I 1 ! J U l ! I i i 1 t t i THK BEE: OMAHA. it. WANT ADS W ant ad rc-eled at any time, but to Inaurt proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7.fc p. m. for morning end Sunday edition. Want add received after nich hours will be under tha hesdlng, "To I.ate to Clify" CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a word each Insertion. Three time within one week, 1H cents word each Insertion. One tuna t rents a word. : CHARGE RATF.B. Seven rmieecuuve times, I rents a line each Inw-rtlon. Three times within one week, 10 cents a Una each Insertion. One time, u cents a Una. Count six average words to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 cents. Tha Pee will not he responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims fcr error must ba promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. Ton ran place your want id In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER lnro. Unrlaimpd Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have twrn called for nd delivered during the last week. Jt Is reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have made the dc alied swaps therefore, do ri"t call lor the balance of their answer, lice Want Ails sure gt results. TODAY'S ro.MPI.KTK MOVIK PIllHiKAMH l:i lush rly In The, He toaorll Illutl.. ELITE NO. 1. MS RRoADWAY. t The Long Way. 3-reel Edison. The Peacemaker, x I'sgraph. ROPER THKATKR. 537 RROADWAY. Mary Patients, Imp. Mr. Noad s Adless Pay. Joker rwlv. Myrterv of Gron Hall. 2-ree F.-'lair sitnth umnuM HFSE TIIKATKH, 24TH AND N. Hearst-Bellg No. . Onodhve Summer, i reel Vltaraph. The Crooks. I.ubln. LIVE WIRK MSINKHS .MEN OK OMAHA prraamskl aa- STR A NOER in rltv wants day work. 19 y rs' rune r(en e, $1 per ilav Walr.ut 32H MISS STl RDY. .'Ill Cass. Hen i.Jl. FASHI' NA HI.K dressmaking. s:r; I orhy. Drags. DRUGS at rut prl'rs; freight paid on 110 orders; rataloKuc fre. Sherman tk Mc- Connell Drue Co, Omaha, Neb. lion I lata. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. l.Vii? Karnam. MAGIC, 24TH AND O lm.lv a I)ellverance, Frontier. White Roses, Hex. The Wall of Flame, Nestor. Pr. Todd nlvcolar.rtentlstry. i3 Rrandei Vnailerlllr. ORTHEfM THEATEIV 24TH AND M. Five-reel feature, Fighting the World. A X XOr NCEM ENTS $.'. 321 1221 122 J2TJ 12 124) 1347 )) r;.t l:"4 K'.',4 J2'JC IM SC. SC. Pi' Hf 1271 13? ir,9 U"72 i:c,7 )4in j i,-, l-4 I UX 1 4'J) H,U 12M 1342 Mil 12'9 1144 1412 i: 11.7 HI 1(71 !!"! 135.1 u:'4 1172 l'7 ."1 H2S 1171 IM 12 14X1 MS 1?W 13T4 14.3 MS.1 isui M7H jm i.'.ii ' H M4I 1.M3 1107 l.twi M4.'. 1M3 1212 lf4 IMx 1,17 13'4 !X1 p-,4 K.19 I Ml 14. HUi i.Vtl PC I .40 H. -.4 I. ..V. r.:i 1.V.7 1.7.1 i.v Ii'mO 1..74 i:7s IV, 7 r.s-. i.-.Mi 1T.S7 l.V.iK Free Dental Clinic To those who have hnd dental opera tions made at the meetings of the Wood bury Rudy club, notice Is hereby given to present yourselves at Crelghton Dental College Monday, November 2, i a. m. This opportunity to have dental work done by experienced dentists free of charge is open to all who care to take advantage of It, providing they require the class of operation the club Is study ing. Early Examination Is Essential DEATH AfcO Kl OTItU. PAI'LPEN Anna C , widow of the lute Senator J. T. l'kuls.'n. Wednesday morning at her daurhter', Mrs J. (J. Hrandt a rerluenrp. IV- Lake street. Ftinerat Friday at 2 o'clock from her daughter a residence. Friends are wel. come. Interment I'rospect Hill cemetery. Automobiles In place of ourriages. KIRTIIS AD DKATIIS. Births Thomas and Hlanchn Murray, JH1 Park avenue, girl; w. K. and Ethel X Mcgeath, 1742 Koulh Tlilrtv-second venue, girl: W. and Carrie Pheehan, 4hI1 Cass, girl; Fred and Emma Thomas, H3 South Twentv-jixth, hoy; Albert and Nel lie Zlmmer, 3120 Fowler avenue, Rlrl. Deaths tleorgla Urlac.ie, days, 2011 Paul; Nicholas Nason. to.", venrn. huspltul; Nelsoii llaite, 8.S ycar, 23'4 Puvenport. Bl ILPI.Vt; ITIIMITH, Charles J. Woch, South Thirteenth, frame dwelling. l.t.WW; K. hKogman, IM.I Boutii Thirty-sixth, liame dwelling, li.ouu. TODAY'S CO.MJf J2TH MOVIE rilOGR..M3 Eicluslveljr In Tb life. Dies 'lows, CAM ERA PHONE, 1403 DOlTClIAB ST. -Marcel, tha Foster Mother. 2-r. Vila. They Wura College Hoys. Dlograph. . Ttre flreater Ixive. I.ubln. E,'JTJS.E!a J? . , lm KARNAM. Her Mother Was a Lady. 8-real Iub. Knakellle'a Pearu Maker, Ess. Thc Loa n Phai k King. Vita. KARNAM. 1416 KARNAM A Aiaaonnn or the I'oor, 2-reel Than- ou.rr orama. weekly No. W. Dash, lcne and Bpash, Keystone comedy. Uirp 'XUt'ATu: It. JCVit AND HARNEY, lloina of Paramount Pictures. PARK, ti n. 16X11 tiT. Lord Cecil Intervenes. Lubln. The PoUoned Hit. J-rel Kulson. fc"PPry Mlm and (.iieen-Kyed Monster. PARLOR. i40llTUUV88T" Ive and Purgery. 2-reel comedy. The Decision. Hex. drama. Desirable Offices For Rent in The Bee Building ONE ON FAIIXAM STREET 520 Sq. Ft. -$50.00 location and Service the Best PIJONTY OF HEAT FREE LIGHT Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 1 03. fcaMcy, the iientlst. 7ii0 ty Nat l Hnk Tsft lenial Hmitns. 117 I inuelns. P. .1m. Pyorrhea. Pr. Fli-kes. 724 'Mty Nat. Hank. K.lertrle anppllea. LF.HHON Flee. Wks H. 12th T ?1TS HatliP WANTED FEMALE Jtu eel la nrnn. Y"T"NO women coming to C;r.i:'a s strangers are Invited t'i lsit t lie oung Women' Christian Asooet:on h iildir.i: at Pt. Mary's Ave end ITth ft., wtierx they wll be directed to jtalln liosriing places or otherw ise assisted Ixiok f- r our traveu rs' guide t L'mon statl.m. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, nalramea and Solicitors. WE can uso p'l edua'ed men through out the 1'nlted States as representa tives to supply the Increased demand for the New Intomntional Kney. lopaedla owing to the present European wr. For full Information, address Podd, Mead & Co, New York City. Al'TOMOBILES Llndr.org Hros . 2.'72Iav Kly ng M"rke). f-;r"eni,igh cintsha Had Hep. Co.. 2"2i Far. tk" f 'vy. Lf Tn so a ifvo e for winter storage, steam best; make ar rnncerticnts now. ;?ni l'amam. FHP cars paint d ::, other car accord ing to sine; work gtd I'hope ft a.' $HMi Ii.rfe.l for an tnSKiiet,i cn.i i te t ulr. foil rear'g' n Hwydorfer. 2'0 N. H lrdusttlal rcim 'o., i'lth Harney f-ts. actoMmhii.k stukaoi:. In steamheatcd garage, J7 T4) per Month. Auburn Auto 'o . 2""9 Farmm Pt. Korrlera. LKN FKNPTF.R. 1410 N 34lh Ft W. Kver,lblnK for Wnmri. Woman Kxchange. 4.12 Pax. Blk. Moiore clea. I! A RLKT-DAVI DPtIN MOTORCYCLES. Hargalns in used machines. Victor Rons, "The Motorcycle Man.'' 27it Leavenworth. W A NTKD Palcsman for Iowa and Ne- I "4 INDIAN MoT' iRCYt'LK nuw ready; orasKa, sell laille house and wnsh 1 t'Srgntns tn ue,i mnrnities. (j.maiia Slre.-t dren. . hildren s dresses, wash j LI'-'YCLE CO., pith and Chicago, li. 372.. skirts, klmtitioa and robe. Kent dun - - ; Jros. .Mrg. ! ., Waukegan. III. AGENTS, solicitor .ind collectors, who are now working, answer this. Ad dress J pi,-,, Hee. n 4912. IUS1XESS CHANCES ACCfiRPlON. side, knife, sunhurst, box pleating; covered buttons, nil alxes and ItARHER SHOP FOR SALE-Flrst-clasa iir-to-date barter shop. ID new white styles: hemstitching, plcot edging Ideal I eist nana m,ig Pleating Co., 2o Douclas Hlock. D. 1H.T. Mutual Dencirt; Health and Ace. Omaha, j '-hair-; must scl. at once Arldresa 0, . , t .-- - - . , Han.sen, 120 No. llth .it . Lincoln, Neb. 1 11 1 HA LLP MA X, good candy line. For Sale IK h;i :hs UKFriltENi 'K I'll,, 1 1 1 n attd Harney. Florists. A. DONAHCE, 11122 Harney. Doug. inoi. RATH'H florists. IM14 Fartiam St L. IIKNDKHSON, IM! Karnam. Menilier Florist Telegraph Del. D. 124. Ass'n. HF..H8 A HWOBODA. 1415 Karnam Kt. Hair lreanlng;. IIarp r Method. R. . Halrd Hldg. D. S11 BWIT'ilK.M from combings, II M. D. 2H1. l.lve Mtork Heniedlr. OMAHA Remedy Co., Ur, s. 12th. Red. 42S2. Lighting Fix (urea aad Wiring;. THOMAS DURKLN, Electric, fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work clone reasonable. 2419 CC.MINU. DUI ODAH 25l!. Must ( uitainr auil l.nilse aopplles. M Ft J It. of lodge regalli and coatunies. Tho largeat stock of mas'iucrade un4 theatrical ctistuim; In tho country. Theo. Llehen & Bon, 1514 Howard. D 4115 Mfra. and Window shade leaner. OLD shade mode like new. Midwest Hh.ade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4W1. Messenger and Transfer. WHITE LINK. ,Ki9 K. 11th. Douglas 2212. Millinery. HW1TCHKS from combings. II. CO. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. K'k, i4 S. lHth. D. T7. DKNTl.sTU V All kinds or Dental Work done, under careful ui-rvlslon, at the the Crelghton College of Dentistry. 210 8. mh St. Children' teeth straightened. KKKK very moderate. Extraction free. PIANO TI NINU, K. IIKA.V PON. Recommended iiy Mary Munchhoff, Mlllo Rvan. Hush. Dufflcld. Hell Robin son and Landow. W. 4:;:2. 4il N. 2Mh Ave h 1 1 ) N H, showcard. Clark Hon. D. 137. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Het remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; rc,c postpaid: samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha Wedding announcements. Doug, ftg. Co. DON'T KORC.ET. . . WATTERHON'3 VNION URCHF.nTRA for all occaa'ons. Ktrb'tly the best. Ad irees 313 N. 20th Ht.. or phone Doug. u. "Gibson's Buffet " 22 South loth Bt nUAW"NnffOVKINti. WALNUT H193. lT'CKY wedillng rugs li'eodi.gaard's. PRINCthS, 1317-1S DUI'Ula. In Kelf-Dmense, featuring M'llllam Hhay. Tiie Benator Lady, lth Ednu, Alataon. A Race for a Pride. Merllng comedv. Aorta. ALHAMBRA. 11 N 24TH ST. Keeper of the Light, rrincesa drantti. Art the Artist. Kel.ance drama. Vsislty Race. 2-reel Thanhauser comedy. ALAMO, 24TH AND I'UItT bTal n and 4)ut. Hterllng comedv. W hen the Heart Calls. 2-reel Imp. Mlatre ofpeadwood HasliL Ilex. CL1FT5x. Military Ave. amFllurdelte." Coocince. 2-reei Thanhauaer. The Mksquerader. Keystone comedy. Hound of the Heqshell. American drama. dlmon"d. 24irT'rrST! icy o' Heart. No. 11 J-reel Oold Heal. Her bounty. Hex drama The Countless fount. Joker comedy. FRANKLIN f II KATK'ftTsalT Franklin. An I'ntarnlshcd HMeld. Lubln. The Ulrl at the Lock. 2-reel Lubln. Heth's Kweethert. Edison. rollllcat. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am the republican csndlduta for re election to the office of secretary of state. Registration days, October and 24; eluc Uon, November 3. 1914-Addlaou Walt. John H. UroBsman, nor-i.rl:an can-JI- date for district Judt;e. lf elected 1 will not be controlled by any pol.tlcal boss. LIVE WlltE lit BIN ESS MEN UK OMAHA A B C ot Omaha I A A 1,1. II r.n, .1 A -lei. special priccu, ccpl. and Oct. I X hUv noXv. ti a week. Western Watch utul Jewtliy Co, Room 217. Karbacn block. HIPIH..DlUMli THEATER. 2514 Cuming. Mutual Utrl. Mm. ti Isiy Ciets the NVrong hottle, Rel. com. Tale of the Northetern. 5-r. Rroncho dr. IT THEATER. 1TH AND 1K'l'KT BTS Hearts and Diamonds. 2-reel Vltagraph. Just a Hit of Llf. Ulograph. White Lies Kssanav 1THK0P. 24TII AND LOTHRop." The Mnnlng of Denlse. 2-r. K.-B. dr. The Miner's Raby. Reliance drama. Caught In a Klue. Keystone comedy. LlfAlT 240s"i 'ALDWKUL HT The Phantom Light 2-reel nion. Teeding the Kllt. Nestor comedy. Angel of the Camp. Power. N EW and aecond-hund electric tana und motors. lHron e.'loctrto Works, 3IS S. 12th. Douglas 2I7H. Moving;, Mtornur and Cleaning-. W. C. KERRIN. 15th and Capitol. '1 y. 1200. Maaaeoaea. MASS., rheu., TRA VKLI Xi salesman. pa nt, . house. Apply -.VI IVe p.l,g. goctl Clerical nnd Office. HI(JM-f!l!AME commeiciHl positions. WESTERN REF. & BOND AN. Hi Omaha Nat. Hank HMg WANTEIj-Young man stcnu ; out of town, good future, . Y. M. C. A. j-.mppoyment Kept. A business that Is clearing from tMtt to H.'.O per month light now; t7.iQ cash will buy; half rash, the rest good paper; no competition; within a block of the Owl I'rug Co. Owner Is leaving city, must sell. Address E 101, Dee. FOR SALE Faraltnrr. Auction Two h'eh triad.' Mi.no and two others' t,t be sul, to the highest b.dder Saturday fit 2 p. m. at Omaha Van and Storage' sales room. '. DOWD Al'CTHN f'f.. Auctioneer!". Maenl Instrument. I'HN'O laver: a bargain lei H 4"! I PRt i H T piano cheap for cash. for sale, good tone, 2'7 Charles Web. MSI T J pew rlter. TTPF.WRITFRS sold, rented, rer.alred Central Typewr.ter Fxchance. :07 S. l7tn. RtNT Rt iii.ngVous. Moiiaich and Hmitlij Prei-iierg of their makers. The Kerning-' ton Typewriter Co. - Telephone Pouglasl 12M. Rental credited i'. you purchase, and only cry newest and blithest grade ma chines !-ent out. Rates, three months for I", for umlcrstroke. machines or $t per month for latest model vis, hie writers. All make typewr ters rented, sold. term. Hutts Typewriter. 1 "" Karnam. P. 1 M I seel In ueou. Pakry and furnace wood. Tel. Klor 401. SWAPPER'S COLUMN CLEAR LOTS to trade for late roadster. Ford preferred Address P-fiST. rare Bee. CoNTRACTOli and carH-nter will do your rarrenter work and repairing; also put up Mur storm sash; anything of value taken ill exchange; a gootj heater wanted. Address S. C. 1.V4, C .1 e u r h n i . xcnanicea dictapT ueeTiTsii n p h ioTTraph with complete outfit for making and re producing both two and four-minute rec ords, together with suppiy of blank; out f,t nlmott new ami cost over H0; Just the thing for shorthand writers requiring dic tation to work up speed, or can be used for learn ni? foreign language. Want good vls.tde typewriter, or will accept any thing of equal value 1 can use. Address H. C. lnlW. Bee. DCE HILL A l-AI d tie hill; good as cam as first payment on any piano; sell tor K.i or trade for diamond or anything. S. c. li ilt SALE A No. 1 grocery and meat niflrKU oienz a ki net ca.sn inimncKS nn,i ewi nr, i i-.j i. Bui A K E noi.r.. ; i ,, delivery will stand cl so inspection I will be sold at a bargain. t7 H. Ma.n St., , ouncll H uffs, or telephone Douglas l.'Sil. e tlnd a position that tits vou. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., "-" flty Nat I Hank Hid,-. , UHO.. ERY STOKE tor sale, only eg. STENtJUKAPHUR, splendid opportunity; elusive one in live town of 1.100, located to grow Into sales position. fj State, in western Iowa. Doing good business. Rank Hldg. j N 111 pay to Investigate. Oood reasons tor selling Address -231. care !e. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship in Hoyles Kusiness college, Omaha; gooj for cither short hnd or busines course. Apply at the ol flee of The Omaha Hee. 2-rand mch. Hros VS reck ( 'n , 2i at Paul. Sx7 (JRAFLEX newspaper camera, wltn 11' plato holders, carrying case for enmcra and carrying ca.e for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition ana a ibg barnuin for tho lot at llu. Address A ftn. Hee. AI'To robe, Canadian blanket 12-uaugj lVlV.aular ,,,,n t,,b,lm.n 1 ll'N llrtlllTn FOR SALE .New and m , (.,u-na nd laroin! and poi-ket hlll'nrd tallies and bowing i alley and accessories; oar iixiures or an kinds; easv payments. The Urunswk'k-I'slke-Collender Co., 4ifT-40 S. llth SI EwL'lTY 4l,iXH) equity in a cosy four room cottage, almost new; to beauti ful lots, each fxljc., located at Benson; trade for equity in Omaha property; pilce. 1.MX. P. C. 1.W KoH SALE OR TRAPE Lot, north of Krug Park;, fine location; a bargain If taKen nt once. A GSt'; FtMl SALE OR TRA PE -pasaenger Hupmol,il5. In first-caes running order. Will trade for another car that 1 can work over this winter, or what have youT S. C. 1519. bxl GRAFLEX newspaper cajnera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camei a and carrying case for plate hold, era. The outfit in good condition and a btg bargain tor tn lot at 1110. Address H C. 1S11 FURNITURE tot u 46-room hotel titar Oinana, ',W0. Low iai rem oii 'ie building. What have yuu to offer t Address H c 12S.. care Re 1'OR stenographic or clerical ; o.-It ions see WATTS REE. I'll., Klo-42 Hi aiKl-ia Thea. Factory and Drug st 're snaos; loin. Trade. KlUM He- Pldu M ler llanc-ou. LIvARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It pay. Long, closely guarded secret ol big tactorics. Particulars free. Wm. liar Mow, r,H 2:!1 St , Oakland. Cal. Wanted at Once MEN to learn Iho uutomohue lian.nes; the demand Is great for our graduate; 4 have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Kat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. 2"th M . Omaha. Neb. liver, kidney trouble. D. "13. CORA RELLI Nt.! Y, MAGNETIC. Just arrived Iroin buffalo. Several at hfactcry tree.tmcnts and baths. 107 8 17th tit., downstairs, opposite postolfice. Pally and evenings. Kathleen MaJjasgcabHthD:7ii2. Clara Ire. bath and massage. Poug.-STSl Miss Klsher. mass., elect, treat. Red buM. MAHHAOE, l H Ft 1 1 1 Ht. Mr. Steele. WOULD you have to phone for help If your Ignition lystem on your car went wrong out In tho country? l.carn how to care for your own car at Tilt,' V l.'IMJ t k-'l,' I iTTiAMn BILE C1I00L, 14-6-17 Dodge. Write for cutalosue Omaha. Violet Ray Ma. 4.W Hee Hlilg. D. f.112 MA JJ 1 1 1,1 Swedish movement. 4 !1 'VOO-IVUi-' Hee Hldg. Douglas 6.172. K. Muck, inasHago and manicuring. D. 7.'S2. .Massage, Miss VV'a.lon. IC2J4, Neville ltlk. MasMg, Ail Gibson, It. 224, -Nevillo Hik. MAllGXl7lTE IIALI.ORAN moved to Council muffs, la., Km. 4:1. llaldwln lilk. RATH and massage, alcohol ruh. Laura Wilson, lr2 Karnam. R. 2. Doug. did. Ilruilala. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Rldg. Osteopathic I'hyalclaaa. Dr. Rerucha, 202-4 Met 'ague Rldg. D. 3fl38. Patent. II. A. Ptiirge. fWi Rrandel Theater Bldg. D. O. liurnell, Puxloi, HIK. Tel. Red 7117. Patent De vrjopiuent. AMERICAN Machine Co., 1 10 B. llth St. Print I aw. WATEIta-HARNHART Pig. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21'JO. 524 8. 13th Ht. pOI'OLAS Print, ng Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M KEN IE PTG. Co. D. 2644. R1ES-HAI.I, I tg Cv."it2ii Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOIJG. jSi Painting- and PaprrlasT. Hl'GH M'MANI'H, 417 N. 40th. H. B728. Plniuea Iteuovated. FH.'MKH & flowers niado over, cleaned & dyed. Rerlha Kruger. Pax ton. D. OM. Itoat-li Exterminator. H. 11. R. Roach powder at your druggist. Slafe and Time LocL Expert. O A TTO Opened, repaired, comb. AH h. changed. F. K. Daven w ,,ol, podge. D. 1SJ1. Shoe Repairing". Electric Hho Rep. Co., 1T7 St. Mary's Av. MAHA PILLOW CO., V'l Cuming. Doug. 2lt7. rtuiiovales leathers and liid.urci.ee., of all Kind, makes feather limit reuse and down covers. WO roonia, rnauite; street exinjiure; SKO sq. it ; water and electric l.gnt, ready Nov. 1, lhe tie building. office room lol. 0 feat) T VACUUM cleaners for aale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary eenice t o., WKi Hee Hldg. rii. rent, repulr, eil nvralea and pa it w lilli and Harney. Dotigiaa Hvo2. lor all hewing Machine. NE- Hit ASK A CYCLE tJ.. Mtckei's." f A LACE, 23U3 DAVENPORT 8T. His Wife's Flirtation. Sterling comedy. Tentfest and Sunsh ne. 2-reel Imp. HL'BL'R IV A NT 1 1 EAT KRT14 Tl li AMES" An American lleire. Lubln. Heart Bel,g. No. i. Golf Champion "Chick" Evan Link with Heedle. J-r E oath. APOLLO, 2Si4 LEAVENWORTH PT An Affair of Honor Lublu. Hooile s Baby. 2-r. F.dlson. Josie Legcy. Vltagraph. COLCMBIA. HI Brother Bill. Lubln A K!rt Class Cook. Rory O'More. Kslem. 1710 8. 10TH 8T. COMFORT THEATER, 24th and Vinton. iu ureat toa rear. -r. MJetlc. Mutual Weekly. Current Event. Scare, row. Royal. FA VO H I TET H KATKR. 17 1 VINTON. An Affair of Honor. Lubln. Uwendolln. Btograph. Pweedle Pkate. Eanar. OEM THEATER. Are onutaata. MELVILLE D. TIIO.MAH & COMPANY 1 -W ,L Ik. II... ..... .... .. . . " ' ai. nana mug. lyier 1S10. Adding- Macataea. Dalton Add ng Machine. 411 8. IK. D. 1448. Adder Mch Co., OS ales) W. O. W. D. 6i. Architect. Everett s t'odds. 12 Pxton nik. D. 2381. Attractions. OMAHA ril.n ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film hargalna. Auto aad Hsgarla Hraalrla. Magneto repair work u apeclalty. D. till. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red S2SJ. Harher. 12 Chair. liV shave, neck shave. 1S1T Far. Bin Prlatlav. HORNBY CO.-Bluo printing, under new ownership, ate Qinsha Nat. Hk. D. S167. Bra Foaadrlea. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. mp and Martha Hta. HalUlag aad llepalrlna. K. FRANTA. CU Paxton Hlk. Doug. T157. 12U B. 13TH HT. Hi Father's Bon. -r. Victor. Animated Weekly. LTRIC. 117 VINTON 6T. Inutility of R.venga. t-reel Imp. K)me. Victor. PASTIME, 24tb and Leavenworth.' Bis. Lucille Lova No. II. I reels. Fur Love or Money. Neaior comedy. VKNtZIA THEATER. 12U g. MTU ST. Tricking the Government, (-reel. , West. MONrUK, FARNAVI. Animated Weekly.. Leas of Killilcrankee, i-reel Victor. I tie Mayor's Manicure, Powera. Be-aaw. PENHON. IMS Mliv st Fifthcui Ford and Grace Cunaxd In The niurn oi in I wm' xioubl. In 1 ai ta Mag Aaber In Myers Mistake, comedy. (liter aad Well OIalaaT. NEHI well or clatern cleaned ne doeT "CHAFFER doe it. Phone Web, fctai t alltorala Land. W. T. Hmtth Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 1. Coal Dialer. $3 50 f"hn,,n, recll. also Victor nut Phone D. 1702 t big hakel cl. II. Wagi.er, NU N. 11 4 alropraetore. J. C ttwrei ce. p. P. 322 Howard. D. MM L. Ceddl. D. C. 22H Hee H'dg. lH,ug 42SM. f hlaa Palatlac Ruth Itchturd, decorating, fifing. R. 442. 4 I Ksilurn. M. J. LACT 8U BEF BLDtt. DOPO 4711. glgna aad Showcard. AT CUT PRICHfl. E. M. CLARK ft HON, 113 Ho. pith. Room 14. SIGNS Store. ; Office Klxtnrre. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-lb-ls 8. I2th. D. ?T24. ttteel 4 rlllag. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 S. 10th. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, yrj n. nth. D. B2. Tranka aad Kaltca.ee. FREEING A HTEIXLE. 1S06 Farnam Kt. Tailors. CHAS. C tA N DER YOt 10 N. 15th St. Veterinarians. DR. O. H. YOt 'Nil, 412 Center. H. 60n2. Hlf and l.lqaors. ALEX JKTE8. 20I-I H. 13th Kt. Wines, liquors, clgai. flate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. GIiHE liquor House; purcYfi7ornla ,n.''..i.-'6,''rjLKM,-'r"" fop I'f11" l't. HENRY Pouuk'k "LlvifuK 1IOUJSK. l.ith nnd Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch C. GOOD MEN WANTED HOTEL FOR HALE -one- of the best com nwrcinl hotels in the mute of Colorado; cl ly commercial hotel In town of 1 .."xaj. 2D nnuriK, steam heat nnd electric llt;ht, do ing from $1,io0 to J1.2"l per mouth busi ness. Address P. O. Hox ."i'6. Hruslt, Colo. 4;"i ll( uy Pest coal for the money f"."" it. Vch 4S. Harmon el- try W eeth. SMALL OUTSIDE OFFICE Good Location 210 Kq. Ft. $12.00 CAN SHOW YOU NOW Others at $10.00 and up. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE THE BEE BUILDING, Office Room, 103. SIGNS, show cards. Clark A- Son. D. IM Now, to take our auto work until com petent; then go rignt Into the auto busi ness from hero. Uig new building; Ma chine shop, latho work, welding, Hurting systems. Wrlto for list of openings. Free catalogue AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ljin t amain St., Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, J2o; set of tool given; wage paid Trt Clty College, 12th and Pougln Bis. MEN with pafniaMe ideas wrlto Han dolph Co.. Washington. D. C. $200 PER MONTH Vnd up. Must have 1101) to Invest. L. W. Johnson, Lock Box o8. Reati Ice. Neb. REL1AHLE murrlcd man, 4u to 5u years. for position as night watchman; one who ctwi be depended upon; salary, ,i0. WATTS REF. CO., MO-42 Urandels Thea. UEL1 WANTED MA ILK ANU t E.MALE. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women; ti5 to $l.'0 month. Write for Hat. Franklin Institute, Dept. 222. H, Rochester. N. Y. GET government Jobs, I'w to 1150 a month; 2, (wo appointments each month. Fur list of positions obtainable address Y mHee. MEN WOMEN Got government Jobs. JU5 to $150 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute, Desk SO, Rochester. N. X. LIST YOUR BUslNEs-S with us tur quick action and iquar treatment. QUICK SALEB COMPANY. 4IS Bee Hldg Phone Ked 22 j4. THEATERS Uuy, lease or sell your theT ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14-jti Karnam St. Douglas 1S97. To UU1CKLY sell your busine or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. THREE llKht oak, sanitary, i oil-top deslia, office rhairs, He. 11. W. Ander son, tits pee Hldg. KOR HALE Invalid Thair; practically new, used U weeks. Phone Web. 7ti2. LIVE STOCTi. ton SALE. Horses auu Vehicle. LAHGEji block ol ileuveiy wagons In tie city; ull kinds of IIucksiiuUi work, painting and lettunng. Jonnauri-i-'anforib Co., lien .uiHlion. Hj-Sl-f N. iiith bL 1EAM of marcs, 2.01O lbs., $1.0. Team of mares, $125. I'.-ith and coiiuiy line, South Omaha. Tel ephone South .j0?'-. HAY. $8 per ton. Wagner, gut N. 16th. GOOD horse, reasonable. Tel. H. 4W8. HEATER A good oil heater, almost now; sell for $3 or trado lor anything S C. 1517. HEATING DRl.'M, will heat most satis factorily nn upstlra room w.thout re guiring riny additional fucL Address S. c. 2"7, Hoe. TWO hjrsea and two light grocery deliv ery v.agons, one H't uoubie harness, at a barfain. Call Lauge Grocery Co., i cumiiiB. LOST AND FOUND. 031AHA & COUNCIL Hl.UKKS STREET RAILWAY COM HAN Y. Persons having lost romo article would do well to call up tiie onlce of the Omaha, & Council blufla Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they loit It in the street cars. Many articles each day nre turned In WANTED An Idea. Who can thii.k of land the company ij anxious to restore some simple thing- to patent? Protect ' mem to tne iigntiui owner, can Douglas TO GET in or out of bus ness. ctll on OANGESTAD, 404 Hee Rldg. D. M77. your Ideas; they mav bring yoj wcalti: Write for "Needed lnvtniions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, W ana ington D. C. WAXTEIV SITUATIONS NOW Is tho time and here's your chance to get a good, legitimate, established paying business cheap; no experience necessary. Address G 103, Hee. W A NT E D A person wit h $.iO,Uii and good buMness ability to Join mo by purchas ing half Interest In a thoroughly estab lished department store business In one of tho best cities on the Pacific coast. Tho business lias been a going ono for tho last 20 years. Has, under my manage ment, netted $tis.ooo in the last 5 years. Have the best of reasons for offering half llntuiest for sale. I shall retain half inter est and devote iny entire tlmo and atten tion to the business. I haven't the money to buy the ofher Interest, and further, need tne help of a good business man. This proposition will bear the. closest Investi gation. 1 have credentials with me and will furnish the best of Omaha references. Prompt action necessary, aa I leave Omaha Saturday. Phone or address Room 18, Henshuw Hotel. WANTED Work as cbamuerinaid In hotel In Omaha or South uniulia. Phone u. S6M. YOUNG man wanta place to work fur board while attending Uoyles' college. Telephone Douglas 15i5o. SITUATION wanted hs caretaker rooming house. Address A 63". Hee. of EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car; careful driver; knows cliy very well. Address F M2 Hee. WANTED Cooking position by colored person; day work preferred. Wen. 7273. YoV'NG lady wishes position a nurse maid or housemaid In small family. 11 D22. jrrRANGER In city wanla day work. 13 y'rs' experience, $.1 per day. Walnut 3241. pTfsfTloN by lady of mhTd ie age as helper In klicheu or small hotel In city or Council Hluffs. Address Mrs. Jennie Hulbert, General Delivery, Omaha POSITION hy girl who has had six year' general otfl-e experience and three years as typist. F 102, Bee POSITION wanted by lady a nursemaid or light housework. Call II. 374. POSITION wanted at once by respect able lady a housekeeper with 7-yr. old child, In or out of town. Call after 5 p. m. D. 1799. A REFINED young lady wishes position aa traveling companion. Add. V. 21, Hew. UCY your fam.ly liquors at Kleins Liquor House, N. mth. Douglas lso. UKM WANTED f KM A LIS Irrlcal aad Olftce. 'C? ?lIXL'cJ?r,r,,t,': or ' Icrh al positions see WATTS ltEK12,J4:4J4ran.l. Is The. CASHIER, well educated. ableT'to" meet good class of people. ,-,2t fritate nanK lilug. Kartorg and Tradee. LKARN hslrdrexing Oppenhelm Parlora lloaeekeepers and Uoaetlca. WANT ED-Girl for general housework. 1210 N. 27tU St., South Umaha. 1 hone ISo. lik7. WANTED A good cook and house maid. 2i So. 33d. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; private family. 1123 Cas St. GIRL (or general housework; small fm- ily. tit's Cn.lerwiHHl AeJ Walnut 124. 1HE Servant Girl Kroulem Solved. The nee win run a servant u rl W anted Ad FREE until you net the dealred result This applies to realdenla of Oinana. south Omaha and Council Hluff. Hrtng ad to 1 lie Hee office or telephone Tyler luui WANTED A nur mdMraL7jlUler, U S. Juih St. Harney S.bS. C'reaaa grparatera. The Sharpie Heparator Oo., llth Fara. Uetellea. JAMF-S ALLAN. JIJ Neville Hlk. Kvl- dnce seourrd In all case. Tyler 11M. Ikaarlaa; Aeadealea. " Turpln's Dancing Academy, Ith Ir Fam CIIAMUERM' Academy, classic, p. p,7i. Mackle'a Academy, now open IhI Har UrfHakli, Terry Dremak g college, loth A Tarnam. Mr. J. M. Todd, 114 N. lilh; styl.sh" tall costume at lotrotluciory prlcea. D. H.i WANTEI A girl for general bouework; no . washing; small lamlly; IM 6. SMh 8t. II. GIRL for general housework, children. Call Harney X oare of i WOMEN to take care of rooma a half of a day each day. German preferred 1M2 Capitol Av. WANTEl-Thorouglily cooiitcnt maid for general houiework: must be fond of children. Harney 4.1 U. 4liy Harney Su WANTED Position a house salesman, bookkeeper or eorrcrpondent, with wholesale concern by e xperienced man, 25 years of age. Address A t'-'ii. Hue. EXPERIENCED man with A-l refer ence, want place aa city collector. Address K 10s. nee. Investment. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about $0,000 In nn old established general merchandise business; will run It with my own help. A good Investment for the man that ha some money to loan out. Stock about $l(VO). German preferred. Address Y Hee. 4S. LOST Coral ti 112 N. cameo pin; Hi Ave. reward; return LOST On read between Plattsmoutli and Omaha, box containing valuables, lie ward. Mrs. Emily Dixon, 2112 N. l,".th. Tel. Web. 535. ENGLISH bull terrier, all white, long tail, cars clipped, 4 months cM pup. Return 115 So. 2ith Ave. It. J. Saunders. L'beral reward. FOUND Black horse, weight 1,200. S. P. Sorcnsen, West Center. Walnut 2171. LOST On Pith, between Harney and Farnam, small gold fob. on ribbon, with monogram "J. li." Cal! D. 2ii00, wall paper dept. LOST A gold, Elgin, lady's watch on Sunday afternoon between high school and postofficc. Liberal reward. Phone Harney 37U9. DOST 2523 -Crochet bag, containing glasses. S. Sth St. Phone Red S31. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. & R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TARRY. 240 Bee. EDUCATIONAL MOSILER-LAM PM AN COLLEGE FAIJj TEKM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. fnsur passcd classes In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Placea pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1S13 Farnam St., Omaha. Douglas tK19. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, :15 to 9:15. lSth and Farnam Sis. Douglas 6047. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE COMPETENT, energetic man, 2f. with college education, wants connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; commands English, German nrf K,andtii.ivtHn laniruaae : experienced : future advancement Imperative. M 4-2.. VT ,'r'l,; "J ome 'ern hy and how Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings. Tuition rates very low. $3.00, $4.00, $..(m and $6.00 per month. The only thing that keep any man or woman down to drudgery is his or ht r fwn lack of train ing. You will begin to rise the minute nu start your studle at Rovlea col lege Night School. PHONE Doiiglas l.m5 Hee. I Hovle college can quickly enable you to I rninmnnl nromntloii . aoH ,4Ama,..1 a POSITION a watchman by gentleman, h gher salary. All commercial and Eng ort. Sober and Industrious. P. No. IW. tui. bramhe taught. Hookkeeoin- steady LADY of refiner n-nt and education wants! shorthand snd lyiewrltlng, telegraphy. pla-e a housekeeper. Aildress s P7, Hee. ' " " ', arii mimiir, penniansuip. ei-tuns, eienu r.uguen or orcigners ( rnate Instruction. HOYLES COLLEGE, If R HOVLK3, President. Omaha Neb. EXPERT ldy stenographer .nl "take pupil. SHORTHAND, touch tyoe writ ing, spelling, punctuation, etc.. taught and complete training given for busine ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4621 IkMiglas St. Tel. Walnut M27. WASTED- Work or, farm by clean man with good farmer. taut, wage according to season. ences. A, Plies M (e TlU'NO lady of net appearance with several years of experience, denlres clerical or office posiil'n. Good refer ences, thorough kuowleilge of general office work Address G-. care Hee DAY WORK wanted Phone Doug. 8407. YOUNG- lady with two ycara" experience as stenographer wants position; can furnish good reference as to character and ability. Ad, Ire J t02. care Ree. A SoHER, reliable young man wishes respectable work that will bring ad vancement. Address J-hTS. Hee. v 'ANTKIe A lR.sition a cook or houe keeper. 320 No. Dth SC CHILD'S nurse wishes position; best ref erence, tied fjetO ""COLORED man wanta Job of any kind. :wi Grant St. Weliater 7375. Call for ldney. GENTILE young man, with beat of refereme. wriihts position with chanc of advancement. Phone D. 8469 or 11 104. Hee. JlH desired as night watchman or other work of any kird. Wlllluu Wllkr, 2813 Ca.s St. OR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Hoyles Huslnesa col lege. Omaha: good for either shorthand or buiilne course. Apply at the office 01 vmana nee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three month. $4 00 THK OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglas :. :i Fainam. von KAI.K 140 a month, cock! cook with reference: wtiiing to leave City. Apply peron 4)CI several omeia Karnliaro. AUCTION SALE AT OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., S0 South lth St Saturday at 10 a. hi. lasting all day. another rara chance to get II. II. goods at your own price. 1 Golden Oak Dining Room Table, l.eatber-aeated chairs. 1 leather Daven- crt. good dressers, Several Hard Coal eaters and all other goods needed In the H. H. line. One new su Ie Chickei- Ing Piano in first-class condition: also Cured ill a few days without pain. Call or w rite Dr. W'rav. 306 Bee Rldg., Omaha. Established 1894. o Rupture MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. yulck service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglas nil. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the I'n'on' Station. ANYONE knowing name and address of lady who saw Vllliani Wllkle killed at Ninth and Jones street on September 24. or Any of the men sitting on top of switching train which struck him, please notify Mr. James Wllkle, Sbelton, Neb., and receive reward. rOULTRS AND SVTPL1ES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best hd cheapest lining tor poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, ijo a hundred at lhe Hee cttice. Mixed grain. $l.tfO per 100. Wagner, 801 N'. 1G WANTKD TO BUY HENS, ETC. 100 Stundard bred white leuhurn hens end a lew fine cockerels, $1 2f, to $2.50 each. Might accept new mer chandise or a pood typewriter In ex chanKO. S C 15Ji. Hee. KODAK EASTMAN 3-A FOLDING pocket kodak; post-card size, planato graph lens, leather carrying case, tripod, etc.; almost new. Want visible typewriter. Address S. C.1597. Pee LEAVING city. Will eell or trade my Kimball piano for $v3. Cost new $32o. P. C. 1574. MOTORCYCLE HAVE A LATE MODEL twin motorcycle In perfect order throughout and fully equipped; could use a lightweight single cylinder machine a part payment, but same must be In first class repa.r. What have you? Address S. C. Ia97 Hee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy eom good second-hand offloo furniture: must he cheap tor cash. Address S. OL 1240, Bee. PHONOGRAPH A dandv and 126 records, would exchange for diamond ring or cheap lot, worth $130. Aduress & C. 1BS0, care Bee. PAINTING AND PAPERHANQ1NO Flrst class work and reasonable prices charged. Want some good furniture. Ad dress S C 1638. Hee. PHONOGRAPH. ETC. A small phono graph and ten records for sale or trade. What will you give me in exchange lor them? Address S. C. 16, Bee. PLAYER MUSIC A limited number of new rolls for S8-note player piano to trade for typowriter, title or Edison pho nograph records. What have you? Ad- dress 3 C. 1577. Bee. SIGNS, snowcaros, 1. lark & Son. D. 137. TANK Iron tank, four feet dla. 2 teet high, two feet hopiier. Address S. c. Ml. Hoe. WILL accept runabout or good driving outfit as fitet payment on a high grade standard piano or player piano. S. C- 1573. WATCH-MAKER outfit for aale or liade. Worth about $1,500. What have vou to trn.de? S. C. 202. Bee. WANTED to exchange, a 1913 No. 69 OVERLAND-touiinj car. f'ectrlc ntart and lights; run -l.ouu miles. In con dition, for an electric lighting outfit that will furnish forty (40j kilowatt lamps, either direct or with storage battery. Can also use a cash register with o or 6 keys. Address 8 C. 15K4. WATCH Nickel silver, open-face, splen did timepiece for paperhanger outfit, or might pay cash if price i right; rtaie what you havo in first letter. Address l . li-. nee. CLOCK Do vou want to swap for some thing that will speak for itself; If so, come and sec this high-grade, artistic, French clock; will consider anything raised on a farm or made by man. It cost $17 and I will accept anything I can deal for. I have no use for it. S. C. 206. Bee. STOVE or hot water heater. In perfect condition, for a small house, garage or for chicken house, is small and compact, all Iron, In two pieces, for apples, pota toes or any old thing I can use. Ad dress, s. '. w. pee. SPOONS Some 3 dozen sliver soda water 1 n.-..- r. m a 1. mnmm. ( J ICC LITBIll e I'"" , "... .-.'-. late date soda glass holders; all in per fect condition. For anything I can use. S. C. 202, Bee. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No, I U Cl Smith typewriter for sale or trad fop printing. Price $60. Addreaa B. C SOS, Bee. FURNITURE My furniture of tatv-rooca rooming houee must be disposed os soon. This furniture Is of quality above the average and U is zoaUant condition. What have you. iodram a, C. 1520. 4 FOIt RENT SLIGHTLY used bign grade pianos. 37 2i. W. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 12U7 Ffrna m. Doug. Si46, WE BUT-2d-hand clothe. 14J1 N. 21th! N E buy. se'l. exch. clothing, jewelry, etc. Suitcases $1 up. Friedman. Hiu c Dodge LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WESl SHIP live slock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention Live Stork f'omtulaaian Merchaat. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Hidg. SWAPPER'S CDLOIX Cms St Mtseellaueatw. WOMEN wanted for government rlerk hlg Big pay. Omaha exam nat ens , on. . Sample question free. Franklin Institute. PtpL Rochester. N. T. YOUNG ladr with several years' office experience desire position. Good refer ences. Medium salary. Aduress O 1UP, He-- WANTF!lv-Poitlin a lady assistant In mall boarding house. He4 Mil. Call for Mrs. Dell. All of these goods can be Insisted be fore sale. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. Nub South li'-th SEVERAL van loads of furniture and omo pianos. Omaha Van and Sturag Co . 8. Itith St New 2,1-hand furniture, caah or term; reasonable Ainer Furn. Co . atti N. lsth. HoWE Ventilator base burner. Tyler 2174. AUTO A In mi graue iu about Man lev Steamer auto, ui perfect comliii. n; iate date steel wiecia nUeiy pa unci anu a very classy up-to-date car; personal prop erty, contract work or cement blocks .,n ivered. aa wed as farm prouu c, want bouse repair work. A bargain lor some one. S. C. 2tS, Bee. AUTO-Llght auto truck, overhauled. A dare s. C. , Hee. AUTO A Jo-IL P. Mitchell 5-passenger car, (no top); has wind hl.i. iiiiu. etc., to trade for lots or diamond. Ad dresses. C. 15-so. Bee. AC'COUNT of financial reverst-a wl l trade or want to tell my ApoUo player piuuo at a great sacrifice, it, la I c.n eAc.p ttonal bargain lor soiieone. S. C. 1575. AL-fCJIotil.i"-rr oluer auiuuiibll bargain . in " Uiuiiuii.li' ta:i. ct i Apartment 41 Flata BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment of f rooms and bath, also large acr nail porch; all conveniences Including Jaoltm service, steam heat, locker, apaca ac4 laundry facilities. Splendid location. Let us show you this today. It's exceptionally fine and only $45 per mouth. SCOTT & HILL CO.. Douglas 10V STRATFORD TERRACE. Park Ave. and Jackson St,, S-rootn. steam heated apartment, with additional ma de' rooms. Exclualveness and con veniences in new apartment building. References required. C B. Moser. Wai nut 17.'g, or Janitor. o Bui-Three large rooms, apartment, part modern. 1915 Elm St. Harney 435. T HE T HORVA LX On e small apartment.' Phone Harney 5610. Reference required. 5-K00M APARTMENT, THE ST. GEORGE In the West Farnam district at list and Dodge. Practically new, & large rooms and bath. Private porches front and rear. Heat, hoi and .cold water and Janitor t-ervke furjilahed. Very choice. Only one "aumstroxg-walsh CO. Tyler 13V State Bank Bldg. GEORGIA APARTMENT Only one apartment left. Will be ready for occupancy November 1: 5 rooms, all modern ana In fine condition; good loca l.un, at irnl S. 2Sth St. Rents $0 the year round. Call us up for particulars. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Douglas KM. bi2 Farnam St. STEAM heated apartments. 4 room each. l r.ery improvement; lis . to w, win ter rate. ;..th Ave. ami cununa 4-room apartments in Troy, Harney St : best of Janitor erlce. THOS W. HAZES'. 207 McCague Bldg. Dougla IKfl. BUTCHER SHOP t'onn lote. In county Kt low ii, b. E. Neb.. v hat hat you? Addres S. C. Vxf. I:ee. Gordon Van Co. Uli.l.DOr-4 months old bulldog: good watch dog, will .swap for furniture or make m cash offer. Address liTii, Bee. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS. !3d and Harney St., 1 room apartments. Call II. 647 or D. km Moving, PacklDg, Storace. lN.lltn Bt. Phone D 39 1 or Web. ISO. S-ROOM r.rlrk flat corner Sth and WuT Ham S's.; moat dealrable In Fort Hill Pa r kJ lwil -to VITRY choice 4 or 5 room aleam heated apartment on West Farnam street JoHN W RuBHINS. r- Farnam Bt 2013 CHICAtlO Nice 7-ruoms and bath tn modern apartment house. j MODERN ?-r. flat, cheap. H. $53. 1-ROOM modern flat, lilt So nth. Bit am bid flats, lcih v Web. Tyler lui A I