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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1914)
12 THE PEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER G, 1914. FELTON TALKHO CLUB MEN Susinnsi lien Hear President of the Great Weitern. ASKS SUPPORT FROM OMAHA Sara Great Wnlfri )llsal Or sraats Grata EirkiiRK Make Tfcla Leadlaa; Grata Marks. Fully 400 of the business mm of Omaha and a lame number of women of the city rreeted President Felton of the Chi cago Greet Western Rillmad company when yesterday he rpoke at theluncheon tendered him by the public affaire com mittee of the Omaha Commercial club. The luncheon waa spread In the club la r ire banquet hall, which wai filled to capacity. The speakers' table waa at the weat aide of the banquet hall, and with Presi dent Felton eat director and officers of the Great Western, other railroad men of the rltr and a number of the business nun. He waa Introduced by President Mohler of the t'nlon Iaclflc, who re frained from making an extended speech, saying that he did not dealre to ateal any of the thunder of the apeaker. As Mr. Felton aroae he waa greeted with a loud and long clapping of hands. Ife briefly reviewed the early history of the Great Western ar.d the Incidents leading up to Ita being built Into thla rlty. He pointed to the fart that In 190 Omaha waa without a primary grain market and that there waa but on grain elevator here. At thla time It waa. ha asoerted. that the Great Weatern decided that Omaha ehould be placed, upon the nap aa a grain market for the vast agricultural contry tributary, adding: Omaha's Nataral Lratea. "It waa to the Interest of the through linea to retain the long haul on grain to Chicago and the aouth and thla pro red a diet! net disability, ao fur aa Omaha waa concerned, because It deprived this point of the advantage of lis natural lneation. ''Upon completion of ' the Omaha ex tension the Great Western had a Una to the Mississippi river, Chicago and the Twin Cities, and Immediately proceeded to publish proportional rates, with a view to putting this city on the map and es tablishing It as a primary grain market "The first tariff was published In the fall of 1903, and, naturally, met wltb the strongest opposition of the existing through lines, some of them attempting to divide the grain from Omaha by low ering the through rates to Chicago and the Mississippi river, so that they would continue to be less thaa the combination of the local rates via Omaha. At one period In this contest the Oreat Western established a rate of I cents per 100 pounds from Omaha to .Chicago, which forced the other roads to meet the com petition, where they controlled the grain, to move It at thla low rate. This led to a settlement of the controversy In 1904 by an agreement to give Omaha propor tional rates." . Helps Oraraats Exefcaaare. President Felton then told of the fur ther worx of the Chicago Great Western and pointed out that after the rate ques tion had, been disposed of, the Chicago Great Western and Its officers 'took an active Interest In the organisation of the Omaha Grain exchange, at the same tune going on with the construction of the large Independent elevator on Chicago Great Western trackage between Omaha and South Omaha. The Chicago Great Western president assorted that ' through the Independent elevator and O. W. Wattles, president of the company, their efforts having been combined with those of the Chicago Oreat Western, local grain rates had been so adjusted that while Omaha han dled but 15.S7O.O00 bushels of grain la 1904, the volume had reached 60.000.000 bushels m 1911 an Increase of about 400 per cent. Continuing, said Mr. Felton: Aake, Omaha's port. "I trust that roa gentlemen will be Impreased with the faot that the Oreat Western has played a substantial part In the development of your grain market,"! and that we are not unreasonable In ask I rig eubstantlal support at y0t hands In our efforts to develop our buainees and makes our railroad more than self-supporting. "The systems of roads reaching Omaha from Chicago, not including the Great Western, aggregate tt.tfi miles, of which the mileage between Omaha and Chicago Is but t per cent or the whole, while In the case of the Great Western, one-third of Ita total mileage la between the two cities. In other words, we have a much larger percentage of our Una which la dependent on the buaineas of Omaha and. for that reason, are we not justified In claiming that the Great Western la more distinctively an Omaha line?" Prealdent Felton referred to the Great Western's extensive terminals In Omaha and the elevator facilities of the road and show, that the company's Una be txeen here and Chicago Is but sixteen miles longer than the shortest and eight miles shorter than the longest, "and." he added, "we are the shortest line to the Twin Cities by twenty miles." In con clusion he aald: "Wo do not aak that any bualm as be -given ue that we cannot handle aa ex redltiously as any of our competitors. but we do desire your substantial sup. port" "7 " 55?5K?J ;LIH!H'C0RD RAILROAD DIRECTOR MAOVfl VI A A OX X VAX UUVU& It Elected on Board of Mason City & Fort Dodge Railroad. PRESIDENT FELTON IS HERE r r 4 la Part ef Great Western System- accents to Office Held by Wat tlee Wars lie Joined the. Great Weatern. WH.MsCora OMAHA STOCKMARKET JUMPS 01011017 of Chicago Yardi Boosts Prices at South Omaha. LARGE RUNS ARE EXPECTED General Manager Bnehlnghans Says Local Yards anal Packers Will Be Able to Handle All that Are Shinned. "Closing . the stock yards In Chicago will naturally divert shipments of live stock to Omaha to a considerable ex tent," said Everett Buckingham, general manager of the Union Stock Yarda of South Omaha, "but we are prepared to handle every, head of cattle, hogs or sheep that 'come our way, and Omaha packers want them. "It Is probable that prices will be strengthened a little, but I see no rea son why they affected to any great extent. The close down In Chicago will be practically only one business week, and the effect will not be aa seri ous as It might If It was for a longer terra." The run at the yards was heavy for a Thursday morning, and the prices soared, hogs making a Jump of 40 centa, cattle 26 cents and sheep IS centa Chroale Constipation Makes life mlaera6le; Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate your bowels and re lieve the engorged liver. So. All drug gists. Advertisement. . Either Examination or Suit Dismissal,' Orders Judge Troup In spite of Mrs. Mildred Pal mentor's absolute refusal to comply wltb District Judge Troup's order that she submit to an examination of her person, the court has entered a supplemental order which declares that unless the woman submits to the examination within ten days her suit for damages against the gas com pany will be dismissed. The only concession made to Mrs. Pal mentor after her refusal was presented was the Judge's consent that If she pre ferred the examination might be made In her home Instead of In a doctor's of fice. tThe Is suing for lli.000, and alleges that leaking gas at her rooming house, 410 North Twenty-second street, caused a disorder to her system whloh has per manently affected her health. Attorney John O. Telser for Mrs. PaJ menter decarea that he will let the case go to a dismissal rather than have his client subjected to the examination or dered. - He says that he will then file an appeal to the state supreme court It the dismissal u regarded as a final order of the district court. As the queetlon Involved has never been brought to a final, decision In this state, the case Is regarded aa Important and Is attracting much Interest among lawyers. Hal McCord of the McCord-Brady com pany of this city Is now a railroad man. having been elected a director of tho Mason City Fort Dodge Railroad com pany, succeeding G. W. Wattles, who re signed when a few weeks ago he waa elected a director of the Great Western. The election of Mr. McCord occurred at the offices Of Mr. Wattles, when Pres ident S, M. Felton of the Great Western and also a director of the Mason City Fort Dodge; Director J. W. Blabon, a vice president of the Great Western, and Director E. N. Hurley, all of Chicago, were present. The Mason City & Fort Dodge road is not an operating proiostlon, It being leased for a long term of years to the Great Weatern. It Is that portion of the Great Western between Omaha and Ma son City, la. The Great Western offlclala arrived in the city at an early hour In a private car attached to a Northwestern train. After breakfast the election waa held, and' then, accompanied by Mr. Wattles, they went to the Great Western termi nals, where at Sixteenth and Leaven worth streets the new team tracks Just completed, at a cost of 112,000 W.000 for trackage and $4,000 for pavement and ce ment foundations were officially opened. Following this, with Mr. Wattles In charge, the party waa given an automo bile trip about the city, returning to the Commercial club at noon, where President Felton waa the guest of honor at A luncheon, presided over by Presi dent Mohler of the Union Pacific Relative to affairs connected - with the Great Western, President Felton said: "With the money market In Ita present condition we have no thought of mak ing .any .extensions. However, we will maintain the Great Western in Ita pres ent excellent condition. Local business is good, as it should be, as our lines run through a largir area of the best agricultural country In the world. Crops along the lines are ' generally good and there should be a fairly good local bus iness during the winter." Howell Gives Out Statement of His Post-Election View After sleeping over It another night. Water Commissioner R. B. Howell, de feated candidate for governor, gave out the following statement yesterday: "Though the fortunea of war have gone against me. and Oovernor Morejiead is to be congratulated upon his handsome plurality, yet I have no regrets respect ing the csmpalgn which closed Isst Tues day. I complied with the law strictly, avoided personalities without exception, and If I had been elected would have been In a position to serve the people with out embarrassment, aa I made not one promise or agreement except those set forth in my public utterances. "Wherever I went duringQ my speak ing tour I was received with cou-teey, and my loyalty to Nebraska la deeper than ever before, If that were possible. It Is a splendid state. Inhabited by a highly Intelligent people, and Its future, economically and morally. Is promising Indeed. "As to the policies of' co-operation which I have been advocating, there can be no doubt as to their appeal to the people, they are certain to become con trolling factors In the future, and so far as I am concerned I look upon this recent campaign to be but a statewide battle for the principles Involved. "I feel a deep eejise of gratitude to Mr. George, chairman of the atate central , committee, and his associates for their loyal support, and am likewise grateful to the many other frlenda In Omaha and throughout the state who have encour- j ,agnd and alte4 me by their votes and otherwise during the last few montha. Whereas, the republican party haa not wholly triumphed In Nebraska, yet It has largely aucceeded, and Its future In this state, as In the nation. Is beyond question." ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF HORSES FOR THE FRENCH Another shipment of 775 horses for. the French government went out from South Omaha over the Rock Island Wednesday night. There was a special train of thirty-five cars, running on meat special schedule. The horses were bought by agents of the French government and are destined for the war sone. Furniture, Rug and Drapery Bargains urn theThird floor that are unusually interesting. -O Mala Floor. -We Extend-the Teachers a Hearty Welcome"-. We want you to visit this store Friday and see what a I " Frhav Bargain Day means in Omaha's Bargain Center I s I i Scores of rousing spe cial bargains shown in nearly every de partment for Friday. Silk Remnants at Less Than Half Over 2,000 yds. of Silks worth to 75c yd., in 1H to lO-yd. lengths, big variety of plain and fancy weaves for waists or dresses, to close, yd.. . 28 Silk Mescalines and Poplins, 36 to 40 in. wide, in every new color) $1.25 yd. val ues, over 100 pieces for selection, yd. 88c Silk Serges, Poplins, Mescalines, Taffetas, Satin Barred Plaids , and 1 lorn an Stripes, to $1.25 yd. values, Fri day, at yard ...6S Yard W16V Black Dress Silks, Messallnes, Satin Duchess, Chiffon Taffetas and Peau de Sole, two special lots at 78t and 086 $3 Imported Costume Velveteens, fine silky pile, chiffon finish, on sale, yard 81.03 English Hollow Cut Corduroys, $1.25 quality, all colors, at yard 88c On Mala rioev. Wool Dress Fabrics Greatly Red uced 50c and 5ic Wool Dress Fabrics Serges, Pa namas, Whipcorps andTTepes; good colors. 25 pieces in the lot, on sale, yard 28c All Wool French Serges All Wool ' Amoakeag serges, diagonal suitings and French crepes, as in. to 44 in. wide, 76c yd. values ..... 48c 61 in, wide suitings. Sponged and shrunk, storm serges, novelty suitings, plaids, etc., to $1.25 yd, values. -68c 91.25 to $2.00 All Wool Bedford Cords, Plaid Suitings, Scotch mixtures, broadcloths, etc., 54 to 58 in. wide; 75 pieces for selection, at yd, -08c New Fall Coating Imported Chi f ton Broadc loths, to $3.50 yd. values, fine satin finish, two very . special values at 81.38 "d 81.78 Fabrics, to $3 yd. val ues; in ' chinchillas, diagonals, plaid coat ings, - balmacaan mix tures, etc., on sale In 2 lots Sl-50 and SI'98 Fruit Laxative if Constipated, Take "California Syrup of Figs" r- If you're headachy, constipated, bilious or stomach la disordered and you want to enjoy the nicest liver and bowel cleans. Ing you ever experienced, take a table spoonful sit "California Syrup of ' Figs" tonight and In the morning all the con stipation poison, bile and clogired-up waste will gently move out of the sys tem without griping and you will feel splendid. - Every member of the family should use this fruit laxative aa occasion de mands. It Is Just as effective for grandpa as It Is for baby. It simply can not Injure. Even cross, sick, feverish chil dren just love its pleasant taste and mothers can reet easy after giving it because it never fails to effect a good "Inside cleansing." - For thirty years "California Syrup of Figs" has been recommended by physi cians as the Ideal atomach, liver and bowel cleanser. Millions of families who are well Informed use nothing rise, but recently there has oome a flood of spur ious fig syrups, so we warn the public to' aak plainly at drug stores for a SO cent bottle of "California Byrup of Figs," and see that It Is prepared by "Califor nia Fig Syrup Company." Wa make no cheaper else. Hand back any "counter feit" with contempt The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are Read Dally by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ' Tat- 1.4 Jt Las fi.J , s i i r sa . i . muiipwr qi erlUr" art) phi, children of Frd 8. Hadr. an euusiiv e 1 1 st Wa iijw a-Vaass Another Doll For Our 'Little Busy Bees WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY LITTLE GIRL THIS WEEK? - IDS 11 fOULD CRM GILDER HAS MOST UNIQUE DISPLAY AT BURGESSNASH The Purgesa-Kaah company haa se cured for teachers' week one of the moat unlijue objects ever placed on exhlbl tion. Having heard casually that a singular pet or olla bad been discovered recently by R. F. Glider, of the stats museum. University of ' Nebraska, Louis Naah, manager of ths store, secured the consent of Mr. O lder to allow the pot to be placed on exhibition during the state teachers' convention, before it waa sent to the state museum. - The pot was taken from beneath the floor of a semi-underground aboriginal house ruin just north of N. P. Dodge, jr.'s country home north of Florence In the Utter part of October this year. It la something like gun metal In color and In It at the time It was found were several fish" bones. It Is ornamented with draw ing epreeentlng primitive man's con cepUu of butterflies, and Mr. Gilder aaya be) believes it is the only pot ever fvund with similar dtorationa. Dtatrea la the llsauk, There are many people who have a distress In the stomach after meeia. It is due to Indigestion, and easily reandld by taking one of Chamberlain's Tablets after meals. Mrs. Henry I'adgban, Vie tor, N. Y.. writes: "For some time I was troubled Hh headache and diatresa in my atomach after eating, also with constipation. About six montha ago I I began taking Chamberlain's Tablet, j iney reguiatea i&s acuoo or my Dow ns and tha headache and oilier annoyances ceased In a short time." Obtainable veri-whtre. Advertisement. . Hurt and Were Sore. Face Broke Outln Pimples. Skin Thick and Feverish, Would Itch. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. Cyclone. Mo. " Every winter I had a breaking aua ea say hands. They firs got rough and taea would crack open la piaoss jus aa If there bad bean little gaebaa cut. They hurt and were awfully sore. Water would males them hurt worse. They ware that way for years, I used seas OuUoura Soap sod Ointment and my hands are well aow. "My face would break out la red pimples and skin susmsd thick and foverUh, The pimples would lacs.' I used remedies bo they would only help for a short time.' I aaed CuUcura Soap aad OsaUneot aa4 was cured.' (Signed) Mia. B. A. MUssaoa. Mar. . 114. " - 4 , A . ... fcsaassaaaBBBBBBBrisBBaassaBssSBBMssBBBBBsaaSBsslBasa ECZEMA ITCHED AND BURNED IJ I. Topnka St.. Wichita, Kan. "The acsama Arst commenced in my bead and went up say arms and swelled dreadfully. It cane as Has plmplaa and tbea becams S cruet ever pay arm and hand. It Itched ao4 burned so that It kept me Awake at night. I weaned wtia the CuUcura Soap aad taea ajsad the Cuticura Ointeaant. I aooa CouM peal the dry etta off pi hand and ana aa4 sow I sea completely b saa;d and have eat been botcwred stnee.' (Signed) Mr. M. f. Wood. Jl. S. 1914. Snmples Free by Mall Although Cuuour Soap (3ac ) aad OasV. cur Caauoant (Wo.) are sold tbroughoul the world, a ataipla of each with 2-p Skis) Book wiil be axel free upoa request. Ad4 dress puat-card "CuUcura. Dept. T, Boston') This doll f8 name, is' DOROTHY. Some sav eJie is even more beauti ful than Alice. Anyway, she is certainly, very pretty, with her dark hair and eyes; beauti fully dressed, and1 "25 inches high. Dorothy will be given to the little gtfi. aader 10 years of age, that brings or mailt as ths largest Bomber of doll's plot ares out ant ef the Dally and atonday Bee before 4 p. m. Batar. day mow. Tta. Her picture will be iu The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures of Dorothy you can get, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee office be fore 4' p. in., Sat. Nov. 7. If you don't win thla Dollle. perhaps you can get one next week. Only one doll will be .liven to any one peraon. You can see Dorothy at The Bee Office la Bomestlo Bouui ' $2,50 and $2.95 Rain coats, Men's 1 j" or Boys' at...$liO Double texture garments in all 6izes, remarkable bargains. Boys' Long Pant Suits $10.00 to $12.00 values, ' $5.00 Only about 60 Suits In the lot, broken lines of $10 and 112 grades, siies from. 15 to 19 yrs., from 30 to 36 breast measure; the youth who' wants the best suit $5 will buy should act quickly Friday. . Jact i i On Malm Floor Drugs & Toilet Necessities At Bargain Prices $1.60 Oriental Cream ..".8o 60c Charles" flesh Food 890 tOc Daggett eV Kamsdeli s Cold Cream 3s JSc Pond's Vanishing Cream ....16o 60o Hind's Honey and Almond Cream .BSo 25c Loyn's Tooth Powder ....... ISo 6 lOo rolls Toilet Paper ........ S5o 60c Mme. Ise'bell's Powder . .....B9o 60c Maxell's Japanese Honeysuckle - Powder sso S6o Peerless Face Powder ....!.. ISo 100 Dr. Hlnkle's Cascara Pills ,.19o 60c Denver Mud BSo 60c Bromo Seltzer 890 25c Mentholatum 140 1 Price's Medical Discovery ...Vo 60c Sloan's Liniment 34o 11.00 Sal Hep&tlca 69o s so canes ivory Soap 18o loo Munyon's- Witch Hasel Soan 'lOe 10c dayman's Soap 16c Mennen's Tateum .Bo .100 1 Oa Beoond Floor Men's Trouser Sale Just two more daysof the Princess Trouser Sale that has broken all records ' Men boiigbt two and three pairs at a crack and didn't dilly-dally about selection. The values are. so good that you will do the same; better se lect, yours Friday. The Princess Trousers Immense assortment for se lection. $2.75 quality Trousers S1-9S $8.75 quality Trousers $2-03 $4 and $5 quality trousers at 83-05 Save 25 to 33 Friday. I SCddto Boom, Main 1 linen Specials Circular Scalloped Pattern Table Cloths, pure flax $3.50 values, each $2.50 Dreiser Scarfs, hemstitch ed, full size, warranted pure linen, 75c values at, each 50c Quest Toweling by the yard, assorted widths, in plain or figured, 75c. values, yd. 50 Barnsley or glass toweling, checked or colored borders, values to 15c yard ,...10 Hemstitched pattern Table CVchs with dosen Tiapklns to match, $5 values, per set, t -83.75 In Our Popular sosaastlo Boom " Friday is Remnant Day in This Great Bargain Room ' , 20,000 yards of all kinds of Wash Goods, including Flannels, Flannelettes, Prints, Lawns, Batistes, Percales, Ginghams, Suitings will be placed on sale on three large squares: ' . . '. . Square No. 1. 5c to 7 Vac values, 2!2C Square No. 2. 7V2C tO IOC; values, 3V2C Square No. '6. 8V2C to 12V2c values, 5c Here are . a few of the other specials: v 8 4 c bleached ot ' brown Mus lin W 4V40 7 Vic Amoskeag Apron Gingham, from the bolt 5 12 Vic Sultpg Checks, and Plaids . . '. 10c value Fruit Muslin . . i . i . Remnants of Strlpea .... of the . Loon 7' Bneeung and Table Damask at just half the regular price. BOOSTERS! Here's a splendid way to advertise Omaha: The Bee has prepared for this espe cial purpose a beautiful booklet of bird's-eye views 'of Omaha, which gives a fine idea of what Omaha looks like from "up in the clouds." Send a copy to each of your friends and help to spread a favorable impression of Omaha. 10c at The Dee Office or at Newsstands 'tb, Marvelous Values in Women's Ready-to-Wear Outergarments in the Big Domestic Room Suit Section for Friday $10.50 and $1$.50 Tailored Suits $8.75 In wide Wale and Storm Serges. Cheviots and fancy 8hadow checks and Diagonals, newest colors with Satin lined Coats in the new long Redlngota styles, with yoke and pleated skirts. Matchless values. ' , Charming New Dresses, $7.50 and $10.00 values. In all new col ors, silk poplins and messallnes, serges, etc., basque' styles with long tunic skirts, in plain and pleated styles, greatest values ever, on sale Friday t : 83.05 d 85.08 Children's Coats, $4 to $A values, in two lots, $1.08 and $2.l All new winter styles, nearly all full lined and in all sizes. . Children's Wool Dresses, regular $1.25 values, at 80c -All wool, made stylishly cut garments, in medium and dark shades, fine assortment for selection. $10.00 1 and $12.50 Winter Coats $3.05 and $6.03 276 Nobby Coats In Zlbelines, Cheviots, Boucles. Brocaded Matlaeses, New Plaids, Astrakhans, some self trimmed others with velvet collars or with two toned plush collars, fancy and plain models. Greatest values ever. $5.00 Dress Skirts $3.98 A new lot ot accordion pleated", bottom skirts, new shepherd checks with silk tunics, serge and novelty fabrics, newest colorings. $2.50 Sweater Coats, a 1.40 Heavy double weave in all sizes, best colors. , .. " $1.50 Fleeced House Dresses and Wrappers at 05c Grays, navy blues, black and white stripes, etc., fast colors. 60c Fleeced Kimonos, made fuU in Oriental patterns, with em broidery edges, best colorings, remarkable bargains Friday 89C Outing Flannel Petticoat, 39c Regular 69c val ues, in pink or blue stripes, with wide flounce all full length, great bargains. White Wash Waists, to $1.50 values, on sale Frl day at 25c Come in most desirable wash fabrics all sizes, all perfect but slightly mussed and solU ed from handling. i f sa nflmaltifl MsftOBl Underwear, Farnishings Greatly Underpriced Ladles' heavy fleeced Under wear, Vests or Pants, guar- anteed perfect. 50c values, at 350 Men's Wool Sweater Coats with roll collars and two pockets, colors maroon or gray, $2 values at ...08c Misses' and Boys' heavy flannc-i Union 8uiU. all sises 2 to-." ' yrsrs. 7c values, at Boys' Flannel Waists with mili tary collars and button cuffs Hegular valuee, at Men's Amoskeast Work Shirts, all sixes 14 to 17, colors Bray or blue. 0c values at tor 91 Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Union fults, regular and extra slae. 7o VaTTJea, at 30 Men'a Havy Fleeted Underwear; shirts or drawers, worth to (I. at , . . 30 Children's Wool Sweater Coats colors (tray, brown and red; in sites z to 10 years, bc values, at Infants' Part Wool Vests, witn lone sleaves, 3&c values, at lOo 'Oa ronxta float " Some Rousing Glass ware Specials 50c Cut Glass Vases 25c $1.50 Water Bottles Star cut; on sale Friday 50c 75c Press Out Water Bot tles for.... 25c 10c Water Glasses Fthat blown boll slui?, mi., 5c Salt and Pepper Shakers 20c values; Friday at, each IOC Oil and Vinegar Bottles To 2oo values, Friday 5c Many other specials. Middle Boom, Mala Floor $20,000 Stock Blan kets and Comforters A1K perfect goods from America's best makers, val ues from $1 up to $15, at 25fo to 3313 Below Worth A Big Majority of the People Trade at Hay den's for Groceries Where they can aavs from 2i per cent to 60 per cent on lue coat of it vina. lt'a quality foods. IS lbs. best farauaistea feus ax . .91.00 4S-10. bacaa Heat High Urade Dia mond 11 Hour. Nomina liner tor bread, plea and caHea, stoa. . .91.40 10 bara Heat 'Km Ail. Diamond C, Ienox or Laundry Quen White Laundry soap BSo 7 bara lilecliio Spark soap ....aso lbs. choice Japan Rica .8&e lbs. fancy Juian Kiue, 10c quali ty 88c .Parker House Catsup. S bottles ..aso Worcester Sauce. Jure i-'rench or German Mustard or Pickles, asaori- V 'Oa Mala rioo- vi. muiuiu esozc Friday morning we will place on sale a big as sortment of 'Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, Edges, Beadings and In- SenillJS, UP to 10c a varrl values; all at one price a TafI 3'ic fet-ple and Notion. M to Regular Prre8. Hump Hooks & Eyes, card 1c nusumuune pins, pk Brass Pins. 2 pkes. . Pearl Buttons. dan 10c Hose Supporters, p'r.'ioc 3 dos. Nursery Pin. for ,.5c 10c Needle ook. t . 4UC B"n Thread'sMc 100 yds. Sewing Silk at .Sc Many Other Specials. 5c Se 1-30 ..10a ..aoo . .SSa THs Lima Ths ..V ed kinds, per bottle Chow Chow, per quart Sweet pickles, per quart I cans solid packed Tomatoes Fancy Sweet fcusar Corn, can fancy Wax. String Green or beans, per t-aa The beat domestic Macaroni, at . .v II boxes Kafety Matches Yeast Koam, pa. . ., Corn Flakea, pka; , Graps Nuts, pka- S cans Oil Hardines i . . t lue. fceat bulk Laundry Starch SAO MacLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. U Ha Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ...... SOa The beat Tea Ptf tings, lb lS-e Hershey's Hreakfast Cocoa, lb. ..SOa Tka Baa. Strutly Tthi Srffa. pr eosea as The -best' Creasnsry.. Butter,' caton or bulk, lb. ..SSa No. 1 Country Creamery Butter. rr lb. .- '.. Good Dairy Table Butter, lb. ....Sfle Full Cream Cheeae. lb. ., las IK .13 SO .100 aso NIW Y?rk GrnlnsT or Baidwln, ba rrel fK-a.SyBblrrS"00klB AP,M' J1Jt1', M"" B!"h. Spltienber, Iter. Hoover. Greenlii., Kin. Darld. Grimes- Golden, WloteV Banina aYT per dox ti u . ' York Greening- or Baldwin, per TSI at i A booth stow oar th xajikxt Iars;e bunches Radishes So 1-ar.e bunches Carrots ' a Lar.e bunches ghalote ".JJ i heads fresh hothouse Lettuce'- a Fancy Wax or Strlnsj Beans, lb TVo Larse Hubbard Suaeh, each lOo. 16a Rrunsel Sprouts, each ITWs I-ara Cucumbers, each.. . .TUe, loa Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. . so TWe II lbs. best Rel River Ohio Potato? ck Fresh Pnirach. peck s Fancy Holland Seed Cabbase. "for kraut, per In. lHs Nw blai-k Walnuts, per peck . 8oc t lbs. for Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, each 6 a ror a&a I I I ,8, TRY HAYDEW'S FIRST..!!