10 THF, HKE: f).M SUA. SATl UDAV. NOVKMBKK 7, 1!H. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, November 6, 1914. OMAHA la to be represented at the two bl Tale games this month. Mr. and Mrs. John Madden leave Saturday evening for the esat and will be enthusiastic "rooters" on November 14, wben Yale playa Trlnceton at Princeton, and November 21 at New Haven, when Tale plays Harvard. Tbe last game holds an added Interest to the Yale men. Tt will mark the opening of the "Bowl" on the Yale campus. This stadium la built on the lines of the old Roman ampitheater, and will accommodate 62,000 persons. Mr. Madden Is a Yale graduate and was a popular class president while there. He always attends these games. Mr. and Mrs. Madden plan to be gone three weeks and will visit Washington, Baltimore and New York City while east. - Afternoon Tea. Mra, E. C. Twsmlojr w hot?s 'st an attractive t this sftrnoon In hf.nor x NUa Kathertn ncker, a brldn of next wk. Th rooms wer. rtltlclly dor oratrd with banket of Ursa and smut) chrysanthemums. Th dining- tnlile had mound of Klllsrney roses for a renter piece, and here coffee, was poured by lr. Eennett and Mrs. J. F. Twamley. Punch waa served upstairs In tha llvln room, where the same decoration of chrysanthemums was used. Aselstlns Mrs. Twamley were: Meedames Mednmea Tra t'crter. C. i. Smith, A. K. Becker. Morris Dunham, John K. McDonald. W. 1. Fuller. A. N. Ketters. K. R. .1. Kdholm, C. G. M tionsld. N. 8. Harrlman. Omahani in New York. Registering at tha Hotel McAlpln In i New fork during the last week were Mr. John A. nine. Mr. A. O. Rohrbaiigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Brien. Mr. A. W. Jfunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark. To Honor Bride. . Miss Florenca Hauler save a knnslngtnn Thursday afternoon at her studio for Miss Florence West errryin, who will be married nest week. Tha studio was decorated with yellow and white chrys anthemums, truncheon was served after the kenslnston at tha Hotel Ilarlcy. The guests were: Mlses Mlee Fllsabeth Flnley. Florence Charlotte Tompkins, W'enterman. Paiiy Fry, Florence Edith Hamilton, Hurler. Roliert Tinier, of far-roll, la.: Itnlph ItiiKucll. Leo Wilson. Alartha Hasler Celebrate Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Klmmel were surprised on their thirtieth wedding an niversary Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Klmmel were married In Omaha and have resided here ever since. The even ing was spent In rames and cards. Prises were won bf Mrs. J. Hanson, Mr. Fred Hat num imi Mr. Frank Anderson. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlombcrg. Mr. and Mr. Alfred Ahlatrom. Mr. and Mra. Julius Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnum. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson. Mr. and Mra. Kdwsrd Gulnana. Mr. and Mra. (KorKe KlnimeL Mra. Jamea Tlmmlns. Mrs. A. Cuntngliani. . g mfw Mleaea Misses- Martha Hilt, . Eva Cunningham. 1.1111a Hilt. - ftlrnars. Messrs. A. Thornburg. F.mmett Tlmtnlns, Ous Klmmel. Alfred Anderson. To Honor Gueti. Mrs. 3. I Bsker was 'hostess at a v small luncheon Thursday for Mrs. Charles V K. Ford and her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Wilson, of Chicago, who are gueets at the Dinning home. Deccratlons were of Mrs. Ward roses and covers were laid for twelve. Miss Louisa Dinning entertained a few friends a bridge this afternoon at her home, for Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Chicago, who Us her house guest. The affair was not large and waa very Informal. Church Reception. An attractive social pvent of Thursday evening was a rscepUon given by the people of Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church to their pastor. Dr. A. F. Krnst. and family In the churcn parlors, which were very artletlcalty appointed for the occasion. Dr. and Mis. KrnsU with the elders and their wives, formed the re ceiving line esrly In the evening, after which everything was informal. C. L. Vance. Mlas Dlmock and Miss Blefkba aeng soloe, and Mra. P. Bonorden. Mrs. Blaine Trueedell and Mlse Trues dell gave a very pretty piano trio. Re freshments followed. Ti-ere were some Jo present.' MUcellaneoui Shower. Mlsa Hilda Peterson entertained at a mlacellaneous shower at her home on Thursday evening. In honor of Miss Marguerite Butt, who will be a December bride. Thoae present were: 11 WW luncheon today at her home In honor of Miss Florence Robinson of fit. Louts. Mr", A. I j. tnmcn was honor gueet at a surprlne luncheon Thursday. The after noon whs spent In gamca and those pres ent were: Mendsmen F. Fischer, H. K. Michka. M. A. GruliJel, Mi'lmf A. I. Cuuiehs. J. Oliver, K. Ollllsn. A. Fischer, Mioses Cat her . ne O'lver. JonofiMne Oliver, Mantero Carl Fischer. George Coueens, M I sees LllUn Coiwiis. Ms pnret Gillian, MHnters llerwltt Michka, Grant Fischer. Mrs. V, H. Woodward entertained Urn members of the Bcitt-Yet club at a 1 o'clock luncheon, followed by Sn auction bridge party Wednesday afternoon. Ktl larney roses and pink snnparaKons were used for the centerpiece and high score was won by Mrs. Jumeg Bone. Mrs. K. H. Wilkinson will be the next hostess. The membeis of tha club sre: Mend a me? Mesdsmes Frederick Karon, ' Frank I'rawl, Jamea Hone, A. W. Hockwel'. Horace J. Holmes, W. M. Woodward, K1ln II. I.ulkari. K. 11 Wilkinson. Mrs. J. It. btlinson of the Angelus apsrtments entertained at an auction bridge party Thursday afternoon. Those present were: Mesdsmes Howard Hitter, Smith Jones. Hrec her ligbee. Mesdsmes C. K. DeJarnette, II. H. Hmlth. Horace J. Holmes, Floyd Keller. Muiiciam Dine. . A dinner waa given at the Hotel Loyal Thursday evening In honor of Mr. George Hamlin, the popular tenor, who ssng In concert here Thursdny afternoon. The table was attractive with a mound of red roses and red-shaded randies. After the dinner the' psrty waa entertained at "I.ynhurst," the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, where they met Mr. Archer Gibson, the New York organist. The guests were: Mr. George Hamlin, Mr. James Whlttaker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomss J. Kelly, Miss Kvelyn Hopper, Miss Mary Munchhoff, Bridge Luncheon Today. Mrs. K. E. Mage entertained at a bridge 'luncheon today. The gueats were seated at four small tables, decorated with roses. Those present were: Mesdsmes - Meads mea E. A. Beardsley, Henry Nester, James Wlllebrsnd, ('. H. tiherman, Misses- Marguerite Butt. Mercy Farnuliar. Freda Boettser. Cleo Furstentwrg, Hilda Peterson. F.rnesltne Wunrath, Minnie Johnson, Alma Jacobaon. Ilanna Peterson, ' l.lla Marshall. Surprise Party. A surpruM party was given at the home of Mr. H. C. Tlmme Saturday evening In honor of his. birthday. Tbe evening was a i vent In cards and dancing. Those pres ent were: Mis IxHitae Tlmme. Lillian Tlmme, Irene Tlmme. Ms4amea It. ii. Johnson. Messra . Fred Tlmme. Culien Tlmme. Mlssea Annabelle Jones, Grace H, hneUlei , Wyrtle Tnnnie, Mesdanies Minnie Tlmme Minnie Timine-Ash, Messrs J. C Kinibrell. Joesnh Omjirt, Clark Tlmme. Mr. anil Mia C. K. Kaseer. Mr. ant Mra. John Kmerlck, Mr and Mrs. 4'hnrles Wet more, Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Dcrk. Mr. and Mr. Fred Tlmme, Mr. and Vr. "Theodore Kappley. Mr. and Mrs. William T. clineider, Mr. and Mrs J I. C. Tlmme, Mr. and Mrs. George Frohn. Fleainreg Past' Mrs. I. T. Graves entertained the En tre-Nous Card club Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mesdsmes C. Roquet, Robert Stoddard and D. T. Gregg. Thore present were: , Meadsmea - Meadsmea f. J. yr-r. C. ll.Muet, '. I 'it, '1 Gxrag. P. Ciess. P. Bchneckenberger, R. Htodilard. M. Gerrlson. Miss Tliils Brodkey entertained the Prlsciita club Thursday afternoon at her home. Ten members were present. Mrs. Fred RW-bel. Jr. entertained one cf tiie Thursday bridge luncheon clubs yesterday afternoon. Three tables of plavrrs acre present, and Mrs. Fdward l(su.-btoa and Mra 8amue-Rres were g iLs of tbe club. -Mrs W. T. iiubiusun aa hostess at J. A. Llnderholm, Plilney Dillon, W. If. Taylor. Burd Miller. F. Gresly, G. G. Oulnter. W. W. Kerr, ('. B. Moses, George Pray, C. K. Presson, Charles Smltlu Buy a size larger in (ilk than you buy in lisle if you want your silk hosiery to wear. Hi'. j!t.' .!-!'. Tbe proper care of silk hosiery is to essential to its long service that we'd liie to send you our booklet, "You Just Know She Ween Tbrm." which tells you all about silk hosiery. McCtllum Silk Hosiery bat a higlter grsde of silk, a strength and fine, even wesve that make k the most satisfactory obtainable today. Sold f (A But Shot itliCaHum ?!ofiitrp Cnmpan?. Northampton, Mats. and the co-ed banjo girls: Frldsy even Ins st 7 o'rlxk, st the Metropolitan club, "gymnasium girls"; at S o'clock, "hotel waiter; sDS, "enfe guests: Fnt tirdny morning fit 10:30, at the 8s n ford, "gTlf girls": st li.. "foot bull men"; Psturday evening, at the M'lropollUn. 7.13, 'sophomores and freshmen " En(fageTnent Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Clsrk Shelly announce the engsgemcnt of their dsughter, Msr gsret Helen, to Mr. Hernhsrdt Alvin Pfelffer. The wedding will take place In the early winter. Palmer-Cutter Weddine. Mr. Harry Palmer and Mrs. Lily Cutter were msrrted at Pspllllon. They took a short wedding trip and will be at home In Omaha. For Dr. Xoenig. Mrs. N. H. Nelson will entertain , In formally at luncheon Saturday In honor of .Dr. M urge ret Koenlg, who will lesve soon to live In IJnrola. Covers will be laid for eight guests. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Ktlsaheth Cop-don will leave next week for Chics an. where she will be the guest of Miss Ktla Barker. Mr. and Mrs. L. ,. Cohn have gone for a two months' trip to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Loula Kuh of Bloux Falls. 8. tt.. arrived Thursday evening to be the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Block. Mrs. F.ugene Duval hss gone to Astoria. III., to visit her mother and will be away a couple of weeks. Mr. Eugene Duval has gone to Lennox. Mich., to spend Pundsy with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Brunt left the first of the week for New York City. They will ko down to New IJsvun for the Yale-Harvard game. Tlcklinv f the Throat Wulckly relieved ,y ,r. King's New Dis covery, the greHt cough and cold remedy, a safo and sure medicine. 60c and 11.00. All druggists. Advertisement. Slightly Wounded Belgian Infantrymen r 5 a "'JtTL . JW 1r ( V ' mi iirssm .2 4& V M i .f s" w-fgr- --i.ssnsn i - """,-Mi, , Tv ' r ",;t" ' " f:- 4 J1 r": JsW''- - I Lobeck and Howard Speak to Jobless' Men at South Omaha "Go baik to Cic rai ni." ndviaed Con Krefsnifin C. O. Irfilicck to the 1.S00 Idle men who attrnded the Jerry Howard meeting yesterday morning at 7 o'clock on the wist end of the Q street viaduct. The iivetlng was tailed by Howard In order to Interest the congressman In the large number of Idle men In South Omeh. Howard wanted Lobeck to tske the ques tion to Washington for solution. Iobeck seemed nonplussed ans t::;ed Howard what he would suggest on the matter. "I have no suggestions," ssld Jerry. "That is for you. All I know about the matter is that this large crowd of Job less men ate a menace to the men who have jobs here because when a man Is hungry It Is eny to get him to work for loss than the msn who Is on the Job now. Kit her that or the man now working must suffer a keen loss In wages." At the end of the viaduct meeting about 230 men followed Howard to the city hall, where he again addressed them. They wanted Vork and snld so. Just then Mayor Hoctor hove In sight and the crowd demanded work. Hoctor said he had no work to give them. MAGNATES WIRE FOR . HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Another telegram, confirming a pre Mous 'message, has been received by Dick Kitchen of the Paxton hotel, re serving four rooms and a rarlor for August Herrmann snd the other members of the National Baee Ball commltislon. They will arrive Tuesday morning, and, the whole commission will be In session here to help dispell the war clouds in organized base ball anl effect an agree ment that will restore peace and pros perity to the great national game. Goes East for Wedding;. Miss Beatrice Coad leaves Saturday evening for Amsterdam, N. Y., to be msld of honor at the wedding of Miss Laura Yund and Mr. Albert Roche. This wed ding will be a lsrge affair, with eight at tendants, and will tnke place the latter part of the month. Miss Irene Coad will leave a week later for the wedding. Rehearsal Program. Rehearsals are bring held regularly now for "The College Herb" production. The program, la as follows: Friday, 1:90 p. m., at the Ban ford, Buster Brown' group; at o'clock, ' Mlr Harriet Mets Roger Sullivan Defeated! Penrose Elected! Some states went dry; other states stayed wet! Satar flirla' Cotton Suits, just right for this Bummery mixed with autumnal temperature nf?es 10 to 15 years. Priced before at 50c and 75c. Saturday 29c each. Jwiss Ribbed Vests and Tights Some, mercerized, others Silk and Wool. Sold up to $1.75. Saturday, 89c each. , , Especially Desirable Glove Silk Underwear 1 Vests, S1.50 and up. Bloomers, $1.98 and up. Petticoat Bloomers, fit closer than others, are warmer and daintv as well as comfortable. Women's Ilosiery-r-We received from Germany a lot of Hosiery (ordered on import.) which we were given to understand we would not get. We had covered out wants with a purchase of made-in-America stockings, liesult double dose very desirable. io reason on earth except the one given for reducing! the prices one cent. : S29C 59c instead of $1.00 and $1.25 Saturday Black fashioned Cotton Hose, usually 35c, fit pair Fashioned Silk Stockiners (Tan onlv). . . . ef It's a Mighty Long Time Since We Gave You Any Sweet Talk A short time-ago we were off on a trip. Starting in the Northwest we traveled from Duluth almost to the Canada line in. the Northeast and we sampled confectionery everywhere many times we longed for Cobb's rarely did we find an equal and jiever a superior. So in talking to Mr. Cobb he said Let's say something about candy for Saturday so here goes. . Uld taslnoned Butter Scotch Patties, niade I don't get you well vou haven't a sweet with creamery butted, rich, pure and delici ous, 25c lb. box instead of 40c. .Black Walnut Taffy Speaking of Taffy, Iioav many kinds there arc I This, however, is the Alpha and Omega made from South ern molasses cooked just right and plumb lull of new Black Walnut meats if that tooth that's all 30c for a pound box. And now IX) Luxe items Cream dipped grapes, GOc lb. I Brazil Nuts, GOc per lb. Marshraallows, GOc per pound. Bon Bons and Choeolates, GOc the pound. "Connoisseurs pronounce these superior to .most 80c grades." These are ilr. Cobb's ex act words, and he tells the truth. High grade family Caramels, 40c per lb. French Caramels, the equal -of the best made in America, 80c pound. Second Floor Children's and Girls' Specials for Saturday Sweaters, Staple Grays and Cardinals, from . ..$1.50 upwards Colors und btnpes, were up to $4.50, at .$2.98 each Two toned Novelties Angora, etc., are attractive and will interest. Children's Cotton Dresses, suitable for school wear G9c each A lot of beauties Good styles, excellent fabrics, were up to $2.00, at - v... $1.29 each Special lot of Wool Dresses, Chally, Serge, etc., $2.50 up to $8.75 Babnacaan Hats for girls-Special lot as an attraction Saturday. FOR THE GROWN-UPS 'A group of fine Suits and Costumes Not more usually than one of a style Late . models included. Sold up to $G5.00. Ladies interested are advised to be on lriind at 8:30, opening hour. Priced for Saturday at $3.7.50 each. Crepe de Chine, llabutai, China Silks, Roman Stripes, all the latest in waists for women, $4.50 each. We Have Just Been Reading Some Exceedingly Extravagant Statements And we are wondering how Jong-oh how lorg will the people believe. It does swm -m if the dear public some time would wake mi and realize that you cannot mak'e a purse out of a kow's ear nor can you get something for nothing. No, No, Jones still pays the freight. The manager of our Hat Dept. says she has 50 Pattern Hats Which should be bold. They are late in style, Ostrich and Hibbon trimmed, some, with fancy feathers. We might pnidle them along getting $10.00 for some, $15.(X) for others and perhaps $23 for a few but nt the last there might be still a few left. So ve Said, "Can you' stand a loss?" "Yes," she said. "They have served their purpose." We sold a good many and we got many valuable sug gestions from them, so without haggling or more ado, we decided on a price which should clear them from the tables in one hour .Saturday 8:."50 a. m. $5.00 EACH. If the demand 'will exceed the supply there will be a special consolation Surprise Table, on which hats will be priced absurdly low. Saturday the last day of the Teachers. Special No. 1 Kid and Lamb Gloves, at $1.29 pair, worth $1.50 and $1.75 pair. Special sale of Brocaded Silks as shown in windows. 59c instead of $1.00. Dress Goods Sle Saturday Serges, Poplins, Gabardines, 79c instead of $1.00 und t1.-'5, aud Skirts made to measure from these goods at $2.00 fr the making. Airs. Bennet is again with us demonstrating Omo Shit Ids. What she does not know about shields is not worth knowing.. You will find her interesting and instructive. Unique articles at Stationery Sec tion for those who &y their Christmas Shopping early. And there you are. Some comfort for all kinds of people. The view point of the individual counts for ; much. Grcumstances and environment for still more. And yet in politics as' well as business, there are certain fundamentals, as Laurie J. Quunby wo. Id say, that are fixed and eternal as th'j everlast ing hills.- Constant dropping it is said will wear away stone, and pegging away at abuses finally removes them. In season and out of season THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. have talked truthfulness and honesty 'in business Better still they have always '.' aimed to have their deeds measure up to their words. All tbis by way of preamble and as information for the strangers within our gates the home folks know. day thee at:yKOpatrick & Go's Some Very Special Attractions Read and Know Them -J