Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Image 2

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    Nebraska dds'to
Drawn For The Dee
The boat newspaper artlota or the
try eontrlbste their bt
work for B reader.
JTh 77 77
J7 If
team mouse uams
VOL. XLIV NO. 120.
Oa Trains end at '
total Kews Stands. Be.
Discriminating in Their Preferences
and Let in Every Candidate
Seeking Re-Election.
Heturns, Almost Complete, Leave
No Doubt on the Main
Lynch Again County Commissioner
by b Very Snug
Vote en Legislature Close, but Dem
ocrats Have Better of It.
County Goes AsTaiast Woman' Saf
ra(r, bat tot Moat of the Other
"Propoaed Amida" -"on
the. Hat.
"Returns from all of Douglas county ex
cept eeven preclncta, four in Omaha, one
In South Omaha and two In the country
give Governor Morehead a plurality over
Howell of 3.643, which la 600 more than
some of the demorcatic leaders predicted.
The returns ahow very discriminative
voting. Every county official seeking re
election won out. WhUe the democratic
(coventor ran this far1 ahead, no other
democrat on the state ticket got a plu
rality larger than 200 except Pool and
only three won out at . all.
Thla discrimination extends on down
' , the line. Congressman Lobeck defeating
Blackburn, his republican opponent, by
6,096, on the face of, these nearly com
plete returns. On Into the legislature, ac
cording to these returns, feedford and
CJulnby, democrats; Dodge, republican;
Howell, democrat, and Saunders, repub
lican, are elected to the state senate In
the order named. On state representatives
the vote la close and the tide has shifted
more than once 'since' the returns began
to come in. Up to this last accounting,
however, ten democrat and two repub
licans.' Lungren and Palmer.' seem to be
elected. '' ' . j : ' : ' '
. Officers lie-Elected.
William , O. TJre la re-elected county
treasurer; Felix McShane. jr.. Is . re
elected sheriff; George A. Magney ktre-
elocted county attorney; John C. Lyncjr-,
Henry McDonald and Thomas O'Cojttnqr
are re-elected to the Board of (bounty
Commissioners; Bryce Crawfojd Is re
elected county Judge; V'Tiii'J C.- Crosby
Is re-elected. twon'"?;' Louis Adams la re
elected county surveyor;, Frank Dewey Is
re-elected county clerk; Harry Pearce
will have the distinction of being the
only new face in. the court house, hav-
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Son of Grant Parsons
' is Fatally Hurt by a
Fall at DavenporUmeToM!!"1.1.
-v , x A though what t
War Summary ,
London was silent yeaterdar re
garding the nival engagement oft.
the Chilean coasts Sunday. T'v
American minister nt San
Henry p. Fletcher, howe" to
nrnis reports of a Gen. .v l
victory In which five Ge Ves
sels sunk or put v cut ofactloh
three British warships.
t'ntlltho British admiralty has
spoken, the extent or their losses
cannot be known. According to
fiernian reports, the British
cruiser Monmouth was sunk, the
cruiser ,-Goodhope put -to flight
when apparently a sinking con
dition and the Glasgow driven
into a neutral port, i v ;.,
The German ships are said to
have been undamaged . and . the
loss of life on board is said to have
been comparatively Insignificant.'
If two British cruisers went down"
it is possible that some 1,500 men
were lost. Early reports spoke of
the cruiser Dresden s one of the
German squadrdn. Today's' ad
vices from Chile mention the Bre
men, but do not speak of the Dres
den. It Is impossible to deter
mine which one of the warships
was engaged, or whether, both
were. .
I Battle for Control of Next Lower
Body of Congress Less. Decisive
i Than Estimated.
BRITISH ARMORED TRAIN near Ypres, with projecting rifles, showing type of new
fighting weapons now in use.
Presence of Five German Warships
v in Pacific Dominion.
Victory of Teatoa Squadron Oft
Chtl Definitely Shifts Command
of Soathem Waters to '
the Kaiser. , '
DVVENPORT. Ia.. Nov. 4. (Specia:
Telegram.) Neal Parsons, 24 years old,
otust Grant Parsons of the Parsons Coa-
nally Injured here this morn'ng when the i V'"1' n1 H Wu felt h- ""Is could
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. , 4 The bril
liant victory of the German squadron
over the British off the coast of Chile
places a new aspect an the naval, situa
tion in the Pacific, .
For the present, at least. It definitely
shifts command of . southern waters to
the Germans, and until there has been a
readjustment of. forces wlU make itself
felt In ' the movement or all cargoes be
tween the Pacific coast and Europe.
Which way the Germans will elect; to
.turn next to purest speculation, but tb"ey'
are tree to move noHbwsrd. t the mouth
of. the Panama, canatorjjo continue
southward toward "the passage through
the straits of Magellan and the route
around the Horn.. ,. . , .
At the same time the trade lanes between-
Bart Francisco, Puget sound and
the orient, ' already heavily - policed by
Japanese and British, are now cleared of
ronace, and the allied patrols can move
against the enemy with a definite ob
jective. ' '' '
The engagement . accounts for all . Ger
man warships at large in the
and east of Sues, except the Emden.
whose repeated raids on British com
merce In the Indian ocean have been so
costly. V..'r .
Canadians Are Soared. "'
OTTAWA, Ont.. Nov. 4--The presence
of five German warships In the Pacific
off the coast of Chile, and the proba
bility that two more, the Dresden and
the Emden, are on their way to Join
them, created considerable apprehension
here for the safety of Canadian cities on
the Pacific coast. To meet the situation
the naval authorities at Ottawa were In
forenoon. Measures f
s said, will likely be taken.
they are has not bee) 'de
termined. ... ,
' The fact that the German warships had
been gathered' Into one fleet was taken
here as a clear indication that Germany
naa perfected arrangements for eoallng
Democrats Name 189, Bull. Moosert
Two, Independens One, Social- "
ists One, Missing One. ..
scaffolding In the elevator shaft of the; " u 10 rouna up tnis neet Until Brlt
bullding under course of construction 1 Jf h and Japanese warehtpe now at Tstn'ke and he dropped over 100 feet 10, Tu r relieved. '
the basement. He will die say physicians.: " "ared that the German fleet may
lie is still unconscious. Young Parsons ' warn north and under threat of long,
was employed by his father aa labor oletance bombardmeht attempt to levy
foreman. Harry Thomas, a laborer, on V"lbute on. "e f'ty of Victoria. The only
the scaffoldlnn at the time, was also danger to Which the fleet would be sub-
fataliy hurt.
The Weatlier
! 6 a. m
. , i. m
V a. m..v.
yeT , I p a. m
M J W a. m
SSV Jtm:::::
i' w , V 3 p. m.....
, 4 P. m
' K-r " P- m
a .Aafen. 6 p. m
1 7 p. m
8 p. ni
... 4
ject iq carrying out such an enterprise.
It. Is' pointed out, would be an attack
from, the, two submarines which Canada
brought from Chile at the opening of the
war and which are statloprd In the
waters about Van Couve.- island.
Vote pf Douglas
County on the
Highest today
Lowest tixlay
Mran tompisture .
Precipitation ........
Temperature ard
coca I Krvoril.
r.i't. 1.1.1a. ii!. ua.
.... 6J 6s Bi 4
Hi M 41 S
..... Ci. t 6S St No
wi - .to .00 .00
preeipita'.ton depar
tures from the i.oiiuai. ,
Normal umperalure ....
Kirn, fir tliu day
Kicpm since Van li 1 ..
Normal preclplta'ion..'...
Deficient? lor til J lay
'I'oikI rainfaa siii.e Jiarch J..,.S4.4'J Inches j -r.l..n
Defi' lency since M;irch I S. Inches x"on -
efirlrncy -or icrli d in lflt. 7.1JliK'hes Vs ,
Detifiency or. per.od in li-l.'.. "3. 1 inches 0
Report from btullona at T P. M. . ' " ' ""
StaUon and ftate Te.-.iii. Dish. tl n. -".l"'r .
Workmen's t'Diupcnsatlon
Ves ...........
o ... ..... . . ...
Armory-y- ;
0; Those Not Tet Heard from. Bar
' bons Mast Secure Twenty-Nine.
Eleven Governor to Credit of tie
pnnnt and Ten to Donkey aa
Resnlt of Tarsday'a
WASHINGTON. . Nov. 4. -On the face
of incomplete returns late today the fight
for cqntrol of the house of representa
tive, of .the next congress Is close
possibly closer than democratic leaders
have estimated., , , . . ... , ,
With sixty-nine - congressional districts
unreported, the elections stood thle way:
democrats elected. 189; ..republicans
elected, 171; progressives ejected. 8; Inde
pendent, 1; socialist. 1: missing, 69.
Total membership of 'the houee 4X.
The returns thus far showed republican
gains of forty-three seats. Of the sixty
nine missing, the democrats must have
twenty-nine to get tlS, a bare majority.
Democratic leaders predicted they would
have more than enough. " Postmaster
General Burleson predicted, after, a con
ference .with . President Wilson, a, ma
jority" ranging from twenty-nine to forty-five.-.'
. ,. , .t, v .
, Demon Hoi 4 Senate.-
.The varying reports of the senate con
tests in Nevad, CaUfornla, Kansas and
Colorado gave no promise of reducing
the ( democratic majority of eight. Reports-
to the national democrats com
mittee were said to Indicate the election
of James D.' Phelan of California to suc
ceed Senator Perkins, a republican; and
the re-election of Senators Newlands and
Thomas In Nevada and Colorado. . In
Kansas a aclose contest' for, the seat of
Senator Brlstew aeemeit f t h K.t.uun
Aepresentatlve Murdoch progressive, and
lurraer BiMf COrtlS. . rsDuullcaa. laav
lhg- Representative Neeley, the
A ' Rennbtlrans kleeted
NEW TORK.- Nov. 4.-Inoomtlet r.
u o . j 1
-v -fV '3 ' A "'" va.
. .. . 1 e - j
v 's?-- r ' . r,J y wwtoi&T
. - , ' i
- U.a ' i" V - tl
if,.,,, ' ' fc -JU. ' - X J
Returns from the State Show Him
to "Be Safely in the Lead
. . of Howell. '
Vote . So
Oaln for
Far Returned ; Indicates
tb' Governor In the
Entire; Statu Over Tw-
-A ' Yenra A o, ' "
Enough of the Btate has been heard
t-ohi to make' certain the fact that
turns-fronvhe -twenty-nine sutes where r tremor Morehead ' has been. r
gubernatorial; elections Wers Held' showed f ,cted Dy an increased. pluraUty:
pTY rr'r ' Return, from fifty-seven counVies
seven. sUtes-the result was apparently I ben received and tabulated on
unaetermined. in these seven states the 4 vernor and show: Moreneao, o,-
republican candidates were leading in; o- Howell ' 43,184. These totals
fnrni. . ST?? '"i0- c'"'are both heavier than the rote for
fornia, apparently, bad ' re-elected Gov- " , . ...
ernor Hiram Johnson,-progressive. rehead and Aldrlch two yeara ago,
of these twenty-nine states, sixteen at i ' X indicate a met gain for Morehead.
the present time have democratic gov- Below the governor, the republican ;
emors, eieven republican governors and
two progressive governors.
States electing democratic governors
were Alabama, Arlsona. Georgia, Massa
chusetts, Minnesota. Michigan, Nebraska,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee
and Texas. 1
Republican governors were elected In
Connecticut.. Iowa, New Hampshire, New
York. North Dakota, Ohio. Pennsylvania.
Rhode Island. Vermont and Wisconsin,
In Colorado, Kansas, Nevada, Oregon
and South- Dakota the republican candi
dates were leading Id early , returns. In
Idaho the democratlo candidate was lead
ing and in Wyoming the democratic and
progressive candidates.
New -York. New Hampshire, .Connecti
cut, Colorado and Ohio elected repub
licans to succeed democrats; Minnesota
and Tennessee chose democrats to suc
ceed republicans.
S ' , i
' - i
1 . . -4
. ,
.r M !
TeacheTs' Slogan Raise Salaries and
Efficiency, Eliminating Physi
cally Infirm.
American Warship y
' Arrives at Beirut
ticket-seems to be running well. Returns
from a few scattering precincts show;
Pool, 796; Walt. V: Skalla, 20.
;-In Douglas county 110 out of 125 pre
cincts give: Morehead, J2,ll; Howell,
8,964. These figures are not included In
the tabulation, because of the Inability
to make 'comparisons with thevote' of
two years ago, owing to the change made
In the voting precinct boundaries.
Several of the 'congressional ' races In
Nebraska' are developing into' tight con-'
tests. In the First district, Reavls (rep.)
appears to have a slight edge' over Ma
guire (dem.) on meager' returns. In. the
Second district,' Lobeck ' Is
re-elected In all ' probability over his re
publican opponent; T.' W. f Blackburn.
The rare In the trlrd district indicates
that Congressman Stephens (dem.) will be
returned,- though lllman ' (rep.) 'has
given him" a clese' shave for bin laurels.
In the ; Fourth district. Congressman
Sloan rep.).- with ac'arcely a doubt,' haa
defeated Rhodes (dem.). '
' The 'Fifth district 'race between ' Con
gressman 8. R. Barton and former Gov
ernor Shallenberger presents a game
'fight for honors, with the result In doubt.
I Congressman Klnkald ' (rep.) In the
LONDON, Nov. 4,-Accordlng to the
Athens correspondent of the Star an
American warship haa arrived at Beirut, j Sixth' appears to have cut another, notch
Syria, for the protection of the Christian ! for himself and appears to have landed
population. 1 safely overTaylor.
' 1 I The vote on governor, outside of Doug.
RfirmhllPan WlTIO ;la county, so far reported. Is:
in Wilson's District
TRENTON. N. J.. Nov. 4.-President
Wilson's home congressional district, the
FVurth, of New Jersey, has elected Eli
jah C. Hutchinson, a republican, to sue.
cted Congressman Allan B. Walsh, a
democrat, by about J.000 plurality.
j Majority
Woman Suffrazi
........ Ill " '
M-So '. .
.OS inch ' ., , -ui
In. n Majority
4 New Governors-Elect,
e.ois i
...... 8,B.a Connecticut . ,
2 l7Ti,,OW
..,oi7 ;Masrhuetts
I Nebraska . . . ,
7.693! New 'ork. . .
ttta rennsyl vanla
. of W 7 p. nt. tt.
t'heyenne, cVar i f
Davenport, purt tlouily M (a
1'enver. r!sr ! fcx
Iea .Molnei, pt. cloudy M --iff
lodtfe t" ty. lear fri 70
North Platte, clear M
(imalia. clear 57
Hapirt I'ity. clear S2
Hieridan, vicar 4K 6i
fcioux City, i-lar St it
Vaivatlne, rl...,r 62 tt
.001 1 es
.tit ' ... 1 ... .
'.' Majority . . .
.t Term of Offlci
,tif) a es
WiNo .....
li A. WUH. Local Forecaster. ,MaJorlty
.' , .M. II.' Holcomb, R.
...ti. V. tlarke.K.
. . . . ..n. I. Walsh, D.
. . J. If. Morebend, D.
. ..V. U. VVhltmn, H.
.M. O. Rrumltnxh.
a.;Hth Carolina. . .R. I. Manning, U.
k4a, Tennessee T. ( Kye, I).
Wisconsin E. I.. Pblllpp, R.
.0.4S (Minnesota. W. H. Hammond, IJ.
4.00 sutl Iaotn. . , . . Byrne, R.
'Rhode Island, . . .R. L. BeelkniAn, R.
.o,o , Kansas Arthur iper. It.
Vermont; . . .'.W. P. DIUInghani, R.
Michigan. ...... .. N. Kerrts, 1).
Oklahoma. . R L. W'UiUms, R.
North Dakota. .: ..f ft. K. nnaa . It
.8,805 onto. .F. H. Willis. K.
v (lolorado. .O. A. Carlson. R,
. T Hampshire..!!. H. Kpculdlng, R.
i . ij. voaie, tv.
Oreiron J. Wytbycomb. U.
The. vote on governos outside of Doug
las county so far reported Is:
. , v. uiflH 191J
More- How- Sack- More- At
Platte, -II...
Antelope, 1.
Holt, 2
Cass, 2...:..
Adams, 2...
York. 11....,
Nem-e, 6...
Khline, 1...
Stanton, 3.
I'olk, 4....'.
Ma. ison, t.
Wayne. 5..
McPh'rs'n, t
Wash'Wn. S
Scott's B..
Fillmore. 2.
Sarpy. II...
Cuming, IS..
Gosper, II..
head.' ell.' ett. head, d rich.
l,0i!S ). 73 .... . i...
7J 70 4 94 . 90
V 7 4 140 79
1.S9 rt . . . 225 2
204 't 1 .... '223 ' 133
'. 7HI 9lf7 . 22 . m . 6h3
' 24J 3S7 S ' v 4
3J 27 1 71 7J
210' "1S .... 22 IV
.441 604 ' .. I 409 4"7
147 130 .. 163 153
a' , ri ... 801 nx
! 49 i5 " T
I 6M 417 " .. SIS 547
I 1 4 ... W
T 109 ,. Vt 98
l.m rr .... 1,011
74 . :.7 ....
Si . 4X1 .... 44 oi
Trend is Against
Suffrage as More
. Returns Come In
'After having led In the first meager
reports until yesterday afternoon, woman
suffrage began to fall somewhere behind
In' the afternoon. Counting Douelus
county, ' the thirty-one counties from
which ' Incomplete returns have been
heard from, give suffrage ' 19,356, and
against . suffrage 21,067. This gives the
antls in those incomplete returns, a ma
jority of 1,701. 1
The thirty counties outside of Douglas,
with mostly incomplete returns, also give
the antls a majority of 754. Douglas
county voted: For, 1.6'J3;H against,- 8,638.
.The vote as It had 'straggled In by
Wednesday evening stood, outside of
Douglas county, as follows:
For. . Against.
Antelope, 1 pet 179- 129
Holt, 3 pets 74 Pitt
Saline, I pet m 67
Clay,- 3 pets 97 97
Madison, 3 pets 100 li7
Nancv, S pets 1W
Jefferson, 1 pot 34 132
Wayne, 5 pets 209 . .246
Mcpherson, 3 pets 7ti 33
Lancaster, 20 pets 2,3tf 2,101
KaunderH, ljx-t 1.9 X9
Washington, 8 pets 41 436
Scott's Ulu.'f, a pets 23 K
Iloone, 2 pots 11 1'W
Cuming, 8 pets I:) 37H
Hooker 1 . pyt 4d r.3
Jefferson, 7 pets 4"3 54t
Sheridan, T pets 240 1 210
Kearney, 15 pets rre :K)
Pierce, 8 pets IMi 2M
Hall, complete 1,2X2 l,f.,7
Box Butte, complete l,j"3 l.KuO
Logan, 1 Pet 67 64
Deuel. 8 pets K.4 112
Franklin. IS pets 319 478
Cherry. 11 pets 3'o 291
flage, 22 pets 1,125 1,27
Men Uk, 6 pets 443 .M0
Grant, 2 pets 70 xii
Totals Ti'...ll,t;3 12,419
Despite Many Refusing to Attend
., Bejpanae of Pnat Polltlos, Four
' ' ' Thousand DcIeurntes Are
, .Looked, For. . ,
Down with politics, up with salaries.
out with tllo physically unfitl That is a
dominant cry at the annual convention
of the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion. ,
'"The convention oixined with a lares at
tendance yesterday in the banquet hall of
Hotel Rome. Fully 4,000 delegates are ex
pected, despite the fact thut mlny teach
ers refused to attend because of the pol
itics characterizing the affairs of the as.
sociatlon In tho past. But now that the
association has set Its foot down hard
on polities, thntr1 grievance probably will
be fully redressed before another con
vention rolls around.
The anti-politics sentiment Is so mani
fest now that no 0110 la even so much ss
suggesting candidates for the presidency.
The field la open, the race free.
The main sessions of the convention to
day .and tomorrow will be held In the
Auditorium. Sectional meetings will be
held in First Methodist and other nearby
churches, Chambers' academy and else
where. There are thlrty-lavo of these de
partmental gatherings in all.
Harr 8trlL.cs Keynote,
Superintendent C. M. ,Barr of Hastings
yesterday struck what eeems to be a key
note of sentiment at this convention,
when, In his address at Hotel Rome, he
declared against politics, for higher pay
and the elimination by examination of
the physically unfit teacliers. Along this
line he said:
"I know of my -own absolute knowl
edge that many teachers steind all day
before a class of thirty-five or more and
go through the pretense of teaching when
they are physically Incompetent to
teach. They ought to be eliminated, and
the only way to do it is to secure the
passage of a law requiring physical ox
amluatlon of scnool teachers.
"With the physically unfit eliminated
an Increase In pay would probably fol
low. I believe the state of Nebraska Is
wealthy enough to pay every teucher a
living wage. The pay should t extend
through the year. I have seen old
teachers, who had worked for $40 a
month, trying to eke out an existence In
Another Report from Dunkirk Says
Four Battleships and Four Cruis
ers Have Left Keil.
(Continued. on Page Two, Column Two.)
Nebraska in Congress
First District C. F. Reavls (rep.)
Kecond District. .C. O. Lobeck (dem.)
Third Diatriot..D. V. Stephens (dem.)
Fourth .District-:
.Char lew H. Hloan (rep.)
Fifth Dil HcL.81 las R. Jl&rton (rep.)
Sixth District . . .
Moses P. lvlukald (rep.)
In doubt.
F. Augustus Heinze,
Copper Magnate, Dies
SARATOGA, N. Y., Nov. 4. Augustus
Helnse, owner of immense copper Inter
ests In the west, died suddenly here to
night. Mr. Heine had made his home In Sar
atoga for the last six months, and his
son, F. Augustus Helnse, jr., was the
only relative he had here. Mrs. Helnse
died about s year ago.
A slater of Mr. Helnse, lrs. William
K. Fleitmanti, and two brothers, Arthur
f. ana utto Helnse, or New York, are I
on their way here. No funeral arrange
ments will be made Until they arrive.
Mr. lielnse seldom ent morettia 11 1
few days at a tUne here, living in Net
York. - -
(Continued on Page Three, Column Two.)
Winners in Douglas
- f ioveruor John II. Morvheari, d.
Conirress, Second lN(rict C. O,
Lobeck, 1. '
Supreme Justice Conrad Hollen
beck, d. ' . -
County Attorney George A. Mag.
ney, d.
Sheriff F. 4. McShaiie, d.
,, v TwsNur-r w. U. I're, r.
County Clerk Frank Dewey, r.
iK-il'Mier ot Deed Harry Peajye.r.
County Surveyor Louis Adains, r.
Superintendent Public Instruction
XV. A. Voder, r.
County Coroner Willis C.Crosby.r-.
County Commissioner, Second Dis
trict Jolm o, Lynch, r.
County ConimioMloner, Fourth Dis
trict Thomas O'Connor, d.
County CoiuuilHttionert First Dis
trict Henry S. McDonald, r.
DiMrlct JuUe JaiiWs P.Kuvllsh.d.
. (Viuuty JudKe Hryee Crawford, r.
Hallway Cniiilhioner T. L.
. I Hall, r.
I Police Judgie Cluurles K. Foater, r.
J R. -Republican. D. Democrat.
German Warships. Gather Off Aland
Islands Opposite Entrance to -Gulf
of Finland.
Cruiser Halcyon Succeeds in Escap
ing; from Tight Corner Prac
tically Tninjured.
Shells Drop Within Few Hundred
Yards of Naval Station. V
Combined Fleet of Allies Opens Fire
on Turkish Forts at Month , of
the Strait from Lonar
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 4. (Via
London) A fleet of German war
ships has gathered oft the . Aland
lelanda, in the Baltic sea. northeast
of Stockholm and, opposite the en
trance to the Gulf of Finland. They
evidently, were proceeding north and
hlave stopped to await orders.
DOVER, NtJy. 4. (Via London.
The report In being circulated that
the German fleet has come out from
its base. It Is also reported from
Dunkirk that four battleships and
four cruisers have put to aea from
Kiel: f s "
LONDON, Nov. 4 With pressure on
the France-Belgian sea, cpast relieved. In
terest In Londan again has been diverted
from land operations to naval movements.
The daring dash of a German squadron
to within ten mles of the northeast coast
of K rig and indicates that the prolonged
Inactivity of the larger units of the Ger
man fleet has been broken by a raid on
the coast of England, but much satisfac
tion la expressed that the cruiser Halcyon,
by the clever seamanship of its com
mander, escaped - from a tight corner
practically uninjured. The retiring Ger
man squadron dropped floating mines In
Its track and this delayed pursuit.
Dardanelles Bombarded.
Another interesting naval development
was the long dlntance bombardment ot
the Dardanelles by a combined allied fleet.
Athens reports that seventy shots wero
fired at the Turkish forts by the British
ship. The result of the engagement Is un
known. A huge pillar of smoke on shorn
indicated that some of the shells must
have found their mark.
The official reports from Belgian head
quarters are becoming more positive in,,
their assertions that the enemy Is pre
paring to withdraw from his hard won
position on the southwest coast of Bel
glum. N leu port has been evacuated, but
not before the city had become an unten
able ruin. The battle of the Sand Dunes
may now bs said to be history, as In
London it is considered as hardly likely
that the Germans again will attempt to
move In that direction, as the flooding of
the country haa made It practically worthy
less as a battlegrourd.
Elsewhere along tho western battlefront
the usual attacks and counter attacks are
reported without any Indication as to the
exact point where the Invaders may be
(Continued on Page Two. Column Four.)
Who's Got '
the Money?
Answer: The Western farmer. v
Farms in the West that are being
developed scientifically along with
natural fertility and accessibility to
markets, are making their owners '
Farmers in western
' states are, worth today
. $750,000,000 more than
they would have been if
there had been no war.
This is the INCREASE
only in value of their
crops, and is itself only
25 less than our national
Just - think for a moment of the
unlimited possibilities . In a good
farm and the Missouri Valley is the
best in the country. See if there is
not a good farm tor sale In The Bee's
"Farm and Hanch Lands" column.
If those offered today do not appeal
to you, keep in touch with this col
umn every day from now on' and you
will soon be able to pick up a big
Phone Tyler 1000 '
The Omaha Bee
Everybody Rad Btm Want Adm