Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Page 4, Image 5

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Big Eaters Get
Kidney Trouble
Take gla of Hn.Ua before break
fast If yonr Hark harts or
TUacMrr bothers joa.
Emdrgtncy Appropriation by Con
gress Ky Be Required to Sup
J pren Lire Stock Epidemic.
.York aa Warrlaa A44r
Tkoae New taraalae' -J
; break Moat Mflrin
if. Eaerleaera'.
Wf BHINQTON. Nor. 4 -The worst out
break, of foot ana month dlsMe yrr
knawa In the Unltri Htatr la the depart
menfc of agrlfiuluire's estimate ot the tlve
atork 'artdemte whlth he forced federal
quartaitlne over els atatca and thrantena
temporary reduction of the nations
food' aupply.
Art emergency appropriation hy congress
may! W required to finance the fatnraien
to eubpreaa the epidemic. QffUMnls aald
tonight It would be a was before their
conn forecast the xtent fov wbleh - the
food! supply would be affected. They are
Inclined to heliv. .however, that fh
ahrlakage will not be, large In aptte of
the lrfoonrenlenee to wbfrh stork growers
andaackera will be auhjected until the
disease la under' pontrot.
Kn ll'tt -hH Meat.
Fvywv .vwmibIM ffnrt will K-i mm Am in
rrmer handtrp.a upon the movement of 1ak8 h "v,n kidney fluahlng
The American men and women mint
guard constantly against Kidney trouble,
becaune we cat too much and ail our food
la rth. Our blood la filled with uric
arid which the kldneya atrlve to filter
out, they weaken from overwork, become
sluggish; the ellmlnitlve tissue clog and
the reault ta kidney trouble, bladder
weaknena and a general decline In health.
When yaur kldneya feel like lump of
lead; yon back hurt or the urine', la
cloudy, full of sediment or you. are,
Obliged to aeek relief two or three time
during the night; If you Buffer with lcW
headache or ditty, nervoua apella, acid
stomach, or you have rheumatism when
the weather la bad, get from your phar-j
tnaolat' about four ounces otJad Baits;
take a tableepoonful In a glass of water
before breakfaat for a few day and your
kldneya will then act fine. Tbl famous
salt ta made from the acid of "grapee
and lemon Jnlee, combined .with llthla,
and haa been ued for generation! ' to
flush and atlmtilata clogged kldneya; . to
neutralise the arlda In the urine ao It no
longer la a eource of Irritation, thua end
ing bladder dlaorder.
Jad Balta la Inexpensive; rannot Injure,
makes a. delightful effervescent llthla
water beverage,- and belonga in every
home, because nobody ran make a mle-
Ag Xahn Sayi the Sultan Hai Lost
Hi Position at the Trustee
for Islam.
livestock. The! quarantine doea not pre
vent the ehtptnant -of Mock from Unaf
fected district to slaughter houaea within
the quarantined area, and there la no
embargo against the shipment of dreaacd
Keyi Tork. and' Maryland were added
to the Hat of .quarantined atatea today.
A department, of i agriculture statement
anaounrlng thlt aald: -
"The list ef state now quarantined by
federal- authorities 'nclude Kew Tork.
(Maryland. Indiana. Mlr-Ms-an and Tennayl
vaniaj in addition, reetrlctionajuiv been
placed upon lntaratate. ahlpmenlaJrrom
Ohio; Although, no case have aa yet been,
found: In that atate. There ta reason to
fear, however, that Infected atork rnay
hav been aent Into Ohio. If thla la found
not to have been the caae the embargo.
wl! he Hated."
. Vlrnleaee Above A vera are. '
Thla outbreak, which la the first In" the
United: State sine 190. la regarded aa
the most aertou of any that the United
Htatrt' haa yet experienced. Not, only
haa It already spread over in extensive
ereei but Ita virulence seems to be above
the Average. Vigorous mneaiires will be
neeeaary to atamp It out. The coat of
suppressing the last outbreak In was
estimated at I24.1U.10, In addition the
loea to dairy and stock raisers waa heavy.
lAbaratate shipments of. cattle, aheep
and ewlne. are absolutely prohibited from
the' states now quarantined Stock can
not even be aent from one Infected atate
Into another. The federal authorities
are- at present engaged In endeavoring to
aoeruiii the exact area over which the
Infection haa spread and aa soon aa thla
la known. It will, It la hoped, be poeelble
to 1ft the quarantine from aecftdna bow
Inelud ta It. "
!"Wet Berlaaa Development.
The discovery of 600 Infected cattle In
the Chicago stock yards waa regarded
a the' most serloug development In the
situation. Bom of the disastrous effects
of f.ha tiutbreak there Is believed to have
been avoided ky the embargo Imposed J
last Baturday against - th ahipment t
cattle rem the Chicago yard into ether
atatrA t Of somewhat less Importance waa
the report that eleven tattle In the na
tional (dairy ahow In Chicago had been
The outbreak la Kew Tork state oc
curred 'among half a doxeu herds la the
Buffalo stock yards. ''The disease was
brought there,. St i be'lvd, by a ship
ment of nine carload from N lea, M ok.,
the place of origin of the present epi
demic, so far aa known. One herd wm
found Infected at Benaoa. Fails, N, T;
' ' Traeeg frna Chirac.
In Maryland diseased cattle were dla
"Coyro4 at Hagratewa. . , Inpctora Of
itht tfopaxtment taded'lh'" cattle from
Chicago. The same -shipment left some
'xtiaeaaed cattle at Oreea Caatls, Pa.,
.Twhar another afected aiea'now exlata,
" So addition to the Oree-n Cast a area
lil Pennsylvania, one exist In Pitta
burgh nd several .In the southeastern
tfart of the atalsv
,Th dlaeaaed cattlS In Michigan, eo far
4i known, are located In Lenawee and
Tfcerrten counties. In Ind ana they have
sea found to St. Joseph county, and la
.Illinois ta Chicago and Wreaton.
. j Vven should the epi lemlo not leap be
yopd the boundarlea already marked by
if.' acme three months will Das before
xnbat of the quarantine - now lmroe1
f 1 1 be lifted, according to department
P la arm, arreadlB-.
CHICAQO. Nor. C-Closlng of the Chi
rago stock yards In' the 'fight' against
; the foot and. mouth disease' waa agaia
jrravely coaiHdW'd at' a eonferenc . of
etato and federal .authorities with cattle
ra today, it waa reported that the
. fttseaae hmd spread further In the cattle
,jjn and--that cUl 'Wer ordered
.killed lmmcdjstely, and'' their carcaaae
" i-troyed. ' ; ; ' . '
' ! The veterlnarUs's admitted later that
'the dlaeaae-was, spreading at 1 the ' yards
' and said that th' carcasses of the animals
tt.arkcd out tr aUugbter would be burled
Ik quick tltne. The grvtty of th4 altua
on waa generally admitted and predlc--tis
were freely., made that the yards
ould be completely quarantined by night
any .time. Advertisement.
Sherman' and Eoger
Sullivan Eunning a
. Neck-and-Neck Race
CHtTA(JO, Nov. I.-Cawrcnce Y. Sner
man, ' republican, ' and Itoger Rulllva.i,
democrat, were running a neck-nd-tieck
race for "the . honor of .' bol'ng the next
Ilnited 8tates senator from' Illinois, ac
cording to Incomplete returns' from yes
terday's election received up to I o'clock
today. , ' ' .
Returns from J.Ofc out ofl.tW precincts
In the stete outside of Chicago gave Bui
llvan 1M.71 vote, and Sherman 19.n77.
If. this ratio Is 'continued " Sherman's
down-state "plurality would- about equal
eulllvan'a plurality of Ce.OOO in Chicago.
Raymond ItobMn. progresslvs, despite
a vigorous . camps lien In -his behalf by
Colonel Roosevelt, la', running a poor
third. Bobbin had the support of ail
of the - Chicago papers and 'mad the
most vigorous campaign ef -the trio.
Apparently the only progressive Victory
In the state wss In the Eleventh district,
where Ira C Copley waa re-elected to
congress. '
The republicans elected all state of
ficers by at majorltlea,
Th democrats suffered severely In
their Illinois contrreeelnnal representa
tion, losing tea out of the twenty seats
held In the house. The republicans
gained twelve congressmen. Including six
former repreaentatlvea. ' Among these Is
former Speaker Joseph Q. Cannon, who
was defeated for re-election two years
ago. He carried four -out of the alx
counties In his district
In Chicago the democrats elected all
the county officers '
1 Maaaaor Minn l'.
At th annual ' meeting of the New
Ixmdou club of tho Kastern association
Eugene Moi'ann was Miosen to handle
ins team again next aeaaon.
He ftaya Acts of War Are Not the
Free Will ef Saltaa, bat Will
f German Officer a ad
Other KaMoslesaa.
IXNDON. Nov. t-Aga Khan, who Is
kbown aa the spiritual head of the Mo
hammedans In India, East Africa and
Central Asia, has eent a cablegram from
lxnd?n addressed to the Moslems in In
dia and other Brit lull dominions In which
he .expresses his deep sorrow that Tur
key has' Joined hands with Germany In
ita war.
' la thla mesetge, Aga Khan aays:
VTlils Is not the free will of the sul-
lan-but the will of the German officers
aad-other nonmoalems, who have forced
hlm to-;do their bidding.
i e oecisres inrtner tnst Turxey has
now lost ita position as the.' trustee of
Islam.' It has drawn IU sword In an
unholy cause and the duty of the Mos
lem today is to remsln loyal and faith
ful to their temporal and secular alle
giance. -'
Turkey Deeored by Oeraiaaa.
DELHI, India, Nev. l-(Vla London,
K:ih:rs Te!I of
, CalJicfs Friend
ermany Reports ,
Victory for Turks,
in the. Caucasus
Experience 1 or should be our beat
teacher. Woman who have obeyed the
highest and noblest of all aacriuoea, the
struggle for th life of others, should
have a better Idea of helpful Influence
than those who theorize from observation.
At any rat when a prospective grand
mother urges her daughter to do as she
did to use "Mother's Friend, thsr I
res una to believe It the right s (trice.
"Mother' Friend" 1 an external ap
plication for expectant mother. Ita pur
pose ta to furnish pliancy to th muscles,
t tak away the strain on th cords auct
ligaments, to relieve the tension of nsrve
and tendon so apt to provoke or eg J
gravat nausea, morning sickness, twItchV
Ings of the limbs and so on.
Although, In the nature of thlnirs, a
woman would use "Mother's Friend" but
but rarely, yet so effective ha It been
found that thla splendid remedy I on sal
la most drug store throughout th
United Btatea. It baa been prepared by
Praftfteld Itegulator Co.. 40. Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, Q and advertised by us fur
over forty years. This la a fine record
for such a special remedy and the grate
ful letters received to-day are Just aa
appreciative aa were thoee of year
notwithstanding that methods are sup
posed to have greatly advanced- Ask at
M drug store for a bottle of "MoUiefs
mead.". It worth wh-
How to Avoid Wearing
UglyFaUt Teeth
J BERLIN, JSov. '-tBy Viries.-In.
formation wa .glvaa out . to , the pros
fom official quarters tadsy.a follows:,
. J'Th first eucountsrs .on th Turkish
frontier, la whUU .Turkish soldiers met
Ruwiaa forces, (rom the Cauraaus. re
tilud uasucritfu)ly for the ilusslsna.
("NliMiteen Uusaian- transports, sunk by
t.e Turks. . had o board 1.700 mine,
destined for the blockading of Turkish
water. Thla fact prove the hostile In
tentions of the Koeslana. ,
;"Tbe Gaxrtta del Popolo says that th
rrBt treatment of Crrmaus to Kngland
. IS a pollor Opea te Question, as numerous
JCag!la Industries are conducted by Oer
rpsns, who woulj be d'ffleult to replaoa.
'"Tbe note ef ttr Fdward Orey, the
Srltikh forelsa eecretary, denouncing
turkey, banded to th Italian govern-
itl.l la lUlUa political circles aa Im-
l.rfi.-u.n unftvoriUl-j to Kng'and. aa It
ci.fcv L;.ir4 s fr of Turkey,"'
How often you hear th words: "It's
too bad such a pretty glH should have
such dreadfully poor teeth.:" It poal
tWrly dimrriwlng the way some people
allow their teeth to gradually fade away
become broken, elongated, twisted and
protruding. It mk- people backward,
and often morbdt la nearly every tn-
stance tooth affection comes from mi
crobes. These tiny unseen living eraaiilsiua
bore their way Into the hard white
enamel under the shelter ef brown or
pale atntw-llke yellow 'spots. Grit and
tartar get between the enamel i of the
teeth and the gurus, causing bleeding,
sore, protruding terth, gum bolls and
gum srpanulou. Your tongue easily
rocks the terth you notice a kind of
tripping of the aervea of ths uprmr and
lower laws after taking hot or cold food
or drink, eating aweets or using tobacco.
You can aave yourself a world of den
tal trouble, trie necessity to pull out your
teeth, or fill them with disfiguring bt11
or porcelain that soon blsckens In th
mouth from mouth acids. If you will go
to your druggist and get about four
ounoes of fluid ersan. merely putting a
teaapoonful in or mouth morning, noon
and night, sad throwing it out after a
lulnute or so. The microbes In the nooks
and crannies, tracks and ho lea of the
lewlh lll ba washed out. destroyed; thi
hard auiwtm-ea foreign to the teeth will
be dissolved, your una will be cleen aud
rosy, your uiouih will be dentally cleui,
ths tooe teeth will hardvn In the guroa
Irr thrm alth your lumtr and your
cwi white of the terth il appvar tien
be jello siots are washed away. When
on set up In the morning your breath
till be sweet and you will bav a drill!
I clean mouth. Advei-usenwni.
11:3 s. m A number of Influential
Mohammedans have h1l a meeting at
Quetta -at which there .was adopted a
resolution setting forth that Turkey had
been decoyed .by Germany -Into a breach
of neutrality and that the British gov
ernment could rely on the fidelity rf
Baluchistan Mohammedana. -
Tarkey'a Act Is Salelde.
BOMBAT (Via London). Nov. . The
Bombay Chronicle in an editorial headed
"Suicide," rays of Turkey' entrance Into
the European war:
'."The folly and rnshness of those In
whonc hsnds the destiny Of Turkey Is
placed, have plunged It In a vortex from
which it cannot emerge with any shred
of status as a nation."
The Advocate of India says that Tur
key has been betrayed by a coterie of of
ficials from whom the Indian Moham
medans are politically free. Turkey ha
been made the tool of a country. It Is
added, whose Ideals are not thoee which
have given, India peace, power and free
dom. : , . , )
The ntsam of Hyderabad, the largest
Mohammedan state In India, has Issued
a manifesto, In which he says:.
"It Js the bounden duty of the Moham
medans of India to adhere to the British.
There la no country In the world where
Mohammedan enjoy such liberty aa they
do in India." '
Sevttal Hundred Officer! Rare Ar-
rived at Constantinople, Accord- ,
In? to Report to London.
Press f British , Capital Concilia
tory la Tone, la Howe of rlaar
lasf A boat Peaeefal -.
J '
MeGraw Afe.r t'abaa.
Having failed to plac Benny Kauff of
the Feds the New Tork Glanta for
pext eenon the rumor factory Is now
making an effort to play the Cuban, Mtr
rans. In McOraw'e outfield. The story
being that Mareans wants to return to
organised ball If he can get away from
Cincinnati and that the management of
the Keda haa agreed to trade him to the
Giants. , .- ,
LONDON, Nov. a. A dispatch reach
ing London ' tdday from' Constantlnoplo
say that several hundred more German
officers have Just' arrived, though a ma
jority of them. It Is nsertrl,ire familiar
with the Turkish army organization, hav
Irig been employed at the Ottoman capital
Turkey' formal entrance Into war with
th allles-for France cannot but follow
Great Britain came at a time when the
Turkish ambassadors etill at London, and
Paris were uncertain what next waa. to
come.' . ' . .
An' apology from the grand vlxier for
Turkish attack on Russian ports', and
doubt aa to who held' the whip hand In
the sultan' government, together with
the attitude of the Balkan states, ware
factors which, blended, seemed to carry
such weight aa to make Turkey hesitate.
The London press waa ever conciliatory
In tone, hoping to the last that the mat
ter would be adjusted. The newspaper
maintained this tone, notwithstanding
the -reported Turkish activity In KgypL
The British all along have claimed that
Germany wee responsible for the Turklsl
urrest, and If It proves true that Akabab
garrison was German, or part German,
the charge of widespread conspiracy In
the east. Englishmen ssy.'wlll seem, to
be sustained.
The British admiralty statement con
cerning the engagement there, the first
In the latest phase of the great war, waa
brief, not giving the extent . of th
enemy' loss, but ddlr.g that there were
no British Casualties.
This engaiteihent doubtlts will be fol
lowed quickly by others In 2ypt, ' while
the former German 'cruiser Ooeberi and
Breslau are llke'.y soon to be heard from
In the Black Pea or elsewhere. ' Oreat
Britain hae long anticipated euch a omv
tlngcnlfy and haa mnd preparation to
check an invasion of Fgypt.
Meanwhlle It la annoorxed that Ger
many has been pouring officer and men
into Turkey. Many of them spesk Turk
ish and will command Turkish detach
ment equipped with modern weapona,
which th Germans are said lo have up
Piled. The fight there now ha asaumed a
stage where the invader, military ob
server ssy, soon must begin a fall back
' on entrenched position unleaa some pro
gres be made. No man, however, can
predict how many 't.wi troop th Ger
imana stand feady ye-; to sacrifice In an
'endeavor to accomplish what I ald to
be the German emperor' supreme wish-
get to Calais. - .
For Dandruff, Falljng Hair or
Itchy Scalp 25 Gent Danderine
If you car for heavy balr, that glu
tens with bekuty and Is radiant with life;
has an Incomparable softnee and la
fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. -
.lust on, an'nllcatlon doubles the beauty
of your hair, besides "It Immediately dis
solves .eivery particle of dandruff; " you
can 'not have nlfe. heavy, healthy hair
If you have dsodruff. Thla destructive
scruf robe, the hair of Its luster. Its
strength and Its very life, and If not
overcome It produce a feverlshnesa and
Itching of the scalp: the hair root fa
mish, loosen and die; then the hair falls
out fast.
If your hair has been neglected and la
thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get
a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'i Dandertna
at any drug store, or, toilet counter: .P
nlv k little aa directed and ton minute
'after you will say thla w th best. In-
i vestment you ever made. v
We sincerely believe, regardless of or-
' . ... . L . , ... -
erythlng elae aaverunea. mai u w
lre , soit, lustrous, beautiful hair and
lota of lt-no dandruff no Itching calp
and no more falling hatr you most us
Knowlton s Danderine. If eventually
why not now? Advertisement
IQlpatrick's S
i ; ; f ' ' ' ' ' '. v.." ";. l .
' :Spea::';:;'.';:;'.:
Quite recently we have had innumerable slates and perhaps
forty different kinds f of combinationsThat's politics
We have prepared a list of specials which should interest the
, ; TEACHERS as well as:the rest of tlae.populatioii
.Thfeei rcivimiwjrte by -uvbefbye the scrions
, trouble broke out overseas, and shoulii interest you ! ;
Mr ' 1 sPec in Wool Dress Glodds--4h'e -lUe
- livery latest weaves, Poplins', Jtf&bardjnes,
etc., all the new colors, priced usually at $1.00 and
$1.25 every .day, this 7ri T 'if 1
week . . 7pc rer Yard
As a further special, we will make skirts of these
to your measure for $2.00 for the making'.; The
skirts will be well tailored, and you cannot have
them if they do not fit you. ;,v
.... . V:' ,
O A very choice lot of Eoal .Kid and'
lid mU Lamb Gloves, worth at Dresent $1.50 :
ana $1.70, are offered
$1.29 Pair
way, the Kilpatrick guarantee means somehing-a
new pair if the gloves'ar faulty. ' " .. "'
O While onthe way;"home recently, our
V 4 buyer struck a siUc jnan who had an odd
lot of Silks which he was anxious to exchange for
money. We bargained and; bought. vThe goods are
' excellent; the colors are desirable; the styles choice
mainly brocades. Retail usu- rjf xr j
ally at $1.00; Kilpatrick'8 price. OUC I QrCl .
The BiM of
On the Wirig
We would not excite you, but it will not harry, you if wo rise to remark that Yuletide is approaching.
This year we predict Handkerchiefs will be used largely for gifts, and if you will mention1 the words to
those who know they wilt at once think of KILPATRICK 'S when you say ILVNDICERCIliEI'S. The
variety is larger than usual. If you desire embroidery or initials,' you must leave your orders before
Monday next. Otherwise we cannot promise delivery before Christmas. V,
SECOND FLOOR We have slated Suits, beau
tiful garments, well tailored, well made, well cut,
lined with the famous SKINNER SATIN, all this
week. -
f1 C! Thre is a certain something about
P 1 Oa O our Suits which makes them distinct
ive. If we were asked tot explain what , that "some
thing" is, we would give as the" reason: "Selected
by a Woman.' ' , .Our buyer is' a woman long experi
ence, splendid-taste. ' She has . demonstrated that
when it comes to selecting for Other women, there
fre few men whoVan equal her. ,
Take Hbrne WitK You
any of the following items and you will remember
your visit pleasantly. Furthermore, you will, think;
of Kilpatrick 's for many a day'. The values are
exceptjoriai;. the statements vpritieB.v--, ' ',. '
25c each
...50c eachr
50c Embroidered Guest, Towels. .. .
75c Fancy Huck Towels...
$7.50 Madeira Centers: . . ;
$1.00 Lace Doylies ,
Gome inVvMadam arid Get Acquainted
Yo a Pay for Nothing But the Merchandise in this StoreNo
Tango Teas No Vaudeville No Falsehoods No Fake