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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1914)
TIIK TIKE: 0MA1IA. THrUSDAY, KOVEMHER 5, 11)14. We Welcome Nebraska ; Teachers During your visit in Omaha wc hope to be of real assistance to you in every possi ble manner.. , ' The, many conveniences of this store are at your disposal and we will be glad to have you make it your meeting place. Centrally .located; easily accessible from all parts of the city. A Complete Line of Fine Tailored Coats j For Every Day Wear "The best way to appreciate the values , ; offered is to come and see them. We welcome a comparison ; v as to price and quality r , . $1 Q50 $1150. $ 1350 $M50 S16 50 i-Suits.,, i Dresses Skirts v The Fur Shop The one place where you are sure of getting flrat you should in quality and fair prices. all . J- . -4 0TRCST3 DOUGLAS VOTERS MIX-MATTERS ATTHE POLLS (Continued from Taw One.) t Eleven New.Haven; 1 ; ? Officials 'Appear' ' arid Give Bonds NEW TOfeK . No. 4. Eleven of the laenty -dirocter or former directors of I ho New York, New Haven A Hartford, wh- on Monday were Indicted by the fedi-ral grand Jury, today entered Mess of I i.ot stilly In the United Btates district ifin here. ' Ten " appeared personally, I They' were William Skinner, Alexander t oWirnno, James 8. Hemingway- Freder ick V. Drowsier, A. Helton -KotxiKioiX, 1. Newton Uerney, , Udcd, '.MliTlgjiin, r'janc'ls T. Minrll, Itonrjr K. tMi-Har and Itobert W. TafV Jlaiy' A. Cashing, in attorney, appeared ,'or, Theodore N. Vail., .who he -Mkld as-lU ,in ,Vlrinla. l.ach of. he dt fendajits waj released ,Unr urr n bend, of tfs6u0 and given until No enilr 1 to make any .motions that mttrht' be deemed necessary ny counsel.'. Edward U. Itohblns,., formerly counsel for the ;.'w Haven, who was also Itk-dir-ted; reserved tbe right to enter at a later dale a "pica In bar," In which he might, claim immunity. ' BRITISH WAR 'PLANES DROP BOMBS ON BRUGES LONDON. Nov. 4 A dlspateh from Ttotterdarri to the Dally Mall, dated Tues lsy eight, says: ' "This morn!n British' gero'planea dropped," bombs on the state railway works at Bruges In Ilblglum. doing great damage. At 4 o'clock this afternoon an other British' War 'plane dVoppel bombs on Bruges." . f .' " ' '. ' MOREHEAD TO BE - GOVERNOR AGAIN (Continued from Page One.) I'hllllfl. 10... MB Hoyd. T !142 Honktr, ,1..; 1,M Dakota, a) Dundy, unf -4T.1 Hamlton, 17 1.1 : flay, unf.. 1,B76 Brown, 13... .J Howard, 11.. WH Thurston, 7. RW5 Oifely,' lie f 1.0W4 CuMer. 18.. 713 Uukier Oiisse. M.... 1,710 t'lmnv 2..,. , ffl -t'twroe.. lit., 1.12S IKearney, 10. M9 .Ooiix.. :J4. Hi.ll l.K'7 Hox Hutte. 7 Wh'dMtn, as 1,017 Hoon. , Is 4 , "Tolls. l.Hfi flrant. Il I. cantor, Kl.. ,N7 UfUl'l, 1 Lincoln. 81.. loKnn, 1.... HI Nno. 6... rsi "Phelps- ..). I'M Frontier. 14. .KM hJffTon, 1 t,4ft4 lolto .... 2.V.T7 Knnx. Z5.... l.K.'l -(!WMrii Wehster if)toe -r'llUIIIIUI . l.HfiH l.lfl) J 140 C'.'5 i77 1,073 1. I2 . I.MkI :w 5f nr,7 " 7S 1.2U . ' W ' '' 77 i HI) t 713 , w.. 4e i.OH , HS3 SIS ' 73 Wi 1,211 44 341 1,04) 4J0 1.313 1.S10 l.liti". 1.44S 1,140 1.M4 1.015 117 .... 7 48 21 m "4 i.wi 4 , 'fi l "I'm 17 861 t)8 1.471 ' ',ll I.IW9 1.74;. S.I 789 80 lwt 2,401 tt ' 1.630 1,116 4.0CD 3,843 1.423 110 4rt) 1.4.l. l.WK ! ta ii 844 ' (17 27 13;1 1.733 l.'i"l7 via 131 45 91 34 3.331 1025 l,Mi 3.2) ?,3M Sift Iiik ben elpfied re(tl'ter of deeds to suc-rff-d Franfc A. Bandle, and h win not be entirely a stranger there, having served as cVtrk In the office of the clerk of th district court for several years: , The tightest race or the day was bv tween Judge Foster and Madden for police Judge. Here again the margin has shifted with the varying return At present Fos ter's plurality la less than.), much too narrow for comfort, though his friends are counting on pulling him through. The negatives on the woman suffrage question have a majority up to this count of 946 In the county. Of the other pro posed constitutional amendments, the l workmen's compensation and the armory lost, while the taxation, five-sixths Jury system and higher salaries fop state offl- I clals won easily. . Hera are the tabulations: FOR GOVERNOR (One Breclnct Missing from South . Omnha, Tour Omaha. Two Country.) Morehead d.)..12!W Howell (r.) ir34 fcnokett (p.).... 3t , Morehesde plurality S,fi4J. : KI'TFNA NT OOVrCRNOR. 'Pearson (d.)....!WHI Hoaglond (r.)...9MJ I Klingboll (p )... XU. Feat-son's plurality 41 I SI0CKETARY or STATE. I Pool (d.) S1 Walt (r.) 8481 , tikalla (p.) 9i5 1 Tool's plurality 27. 1 AI DITOR OF 1'UIIUR ACtOUMTX. ' f mlth d ) Mill Minor Hanson (p.) l.W. I Mlnur'0 plimMty 24V ; STATS TKRABT'RER. I Kail (d.).........ioi Uamer (r.) Met i tiroatch (p i....liiK' I Hall's plum lit r 4. . rilTPT J-UHMC INHTRL'CTION. 1 Whitehead d)..H47l Thomas (r.) Mil i lvis (p.) luw! i Thoniss' plurality 1H4. ATTORN r! V OENERAU ! Reed (d.) JCwO'Seers (r.) 1W9 Wills p.) BV 1 Krsr'a plurality 1,4J. COMMISSION KR OF PITBUC I.AND8 AND W1TILUINOH. , Fasthnm d ....907)Beckman (r) . Wl Bonedlct (p.)....14M Beckman's plurality W. RAII.VAy tX)MMI.S.IONEIt. Ma.ipln (d.) Mm Hall (r.)... Harpham (p.)...ltwi Hail's plurality 6J. UNIVERSITY RWOHTNT. J. R. Miller (d.)S"!lW. H. Miller (p.).12SS Noble (d.) ,.W4Janse r.) Wl Love fp.) 1S41V Brown (r.) 4 imiieF rtiflTirK KtrPKEMK COURT. Reese 7,7llHill!nek .4l t'ONOREflg-KCOND DISTRICT. Lobeek d ) 1273I I Blackburn (r... IM Mcrrlam (p.)... I232 I ljbek's plurality ,0Wi. . I'OIINTY ATTORNBT. . 1 Magney. V ll.B4 Brome, R ,I7 Blgelow, P M7 Bagnny's plurality 1,fi7. - -SHERIFF. Methane, D....10.47IBrlggs. R 3.123 Morrow, P 1.3041 MnHhane's nluralltv. 2.351. COUNTY TRKASlTRffiR". F.lsosser. i,7Mrre, R lt.010 Helqulst, P 7&HI Uras plursllty, 3,314. ' COUNTY Ct.ETRK. IXinkhouser. U 8.21! Dewey, R 10,00 More. P 870 Dewey's plursllty, t.Mft. RPX1I8TKR OF DEJEDi Pickett, l 8,4(101 Pearce, R W.4S Turklngton, .. 1.44W , Pearce's plurality, J.OM. COUNTY BURVRTOU. Lacy,. D S,U8 Adams, H 10.743 Adams' plurality. 2.811. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Debolt. D (.7731 Voder, R 9,51 Rewsn, P 965 Yoder's pluarallty, 741 ; CORONER. Qulglny, D 9,73l Crosby,' R.. 9,111 Jotinoiij. P. i... i.Mi , v- Crosbv s nlurallty, 1!9. COMMISSIONER-FIRST DIBTRTCT. Pnrstn, D.... 8,4M MoDonald, R...10,0 MvIXnaId s Plurality, Z.1M. t ... BKCONa DISTRICT. ',' Ford. D ,8081 Lynch, R...I... 7.7 Barsk. ,!.,. ;.. - MSICornesr, F , Lynch' puwllty, Vtl. - .v. FOURTH DISTRICT. ' O'Connor. D... 8,!srTraynor, R...., 7,I7 And res sen, P... ,8t6 0''e pliireltty," 1 004. ' ' " FOR HTATK BKNATOR. Summary of Election Results in the Several States So Far as Reported Incomplete returns from yesterdajTg tJohfl FleMa, repabltcan, for governor. Hertford Howell . Qulnhy Hcesn . Tftnnne f Byers .. 4"l l,,l,r.fin l.W.I . iHrnrnS 1.DU6 .....10,2f.3 ..... 8. TIS 10.3n4 ..... 8,MI 9,l4fli 1,34 1.M7 1,3841 Svfert K.. 1.M9 Ward 1.U4 Oo-Jife 10.071 Ksrhsch 9.134 Kennedy 8.8tt SHimdsrs Yates ... 8.21 J' i Cansn'"."i 1.'- M,r..H t'miKa . FOR Jl'TICKH OF THIS PEACE. 2.179 Tot's....52,J79 43,184 1.400 44.791 39,885 "Comulete. t'onarrsa No. -1DU Pets. Masiitre. Reavls -First District. . 1 191S.- Magulre. 8MS 4744 U19 . 2MW Clerk. 3SI8 1770 in-- ra3 ill tidy Paw pis Of pyramid Ptlo Rewtedi WiMmd freo for trial gives quick relief, sutus li-rhiiie, blMiiing or protruding ptlss, beraorrbolds aud all reciotl ttuuOlea, la the privacy uf your owu hotoe. foo bog at all druircTsta. Free Mmffi tat trial With buoklul UMUvd free la plain, strapper. FREE SAMPLE C0UPN PYRAMID COM PANT, 14 i'jramld BlUg Alarshall, Wloh. Kindly send me a Free sample of Fyumid Pile Keaudy, lu pUUn wrapper. Namg Mi4iMiiif,niiMHiiH .Street ,. City . i Ftste.". . . . . . . . IjJiuaster, 37.. .35 Otue, ouiu 2IU3 Srrond pistrlct. , No. 1SI4. r- 1912. Pels. Lobei k. Bl kb'n. Lob k. Bl'kb'n. Wss'g'n. TomI479 H V 1317 tsrpy. 11 JOHl 467 fc? , 7i!S i Merrlam, 10 votes In Washington. Third District. No. 11U4. 1912,- , - . Pets. Stephens. tpillm'n. Steph. Cook. Cuming, 18....10S fierce, partial tl. Cllax, eoin... 1014 , Nance, 8 '. 47ti Ii hIko, com..,278 Knox, H UK) . Fourth No. 1HI 4 , Pels. Hloan Rhodes. Hamilton, t7..i:sil ' "1113 Buward. com..lMii 10i3 Ftfla Dlstrlot 1S14- 824 8l 1474 Hl 737 MM BAR 412 ' S74 i:i4 tm ll7 District. 1911 . Hloan. Sklles. 14.3 ' i:u IM1 ' ' 17M No.' . I'tU. UHJ 0 os per'. 11 4- Dundv. ciu.. 3.t r umlur, 14... 811 IUU .uin ....10 ti riielps,' cilm., Mi i Wbatr, com . 11U3 f SUth i ND. J -11114 I', . Klnkuld. F Brown 13 0v Bhallen- Barton Buther- Barton 414 , ' 418 : i &M . Jo;o , visq District, land 4M 814 " '.t lxn WW 423 47t 41 2! 1?SI J301 Hmnlley HulJwIn .... HTATE Harrett, 1. ... Brennan, D... Howard, D. .. Hunter. D Llnahan, l.... Iovely, D Morgan, D.... Murray, D.,.. Nerley, D Ouernan, D. . Hlohmond, D.. Ryan, D Burdli'k. P.... Halatead. P... Kuyser, P...,. Merrill. P Mysk. P....... Nelson. P... ... KOH POUCE Madden Day Foster's plurality. 18. 7.9CTI Claiborne ,. 8.fR4Cometock .. 8,220ltascall ,.,047 Kerr ,. t,(7l feeder .. a'HolOenau .. 7.wl RKPRF.SF.NTATIVE. . 9.9171 K'rharasoa, P.. .. e,73 inllh, P ,. 9.32! St rem berg, P... .. 9.91 41 Thomas, , P. .. l.miVan Neea. P... ,. 8.7fin Young. P .. 8, 440! Burgess, R. ,. 8 V3! Chambers. R... 9 3Sl Drueredow, R.. 7,183 8.RH6 7,158 8,3.18 S.812 1.619 1.018 1.2fi6 1.M1 1.730 1.270 t.981 t.a 8.814 im 8,60 1.119 1.810 1.473! Mlnr. R 1.8.809 1.8111 Palmer, R.... .7t 1.2Hlm'th, R. t 8.277 1.41tlfltvkham. R... 9.009 M A f 11 ST RAT E OM AHA. 7, 8fii Foster 7.T11 elections today showed these results: Kussfkastttt. Oo-erno? David I. Walsh, democrst, re elected by 10,009. Reptitillesne gtned control of congressional delegation. Republicans 'seem to have elected most states offices with the esoeptlon of gov ernor, and have legislative . majority. Complet vote for governor: Walah, demo crat, 9M.624; MaCsX, republican, 199,9nO; Walker, ttrogreaslve, 84.2W. Okls. Trank B. Willis, republican, elected fov. rnor over James M. Cog, democrat, present governor. Warrea O. .Harding, repnbltoan, elected senator ever T. Hogan, democrat. Elci4 i vte repub lican and lea derasfcratle members of congress. Defeated state prohibition' and woman suffrage. Constitutional amaag ment for repeal county local option lav still In doubt. ." ' Iowa.. Benatov Smmlns, republican, re-eleoted by sbout r.,000. Oovemor ciarka, repub lican, r-!eetd by 20900. Entire repub lican ticket. Including complete congres sional dletlon, elected.' . WW1for8x. Charles af "Whitman, republican, for mer district attorney of Now York City, defeated Oovemor lartl M. Glynn, democrat, for governer. James M. Wadsworth. Jr.. republican, defeatod James W. Oerasd. democrat, American ambassador to Germany, for senator. Republicans centra! legislature. Democratlo congressional delegation re. duced finm thirty-one to Iwenty-thre. ItepubKcans elected entire stats Uckot. Illlaals. . Republicans elslm re-election of Law renno T. Sherman, republican, by 15,000. Progressives poor third. Republicans elected all state offices. Democrats lost ten cetigressmea: republicans gslned twrlvs. T Mlaaeaera. Congressman V. i, Hammond, dtino cmt, electad governor by 26.009 to te.soo over Wlltlam f. Lee, republican-progressive; vote light. Congressional delega tion will bo dominated bj republicans, oath PakeXsw Charles Burke, ropybllcan. elected la senate. Governor Byrne, republican, re elected. Woman suffrage defeated. North Dakota. Senator A. J. . Oreona, republican, re elected. Governor I B. Hanna.' rwpubtl can, re-elected. Eatlr congressional dele gation republican. Woman suffrage de feated. Entlro republican state ticket successful. , Oklakoaaa. Robert U Williams leading by 7,000 over GERMAN FLEET ' LEAVES ITS BASE NEAR HELGOLAND (Continued from Pegs One,) Benator Thomas P. Gore, democrat, re elected. With one) , exception democrats sleeted full delegation tu Congress. " Mlsaovrl. William 3. Stone, democrat .re-elected senator. - Democratic state ticket sue- oesefuL Eleven democrats and two re publicans elected to eomrres. Fifteen proposed constitutional amendments failed. ' reaasylraata. Senator Boise Penrooe. republican, re- elected. L Martin G. Brumbaugh, republi can, elected governor. All republican can didates ' suoceosf ul.'. Republicans elected four' congreusmen-at-large. I Ottawa. Benator. B. F. Bhlvely, democrat, re elected. Entlro democratic state ticket elected. Progressive poor thld. Mlcblgao. Governor W. N. Ferris, democrat, re elected by from 18,000 to 9A.03 majority over former Oovemor Charles 8. Osborne, republican. , Wlseoastsk. Emanuel L. Phlllpp, republican, elected governor. Entire republican state ticket successful. .Governor Francis E. McOov- orn, republican, elected senator. All but one present congressmen .re-elected. All proposed constitutional amendments de feated. Trratit, William P. Dillingham, republics n, re elected senator. Republican retain con trol 6f congressional delegation, states officers and legislature. Charles W. Gates. republics elected governor. Ktstacky. , J. C. Beckham and Johnson N. Cam den, both democrats, elected to senate. Democratic congressmen elected In nine and republicans In two dlstrlots. Te.saa. ' All constitutional amendments defeated. Kansas Arthur Capper, republican, elected gov ernor. Victor Murdock's friends claim his election to senate. Republicans claim success of entire state ticket. Wow Jener. Now Jersey's ooRgreeslenal delegation win stand eight republican and four democrats, gain of six republican seats. Rhode lalaato-. R. Livingstoa Roeckman. 4rpubUosn. and entire repubtloan state ticket elected. Every city and all but six towns In the sata voted ts Ucemn th sals of liquor. CooOoetleat. v Senator Frank B. Brandegee. reoabli can. re-elected. Marcus H. Holcorab, re publican, elected governor. Legislatur re pu oilcan. ' Cummins' Plurality Near 30 Thousand DES MOINEB. Nov. 4 The re-election by Iowa republicans of United fHatra Sen- . s.tor Albert B. Cumfntn n - - r Gorg W. Clark having been made cer tain. Interest tonight centeru o of their pluralities. Belated returns made little material difference In the estimates of their pluralities today. These figures were 25,000 to 30,000 for Cummins and from , 10,000 to 20,000 for Clarke. Actual returns on 1.042 precincts out of total of 2.297 in th state tonight gave Cummins 92,014 , and Connolly idem.) 73.431. The same pre- ol nets gave Clarke 93,971 and Hamilton ' (dera.) 77,911. J With the exceptlod of the Eleventh dis- trlct, it seemed certain tonight that th republicans had elec.ed their coYigresAlonal j delegation. T.. J. Steel dem.). was de-j clared to have defeated Representative l George C. Scott (rep.l. but definite figures were not svallable here today. All doubt as to the republican com plexion of the state ticket and the legis lature disappeared tonight The supreme court contest remained uncertain, with Weaver, Salllnger and Thomas In the lead on the precincts heard from. expected to make their next supreme ef fort to eut their way through to Calais. 1 r Csar Goes to to froat. In th east. Emperor Nicholas haa loft for th front, arter Issuing a manifesto In whloh ho, says that". Turkyg action opens th tray for Rus'ta to accomplish Its historic mission on th Blaok sea. , " The Oermanav hav boon making des perate assaults on the Russian,, tjfht wing and partloularly flare fighting Is reported near SuwalkL l Russian, Po land, but" Petrograd claim general progress everywhere except along the, San river, wher apparently no progrsss ha boon mad by either side. hells Drop Never YarsaoWtfc. Telegraphing from Yarmouth, regard ing th raid mad by a German squad ron a th North asa Tuesday, the cor respondent of th Times says 4 his lead over Joseph R-'Know-(rep.) to more than 8.0. I Deport see at Orders. WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa postmasters anointed Marno. Cars county. Edward P. Smith 1 Woodland, Decatur county. Minnie Wool- man. John D. Mann appointed rural letter' carrier St Lytton la., and Claude O. Dun ning at Moristown. 8. D. The Selection of an Executor is not a difficult matter. I You want these qaali- tics, responsibility, per manency, legal experi ence, competency. You aro sure of them all by appointing the Peters Trust Company as your Executor. We ako act, accord ing to law, as Trustee, A d m i n i s t r.a to r or Ouuardian. Capital -Surplus $200,000.00 $275,000.00 sjr -r.' 1622 PARNAM STREET Time for V Action IS NOW. Don't neglect or postpone helping your stom ach, liver and bowels when there is any indication of Weakness. "To do so only invites sickness. Take 11 OS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today and let it help yon back to health and strength Kehdrick is Elected Governor of Wyoming ' CHeTKNNB, Wye,.' Nor. .-Repub. llcan hoadquartors early today conceded tho election or J. a Kendrtck, democrat, tor governor, and r. U Houg, democrat, for secretary of state. KondrioK has th ondorsetnont o( th progressive , party. Th rest of th stats ticket Is In doubt, f , W. Mondell, republloan. appear to hr been ' returned to congress by a narrow margin. Tb legislature appar ently to democratic. - M S All thd school children over 10 years in or near Omaha are it Broadwell Files Rehearing Motion 'I 't 'I' '8) 'I' 'I' 'l" Typewriters For Rent any make' yon want - 1 and Up fer Month Centra) Typewriter Exchanga . - . . lac.' . ; 807-809 South 17th. " " rhono Doug. 4121. ' ELECTED to boost for our store and shop. We pay you' handsomely come in at once and get full par ticulars. . IsTABLlSHEB is ru ri r m XJ.EWELERS StO OOOOLAS T OMAHA til AMLSEMIiKTS. i.i ,i ( . 8.IM 7,8 l.ltlf, 1,4M "oel.r, R... tiaraen, K..... I.e R. Iing. R. l.untigren, R.. Taylor. Klnkald "Taykr. rr. UitIC ACID SOLVErJT Vur HhiaiiiAtlMni uil Uury Trouble CO Cent Bottle (32 FREE Doses) 'Democrats Elect " Bay State Governor ,D05TpN. 'oy. 4. lUvlseU returns for governor In the state election yesterday from all but one ilty ward and one small town, comprising 1,128' out of U3 election district, give Governor Walsh, democrat. 206.21; McCall. .. republican. , 1M.M; Walker, progressive, 84.874. Just because you start the day worried end ti rod, stiff Icks and arms and inua '.. an a lung htriut, imrnlng and twarlng i n fiuins lu the back wurn out before the day begins, do nui thliia you have u tlay in that conuillmi. . Tno. aul'i-rr-rs lio at In and out of 1-4 itif a tiutMU Unw at mgi.i will at pieiUte tlis rest. ivcnifoit and strenalh this treatmon gives, r'or any form of bladder iroliuie ur weakness. It acllua la titliy wonderful, lt strong, well and vigorous, with no moi pain, front situ Joints, sore uiowliv rtieui u.Dc suilrlnt(, a. lung back or kidj ii-y or t litil jur troublun. . To prove lit VVHUmiis Treatment' con'. qur kiiio'v and bta)4-r i!it!S. rhru nlim and all uric arid troubles, no mat. Irr l.iw viiroiiiu or stubborn, II ypu huvf never uwt The Wllimuia Treatnwnt. we iU glvo ons lii.iiK ti! ttokeo five If you will cut out tin notice and send tt. with your tiame ami aaaii, wnb Ilk' tit -ip ly utriljuilou eieiis. to The lr. 1 A. W ll!iiiH 'oti.pany, lpt Ji ll. 4'ol-Of IJi'fl Uoi k, Kust lin.i.ja. t'ontt, frw isd at on' ana oa will rwnvg by nr- I iot a reulur Ux; buttle, without i r(i luxj '.Itroul luiurrtiig any obiiita iiuna. uitu euttie only to a Xajiuly. Republicans Win in v Hawaii Territory HOXOLVLU, No.' 4 -The republicans were successful In th election held here yeatcrday, winning ths territorial and municipal office, with a fswr exceptions. Hon. J. K. Kalanlanole (Prlnc Cupid) waa re-elected delegate u congress by im plurality. Moose Vote Falls , . Off Everywhere WA8IUNQTON, Nov. 4-Klectlon re turns show that th progrosslv rot dropped In practical! every state from Its strength 6f two years ago. This waa pointed out today as being shown In a number ot stste by the election ol for mer republican member of congress who wore defeated previously by th largs progrosslv vote. Such men Include Can non and McKlnlcy la Illinois. Longworth In Ohio and Hill in Connecticut. Willis Is Showing . ; Gains in Ohio State j . CINCINNATI. O.TnoV. 8. -With a large . number of rural prerinrts still to b. hoard from, th rac. for governor of the state uf Ol.lo remained la doubt at an early hour this mornlnio) Frank B. Willis (rep.) was showing slight bursteady gain and folding the advantage he bad at tained duiiug the earlier returns. Suits to Order $18 reduced from fSO.OO. A Pin 935.00 Bine Sorgo, Induced to 823.50. A big reduction on. all weeds, worsteds and chariot. Th best clothing valuta of fered In Omaha., Every garment carefully tailored to measure and guar- anteed perfect In fit and style, lUv your clothes made to measure. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co, 8O4-3O0 Soutii lStb 6U . JOHNSON MEN CLAIM . VICTORY IN SOUTH DAKOTA atOTJX CTTT, ' la,. Ny. 1 A Bloug rails, a D.. special say that th re turn oa th senatorial eloctloa are slowly coming I and leave th winner undecided, with the prooooet favor) ag Johnsoa (dem.). Johasoa hsadquarter claims victory, but glvs a figure. ffterif Pier Start (frota a Staff Corrospondaat) ; LINCOUJ. Not. 4,-ep.cUl.)-A no tion for a rehearing waa filed In th su preme court this morning by IVan A. The whol of th 'crew f submarine BroadwaU and the American Surety, conv- D-8, which waa gunk by a mine dropped 'Pany la a oaa. decided against them as! by. a German cruiser, were lost asoept, ac,enaan( and la favor, of Douglas two of floors and two men. Four men j county cover! ag n attempted to collect were saved from the drifter Fraternal, i ,rom Broadwell when clerk of th dis whloh also was sunk, but slg of It men trict Urt of th county oertsJn Insane were drowned. The mine drifter Coplou fe" which he had retained. also was etruek by a mine about th ' ' aam as the others and sank. Only one , ' . member of tt crow waa saved and Bin, wr drowned. . . "The fight waa so eloo to th shore that soms ot th shells dropped wlthm a mile of th beach, en exploding within a few huadred yards 6f the naval air station en the south eld of Tarmouth. "It I believed hare that the German raiding squadron Intended to bombard the coaot" Th correspondent of th Doily Mail at Lowestoft sive th story ot member of the crew of ' the British Halcyon, w hlca engaged the German vessels. Th sailor said: , , , . "We left Tarmouth at o'clock In the morning aad when aboet ten, milea out we mot the German ship. W challenged them, but supposed they were British, a w did not espoct to find th Germans so near the jooaat. 'The only reply was hot and soon th shall war raining around us. th Germane firing as rapidly aa aosaibl. On shot wracked th whoelhous. seriously i Injuring th helmsmen, and another , pleroed th funnel. W were hit about eight times' and considering that w were l covered with spray and going at a good :rate th gunnery of the Germans' was good. Our Wireless waa carried away by their second shot Just before they cleared off on of our came up and nut a screen of smok from tt funnels. Th Germans had tried for forty-five minute to sink us. but failed, owing t the eaptala'e splendid esaraaaahlp. -Jew . , . , ir- Uric Acid in Your Food Ehren doge can eat too much meai Cer tainly, many People "dig thalr grave: with their teeth." Few get enough ex.t rrlse to Justify a meat, diet, for meat! brings uric acid. Th kidneys will try : hard to get rid of tha,t polaon, but often! a backache, dlaslness, urinary disorder) ' or some other slight symptom Wilt show ' that the kidney are weakening and need , help. Th tlm-trted remedy, then, I Doan's Kidney Pills, An Omaha Man Says So: J. N. Metcalf . US Paclfle St. Omaha. says: "My kidneys ware dlserdsred and. the passages of th kidneys secretion were retarted end painful. I waa also afflicted with gravel, and waa laid up m 1 bod for sis montha . I finally used Doan'ii Kldnev Pill and they drove away thTl pain In my back and freed my eystsm of th urte aekf 0i 7 Viewi of 0iiiahaM V II Th. moat comnlet. knnk.l 1 , jf f let ot Its kind ever publl.h- 1 i II ed. Beautiful blrd's-eve 1! I I view of greater Omaha. ' f C 1 Fine for malum. 11 10c J at Th Bee Office fj Newsstands. T . HOTELS A WD HfciOBTI. :v'ir . ,t.i . ..t'bJI-xXiJ asiuiuni sssciaaa . sauaa a T ; a '- ' aa '-' . mm m ' ' ' ' Uerville-lleache . lug vr4co.bC3b . Contralto. -x Reserved Seata 50c, 75c, $1.00. - General Adlmlsslon llalcony 30c. . Sar jdow on at the Auditorium. aji mil ui uvi vuui iau icu uj uiiovk addressed to . -M, GiJJan, Mgr., ' will be nromntlv fillnil." v4 flmes-iJebraska FOOT BALL GAPE EMPRESS THEATER Splendid Pictures Showing Every Touchdown and Drop Kick Today, Friday aad Saturday Only, The Elms Hotel rrank F. Dnnlap, Manager, Excelsior Springs, Mo. A paradise for overworked and nervoua people. Home of the most wonderful healing waters In the world. FINE GOLF COURSE Send for Booklet. THEATCH" . 80 IStk aad Karn.y gta. Jbest Vim Today at 10, lliSO, 1B-.40, a, tiSO, 4:40, a, 7sl5, 6:30, (4S , JpHN BARRYMORE THE IMAN FROM . MEXICO Tomorrow ths cotjbttt OatjjmxAir. Announcements 13 34.f . ERft!lDEISrOD-r:r8r uuniiuiiiw rv.auig sue CAniUlA aso.tHo vhoto "u,l" potaole la Beels. Dally Mstins.s, t5o; Sv.alavs, SS-3S-BO gpial Mat. Bat, 10 a. m.( ChUdrsa, is. a 4:18 T. kt, Ons Tsrformaae. PXICa boo. Sl.OO and II u TODAY Fhoas Doug, 44. GOVERNOR COX OF OHIO ADMITS HIS OEFtAT OOL.UMBV8. O, No. i.OoTnior James: II. Cob, democrat. today , conceded bis own ' dfes,t at the polls yesterday, and .sent a talagram of oon. I gratulatlon U fraak B. Wlllla, repub- PHEUN INCREASES HIS ' ...... LEAD OVER KNOWLAND PAS FRANCISCO. Nov. 4.-With more than oao-flftb of tbe vote of California . counted late today, Jamea P. - FboUn I dra.) for Valtod SUto snastsr bad In- IMlal and Genuine CATARRHAL JELLY Doal eolsy. Vts It st oo. )ts coolleg. Uih., b.slisg s(Im(. are wootiariul. 30 III alt Drug Sloreg U?fniLtlTi Daily acu i-tvso. BEN WELCH S? Ksw Shaw r"1. A Uttl. Koodos's C.t.rrh.1 Jell, I.Ttd la ;a'i'M 1 tli. aouil wOi bring rll). Your rvr't viijisbi BMW WIT will nin h. atoaeradiUHfaUs. X l3o ax. WKHal ATI. orhwtubooi , . r "v j aDTAJrCED TsVVOSTXLU. Tbl. Mk: Jahan a Kmma Bar. Harrr Hlao A Uwh tfon, AllMa btaator. Tb AuatraU.. hcimu, uto nmil a Co.. Kra. Kotaau. Itlll.r a Ujiw, Orpkuoi Tmil WMkly. Pnaw: M.tinw. olir. iiw, tuo M.U (et. Mpt Blm M SVDlUjft, Utt. M'Skt. UK, tf, IMU4 IX, kM ioukI 1470. MEUICA1 1 Hi ATHi To-nJsbt. atatln.... tamu.. Thu.. a.t. TA1 WOOBW419 BTOCat COSCTASTX PrMeats tb Comsdy THE RAINBOW, 25 ANT SEAT 25 Wsok kv. HOtowiY JOarzg. lMt iuumi m caa a lor tbrooie Basel c.tarrtt. cou to brad, tooaUoa. dry catarrh. sr. som. bom bld. tc i4.(JC.iMI tul kM booa m4. Vi rH as tor feaoroM In . druKsial Ml Ibis .(Meaatd rM.ay, Aid ourou aubatitutoft. NOTICE Baaetag Clab fee old aad you; Btartlag Xo to soaaoa. atota eld aad aw daaeos wtu bo 4SMrtrU4 aad taagbf m.KH. row fanawr la feraaaUoa oaU Poaglae 44. ifp' V.u-gat, Al Ms;. Utktu, Yaurs. at. STA UKU, CatAavtVug. aUua aad aaseoiat. play.r ta IISllLIKa XTtoe B6o and goo. Vest Weak, "Stop Talf. Torpih's Dancing A:adeny 20th and Farnan Sts Nw das for beginoara next Monday and Thursday. p. in. Advanced cla.s Tu..uaa p. n. l'p-to-dat dtncM are atandardiiced and easy to urn gsUVaTg Xaa4lg A1.T. uammxti sux