Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Rett of Missouri Valley Teams Mett
Minor Aggregations.
With (rl( Out of t.atnr, himii
Eleven Farther t rippled for lt
Clank with Waatiharn at
Toprka Today.
Ha hrvirr opponents n llnr huokln.
Jthrion md.- lrn runs, starring fur
Vel-jan. ami Wnrcliam ami U.mJolih
1'layrd well for the Normal.
The lineup: '
Randolph f.
Uenry 11 U. t.O...
r-erkelbarh ... . I.T.' It.T.
' 'amernn . . . .
fi. Wareham
i'. Wareham
rui'ii K.....
,.l, O.I R . ....
..R.T.'. T
. K B I K.U ...
.. R.ll. TH . ...
.... lurhsm
.... rmrk-k
.... Johnson
KANSAS C1TT. Mo . Nov. C.-The Uni
versity of Missouri an.l Drake university
are tha only Missouri valley conference
team that meet tomorrow. Moat of the
other mem'iers of the eonfeitnee play
minor games. Interest for lolKmera of
the valley hport therefore centers at De.
Nolnea. The. Missouri eleven has shown
Improvement durln the last two weeks
and U helng pointed for the Kansas pa. mo
j-,v,rinurr. .a. uraae, rjy virtue or a 7-1
tO-7 tie. With Washington nnlvers'tv lust i
Saturday. Is regarded aa Iwlng out of
the race for the chaninlonshln.
Nebraska, which, with Kansas, Is cred-1
Ited by critics as being the "class" of the
valley, will meel Morntnftslde college at
Uncoln, and unless there is a big upset'
the Cornhuskera should have little trouble
In winning. The record of the Nebraskti
team to date shows victories over the
Michigan AR-2'es. the Kansas Acgles. !
Ames and Washburn, a tie with South
Dakota and no defeats.
With Halfback CratR out of the game
the University of Kansas squad Is fur
ther crippled for iti clash with Wash
burn college at Topeka tomorrow.
Ames, crushed by Nebraska last Satur
day, will meet Cornell at mes. la., and
should have little trouble In winning.
The two St. Lonls elevens Washington
university and St. Louis nnlverslty-wlll
settle thrlr differences In a game full of
local interest.
At Kansas City WMllsni Jewell college,
champion of the Missouri niuix Mi,f.
ence. will defend its title uasinst vJ
minster college, which has ben playing
a consistent game all season.
Cotner Wins from
Doane by 13 to 0
On Cotner Field
USrOLV, Nov. &-tPpeclal Telegram.)
Cotner university was defeated by
Doane here this afternoon, 13 to 0, on!
Cotner field. Outweighed heavily. Cot-!
ner played desperately, but the weight
was too great odds.
All of Donne's scoring was done In the
second quarter. Marsh opened with a
pretty field goal from the forty-yard line.
Doanrt scored a touchdown when Medlar
broke away on a delayed pass and ran
fifteen yards. Marsh kicked goal. Marsh
rounded out Doane'a score to 13 by his
second field goal during the quarter. j
In the final quarter Cotner held three
tlmee on lta five-yard line and In the last,
minutes of play took the ball from the
five-yard line to Doane'a forty-yard line
on a brilliant series of forward passes.
Marsh starred for oDane and Strain for
Cotner. Following la the lineup:
antlned a suspected case exIMa at Corrio.
Visa, where It is reported a herd owner
Minuelf has contracted the disense. The
federal authorities are advising state of
ficials to Impose stringent qmrantlne
asrvlnut Infected section and even to
prevent children trom leaving the farms
to attend school.
M I uses Tlenered.
Hope was expressed today, on receipt
of reports of no new cases In Indiana
and Michigan, that the epldcniw; there
had been placed under control. On tho
other hand, new rases were found lu
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and In
three more counties In Illinois.
The spread of the disease make cer
tain an Increased cost of putting down
the epidemic. It would not surprise of
ficials If the cost would be nearer the
CPW.OOO expended by the German move
ment to eradicate the disease from among
Its cattle, a few yeara ago, than the spent by the American govern-1
ment In fighting the 1908 outbreak of the
rilseaMi The expense of having Inspector
trace the various shipments from Infected
centen will be very large. Ten new In
spectors were rushed today to Wiscon
sin, Iowa and Massachusetts, each for
duty In the resiHvllve states. Dcpattmeru
i officials have suggested to the promot
I era of the Ko al Cattle show, to he held
at Kansas City, Mo, this fall, that the
event ehouM tie postponed.
CIIICAiJO, Nov. . "ne hundred cattle
and hXI hogs were condemned for de
struction today. The International t.lve
Stock exposition was formally called off.
It was to have been held the week of
November IS,
Sara Only One ( onnty quarantined.
VK MOINES, la , Nov. .-Dr. James
I. Gibson, state veterinarian, declared to
day that the federal quarantine In low
would be only against th county In
which Tarnell Is Watcj and where fool
end mouth disease waa discovered In cat
tle ahlpred from Chicago. x
Ten Thnnmmd Men Idle,
EAST ST. I.OC1S. 111.. Nov. S.-Thon
are enough cattle In the yards to ke.p
the local packing houses running Until
Monday or Tuesday. After the stock
now on hand la killed the packing plants
will close. The closing of the yards and
pack'ng plants will throw atwnt H "
pien out of work
Tlie rerfcer have lsnte quantity of
dressed meal in stoisee. but after ex
hausting this reserve supply an Increased
price of meat is expected. i
Mot Affected.
ST. IOVIS. Mo.. Nov. . The packing
h"uses In St Louis. Mo , will not he af
fected by the quarantine of the stock
yards at East St Lonls, III., except In
so far as they have been gottlng stock
from these yards. The St. l,oils houses
wilt buy In western markets and continue
rilnnlng at usual.
V M State Stops Shipments.
POSTON. Mass . Nov. .-An Indefinite
sui-fenslon of shipments of cattle In
and out of Massachusetts was ordered
today by Fred Walker, commissioner of
animal Industries, on account of the prev
alence of foot and nionlh diaessc. Com
missioner Walker also erde-ed " ' s.
Ing of the quarantine etetlone at B rich
ton, Watertown and, Sotnervllle, where
hundreds of cafvla are. recclxed . dally
from alt parts of- the etare
; HUTTE. Mont.. Nov. .-The foot and
mouth disease has been discovered In
eMctor In charge of the federal luireau
oT'ahlmaf lnpe tlon. announced thnt a
score of additional Inspei tur would Is
sent nut to assist the fifteen previously
assigned to the work
It wsa estimated that New Turk City
has about one week's supply of. beef on
hand. Inn-eased prhVa were predicted
unless western parking renters where the
quarantine. Is not In effect come to the
relief of the local market, which always
haa drawn largely , from Chicago for It
Colorado Tnta t p Bars.
DENVER. Nov. ft. Governor Amnions
late yesterday Issued a proclamation
quarantining any movement of rattle,
sheep rr swine from the territory east
of th,. Missouri river and Including V.l
stork yards at Missouri river point Intj
th. state of Colorado, and further or
dered that no rattle, sheep or swine be
ad.Mltted Into the state of Colorado for
any purpose whatsoever.
1'nder the proclamation Ihe - Stato
Hoard of fltoek Inspection Commissioners
I la instructed to make eueh' regnJa.Uons tn
regard to the movement anil transporta
tion of live stock at will Insure the en
forcement of the proclamation. The ac
tion is thken In view of the 'widespread
epidemic of the hoof and mouth disease
In central and eastern states.
Stops Shipment of Claaa.
riTTSHl'RGlI, Nov. (.Many thou
sands of dollars' worth of manufactured
glass Is being held In Pittsburgh ware
houses because of the quarantine Im
posed by the federal government against
t tin foot and mouth , .disease. Olas is
packed for shipment In hay or straw,
and o these are Included In the quar
antine regulations, manufacturers ar-.'
unable tn pack glaasware. Even window
glass nnd plate glass are afferted.
Jones A linker. South La. Sallo
street, .Chicago, hsyj Issued a complete
detailed report and map on Niplsslng
Mines company, which they will bo glal
tp aond to tnvestora free.
The Want Ad Columns of The Fee Are
Read Ivlly by,IVople In Search of Ad
vcrtleedj Opportunllies.
Dan Tipple May Hop
to Federal Circuit
Dan Tipple, star Hurler for the Rourkes
last year. Is hotd'ng out on Jim McGtU.
owner of the Indianapolis club, for more
salary. McGlll declares be offered Tip
Me an Increase of 33 per cent, but Dan
refused It. McGill declares he will nou
itender Tipple another such lucrative
contract, but will cut his original one in
case Dan offera to sign. The Indianap
olis owner says Tlpplo may be flirting
with the Federals, but if he Is, ho has
McGiirs permission, and no effort will
be made to prevent the (tap.
Wooehen ..
llageman ..
Ka. iv.e:er .
L. st'uin..
Hetlwig ....
ueaa linesman: r ir ia goais: Amnn i
ci. Touenuown: Meoiar. uoai irom
touchdown: Marsh.
.R. E. L. E...
...R. T.U T...
...R. G,. L. ...
...R. T.I R. T...
...U T.I R. T...
...U K R. E...
...Is G.IR. G...
. r . H. F P.
.... Medlar
. Johnston
... Wishart
. .. Con..rad
. Wunkers
Marsh I
(J. Bj Q. B Davis'
Mason. I mplre: Knowles
York and Beatrice
Play Game to a Tie
YORK, Neb.. Nov. , (Special Tele
gram.) York and Beatrice played to a
tie score of 0 to 0 this afternoon. Cox
and the entire team played a good game
for York. They played Beatrice clear off
their feet th eentlre game. Cox easily
outpunted the Beatrice man, going forty
five yards each punt. Scamehoro'a tack
ling waa the best witnessed In this city.
York had the ball In Beatrice' end of
the field moot of the game.
The game closed with the ball In Beat
rlce'a possession within fifteen yards of
York's goal.
Runnalla R E.
J. Kllpatr k (c).R T.
Botts R.G.
Erlckson C.
Hubleson . L.G.
Lake . L.T.
L.E Kcamehorn
L.T Conway ;
L.G Little'
C M.vera (c)
R.G Forbes i
R.T Morgan
KEARKEY. Neb'.. Nov. G.-iSpecial Tel
egram.)We!eyan university defeated
.1 h M Vnrmal hnfil tn- ... 1 . . . . t . j .
i... . i m . . I rterman L,.r.iR.n, MitJer
noon by the score of 40 to i. Normal mak- Miller Q.lQ Osborne
ing its touchdown in the. 1e-t few mliiutes 1 Schultl R.ll.R.H Cox
of play. Forward parses were workel-i" Y r'If'S J.r,UBri
neauttfully on several qccas.ona by the , Substitutes: Stoll. Noble, Bernstein,
Wesleyan aggregation, Kearney made Stoner, ulmsted. Referee: Plehm, Ne
Boma sensational gains, but wan unable , K1""'. l'mn,re: . " ex-Wesleyan.
to go through th. visitors' line, tho SHe'? ""tl"n"l: B"ark. ex-Cornell,
greater part of its gains lyslng made by I T) "p frn in Kny"rto
end runs or forward raises. Normai i i Oi IlOUTKo 1U lYlarKC U
fumbles in the first half and failure to
tackle on long rims put Wesleyan twenty
to "the good ' before tle. Normal- got on
its feet. The, Normal' pinyed better bajl
than the visitors, but waa unable to hold
... . ' ... -, ;
, For Several Players
-P Rou'rke, owner of the Omaha club,
I Is in the market for half a doxen athletes
I for pext year's team. Pa Is sadly In need
lot pitchers and a couple of outfielders,
j Rotirko may fick up a few players at
I the minor league convention here if he is
I offered some bargains, or he may wait
j unt'l spring. However, Pa declare he
intends xo ooiain re&i u&u cv
year and not uncertain quantities.
1 H I
1 wsl5?'
The Stores for Men and Boysmsmm,
i i it
For All SchoolChIdren SatirdayFREE
8e trus orltnBl, cwrtoon and, tJrajWtnKS by some of
the foremost Caricaturists and Artlntn. in America
Theae were brought here especially -for School Teacher'
Convention, but we will maintain thla exhibit one day
more Saturday no an to Rive a chance to all Boy and
Oirla to come here Raturday to see them.
A - Sale
AT 1MUCES to fit every purse, nnd whatever price you pay you will be jjettine: the biggest values in
OinaliH. Our tremendous outlet enables us to wntch the market closer nnd our ready cash puts us
iu position to take advantage of "every opportunity. We have made many .good purchases in this past
week, and wo pass the snvings obtained along to you in 'these special values for Saturday. , .,
Men's and Young Men's Suits ! Strictly Hand Tailored Suits
Puro All-Wool Fabrics, newest English and . Semi-English mod
colorings. Lots of Blue Serges.
Tli price Saturday represents a
saving of $3 to $5 on each suit-1
Men's and Young . Men's Suits
In Pure Worsted Fabrics. All the
new fall shades. Sizes to fit every
man. Suits that you would never
expect to see at such a low price
els. Tartan Checks, solid
ors and fancies. $:30.00 ,
$25.00 values
ti . i t a
r i ,
- t".
If you are smoking
heavy cigars, you have
probably noticed how
much better your first
cigar of the day tastes
than the last. The
reason is plain. One
heavy cigar after an
othersia bound to dull
your keenest sense of
- Why not enjoy every
cigar tu much as I he
one before?..' Change
to. the 'Robert Burns.
Smoke as often aa you
like. Robert Burns
ean never dull your
taste - sense. Robert
Burns cigars are mild.
Their more delicate
flavor and extreme
smoothness will acid to
your smoke-enjoyment.
Rob Burns
Cigar JO
tittle Bdbbio5
Conway Cigar Co.,
J Slews City. Iei
Harle-Haas Drug Co.
fsrOmahi an CJuasil duffs
Tr.eainsrh la Winner.
TECVMSEH. Neb., Nov. 6 (Special
Toloaram.) The Tecumseh High achool
team ileteateil the Nebraska Mllttnry
academy tenm""of Lincoln In a foot ball
game her today l?y the score of Si to 'j.
Ellsworth Wins.
IOWA FALLS, li., Nov. $ (Special
Telei-am.) lCllsworth college defeated
Tentral I'nlverslty of Pella. la., here
today by tlie score or zn to u.
Victory for MeCok.
M'COOK. Neb-.-'Nov. 6. (Special Tele
frrHm. McCooW Hlith school scored lta
sixth consecutivs victory In foot ball this
afternoon by defeating Oxford by tha
conclusive score of 42 to 7.
(Continued from Pafe One.) '
A Sale of Overcoats
That Means a Saving " of $3 to $7 If You
Select Saturday From This Special Purchase
About 1,500 Overcoats to choose from Chinchil
las, Fancy Backs nnd Fancy Mixtures. Many Bal
niacaans in this lot. Prices
Here You Have the Very Beit at Uniformly Low Prices
We offer you selection of clothing made by tho higli-
est srrndo niauufacturinjr tailors, such us Ilirsh-
Wlckwlre & Co., Society Drand Clothes,
Adlor's "CoUeolnn" Drand. Schloss
Bros. "High Art Clothes" and Roch
ester Special, at...'.....'
We are Sole Omaha Agents for
We are Omaha' Distributor for Patrick.' "Duluth" (Digger
Than Weather) MACK1NAVVS, (jj-j a C1 O CtH
for men and youna- men, at P X vr and PXmOU
?j PUl II JIO llllfiU'
Let Us Show You Some Swell Overcoats Saturday for
All-Wool Chinchillas, single and double-breasted, shawl collars and convertible eoU
lars. These Overcoats are 44 to 52 inches in length and you will recognize then at
once as genuine $25.00 values. Don't forget to look in the windows and seo them.
They, are on eale Saturday, at. ... . '.. ...... : ;'.V ........
Men's Gloves Worth to $4 a Pair:
A SALE that every roan who was here lam
Saturday baa been talking about. The en
tire purchase amounted to 13,000 pairs. It was
one of those lucky atrokea that a merchant will
corae across in an age.
They are Adler's and D. & P. Gloves. Every
man knows these brands to be the highest quali
ties, and the purchase Is so great that you can
kiln anv IrlnH fit plnVA VAII want
Have You Bought Your UNDERWEAR for Winter?
Most men have been able to get along nicely wltfc thin nerwear so far.
but it is going to be chilly eoon and you will need these warm Union Hulta we ar
offering Saturday under regular prices
OsanUa atocha OIotss Bilk lined, unllnad
and iamb II nod
Ontssam Xld OloTsa Hllk lined, wool lined,
unllnml and Umb lined
roll rlM Xld OlOTas Unllned and silk
Otnuins nok and l iaslndsac OIotss Unlined
wool lined and lamb lined
leather Qatuitlats Lined and unllned; also
wool lined i.V".'
Th. -..inrn ar Tan. Prown, Gray. Black.
mm wax
Men's 811k and Wool and
Lamb's Wool Union
Suits A quality that
sells usually at $4 per
suit, offered
Saturday, at
Men's Fine Wool and
WorsUl Union Suits
A special purchase of
garments worth up to
$3.25, go on sale Sat-
Ty ... $1.98
Msn'n Fine Worsted
Mixed and Derby lUb
U?d Union Hults Oar-
- ments worth up to 12.25
go on. sale Saturday
::-.15.:. $1,00 m
mulninK cattle and irevent. If rollle,
their blng contamlnaUd. The st'ata
live stock commissioners ald It would
he unwise to remove tl.e prize cattle be
fore It had been definitely established
that they were uninfected. The herd la
valued at several million dollars.
Recardlni- the milk auiply. Ir. O. E.
Dyson, state veterinarian, said:
"The supply of milk to tha largo cities
may be curtailed, but not serloue'y. The
ordinary precautions tuler. by municipal
authorities in the regulation of milk will
prevent any dansor In the milk aupply."
'Live Fowl Price Advances.
The price of live fowl has advanced 4.
cents in the lat ferty-ciuht hours. The
price of dressed meats so far ha tit
teen affected, and ajifurancea given by
the packers are to the tffect that It will
not be.
Four more prlie winners at the recent
dairy show were takon sick and Isolated
for l;srvat!on. The irtci national live
nock eiposllion waa called off. It was
tu lie held the week of November 2S.
Tho. with a liking for hunting were
granted permission to shoot pigeons,
which fly about the yards, attracted by
scattered grain. At Sugar Grove, a ham
let near Aurora. Ill . rarmera wero re
ported shooting stray dogs, cats and
chickens, which, while they are Immune
to the disease, can eas'.ly carry It. Such
measures have not been ordeieU by the
scientists figluin?: th. tpldemlc, but Pr.
Dyaon said that they were excellent pre
cautions to take.
Ttvo More Plates I adejr Baa.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 t'urth.r spread
of tho live stock foot and mouth dlseak.
bus ca .mmI th. extrusion of th federal
quarantine o." two more states, klassachu.
3tts and Iowa. ReporU to the Depart
ment of Agriculture announced the dla-
I cover)' oi ine eptuwimu ua. ouuin auiu
' Lury, Urlstul county, Massachusetts and
at Famel!. Ia., th. first case west or
the MMissippl. Cattle, aheep and hogs
row cannot be moved out of Michigan,
IihIUiuu Illinois, .Ohio. Pennsylvania.
Mttrylan.l. New. York, MsssachusetU or
Special Purchase of About 1,245
These Shirts are worth up to $1.25, but we bought them at such ft
low nrice that we ean afford to sell them for less than half price Sat
urday. They are neckband stylo with Soft, or Laundered Cuffs;
some with detached noft collar; many with military collar attached.
Every shirt is well made, of fine quality. Percales.
Madras and Light Weight Flannel. Not a shirt in the
entire lot that Is worth less than 11.00. Many worth
$1.25. Be sure to look in our windows. You will be
amased to think we are going to sell these shirts on
Saturday for
vl ) h
llWllsa rs uis sin as
Men's Fiber Silk Hose
All the new shades, worth 1Q
26c pr., special Saturday XaVC
Men's Flannel Shirts
25 dog., all samples. Military and
plain collars. All colors.
Worth Jl.IiO. Special
Men's Sweater Coats Bought at About 60c on the Dollar
Samples from the firm of Oeo. F. Webber and other hlb-grade
makers. 8weater Coats mado of fine Worsted Yarns, large Hope
Stitch Hunting Coats, Norfolk Coats and fine weave Dress Coati
V-neck, large Ruff neck, Uyron Collars and Shawl Collars. On sale in
three lots, as follows-
at-. ' hp a . i . . t m mm w w A. m
Coat a Worth up to
$6.00 will be on salt,
Saturday 0 QC
at 3a.00
fine Worsted Hweatti'
CUmtn Worth $6.50
to $10.00, on aula
Satur- O A OC
All Wool and Worsted
Sweater Ooau
Worth up to. $3.50,
Entire Stock Men's Hats and Caps
Of The M. & K. Hat Factory, 1404 Dodge St., City
Bought At An Average of
50c on
the Do
TIIlSr SALE will be a rally call to all inep who still have ,
to buy their fall und winter Hats and Caps. Saturday
you run pay your election bets for. just half the money -Mf
you betl a llat on the election. We quote some of the lots and
also the prices, which are so small that you will be surprised
when you come here Saturday and see what fino' Hats and
CJups you can buy in Uus talo for such little money.
Men's Winter Caps-' at 29c
From the M. & K. Hat Factory.
New plain and band golf styles.
Soft and Stiff Hata
Including all the new fall styles
and colors In abundance, all sizes,
not a hat worth less than f s
$3.00. In one lot Satur- MSp
day, each, at Vu
Balmacaan Hats at 95c
All the new Balmacaan Hats, silk
lined and stitched; all fancy mix
tures; nrowns ana grays; gmm
worth $2.00 and $3.00 MSp
aii sizes, ai. et k. factory tg'
prices, 60c, $1 and $1.50.
Saturday, at.
Men's Fur . Caps at $1.19
20 dozen Men's Black Coney.Fur
caps, buk lined, All . sizes. $2, 00
and $2.50 'values
In one lot Saturday,
each, t..
Your choice Saturday
$1.00 and $1.50 Crusher Hats at Less Than Half Price
All the new fine Crushers and Plush Hata.from the M. &
- Hat Factory Black, Oray and B'roVnlpolors. Sold
by the M. & K. Hat Factory at $1.00 -aud AT '
$1.50. All in one lot Saturday, each. . i . .'. TOC.
Boys' 50c Hats and Caps at 25c-
100 dozen Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps, including;
tlie new Rah-Kah Hats. 50c and 75C yaliies; OEj
Saturday, in one lot, at. . 3C
150 Boys' Sample Suits, Worth $8.50
Offered SATURDAY on Second Floor at
PARENTS, here is your opportunity.
These suits are worth up to $.f0,
some even more. Every suit is strictly
hand tailored and 'the assortment of
models is 60 varied that you surely
will find just the suit you want to fit any boy from 6 to 16 years
Marty Suits Have 2 Pairs of Pants
The materials are beautiful new Tartan Effects, in Browns,
Blues and the New Greens. , Different models of Blue Serges. New
Shadow Plaids in Casaiinere, Homespuns and Tweed rffects..Many
in ihn niv Hnnhi.hraHtnd Norfolk models. Aaain we say Over 150 of
these extremelv hlaii-frrade- suits worth to $8.5u to
which suggests that if you want to be sure to
rain you had better come to our Second Floor
Verv By8' Warm Line(l Gloves, on sale Saturday in the
YCry u0yH Department, on the Second Floor OCr
SntriaiP Pair aClijC
be sold
take advantage
early Saturday
for $4.86
of this bar
1,000 Pairs of Men's Shoes;
A Special Purchase--At a tig Dis
countTo Be Sola ' Saturday For ;
' Much Less Than Actual Values.
THESE SHOES came to us ia a
Massachusetts Shoe Factories
tit purchase from three leading '
ho knocked off a big chunk of
the price ia consideration of our taking their-entlr overstock of Men's;
Women a and cniiaren s unoes. i nere r just about 1,00 pairs of
Men's Shoes. . . - s
They are all good fall atylea aud worth from $1.00 to $1.54) more than
our Saturday price. They come in ..Dull Leathers and Tans. 8ome.
.. have Hubber Soles. They are all 'well made and there is a good
rang of sues in the lot. t'noic baturday
Jiuya' hhoe That wear and ttt'ftplendldly
Solid leather oak ioles.v Chroma t jtr
leather tops., Manntsir lasts.; All JtS
- slses. Prtoe. per patr." . WI
sir nw itoh at a it rau