THY) OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: X()YKMHKlt 1. 1014. 5-0 r OTt S.UK Kara I tar. FOR KALK 4 ga heater for M. 1G21 Oak Kt. Red 8S43. New A til-hand furniture, nih or itrmi; res sen hV Amfr. Furn. To.. 1K N. 1th. HAVE ventilator bnse burner. Tvler 2174. LAROK and smll hard eol burners, $li; on Windsor folding bed, $10; Ran hcat erg, $2. Fen-Ins, 15th and Capitol A ve Mrl luitrmrart. PIANO rlyr: a bargain. 11. H. 4TH. Typewriter. TTTEWRTTERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. f07 S. 171 n. KKNT Remingtons, Monarch.i and Smith Premlera of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three month! for $j for understfoke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1S05 Farnam. !". 8031, Mlsrrllanroas. Bakery and furnnce wood. Tel. Flor. 401. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship In Hoyles Business college, Omaha; good tor either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. 2-hand mch. Uroae Wreck Co.. ti A Paul. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for rnmera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain tor the lot at tUO. Address A S90, Hee. ATTO robe, Canadian blnnket. Il-gange Winchester pump. Friedman. 1828 Dodge. FOR 8ALKNew and second-hand carom nd pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Prunawick-Halke-Collendor Co.. 4O7-40J S. 10th 85 1. t Oft Buys best coal for the money; try JPO.W ,t Web m Harmon & Weeth. THREE light oak, aanltary, roll-top desks, office chairs, etc. 11. W. Ander son, 648 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Invalid chair; practically near, used tl weeks. Phone W eb. 72 AUTO robe, Nava.lo blanket. 2 shot gun. Friedman, 1H28 Dodge. FINE, new, collapsible baby buggy, automobile top and side curtains: cost $25, will take 810. Phone Harney S.V. FOR riALfcl One complete course In Ad vertising, I. C. School, and two 10x121, Rruenels Rugs. Tyler 14!3. ' MVR 1V1RK lUSIXrXS MEN OK OMAHA Barbers. 12 Chairs, NV shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Bine Printing;, HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under , new ownership. 12 Omaha Nat Bk. It. ltll.7. Brass r'sssdrlri, Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Eta. Ralldlns; aal Repairing:. F-. FRANTA, ll Faxton Blk. Poug. 2157 . t Utrra and Well DlaTlaar. NF.EO well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFFFR does it. Phone Web. MSI. altfornla Land. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. T. 28ID, Coal Dealer. k K( Johnson's special, also Victor nut. 5 big baskets coal. tl. Wagner, ml N. 1. Chiropractor. L. Oeddls, D, C 228 Bee fl'dg. Fwiug. 42M. China PalatlagT. Ruth Iechford, decorating, firing. R. 4i4i. Civil Caslnren. M. J. LACY. 818 BEE BT.PO. DOt'O. 47U (ream Separator. The Hharple Separator Co., 12th A Farn. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. S12 Neville Blk. Kvl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Daselsg Academies, Turp'.n's Dancing Academy. 28th Farn. CIIAMBICR8' Academy, classic. 11. 1S71. Mackle's Academy, now open. ISIS Har. Ilressmaklaa;. Terry Dressmak'g college, 2nth ft Ftrnini, STYLISHLY made dresses; quick erv. ice. 417 No. 2fth St. Tyler 15. Dressmaking!- Mrs. J. M. Todd, 314 N. 18th; stylish fall costumes at Introductory prices, u. 847H. 8TH ANOKR in city wants' day work, 1$ vVa,!.!.. tl via- A m wr A Q 1 f 8VArrr:iVM txiLotx Al'TO A limh grade runabout Wanlc, Steamer auto. In perfect condition; late date steel wrerla; nicely pair ted and a very classy up-to-date car; eronl prop, erty, contract work or cement bio. k con sidered, as well hi fnrm prouuoc; want house repair work. A bargain (or some one 8. c. 2, Bee. Al'To Stoddard Dayton, 30 H. P., 3 or 4 passenger. In fine ehape. Pwily snd a nice car No trades. Sell for $A Address S C. 21.1. Hee. ACTO Slightly used ' KMC' rondsiei, for old mooei "Ford'" roadster. J, A. Jen sen, 4)12 N. 81 Pt. ACTO LlglU." auto truck, overhauled. Address C. ), Bee. ACTOMooi Liu.- ror otner automobm bargain the "AutomubiU' clasaifi ration BUTCHER SHOP-Complete, In county town. 8. K. Neb.. What have you? Address Ft. ('., ir.M. Bee. CLOCK Do you want to swap for, some thing that will speak for Itxelf; If so. come and see this high-grade, artistic French clock; will nonslder anything mlsed on a farm or made hy man. it cosi $17 and t will accept anything 1 can deal for. I have nd ue for it. t. . Bee. CONTRACTOR and carpenter will do your building, repair work, etc; will take a good heater or anything ot value. Address 8. C. 21.', Bee. C. J. CANAN. Real Estate and Kxchangs DICTAPHONE-EDISON PHONOGRAPH with complete outfit for making and re producing hoth lo and four-minute rec ords, together with supply of blanks; out fit almobt new and cost over $40; .lust the thing for shorthand writers requiring dic ta lion to work up speed, or can be used for learning foreign languages. Want good visible typewriter, or will accept any thing of equal value I can use. Address S. C. 168. Bee. KyUIPMKNT of photo gallery, will trad for motorcycle or .what have you. S. C. 214. MlrfS STURDY. 241 Cass. lied Ft'RNITURli My furniture of ten-room rooming limine must be disposed of soon. This furniture la of a Quality above the average and Is in excellent condition. What have you. Address 8. C. 1R20. FASH ION A BLK dressmaking; 1607 Corby. Drag, DRUU8 at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman St M Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1506 Farnam.- SOD of a few lots. Tel. D. 2107. SASH, suitable for hothouses, at tha price of the glass only. Tel. D, llOi. FOR RALE AT ONCK-Baby buggy, col lapsible baby buggy, go cart, babv swing and baby a walking chair. 3229 Hamey Bt. Dr. Todd's alvoolar.dentlstry. 408 Brandels LIVE STOCK, FOR SALE. llsrsea a.ntl Vehicles. LARQEai stock ot delivery wagon la the city; uil kind ot blaokarmtn work, painting and lettering. Joniic.v-i-'antorih Co., new iO'jatlou, Us-JI-. N. ltti 8fc VRAM of mares, 2.5) lb., S176. Team of mares, (126. Sitfc and county line, riouth Omaha. Tel ephone South HAY. $8 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. Wh OOD horse, reasonable. Tel. H. 4478. TWO horses and two light grocery deliv ery wagons, one set double harness, at bargain. Call Lange Grocery Co., 2310 'umlng. Bailey, the Dentist. 706 City Nat'! Bank. FOR SALE Cow and calf, 48th Ave. and W St, Bo. Omaha. A. gwanson. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? Bee u. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.-, 306 Paston Block. Douglas 11U. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home o llctt your old clothing, furniture, maga zines We collect. We dlstrloute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, lUtt-Ull-1111 Dodge .bt YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association building at 17th Bt. and St.' Mary s Ave., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav ,, ciars' aid at the Union Station, ANYONE knowing name and address of lady who aw William Wllkle killed at Ninth and Jones streets on September 24, or any of the men sitting on top of witching train which struck him, please notify Mr. Jaine. Wllkie. Sbelton. Neb., and receive reward. rOCLTRS ASD SUPPLIES HTEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry housea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically 1 ireproot, loa a nunqreu m n FORCED BALE 160 fine White Leghorn hen and 1 cockerels, $1.00 each. Many of these birds are worth everal time this price. Call after o'clock Bunday. 2213 Charle. Mall order given special attention. Mixed grain. I1.6X) per 100."Vagner, S01 N. 1 WANTEU TO BUY WANT to buy a lot on paved street, two blocks trom car line, south of barnam, for cash. C. J. Canan. 610 McCague Bid. SLIGHTLY used hign grade planoa. W. OFFICE furniture bought and gold. J C, Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. ' VK BUY 2d-hand cluthea. 1421 N. 24lh. WE buy, sell, exch. clothing, Jtwelry. etc. BultcaBes $1 up. Frieuinan. 14th totU H1GHL8T pri paid or trlctly fresh egg direct from the tarm. Buffet & Bun, Omaha. 7 IJTg BTOCK MAKKKT OF WESl SHIP live tock to South Omaha. Bave mileage and .hrinkage Your con. gn nient receive prompt and careful attn tlon. ' Live Stock CbibIhiob Merchaata. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. live mm BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA A B O ot Omaha A ALL WATCHES, d ainonds una J A a''- Pala prices. Kept, and Oct buy now, tl a week, W estern W atch aiU jewelry Co., Room 217. KarUaoii biuck. , I, N feW and aocond-hund electric (an und motor. LeBron Electric Work, 31s . 12th. Dougls 2176 OMAHA PILXAJW CO., 117 Cuming. Do'-ig. 2407. Renovate leather and mdUre.MJ ot all Kinds, make f t s.t h e r mattresses and down covers. WO room, ensulte; treet exposure; 3S0 J. tt.l water and electric light; ready Nov. 1. Tha Uee building, office room PO. V Al UijM cleaner tor aio. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary twrwee Co., fi Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, Mil needle and part for all . sewing machine. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., -Mlcker." loth end Harney. Dougla Mi. Aecaantaatc. MKLVILLK D. THOMAS COMPANY, l!77-3g city Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1H1Q. Addlaar Macklae. Dalton Add ng Machine; 411 8 15. D. 144. Adder Mch Co.. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 63. Arcalteete. Everett ti. Dodds. 612 Pamton Blk. D, Tli Altraetleaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion Picture machine and film bargalna A a to ad Mafsel HcBalrlaar. Maicneto repair work a specialty. D. 2111. Aat'tluaerx, . .Duwd Auction Co.. 113 W. O. W. Red S2ii. Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. U. Hen. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Bonk. Kleptrle Bapplles. LEBRON Elec. Wki., 813 8. l!th. D. 2176. Karrler. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. !4t.h St. W. 7777. Every thing; for W omen. Woman's Exchange, 4.12 Pax. Blk. R. 4!lt. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1SW6. Florists. A. DONAHUR, 1022 Harney. Doug, 1001. BATH'S florists, U04 Farnam Bt. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 12uS. Member Florlwt Telegraph Del. Asa'n. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415lcarnam St. Hair Dressing;. Harprr Method. R. , Baird Bldg. D. Mil. SWITCHES from combing. If.SO. D. 2043. Live Btoak Heneln, OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 fl. inth. Red. 4252. Llabtur Klxtares nad Wlrln;. THOMAS DURKIN Elect rio fixture end supplies, contract' Ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 23IS. Mast Coat a me nad Lodare Supplies. Mt'GR. of lodge regallr and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume In the country, Theo. Lleben & Bon, 1514 Howard. D. 411a. Mfrs. and Window Shade Cleaaer. OLD ahade made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4tl. Messenger and Transfer. WHITE LINE, 209 8. 11th. Dougla 3312. Bl llltnerr. SWITCHES from combings. $1.60. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Kck. i4 S. 18th. D. i7. MovlaaT. Storage as ClcanlnaT. W. C. FERRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. xiasacoaes. MASS., rheil.. liver, kidney troubles. P. 713. CORA BELLINGY. MAGNETIC. Just arrived from Buffalo. Several sat lrluctory treatment and baths. 107 S 17th St. downstairs, opposite postofilce. Daily and evenings. MARGARITE HALLORAN. massage and manicuring, 223 Neville Block. Poug 7701. Violet Ray, mass., 436 Bee Blrig, D.'tl"l2. Kathleen Mack, massage &hath. D. 75S2. Clara Lee, hath and massage. I)nug.-ti751 Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red WM. MASSAGE, 1011 B. 17th St. Mr. Steele. lvf ARiSAHF, DEE BUILDING K. Mack, massage and niiiiucurlnK. D. 7ik.'. Massage. Mlfs Walton, R. 224. Neville Blk. Maasagu, Ml Gibson, H. 224, Seville HiK. MARGARITE HALIiORAN moved to Council Bluff, la., Km. 43. Baldwin Blk. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1S02 Farnam. R. 2. Dung slal, Uvuitsts. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. V. Bldg. Fori SALE' uK TRADE Lot, north of Krug Park fini location; a bargain It taken at once. A tt'A. FOR SALE OH - TRADE o-passenger Hupmohllc. In flrst-cia running order. Will trade for another car that I can work over this winter, or what have you? S. C. 1519. FUHMTl.'Rb, for a 46-roora hotel near uniatia, 'M0. Low rat rent 4 the building. What have you to offer f Address S (' 12HS. car rw 6xV GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for os mar a and cariytnit rase for plate hold eta Tha outfit In good condition and big bargain tor tne lot at SU0. Addrv K C. 161 $12,0 GENERAL STOCK In fine brick building. All clear. Good business, good town, in eastern Nebraska, want a good euliern Nebraska or Iowa farm worth the money, about KO.0U0 to SJS.OOO. Ad dress 8. C. 210, Bee. HEATING DRUM, will heat moat satis factorily an upstlrs room without re quiring .any additional fuel. Address S. C. 207, Bee. 4 IRISH WATER SPANIEL PUFS-4 months old; registered stock, for sale. W illlam Dlstelhorst, Lcshara, Neh. KODAK EASTMAN 3-A FOLDING pocket kodak; post-card sine, planato graph len, leather carrying case, tripod, etc.; almost new. Want visible typewriter. Address S. C. 1R07. Bee. MOTORCYCLE-HAVE A LATE MODEL twin motorcycle In perfect order throughout and fully equipped; could use a lightweight singlo cylinder machine an part payment but same must be In first class repair. What have you 2 Address B. C. Jar.. Bee. ' NEW Oliver typewriter, cash offer or What have you. 8. C 215. OFFICE FUKMTURl Will buy him good second-hand office furniture; muni be cheap lor cash. Address a. ti Vita, Be. PAINTING and paper hanging; 1 will do you first-class work; take some furni ture, heater or anything of value. Ad dress tt. c. 211, Mee PHONOGRAFH, ETC. A mall phono. irj;h vvu I w.fl us till n o ur uu. What will you give me In exchange for them? Address 8. C 1634, Be. RANCHES FOR FARMS FARMS FOR RANCHES I handle well known ranches; the kind that nave MAY, WATER and range, the THRaH THINGS NECESSARY. CHERRY COUNTY has these kind of rancnea in perfection. Here' some of them: 8.240 a.. 8 mile ot town. 1,000 Yon; will carry m head; 120. 4.000 a., 14 mile of town, 600 tan, will carry 300 head, $14. 1.440 A. 1 miles of town. 400 ton, will carry 30 head, 315. 2,120 a., finely watered, some alfalfa anil cultivated, closo to school, tut U0 tons, corn, etc., $21. Have more of them; can u!t anyone. Here's two apartment house deals: New apariment, 1 year 'old; ner $4.tY; tlote In. Price $43,00. Will rarry $15.W0; $10,000 balance Omahu residence In trade. Beautiful new aiarLment Park Ave, Nets $3.(0(1. Price Mn.WW. Will take $lo,C0i In trade. This and tno above are No. 1. If you bave any No. l property to deal, lee me. If you want a ranch how can you af ford to fall to writ or see me. I have all of the good ones on the market today. J. A. ABBOTT, . , 4H8 Btate Bank B:d? Omaha. Neb. T-ROOM HOUSE, Uke new. beat repair. J'- t '.. It n - .. - -..a U I - r 1 I E ' 4 VJ. 1 all utu, C$ 1 I Uansut-O! A-182, Bc. RESTAUR NT for sale er trade, down trtn-n. Whut have von to offerf ! 'Phone Douela 2118. Write qo Fowler Ave., t:ity ' . Uateopatlilc Physlelaas. Dr. Reruoha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. 363S. Patent. i H. A. Bturge. 638 Brandel Theater Bldg. D. O. Barn ell. Paxton ul-i. tel.. Red 7117. Patent Devejopaneat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th $t Printing. WATEKB-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21D0. 524 8. 12th St. DOUGLAS print. ng Co. Tel. Doug. Mi. COKEY" A MiTETai K PTG. Co. b. 2644". RIE3-HALL Ptg Co.,To2 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 1754. PalntlaaT and PaperlagT. HUGH M'MANUB. 417 N. 40th. H. $728. Plontea Renovated. PLUMES tlower mad over, cleaned & dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42H Paxtoti. D. ttH. Itoach tiitrrmlsatsr, B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Safe a ad Time Loek fcaaerts. Opened, repaired, comb. changed, r . c.. uaven- ort. 14 uoage. V. iu. SAFES I ku uenalrlaK. Electric Bhoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary Av. ftla-aa aad Khawcarda. PT-XT- AT CUT PRICBS. S 1 1 t N S E- M- CLARK & DON, WfiVJllW lis Bo. Wth. Room 14. Storr. iibi. Office Fist are. DESKS, safe, scale, showcases, shelv. lug, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-11-18 B. 12th. D. 2724. fetrel Calllaar. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 8. loth. Towel ganpllee. OMAHA Towel Supply. 3C7 9. 11th. D 628. Trssk aad Saitenaaa. FRKLINO 8TE1NLE. 1808 Farnam 8t Tailors. CHAB. C. lANDFRYOU. 10 N. 16tb Bt. rterlanrlaaa. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 41 Ctnter. H. 60BI. Wines aad l.lqnors. ALEX JETE8. 201-1 8. 13th Kt. Wine, liquor, cllfiiis. Plate dinner 11 to 3. 10c. Globe liouor house 424 N. 10th; Callfornli win. $1.-5 per gil. Writ for price lift. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 18th and Capitol Ave. Ten-rent lunch. RESTAURANT fully equipped and doing good business together with 8 rooms above' only restaurant In county seat, and rent free. Will sell or consider auto. Call Monday. Douglas 309. STOVE or hot water heater. In perfect condition, for a small house, garag or ror chicken house, Is small anr compart, all Iron, In two piece, for apple, pota toes or any old thing I can us. Ad dreps. 8. C 204, Bee. SPOONS Some 3 dozen silver soda water or Ice cream spoons; also some artistic late date soda glass holders; ull In per fect condition. For anything 1 ran use. S. Cv J03. Bee. EINS. Miowt-aid. t'lark Son. 1 I'flfl TANK Iron tank.' four feet dia. t tet high, tw reet hopper. Aadree S. c. 201, Bee. j T Y PEW R1TER Nearly new No. S I C Smith typewriter for ale or trade for printing. Price $60. Address B. C. 208, He. WATCH-MAKER outfit for sale or trade. Worth about 81.6O0. What have you to trade? S. C. 212. Bee. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Turkey'g Advent Into European War Boosts Price of Wheat. MOVING EXPORT PURCHASES orn. The De- be under on- !icFuit' from li firata tnld ta ilatelde Nations Now Helng Transported to It Xarl oaa Rnyer Across the Atlantic. OMAHA. Oct. 31. 1NH The entrance ot turkey into In war abroad su reflect d in the wheat pit yesterday, when met vi e net pru e gain ot i'VrJtc. '' sUnit of the Turk ish authoiiuea win fi.rtnrr complicate the war Huauon, a it will remove any ImmtuiHte pioeptoe of breaastuif pass Ing througii tl.e Uardeiull"s. It has Win nopcn i,y ImiHTtuiK uuiion thwi tn' straits would oin be open to coiiiineiw and that tne smiimrntH of breawsiufl trom Russia and lue Danube wouiu oguin be m rviutii.e, tnereby helping tne na tion abroad Who are at war a well a tnose who are at peace. ' , The wheat that waa recently purchased In tnis country nas to move to importing i, hi ions in larger uuaiitill'. tne cul anots this v-n wim ),tMj,i,' bushels, wuii Hour inciuue.i a wueat, compared with u,i;ttl.tu uu..els the pre vious wnek and 4,twi,il iiws..ia ior me coriospunultig prnoa a Jnr no. Thean iiwriinnu wri-i nun uoth coaeis, iuciuu lug Canada. v .orn ktiuwctl net gains of Wa yes terday, falolng to hold th full auvances ot toe morning. Cash corn waa Up liatSc on the repori of oto.iKM bu. oelng tamui late Vconesoav ami yesteruay by export er, with more tnuiury not ouiy net, but It. the other maraoia of tn vt as well. Oats were up c, im tne May ru ture ruling stronnr. There was consid erable pressure on the December In tne way ot liquidation by long, i mu val ue In ll market were uistlmtly firm. A liberal export business waa accom plished In an position. ' Speculator at tne siock yards led in th buying ot provisions through com mission house and packer were cred ited with moat of the selling. May pmk Waa In larger offering auu these saies were credited to 1'atrlok Cudahy. the Milwaukee packer. Wheat was unchanged to .He higher. Corn waa Mo hlghor to 3Vc loaer. Oats were 'kWic lower. v Clearance ol wheal wr iut to 184, 000 bushels; corn, none; oats, none.. At Liverpool w.ieal i:loml l'Vw2i higher; Corn, lwtuavid higher. frimary whei receipt were 2.273,000 bu. and shipment Mi4,(niii bu., agMinxt i ceipt of l.iMl.ow bu. and hipmoiit of t4.uiio bu. last year. Primary corn receipt were 453,001 bu. and shipment 26l,0li bu., against re ceipt of $77,0110 bu. and chtpmant of ), 000 bu. lust year. Primary oat receipt were 1.138000 bu. knd shipments 7W,um bu., agalnat re ceipts of 7IO,tkHj bu. and shipment f 721, 000 bu. last rca. CARLOT RECEIPTS. vt hnat.corn.oats.Rya.H ry. gideiabln selllim houses Htivers held off In the provision mar ket, wnltlnu appAretit.y for the tminihlv ie irt of stocks on luiml. ttfteilng er only m'Klernte. ' Article njien." HUh. Low. I l 'one.i Ve t eat. ,i, I 1KJi 1 1. 1, 1 V l! i wi i iisii si-- i sia i. . ' i i i' .,1 1UVi i . I C0 May dr.. 1 le( M.i lint's Dec May Pork. .mil. Mav Lard! net. Nov Jan. Ribs i Jan..1 9 ST Oi l 1 1 20 9 S. (ifi'i"V WTtl'! ;it..-ifi,n-i k-t 'i" "3'li'U hi I 4l rv. i is M I IS P.U 18 $1 I 18 V. i l' -!:' 18 id iHi it 1 I I i io 7.', io ; i io 72V I 10 75 I lit til I in I. M TO 10 .s H .411 I- 41l I 18 I W l.i ; io 75 10 , f 91 8 7 1" ai I 87 9 55 I in 20 I lo . Chlctigo Cfh J "tire --tel; No. I red, $1.1441 1. in: No. 2 liMro, $1.:4I.I4. t:orm No. i yei;ow, 71't!-,'t'; no 8 y t.iow. i.itf 75Sc. tiats: No. .i XMiile. 4iti4s.-; stsnu- nl, 4S',i4Si . Rye: No. 2, we. Barley, Untrue. Seil: Tlinothy, $.1.'ioi5.2-; clover, $lt.Uiit 14.00. piovielons: 1'oik, $l..Vi; lard, HO.. 6, ribs. $9. VS.i ll'.76. NKW 1IIKK (1KMKRIL MtRKl'.T OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Kike Big Ad vance for the Week. HOGS SHARPLY UP POR WEEK ! Fat lamb Thirty Fart. Kwea llitarter and Wethers aad Year, ling taartrr t" TblrlyCtv Higher for the Week. SOT'TH OMAHA. tVtobor SI. 18:4. Receipt writs t attle. Hog. Kh0. t'rfl.iai Mon- ..bx 2.e. Sil OfilcUi Tuesuav ...... .U1 4,4V. tt.J Olflclal Wednesdsy ... 4, ,.'8 iii.iuihi 'lliuiMUy ,, Official Krlday a.ts. kat.mat .-sturday .... i.i S.vm Varloa SI day this wck.X).Ma fame day Ust WeeK. Kme da 2 w k so..:. rame days a w'k rfko.V.(iii$ tame nays I w k anci ;l...n Hsnie oy Insi ye .i . JI.M.' 'I he fouuwlng tacle how th oi n" l.uak auu ai,4ivB at IV. Ill U.i.i Ji.eK 18.844 re.,.i for the week, but for th month wll. 'i he stckera lt hav hn r.gbt up nlnct It so fsr as gettlrg eaiush right good killer this week to meat thiv re nulrmenl. Accoidiitgly they wera lotced tn pay Hdnre on ft lmba al most every oy until t the week' close their purchases tost fully S0f40f mor" thsn a week ago. Lsmh this week sold thn highest .'t.r the rr, nnth and the hlgh rt for acv October li the h story of th yrds. The top (Mk niar.lh wa $8 00. puahl lor led western, against a $7.41) top for the seme time Inst rear. A fea ture of th (rde has he n (hat th range stuff rame a little earlier this yer ewtntr to the fsvoraMe ronrtltiAhs on th range, consecniently th rang receipt sr (- to fn off aooner than In meit othr year with th rang sessoi opening iller than tiaual quit a few offering tut Ukrn to the tauntrv ta feed at an esrly date. Innc tha asrlv tti.j arrival of rornl'ea heD and lambs thi !..! week. k,.'4 I The lr.ipevemcni tin wes has rot a... I much a big virtr wu'd ghaut I cover the ii.Ii siks. The to for th week - i "ffl the month he ren $3... ih hlahest j, October since t '0. whei $$0 ws paid. 1,, H 'e hrlns th record for October on thi U- ,Mei i ms -ve . i!U.: tjvetstois ni sheen e-d lambui (tofid 1 Ml, 406 , JO rholce Inmhs. $7 6'nfW.Oc; fair t koed v.,,-; WW" 7: fair ti g.'.a.l frejets jawiagf.j cnma;n to fair fvrders. WJJiff 84P; good to choice rearlln. 1.fio(- Chlcgo ...... Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City,. St. Louis. ...... Winnipeg ..S8. .618 .428 .128 .248 ..168 il 18 18 18 S7 80 68 The followlnir cash aulrn wera rnnorted: W heat: No. $ hard winter, 15 cara, $1.0i;i. No. 3 hard winter. 6 cars. $1.06; 23 cars, $1.0oi; car, $16W; 3 car. $1.05. No. 4 hard winter, 2 cars, $1.04; $ cars. $104; 1 cr, $1.0314. No. spring, 1 cr, Me. No. 8 durum, 1 car. $l t7; 1 car. 11.02. No grade, 1 cr. Mc. 0t: No. i white, 4 car. 44ie. No. 4 white, 3 car, 44c ; 1 car, 4Mic. No grade, 1 car. 43o. Barley: No. 4 malting, 1 car, 64c; 1 car, OJc; 1 car. ttfu. Rejected malting. 1 car, Me. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 1 car, Sdc. No. 8 yellow. 1 cr (part new), BCc, No. 8 yellow, i cars, $Kc. No. 1 mixed, 1 car (neur white), 70c. Nd. 2 mixed, 1 car. 87Mc No. 8 mixed, 1 car, 6M0: 1 car (new), 2o. No. $ mixed, li car, 880. Hye: No. 8, i tar. 88tyc Nc. 8, 2 cara, 88c. No. 4. 1 car (wheat mixed). 87c. Omaha Cah Price-Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1.0GHW No. $ hard, l.(HVs4r 1.06M; No. 4 hard,' 9!4c81.06; No. 2 spring, ll.04M4n.O8; No. i ayr'ug. S1.C8UV 1.05: No. 4 spring, c&ll.03; No. 2 durum, $I.02M1-U7; No. 8 durum, tl.oam l.CT. Corn: No. 1 white, 70iflTlc: No. 2 whit. TOW 704c: No. 8 white, 7flUdj.'l)V; No. 4 white. 6970c; No. 6 whlfs 09l!M'; No. 8 white, MMrSlk:; No. I yellow, WV?lW;c; No. 2 yellow, 0U'4'fti8i.c; N01 i yellow. 94c; No, 4 yellow, flS'6)c: No, I yellow, C8Mi6Sc; No. 8 yellow, ilWiMiSc; No. 1 mlxeit. tflltfaflyjCj No. t mixed. 7'4 457Mc; No. S mixed, CiiVifjWic; No. 4 mixed, 6Sfe.4'; No. 5 mixed, oiA6o; No. $ mixed, Gr.W$i3i. Oats: No. 2 white, 44Ha-t4c; tandard, - 44V.A44Mc; No. $ white, 44T44ic; No. 4 white, 4;:ntJ Ho Parlay: Malting, fi"2c: No. 1 feed. 4S 6U& Rye: No. 2. i88Mo: No. 3, kVVtSSc. ()notatlons of the liny on Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. 5l.-FLOl'R-Klrmly held. W1HZ AT Fpot market Irregular; No. 2! red, 81.17't: No. 2 hard, $l.h ; No. I north ern Imliith, $1.18. No 1 northern Mani toba, tt.21'V nominal, c. I. t. Hn'lslo. fu tures market wa firmer eariiiir ou the HreiiRth abroad, but cased unilr east nil proflt-lMkltig; December, $1.24;-May. $l..iV COttN Spol. firm; No. i yellow, fJ"c, c. I. I. lo orrlvo; Argentina prime, '.8c, nominal, delivered. OA TU fm.t ir.arliet steady: standard. 6SM4r4c; No. 4 white iO(MIHc; fancy clipped white, 64-a.'4i,o. UOP8-Masy; atam, common to chore. 11114 crop, 2s;tc; Pacific cot. 1914, liSf 15c: 1818. HilUc. HAV tteuy; prime, $1.0f; No .1. $l.ooar 102S; No. 2. 8hl'jic; No. i. 8oWo; ship ping, TniSOc. ilimw steady; Bogota, ritc; Cen tral America, 24c. l.EATHKK- F'irm; li-m:ock first, 819 88c; sei-oniU. WU'llc. PROVISIONS Pork quiet; mesa. $21.00 21.60; fnmlly, t3.U'i'.'8.k); hort rlenr. L'SOVuiSOii. Beef, unlet; me, $2I.P0iffi8.tlrt; fa-nllv, $24 00i28.fli. Mrd, steady; mid dle wt, $l).80yiO.!)6; refined steady; con t.nental, )lim, houtr. Aineiira, 114. 10 1 componud, firm, $7.0n7.25. TALLOW yulet; city. Mr; country 6OTc; special, fl'ic !'i TKR Kirin; receipt, $.211 tubs; creamery extra, $14ei creamery, . 84o; nreamery. tints, SSMV.tmc.; second, 264 28c; process extras, 26!sabi)j, ladle, cur rent make, firita, 0!22c; second, $1'., packing stock, current make No, I, 204$ HOGS Firm; rf'lpt, 8.808 tae; fresh gathered, extra fine, Mitfatct extra first, 81J,m3c; firsts, 28l:)c; second, it 27u; tate, Pennsylvania and nearby nenncry whites. 523ii&c; state, Pennyl vanla and other nearby hennery while, ;l3f-.ic; hennery brown, $B4tK; gath-ci-'d drown und mixed color. 28";c. POl'LTRY Live, dull nd weak) west ern chicken. l2f312V; fowls, 12'oiac; tur Itevs. 17tf18c; oressed, weak; western y.sstlng chickens, l.VijlSc; fowls, fresh, 13'18c; f roon turltey. 17(&22c. tit I ymaii. live ick iT..rKet for th yr t4 rf, ."BmBIt5., '.T5 IrlT date, a competed w,tf, ,. year: w7tCrt -tWVli. Jli- I-" Iw0"" 1J14. iSu lv 5V!1'.S'. 8.i7r.M fair to rood wether. Cattle trim 48 . .. a ..I J-'-f J-l fr weth r-. $T.SW4.g5; go d . '''y-rS i: tender ewf. n.-fMil . on luiioM.i.a is.v.e ,k.o ...v p.. ior nog t u,v ull.ll uinut.s. ,l.t stn.: niarket ior tne larft m nay. Wi.ti v ,. Prisop I'ste. Oct. lot. Oct. Oct. Olv. Oct. Oct. Oci. Oct. Ok l. Ct. Oct. tut. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. me?ntlve sale: iiiIJlM''''- ' .8tl. nif. i.ili. j 0"aad far tattle aad Hag Steady 1 7 4..V, ; vtr. ,. .;T.rTTi:"j a. ...... ' !. 14. 1 1 3 i $ 84! k 8l, ( 6 8,, t 4 1 i HICAOO, Oct. I.-CATTLt:-Rcelpt. 1. I 24i T r? 8 at'i I $ 4, 7 481 J 68 h"d.i market teady; beeve. $1.6ile1 I,. I . . 7 8, I Ti I ! 1 7 4s k Hi II 0; teer. $fl.TMr. 40:, atocker and feeg- 1 v is i - ( : j "' '"-.'"t w n ana neirers, 13. WP I 7 Sbl 8 ! 8 !, o, 7 7 6 Wl-ealven $7.8t"10.IW , ..v7M-nerniri. I4.n nad: mrkt !J ,iX!,""lk 'f ", tht. f-l"7.t: m:ed $7. 104,7. S3; hegv', $T.10 ' -.;.4T8n' V !1lt'J: pis. U.yl.U. HKW AND LAMRf Recalpt. 6,00) ivwd.i T I $ 71, $ 2,' 8 Kll T -V, 9i 7 TM j Sl 8 mi ill . li 84 7 1( 3 in 8 M' V W, 4 tJ I 4y $ 8 P4 i I l "it 41 T tu i .,, a I I ': 1 ns. 6 N I 7 i : 6 431 8 i! t 2lt,i 1 K.'iii 7 6.. 44 in t in T Mi .j . 1 ; ,v, 1 1 1, I ., i 84 3 ir) i$.' 7 USUI 7 rl I DM I Ul I 1 1 -l 6 si 7hi 7 74i 1 : I 6 18, t o 4 j At , 7 M.Li t li H ILMI S IS I 1 K . , J 81. T l.tsl 7 tn 7 Ml 8 tn! mt rtipt.' head: market tear. r.7bl?Vri western dumiay. k a i t jk Thei were no catti of any .a,: ntw... .i.aLiuri.ce at tne yam touay. ror tn bulla, J.iiKl.I: calve 86tteifiaan iiou-Kniipt, i.uon head; wiarlKt sraay, nuia or aaitm, 3T .onr7.86: hv n-a niarsot sironc: a hern n.tMNL n im, n.iwr;7,(; latnha, $6.lsVgd.a8. Kan City Lit Stwlt Mark. KANSAS CITY, Oct. SL-CATTLfl-P.- steady; prirae dressed beef leers. M.7M ad feeder , $.arips.n; WWK rece lHa are t..e ..ifc.mi Iha trie. hav been for any rasent iv ..a mailer vn tlin a . year ago. t-nuiu tn Influenc or., the i.knter uni, 001. 1 al thi market and praotn-ady u market point, li.ere he bnea a anaip ivacuon la ail autms tua lift packer and 7 on. batcher. $?. $7.Vii;.46: T. light. rllr.i.r AMj LAMti-Reeip. t-M hed: market ateady; Ivnshp, ltifdii; Cornled iei 01 t... ' U,. i B0OJ .... aWr"' wn ; ef ,1, idgm, $i.r8"-lo. grades and range beat a.eers kinds, which brake SM.Vuc Ul seek, hav leclverod all In deuiiu. ilng yuot. that much higher thi wek. 'tn Choicest frade ef light eern-ietl, wli.0.1 av bean selling up a Hign a 81U..A did not break much last wuc, iii s a matter of couiee hav not aavaneeu niiu.i thi week, lx Ing uigu no a iney liaio bn any time, Htocker ahu leli hav gdvagrad 21 IfiAK, which iiievna mat lt ds c.lne ha bn mvnvemd.. All In all tn matei has haen In a very healthy cemlit.oti ad tola week, n.111 thsre 1 a feeling at irn market pol.i.. (., I.anl Lire Staok Market. - hT. I.Ot;i, Mn.. Oitl. tl.-0ATtI.r-Raeelpt. Job hed; .narket atesdy; ptir 'JLS."1' t''.: row a4 hifrs.; oeker and feeder. S8.M 7.80; southern teer, $.flr.7; cow and laTo1' WXft'' ",v flltus, $i IIOO.-Recslpu.. 10.009 liesd; mrkt lower; plR nd i ahle, $8.H&H.T; mixed nd butclier. $t.3rHQT.A; t4 keavy SUldflP ANt LAMBS-Weeelpu. 400 in-mii market iaqi Liverpool tlrala Market. L1VRRPOOL. Oct. 21. WH EAT Cpot, strong; No. 1 Manitoba, lid; No. 1, 8s SSd; No. 8. 8 Id: hard winter, md; future, firm; October, 8s 2Vd; Decem ber, vb uti . . . lair corn-fid beeves. 1a1.l04ga.ev1 CORN-fpot, quiet; American m.xea. . . 1 u4r..: fair ta aeon ritrt MlIK:, 1 , I - that large receipt cuu.u rasuy pt t.. I r4.twt.25; lamb, $7, 0oa 15, nia.ket back again.' ta lit- tuner iod. - otrtors at nil polot do not ioo foi ! S$. Jnarah !.! atn Market. ( excessive runs, tn telimg blnf i.iat to . g,T. JOHEPII. u.. Oct. 81 -CAT-rr ir' imavy snippiM eaeon ior iai.gei.aiii v, ipu hd: . 7tmHZ-Si7T.. I oar aluiougn a iut!r ol course It 18 ai any im le hav a heavy run for a uay or two. Ouotatltna an cattle; Wood to rholc curn-fed beeves, lA.6u; tlr to goot. cru-led beeves, $a.ihw.w; romuieu u new. 7 i; riliures, iirm; unuwi, us im. Iiei-oniber, 5a UHd, KLOUR Winter patentg. 3d. St. J.nnl IJrala Market. BT. Loll. Oct. 31-WllKAT-No. 2 red. $; No. 2 hrd, il.lWI.lS; Hr cfmber, $1.18; May. $1.1H. t ia CORN No. 3, 74c; No. 2 whit. c', De cember, 7it! Msj', 71'ke. . t)ATf No. 2, 4of47i!; .No. 2 while. 48V. CHICAUO GUAIX AD PROVI8IO Mlnneapolla drain Market. . MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 31.WFT EAT De cember. $ua; May. l "N:,aN?i(.1 ilarl ll.j4i No- 1 northern, ,$1.121.MU: No. 2 northeni, $l.vll.HU. lenrlna llan.e Hank Htateiurnt. KKW YORK. Oct. 81. The alatement oi the averutie condition or clearing llOUSO bailK adU irusi comoanira ior lin week shows that they hold $14,l$,8i4 re serve In excess et legal requirements. This I an Increase of $M34,8i) front last week. The stutemnnt follows: Amount. Decreass. $3.1.77. 261,000 $l,.8,fa) 84n,Od1,OW 4.7KS,tW Keatare of (he Trading; and C'loalaaV Prior on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. SI rtltr reoelpt at prl -mary point made the wneat market fall back today after an early advance. The do wa nervous, at 'ic under last nlniit Corn finished unchanged to '. down, oats off 14c to ',4o and provision vmy Ing from 100 decline to a rise of 5c. Nearly twice a pinch wneat airiv.d l the principal terminals today as the tctnl amount of tha corresponding date a year ego. Besides, the figures for tha week exceeded by 2 fyOo.cCO bushels the recoru for the preceding seven dus. In this connection It wa said that so much wheat had already been aold't.) go to Eurvpe that exporter were becoming re luctant to take the risk pf contract which called for shipment during No vember. Hunts!) en'.iinent resulting from tin aggressiveness of Turkey and th ohancf of a wet harvest In Argentina wa ie ponsltile for the strength of wheat et thf outset, the market advene!-r t '-.I Loan Specie Lerl tender Net deposit Circulation Hunks' rush tes In vault Ti-.isi companies' aerve In vault.., IOS,27..)0 l,8l,68J,0i 1 42, JIM, '100 3S1,8U4.000 06,4S,OOO 1.8.MI.100 1.2.010: 8.178,IK4i Totii) reserve 448.WCO0 l'.xce's lawful reserve 14.W14.0W Tinst lompo l ies' reserve with clearing house member oarry lug 2.". per crnt eanli reserve..,. liK'rcai. . . . . fl'.miinarv of stte bank and trnt com panies in 'Greater New York not liu.luoed III dealing house statement! 1 - Amount. Increa'a. Loan. Investment.... Wi.Kfi.ttm tii7.ft) C.nid .W7 Currency, hnk antes.. 18.8"8,itO0 Trial dpolt 8lM.772.4i)i) Uecrcnso, Rask Clearl . u OMAHA, Oct. n. nunU clemlngs for n,a i!i enrllna Hatunlav a compared about 6e abovu the lowest price of Thur. j to the deal ing o( the coiryonilns week day morning. Pealixlng sales, however f Moved unexpectedly heavy, mint of 1 arsreet houses lolnlng In with decided vigor. On th breajt, though, a a who'o the trade reverted to an attitude of ex treme caution. ' Fine weather put nomcthlng of rhe-:k on the bull In corn. Acrnunt wa also taken of the setback In wheat On the other hand, fresh sale to Ku'roc writ reported, and it was said that the new federal grading- wuuld delay th mirke. Ing of a great deal of corn which was moist. pat were governed cliltfly by Too latK to olassikv. WATCH N'ciii silver, open-face, eplen dld timepiece for paperhancer outfit, or might pay caeh if puce i right: rtate what you hav In first letter. Address a C, li.M. Bee. WANT Florida. Hav a bunch of Omaha vacant and. Improved. Address J 131. TOO LATK TO tLASSIFY" FOR 8ALI2 New. 6-room bungalow, all inodreni principal room In oak; full cement basement. W block from car line, $21.1 cah; balsgce Ilka rent. Call Walnut tsr. today and arrange to have me allow you this house. ;$15 Per Front Foot VACANT LOT IN TH K WE8T FARNAM DISTRICT. 45xlM ft. one-half block from" SSih and Davenport !.. only $U76. ThU Is aolid grourd. on grade and In a neigh borhood where lota are selling for $! to $100 pr front foot. J. H. Dumont & Co. Announcement To all those whom I hav promised to advise as to when I will be able to dts tusj defllntely th price and term for the renting of the hotel at the northwest corner of 18th and Harney street, op posite the court house It I now being rapidly finished and I can show the plac and arrange for term on S lease. If interested rail. Harry Wolf ISO!) Farnam ft. Phone Dougls 649. Ware Block. Doug. $068. "THK WORLD'S GREAT EST AVAR" Two vols., 190 pages. 200 photo; first vol. ready Dec. 10; 2d vol. when war 1 over; frte outfit ready Nov. 4. Th' will he, th tie't seller of all the war book. V. A. lUXENBAUGH & CO. 11 BT. MARY'S AVK. IfUY your fain ly ll'iuor at Klein's Lluuor House, 6-2 N. lth. Dougla 1 8. , bTKNO., law office, $.15; steno. and book keeper, $:; manager familiar with ageni y work, one who ' an oiganise sell ing cam; nign. slarv nd pr cent. O-OPKKATIVK FIOKKRKNCK "'O. K'li-16 CITY NATIONAL BU. BLU1. 7 to a year ago nr Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Tht;rda.v ., Ktlduy KHtuiday .. Total. ... as follow: Last Year. ....$ 2.162.8-,$ 07 .... 2,4n,R: 24 .... 3.1U7,fs2.64 .... 2,wl7,67(i,24 .... 2,820.074 08 .... 2.811.628.14 laog .ion, 8).i 1U...411; common 10 fa. I range sler. fc.uu..ll suotl to' caeit grass hetfei. n.wJ.,7.vsi; good lo coon grsa caw, $, tali' ta s-oj giaot. 8t'.0Qiti-(u; uvmmen lu .ir grade, $4.(Hi...'t: laedsra, 8.uws k,i)! good lo chok suKtjr a..d feeder. ,.2i..: ilr t giHa tou ana leedtr, H a-'-f0; coninion to fa.r stoek i and (eedr. 6.4atl.u8; tock hU'i, $4..66.wl; sto.-k evw. r.iiu.J; toc calve, l.'.Utg 10. veal laivee,'.wi; bud, 's. etc., $4.ot(fl3 tlOvlli atecelpts lenialiied medratf and a other mantel war in gtwd anape, trade opnd out alroPS o aicel hlghar. yult a tiuinbsr ot nog iU on l. U basis, but a haaithy tu8iii uinaiid nu ai'tlv uompeiliKiB from me hir(r iniypis sarvMi ta irengthea rn.e pp until qu.ta a rgr at the e' was mshnd ft pi-It that ve.e 1 rial nickel up, while th cloa wn the beat tlm. eome mad at thi tlm being quoted a tH higher, on th whole, llc. wa aitue at an averag adranc 01' !fu& m and lh moderate supply was practically . I clranad up by ahuit.y Aar 8 o'clock, iiulk of th hog un at a spread ot $7.0rvaf.2O. with a top ,t $T,28, tn high uilce for th wk. The wek trade ha j bten going upward on most day and n ailice 01 a vuupm ni'siii n tipavas viivh how a gain of U.v. The laat waK h brought .a belter demand for good, weighty hogs, and t present II I largely a matter flf-iliailty with, th buyer. .A 1 I the representative sale will how, em- :ni mpn lights are llln down at the bot torn of the. spreau. along the rough j l.eavl.-, while guod hog, carrying cure ss wsonol binrbi weight are crowding the top ,wilird. t- Todav supply amount to sometii ng like forty-nine rir or 8,400 heed,. The loial for th wrek foots up SO.yvJ Seed. bcUig 8,000 smller thafi a week .gi snd 7.04 lighter than '.t yar. Thi week's auenlv Is erosllrr than 'of say similar perod a. nee the lt week of Hepl:nhr. The month of October clone with prl' 08 tha sinlt that tb?' per at th eon of tV:.yar ln: 1811, T.i inar 1 et hti decligtd during th meath 7.o. P.eceltU with tke exception of Inst 8p itmbir ar in m ins, ror an montti lnc Oclebrr, IMf. , . 1 . ' . . 8k. 'r, IS ... 6f 1 t M 7 v 1 7 It 1 ) I $ cews arid heKer. l'.60.00; cls $8.tW&-ll),0ll. ..lJisr1?T,pl .. mret. tdy to 60 lower; tep. r.ti bulk, $7.Bms,. "1IKB1 AND LAM-fUelBt. ' M lieod rr.srkat, tadv; lamb, $7.frol. mi 1 11 .m Vt Kinaed)' for ntor.-AdvrrLls-ment. Ik Last ftaat. ' 217 001 222.000 . ftl.OOV Th1 'r- 13.1112,8.1$ 00 Z.DT'i.-rm (4 .m.i.w 8.(21.803. 40 2.48.Pit.4 1 r - ' - - N. 88.. 41., M, , 41 . 78.. 74.. Ml. . 4'8 Ml UN J17.CM.H7ll 3 $18,788. 200.52 Kansas t.ttr t.raiu rua frvTlla. KANHAf CITY. Oct. (H.-WHTAT-No. 2 hard. $I.07fcl.OSi4; No. ( ted, $107; D ue).er, fl.Oi'.i: Mar, $l.l'ITtt1.U. , CORN No. 2 mixed. 70ift7Jc; No. 2 white. 70-n:i'': December, C4V'; May,- Pc. O 4TR t'rehanged lo He higher; No! 2 wli e- No. 2 mixed. IMMl'ie. 1U:TTKK-Crrcery, I'le; lirt, USc; seenpris. .c; pacVlnp, 20Ve. FC.C.H F ists. 58r; aecouds, IS'c. POl'LTRY Hen, He; roosters,. 8c; turkey, Vie. Ne, . 41. 14. e. It. 74. 4T. 14. 7. rii.w $1 nn ... 8 il 18.. too ... 1 r Hi'l.'i p-A shoita.oe r the rolut and a eoniwiinient rise n sheep and lmi price hav oharac:tr.rlrd the vek trade. Tho t(o.pts r not only short ...144 ... .KM ... HI ..-.10 ,,..IM ....Si ....$.1 2r ) as. :::::: ......Ml 984 171 h. ' Pr. l$.1ttu ta t irw it t 11 88 T II ' ::: .IS !4 M) 2$ , llmis wi. Arobubly po ta.-.oenl In th ranjt..uian war of H.O i..U di. matio than t.tat wh.cli marked It clot. I. . , ' -t i"iuui or in rrus Sinn t.bai..r of Deputie. wa 8nt wltn a tollacgua to Versailles ta (oit.fStula. King ii I. ham uBun hi eledln. ro ll em r, ' t , , v M.trii'cli. tvho kd 5ut oonclused tha li of pear with Franc, I rvltrd Ihcni lo jtipper, and in in tours of tb mal ld: -tli!. night. 13 v)Vlork, th lt Shot I be exrhantcd' bew4mi ur troop and IU Kreach. and I have coo noded to the Fi ni.l. Hi, honor of th lu. hot.''. - Farckenbec,! nd his rlleanu lft their host before itildnlghJ, drew out their Watches, stood.'Tiesth lantern ot the Hotel d't Hervalr. end waited. J'ligt ther wss a aaknon hot fei th Oariuan. lln; then a olwmn tlll-i!s T(ien followed tke Ut rely from Jlnt Valar'sf. The towei pl(k at VrnHI slMirk 12: tb f'ruuh ar hsd andtd WMaV.IM.. U.AM . . ' - . ( Calt 1r Trlh Ho-... ti.,o '-ilan-. t .'.m-HiM f , nf John Wlirgrna, who live ntsr Ilt',ns. 1'a. trea nfhniiy ffilallv l(V'iifd b o i ii ttU. after the an'mal Uad an nil bv a Inrto tna thrown it him by . 'rowd e . bov st play. .Tb 4"'t -' ' fi1d n th Wl llm home wl;n tb gte wa i.eoar.. . Ovtrtaklpg loug rV'iiHgm. "ho m maViag fir tlt fence th mat l:iocVed bltn do-n ar(l gfur us wing h'nt hrok him a dtrg would rat. . A ''I n"n' "inlfh, -hpi 1i to hv ,theew th )!,. n for id to wnr Wl-to-', fe'1-..r, h aav wn rrid fiv,- 4ba haw he wa in-conTl-v,a snd nh'-'VInn said r, -g in k e tlnl, ; contJ'.es -PttlUrsU Ols. COTTON SEED . , OSAOKED 1 Ootta d Ck old srs Caka Ftom Txs MUl ro Tou, vtK r 'lf ii for srlM on High Ota. Me I or prSoka Ck, 48 a 4 Dr f"! aroteln. f'ed Pred Caka r" Tzza.t cl. ins awo lam ee. pa.x.a. -m. Slnax City Lire stork Market. BIOl'X PITY. Is., Oil. Hl.-CATTELJS -Receipts, 100 head. IKKlj- Rei-olpts. 2,'VO hesd: mnrket steady; heavy, $7.0Mi 7.15; mixed, S7 oe', I7;: Hht, $7 a.8h7.02t; hulk of le. $'.Cu4i7.C5. 8HKEP AND I.AM np No market. ON YOUR MONEY V have ae vers I illfforent plans whorrby you can ant from 7 to 10 on your money sod ba absolutely safe in your luveotmtint. As every one knows Heal Estate is one of the best sad safest Invest ments on ear 11), We can ar range H so you ran Invest In Individual properties or take as Interest with others. It will pay you to see or write as about it. HASTINGS. A HKYDEX. KM Harney Street. iiaa tip 1 .lvr Stock lu Slab!. P.ece pt of live stork at th five prin cipal western mrkets: Catt'a. Hns. Hhep South Omaha 8 4"' Hloux t'lty Kansits lty V1 S, 4Jt. Louis I.... W) 10,1.10 40 Chlcv.-O '' - Totals 1,842 .81.8J0 i.W toff Market. - - NEW YORK, Oct. 81.---OOFFKIC-Th market wa very quiet today In nhnc of cost and freight offer. Il'o i-xihanc on Iindon waa off 'ed, hut the- Klo mar ket was vim Manned. The local market for siot cffe wit I kewls . unchanged, with K10 No. 7 note.d at and funics No. 4 t 10'jc. In tha ll'iol.latlnt room liecember coffee sold t 7..jC. "hi Ml. fl e York Mnaey Market. NF.W YOUh". Oct. (I.-MKRCANTH'R PAI'lB-81i4i per cent. Bterllnf ex change, firm : fio-dav II:!h, $4.875; for taules, $4 81; for demnnd, $I.140. isiLVKR-Bsr 4"P F.xchsnKttS, $.IS.C0ii.V balances, $n.572. 8J1. Kxehonges for the wt-k, $I.JI2.W0 747; balance. $71,4M,4ti. , t ettoa Market I.IVK.rtPOOU ;1 OTTON-Oiod bin. nes 'tone; bushier , inuadening riule 'i.X balsa. 1 Gold This Morning Eh? tsaBSBBS MAKKH you tliink about coal. Coal makes you think of, )v:mr pocket book. There's wliere we com in. W nave you $2 to sj(4 per ton by selling you divert from ,or nUn. I?ettr quality coal tjiajn' you hove been get' ting-. Oaimonfcv weight nd Quality jtuornntpefl nmleiv bonij.; Writ? at oner and fiml out about " TECUMSEH COAL Every pound -of T!.'iimsi Toal 1 tleao. fro burning an I illukerlea. W guiafit It to pioduca t$,40 U J. to th ecu I ucuad art t)i. paly $4' Biolstur and t ash. ' 4ur in In, lorattd near Vln-i-fnnes, Ind, sr close at h8d Sn4 i ytiu til's snx of loua. bty 'rom Kalra mint. -., 'flioussnd t irs 4 lisv Sinptsd th Trurah csal oluS aln. Thrt or fnit.- ' fniltes pl't s tarlead. Tb viiig' Is a-erth while, l VAtl !i).H LOTS F. O. $. MIXES Vi-U PosiMtii ut.. ., , , . ,a s ta lalU-task Bestl Vil,,,,,ftM (11 M laaa Uo tamp, ........ ,I M w t tx-a MXaa a, ay sis. . . .tLlO r ts orB4af Sl.M yr 8 a 1fj-lBh Inns a ...... i , ........ Per tea freight Rat tf Otcskf )sly (4 is 9i a. artin-Howe Coal Co. Mt era ilwas. . W, K. Sort, IPyeaidsat (b Fraeiuaa. w)Q rttt. i partd Isfl. vto VraS. J. OeiWr, Mm -Trea. J88S MeCraoiek SoUStaa', Olltw' 1 ng- cutaa fbea attrrUea $1L k oef