur- 2 hlle. No. 2 ; OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Rather Free Lending of Six Months' Money at 8 34. SALE OF NEW YORK NOTES rlan Klchansje llnrr More McgH Iblo Factor, go Far lnon t'oneeraed ItanW lear laaa l.lttle, Better. Two developments of distinct signifi cance were noted In the financial situa tion today. Due was the rather free lend ing ol six months money at iN per tent on mixed collateral, as ngalnst the Fackeri Take All Killers Offered at Prices Steady with Thursday. SHIPPERS BUY ALL THE HOGS hrea Very Pleatlfnl lor a Frldny. Itelnar Ilia Increase Over Imtt Week anil game Week a Year Ago. of these were consigned direct to a , packer, only s llltie over sr.ty earn weie on sale. Total for the live oays is ;3.ll heal, being a gain of more than . I ad over last week, but nearly 9.rt'i short of last year. " nopresentatlve sales: Cattle. .. k.i.! ... .3i4 .. 3,.V3 .. 4.111 l.m Hogs. Sheep. 3.11.2 21 7 SOI TH OMAHA, Nov. , 114. receipts were: Of.Kia, .ttomlitv ... Official Tuesday .. ricf:i Hlnosd.ty Official Thursday . Estimate Friday ... 4. IIS 40V7 4,7:w .g 10.S46 KM 45 6.4 I.OUO Five days this week.ln.2rn 23.1M f0 Same days lnt week..i.H IS.763 n.iM Same days 2 ks. ggo.34.g4J 30,X2 1'.4 ame daa S wks. ago.xs.li6 17.M7 1S0.0..4 Same days wks. Aao 81.61.1 24. 112 f .ame daya last year. . ,2;'...:6l S1.S73 t,S7S , it No (4 . ! ?.. Hi . I !.. i nr.. 41 . I 14.. I 41 I M. . .. M.. H . I .. I a?.. ' . ., M . M.. II.. 7.. 44 . 1 . H . SO.., U.. Kf. . Ml . Je.i . 1", in ..! . S4I .11 . .' . ..tin . tat . .m . HO . .V.I ..17 J . V-n ..! . ri4 . . . ws . .ts ,.tx . .M7 . ..Ji4 Mh. 1 r. 4 7 14 ! 7 7 JX 7 7 ? 7 J'i CO) 7 IP 7 il 7 Jt t 1 7 7 o T liH 7 1 M 7 W 7 a 7 w 7 7 Sf T U 7 M No. 34 ... t.... a ... 7... ... II.... la ... M ... 71... a, ... M ... fl... si.... M ... M... 11.... M. ... St.... .... St.... 7... 77.... 77.... M At ...J7I ...nil .. ! ...JU ...n ...I7 ...JJ ...2l ...2l ...51 ...tM ...:n ...las ...rr .. m ... ....) ...17 ...120 .. l:S ...171 Hh. IT. e T M 7 Jr. 7 J u ;u e 1 a . 7 4 7 4.. T an ; 7 7 ai 1 Ml t W I 1,1 7 M T s 7 M T H .. T H. W III 140 7 U .. t ss IS 1 lie : .. T 70 130 4 The following table shows the receipts long statvilng 6 tier cent rate, and the I of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South other was the sale of the New York City ' mataa live stock market for the year to per cent throe-year notes, which were I "ate, as compared with last year: Issued at par at a price to yield only ! 1M4. 1C13. Inc. 4 per cent Inrldnntally commercial tattle ,!is.i9 S.a,p;4 paper was accepted lor the shorter ! Hogs 1.9:'".;44 tlsn.OM periods at n fraction under S per cent. 1 Sheep 2, l,M4.20? g7.042 in line mint tills aeneral movement It 1 The following table shows the prices was also learned tlint the stock exchange ror hogs at the South Omaha live stock authorities wl.l, within a short uni, 1 mrk,i 1... -. m-na mnw ..,,,, 1. i.i.nni 'i vri mill irriii. ii.'iin Dec. 33,416 J4.J(e which have oerated against the pur chaae and sale of high class securities. It Is not Implied, however, lhat any thing like regular operations will be per mitted. Dealings In listed and unllatel bonds and fotes were said to have approxi mately 2.000.000 par value. Aside from the demand for city Issues the note of aeveral of the more prominent railway companl were In active request, at f rices returning front 4S to 6 per cent, dated stocks were hltrher In the unof ficial market, nnd on the curb a majority of tb standard oil laeues were uuotit at prices above July So closing quotations. Foreign exchauite was once more it negligible factor. par sons Date. I lilt. l:U.lw:.'!M.lfs.M. . Oct Oct. I Oct. Oct. , Oct. 1 Oct I Oct I Oct 1 Oct. Oct Oct Oct Oct. -let It. I 7 7 J, S 771 30 I T 46 IT U. 19. to: 21. 22. 34 24. 2.: 37 7 K T 04 4, 1 m S MS 4S 7 OJW 4 I 7 U I 4S US' S 7 is), s 741 t lil S 66 7 tfcl ; 311 i 7 J7 I I 711 S I7i R 1 T l 7 71 I S SO) jl 7 41 (till an 1 36, 31 7 61 7 60! I 44 I I 441 7 6. 7 671 S:l 8 17 62i I 601 7 .it 7 67 1 g 4j 141 i 47 7 6n 6 fcV t 41 6 43 i 21 I" 6 43 1 6 il 1 t'tr M .. o 4 I .. t W .. 15 37 14 .. 7 19 II. M ,. l IDS 1 ..7 10 104 ..7 09 ... SHEl ' hot it as to slio and quality, the receipts this morning showed tip very good for a Friday, for about, 8.0; head were reported Ih, compared with t,667 a week ago and 3.M a year ago. For the flvo davs of the week thus far a eon slderable stortsge is evident, the receipts to date amounting to only 65.9V.0 head, or M.OOtt he-id short of the same time last week. M.a4 head short of two weeks ago and 9,918 head short of a year ago. Owing to the unusnial conditions In the east and at the Chicago market, along with the falling off In the receipts, trade on most all grades of kllbng stuff was red hot, with packers scrambling for everything at all decent pnd paying prloea anywher from lc to c higher on lambs and strong to a dim better on aged sheep, the most advance on the best of ferings. Onod to choice stuff wast In the most urgent flemand. wblla anything only half warmen un did rot Sell qu te so ft as 7 M) I a 11 i abi 7 641 5 00 11 ,..n 1. ih, rasa at this time f I o. S tri q 141 a jvi 1 tet so far as London was i Nov. concerned. tuna on inai eerier were Nov virtually tinchatige I from the recent Nov! prices but I'arls eahlea ami thecks werjm.' sold at 6.WH and 6.imi, respectively. Re- Nov" ct;rrent activity in exchange on Italy Sov was seen 111 ine tiuoiaiions tor i.iree. Which w ere supposed to rcCli-a t pur chHSrs of foodstuff and merchamllae liero for Itallttn Interests There was more than the usual di vergence of opinion respecting the wwkly cash movement, but on the sur face It would appear that local hanks have iost onsl lerable rums to the anh treasury. It remains to le seen whether this loss will be large enough to effaco the axeces cash reserve built up during the preceding fortnight. Hank clearings ot the country ehnw little betterment, (except In the agricul tural sections and certnin manufartnrlng; lenters, whose Industries have beneflttetl by sales of merchandise to the warring nation. Cotton continued to be one or the chief articles of export, but the shlrp advance In marine war risks has had a marked tendency toward the curtailment of shipments to all foreign ports. S 13! at. 30. 31. 1.. 2 3.1 7 OPV 7 Ai! I 101 0 4. 6. 7 06-iki 7 741 7 791 7 Q; 7 7i 1 6t 11 7 11! ? 71 1 0f! 121 S 01 I 7 61 a ill HI 7 Hi 7 10, 7 76 ll T l 7 r. 7 701 ) 6 t) ( ak Nebraska. Elk City Douglas Co. 60 ACRES Almost new Improvements, 6-r. house, barn for 10 head cows, 6 head horses, small haymow, 6 tons; new gran ary, new chicken house, good well. This is fine laying lund, A-l soil, 3 or 4 acres alfalfa; not-a foot of waste land on It; within three miles of three towns, soutn east of Elk City, near Military road. The lay of the land and crops will show for themselves. Let me show It To see it Is to believe. Price, $11,600; terms. It la an Ideal "neck of the woods" to be in, and you "Cannot beat it in that neck. Act at once. This means you, who is a little bit. or decidedly choice. Bring wife wltb you. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO.. N. E. Cor. Vd and U Sis., So. Omaha. I Farmers, Make Your Money Count Hell an T.- r , ... f , . .. v I ... . in 4l vttt, iiimii borhood In Cass County, Nebraska, five miles fronj onc.tuwq and ' seven miles rom another, at J36 per acre. This land 1.4 worth flOO per acre, but the owner lives Ip Omaha and wants some cash. This la gn all cash price. J. H. Dumont & Co. LMCU'TIFCI. 6-HOOM BUNGALOW, NEW -ALL MODERN, ONE-HALF BlJCK FROM CAR LINE. Thin h.-.UBo Is locnted In one of Omaha's best new residence districts. Principal rooms finished .n oak. Furnace heat. All modern conveniences. House well built and beantifullv flnlahed. Will sell for :00 cash; balance like rent ( an walnut ok today and arrange to a- ins IH7IJ i . s. clr. 21.S5O.O0 20.000.00 Total. and and I 534,206.68 ror Sale-Very pretty 14 story all mod ern. 5-iOi rn bi:ngalow on corner lot and one block from car line Price, M.JOP. Terms, $160 cash. Balance In monthly payments. rSA,J'J)YlXy m TODAY. nK L ESTA TE SOUTH KI DE l'.iS Farnom Pt FOR Phone Douglas 690. OK 6 ALE By ownei, ltjo acres near Lodge Pole. Nab.: f,.rtv . been cultivated; fenced: 110 buildings; $16 for acre; one-halt cash, balance 6 years at per cent. A. J. Wharf, 219 N. Olen- Fielrj Club Bargain, $1L0(J0 fi.n!5"Jnt reslde'',. seven rooms, Uste- null dT,ra' Ood '""P'ng porch, fire- Plac. deliiht fill aim . ; ',nl,'" J'st rour blocks 1, ll,'J.fl" ; 'oulh front, large lot, li-iVS' h'8 J10" U Positively worth V ; " bs Purchased with $tl,0X) cash, balance monthly. (JALLAOIIKK & NKLSON M4 Brandels Bllg. Dona SOU. i liabilitib:s, Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Reserved for taxes Nstlonal bank notes oustand- Ing Due to otlior tlonal banks ,, Due to state private banks nanarra Dividends unpaid ... Individual deposits subject to check... S.38,S1!.77 Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit payable within 30 days Time deposits pay able after M days or after notice of 30 days or longer.. Certified checks Cashier's checkg out standing IT. H. deposits Postal aavlngs deposits .$7,611,369.15 $ 600.000.00 600,000.00 6,H4.13 (70,000.00 7&S,SS.2S 374.00 75.00 1H5.477.72 604.711.43 !sS,829.01 96.334 3 134,649.41 36.67S.2S- S.WI.JIS.IJ w ood .venue, Peoria, III. IF YOU can pay $3i0 now, i.k) next March, can sell you choice of 12 rich Nebraska valley farms; balance 9 years at 6 per eeut U Bradley. Wolbacb. Neb. FOR BALE A OKEAT BARGAIN."" The east balf of section 9. town 10 range 19, In Dawson county, Nebraska. Oood 6-room house, barn, granary and cribs; improvements in good repair; fenced and cross-fenced; 20 acres in aU faifa. 2w acrts smder cultivation; 7 miies from Sumner and 12 milts from Overton; good teuoul; heat of aoil, no rand. Price, lii ptr acre lor CD nays. Terms to suit Porcuaser. CLAYPOOL LAND CO.. ' Kearney, Neb. W Iktasatroi Upper Wisconsin Best uairy and general ciop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at Jow l'rle , n easy terms. Ask for book, let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land (irant. btale acrea wanted. Write about our graiiag lands. If interested in fruit lands, ak for booklet on Apple Orchards iu JVutcjiisin. Address Land Dept.. boo L'n Ky.. Minneapolis. Minn. WONDER F CL ba rgaln for quick Uauj'l 1-evel blai'k loam 2S0 acres; ndie railroad ton. Elegant, large, up. tu-date buildings, all faim machinery and IOO tons of hay. Only si per acta on easy ternia Harry D. Pake- President, polk CoJiity Lk, bt. Croix Falls. Wis. u. k'HI'MT'R ll .ice QREATKST BiUHl'in ' Nine-room house In first-class condl- ! non; . ounoy iuia, eacn uoxi2 leel. Qarajce and barn; Juit off boulevard. Incum brance $4.410. Must move. Will aucrlfice greater portion of equity and many other residence bargains all and prices , J. F. WALTER. RKAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 40) Omaha National Bank. 'Phone Douglas T3V9. REAL F.STAT6 WEST SIDE Total $7.61S,1&9.16 Plate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss: I, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1914 tSEAL.) L. W. WEYMITLJJER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Ll'THER DRAKE. FRANK T. HAMILTON. CI. SAM ROGERS Directors. Full 2-Story, Conservative Style Corner Lot Located at SIS South Kth St.; has re ception nan. living room, dining roomi and kitchen on first floor; all flnlehed In, oali except kitchen; second floor has anrea wen arranged and good-sized bed rooms and bath. Stairway to good floored attic; also full basement, ce mented and. equipped for laundry This home is strictly modern and nearly new: corner lot. and In easy walk ing distance to retail district. Can ar range easy terms. Let us show you this real bargain. Price, $3,00. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2 Omaha Nat. Bank Uldg. I long. 4.a. To Close Estate Comer Hlh and Jackson, 55x137 ft SViOrt. Harrison & Morton Omaha liar Market. PRAIRIE HAY Choice uplsnd, light bales. $10.riOtU.OO; No. 1 $10.fi010.60; No. 2, $8.OO4rl0.O0; No. S, S4.o0frt.00; choice midland, light bales. '$10.0ur<).f0; No. 1 $9 6W'10.00: No. 2. $.00Sj9 00; No. S, $5.00 H ft; choice lowland. SH.MV&e.OO; No. 1 $7 60tj.60; No. S, $5.00-87.00; No. S, 13.00 5.00. STRAW Choice wheat, SSMflM.OO; choice est or rye, $. . 5o. ALFALFA Choice pea green, fine stem, lia.fco; No. 1, Sll. OOffU.M; No. 2, S9.6ugrl6.60: extra good No. S brings $11; No. 8, SK.Ot'J.OO. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. l-COFFEE-The market continued quiet today. Tbe Bra silian rabies reported an advance of fed In the rate of H10 exchange, but cost and freight offers received here wera gener ally unchanged, and the local spot mar ket remained steady at Cc for Rio 7s and l'Wc for Santos 4t. Only a small business was reported in contracts through the liquidating committee, sales for the dav amounting to 1.6u0 bags At the closo December was quoted at 5.2J -. 'arrn. vtwut.iyj. May, W.172g.2e: July. $6.sli7.00 tvaporateal Apple a Dried Fralts NEW YORK. Nov. 6. EVAPORATED APPLKS-Qulot. DRIED FRllTf-Prunes. firm. Aprt cots and peaches, steady. Rals.ns. steady. Evaporate Apples aad Dried Fralts NEW YORK. Nov. $ EVAPORATED APPLES u!et. DRIKD FRITTS-Prunes, steady. Apri cots snd peaches dull. Raisins steady. 4 cars, 11.0,,; l cars. S1.04: 1 tar. n... No. 3 durum mixed: 1 car. 1 k;; 1 ar, $1.00. No. 2 spring: S ears, $! . No. X uurum: 1 car. $l.l: 1 car. tl.OHttj. No. 3 1 car, $l.9)t: 1 car. $1.09. No. 3 m.xed: 11 cars, $1.04. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, 110,1 Rejected 1 car. $1.01. No grade: 1 car. $1.01. Rye No. i: 2 cars, 93S No. 3. 11 cars, 93c: 1 car. 92c. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car. 7uc. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 7lc. No. 1 yello a: 1 car (new). 67l4c. No. 3 ydlow: I car tpsrt new), 67Vc; f car, SVc. No. 5 yeUow: 1 car, 70c. No. yellow: 1 car tnewi, 6Hc. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, tiwto. No. 3 m xed: 1 car (new), S3c. Sample: 1 car, 67c. Oats No. S white: S cars, 40c. No. 4 white: 6 cars, 44o; 1 cars, aMUjc. No grade, 1 car, 44Vc oinaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. Jl.07MU.OKit; No. 3 hard, i.(4t 1.08H; No. 4 hard. $1.0rmrl.06:. No. 2 spring, Sl.OtkJfl.07V4; No. 3 spring. Si.flf.M.6S',4; No. 4 spring, $I.01ffl.0f.; No. 2 durum, 1.10; No. S durum. $1 tW&l.WH. Corn: No. 1 white, Qifttii'Oo; No. 2 white, e; No. 1 white. fWHiWMjc; No. 4 white, JSAifW": No. 6 white, tjstyliKMc:. No. 6 white. fisUiHMvVc: No. 1 yellow.':ic: No. S yellow. 70Vtl7t,c; No. S . yellow, I -1,tri., 7 tin : i,...h.i. tu. ir 1OV4C: rvo. 0 ! s lilt A I)Tlt I0F.T' TIIADK RKVIKW Various Items of Favorable Newe Furnished. . NEW YORK. Nov. . Bradstreefs will say tomorrow: Crntlntted Improvement In sentiment, additional ease Iu money market mat ters, 'increased Interest In stocks and bonds at higher prices, heavy grain ex ports, siiHthlncci demand fur war mater ials at remunerative prices, high pr.cca for cereals and live stuck, somewhat bel ter collections, excellent winter wheat conditions und undeniable betterment In the southern cotton situation, due to a rln in exports, furnish a budget of fa vorable news this week. n tho other hand there is considerable Idleness, which reduces- the purchasing power In many sections, and warm wetther adversely affected retail trade. whlln likewise restricting reorders. Failures' for the week In the united States weim 317, compared with 241 last year; in Canada 69, against 42 last year. Bank rleartngs were $2,663,699,000, a de crease of 2.V3 iter cent from last year. W heat exiairts were 7,312,2X4 bushels, as ; iiul 7 r..:i 1 lit 1 A ui wil 7 7 ftVStl ni S j I S sll 9 n 7 .! 7 IKK,! 7 6I 7 73 S lj 7 721 7 661 6 72 7 61 6 96 4i 6 Ml 00 9 TOia7!ff70He: No. 4 vo nw. 7lffir70V.C yellow, 69At(J70c; No. 6 yellow, 94iHe; No. 1 mixed. ti9U.t'c; No. 2 mixed, Sif j WV4C: No. 3 mixed, eJliiliaTSc; No. 4 mixed f'4fiic; No. 6 mixed, eWiPIMic: No. 6 mi 46 Ve H46c M No. 2, 93&93MC; No. 1, 921i93c. - CHICAGO CRAM AND PROVISIONS Featwrea af the Tradtnsr and Cloalnar Prleea on Hoard of Trade- CHICAOO. Nov. 6. Notwithstanding .i.i. a, iiri. au. auce in ocean rreia 41MAIIA t.F.MEilAL MARKET. BUTTER No. J, I-lb. cartons. 31u; No I IMI IK 6 II lss UJisi xed, 7V4yti)c. Oata: No. 2 white, 4A'W .1iu'L-Jk'ir.,.. c...i.. ,. . ! i.AikilLJfa 2scr block SwT.s, lie: twin,. ; No. 4 white, 44'7iHc. Hsrley; l,.. AalmlM. i.. ,rini. t. inUi.- v,,.m. altlng, !72e: No. 1 feed. 601f59c. Rye: li.,i. ii.h.- 1. 1.1...1 t,.i 1.... burger, S-lb., 20-: l-IK. So.:; New York white, lDc; Imported French Roq'Jefort He. FISH Trout, 17c; large crapples, 1CJ 15c; salmon, U"t Hc; halibut, 9 Wo; channel catfish, 15c. pike. 17c; pbxkerel, 10c. PoULTRV Broilers, 14Vcj spring chick ens, lie; hens, 9illc; cocks. u; ducks. 10c; gtese, So; turkeys. It; pigeons, pr rates checked demand from exporters, 1 dox., UOc; ducks, lull feathered, 10c; goese, W'heat prices today showed considerable I full feathered, ac; squabs, No. 1. $1.00; N J. riiengwi, vue reaun largely or ioar mat : 2, ii"c. ti.e Artcent ne crou hud suffered serious damage. There was a firm close nt Wc to S'10 net advance. Other lead ng tuples, too, all finished higher compared with last night corn Stio to c, oats r to HVic and provisions i&tt"i7 in'. How much harm had beon done by cold r.nd frost to wheat In Argentina could only be inferred, but some experts were not alow to assert that the Inlury was severe. It was said the crop was at a critical stage, and that frost after frost, such as reported, could not fall to have done much mlseh sf. and may have caused an approach to disaster. Decidedly higher quotations at Rosarlo end Buenos Are appeared to bear out this view and helped to lift tha market here. Continued heavy receipts ut wheat at , $1.54 primary points In the United States led $1.75 Market quotations varnished by Qlllnskl 'rult company: FkU1Ti orar.acs. Extra francy Val ences. 112. Wm. U"Kls. 176. 200s. $4.00 per box; Red Bull Vaicn-lns, all sixes? 3.7J per box. lemons: Fancy, JUKSt, amis, $6.60 per box; choice Red Ball, S"0, 3is, $6.00 per box. Orapefrult: All slxaa, $3.00 per box. Apples: Extra fancy Washing tun Crimes Oolden, $1 75 per box; fancy Washington Orlmcs. St. 60 per box: extra fancy Washington Jonathans, 11.60 per bur; fancv Washington Jonathans, $1.36 per box; fancy Colorado Jonathans, 11.16 per box; Colorado Jonathans, choice, $1.60 per box; extra fancy Washington Hoov ers. II. .15 per box; Oregon Spltsenburgs, per box; Oregon winter bananas, per box; extra fancy wsahlngton to a rccstlon In prices, but the effect Delicious, $2.0u per box; New York Ureen tailed to last It was asserted that In 1 ngs. $3.00 per barrel; New York llald manv cases the arrivals were 11 ng I wins 12 75 iter barrel. Pears: Csllforn a counted twice, first at southwestern U'largleus, $2.25 per box: extra fancv D'Anjnu, per box. Crapes: t' markets and again at Chicago, with others at Minneapolis and later at Du luth. A distinct falling off in the sprlrui crop movement was said to be notlceab'e and there were late reports of flour sold at Chicago for ahlpment to Europe. In creased export demat.d for corn put a lever under that cereal. Bales were In tended for transatlantic countries footed 60J.OOO bushels. There were also pre dict ons of unsettled weather. Outs were In'luenced by adv.ces 01 North Dako.a supplies going to Canada and by esti mates of 16 to 20 per cent Impairment to the crop In southwestern Argentina. ' a'nverlnr bv shorts in provisions was on a large scale nnd made prices a steep Jump The multiplying of quarantine re- str clions outside 01 Illinois, especially in the west, was regarded aa adding ma terially to the strain ort supplies due to the closing of the stock ysrds here be ginning tonight. Pork showed the biggest gdvantie, 7W. Oram prices itirnianeo ny iogan v Bryan, office 316 South Sixteenth streetj Artlrlel Open. I Hign.l txiw. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec. I I 1 17! I 16HI May.!! 23s! I 1 K'4,1 Corn I I W,IV May..72tS724 OaU I HSC..I 1 17,, 1 2C, 1 16'ASj I 17, 1 16 1 22' I I 1 23S 1 22'u 1 21 I 49HH4 70i. 731 sn B3TI I 72S Mav. Pork I I Jan.. I 19 SR I 1 S7', Msy. I 19 65 I 26 SO Lard I I Nov. 11 W I It 60 Jan..1 10 324 10 65 Vay.ilO 4-47 10 77H Ribs I I I Jan.. HO 20-171 10 66 I f9i70Uffl 72 I 73'' 49HI 60 153HPH 631.ii53-'kl63A,iv i wm 1 SO SO SO I 1 0 11 66 I 11 02H 10 I 110 25-27 10 77HI 10 40 I 17HI 10 S24I 10 17H 19 35 IS 66 11 10 10 30 10 45 r Chicago Cash Pi l es Wheat : No. 2 led, SI .14VS1 15H; No. S hard. $1 HVtf 1 IS'. Corn: No. S yellow. 7o7'4e; No. 3 yel low. 75fy7fic:. No. S yellow, new.' 70i'uv72e. Oata: No. 3 white, 47i4i4c; standard. 49 49lc.. Rye: No. 1. $1 00. Barley, Hj'77c. Beeds: Timothy, $3 756.36; clover. 10.ft 14.00. Provisions: Pork. $17.60; lard, $11 ): ribs. $9 Wat 10.76. KOOi) Higher; receipts. S.645 cases; at mark, rases Included. iZlc; ordinary firsts Sf'U'24e: firsts. 27tf2c. POTATO)-4 Iwer; receipts, 43 cars; Takota, Michigan. Minnesota and Wis. oonsln. white. fi43c; Dakota and Wis consin, red, SAflAV. POT'LTRY Alive, unsettled; springs, 14c; fowls, 11VST13C. Kaasaa City Grata aad FraTlelaaa. KANSAS CITY. Mo. Nov. S WHEAT No. S baM, Sl.08ftl.09; No. 3 red, $1 December, H.08'1.0W; May, $1 ls"rX16S. CORN-No. 2 mixed, 70c; No. i white fornlu. Emperors. $Z.C0 per barrel: Malaiia. $5. (xi per keg. Bananas: Per buittb, l.704j 3.50. VEG ETA BLH.S Cauliflower. $2.60 par crate. Cabbage; Per pound, lVic. Cu ucmbers: Per 1 doa box, $1.5(1. Celery: Michigan, 35c per dozen; Denver Jumbo, 7f.c per dos. Toniaioee: Fancy, $1.26 per basketLettuce: Head, lOch$i.66 iter dozen; leaf. 40o er dozen. Onions: Shal lots, 40s tier dozen; yellow, 2Hc per pound; red, lVa per pound. Rndlshes: Per dozn, 36c. Horseradish: Per case, $1 V. Oarllo: Italian, 2c per pound.' Potatoes: per bushel. 70c. Sweet Pota toes: Per barrel. $3.00; Jerseys, $1.75 per hamper. N UTS-No. 1 California walnuts. Ie per pound: psns, mr pound; Jumbo pecans, IHc per pound Filberts, 15o per JUU III! pound MISCELLANEOUS - Shelled Popcorn Per pound. 4c. Dates: Stiver walnut $1.10 per box. Almonds: Per pound ?0c! uiiies: r-er nox, l.if. t'rackerlack: I'er immn, o.n, per ni( ease. si. in. I heckerS' Per esse, 13.60; per half case $1 75' Dater: Dromedary, per case. $3.00 iioney: rer case. 11. 60, F!gs: Twelve 1. -1. .ime. per pouna. cider: Per kes $7'I0; per half barrel. $6 00. Cocoanuts: Per sack. $1.00; per dozen, 75c. Suuash: Per pounl. Vie masn. 'Sunaay. CAT'I I.K-Ilecelpts were light as usual on a Friday. Packers bought up the kill ers in rc-tsmahle season at prices that were generally steady with yesterday, but the market was slow and the trade lacking In life or Interest, as usual this Into in the week. Pretty much all of the feeders In the hands of speculators that would do for killers were aiso taken by the packers. On the other hand there wss nothing of any consequence doing In thin feeder cattle. The country demand wtia light and speculators were afraid to one anything. The market la now around 16A26e higher on fat cattle than at the close ot lest week. Bo Utile has been done In feeders during the last two daya that It Is dlt flcult to say how much lower they are, hut they are safely 261fOo lower for the week and possibly a good deal more than I hat In elKjle. Trade Is suffering from uncertainty as to what the next few daya msy bring lortn on account or tho outbreak or foot and mouth disease. Speculators are afraid ami pitrkars are uncertain what move to make, but so far they have cleaned up all the killing stuff coining to nann. Quotations on rattle: flood to choir Corn fd beeves. $9 0itlfl60; fair to good corn-fed beeves, $g.00ifl.0O; common to fair corn-fed beeves, $! 761)1.00; good to choice range steers, $7 40ff.40; fair to good range steers, $H.76fl7.40; common to fair rang steers, $Svu7: good to choice grsss heifers, $6.j70Q; good to clio'ce grass cows, $M6,60; fair to good grades. $00040.16; common to fair grades, $4 0nri5.00: prime feeders, $. 00r 6 40; good to choice stnekers and feeders, $7.2007.66; fair to good stoekers and feeders. $tt Giii7.20; common to fair stock era and feeders, $r..jti.00; stock heifers, $i.756 00; stock cows, S4.C0rii6.50; stock calves, $7.600 10.00; veal calves, $7.(0010.00; bulla, stags. eto., $4.60u6.25 Representatives rales: heimc ctrekb. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. l"r. m i: r it io 1 su to m in cow a. 1 WO I M 1 ItM I 7 .4 7t 1 Jill 1 bt t US 4 74 4 IdtO $ a 1 H0 I 00 , 1 10U 11 00 11 M uo W 1 I. .. 1SU ttO I.EIFKR6. 13 '50 on 14 IN g IM l 9 114 4 4 1 sw t M 1 as) 7 so M 4 4 CM .ft. t 91 I II 1 UT M 1 1"M 1 90 1 IU0 w 1 KM 6 74 CALVES. 1 tl T M 1 lso M I 7 00 I im m 1 HI CO 1 110 10 0 ' STOCK EH S AND FKEDE'dS. II 717 IU T IM t 60 I til M It 104U 7 71 NEI1RASKANS. 44 mixed.... m 7 76 1 oow 1140 S 7S 12 cows 902 6 W 6 cows 9tt2 6 28 1 cow Ural S 60 S cows 900 4 U5 6 heifers... 6T6 6 40 1 heifer.... 504 o 1 cow. 640 5 2Ti JO cows 10H4 6 90 1 cow.' 12i0 6 00 1 cow Io30 S 00 I heifer.... MO 6 40 S bulls 1223 6 66 S bulls 1610 6 25 S yearlings 6K6 7 60 1 cow 11.10 6 25 2 calves... 190 7 60 1 bull 6W 6 40 S heifers... 710 6 40 5 cows H94 4 60 1 bull 1190 S 66 6 cows IM 110 1 calf 100 10 BO WYOMINU. 10 cows.:.. .1022 6 50 1 stk. bull. 1600 S 65 9 steers.... Otsl 7 25 WESTERNS. A. Porenzen Neb, Sr calves... 415 7 so 4 calves... 416 30 feeders., ft'.l 6 76 1 feeder .. 600 IS heifers... U 7 26 4 cows 9M6 1 heifer.... 600 6 00 J. C. Carson-Neb. 61 heifer... IM 7 75 6 heifer... 63S 25 cows lout ( 70 17 oows 9b5 Scows 925 4 65 7 calves... 2uS S calves... 406 t 60 Alex Wagstaff Wyo. I steers. ...14H 975 4o steers.... 943 8 steer. ...1017 7 0) 2 cow 1170 700 S 76 600 1 75 1 15 7 25 1 cow. 940 1 00 6 25 6 S5 4 60 6 60 4 60 ltMO 6 40 1 bull.. It W. RalstonNb. ,. 9S6 6 00 S cow 73S . 6H 6 00 S calve... 350 . 140 10 00 1 cow t J. & J. J. Bobbllta-Neb. ..10h7 7 15 HoUS Shipping order were very liberal thl morning and altnough packer were doing nothing on the early trade ship per uougni practically everyinilig on toe good light order at pi ices that were In near.y every Instance a dime higher than yesterday's good tme. and in some cases 11 cows.... S heifers.. 1 calf K. 47 steers. No. 212 fed 63 fed 1 fed 9 fed lambs ewe ewe . ewe . Ice. 10 121 6 75 110 6 60 IM S 60 Cattle flllwrts. long naples. 'l8c oerl v"r" tuotej as Iorirl5c higher. As the . rvi 11. i(,,.r .ai',n...i wilt. i u . b . .ill I 1 . Mlaaeapoll Grain Slarket. ni.iiMruu. Minn., Nov. $. inr,A-ir,tim, l.I3v: Msy. SI Ion.- No. 1 hard, $1.17',; No. 1 northern, $1.13Vf - ..... . i..'i..iqiii, ff i. imyrj a. if v.. Fun:-Unchanged. u,-, HARLI7Y 4A69e. RYEV-i.'it-. HKAN $2l.60 CMMN-No. 3 yellow. 6MW. OATS No. 1 white, 45V(4tc. riaAX-$l.27L44. I.I rer pool Grata Market. LI ERIfiOI,. Nov. 6 -WHHAT-Spot. ii,.., i.w. e.aiinuua, aa; in o. a HstWd' No. S western winter, 9s Sd. Futures' quiet December, 9s 714d. CORN Spot, easier; American mixed, new, 7s. Futures. firm: limmu. 6a 7d; January, 6a 7'id. St. I.ools Grata Market. ST. I-OI'l Nov. 6-WHEAT-No. 2 red. ll.lL'ol.ll; No. 2 lisrd. $J1 U!Hi 1.14; Deeemlier. $l.l3'-;; May, I1.12'al l.'S. CORN No 2. sue; No. 2 w hite, 7i. i"7'c: December. 6Vc: Msy, 72 V(a 7 lc. OATS-No. 2. 47i,c; No. i white. 49c. Haak l learlage. OMAHA. Nov. 6. Bank clearings fur Omaha today were $J.6'j9,77 43 and for tbe corresponding day last year 1.1,19s.-177.04. morning advanced with pa,:kers still lsy- Ipg stock, ourrent make. No. 3. SOH&ilc, lng out snippers dropped their ofiers little and some of the later sale were better than steady, but a a general thing CHEESE steady anu unchanged; re ceipts. 1.540 boxes. Kuus-rirni; receipts, .nn cases; irean the shippers' purchase can be quoted as : gathered extra fine, 37&bc; extra firsts, a dime higher. l34t&;Mc; firsts. 31 a 33c; seconds, 26C9c: A noteo In the first paragraph the state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery killer trade wa practically lifeless. One white, blithe; heirheiy browns, 3S(j.4ic; packer made bids at prices that wera i hennery gathered browns and mixed col- aooui steaoy wun inursaays average, ors. 303So. and some hog were aold on this baal but other killer buyers continued to lsy out and after such orders as were In sight were filled there were some twenty-live or more load In first hands, many of which had not even attracted a bid. Moat of tho,alilpper saler .aimed ut $7 50 47.6U, while a load ol real good light reached $7.70, top for the day, aad the best prle that ha been paid for nearly a month. Later on In the forenoon buyer picked up a part of these at price thai war POULTRY Dreesed, quiet; weatern roasting chickens. 14&17c; fresh fowls, U17c; frozen, turkeys, 17$ 22c I-OULTKi: Live, firm: western chick ens, llijltc; fowl, 13o 16c; turkey. UP 20c Cattoa Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. . COTTON-Spot. In fair demand: American, middling, fair, S.TOd: aood middling. 4. tod; middling, 4.64d: low middling. 4lWd; good ordinary, 114: around 5e to 10c and In moat cases nearly i ordinary. I.Md. Sale. 6.0U0 bale. Spot lue lower than yesterday average, most I galea made late yesterday wera 7.600 of these last sale being mad at $7.2os 7 30. Even at these figure they failed to make a clearance and at noon there were tlll ontelhing like ten load In first hands, with no on trying very hard to buy them. Bulk of the killing hogs old at 7.2Ve7 40, putting the bulk of all the sales at $7 Owing; to tha ex treme unevenneaa of the trade. It 1 dif ficult to compare the general market for two day, but from all indication today's average I slightly higher. With no market at all in Chicago dur ing tha next nine or ten days, the trend of the river market depends almost an. tlrely en the (hipping demand. With lib eral shipping order price ought to hold firm ami possibly advance a little, but If tbe packers are given a free hand they will undoubtedly pound the market Yesterday's advanc was considered en tlre'y unwarranted by the klllrra, and their bearish attitude was. well 111 us traled today, when they hesitated clean ing up a moderate Supply even at lower prices. Supplies amounted to eighty-seven car or 6,40o head, but fifteen double deik balea. The Cotton exchange will open at 11 a. m. until further notice. Wool Market. LONDON, Nov. S-At the wool auction (ale yesterday 6,200 bales were offered and readily sold at price in sellers' favor. SUpes were more dfflleult to buy and they sdvanced 10 per cent. Inferior merinos sold a shade over the opening rate and New Zealand croaa-broda re al! ed l6d. Ifew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Nov. S. MERCANTILE! PAPER h6Vaj per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm; lxtv day bill. $4 87; for cable. $4.91; for de mand, $4 9036. BlLVr.R-Bar. 4'e. Dry Good Mark. NEW YORK. Nov. 6 -DRY OOODS Cotton good steady; yarn firmer; car pet wool slrongri ; raw silk steady; dress good quiet 1 il -3 of the year. . j, More record breaking price distin guished today' due to the fact that fat lambs soared un to $9.10, against a top ll Friday of $s 00. and an SX00 top or November of lust year. Most of the lambs this morning moved at $.50H .(). with the long string at the latter price. Some fat ewes snot tip to $6.86, against a $4. top last year at thts time. The biggest week's advance In soma . time has teen made this week, with tho week closing safely 7f.cflll.0O higher than the close of the previous wek and around, fiOrtOOc higher on aged sheep, principally fat ewee. The sharp urturn la attributed to the marked falling off of the receipt, not only here but all market points aa well as to the conditions brought about at Chlcaao, due to th outbreak of foot end mouth diseaae. The feeder iniation show no material rhajtg from the close of last week, though 11 is thought If any great number of feeders should show up In all prob ability values would have an easier and lower tendency. During the for part of the week receipts of feeder were very fair with trade fairly active and th best feeding lambs selling around $6 50017.60. Feeding ewe aold mainly at S3.SJt94.15. Owing to the marked carclty of feeder of all kind at the week' close little busi ness has been transacted. yi'instlons on sheep and lamb: Lnmb. good to choice, $x.i)W9.10; lamb, fair to good. S4.20ir.f; feeders, good to choice. $0 S0rfi7.00; feeders, fair to good. $t tVf6 60; rearllngs, good to choice. S7.3.V87.60; year lings, fair to good. $7,0077.35; yearlings, feeders, $&.4Ofi.90; wethers, good to choice, $6.607t1.7S: wethers, fair to good, $tl.2Rflt;.50; wethers, feler. $4.304. R6; ewes, good to rhofea, $5.60(68.85; ewes, fair to good, $0.1'tJM; ewes, feeder, $3.4.15. Representative sales: :r .1 .'t t ' IT It !C 1 f X r. .4 !t ii i L ' CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKETT '-2 Generally Steady Hogs Lower. CHTCAOO Nov. fl. CATTLE -Receipt. 3,000 head; genera 11 v steady; bevea, $6.25 11. 00; steer. tC . fiOt rf . : cow and heif ers, $3.)i9.t; calves S7.8OitfU.00. HOOS Receipts, 22.000 head; market 15 rJT.c lower; bulk of sales. $7.2Mr7.i; llaht. r.l0tr7.00: mixed, $7.1Me7.7C; heavy, $7.054 70; roinrh. 17.06ir7.2p; pigs, $1 to S3 lower at $3,504)6.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 21.000 head; mnrket steady to 10c higher; hep, $r..7Mnl.O0; yearling, $6.7&tr7.7t; lamb. $7.ts99.36. Kaaaaa Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 6. CATTLE Re ceipt, 15.000 head; market weak; prima fed steer. $IO.0OfYH .00; dressed beef steer. Js.00tfT9.76; western steer. $7.00j) 9.50; Blocker and feer. Sfi.754fg.00; bull, $5.tuti.75; calve, $6 6Oi.l0.6O. HOGS Receipt, 10.0K) head; market lower; bulk of sales, $; heavy, 17.45ti7.76; packer and butcher. $7.35(9 7.S0; light, $7.10tf7.60; pig. $S.2V?r7.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 head: market higher; lambs, Is.OOfu 9 25 : yearlings, 1 7f8H.76; wether, $6.506.60; ewes, $6.00tf.(; Bt. Lnnl Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 6.-CATTLE-Rocelpta, 1,100 head: market stredy; na tive beef steers, $7.75(0 10.75; cows and heifers, "JC.OOfio.Sb; (tocker and feeder, $5.507y7.50: southern steers. $5,70'47.7i; rows and hotter, $4 0096.00; native calve. SflOotiO.OO. HOGS Receipt. 6.000 head; market higher; pig and light, S6.5o-7.60; mixed and butcher, $7.X7.76; good ha,vy, $7.56 SJ7.75. BHEHP AND LAMDS Receipt. 600 head; market higher; mutton, $4.006.5t); lambs, 17.00-o9.25. fllona City Lie Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Nov. . CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head; market steady; native steers, $7.0o4itt.90: butchers, t5.XiHS.60; can nor, 14.2fb"6.60: calve, Srt.lWff 10.00; bull, stag, eto., 8o.2g.2&. HOGS Receipts, 4.5(10 head; heavy, $7.26 (7.30; mixed, 17.; light $7. 15417.25; bulk of tales, $7.16r7.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpta 2.300 headt market steady; ewe. $3.6o2i'a.6i; Iambi, tfl.0u4rH.60. " New York uenerai nsrxet. NEW YORK, Nor. .-f"UaAR Raw. steady; molasse. .s7c; centrifugal. 1.520; irflned, quiet 40 point lower; cut loaf, 8.90c; crushed. 6.80c; mould A. 6.55c; cubes, 6.25c; XXXX powdered, 8.15e; powdered, 5. 10c; fine granulated 6c; diamond A, 5c; confectioner' A. 4.90c: No. 1, .75o. BUTTER Strong; receipt. 4.99e tuba; creamery extras, S5c: creamery, 3V; firsts. 30J34c; secono. sestc; pack er ."P IH "J A I '-' .T A. n u T A i .' : II T I I I S "l T a A t I .1 "l T A ') V H I K 1 t ) r r 1 r 1 A. 't t. 4 A