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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1914)
for nr.yr tloaaes and (gttiiti. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing ni shipping. lth Jackson Pts. Fhone Donglne 3m. STEAM heat, all modern, 7-rrxim house; also 4-room flat. 330 No. 31. Globe Van&Storage Store. movM, parka, ahlpa; t-hoiwe van ard I mm, tl 24 per br; storage 32 per iro. Patlsfactory guar. D. 4:o A Ty. Z. -room cottage, modern except heat. 2516 Mikd tt,. t-'3. V, O. C. OMFS, P. 102. H4 McCague Bldg, IF you want strictly nxxrcrw noma. It room, never tie lore rented, call Harney nv. Low rent to right tenant. Twenty minutes' walk from city hall. MODERN 8-room hou., 4vit ci 2Mb Av., Vacant November 6. Inquire T. J. 3'ferien, Phone Harney 1094 or Doug. 121. FOR RENT We have a complete Met of all nouaea, apartmenta and tlata that are for rent. Thia Hit can be aeen free of charge at Omaha Van A Ptorage Co.. Si 8 luihBi. 8-ROOM house. 2218 Utnney; modern; hot water neat; oaxn. t nong vxiwr p T-R cottage, Etna Harney. H. 2126. NEW '7-room house In Dundee, one block rrom car line; bath room on aecond floor, aleo lavatory and toilet on firet floor; excellent furnace; rent, 332 W. Call Walnut W. Seven-room houae. iua Capitol. Doug. 4o. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 1040 S. 22d St. 4-Ii. mod. cottage, 719 8. 37th St., $26. 7-r. mod. houae, UU Leavenworth til., tlB; both fine locations Phone Webster 2o;0, FIVE and ti-rooui cottage, modern ex cept heat. 8. 18th. Call Doug. 6730. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, up-to-date In every particular. Doug. ttti. 2719 Davenxor t. t-R.. modern except beat. Won. FARMS WANTED. WANTKD TO RLY-I want to buy about a 2 ,Kt-arre ranch: must be good grsa Itig land, suitable for raising hay. timo thy, clover and alfalfa and have fair Im provements. Answer must describe land and tome direct from owner. Address T 266. Bee. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Uuarrfntee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th BL Phone Douglas &4S7. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 204 lirandel Theater. REAL ESTATE FOH KXCIUNGE 10. m OR 4.) ACKE8 of fine, level land. rich aoll, close to two railroad towna In Colorado, Just across the Nebraska line, where you always get good crops without Irrigation, for sale cheap, or will trade for Omaha property, or acreage near Omaha. Price of land. $'j per acre. HASTINGS A HKYDKN. ISM Harney Pt. FOR EXCHANGE-ti.OOO equity In 13 room modern house, suitable for two fa nil I lee; bath and toilet on both floors Box 7MS. Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED l-rnt mod. house, at 30W Muaou, for only 135. 3- room modem house at 4rS Harney, large ground. 235. C-room nice modern houae at X16 Daven port. t30. tVrm. new mod. brick at Pl K. 25tb, 837.50. -rm. mod. house at li" Lothrop, 336. 7-rnv, mod., 2860 Meredith Ave., M. 7-rra. house at 1819 N. 2tith, 311, 4- rm. houae at 2424 Larlrnore Ave., J17.60. 4-mi. houM, 2104 Harney, tls. 4-rm. oottaga at 2107 Ohio, W. W. H. OATES, 47 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 12M. Wanted a Vacant Lot as first payment on a beautiful new 5 room bungalow. Price $2,400 Terms. $23 per month. Phone Douglas 2698. H. H. Harper 1013-14 City National Bank Building. REAL ESTATE SVBt'RBAN Dai4r. $500 CASH $500 CASH $40 MONTHLY $40 MONTHLY Bins BEAUTIFUL DUN. DEK HOME, NEVER OCCU- PTEl") f"" twn- Hea. strictly modern, oak finish on first floor, pine, with maple floors, upstairs: las vestlbuK coat closet, large living room, with colonnade opening Into dining room, which has plate rail and paneled wans; neat den or sewing room: handy kitchen, with built-in cupboards; re ft Igerator room, three good bed rooms, five closets. Sun parlor or sleep ing porch, tiled belli: all decorated throughout: easv stair to store room in attic; full basement, with cellar drain, fruit cellar and enclosed coal bins; guar anteed furnace and plumbing; fine light fixture;, screens, window shades, water meter; located on raved streets and among good homes; nice lot. Price. M.l.A At 4K3 Cuming Pt. lot taken as part FlIONK B R PRICK. WALNTT J718, FOR MORR INFORMATION. $1S -r.. cottage, mod. except furnace, eaf t front, paved street. 161S N. 86th St. lis New S-r. cottage, mod. except beat, two large lots, aoutbwest cor. 40th and Parker 8 Is. tit Nice 6-r. cottage, walking distance, south frontage, nice location. 2602 Pierce. $1 S-r. cottage, large south front lot, walking distance, 2608 Pierce St t2S-r-r., 2-story, square house, entirely tnod., S609 Sherman Ave. 435 8-r., strictly mod., double garage, nice location, northeast corner 19th and Pratt Bta. SCOTT A. HILL COMPANY, Douglas 1009. Storea aid Offices). Offices in The Bee Building (THE BUILDING THAT IS ALWAYS NEW.) Farnam St., 17th St., and on Court (Price from f 10.00 to $50.00.) Ask for the Superintendent, Room 103. 2ND blAJiJH ottice rooms or guiutoie for light mfg. Wright A. Las bury, tot 8. 16th St. Doug, lbl . Barns. GOOD barn, room tor 8 or 10 horse. 1917 Webster. SU Call Douglas 43. WAJTTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT A farm on shares with everything furiiiahed. Addreaa C. Coppock. tlorao-'a. Neb. REAL EbX ATE PARK Jt RANCH LAAOS FOR 8ALB . . Arkaaaaa. FRUIT anl grain lands of north Arkan sas at reasonable prices. Write Fhifer Bros. Realty Co.. Olvey, Ark. Mlmaesotsv. BARGAIN 320-acr improved farm, miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel road; lays levol; about 120 acres under cultivation, balance used tor pasture; some line meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; buildings consist of e-rooin house, barn, granary, corn cribs, macnlne shed, windmill, etc.; good apple orchard. Price $30 per acre: one-half cash, reaaonaole terme on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double this price. Bcnwuu Bros., 1&8 Plymouth Bid-., Minneapolis, Minn. IMPROVED 80 acre farm, 3o rmlea from Minneapolis; 45 acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture land, covered with poplar and oak timber, very easily cleared; no waste lend; neatest set of bu.ldings In that vicinity, consisting of house, barn, granary, corn crib, ate; one heavy team, three Jersey cows, all young, stock, 160 chickens, hogs, complete set ot farm machinery, wagons, buggy, cream separator; In fact, everything la complete; aleo 15 ton of meadow hay, 8 tons clover hay; 8 acres of corn; SO bushel potatoes, 10 cord wood cut in stove length; In fact, everything on the iarm goes ai; la.htm cash, balance ran aiana. ex. riwAtJ. BKU8., Ply mouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. INVESTMENT PKOPERTY WANTED that can be bought for cash: must he substantial, well built and good location. Customer can Invest 120,000 to 1100.000. W. R. HOMAN, S31 Board of Trade Bldg. Dundee Brick Residence An Exceptional Bargain e !iav Just been Instructed to sell one of the newest, most modern, and best located hrlck housea in Dundee, for a price irss than the actual cost to build. Owner compelled to sell for business lessons. If vm, si km w J10.MX). with the further Inducement of having a thoroughly well built home, with every modern convenience, and In a location that would please you, see us ini.. ir-ruin irrinonanie. Glover & Spain l-20 City National ' Phone Douglas iGRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Buiirteii on Foreign Account Greater Than for Some Time. WHEAT MAKES SOME ADVANCES RE Ali ESTATE LOAN'S. CITY and l&rm loans, 6, 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co..Hi03 Farnam, Omaha. WANTKD City loan. Petera Trust Co. OMAHA home. East Nebraska farina. O KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha Natl. Douglas 27U. (1ARVIN HliDS Ln, and up. uaav flivua Omaha Natl. bank. HARR1HON & MORTON, 8lt Om. Natl. W TP farm loana Kloke lnv.Co. Omaha WANTED City loans and warrants. W. lTarniim GIHlik AV extA wt s Main gjinn tt iv r trn-m. CITY property. Larg loans a peciltr $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. l. Wead. Wead Bldg., ith and Farnam SU. MONEY on band for city and rami toana. it itr di.,i.u . .. ti.ii . ... . g. tt . uinuoi , vuy itlll, DU1K tHag. 6 em-ait oranaeis i neater wing. BEE ua first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Maplewood Add. $450 buys a fine building lot in Maple- wood. City water and sidewalk, one block from car line. $5.00 Cash $5.00 Per Month Telephone at once, Douglas 2'J3t. H. H. Harper 1013-14 city National Bank Building. r California Mission Bungalow Beautiful little place of four large rooms and bath; excellent location and nelgh- hnrhonH Must Via n h. full.. Bn..M elated; 11,660; 200 down and bal. Ilk rent. bhuler & Cary, Phone Pouglaa 423X 224 State Bank Bldg. Prettiest Mile Eight-room house on tha nrettlest n.rt of the "Prettiest Mile" Just north of Rome. Miller's. Eat front lot overlook ing beautiful Carter lake and the Iowa hill. Two lots. For quick sale, $7,000. Harrison & Morton Happy Hollow Dundee A GOOD-PLAGE TO LIVE A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Now Is the time to buy On Easy Tenus SEE . George & Company P. TM. th Floor City Nat. Bank Pldg. Uee Want Ad ArFamoua as Result Getter. BAXK STATEMENTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The State Bank of Omaha, of Omaha, charter No. 1173, In the State of Nebraska at tho close ot business October 31, 1M4: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts....! H.ORS.SM.OI M71.40 40.fcl2.77 1S,1"0.3 12.!77 OR 81.M Overdrafts Bonds, spourltles. Judgments, claims, etc Current expense, taxes aiirl in- tpppst tutid Cash Item !!!!!!! Dll flvim n.M.inul and state hank.... 153,583.77 Checks and Items of 1 ........... Currency i.. Kl.trs 00 uoia coin 7,790.00 Silver, nickel and cent J.OS8 50- 227.734.34 Total 11,387,371.49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 3O0.onn.0O furplua fund 3MW.00 individual pn-fit 34.0fil.4 Reserved for taxes 1.214.7 Individual deposits - auhlect to rhx-lc...tM BIS 7S ... 'Demand certlflcatea of deposit H, (530 00 Time certificate of deposit 348.4R5.02 Certified check m.43 Cashier's check outstanding 4.AM.74 Due to national and state banka lM.4ng.Sa l.oii 3S ft uvposltora guaranty fund 3,784.98 Cera aad Oata Take 5arlnc Price a a Resalt af be le. ma ad from TVarrlaa; Na tlaaa la Earns. OMAHA, November 1!14. While the buslnoK in grain on foreign account waa douhilees ahead of aay pre vtous iay'a business since the war broke out ahroad. th vol. i me waa curtailed no Utile by the views of holders. "heat future were up lflv For signers Were In the Irad ss buvers, not only on the decl.nrs during the eailv part of the day, nut they followed the market a It advanced and obsorhed all offerings. . Clearances of breadstuff from tha ea beard yesterdsy amounted to 1.2S:.I0 bu., and they received more attention than the big primary receipt for two daya, which totalled S.0,(W bu. sentiment on wheat was decldedlv bull ish after the close last night. Foreign, era were not only on the Chlrago market yesterday, but they were In every mar ket of the countrv for wheat, an.) ihrv also bought heavily of other grains. Bids lor rye on export account yesterday were to nigner, so higher at Milwaukee and 4o higher at Minneapolis. The principal export concern In the rye market said that hi house wired all over the coun try for rye and bid fancy prices for It and secured only JO.000 bu. The advance n coin yesterday was i(i ana wis in the far of an increased movement in new coin, orm-n nm ii t or good quality. Export trade Is Im proving sharpiy and sales here ot cash yesterday amounted tn 4.V, ( bu. Oats were Tc higher and the export nus.tieas was prohaMy one of the Isrgert day's of the ciop. Sales were l.oon.'ivs bu. tor foreign shipments. Weather la fine for marketing and receipts at primary points for two dava were 13".4.nno lui. 1 here wa a strong undercurrent In "i" provision market, which wa a re jection of the lighter stocks of manu facturered prodncta There was an enor mou decrease In the world avallahle supply of lard and the disease among cattle at the stock yards waa also a price maker. The large packers were on mi- seiung sine or all ui Duigca. . Wheat was ll'4c hloher. Old corn waa vtirlc higher, while new corn waa unchanged to. 2c higher. Oats were Vt4i4c higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour dual to 6l,0f bushels; corn, none; oats. bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 2.S74.000 bushels and shipment l,4s.fl0i bushels, agalnat receipt of l.SW.ono bushel and shipment of l.Mti.ono bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were S32.0O bush els and shipments 2l.0n) bushels, against receipts of 2,000 bushels and shipment of Zfj.flOO bushels last year. Primary oats receipta were DTO.non bushels and ship ments 1.22fi.OiiO bushel, against receipts of 7M,0no bushels and shipment ot (M.OuO bushel last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Rye. Barley. lVomher. tl tw'.Wl .; Msy, tl .1MII I'1. Bl'TTKH Creamery, lo. firsts, tc; seomlK. packing. 21S. r?DOt Klrsls, JSt-; seconds, 1IV-. roiI,TRY-llens. lie; rooster. : tur keys. 14o. CORN No. 2 mixed, ffl7iV-: No i white, Tic; lvenilor, N-; Man. i1"!", OATC-N" 1 white, 4.'(i'47'c; No. t mixed, 4.v!l ts- ELECTION RESULTS HELP General Advance in Price of Listed Securities. INVESTMENT ISSUES SOUGHT Vital her t.nconraatng Factor I Ike Announcement that Liverpool Cot ton K.xchanee on Restricted Raala of Operallona. 444 21 II 10 401 no Total t1,W7,371.4 rtiaie oi iNenraeaa. county of Douglaa, : I, F. N. High, cashier of the above named tank, do hereby swear that the above statement la a correct and true copy of tho report made to the State Banking Board. F. N. HIGH. Attest: Cashier. A. T. KI,OPP. WILLIAM A. DEBORD. Directors. Subscribed and Sworn to before ma this 6th day of November. 1H14. JOSEPH B. FRADENBtTRO. Notary Public. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE - Nebraska. Elk Gity Douglas Co. 80 ACRES Almost new Improvements, k-r. house, barn for 10 head cows. head horse, small haymow, i tons: new rmn- ary. new chicken house, good well. This Is fine laying land, A-l aoll, I or 4 acrea alfalfa; not a foot of waste land on It; wlihln three miles ot three towns, aoutn- . or r-ia iiiy, near Military road. Tha lay of tha land and crops will abow lor themselves. Let me show It To see It I to believe. Price, tU.buO; term. It 1 an Ideal "neck of the woods" to be n. and you cannot beat it in that neck. Act at ones. Thia mean you, who U a llttl bit, or decidedly choice. Bring wife xvlth you. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO., N. C Cor. 33d and M 8t.. Bo. Omaha. FOR SALK By ownei. 160 acrea near Lodge Pole. Neb.; forty acrea have been cultivated; fncd: no buildings; 114 per acre; one-half cash, balance I year at per cent. A. J. Wharf. 219 N. Glen wood avenue. Peoria, III. FOR BALlv-vA "OKBAT BAROAIN. Thu east bait ot section . town W, range la. In Dawson county, Neuraska. Oood 6-room house, barn, granary and crtb; Improvements in good repair; fenced and cross-fenced ; 20 acres In al falfa, JOv acrts ainder cultivation; 7 mile from Sumner and 12 miles from Overton; ood tenon t; lieat of soil, no sand. Prloe, Ji ptr acr tor u day. Term to suit purchaser. CUATPOOL LAND CO., Krarney, Neb, KOUNTZE PLACE. GREATEST BARGAIN. Nine-room house in first-clas condi tion; t dundy lota, each 60x132 teeL Garage and barn; Just oft boulevard. Incum brance tt.f- Must move. Will sacrifice greater portion of equity and many other residence bargains, ail sizes and Dricea J. F. WALTER. V REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 41 Omaba National Bank. 'Phone Douglas 7399. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE BIG SACRIFICE BALE. 1.C00 acres fine, rich valley land In Morrill county. Neb.; eastern owner must sell quick. Writ for price. H1CK8 LAND -AGENCY. OMAHA. 4 laaouaraw Upper Wisconsin Best uairy and general cop state In th union; settlers wanted; lands for aala at low prices, on easy ttrnu. Ask for book bat U oa Wisconsin Central Land Grant, citato acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested in fruit lands, ask for booklet an Apple Orchard la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Sou Una fty.. Minneapolis. Minn. kes VVant Ad Are tho Best Busines Boosters. " REAL ESTATE FOR RE.VT Farm far Heat. FARM FOR RENT A fine dairy farm, good bull. ilngs, 10 or more; c.ule, liorws. sheep, poultry, farm machinery, pasture all fenced woven wire, watr in each; A No. lard about ITS miles wen of Minneapolis. Will be rente.! very cheap for cash. Don't apply unlnas you have om means ar.d rry best of references. Address Y 2D6, Bee. $250 Cash And $25 Per Mo. Buys a New 8-room cottage, .modern except heat, with best porcelain plumhlng com bination light fixture, screen to sll openings snd storm window on north and west. Bricked and cemented cellar, large attic. All walla sanitary sand fin ished except bath room, which Is Keane cement. I,ot, bOxltt, with sewer, water, gas. electric light and permanent walk In and paid for. -Price, t2.2do. On Hew ard St., two blocks from Walnut Hill car line. Best of material and workmanship throughout, and a dandy little home. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tylw IBM. State Bank Bldg. Republicans Gain in Richardson FALLS CITY, Neb.. Nov. 6.-6poclal Telegram.) The republicans made won derful gain In this county at yesterday' election. The county went republican with the exception of register of deed and county superintendent. Unofficial return from the twenty precinct how the stat ticket, Morehead. 2.300 against Howell's 2,064, a majority it 14 for Morehead, where Ma majority In 15)12 was almost 1.100. Reavl polled 1.894 against Magulre a 1.654. For representative from tho First district. Relschlck (dent), de feated Ay res (rep), 2,204 to 1,424. In th Third. How (rep,), 2.0H6. over Parrlott (dam.). 1.W7. Closfe-in Bargain 1 $3,000 Rlivi ?.rrnrn atrlrttw nia4a w j w - - v. swuvi evil atllU I Jones; outtj front; owner nonresident: ' real snsp for some one. i O 'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE &! IXS. AGCY., Tel. Tyler 1024. Resalt la Llneola. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Nov. 5.-(Spe-clal Telegram.) Thirty-seven precincts of Lincoln, unofficial, out of forty-four, with' the balance making no material change, give the following: Morehead, l,t85; Howell. 1,371; Hoagland. 1.W9; Pear son. 833; Pool, M0; Walt. J,l; Bmlth. 100; Minor. 1,134; Hall, (24; Hamer, 1.078; Whitehead. 8li; Thomas, 1.S03; Reed, SS9; Sear. L131; Eastham, 851; Beckman, 1.041; Maupln. 88; Hall, 1.1&3; Taylor, 816; Klnkaid. 1,448. Holt Coaaty Officer. . O'NEILL. Neb., Nor. 6-(Spelal Tel, gram.) John A. Robertson (dem.) wa !ected senator for tho Twenty-fourth dis trict; V. H. Cronln (rep.), representative rifty-third district, and Chrl Anderson (dem.) representative Fifty-fourth dis trict, was elected. U0S Farnam St. OWNER LEAVING CITY " " Offers for quick sai an eUgant 10 reom re dence on one of the finest streets on West Frnam Hid. If you want a fin horn, call Harney lWi. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS WALKING DISTANCE. A great, big snap In a clos-in 8-room houke, fully modern; t nice botlroonis and splmdldly arranged for a rooming houae Price and t-rnie eatlafx tory to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug Ware Block MAP OK OMAHA hTRtKTri. Indnjted." also Omaha rd book, V vst po kit aiae, fre at our offl.-e; two stsmps tv mall. ( barles E. Williamson Co., Krai Kstut. Insurant e, care of Property, Omaha. o.' Cobb Peeved. Ty Cobb la out with a statement that ha will .retire from base ball voluntarily four year hence, for the reason that he la tired of "tha unenviable notoriety and wounded feeling h ha continually1 been subjected to." Even his 1U ha been threatened by wild fan, ha aay. Ceffeo Market. NEW YORK, Nov. t Today coffe cables reported a reaction of Hd In th rat of Brazilian exchange on London, but there aoemed to b very littlo coffee offering for al on tha cost and freight market and th spot market continued steady with pnoe unchanged at H for Rio 7 and 10 for Santo 4s. Thara were renewed rumors of European purchase In th local market and advanco in war risk have unsettled th Import situa tion, but the visible supply l now about luu.000 baga In excess ot last vrar and buyera appear ta bo awaltincsh de velopments. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Nov. & DRY OOODS Cotton good hteidv, yarna firmer; car pet wool strongi i ; raw hk st's ly dris goods quiet ' Chicago ..1.01.1 Minn 418 Duluth ... 4M Omaha . . 47 Kan. City 2H0 Ht. Louis.. !M Winnipeg 433 These ale were reported today; Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 care, tl.os. No. 3 hard winter: ll cars. tl W; I car, tl.07i: 2 cars, tl 07; 1 car, tl.08. No. 2 durum mixed: 1 car. 11.01. Rejected: 1 car. tl 00. Corn No. 2 yellow: 1 car (new), tTVfcc No. 3 yellow. 1 car. 70c: 1 car (newl. k-. No. t yellow: 1 car. 70c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car. inc. ro. i mixeo: i car. cuvtc. Pio. i mixed: 2 cars. 8i4c. No. S mixed: 1 car tnew), 1c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. WV4jC. F.vmpie: 1 car. (Sc; I car (new), tec. Oats Standard: 1 car. 4.FAc; No. i white: 1 car. 4iA4c; t rars, 4fc. No. 4 white: U4 cars, 4fic; 4 ears, 444c. Rye No. 2: 1 car, 92c. No. i: 1 car, ltc. Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 hard, tl 07Hfil.l: No. 3 hard, tl.OOV4til.06H; No. 2 spring. tl.06HJ1.08; No. 3 spring. 2 durum. tl.OelM.lO; No. I durum, tl 08V, iri.w. vorn: ro. i wnite, itjnc; no. 2 white. 70470Hc: No. 3 white. 7frtt:ovo : No. 4 white, 9Hfl70o: No. 5 white, .t&tt "4c; No. white. 4iWo: N. 1 vel ow. 8941f76!ac: No. 2 yellow, tWtHOe; No. 3 yellow. tV4P0c; No. 4 yellow, SSinOc; No. 6 yellow, (WgrrOr; No. 6 yellow, 60St 'ic; No. 1 mixed. t494e; No. 2 mixed, 8-SrirSic: No. 8 mixed, efatc ; No. 4 mixed.- 68fifl4c: No. 6 mixed, 6jili4,c ; No. mixed. 6v?Sf.8'4jC. Oats: No. 2 white. 4i4Jr4flc: standard. VHiKjic; No. 2 whit. .46VtJ46Hc; No. 4 white, 44r4tc. Br)ey: Malting, OOiTJc: No. I feed, 60 (69c. Rye: No. 2. 9IVirlrc; No. 3. Slid tl',P- CHIC AGO GRAIN AKD PROVISIONS Feat a re, of ke Trad In a and Closing; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 6. Lively profit-taking, due to the fact that price hsd risen to a higher level than at any time since early in Keplember. brought about a de cided downward awing today In wheat. The market closed heavy, ;(c to Vaic under last night. Corn suffered a net loss of Voc, and oat of 4.C to H1fVc. Provisions wound up unchanged to 20c higher. Holder of wheat were prompt to take advantage of a pew upturn today Jn prtcea. The finish' wa at the low point of the ses sion. European demand, which at first appeared to follow the market during the early advance, ahowed a nntlreahle contraction here later on, possibly owing to reported difficulty In obtaining ready freight room on the Atlantic. Big receipt of wheat at primary points, especially i;nicago, Had a good NEW YORK. Nov. H -The result of the recent elections waa reflected today in a broader Inoutry for Investment Issues and general advances In tbt prices of listed feciirltles luing traded In outside the htoi k exchange Another helpful factor Vs I he an nouncement that the Liverpool Cotton exchange is to reopen on a restricted bal ot oprrat.ons tomorrow. Ktoik exchange authorities denied re ports that the representatives of th British government now conferring with American treasure officials and bankers hnd siiKgcKted tho advisability of an In defln'te suspension of regular market operation here. Improvement In entlment wa most pionounceu In the steel trde, despite th belief lnt the October statement of th L'l.lted states Steel corporation, to be issued next Tueeuay, Is likely to show another large decrease In unfilled orders. Manufacturer In other llnee. Including textiles, also expressed a more hopeful view of the Immediate future. Another advance in ratea on Paris was Ihe featme oi the loreign exchange mar ket, botii hills and check raising mate nally aa a result of the rerun ed supply i.l Mils. The London merket was a shade easier. Exchange on Montreal rose at.ln. the most plausible exp.anatlon in that connection being found In the heavy purchuscs made here by Canada for the account of the Hritlh government. An Increase of over t-TvOuO.Oitt )n the gold hold ings or the Hunk of Knglund waa the outstanding feature In that Institution statement for the last week. Substantial gains In total and liability reaervea was also noted. The Imperial Bank of ler manv added about tV.WO.OMO to its stora of gold and increased its holding of emergency and other bonk bote by over tas.omvicn. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Rt'TTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 31o; No 1, 00-lh. tuba. Wc. CHEESE Imported Bwlsa, 38c; Airier can Swiss. 2r: block Swiss. Uu; twin. Ifie: rials! lnu,o: triolets. Ifi'w: Young Americas, lHc; blue label brick 17c; lim- burger, 3-lb.. wu: l-ir., sue; new lora whit. 19c; Imported French Roquefort, 48c. FISH-Trout. 17o; large crappl. 10J 15c; salmon, Ugl&c; halibut, to: ctiaanel cattish, IBc; plk. 17c; pickerel, 10c. -1'ulJLTRY Broiler. 14Vic; spring chick ens, lie; hens, 9illc; cocks 8c; ducks, 10c; geee, 8c; turkeys, lbc; pigeons, r-r do., hoc; duck, tuli leathered. l"e; geese. full feathered, c; squabs, No. 1. H w. tsi. i, We. Market quotation mmitfhed by aillnkl "ruit company: , i.Krrr.--A(iiinire. Extra francy Val encia. iWs. 112. la. 160. 178. 2W. 14 0 p'r box; Red Hall valencies, an i-, W.76 per box. I-emons: Fancy, t", Hua, If. he, nor box- choice Red Ball. 800. 30s, tfi.00 per box. Urapefrult: All sires. 23.00 per box. A I pies: r.xirs isncy waenina ton Oolden, tl 7K per box; fancy Washington Grimes, tl.M per box; xtra fancy Washington Jonathans. tl.M per box; fancv Washington Jonathan. tl.3& per box; fancy Colorado Jonathana, 81.2 Der box: Colorado Jonathans, choice, tl.00 per box; extra fancy Waahlngton Hoov. era. 81. 84 ner box: Oregon Kpltienburgi, tl.M) per box; Oregon winter bananas, tl.76 per box; extra fancy Waahlngton IHillclous, t2.00 per box; New York Green ing, tam per narrei; New iorx uaia wln. t2 76 per barrel. Pear: ' California Clargleus, 82.2S per box; extra fancy D'AnJou, 2I-5U per box. Grales: Cali fornia Emnerors. 83.M per barrel; Malaga, tS.flO per kee. Banana: Per bunch, l.Voi 3.5". VEOETABLEIS Cauliflower. KM per crate. Cabbage: Per pound. lVc Cu ucmbers: Pt 2 do box, tl.M. Celery; Michigan, Sue per dozen; Denver Jumbo, 7."ic rwr do. Tomatoes: Fancy, tl DS per basket Lettuce: Head, bOiti.GO per dosen; leaf. 40c per doten. Onions: Shal lots, 40a fcr doen; yellow, 214c per pound; reo. l'A per pound. Radishes: Per don, 3Sc. Horseradish: Per case. xijba. uarlio: Italian. c per pound. Potatoes: Per bushel. 7f-,. Sweet Pota tons: pr barrel, t30u; Jersey, $1.79 per hamper. p. urn wo. i California walnut. Io per pound; pern, 12c per pound; Jumbo pecana, jc per pouna. riioerts, ifto per nound: filbert. long nsnles. 18o ner pound. MlNCKLil.AKlsuup Bhlld PoDcorn: Per pound, 4c. Date: 8uitr walnut. tl.4fl per box. Almonds: Per pound, 20c Lime: Per box, tl.T6 Crackerjack: Per case, (.M; per half case tl 7a. Checkers: r-er case, n.txi. per hair ease, tl.Tt. Pates: Dromedary, pr c. 13.00. Honey: Per caa. 83 60. Fl: Twalva 12-ouneo, Sc rer pound. Cider: Per keg, t-1.00; per half barrel. H.OO. Cocoanuls; Per tack,; per doun, 75c. Squaih: rer pouni, nq New York (eaera Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. H VGA R TLm w teady; molasses, 2.87c; centrifugal, 3.52c; refined, eaay. 40 nolnta lower: cut lr .90-; crushed, (.Me; mould A, t.Soc; cubes. OMAHA UYEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Stronper md Feedert Very Slow and Lower. HOGS FITTZEN TO TKIETY UP Fat LaastM TereatyFlve to Forty Hlaaer aad rat "beep Qaarter lllgber Feeder Heady SOI" TH OMAHA. Nov. I. Rclpt were: Cattle. Iloga Sheep. Olilvisi Monaar s.i.j .li4 Official Tuesday .M4 4.M8 l'.4r. (.itic.iat Wrunesriav.... 3.M.I 4.M I0.14A Ektlir.aU Thursday.... S.&00 fc.tM e,W Four day thl 17.0M 47.7W S-.ine day last week..J".iA la.n7l 84.49 Same day 3 wka ago..UU li." 184n rxiiti nays a was 14.374 U4.410 Sama day 4 wks ago. W.ivc l.v.ill name nay last year . ii.lH3 3t.2 349 Th following table show th recvit" Of rat lie, hogs and heep at th Mouth Omaha liv stock market for th year to data, compared with last rear: 1914. 1M2. De- Cattle 79.,Mi 8W.7C7 80.1!-: Hog L9I4.HM 2,ltil.4rn) S4A.7IM fheep -.2.7e,Hil iU.Mt 3.iA4 Tha following talx ariows tha price f6r hogs at th South Omaha II vo stoca niH'Kei for the last few nay, with com 1 1 in. Dale. 1HI4. l1.4 ilIJ.illl.Isiv.l!aw.llV. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 'Oct. Oct et. ot. Nov. Nov. Nov. ro'. Nov. 1 . 7 :tvi 7 91, 7 -4i 7 8SI 10t IHj 7 'tl 4t 11 K t fki1 M l 7 ut, 7 ftii 4 T K 7 MIVi! 7 Hi Zi. I vs i 7 titii a. 7 lm 7 i' W.I 7 lM 7 741 7 iri J 7ti, 31.1 7 ll T Tl' l.-l i7( ! I 7 10HI ! 3. 1 7 0i t M: 4. 7 Ilv 7 W e.l 7 .VSI 271 771 74 8 tW) V 8 U 8 .Vj I 43 I 4i I 8 0K 7 Wl 7 Mi 7 ' ? 76i I 7 811 I 3. t 164. 1 M 27 I ll i 8i so, 8 31; I 8 441 H. I ! I KM 41 k 4.1 U l" s . Ui ! I 8 U ll IN! ! 121 I 01i l V i 4 101 7 91 i KM 9 01 Ui s ii I I t 4U T l i U I U i ?i a 41 T 3 8 21 7 4l 8 U 7 Ml 6 -it I aij 8 44 1 U, I 4i 8 41 7 51 I Mi S 7 : 7 7W S I 6 tat 7 7'J T ei 6 71 1 ski M 1 i4i 8 mi 9 191 7 Bunaay. Receipts and disposition of v toCk at tha I'nlon tork yards, Mouth Omaha, for twenty-tour hours ending at t o'clock p. ni. yesterday: Rtt KIT TF-CARS. Cattle. 1 logs. 8heep.H'e. C M. A Bt. P 3 T3 Walash 3 1 Missouri Paclflo ... 3 :' .. I nlon Pactrio 3n 11 8 C'.. N. W., east . 1 3 3 C. N. W.. west.. 37 2u 7 1 C, ft. P.. M. O. 8 1 C, H. A Q., east... 11 1 4 C. H. A Q...west... 47 21 C. R. I. A P., east. 4 4 1 C. H. I. A V west. 6 Illinois Central 13 Chicago Q. W 3 Total receipt ...147 ii CO 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Bhoep. Morrl A Co... Hwlft A Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co rvhwarts A Co J. W. Murphy , Lincoln Packing Co...., Ho. Omaha Packing Co St. Clair Packing Cn.., Indeendeiit Pack. Co., W. 11. Vanaant Co , Hill A Hon F. B. Lewi J. H. Root A Co J. H. Hull Werthelmer A lMgen... H. F. Hamilton Hulllvan liro Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Huffman Roth Meyer Haker. Jones A Hmlth., Tanner Bro John Harvey Klin tuner buyer s;o . 794 .1,17 . biJ 18 7 .... 9 2 lVi 13 114 18 18 70 2 4 14 11V 34 W 121 17 .' V9 733 HC3 I.84S 1.100 l.l1 nit 1.3.V) tII 414 tut sy deal to do with maklna conservative r,. vvw j t .... :' i 7 ir'A h.h"Ue i'T1 RrM",l.n th" bu,Jin.c; fine ?.nui;ted K: dhTmoNTd A. 6o; da of the market. Despite uppped confectioner' A. 4.90c; No. 1. 4.7!c. signs .of a smaller movement soon from UL'TTER Klrm; rclpt, T.W tub: ... . creamery extra, 4Vc; cremery, terminal remain materially In excesa ot the record at the corresponding time a year ago. In th corn crop estimate that th pew crop would be 78,000.000 bushels mer than expected had an unmistakable firsts, gne. seconds, 254)3hV4)c; pack ing stocx, current maaa, no. J. ajrrsic. CHEESE Steady and unchanged; re ceipt. 4,6rft boxes. FOGS-Ftrrn; recelpU. 11 738 case: fresh gatnerea extra rine, Kar; extra; lira. a. bearish Influenc. Clear, cool weather ;3;)?rKC; firts. S(BJ3c; second, tfctj 39c that was favorable for maturing and shipping tended also to lower the mar. get. although moderate export sales con tinued. Trade In oat lacked volume. There waa no oall from th seaboard to peak of. Provisions ruled decidedly higher for thd most part. The sharpest advancea were early In th day when anared shorts were covering because of order to close the stock yard here. On the bulge pack era were sellers ena a somewnai easier feeling ensued, but th tone at the dote waa firm. Artlclel Open. I Htgh.l Low. Close. Ye'y. Wheat! Dec. May. Corn Dec. 1 17il 18V I 17j lit rmmrs! May. TTtWit Data Dee. May. Pork Jan. tvyso4l iMo64l 19 27W qi9 3d May l fittfl 19 71 1 24 Id 60i 19 42W 13 85 Lard Nov, Jan. May. Rib Jan. M on,' io Va 11 or) 10 30471 10 KStl 10 47HI W I7V4 10 20 I 14 25 1 1 2T 49U bZS. 19 23 19 WH IS w 11 00 10 Z 10 40 10 I7t4 I I 1M4 ll 178 1 S3', 1 227t( 1 A 9H 7JH 72, 49' V?': 4''Sm 19 30 19 17', 19 60 i 19 40 11 OIH 10 ZbJ, 10 27 10 40 10 97V4 10 1. 10 S 10 1741 10 07H Chicago Caah Prioea Wheat: No. 2 red. $kl4fcl 1M; No. 3 bard, tl IvVBI.lSW. C'trn: No. 2 yellow. 7';4c; No. 2 yel low, nw. 73c; No. t yellow, 7i4gTt14c; No. 3 yellow, new, 71fjf71c. Oats: No. 8 white, 47H4V: atandard, 44Wc. Rye: No. 2. 9fc. Barley, twttfnc heed: Timothy. t3 76id5.2t; clover, 1 10. 0014 0,1. Provisions: .Pork, 817.M, lard. tU.07; rib. FUGS Higher ;receipU, 4,87) cases: at mark, rases Included, 18'tt7c; ordinary firsts, t-'Oior; first. 274 28c. POTATOES RecipU, 30 cars; market unchanged. t-lveroool Grata Market. LIVERPOOU Nov. S. WHEAT-Spot, teady; No. I Manitoba, kaiod; No. 2. 9s7'rd; No. 3, 94d: No. 3 western win ter 9 4 'yd. Futures, atcady; December, CORN f pot. quiet: American mixed, new. 7 id. Future, firm; November. 67d. December, bs 'id. KMM Cllr Grata aad Provisions. KAN8AH CITY. Nov. 1,-WHEAT-No : hard, tl OOGl.W'i; No. 2 rd. tl.8il wV; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, wiw; nennery Drown. jktj42c; hennery gathered brown and mixed col ors, juttmc POULTRY Dressed, steadier: western reasting chickens. !4t!7c; fresh fowls, 12 Qlic; froxen turaey. nnac. Mlaaeapoll Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 6. WHEAT December, tl 13, My. tl.lTi; No. 1 hard. tl l; No. 1 northern, tl.l3'(1.16; No. I northern. tl.lOtSl 131. FLOUR Higher; fancy patents. i.Kr, first clears, 14 Ml; second clears, 83.40. BARLEY f 7 1 68c. RIC E 9W04c. , FiRAN 4?0.ift, COB N No. 3 yellow. fii. OATi No. 3 white. 4V(4oV. ( FLAX-ll.40ll.43S. London Wool Market. IXjNDON. Nov. 5 Nine thousand bale of wool, principally Queensland Merino, were sold at auction here yesterday. The offerings were 'steadily taken by th home trade at unchanged prices. 8coureds sold ot 2s 3 VI and greasy at Is 34d Vic torian scoured realixed 2 4d and allpe and cross-bred s advanced from S to 10 per cent. HI. Iioal Gala Market. KT. I.OIMH. Nov. I. WHEAT No. t red. tl. 12il 13U; No 2 bard, tl 12HH.14; December, tl 13S: May tl.W-vTM 30V CORN No. 2, 7&V; No. t white, 7H 77c; IVeember 6c: May, 72'ic. OATtt-No. 2. 47817; No. 2 white. 48'4ic. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. MERCANTILE PAPER-"t9' per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier; sixty day bills. I4.9715; for cables, ti.moo 4.i. for detrsnd. t4 ft4r4.kVi',. SILViat-Bar. 4.e. Hank f learlags. OMAHA. Nov. 8-Bank clearings for Omaba today were tJ.74i.u4 40, and for tha corresponding day last year 13.419, 144.40. 4'otloa Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 8.-COTTON-flpot. fair bus ness done; prices unchanged. Hales U.HJW bales. Metal Market. BT. LOCIH. Nov. i METALS Lead, hixher. I3j;vjj3 40. Spelter, tionger. Total... 4.H7 1.122 . L'nic. lainty Is th chiet teature of to muraet tr all k.uu ot llv stock, in uutuieak or toot and moutn disease In se.eia, eastern state aou t quarantin ing of tnose state and th Cliicaao markst has krouant about unusual oonui tliuia In in trad and no one can lorin any luea of wnat cnange irtight take piac at any time. Tnia morning, due to in tun.lng ul eastern order for stock to thl point and also a desire on th iait ot packera at Chicago to secure stock ir next weea wnen ti.e yards at thai point Will ii cloned, caused price on aome kind ot li stork to auvanc wliuly. Vvnmuer tola auvance w.u be tol.owed by an equally big slump or by still greater an- allies nu on can form an Idea. cATTLhe-Keclpl at tills point were light and run everywhere wer quit moderate. The announcement Inst the t hickfco yarn would b cIoimmI on rFlday. nu stock being received or shipped out after that date, mad packer at tha point unmniii in secure aji manv cattl a woe lulu so aa to huv a I. til gurp.n on baud. 1 i.e result waa that prtcea at v mcaao ad vanced and more or less strength was shown In western markets. Killing eattio of ill kinds, ter, cow and nellara. weie anyher steady to Ul,a a lltti stronger than yesterday. Moat kind are arounu iac higher here than laal week. While killer ware advancing pecu lator and yard trader wer entirely at aeu. an., we.e apparently afraid to tak on additional cam. Ai a result the leeder trade waa extremely alow, with puce lower. In lact. It was mora a ques tion oi tlnulug omeui.e i,n to buy than It was a matter of pries, quotatitn uu i.uii.. .wud to chotc corn-fed bev, 19 OolOow; lair to gooo corn-fed beeves, t.CUr9.4; common - to fair corn-ftd beovas, t.7J 8.00; good to choir tang stters, 87 404ja4u; fair to good rang ktteis, 8n.7tf7.40; common to fall rang steers, to.B3(4,.7(; good to choice grass heifer. n,0o7 0U; gnod to cno'C grass ' cow tti.7rto8.Co; fair to good grade. 8n00g37t; common to fair grade. ttOuuis.U); prima feeder, tloua 8.40; good to chotc stock ers and feeder 7.30U7.b: fair to good (tockera and leader, te.eiKU'7.20; common to fair stock er and feeders. ti.gv43.0l stock heltcrs, 14 7ti.00; Block cowa. W ; stock calves, I7.80ial0 00; veal calves, t7.6OlllU.00; Lull, stags, etc., S4 BOia RepreaeiiLatlve salea: BEBF rirEERf. At. rr. N. At. Fr. Ml I 10 II IIS U No. to... ... 4... 4... 1J... I .. I... 4... 14 ... II... !-.. !... :o... is .. n... 14... f... I... I... 8... 4... I:... ... I... 1... 10... .... t... I... 8..., I... 8.... I..., II.... T.... .... 4... I... I..., 1..., I..., I.... I..., I.... I.... I..., I... 1 .. I... t .... T... 4... I... u .. ..10T .. ri .. 911 .. I't . ie! .. ti .. H ,. 747 ..!: ..IMS .111 III 8 II 1 M 7 M T U T t u 1 M 7 M 8 ai 8 14 8 It 8 10 II.. II.. I.. II . 4.. 14. . .. a., t . M.. 21. . 1144 ion !! HIT 11M I4 I! UtT UUO 1J1 Kit v 11 8 8 ID 8 M R si M m x u M 8 14 bTkEhK AND HEIFERS. 41 V NI 4. 444 9 KM IN 81 "1 (4 T71 t 84 33. 84 10 Ot CUV . . r . lot . ua .114 . . Ml . sa . ' ir . kM . M0 . 71 . " 4 I 4 4 44 4 74 4 tt 4 N 4 90 3 ti 8 4 8 40 3 M 8 3 w 8 4 8., j::::: ti. HKIFbjlUi. 3 M 4 0 I t 4 M , 8M , 20 3 34 8 ta 8 80 .14 8 B ..ItM 3 .140 .. 10 ...14110 ...131 ...11 ...tit ...14t ... 148 ... 9M ... rH ... t-rf 3 W 8 44 3 44 8 44 3 1 3 14 8 78 ca Lives. i I ... ' I.... i.... 34.... iJ.B.' .... h'.Y. 3 8 8 M 44 7 04 I 3 , I.. 1.. I.. I.. .. M7 ..loot ..inei ,.I4 ..W ..iWO ..t04 ..lino .. tM ..1004 ..! .-.lew . ls ..1414 .111 .. n .. 4S4 .. II .. 471 U4 1234 UU 116 rot MM 1414 MM IIM 311 Ml , in IM It 149 S 8 M 4 04 8 14 4 84 4 K 4 ts m 4 10 40 4 4 4 4 T4 8 4 3 44 4 84 t OS T a 8 u 8 38 3Tt 8 Ti 3 74 3 8 4 M e t N 8 84 8 M 8 45 T 00 f 84 3 44 3 e 4 3 T4 PTOCKER." ANf FEEDERS. 1 O l n 7 hi 4 ai 14 ,V4 4 10 a .' 4 M I "10 4 14 II ;t 4 7 4 lilt 4 10 Till 4 M4 4 f II TM 4 13 H ID 4 Kl IM i 7 4 Ml 4 er4 7 Ce 3 4M 4 !,0 3 473 7 U Nr.Htt.txKA. feeders., fit 4 W) 4 feeders.. 713 8 S1 8 Calves... 2M 7 fr Scow m 8 00 clve...4M t 2ft 1 calf 190 8 00 b feeders.. 80 8 to 2 calves... IV, 10 OO 11 feeder.. 7 0ft 8 feeder. . 97J 7 00 8 steers.. ..1071 8 98 3 cow 911 4 SO 28 feeders.. IK4 7 2 Hen Paunders Neb. 1 row T0 6 40 1 cow 11SS 8 40 2 eows.....irtV. 8 40 11 cow 893 40 1 heifer.... 8 77' C. A. Mullen-Colo. 1 COW 1100 8 Oft I cow 1120 3 09 9 hull 1117 8 70 2 feeder.. 700 8 60 37 cows est 4 75 1 cow 1130 00 HOOP As tody wa the lt dy of open market at Chicago until November M. local buyer all wanted tn lay In a fair supply of hogs, and while poller were all very bullish, buyer succeeded In getting a few loads early at figure that were not over lfa" higher. Before many had sold, however, a report of a 3l,iH) cent advance In Chicago) brought seller upstanding, and they began ask ing sa minh aa a half dollar advance. Buyer, while they refused to pay thesn S rices, raised their lids until they were i to ." cents higher, and although It was bard lo get the offerings to mov ing freely, they finally bought th big end of th supply on thl basis Ship ping orders were larger than for some time, and thl wa a large factor In the trade. Shipper, to fill their order, wer forced lo take om pretty weighty hogs, and aa thia brought them Into direct competition with packera. a lively scram ble for nearly all grade resulted. Every thing had been sold by shortly after f o'clock. Th general trd i 18 to 30 cent higher, and a most of tha hog sold at th big end of the advance, th avercg Is around a quarter hlghr. MosC of the sale were made at 87.58 to 37.48. with a lop of 37.W, several loads reaching thia latter price. Receipts amounted to about seventy f1v cara, or i.oon head, bringing the total for the four dr up to 17.11 Thl I a gnln of 3. Mm bead over last week, but I over short of a year ago. No. Ae. Hh. it. n. AT. g. fr. 1J 4'l 11 4 IM .. TXI " " ll 44 :0 44 7 14 ' 14 .. 7 14 44 lit .. 7 M IT .. I It. r.'. 3 34 .. t S3 ' i' 7 30 4l 113 ;4 Ti 378 II IH 7. XJ ... T 84 3 3T4 .. 7 II M MS 8 T I -t -IM .. I 4 ...104 .. t 11 . eM It 1 11 33 40 I U 4 4 IM T M M 7 l 4 IM M Ik 41 II) N 111 4? I .. t 34 17 IM .. JI7U. 4" J 1J4 TS 18 104 JK) 7 3714 tt& 154 T I 14 114 .. 7 44, ' 140 7 .1 HI tt 330 T 40 ,. IN 41 St .. 1m It 4rt U 7 94 47.. ......S44 4 7 4 4 I4 M IH 10 l 140 T 40 S4I ) 7 f S3. JJ4 0 T 40 44 Dl 144 f 80 II ! 10 t 4 4 S 40 7 10 44 SHI 4M t 40 !-0 jnt ,.TM . ...... . .. t 40 4 324 4ei 7 M 4 SSt .. 7 4 4 t4 IM 7 10 41 IM 8 7 40 45 11 7 84 41 2M M IN 1 HI l 7 44 47 H4 M t 3 Ml N t N 378 31 T 44 ll rw .. 7 o a jt 4 t M 371 328 T S 41 Ml .. 44' 8 198 .. t t4 47 144 10 T 44 M 143 .. 7 XSti 314 S40 t 44 4T I IT T 88 81 4Mt 344 t 4 ' 314 4 7 44 47 ..KW ' .. 7 44 31 tm ISO T 44 U Ill .. 7 44 1 "7 .. 7 34 7i Ill 44 T 44 IT Itt 8 T 34 314 8 IM set m 7 la m aa w ta r4 ?oo T II 410 . . T te 41. Ill 40 7 81 ! HIM PIUS. 14 ISt .. 8 80 M in ..7 4. SHEEP Ft sheep and lamb continued en their upward flight again thl morn ing until the advance amounted tn fully 2.',,i40c on lamb and a big quarter on grd sheep. There were aot enough feeder offering of any kind on tba oir-, ket to try out values, price being quoted, nominally steady. The thortag In the receipt for th day and for th week thus far not only at thl point, but at outside point a well, ha had much to do with forcing prices up on tho previous day of th week and today. Aa much aa 88.88 was paid for three, load of fed western lambs, top for tha . day and week, and th highest Price Fine July, when lamb sold at ta. 23. Today' top on lambs la Ui highest price ever paid In (November In the history of the yards. Last November th top waa1 3. The bulk ot the lamb today gold at 83.C0ii8.78. The highest price for ws for any November waa also paid, as some ewes reached 35.78. Last June ewe brought 38 99. Pome fed yearlings brought 37. tha hlghcat slnoa August, whn tf.te wss top, w not a ion on Ph.iep and Lambs Lambs, good lo choi", 2.fttfl.5; lamb, fair lo (rood, 87.764)'8.S0; feeder, good to choice, 34.7W; feeder, fair to good. rl 2fr$4).60: yearlings, ood to choice, f?.254t 14) ; yearling, fair to good, .737.26; yearlings, foedera. ti 4080; . wethers, good to choice, ts.G0ftt.7T; wether, fair to . J ood, W.254B8.80; weth'rs, feeder. 86; awes, good to rholoe, 33.fMrt.7t; ewe, fair to good, tSlMjW; wa, feeders, ti 24-IB. RinrniMAIatlVA sales: "no. Av. fr. 197 80. Dakota feeder lan.h....1 8 80 38 Ho. Dakota feeder lnmba....t 80 47 ho. I'akota feeder lamb. U 107 Po. Dakota feeder lamb... .82 3 80 47 Bo. Dakota feeder 3 80 41 Po. Dakota feeder lambs. ...81 0 234 Bo. Dakota feeder lambs... .82 4 80 122 ro. Dakota feeder lambs. ...61 M !3 Idaho feeder lamb : 88 ' 4) 38 71 fod lamb 77 75 M native goats 81 4 to ' 27 natlv bid 44 g 50 182 fed ewe 110 t 71 S3 fed ewe no I 78 2M fed lamb 8 78 It" fed lamb , 90 t 63 147 fed yearling 102 7 00 212 fed lamb 88 8 85 178 fed lamb M 1 ft 14 fed lamb 84 88 118 fed lamb 8 r. 390 fed ewe 110 I 10 241 fed lamb 73 ' 7 to 8 fed lamb 84 80 14 fed ewea 123 6 78 CI Idaho feeder lamb 81 7 00 87 cull feeder lamb 41 4 Si 3f3 Idaho lamb 60 4 09 274 Idaho ewea 9ft 8 18 Ti cull wea 88 3 74 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl g teady- II a tasettled gkeea Higher. 'CHICAGO. Nov. &. CATTLE Receipts, 4,000 heed; market (teady to 10c higher; ' beeve. 4ri.Vty U.OO; tMr. 35.70ir28; row and heifer, t3.80oi0.40; calves, f7.2f.4J10. 76. HOOP Receipta. 19.000 head; market unsettled, opened afiOjbOc higher, advanca mostly loat; bulk of sales, 47.&0r7.U; light, t7.3Vfjj7.8o; mixed. 87 Hfll.tO; heavy. 47 M 780; rough. r.287.; pig. HOrrfToo higher at 34 Mtr7.00; early top for hog. 28.. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recetptg. tl.OOO hed: market 10o to 38c higher; ahoep, 9S7Mt.HO; yrllng. H754J-7.78; lambs, t7.6u)J.9.a. Kaaaaa Itr Llv Stock MarkeA KANPAR CITT. Nor. &. CATTLE Re ceipt. 7.O0 head; market higher: prim f"x steer. 3? r.4i'll. 01; dressed beef steers, t7.7iq60; wtrn steer. t7.0O4ji3.tO: Block er and feeders. t OOfJt.00; bulla, t5.264t7.t; calves. d.t04ia.u. HO".-Reclpts 18,009 head; market higher; bulk, I7.40tr7.78; heavy, 87.4647 80: packers snd butcher, light 17.35 4J7 70; pig. tH80J7.28 .... PHEEP AND LAMBS Reoalpt. 14 OrtO head: market blfrhar; lambs, 88.O0eM.78: yeariings. 95 744,75, wethers, I5.imat.2i; twee. tS.00QS.75. t. Loala Live. Stork Market. ST. tjOl'18. Nor. 8. CATTLE Recolpt, 1.40i head: market strong; natlv beef rteer. 37.604$ 10. 7; row and heifer. 3&00 tJO 56; tockr and feeder. t6.t047.tO; southern steer. t6 7t7.76; cow and bett er. 84.0"4U: native calve. t 0gl0 M. . HOOS Haeelpta. 3.800 head; market, hlsher; pies and ll'hta. 34.2.7. SO; mixed sndbutcher. 87.2047.70; good hvy. 37.46 PHEEP AND TAMBS Receipt. 1.9ft) bead; market hiaher- nauv muttons. 84 00 C5.3S; lambs, r 0034 9a St. Jno'iili LT4 Stock Markej. ' ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 8. CATTLE Re eel nts, 2.100 head; market Udy; steers. t7.0ifjri0.28; eows and kalfers, tt.0UQ.0; C've 38.0010.00. HOGS - Reoeint. 1.200 bead; market o pee in 36c higher. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt. 1808 head; market 26c higher; lamb, M ii& t.7. Evaporated A rules and DH4 Fralt A?r?rWEit. N0V- 'WT DRIED FKCITS-Pmnea. ataadr. Aprl cot and pcache dulL Raisip steady. :c :t t 11 1 .1: T V :.X a k r V 1 ' 'T t a K i T . A '" t 4" i it at V ' A K A y "i r I