Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Page 13, Image 14

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    TllK milZ: OMAHA. THURSDAY, XOVF.MREU 5. 1014.
von Jext
(leases and 4 nttaees.
Large van. 2 men II IS prr hr : dray,
men, (1 per hp. 171 Wchster, rvi. 14".
f A It M niKflt PnR BALR
J" TDJ K- '! moving
.1,. IVGGCI lacking A storaae
AVV,VA U17 Karnam. IV 414V
0-R mod. cottage, 719 , i;th St., CS. 7-r.
mod. houx, J614 Leavenworth KL, 73j.
Both ftne locetlnns. Phone Webster 20.
I p
Fidelity Storage Co.
Ptor(t, moving, packing and shipping,
lth ft Jackson fits. Phone Ioik'.h Iwi.
tTKAM heat, all modern. 7-room house;
also 4-rootn flat 230 No. 23d.
i FOR PALE By owner. 10 seres near
1 I JVi a a I V.K
been cultivated; fMied: no buildings: (11
per acre; one-half curb, bnr.t- 6 years
at C per rent. A. J. Wharf, til N. Ole
wood avenue, IVolU. 111.
Tlx- east half of section 9 'own 10.
range 19, In Dawson county, Naiirasks.
UckhI (-room house, barn, granary
and cribs; Improvements in good repair!
fenced and cross-fenced; 20 aire In al
falfa, 20 aorta smder cultivation; 7 ml'ea
from Sumner and 11 mltea from Overton;
rood tenont; liest of noil, no sand. Price.
(Si pir acre tor 00 Any. Terms tn suit
purchaser. CLAYPOOL UNU CO..
Ream Neb.
Globe Van&Storage
Btoree', movea, parka, ahlpa: (-horse van
and I men, 11.26 per br. ; strge 12 per
no Satisfactory guar. P. 4a.Pt a. Ty. IX).
-room cottage, modern except heat,
IMS Masoa PL, 123.
D. 1068. 10! McCagOe Pldg.
J' you want strictly moserw noma, t
room, never be lore rented, call jHeraey
tS4C Low rent to right tenant. Twenty'
minutes' walk from city hail. '
MODKKN 9-roviu noueu, 206 8 85th Ave.,
Vacant November 5. Inquire T. J.
O'Brien, Phone Harney 10M or Doug. 121.
We have a' complete ml of all nouses,
apartment and flau that are for rent.
This list ran be seen free of charge at
Omaha Van ftoraee Co.. M 8. loin su
S-HOOM house, Jlla Kinney; modern: hot
water heat; barn. Phone Webster 92t.
BLX-KOOM. mod., fine furnace; T. 1S7.
7-HOoM cottage, modern, v4 lb. 41 st sC
1 (it
4 19 I U3 nl
7-R cottage. 2808 Harney. 11. 2 IK.
I-H. cot, mod. ex. heat, $19; walking- dls-
tanoe; m N. nun. Marney una.
NKVV i-room houae in Uundee, one block
trom car line; bath room on aeoond
floor, also lavatory and toilet on first
floor; excellent furnace; rent 122.60. Call
Vv alnut MM.
Keven-room house. 2i46 Capitol. Uoug. 4oD.
F1VK-HOUM cottage, 104U a 22d St.
672 8. Mill BT. Modern. J rooms: (JO. K.
, H. BENNKH, Kamge blk. D. 74u6. o
-R. mod. cottage. 719 8. 37th 8t, (25. 7-r.
mod. houae. .1614 Leavenworth 81., I;ti;
both fine locations. Phone Webster 260.
J'lVii and -room cottagea. modern ex
cept heat. r,tt a. 1Mb. Call Doug. 6730.
NINE rooms, steam heat, thermostat, JUltl
Hurt Bt. Douglan o
7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, up-to-date
In every particular. Doug. did.
2718 Davennort.
8-R., modern except heat. Web. 6Ws0.
(W 00 'J01 Park Ae., 7 rooms, modern.
35.001406 N. 36tn bt, t rooms, modern.
ia.bu iJ)i Cuming, 7 rooms, modern.
30.00 ?201 N. lth St, 8 rooms, modern.
20.00 8.3 8. 25fd 8t.. 10 rooms, modern. N
27.60-lil S th St., 5 rooms, modern
27.W 2f4V4 DouKiaH, t rooms, moaern.
20.00 211S Locust. 6 rooms, modern except
18.00 M0 N. S4th St., S r.. mod. ex. heat.
, 18.00 S24 S. 22d St., -No. 8 Shelby Court, i
rooms, modern except heat
18.00 1230 S. 10th .St.. 5 r.. moil. ex. heat.
15.00-311:1 N. 80th. 6 r.. nxod. ex. heat.
35.00 SIM Miami St.. 5 r., mod. ex. heat.
12.U0 i40l Parker Bt.,- 4 f., mod. ex. heat.
13J Farnam Bt. Phone I.oug. 898.
Famam North 40th Line
40 Hurt. S-r., hot water heat, (35.
&r.ti and C'nss, S-r., fine, (40.
. ('lose In, Heated
6-r., second tloor. southwest corner 34th
mid Oiilfornla, (35.
116 Omaha N.itlonal. Phone I'oukIhb 2715.
for hcardlnK lioune or large family;
rent runponable.
Traver Bros.,
7X Omaha'l. Hank. Phone Doug. 1153.
Evenings, Web. 1294.
Sturra and 4fflera.
Offices in
The Bee Building
Famam St., 17th St., and on Court
(Prices from 110.00 to (50.00.)
Aak forttia Superintendent, Room 103.
X If i I.UOH olncv room or aauoie for
light mlg. Vv light ii x-aabury, uti S.
Jt-tu ot. Uoug. lui
IF YOU ran pay (.00 now, next
March, can aell you choice rf 12 rich
Nebraska valley farms; balance ( years
at per cent C. Bradley, Wolbach.
Neh. ( o
FOR 8 A l.E Best large body hitfh-greda
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
little money required. C. Bradley. Wol
bach,' Neb. o.
180 A., close to 8t. Paul, Neb.; (75 acre.
Owner, John W. Lhotak, St Paul, Neb.
V laeoana.
Upper Wisconsin
Best dairy and general crop state In the
union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at
low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Orant.
State acres wanted. Write about our
graxlng lands. If Interested In fruit lands,
ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In
Wiaoonain. Address Land Dept. Boo
Lino Ry., Minneapolis, Minn.
Hansoom Park,
Beautiful Howie,
A new, beautiful, nuk fin h, six-room
house, nlntng room acroex the frnt of
house, dining room hae window seat.
pnei we. la plate rail, nnograaea
lietween rilnlug room and living room,
den finished in oak, with four windows
and a rlnhen press; could be used for a
bedmom; two lainre bedrooms .each hav.
I tig a clothes press linen preas In hall;
complete set of acreens and shades; full
cement basement, with furnace heat and
laundry connection; I ghtlng fixtures
can be selected by purchaser; lot (vl,
corner and paved street, clone to echool
and west side car. Irlce cut to (3.75V;
terms, or lot taken flrt payment.
Rasp Bros.
Grain Men Holding- Big Order, for
the Caih Article.
Yellew Cereal la BelaaT llarveste
aa Oeraslra ia4 rwaltlna
Boar of Trade Oats He
main ftrong.
K1K.49I laat year, exclusive of Panama
i.u ubiic oeui iraiteaciions.
106 McCague Pldg
Potiglaa 13.
WANTED TO BUY I want to buy about
a 2,500-acre ranch; must be good graa
Ing land, suitable for raising hay. timo
thy, clover and alfalfa and have fair Im
provements. Answer must describe land
and- come direct from owner. Address T
26, Bee.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. S0& 8. 17th Bt
Phone Douglaa D4M7.
Rh.KO Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. 206 Biandels Theater.
160. 330 OR 640 ACRES of fine, level land,
rich soil, close to two railroad towns
In Colorado, just acro.M the Nebraska
line, where you always get good crops
without Irrigation, for sale cheap, or will
trade for Omaha property, or acreage
near Omaha. Price of land. (20 per acre.
HASTINGS & HEYDKN. 1614 Harney Bt.
FOR EXCHANGE 42.000 equity In 13
room modern house, suitable for two
families, bath and toilet on both floors.
Box 7, Omaha.
that can be bought for cash; must be
substantial, well built and good location:
Customer can Invest (20,000 to (100.01W.
331 Board of Trade Bid.
CITY and tarm loana, 5, o, per tent
J. H. Dumont A Cu.,lXi3 Farnam, Omaha,
WANTE1 City loana. Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. Kaat Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha Natl. lougias 2715.
garvin Biioa Wa"!lL!lt
HARRlfON at MORTON, (16 Uin. Nat,!.
WTD Farm loana Kioke In v. Co. limaha
WANTED City loana and warranta. W.
Famam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam'.
CITY property. Laige loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomaa, iM Bute Bank Uidg.
(luO to (10.0UC made promptly. F. D. Weed.
Wead Bldg., iSth and Farnam Hts.
on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City Natl. Uajik Bldg.
Field Club Bargain,
Elegant residence, seven rooms, taste
fully decorated, good Bleeping porch, fire
place, delightful sun parlor, modern In
every particular, located en the corner of
(3d and Lincoln Ave.. Just four blocks
from Field club: south front, large lot.
MhtlW. This place la positively worth
(i&.OuO. Can be purchased with KM
rash, balance monthly.
W4 Brandels Pllg. Poug. (381
Nine-room houae in first-class condi
tion; S dandy Iota, each Mxis! leet Oarage
and barn; Just off boulevard. Incum
brance (4,40. Must move. Will sacrifice
greater portion of equity and many other
residence bargains, all sites and prioea
460 Omaha National Hank,.
'Phone Douglas 7X9.
$250 Cash
And $25 Per Mo.
Buys a
New 5-room cottage, modern except
heat, with best porcelain plumbing com
bination light fixtures, screens to all
openings and storm windows on north
and west Bricked and cemented cellar,
large attic. All walls sanitary an ml fin
ished except bath room, which la Keane
cement. Lot dOxlSil, with eewer, water,
gas, electrlo light and permanent walks
In and paid fir. Price, $2,A On Reward
St., two blocks from Walnut Hill car
line. Heat of material and workmanship
throughout, and a dandy little home.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. ' Ptate Bank Bldg.
West Farnam
1 Building Lots
(10 down and (10 a month. Good Invest
ment, cn 3Slh St., between lodge and
Davenport. If you can make larger pay
ment down, we can furnlxli money to
Phone Lkmglas 2713. 1016 Omaha National.
fiXv CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
fw0 S10-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
UOOD btrn. room tor ( or 10 horxca,
lall Wtuster tit Call Douglas 43.
WANTED TO RLNT-A farm cn shares
with everything fu;ulhed. Addreaa C.
Coppock, Fioreve, Neb.
. Arkaasaa-
FRUIT and grain lands ot north Arkan
sas at reasonable priiea. Write Pliucr
Uros. Realty Co.. Ojvey, Ark.
. Kaasavs.
BARGAIN Fine improved quar
ter section in eastern Kansaa, near
Kansas city, very- convenient to rail
road and town; splendid soil, good
crops, running water ail year. Might
take part payment in Omaha im
proved. W. T. SMITH CO..
1111-12 City National Bank Bldg.,
P. 2 VIS. - - Omaha, Neb. o
BARGAIN J 30-acre improved farm, 20
mile from Minneapolis; on good gravel
eVroaa; lays level; about 120 acres under
cultivation, baluuce used lor pasture;
aorae tine meauuw land; can practically
all be put under cultivation; buildings
consult ot (-room house, burn, granary,
corn ciibs, machine shed, windmill, etc.;
good apple orchard. Price (U0 per acre;
one-uaif taau, reasonable term on bal
ance. Adjoining farm held at double this
pnoe. bchwau Bios., lU- Piymoutn Bldtf.,
Miuneaioii, Minn.
IMPROVK1) DO acre farm, to miles from
Minneapolis; 45 acres under cultivation,
baiiMioe uaed for pasture land, covered
with poplar and oak timber, very easily
cleared; iw waste land; neatest set ot
bu.ldtngSrln that vicinity, consisting of
house, barn, granary, corn crib, etc.;
one heavy team, three Jeraey cows, all
young stuck, 1M chickens, hogs, complete
set of (una machinery, wagons, buggy,
cream separator; in fact, everything is
complete; also U tons of meadow bay,
S tons clover hay; ( acre of corn; 60
bushels potatoes, 10 cords wood cut lr.
'stove length; In fact, everything on the
farm govs- at (S.SoO; (3io cash, balance
can stand. HCHWAD BROS.. U2- fly.
mouth Bldg.. Mlnneapolla, Minn.
LAND snapa. near Floodwuod, Bt Louis
county. Minnesota. Pontlvely the laat
at such low f guree. 6ti0 acres, (16.00; terms.
Worth (lt.06 To (30 00. 1000 acres, 1.0 60,
worth (16 to tA. Write Floedwood Land
Co., Joe. O. Fogarty, Mgr., Floodwuod,
Et Louie county, Minn.
E.k City
SO aerea, almost new Improvements, 6-r.
houae. barn for 10 head cows. 6 bead
botttt. small hay mow. 4 tons: new
granary, new chu-ken house, good well.
This Is fine laying land. A-l soii. ( or
4 acres alfalfa. Not a foot of waste jand
on It Within three miles of the town,
southeast of Klk City, near mHltary road.
The lay of the land eud crops will show
for thumaelvea Let mx show It To see
It Is to believe. Price lll.buu; terms. This
Is an Ideal "neck ft the woods" to be
In and you cannot beat It la that neck.
Act at once. This means you, who Is
a little bit. or decidedly, choice. Bring
wife with you.
K. E. Cor. K4 and M bis.. So. Omaha,
SKK us tlrst if you want a furm loan.
United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. ,
$150 toU"$200 Cash
Makes First Pay
ment on a Home
We have a number of new houses lo
cated In different parts of the city thgt
have ( and rooms, which we can sell
on a payment down of (ISO to (200 and
the balance about the same as rent, if
you will call at our offloe or call us by
phone we will be pleased to take you
out and 'Show you some of these desir
able nomes. wny nay rent wnen it oniy
takes about (180 to (200 caali as first pay
ment and the balance or purcnane price
would be paid for the same as you are
now paying rent 7 ,
Hastings & Heyden
. 1614 Harney Pt.
Kountze Place
(4.200 buys- a strictly modern, 8-reom, l
atory and attic house w:th full
basement, having hot water heat;
In good condition and nicely
decorated throughout: new garage.
lrated on Binney St., convenient
to car line, stores, etc. Lot 60x124
ft. All taxes, including specials,
paid in full. Terms. (1,600 cash:
balance payable neml-annually at
. . 6 per cent. Price was (6,500. In
vestigate this proposition IX you
are look'ng for exceptional value.
George & Company
902 City National Bank Bldg.,
Phone potiglaa 766.
2 Homes
Evans Street
Kountze Place
(203 Evans, a fine new -story house,
on south front comer lot.
One block from park.
One block from 24ih car.
Two blocks from school.
All good size rooms, finest oak ' finish,
good decorations, screens complete. Tire
owner built It for a home; It Is vacant
now. Will be open Uday.
Price (4.250.
2zU Uvana, on same atreet a good two
story house, with large living room, at
tic, screened sleeping porch; vacant now.
eee it today. A bargain at (4.160.
Charlca W. Martin & .Co.,
Tyler Iff?. 742 Omaha -Nat Bank Bldg.
California Mission
Beautiful little place of four Urge rooms
and bath; excellent location and neigh
borhood. Must Ihs seen Ia h. ,tllH .. ....
elated; (1.6M; l-tfi down and bal. Ilka rent
Shuler & Cary, ;
Phone Douglas 4133 ?24 State Bank Bldg.
Florence. u
New Bungalow
in Fioreiice
We are offering for sa.e a new style
of bungalow that has 6 rooms all on one
floor, consisting of living room, dining
room, kitchen, It bedrooms and bath; all
well arranged. The Jiving and dining
room are tint.ihed In oakj Has first-cans
plumbing; registers put In ao furnace can
be Installed Hiiy lime; has attic and large
cellar; located on the northeast corner of
5th and Washington Bta., one block east
of Main tH. car line, and one block
north and a block east of the junction,
where the car turns and goes to the
eemetery. The lot la large, being 132 feet
south front on Washington St. and 06 feet
fronting west on 6th Mt, besides 14 feet
of the street, which has been vacated,
which makes It practically two 4n-foot
lots and plenty of room to build one or
two mors houses. Wc are offering this at
a small payment down, balance about tho
same as rent; very low price for quick
sale. Houae has Just been completed
and la ready to move Into.
Htings & Heyden
1614 JIarneJr 8t .
FOR SALE One-half Interest In a mod
em two-story brick stors and rooming
hsuse building new. Also half Interest
In two business lots with barn on. half
Interest in residence lot half Interest tn
60-acre Irrigated ranch. Ill health reason
for selling. This pioperty Is located In a
rapidly developing town In a new com
munity. For particulars address Box 6,
Hardin, Mont a
(.V) CAUH.
Tou will like this new 4-room bunga
low. Just the plaoe for a young couple.
Oniy X blocks to car line; has electric
light, cemont walks, cement cellar, has
never been occupied. Ready to move
Into now.
1016-11 W. O. W. Bldg.
WE HAVE for sale in the Went Far
nam district a moaern dwelling 4
years old; 8 rooms, electric lights,
bath and furnace. 'Ask us fn- inc..
Uon, then look this property over and
maae us an oner.
We have another ot 6 rooms and
bath, within 3 blocks ot car line:
electric lights, gas, cemented base
ment with laundry, hot water heat,
that we want an offer on. See us
for location and terms.
1111-12 City National Bank.
D. 2819. Omaha, Neb. o
Easy Walking Dis
tanceFull 2 Story
. . $3,600
(18 Bouth 26th- fit Has reception halt
living room, dining room and k.tthen on
first floor, ( bedrooms and bath on sec
ond floor; stairs to large, floortd attie
and full cemented basement btrtctly
modern, neariy new.
This is without a doubt the best value
being offered In the line of a modem
and up-to-date home. We can arrange
vrry easy icrms. rossession tinme
d ately. If you want a close-in home qi
an Invtstinent do not hesitate to see this
as It will be necestary to see it la order
to realise the exceptional value, Tn
Price la absolutely less than what It
would Cost to duplicate.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
30 Omaha 'at'l. bank ttidg. luid-, 44.
A solidly built, up-to-date, close in St.
Louis flat, at (S.0O0. dear ot Incum
brance. Come In and aee us today.
Phone Douglaa 17M. Ware Block.
j0 DOWN. (1.800 (.0 PKR MONTH.
Kix rooms and bath, modern except
heat, SO ft lot, on paved street
Douglas m 211 Brandels Theater Bids.
Cotton Bead Cake C0I4 Psessea Cake,
Fiom Texas Mills direct 40 you. Writs
r wlrs us for prices on (II gh liade
Meal or Cracked Cake. 41 to 41 per real
protein. Cold Preassd Cake
Da I. LAI. f EI.
The bee is The Paper
ye ask (est if yea ilu te Ve
absent saere taaa a few Says,
Lev Tas) Bes Bulled, te yes.
OMAHA, Nov. 4. 1014.
Big orders for wheat, oata. rye. barley
and corn ere held by cash grain men. andj
iitt- i'iu.n nrw mill iiueQ an ruuiy
as the grain ran he obtained. After rais
ing a emp of 000.000 bushels wheat
more than 1 .Ouo.Ono.OOO bushels of oata and
a corn crop estimated at high as S.VO00O.
(o buahela one would naturally aunnowe
thnt It would be anything but a difficult
task to secure any of the aralna men-
tionod above In quantities to mi t. The
railways of the country have been
v .1 n . , . J if, I'liiri 1
load and unload grain, and versels on the!
great Iskea as well as the oceans have;
been pushed to take the grain across the'
waters te the Importing nations whose'
purchases have never exceeded those of!
tnta crop year.
Kngland haa probably bought more
grain than any other Importing country,
antl with the Dan'anel es cosed N -h
America haa enjoyed all the trade with
the exception of smad lot ea. 11 e
trom other exporting countries.
While the weather for the curing and
gather. ng of corn haa been Weal for the
lat few days the feeling In Board of
Trade circle la that corn la in a strong
foeltion because of the export demand
that has de sloped of late.
Argentine corn, while still coming tnto
the United States In a liberal way. has
failed to cut much of a figure In the mnt
ter of price making. The Imports from
that country to New York from June to
October were (,(00,000 bu.
The continued active buying of oata for
exnort purposes will likely keep prices
around present level.
The provision market la more than
Hkeiy to pivot on conditions surroifndlng
the hog market The business In cash
meats has been fair, but not up to ex
pectations, while the trade In lard has
been quite liberal on both domeetlo and
exnort account.
Hard wheat was unchanged ' to He
higher, while durum wheat was lHf3o
Corn was S'rtlc higher. .
Oats were ttHo higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
const to 1,(43,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were S.OOO.OnO
bushels and shipments l.?88.0no bushels,
gainst receipts of 1. 1(0.000 bushels and
shipments ot 73.0m bushels last year.
Primary porn receipts were
bushels snd shipments 46,000 bushels,
against receipts of 961,000 buahela and
shipments of 62l,0no bushels last year.
Pri' -arjr oata receipts were (,34.000
bushe s anil shipments 1,417.000 bushels,
against receipts of Ml .00 bushels and
shipments of (14.000 bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Outs. Rye.
Chicago 636 2V" 47(
Minneapolis .. 721
Dululh 1151
Omaha ttf 11 24
Kansas City 44; 10 IT .,
Ht. txula 303 4 148
Winnipeg 3K4
'These sales were reported today: Wheat
No. 2 hard winter' 7 fms fl "; 1
hard winter. 2 cars. (L0614; 1 car, tL0C;
IWk cars. (l.Oo; 1 iai, (.u.,.i. ,u. 1 i..u
winter: 3 eara, (I 04H; 4 cars, (1.04. No. (
mixed: 1 car. (1.0SW; 2 cars. (1.04. No. (
spring: 4 cars (white), 99c. No. I durum:
2 cars. (l.i. No. ( durum: 1 car, (1.09; 1
car: (1.0; 1 car, (1.0)O; 1 car. 1.08. No
rade: 1 car, (1.00, Corn No. I while: 1
car (new), 6c. No. 1 color: 1 car (new).
414c. No. ( yellow t 1 car. Too. No. yel
low: 1 car, 9c. No. ( yellow. 1 car (new),
!4c No. yellow: 1 oar. SdVfccs 1 car, 60.
No. t mixed: 1 car, 69o; 1 rar (part new),
MHc. No. ( mixed: 1 ear, 8e; 1 ear (new),
lVc; I cara. 64Hc; cars (new), tiac. No.
4 mixed: 1 car (new), til He; 1 par (new),
die. No. t 111 xed: 1 car (new), 60e; S cars,
6Se; 2 cars (new), 61e. Sample: I car (new),
62c. Oats standard. 1 car. 4r.V4e; No. 1
white: 12 ears. 44c. No. 4 white: t car,
44c; 2 rare. 44ftc. No grade: ( cars. 44c;
2 cara. 4Sc. Rye No. 2: ( cara, 90c; 1 car,
89tto, No. 3; I ear, MVaO. Barley t No grade:
I car. Mc.
Omaha Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 hard.
(; N'o. ( hard. (l.OrJl.07; No. 4
hard, 09Hci(L06H; No. 1 spring, (l.Or
1.07; No. ( spring. (1.04'?1.0t; No. 4
spring, f l.Ootiil.04; No. 2 durum. (1.0SH17
1.06; No. ( durum, (l.ORfll.Os. Corn: No.
I whlte.'70HW4c: No. 3 white, 7tH4f70 c;
No. ( white, 7Oj70Vic; No. 4 white. 8V4
70c: No. t white, iH(Bi4c: No. white,
WfBc; No. 1 yellow. 708Wo: No. I
yellow, effi0c; No. ( yellow, miftWw,
No. 4 yellow, 6S44ft9c; No. -5 yellow, 68V4
MI4c; No. yellow, t(fM8Vc: No. 1
mixed,, 6889Ke; No. t mixed, 8VQc;
No. ( mixed. tW"4fftHe; No. 4 mixed 7
zc- No. & mixed, 67VCMe: No. mixed.
7iH- Oats: No. ( white. 4Ct-4Tie;
standard. 4TVJ'"We; No. ( white. 44'45o;
No. 4 white, 44Hh44ro. Barley: Malting.
2tr72c; No. 1 feed. MfWc. Rye: No. 2,
(VifcSOc; No. J, OWo. '
Featares of the Tradlngr mmC Cleslns;
Crlres oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Not. 4. Record-breaking
ssles to export houses brought about a
strong market today In wheat after' a
temporary break at the start. The close
was buoyant at le net, advance. Corn
finished l'fllc to l'-kfaVic up, and oats
with a gain of fco to Sc. Ia pro
visions the outcome varied from a6e de
cline to a rise of 22ttc
It was estimated that foreigners today
bought fully 3,000,000 bushels of wheat.
The difficulty appeared te be to find
sellers, for there were ulentv of o reple
tions that contracts would prove hard !
19 1 in, especially in regara 10 nearby
shipments. According to generally ac
cepted flgurea, more than 60,000 bushels
have been purchased to clear from the
United Htates by January 1. Neverthe
less, cash and export houses here were
continually on the alert today for spot
wheat or December delivery and ap
peared to give little head to any question
of prloe.
Big receipts and an Increase of the
European visible supply caused the brief
setback that took place early In wheat
The Transatlantic crop summary wss
also favorable. The effect, however.
quickly wore away, frost reports- from
Aremntlna helping almost Immediately
to turn the market upgrade.
Corn and outs, as well ss wheat, were
governed chiefly by the export demand.
Europeans bought bushels of corn
here, and . It w as said that more than
1,000,000 bushels had been similarly dis
posed of within the last week, cleaning
up the Chicago stock and considerable
new corn now In transit. ICxportcra to
day took 1.000.000 to 1,(00 000 bushels of
oata. Venturesome hears found them
selves In a pinch when they tried to
Provisions hardened noticeably as a
basis of renewed fear that the Chlcaso
stock yards would be closed on account
of Increased peril of the spread of foot
and mouth dleeaee. Reserves of pro
visions In warehouses here were shown
to be comparatively meager and there
was a huge railing orr reported In the
world's available supply of lard.
gestations ( the Iay oa Varleas
" t'osaaaodltles.
NEW YORK. Nov. t-FLOVR Firmly
WHEAT .Tot, irregular; No. ( red.
(1.17S; No. ? hard, (1.17; No. t northern,
l'uitith. (l lVt; Nik I northern, Manitoba.
(I HV nominal, r. I. f. Buffaioo rMtures
were firmer on export sales of about "
Is. ii"; leeinter, (l ift; May, $1 l V
HOPS Kasv ; state, common 1 to choice,
114 crop, 2. ui&c.
HIl'KS yuiet.
W Ot L t party; domeetlo fleece, XX
Ohio, ao.ilc.
cor.n eipot. firm: No. 2 yellow. 3o
r. I. f. t.j arrive; Argentine, 7so
OATH Spot, firm; standard. MVK.V:
No. J white, (4iV4Mjc; fancy clipped
white. Mtfc'c.
HAY-Meady; prime. (1.06; No. 1. (l.OOfli
1.0-:; No. (, Xi)Kic; No 2, SOfcOOc; ship
ping, 7itl8V.
LKATi 1 KH Firm! hemlock firsts, (19
3?c: seconds. SOiujlo.
PKOVIHIONS Pork, n"lt: mess, !0 WV
("1.00: short clears, ttl KMitny Bef.
firm. l.ard, firm; -nlildle west. (ll.O
11.10: refined, firm, continent (1(.; Houth
America, (12.4.ri; compound, ateady.
TAI.I.OW gulet; city, W'.tc; country.
U 66c; siwial. So.
IH'TTKR No. 1. l ib cartons. Jlo; No
1, 00-lb. tuba, auc.
C1IKKM-Imported Vwlsa, Jc; Amer
can 8wlsa. 2mc' block 8wis. 22rl twins.
Ic; aalales Hi triplets. lVl Young
Americas. lfcc: blue label brick 17o; lim
burger. i-lb.. tOu; l-lr, Joci New York
white. lo; Imported French Roquefort
FIRII-Trout. 17e; large crapples. Kit
l(c; salmon, llNo; halibut, V, channel
cattish, 15c; pike, 17c; pickerel. 10e.
POULTRY Broilers. Uhc; spring chick
ens. 11c; hena, 91 lo; co.ka. So; ducks.
lOi'j g.ese, sc; turkeys, li; pigeons, pr
doa, woe; ducks, lull festhered, 10c; geese,
full feathered, c; squabs, No. 1. (; Ni
2, fx.
Msrket quotations iwrrtshcd oy GUInskl
rult company: ,
i'ui:in's.,ir.rn Rilri frsnrv al-
ene.aa, 96s, 112. I2a. 160s. V7. 2Ms, (4 00
per box; Red Ball Vaienclas, all sises,
3.7 per hex. lemons: Fancy, Sxla. (Hue.
JA.fril tier hnic' Phnlce Red Ball. HS.
(H.oo ier box. Orapefrulti All sixes. (J. 00
per box. Apples: Kxlrs fancy Washing
ton (irtniea tlolden, (1 7R per box; fancy
Washington Orlmes. ( per box: extra
fancy Washington Jonathans, (1 IW per
hnv r.nrv Washlnstnn Jonathans. 11.
jer box; fancy Colorado Jonathans, S1.2&
per box; Colorado Jonnthane, choice, (1.(0
per box; extra fancy Washington itoov
ers, $1.36 cr box; Oregon Hpltsenburgs,
(I SO er box; Oregon winter bananas.
(1.75 per box; extra fancy Washington
Delicious, (2.00 per box; New York Open
ings, (3.00 per barrel; New York Hnld
wlna. (J.7& per barrel. Pears: Oalirorn.s
Clargleus, (2 26 per box; extra fancy
1. v An Ion. CM per box. Qrapes: Cali
fornia iCmiwrors. per barrel; slalagn,
(5.00 per keg. Bananss: Per bunch, 1.70V
2. M.
VKOETABLttS-Caullflower, (2.M ser
crate. Cahbuse: Per pound, IVjo. Cu
ucmbers: IVrt do box, (l.M. Celery:
Michigan, Mo per doxen; Denver jumbo,
75o ier dm. Tomatoes: Fancy, (l.2i
er basket. lettuce: Head, R0c(1.50 per
doxen; leaf. 'c per doxen. Onions: Shal
lots, 40c r doeen; Jellow, Za pel
pound: red, Ha psr pound. Radishes:
Per doxen, 3fc. llnrseradlah: Per esse,
tlHA. tlatllc: Italian, 20c per ponnd.
Potatoes: I'er bushel. 70p. twet Pota
toea: Pvr barrel, (30n; Jerseys, (1.76
per hamper.
NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, lc
per pound: pecans, 12Hc per pound; jumbe
pecans, IHc per pound Filberts, l(c per
pound; filberts, mg nsp'es, l(o per
MISCFLt.ANEOUS BlielleJ popcorn:
Per pound. 4o. Date: Hugar walnut,
$1.10 per box. Almonds: Per pound. 20c.
IJmes: Per box, (1.75 Crarksrjank: Par
esse, inv; per nsir case, i.76. Checkers:
Per esse, (0.60; per half case, 11.75.
Dates: Dromedary, per rase, (3.00.
Honey: Per case. (3.50. Figs; Twelve
12-ounce. 85c per pound. Cider: Per keg,
11.00; per half barrel. (6.00. Cocoanuts;
Per tack, (4.00f rwr dosen, 15c. Bquash:
Per pounl. IVtc.- '
; Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4,-COFFEB-Offer-Ings
In the coat and freight market were
reported to lie a shade higher today, ana
there wss continued talk of an Increas
ing demand from Europe In the primary
markets, with clesranees from Brasll of
CW VW. 1 . . a - .
u",wix un( ior EAirope ana ana nonn
Africa for the. month, of October some
what In excess of expectations. The ra
bies also reported an advance of 7-16d In
jtio exenange on London, while hlsher
war risks naturally add to the cost of
Importtatlnna, but the local market con-
tinueo very ciulet in all departments, and
prices were unchanged on spo with Rio
quuna ii o-ttc ana pantos ts at luvfcc
New York Meaey Market.
PAPER dr' per cent Hterllng ex
change, steady; fert-riny bills, (4.S72B;
cables. (4.907Mi4 (1: 1 inand, tt.W34l4.90W.
SILVER Bar. 49V4c
Mlnneasiolls (.rain larket.
Deoember. 91.13X4 : May. (l.WH: No. 1
hard, (1.17W; No. 1 northern, (1.12419
1.WHS - nortnern, ti lVTiB I. Jt.
Metal Market.
ST. LOt'IS. Nov. 4. MKT A LB Lead
firm, at $3.2M5 371. Ppelter, dull gnd
nominal, at - v.
Bett Cattle Strong and Others Slow,
bat Abont Steady.
Fat I -a as be t to Firte-es. Crate
Higher- Fat hres BtronsT
Tea ta Flfteea Hlker
Feeders gtrowv.
KOUTH OMAHA, Nov. , 114.
Receipts weret Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Of.leiai Mnnaay t, J( Hl.Jwi
Drflnia I . . - , a . . ... ...It
1 urHuM ...... a.l'J. v.o
Katlmate Wednesday ., (. 4.000 (.tut
Three days' totals.... U.3i 1LW 4,111
sme dsys Iset week,.l7,8o3 t, 4.40i'
Same 2 weeks ago Sl.WA ,'4 UI.4W
Same I weeks ago (,M( 10.1 .7t
Same 4 weeka ago M.7 1V210 pw.S4
oame aays last year...l,zrc lt.40 w.dii
The following tabla shows the receipts
of eaitle, hogs and sheep at tho South
Omsha live stock market for the year to
date, as wmpsred with last year:
1914. 1K1A Pee,
Cattle '.iM.Hfd W.771 .n
!"( 1.9n.Ut t lit 111 )U1
Bheep 17a,l( 2.Ut(U j0
The following tsb.e mows the prices
for hogs st the South Omaha live stock
market for the last few aays. with com-
Date. I IHI4. 1U iili.isil.liie.lM.lim
Oet It
Oct 17.
Oct. II
Oct 1.
Oct U
Oct 21.
Oct. 2t.
tct 1U.
Oct 24.
Oct. 2.
Oct. 7.
tlet. M.
Oct 2.
Vct. (0.
IKl (1.
Nov. 1..
Nov. 2
Nov. 2.
Nev. 4.
I itkl 1 (i
1 Ui 1 Wh
t (SUA
1 bi
Is M
1 7l
1.7 Ml
4 M 1 1 Oi
I I (4j 7 S7
7 s,
7 0iA
7 lit
7 do's
f 7
T S8
I 7 fcJ
I T7I 9 I t ttil ( hi
J 31 n 7 rj u
a i f s sr. s si 1 e aai it vi
- i - - 1 - " 1 1 - -
' I S K l I M
I (3 ( iil t M 7 Ml I
( 4H; I 441 7 (2 4J
( 1 I 7 Ml
1 431 2! ( SO1. I 41
4 Wl .
I 0x ( Ul II 9 T 2 !
I M 7 w t su
7 TM I
I to i"
1 fi 12
7.1IS ul
7 761 ( 101 ; 91
I 10 w
7 H I 1 t W
7 70i w
7 6t.ll 72
tu IM
071 7 i4 9
t Bank t'learlags.
OMAHA. Nov. (.-Bank clearings for
Omaha today were $2,asn,3lt.M, and for
the corresponding nay last year, (3,52,
104.49. Evaporated Apples mm Dried Frelts
DHIKD FRUITS Prunes, steady. Ap
ricots and peaches, quiet Raisins, steady.
Dry (ioods Market.
Cotton gooVi. steady; yarns, firm; bur
laps, stronger; worsted yarns, irregular;
heavy cotton underwear, lower.
Artlclel Open.l High I Low. I Close. IMon.
Wheat L
Dec.. 1 1 17 1 Wi 1 17 1 16
May. 1 14 I tt 1 21 1 23T4 1 22
!C.. mfti 70 9H 7069Uev
May. 71!72e 71 73V71'V
rHM..49'4tl 60 I 49 49 I 49Vi
May.W4W,l MTj M (rj 53
Jan.. 19 05 19 29 OS 119 17
May.l 192s 1 19 W I 19 X I 19 40 j
Nuv.. W 97H1 10 9TWI tTW 10
Jan.. 10 06 I 10 2
Ribs. I 1
19 00
19 J7
71 10 92
(l W 06 I 10 17 (0 Qj
May.l 10 23',4I 10 (THI 10 22 10 22) M 15
Jan.. 00-0 j 10 12 10 00 10 07H 9 97
BUTTER Flrmi creamery. Un&i.
KOOS Cash, at mark, cases Included.
17U4)sic; ordinary flrsu, 4V02Cc; firsts,
POTATOES-Lower; receipts. 65 ears;
Michigan and Wlsmns'n, sialic; Minne
sota and naaeia, ittyic.
POULTRY Alive, ateadv; springs, 10&
ivic; lowis. iv jiic; luravys, lie.
Treasary ttatemeat.
WABinNOTON. Nov. 4-The eondltlne.
of the Unltwl Mutes tieasury st the
opening or Business toflay was: Net Lai
sncs In general fund. (V.24.H07: tots.1 re.
celpu yesterday, .ZUUM. total payments
yesterday, Z.SI.1. The deficit this fl
ical year is (44.0.743, against a deficit of
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union stock yards. Mouth Omaha,
ior tweuty-iour hours ending at 1 o clock
p. m. yeslemay:
Rt ElI'TS CAR83.
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
C M. St. P.i 1 ..
Wabash (
Missouri raclflo 1
Union l"acflo ( ( 10
i a n. w., east 11 3 2
C -st N. W.. west (1 It 14
C., nt. P., M. A 0 12 . 2 (
v., B. A V)., sast 9 1
C, M. A H., west 14
C, It I. A P., east ( U 4
C It 1. A P., west 2 1 ..
Illinois Central I ., 1
Chicago Q. W i
Tout receipts 1U hi t
Cattle. Hog. Bherp.
Morris (t Co 2n 210 7411
Hwlft A Co 67 737 2,(so
Cudahy Packing Co..., tut 1.0W7 2.2o
Armour A1 Co 4.W 9V1 1,914
Merrell (4
Lincoln Packing Co.... M
So Oniab Packing Co. '6
a sv. 24
W. O. Vansant Co 19
Benton, Vansant A L.. lis 1
Hill A Son 313 1
F. B. Lewis 1
Huston A Co (2 I..,.
J. B. Root A Co 21
J. H. Bulla '. 9
L. F. Hues 2 ' ....
Rosenstock Bros , M ..... ....
MoCreary A Kellogg... 42
Werthelmer A Degen.. 217
II. F. Hamilton , 120
milllvan Bros. 44
Rothschild 64
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 12
(bristle t
Higglns M
Huffman I
Meyers 9
Baker, Jones A S, 121
Janner Bros l
ohn Harvey 10
Kitne 4
Other buyers 419 4.2M
Totals 4,(t 103B 11.C3
CATTLsJ Reeelptg vers moderate again
today, only XMtf head being reported In,
which brings the total for tits three days
up to K.lHt head, being sma'lsr by over
2.UUQ head than last week's light run, and
less titan half as many as ware received
on the corresponding days two week
There wss a vary fair demand for beet
cattie, there being some orders bare for
heavy fat steers to be shipped te New
York. The inability of eastern buyers to
get cattie at Chicago on account ot the
closing of the yards at that point was
responsible fur ths eastern orders hers
this morning. As a result good cattle
were strong, the bast heavy steers selling
up to (10.60, the first time that heavy
oattto have sold that high. Medium to
pretty dseer.t kinds were no better than
steady, and Interior gtuff was really glow
Cows and heifer were la vary 'sir de
mand, with the market generally steady,
although the trade possibly was not quite
as brisk as yesterday.
(ood feeders were fully steady and
quite free sellers, while inferior kinds,
especially ormmon stock calves. Were a
little slow to move.
Quotatlcne on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed beeves, (S.iXWi 10.50; fair to gooV
corn-fed beeves, (e.oOiul.Oo; common to
fair oorn-frd beeveu, $4.7MJg0il; good to
fholns range gUem, (7. 40. 40; fair to good
ange stoers, (tU.jty7.4o; common to fall
range steers. (o.&'Ho-Ut; good to choice
grass heifers, (.0iu7.00; good to eholoe
grass cows. (&7546.60; fair to good
grades, O.e0iS5.76; common to fair
frades, (4.0ubl.OO; prims feeders, ttoog
40: good to cUoloo stocksrs and feeders
(7.20.S&; fair to good stockers end
feeders. ( 0o7 20; oommon to fair steak
ers and feeders, (o.tuf.t: stock heifers,
(4. 7&i4 00; slock cows, (4.MKo.fiO: stock
calvss, $7.60,(10 00; veal ealves, 7.(0O10.UO
bulls, sUgs. etc.. (4.6ft&.2
tiepreseulatlvea salos:
Ne. A. Pr. Ss. A. Pt.
for Cattle Is steady
beep Hlsher.
CHICAGO. Nov. 4. CATTLE Receipts,
19,000 head; market steady to 10c higher;
beeves, fft.40Tll .00; steers, (5.9.20; ;
stockers and feeders, honi'nal: rows and;
heifers. (3.tVfi.fi0; calves, (7.OOQ10.2S. I
1111(1.-4 Heceints 30 (MO liesd: markati
strong, I011IG0 higher; bulk of sales. (7.90!
tr7.66; light. $7 0Cxu7.U0; mixed. (7.15r7.76;
heavy. (7. Mi .: rough. (7.10iV7.26: visa.
SHICKP AND It1B8 Reeelpts. 23.000
head; market 104o higher; aheep, tr50f
M; yearlings, (4.&O;7.60; lambs, (7.0"i
...r 1 ts
...u ( s
...lis; ( 40
.ll4 ISO
uw t m
4 Hit t TS
St 1124 I 10
n it't 1 o
11 .-...if T
et I...isje t
M ....U4f 8 . (4 IM4 44 M
17 Ul 9 If 944 M 09
cow a,
1 in 4 H 4 IMS ( s
4 4 St 9 SM 9 tt
4 lit 1 S to IN IN)
4 M IS t 1M1 4 1
9 H 111 I US I M
It 41 I 1 ... ,1?" I W
ti io t t . ..... tn
rJ T 1 1 I T I
t 440 4 ts 11.. u... 144
( ss t ss I I ( 7t
I M III, 1 ...Ul I st
1..... .Ui I te
( I 4 I IS4 I TI
8TOCHE1 A.Vo Kk.Di
I. ?W IS I I I
it iu in 1 m 1 tt
I IM IW It 4 4 to
(1 414 4 U 44 M 99
44 4:4 I SI
Mil ill DAKOTA.
11 steers.. ..PT4 jfl 42 fefders.. trt 70
17 steers.. ..10M t M II steers. ...1040 OS
12 steers.... 936 I 60
HI heifers., c Ift id cows 1 40
09 pows 97 I 90 41 cows 910 9 rv
4 feeders. . 746 176 66 feeders., (bl (76
7 cows. 1067 00
1 feeders.. 700 7 W 9 feeders.. 930 9 t
12 feeders.. M IM fedora. . 93 6 5
24 feeders.. 712 96
John Heevea, Idaho.
10 steers.... 1060 Iff 14 feeders... 992 76
19 steers.... 943 ftO 11 steers.... 947 I
4 heifers... 9T7 7 00 (cows 11 (
10 eoes 1130 (40 6 rows...... MB 4 14
V. Crook, Idsho.
cows 1073 1 M 10 steers.. ..1091 (5
cows 1120 16 .
T P. Tslman. Idaho,
t cowa 1106 4 76 4 cows Km It
2 rows 110 (25 heifers... 91 (6
79 cows MS 6 ft 17 steers.... S62 I 60'
Ross F. Johnson. Nebraska.
40 steers... 9T 7 ( steers.. ..1000 75
19 heifers... 921 (6 ( cowa 910 4 7
36 feeders... 90 ( TS II feeders. ..I01 175
el feeders . . 9 T 44 calves.. .. 2T3 TIB
H(X Trade opened out dull today,
with early hide being made at about the
same fig-urea as were paid on the lew
close yesterday, (tellers were asking
higher prices, and ae they refused to eot
elder these first bids, ths killer trails
wss very dreggy during the early rounds.
As the morning advanced, and after
strippers had bought a number of hgl
st gensrally steady te strong prtoee.
fucker offers strengthened up until
when the hogs finally startei to move
treelv prices were fully eteady to poesi
bly a little stronger than yesterday s
f ood time, and In the end the general
isde looked tn be a shade higher than
3'ueedsy's average. In other words, to
4(1 market was very much the same -as
yesterday a, the ons difference being '
that Instuad ot Tuesday' sharply lower
close, today's wlndup showed, I( any
thing, mora strength than any other
fiwlnt Ia Ka fae lh.l MMlnl,
were very moderate, a clearance was
made by an eari hour.
Rulk of the offerings moved at JT.OMn
7.1H. with toos again selling at (7.25. For
the three days prices are Just about
steady, today's advance fully covering the
slight declines of ths two previous days. '
c . v 1 111 1 ,i,ivB rtii uuf-iwn oars
or 4.000 hesd. For the three dsys receipts
foot up 11.96 head, more then 3,0tti
head larger than a week ago. but almost
7.000 head smaller than for ths same days
Representative sales:
Ha. At. S. Sr. sis- . At. gk. Pr.
7 414 lis) I 90 47 14 St t 1214
1 1M ... H 11 K ... t l4 .
in tut -It IS) , at M let 7 12S
4t im m is ta tea 7 list
M........IAS ... TBS SR (OS ...
M IM 110 t) M 144 146
Ml 121 M 1 W4 ...
st ra m rat m tit m i it
SB Ml IS tg J....K.lh ... fit
4 n ts t oi r i m tn
M 911 SM f HI t .WH ... f IS
SI luT Bt 7 IS 94 107 ... 7 U
It 14 ... 7M 71 tut ... 7 1
it. est sat T It Tl M ? t
M K7 40 7 M 4 r 14 til
M Ill I4S T 1 M . Ill 11B 7 It
74.- 14 IS II 71 m4 It 7 16
Tl Ml 9 7 1 t HI M TH
4.. 144 ... 7 1 I 9S f M
4t T 94 7 1 4 r4 S TH
H no 7 ie ' ki n no 7 it
94t 11 t 10 91 9 ... t It
11 99 7 It 4 IM 49 7 9
H4 ... 7 1 47 ..944 ... 7 te
st 174 499 7 19 m ... 7 91
. pioa.
94 1(1 ... Tt
ttHEttl' flhort runs of sneer, and lamog
at most all points again today had tho
effect of still boosting pri eee, and as a
ec.nsequenoe traders were quoting; prtoee
anywhere from strong to 23c higher, and
higher than that In some cases. Ooner
ally speaking ths trade could be best do.
scribed as lOfHsC better oa lambs and
strong to VkaU&o higher on mutton. ' De
mand for some good killers was appar
ently urgent like It has besa for several
days r.ow, causing considerable om pe
tition among the packers, who started
In early to fill orders, and as a suls kept
going until all the fat stuff. was disposed
of. Fed western lambs climbed up ts
Ret, with th bulk of the offerings go
g at (H.toeX.M. About the first wheal
field lambs from Idaho for ths ssasog
were en sale, and these sold up to (4.(0.
Ths toppy sales also Included soma fed
western yearlings at (7, with the moM
ef the fat owes. Including the rang stuff,
as well as the fed offerings, at tb.2j
(.60. Tho snaxket was over oomparativsly
Feeder stuff was still much sought
after and the moderate supply on hand.
lound a good outlet at Strong prices.
As for some time now, there continued
? scarcity of strictly good feeder offer
ngs. Feeder lambs ranged anywhere
from KM to (7.90 for the bulk of them
and, ( oouree, the quality and ths
wslght were Important faotors tn fixing
(ha price. The clearance continued good
Quotations on sheep snd lambs: I -am be,
good to choice. (S.2Mr,; iamb fair to
good, (7 siiv 2V, feeders, good to choice,
ti.s04T7.00: feeders, fair tn good. ttt.2fdi
iw; yearlings, good to choice, M7V47.00;
yearlings, fair to good. (4.&0i.76; year-
lUMfs, Eoeasrv, en.; weioors, gooa
to choice, M &4ToO; wethers, fair to good,
(6.(iOU4.; wollfers. (seders. 94-30-4-;
ewss, good to choice, (5.40T4.0; ewes,
fair to good, t6.0uQ6.4o; owes, feeders,
Representatives sales:
No. , At. Fr.
90 Idaho lambs 70 a 25
I culls ,.' 72 N
204 fed swss ...... ... ...... 1,07 h 10
169 Idsho awes ... to I 60
ulls M M t M
4 buck 17 4 60
2f l Wytmlng feeder ewes M I (A
CO Wyoming feeder ewes M M 4 00
2M Wyoming feeler lambs 47 to
3h0 Wyoming feeder lambs....... 44
304 feeder lambs 40
m 1 mi
t. Lea Is LIts Ctoek Market.
BT. LOU I , Nov. 4 CATTLE Re
ceipts. (.900 hesd; markst steady; native
beef steers. (7.6047T.76; cows and heifers,
(6.0uf.36; stocksrs and feeders, (-6U
7.60; southern steers, tu.T5i37.76; cows snd
heifers, (4.000.00; native calves, I6.00A
HOOS ReoelpU. 10.400 head: warket
lower; pigs and lights, (6.6we7.j mixed
and butohera, Htuti'l.tO; good heavy.
HHEEP AND IAMBS Reeolpts. 4.(00
heed; market strong: native cauttona,
4.0o6.26; lambs, (7.0o.i.
Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market.
celpts. 12.000 hesd; market strong; prime
fed steers, (V.7bi 11.00; dressed beer steers,
Blockers and feeders, pi.OOirS.OO; bulls.
$7. Hurt. 60; western steers, (7.090026;
stockers and feeoers. WV'W&.w; pulls,
ti.4j.W; calvea (liioy 10.50.
Itooa Receipts, - ii.owi neaa; market
higher: bulk of sales, t7.hsjr7.40; hear.
(7.2ofc7.4D; packers "ind butchers, (7.axi
7.40; llglit, (7.0M7.3B; pigs, t& 1034. 7ft,
KHEEP AND LAMBH Rexwlpts, 0,000
head; market higher; lemhs, (7.26frfl.60;
yesrllnss. tb.TKilGM; wethers, (3.6UU4.26;
awes, tt&W.sO.
loos 4 Mr Lies ttoek Market.
ceipts 1 ti'iO head; market weak; native
steers. f..0(K'i.75: butchers. (6.Buty7.60;
rows and heifers. (4. r.i4. 30; canners. (4
H.75; calves, 9b.wxcr7.24; bulls, stsgs, etc.,
(5.1017 .00.
HOO Receipt. 7 5"0 hesd: market 10c
Mhr; heavy I7.1&O7.20; mixed, (7.10
T.m; iigni, i.r!'i.u; uuig of sales. (T.OiKtf
7.2S. ,
KHFEP AND LA MRS Reeelpts, tono
hesd; market 1V higher; swes, (2.60R
(.W; lambs. (Q."h 00.
I. Jnsenh Me Stork Market.
rtnetrts. 2.4U0 head; market slow; steers,
(V.dOrfrlO; rows and heifers, H&uuO.M);
calv.s. C1.0lVttl060.
HOGS Receipts, (SO head; market
stesdy to lower; top, (7.30; bulk of sales,
HHEKP AND LAMBS-Recslpts. iflO
head; market steady to 10o higher:
lambs. (7.(Mdl40. '
The Weather Man Says:
"Mean Temperature for October
Above Average"
But It's Always Cold in Winter
Last winter many of our tenants thought this
building was too warm but we think it is
better to be too warm than not warm enough
one can always open a window.
So it is in many other things we give more
than just enoughthat is why our building is
well epoken of by al! our tenants.
TA Building That h A I way foot"
Office Room 103