12 Tl I K ItKK: OMAHA. SATOKDAY. N'OVKMUKK 7. 1!14 You Can Ask the Man Next Door if This Ain't True CCfCTAIML-N OUT . A-U5T 1 HI Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher CANNON rVHfc TWO fOR.ti UHrVT ASUS YQO TALKING AfcOwT, THAV'S "SPOfcv&LG fo. owe 1 - - J 'V J I, I plOTIS , "ilUMlUMMI II II' If" l X. DONCT CrV. H0J lAP0i6(6Ue IT He took. S'NLtMAfiOGD H6 J PrtOT04RArrvOL ' s'"" OMAHA TRIMSJES MOINES Eat High Fail, to Make Good and Loses, 24 to 13. LUTES AM) JOHNSON STAR WrW mt Hark Meld Dao, aplea wltk Eigverl Maalpalatloa) of For Paaa, Makes Omaha's Vlelarr Pmlblr, Successfully maneuvering a aeries of baffling -forward pastes, nhlrh com pletely myatlflefl Coac!i Van Mew'i ag gregation of huiky asa.isfn from Kant Dee Moines, Omaha tcx.k the low ana to trtmmlnf at Rourke park yesterday afternoon, $4 t U Tho im waa tedi ously tons and ths final period waa played In semi-dark nes which hindered the athletes on botn teams. East Dea Moines tot the Jump on Omaha in the flrat quarter and adored ten points on a fleU anal and a touch down. Hyera scored the drop kick a few minutes after play waa Inaugurated, and shortly following Amsherry squirmed and twisted hi way through a maaa of Omaha playera for thirty yards and a, touchdown. Rhufelt kicked the goal. At the opening of the second quarter tfhufelt scored a, drop kirk . from the thlrty-flva-yard line for Pea Moines, but at this point Omaha pulled together and the lowana never scored agnln. Paseeji Score for Omaha. On the klrkoff. following Hnifelt's Itlck, Omaha receive! the . ball on Its thlity-yard Ine. A forward pass, l.utes to Deny, netted t'venty-flve yards; Another pass,. lutcj to .lohnMin, netted twenty, and a third In sucoewlon. Utites to Morearty. netted cUht yards. Wilson so rem bled twelve more and Ljtos fix. Th'a placed the ball on Dos .foln.' two rd Una.'. Here the Iowan ' held and jWolaef punted. His line wavered, and In getting the punt off .inkkly lie barely kicked fifteen ya:-dn. I.u.en plunged ten yards and followed ?.-lth Ihie more. Herry wao "pushed jvrr for tin. first tciK'hdown for Oman, l.utes filled to kick the goal. Shufeft kicked off ti O inhs. and on Iho next 'lay Lutes rin'pnlct. twenty five yards around le.'t int' Then a long and appafently Impo.clhle forward pa whs executed. Lutes threw Uio hull (nrty yards to Wl.aon and the little end score-l the secoid touchdown. Lutes failed to kick goa.1. . v . ' s The third j'Jsricr was devt Id of senf Inc. Omaha hod tl.-lf Ur of Vho q'. si ter, aa the ball wis In Its (i.5oio!i most of the time. Klaal PerttMi r la real la Dark, The last quarter waa p'ayed tnuler !lf f.cjlt circumstances, a It vas almost Impossible to see the Kail when In move ment behind the Una. The ball ili-ragxed alout the middle of the field several times, with each' team carrying the ball unsuccessfully. On a hirt formation, Johnson waa given the ball and the husky back carried It thu-iy-flve yard to Iea Moines' two-yard Una alter Des Moines lost the ' ball xn donns.' Jobuson waa easily pushed over for a touchdown. Lute failed to kick nut. Score, Omaha IX, East lea alotoaa 1'i. Dec Moines took the l.i.ll on the kick off and by a aeries et wel-euetatned rushe carried the plgBkln to Omaha's Ihlrty-ysrd line. Here a forwa'd r" was sttempted. Ilut I.utea threw him self In the way, lnler'"eptd the pass and ran seven! yards down the field for a touchdown. I.utes for the third tlmr missed ftoal. The trnme ended, a few seconds later. Klnal score. Omnha 24. Enm lies Moines 13. Caaae Is Raagb. The game was marked by Its excep tionally rouglmesa. Iloth sides were de liberate In slugging. Tiie players were not so much to blame, as they were com pelled to resort to rough tactics for their own salvation. The official permitted It at the start, and the slugging soon reached such proportions that they were unable to stop It. Mona Berry, captain of the Omaha eleven, was ordered from the game for swinging at a Ies Moines man art or a play had been called back. Injuries were frequent and time out waa called repeatedly. That Is accountable for the extreme length of the game. The long list of aubatltutes used by both teams shows dlssstrous results of the rough play. A good crowd attended the game de spite the fact that the expected crowd of teachers failed to appear. Quite a number of t)ea Moines enthusiasts rame over from the Iowa capital. Half a dozen automobile loads came In addition to those who came by train. Vletary r "arprlse. The victory was largely a surprise. It was ' conceded that Omaha stood little chance to win and only hoped to hold the . score down. But the phenomenal work of Lutes and Johnson, who played tlio whole game practically unaided, was too much for Drs Mulnrs. Lineup: . OMAHA. ' I K. DE8 MOINRH COMMISSION MAY MEET HERE Big National Body Expected to Sit in Executive Session. HERRMANN RESERVES BOOMS f. Kdwards of (iienwood, won the trophy In the hlue-rock nhoot and Tlminona of Glrnwood the motorcycle race. Somers Thinks Peace in Base Ball World is Far in the Future CHICAGO, Nov. . reaco between Mganlzed base ball and the Federal Icaguu wan expected to be the chief Isauo considered by club owners of the Amer- j lean league at their sessions, which were I reserving a suite of four rooms at the I "'"" today. I I'.xton hotel Include . n.rlnr cen h I Kumorg that an emissary of the Amer- taken aa explanatory It would seem as If Action In ilIteeerTlag Kalte i Parlor Ulvea Rise to Prediction that f'omsnlaaton Will Make Asnonsresiesti Here. Wilson Phillips .. Hradley . Beard ... fleese Peterson Moresrty Mi-hols . Johnson . I utei .,, Herry (c). Ooutd Patterson .... Heml . Whltmer . . Coombs .... Mrwln . .. Welw-r flyers R.K.IL.K H.T.iUT ...,-..H.G. LU ...C..C .....Ufl.lt.O ....... .1..T I It.T L. B.I R. K W H. O H ....... It. H . L. H .... A msherry i I. II , ft II 8hufe t !'..! F.U Tt-drow Touchdowns: Lutes. Johnson. Wilson, rlirry, Amsberry. K.eld goals: Kyers, Hhuteit. lioal alter louc.id.iwn: rnu fe!t. tlubst tutea: Omaha, Kngstrnm for hradley, Uradley for Phllllts, Phillips inr uciry, ! jiinway ror Phillip. Pnillips for Kullaer-iy, Mob holr for Heard. tHr penter for Heene, K'mlmll for Morcar.yj Knst Iea Moines, Mone for Ameocrryv Htirraoit for Hyers. '1 norpe for Welser, W riser for Tedlow, Mitchell for tlemls, Hhafer for Hhufelt, Hyers for Thorpe. Peferee: Kvana, lrake. Tmplre: .Cald well. Maruuette. l'eail llrirnman: llui e- lay, Nebraska. Tl i o( quar:er.i: 16 II. 1;. Dies. ! UNI OF CMAHrTfo PLAY WAYNE NORMAL TODAY the national coa) mission, tliot all power ful body In organised baso ball, will hold a meeting In Omaha durlnr; the minor I leagxie convention here. Of course, Herrmann may nttend the meeting here merely to nsnlst the minors In preparing remedies for their business conditions, but It la thought that the commseion Is also to meet, as Herrmann ha taken measurea to reserve additional rooms and a parlor, where meetings may be held. Johnson has announced that he will be here and Tener will probably come, so It Is almost asmirred the com mission will meet. Itlar LeaaTer Here. If the commission meets here Omaha, will be the place where some of the most Important legislation In base ball will be enacted- The commission has many things to decide, and If they meet here 'etf'ery big league club otvner and manager will be here to watch hla own (.Interests In the legislation. Alro the Feda will be here to get a line on any move organised ball may make. A few days go Herrmann declared that any announcements' he might makfl would probably be made here. It Is thought by many that his announce ments will have to do .with base ball! pence. Herrmann, Johnron, Ollr.iore and Wheeghmann recently held a secret ses- j r!on In ' Chlrngo and they may hive renched a personul nsrefment. If thst is Hie rasa all that needs to bo done Is 1 th ratification of the agreement by the ! I commission. I O'.VelH niHtsta Coaventlon. I Norrls O Nlell, president of the Western league, has Just written a letter to all the newspapers of the western circuit asking them to Bend a representative to the Omaha mectlne. ONlell declnxea WOLYERINESJEET QUAKERS Michigan-Pennsylvania Clash Feat ure of Toot Ball Program. SLASHING " BATTLE COMING Korthneatrrn' Xald to llnvr Oevrl prd Drfeime that la ( alcn lated in Hold Dona the. ' Iowa Men. lean league was In communication with club owners of the Federal leavue waa denied by Charles Somers, president of the Cleveland Americans, who was re ported to bo one of the "peace" dc'.e pate. He seemel to be or.e of -Iho most fcl.eptical of the American leaguers re garding the chances of peace. "Base -ball will not prosper until ex iting conditions are remedied," Mr. fomers said, "but I do not see how It Is possible to bring about a settlement at present. I am willing to be shown, how ever. The player angle looks to be the, Brenteet obstacle. Personally, I think that peace or war would not make much p ulfference to the Cleveland club next sea- I ton or the year after. We have our own stars signed up to long contracts. Most Milnrlcs must be paid whether there Is a Fcilcrsl league or not. "I had my fill of etars this season. .Why, aome days It was hard to get in the bull ground on ' account of the players' automobiles that were- parked around It. There wUl be a day of reckoning, but Just now I don't see that peace will make much difference." CHICAGO, Nov. . Michigan's annual clash with IVnnslyvania l.x the feature, contest on the foot bail program for to morrow. The liarnt! promUe, to be n slashing bsttle, for while the Quakers were off thie eeason to a rather poor start, they have Improved speedily since and apparently nre nt their best. On the other hand. It Is likely that tho Harvard game, though It was a roiiKlt, weurlnu contest, helpeu the morale of the arcrn Michigan eqUHd, Riving them confidence and teaching them the importance of clone adherence to the tactics taught by Yost. It is ptobablo no ill-chosen plays, such us wracked the Wolverine chances at CambiidKu last Saturday will appear tomorrow. " Maskers' Offense Utrons. The Quakers have routed the Navy team and only last Saturday romped J through the Swarthmore line for an over whelming score, and since they have two good field goal kickers In Seelback and Mathews, an effective forward pass and three hard line plunders the Michigan de fense Is In for a severe test. headers In the race for big nine honors have an off day, b it there is a great deal of Interest In the Indiana-Ohio game at Indianapolis while Northeastern is said to have developed a defense calculated to hold down the Iowans. , Tor.-.urrow'a card and las year's score: At Ann Arbor, Pennsylvania 0 against Michigan in. At Indianapolis, Ohio State 6 against Indiana 7. At Kvanston, Iowa wesu rn 0. 78 against North- Aloimg, Missouri l'J against St. Louis 0 against Wash- I'nlon 7 against At l.8 Drake 0. At St. Louis, lngton. At LansinR. Mount Michigan Asul-os 1.1. At Lafayette. Kentuey o against Pur due 0. CRAP GAME CAUStToF BIG FIGHT IN AN ALLEY Whether or not Tom Clayton said "I gotcha" before Add Blanston rolled out a "seven," constituted the bone of conten tion between tho two neeroes at Twelfth and Capitol av?nuc. ltlanston declared Clayton welshed on a "two-bit" bet In an nlley crap game, and Clayton averred that Blanston prevaricated. Policemen arrived Just as a brick was shattered on Clayton's head. They were discharged in police court. Hebron Academy Wins. HEBRON. Neb.. Nov. . (Special.) TIebron Academy Basket Ball team de. feated the Chester High school team hen yesterday afternoon DO to 12. Harvard and Tigers. Battle for Honors . On Foot Ball Field Coach tow of the I'nlverrlty of Omaha has put his men through light slguul pracrr aa tho final finishing touches for the game with Wayne Normal lieio today. A number of changes In the lineup will somewhat weaken v. rnuha school's I'hutK'ea of defeating tho peda gogue.. rUlmson. at right end. and Ueeie. at left halfback, will be out of the contrat baoauaa of Injuries. Tate Matters and Oble Meyers will of ficiate. A slasUng preliminary between tha Omaha, High school second team and tha Notraska Schocl for the Deaf will start at 1::. The collere contest la scheduled to begin at X Iloth games will 1 be play d nt Chris Lj'ck park. . Unusual Values in Men's Suits $20 and $25 v- r.'i I You got nil tlio cloinonts of good clothing in those suits; good materials, splen did tit, hand tailoring and the very newest styles. They are made in our Kensiugton shops to our order and the values are ex traoidinary. The models are the products of the' best designers in the country. Beautiful noft roll coats, pome of them V'i silk lined with the short, wide liel effect. It' you haA'e trouble in be ing fitted try on one of these Kensington suits. You tin rot obligate yourself to buy. Our pleasure will bo in fit ting you better. NEWi YORK. Nov. 6. Unusual uncer tainty surrounds the outcome of the lead ing foot ball games to be played In the east tomorrow. Almost without exception the principal university elevens face op ponents whose records this season war rant the prediction of exceedingly hard fought, close contests. the coming event will J-o one of the most ! The f'ur gmea of the day include Important ever held and 'that the news- the """ Harvard-Princeton contest at rnpers should send men here to obtain Cambridge and the Intersectlonal struggle accurate details and facts. I hetween the Army and Notre Dame at Without question, na a convention which 1 WBt ,olnt will give Omaha national publicity, the' Tbc mtl"K of Harvard and Princeton has ball meeting la In a class by Use'f h,i"" toucher only two of the so-called Kor the post month all big new.popers ! r' Flvp team" wnlch h"ve not " yet throughout the country have carried i tret lefp,t "Pon th foot b fiel1 thl lengthy Items dealing with prospective ! f,Ul ,,,ough each ha bn held t0 tle aunifi Quriiis in mai luur wnu. ; The principal gamea, together with the WIS scores, where the same colleges met on tha arldlron follow: " I Princeton at Harvard, 0 to S. Notre Dame at Army, SS to 13. Brown at Yale. 0 to. 17. I Franklin and Marshall at Cornell, did not meet. Foniham at Navy, did not meet. Rutgers at Syracuse did not meet. Washington and Jefferson, at Pitta burah. IS to Amhrrit st Springfield. to 10. t'ol' ste at Rochester. 23 to 0. Wejleyan at Williams, 0 to 0. Virginia at St. John's, did nut meet Muhlenberg at Lafayette. 7 to 7- t'arltrle against Holy Cross at Man chester, VU, did not meet. ' Cincinnati t ! gtoek. Plfty thousand dollars' worth of pre- ' ii mn.ini-1.. ii siwiiiii i i si uiw ii wsi ....... ii iii m aw I S1 HUTTLEJOPn h tfjffim - '- it nctlvltlea here. And after the meeting It Is certain that tha actions hero will ba . so drastic aa to create comment throughout 'th country for months to tome. It Is on of the biggest advertising events Omaha will ever . have, and the people of Omaha should extend the glad hand to the magnates when they come. Chicago and Omaha Thanksgiving Day Game is Cancelled Omaha and a Chlcigj High a hool will ! I r.et Tlav font hall hnrj a rru. i i ...,,..,,,10! i.,i 7 ,t interest. I' nno,,nce1 arlr " yr. 1 ny t,e issued by the Cincinnati club in " ..... nau iirvr oeen en- the near future. Tne met win oe suo- TT XyQSQf rty Mmg at , 4I 5. Ikib tered by Omaha and a ChL-ato ehni but Principal Reed ws In cohi.i.unica tlon with several, Including Kngiewood.' Hyde Park and Oak Patk. The matter !raged along and It was thought that one of the threo schools would be bi ought out here. But due to tne fact that Omaha has ben defeated several tlmea this j ear and tha fact H at tha Chicago schools had other tempting offers. It wss derided to courel the gpire. No arrange- Irr.ents for a Tbai.ksjlvln-t gaxe here have been made at yet. OMAHA ROTAmANSTO GO TO LINCOLN WEDNESDAY Omaha Uot;laiis will go to IJncolu next Wednesday evening to Join In a gathering of eofraternutrs from Kansas City, Denver. Ulouv city, les kloines and M. Joiephs An Invitation' to attend was rxunded locally lst WtHlneaday by Fred H. Hunter. surerintendent of L'n-i i coin s. hoole. at.d at tbls tln.e the outkok ! Is that aboct sever. ty-fiv members o' tlm On alia cai.tlngcnt will attend. SIOUX CITY TO SEND ROOTERS TO LINCOLN Bioux City ia sending a triinWd of routers to Lincoln today over the Northwestern to attend tha root ball game between the t'nlvereilv of Ne- biaska and tha Morningslde college elev-j ens. ire train win b moved by way or Missouri Valley. Bhir and Fremont. m.tted to the stockholders at the annual meeting, November 21. "The luO.OOO stock lHue." raid President Hermann. "Is simply to t rov.de some working capital, and Is neither unusual nor Important. I artla Aaalrs 'Win. CfHTIS. Neb., Nov. . tSoeclal Tele gram.) The Curtis Aggies defeated the Ktrona Cosnd ttftm bv a score of 14 to 12 I In an uphill game. J. Ward scbred for Curtis and Captuin Krutson for Coxad. llastealaK W later X.rMmme. Players of the mator leagues whose homes are in California have been hast ening bark to land engagements in the various "winter leagues'' that keep tha ir a me going on the loa.t while elsewhere It Is temporarily forgotten. llllowBneaa nwd Llrer roaaplalmt Quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Life Pills; regulates the bowels, keeps stom ach and. liver In healthy condition. 2oc. All druggists. Advertisement. .' I.laeola Ilia LINCOLN.! Nov. S.-tSc!al Telegram.) t Incoln High defeated Aurora High school here this afternoon, J to 0. I.in euln lllh scored Mlnio-t at will against Us lighter opponents. T Glenied Teams Wis. CI.KNWOOO. la.. Nov. (.Pperle.lt t (..enwo.t jejiteuiay. Olenwo.nl "bey. reouta'' defeated Council Bluffs "boy. peouta t to . The game waa auod. Uin- wood excelled in (iien .work and Council I ftiuffa api enrina the heavier In Hie burk ing. At the klalvem Fall meet. GInwo4 totupany "I ' defeated c-ydoey II to . A. r Send sVsv "Panoramic VV Views of Omaha" to Your Friends U 10c t The Bee Office J V. Kaasstanda. BUDUKOTOKIJ In gplte) of very adverse condl tious exiKting throughout . Uie country tids your I have been able! to JUht double the site of my buK ness establifthnicnt and greatly in crease my enormous number of accounts, all of which has made people wouder why it is Kwsiblo Here'g the answer: In Uie first place I know that I give the best values for money in 4 matin. I treat everyone that crofises my threshold with the ntniost court esy and try to serve them or have them served in a way that secure heir utinoMt confidence. My rreiiit terms nre the most liberal of any credit concern in America. Now If these are what you think are essential features ' to making a good substantial store, you will readily see why my business has grown by leaps and bounds in just a few years. Yours truly, KIIEK BKDDKO. A WEEK ON THE BILL WE MAKE ALTERATIONS FREE OF CHARGE m II Women's Stylish Suits, Coats, Dresses There has never been a store In Omaha that has offered better values iu women's wearing so. parel than does the tieddeo store. Von will find the very newest of stylos here at prices that are with. In every woman's reach. A num ber of very styl- P 3 n ish models in V"fj tifQJ loais, suits and dresses are of fered for this week Pay a Little Down and $1.00 a Week Men's Classy Suits & Overcoats Men Xever before have you seen such classy toggs aa I am selling this sea son. They are just chuck full of snap and the ma terials are the very new est. Take a slant at them tomorrow and you'll say they're the real rU&s of Omaha. And here's the best part of it all You ran in all prob- P ability find V jnst your suit, now, at A little down and 91 a week lxtvs the bill. I ($1.00 Week) a tha BlllV VALUES -A, J ELEGANT NEW FALL HATS AND SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS 2nd FLOOR Ladies' Shoes on Credit- A BIG SHOWING OF ff ALL THE NEWEST Vv f A CTC AW I cTrrc f I 1 m CHIEF OF THE CREDIT MEN 1417 DOUGLAS STREET WaUTK FOB OVB ClTtLOaUE VI OITB CBEBIT TO OtfT-Or-TOWTT CJITOtrS