Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Jeff Decides that This Dog May Prove Really Useful
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
( BUT TMt , BUT THIK OF A f X TU- oA ( BUT , TV ' '
- - . .
Scon Three Touchdowns Agminat
Stiehm'i First String Team.
Tttrmrr Lincoln If I ark School Ath
lete Flags Heee.ptioe Antlllif -Hla
1 Rmlt if Work I
World's erls.
. LINCOLN. Ort. .-8peclal.)-UBlng th
: Ames-Aggie play for th first crlm
' mar ef the week last-night, tha fresh
men, were able to score three touch
downs against tha Cornhuiktri before the
. vanity, .came, back and evened up the
count. i
Coaon Jlorffet, who saw Amu play last
week, had the freshmen coached in the
Aggie plays, and tha first-year men bad
" HtUa difficulty In making big gain. One
forward pass waa worked, by the fresh
men for thirty-flv yarda and a touch-
The Huskrrs are In excellent shape for
tha game Saturday, deeplta tha grilling
battle of last 'Saturday. Stlahm haa
given his squad a two-day layoff, and
the men are recovering from the brulaea
received In tha Michigan game and the
pracUoea preceding It
1 Iwea Artt Praiel.
- The ;Ame eleven la held In wholeaome
respect here and Stlehm will probably
start hla atrongeat lineup against the
visitor. ' :
Leslie- Harm, a former Lincoln High
school star and member of tha Boston
Braves, got a big recaptlom from tha
home folks when be arrived in Lincoln
yesterday. Mann, who waa something of
' a wtsard when ha played foot ball for tha
Lincoln High school, will see tha Ne
, braska-Ames; Aggie gam Saturday.
While. Jtfana .he forsaken foot ball since
. hla rapid advanca In baaa bail, ba still
likes the game and could bo aecouoted la
' givo'ia good -deal of trouble for oppoaiag
. . players If ha waa on the Huaker eleven.
Over LOM high school studeats. with tho
' band, met Mann, at tha depot and es
corted him to tha Auditorium, where a
special meeting was held In hla honor.'-
Mann told his former classmates of tho
world's series. He said Stalling was re
sponsible .for tha rapid climb of tho
Braves and Instilled such confidence In
tha team that It did not know what da
feat, was. ...'. ..'..
Mann will ba. tendered a luncheon at
tha Commercial club by tho Lin
tola buslnea men and several other
, vents ar being arranged In hla honor.
-'Cyeleaes Werklagr Oat,
AMES, la.. Oct. tt.-8peclaL-Tr.e
Cyclone varsity waa given sUtf signal
drill this afternoon, tha first work-out
blnos tho Missouri gam at Columbia
fiaxurday, for tha batUa with tha ' Corn-
buskers at Lincoln nest Saturday. Tho
poaches gave th first and second strings
iiiuu.ii ui nowing out signals,
with tho evident object of efficiency with
. tho forward aasa.
, Coach Hubbard had charge of tho first
- oleven, working duplicate back field la
all ' th formation. Mftas 1 and Klnntak
were alternated on tho same signals, as
ruiioacas um Md Harrtaon and
tho halfback, afoaef fmirf flinnin
hand, which was awkward In tho Tiger
gam awing to the tor mtt m
, , Cased in a pletccast. Is coming becki
Into shape rapidly, and tho quarterback;
fat thirty and forty yard passes with'
- encouraging east and accuracy y ester-j
i Tha teem came out of the Missouri bat
tle ia coed condition. Ur kr M.
hrulsed tip considerably, and Daffks, the
giant guard and tho most nowarfut mnl
In tha Una, is stiff and waa kept out of
. )ho first Nebraska practice, but both
guards will bo in shapVi for tho Nebraska
controversy by tho end of tho week. I'M,
tho star fullback, U nursing a Charley
horse which ho obtained in tho Tiger
1 Kama, but ha waa not In a nntui..i.
iuua enough for him to bo relieved or
School Lads
to Play at Sioux
City on Saturday
Omaha High will play Its second game
away from horns at Sioux City Saturday.
While Coach Mills Is making no very
strong statements he expects the team
to make a good showing and tho chancoa
of bringing homo the bacon are strong.
The team has been working hsrd for the
last two weeks; that Is, since tho Lincoln
defeat. In making its weak spot, the line,
stronger. They have succeeded very well
Mills has been working out tHo forward
pass to a good advantage and he thinks
that the cadets ran use this against the
Sioux aa a good ground gainer.
The combination of Iutes to Wilson on
the forward pass la showing up In great
style. Wlthey Is increasing the strength
of his punts and Lutes Is better on the
place kicking. Wlthey will do all tho
punting and Lutes tho place work.
About fifteen member of the squad
are going to make the trip and it Is ex
pected that a number of pupils will also
go tip. Tho team will be put on the
field at first In tho following lineup:
Quarter. Neville; barks. Perry, Lutes and
Johnson; ends, Wlthey and Wilson;
tackles. Reaso and Phillips; guards, Peter
sen and Kelley; center. Beard.
Th lofflcial for tha game will bo
Evans sjid Caldwell of Wesleyan. and
Racely of Bellevua.
Jones Goes to Make
an Offer to Johnson
ST. LOUTS, Oct. 9.-Flelder Jones,
manager of the St. Louis Federals, and
Phil Ball, ono of tho owners of tho club,
are In Tulsa. Okl., today for a confer
ence with Walter Johnson, th Washing
tonpitcher,, and It 1 reported that they
went mere at Johnson' request. Hi is
stated her that Manager Jonas lias set
130.000 as th salary limit beyond which
he will not go to get Johnson.
TULSA, Okl., Oct .-Phll , Ball, a
sliareholder In th St. Louis Federal
leagua base,, ball club, who is her on
private business today, denied he had
come to Tulsa to meet Waller Johnson,
th Washington American league pitcher.
Ball said Fielder Jonea. manager of the
St Louis Federals, was In Arkansas to
day. A message from Coffeyvllle. Kan..
Johnson's home, said Johnson had gone
to Fort Smith, Ark., today to play ball.
CHICAGO. Oct. MTalklng over the
long distance telephone from Fort Smith,
Ark., Walter Johnson, star pitcher of
th Washington Americans, this after,
noon said h had not signed a Federal
league contract to play with BL Louis.
He admitted, however, that negotiates
war on
Ban Johnson, president of, tho Ameri
can league, aald that If Johnson jumped
tho easo would bo contested in tha court.
Tha American league, ha aaM. had an
option on tho twlrler services and John
on had accepted money for It, bo added.
TORONTO, Oct -Melbourne Inman.
English billiard champion, and WUlle
Hoppo, tho United Statea balk lino title
holder, commenoed their aerio of mixed
stylo matches hero today. Tho play waa
devoted to tha English game, at which
laman demonstrated his superiority by
defeating Hoppo, ISUnin the after
noon and IS to 190 In tho ovenlna. In.
man' best run In tho afternoon waa 1M
ana at night waa ITS. Hoppo'a highest
score In tho afternoon was 10 and la th
ovsnlng hla best run was is.
Olaata Wet Jaaspev.
Walter Ward r fc nw.i.i w. .
'.V. S" ""PhstlrMlv denl-d a repor
that he had s'irnrd F etcher and
wiamo. no aaw he und-r-stooa
all of theee men wr put under
three-year contract by Manager McOraw
. prill
Johnson to Come to
Omaha to Represent
Chief BaseBall Body
CHICAGO, Oct . Ryron Bancroft
Johnson, prealdent of the American
League of Base Ball Clubs, today re
turned from an outing In Wisconsin, and
said that tho National commission would
be represented, probably by himself, at
tho meeting In Omaha, November 10 to
II, of the National Association of Mlnof
Leagues. It was reported that several
momentous questions wUI come up for
decision at that meeting because of the
activity last season of the Federal league.
Owing to the question of drafting play,
era of promise and' farming those not
actively employed, two minor leagues
have already Indicated that they will
favor the taking. Into organised base
bill of the Federals. President M. E.
Justice of the Central association is tho
loader In (his movement and he haa the
backing of the Northern league, of which
John Burmelater Is chief.
President Johnson, who Is an officer of
the National Board of Arbitration, as
serted todsy that minor league had suf.
fered heavy losses lust season because of
the falling off of drafts by larger leagues.
Ho attributes this slump to fear on the
part of the National and American
leagues that any finds pointed. out by
drafts would be snspped up by tho Fed
eral league.
Lumher Now Being
Hauled for the New
Omaha Speedway
Tha first loads of planking to Surf nee
the big automobile speedway,' now tndr
construction, has arrived - and .work will
ba started at once to lay tho surface at
the speeedway, so that It may- ho com
pleted by Thanksgiving day. when' It is'
planned to hold speed trials. The con
tract for tho surfacing haa been t to en
Omaha firm and' Jack Prince' will .put
lot carpenters at work Immediately. '
A Blltsen Bens of SOO-boreepovrer , Till
be the car to make the speed trlels
Thanksgiving, and there Is no"iustlon
lit, Prince's mind but that the powerful
machine will clip all track records. - In
addition th motorcycls racers will c, ro
pe t on the big track in a long distance,
race of perhaps 60 cr "100 miles.'- -The
aeroplanes will also fly on that day.
Michigan Team Duo
in Boston at Noon
CAMBRIDGE. Maes.. Oct. .-T T'-l
perstty of Michigan foot ball team, ready
o tackle Harvard Saturday la the flrat
" game of the season In tho stadium.
?" due to arrive in Boston this noon,
t was expected that Coach Yot would
five his roe bo work today other than
a run ever tho suburban roads and fields.
Crimsoa supporters.. eecotireged by tho
setura to practice of several of tho rg.
iler recently Injured, expeaaed onthu
blasra over tho drop-kicking ability
anowa by Mahaa yesterday. They were
hopeful that his work Saturday would
partly atone for th absence of Captain
DETROIT, Oct. .Lester Keehler. IT
ars eld. quarterback a a local high
chool foot ball eleven. Is dead aa th
result of Injuries sustained la a game a
veek ago.
rla Meet Oarai at Odell.
I SEATKICE, Neb.. Oct. . (Special.)-.
T. annual coursing meet at Odell opened
Udy for a run of three days. There is
a largo entry ef dogs and the race
promise to be better than last year.
P.amser and Life ef tbla city have three
dogs entered
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Oct . With th
foot ball team of the University of Mich
igan on Its wsy to Harvard for Satur
day's contest In tho stadium, Interest In
creased perceptibly today. There has been
a brisk demand for tickets, aad it la ex
pected et ono persons will bo at tha game.
The Michigan team, on Ita arrival at
noon tomorrow, will be taken to a sub
urb an hotel, where It la expected tha
afternoon wUI be spent in ' light signal
practice and tramps over tho Wollesley
On Friday afternoon the visitors will,
have the use of the stadium for a few'
hours to get accustomed to Us lights
and shadows.
The Harvard 'varsity today had a long
session behind closed gates, going through
a protracted dummy scrimmage, which
ended la fifteen minutes of real foot ball.
All the cripples of last week were ia tho
lineup except Briokley and Soucy.
Mahan dropped three goals from tho
field in four tries, one of the goals being
from outside th forty-yard line.
Kenton aa saying that nothlns; will be left
of the Phillies when the Federals aet
through railing. Ht says' the FViersls
have forty-two more players from Na
tional and American league clubs.
Last Night's Scores With the Bowlers
Brewalaa-Klag Ce,
1st id. Id. Tot.
Nelson Ill loo ;
rlryeoa luO T 7 ;
lyle l Its 177 . A
Aaamaa Ill 144 12J 0
McLean w 1 IK Hi
Smith ..
I Higher
K reiser
Eaton .
....661 14 WT 17S
1st. . Id. Id Tot
.l'li 113
1 177
114 3i
1 Hi
luO Idl
Totals ....577 W fc& 1IS30
tryee Lrasit.
1st. M. IdTot.
War, dell
Hmlth ..
Lewis ..
Totals ....70S tat fc 1XJ
1st. td. M Tot
Pearsoa ....141 11 lis
Kuoay ITT lt 114 kl
Applvqulst ..1& lvl 1M
Flndiey 1 lit 111 U
iUgeiiSlck .17 149 ltl .t
Totals . . . Mt f 1 Ul 14
1st. Id. Id Tot
Welty 17 ti US :
I.ang !i 4 l-O 14
Itraldenuah 131 11 1 4M
I'aJiu 77 IU M IA
,.124 101 ISO
Totals ... 644 714 731 S0JS
lt. M. Id Tot.
Nicholson .AH M 1-iS ' 141
Balding ..... 7 1. 1S4 3W
Mmon .64 Hi 110 r5
Sulllvaa ....1'4 su 1U SM
Jones 13 1U 17S iU
Totals ...,3 to 73 lao4
Metrepelltaw Lessee.
lit. CI. i.l Tot.
Chandler ...17U 1M tJ9
Hengel ....171 liv I.l 674
Heatoa m 130 1S1 4
Voss 1st UJ 1x7 170
besella 17 lt.7 1(1 4ii
Totals ....Ml U4 1S kUI
lat. M. W Tot.
Teal llU P 17 -n
Moyna 170 1T 1U 4 t
Heiinol ...1147 1J IN 4-1
Wetter .....lit la ltS 4.
Rl m U IB W
Totals ....Tkl n ui
Oauks Oas Leesrae
1st. Pi. 14. Tot.
Hume xl ia i-0
McKeon S V)l H 14
l. Joltnsoa. Kl 74 7 4
11. Juhnaus. K7 M Hi I
Bland M W 111 M
Total ... tit &7 1M
IsU Id. 14, Tot.
K0 Cettlnger"
Hume .....
Martin ....
M 13 140 SM
. M 1 Wl
.77 14 W
. M l' S 7
.71 W 101 a
Totals ....406 4X1 Ml 1417
1st. M. W. Tot.
Philips 110 HI U
Marttg M 10Q ) r."5
Kanl M li T
Talinage ... 1 111 lu 111
Lucena lit 1U la) SU
Preiident of Players' Fraternity
Writer Parrish He Will Be Here.
Knexgetle Leader, Who lias Ulvea
"reresilsed Base Ball tease
ettemeat, Bsssl to Stir Up
' Sosse laterest.
Dave Fulls, tho enrgctlc presldsnt t
tha Players' fraternity, who has recently
been a "vigorous boll" on tha neck of
Organized Base Ball, has written E. V.
Parrih that ho will not attend the minor
league convention In Omaha. Mr. Fultx's
regrets are considered by those person
who have studied ih (methods to mean
that he will bo here with considerable
ciVPhaals. Fuiu has a propensity toward
working a la gum-shoe and. like most
magnates, when he says "no" he means
"yea." . . '
.' Fas Boaad te Fly.
If Dave comese hero fhe fur Is bound
to fly. Considering that Dave's old col
lege chum. Ban Johnson, will bo In the
(Continued from Page One.) -
were withdrawn before a settlement I
reached fighting and rioting would break
out. .-'.'.
So Oecaeloa to Close fttlaes.
DENVER. Colo., Oct. 29. "I see ho oc
casion for closing tho Colorado coal mine
and Imposing an Industrsl burden upon
the state Just at a time when the great
est demand for fuel Is beginning," waa
th statement of Oovernor B. M. Am
nions today when told of a Washington
dispatch indicating, that President Wil
son .was considering whether ho has au
thority to shut , down the properties
i owned by operators who have refused to
Thirty-Six Claim Language 6f In-
. dictment it Vague.
- '
Me Cbarced With : Violation of
AatUTrasr Law Also Assert
Wording? A baalr, Imperil- .
seat, Apprebleas.
." usvier Mritr pian or seining" jagj
v.ia iiiiaera airs.. ... ,
"J havo understood that the preeldent
would withdraw the federal troops about
November U. In my Judgment,' ho can
safely do so, and the state will be pre
pared at that time to assume responsi
bility for keeping order ln'the strike dis
trict." '
Referring to th visit of "Mother"
crowd, quite a Wt of excitement Is an-! ,0" James Lord of tHo mining de-
tlolpated. Dave and Bsn are the best In
tha world wben it comes to cgiductlng
large war. Granted that for the most
Part their battles are conversational, but
they create all kinds of Interest.
Last year at Columbus, Dave, accom
panied by a gang of the Players' frater
nity, appeared before , tho . convention
with a string of demands several miles
long. As but . a few of them were
granted It I expected that Dave will be
burdened with the same list this year
again. . What will happen Is only a con
jecture but It ia probable that if Dave
Is too Insistent In his demands ho will
find It necessary to call another strike.
Great em Strikes.
Callng strikes Is one of tho best things
partment of tho American Federation of
Labor, to the president, -Oovernor Am
nions aajd: ' "I cannot believe that Mr.
Wlloon will pay any attention to tha
representations made by such persons,
who are not residents of Colorado and
are not qualified to speak for the peo
ple ef the state. If th president seeks
advice-regarding the ooul atrtke; he can
obtain plenty of it from- Colorado people
wno understand the situation and
give him an opinion."
Ilatrmeal of Operators.
J. F. Welborn. president of th rv.iA
1 redo Fuel anit Imn rn.n... ..
Statement,. In which he aald in part:
. "Tha coal mlnea of Colorado are em
ploying close to 11.000 men, who are pro-
Daverdoee. Whenever anybody erosses out,n Jnor ooei . tiian can . new be
him he threatens a strike, but this yeas-ral, dispoeed. of. No increase ln'the
th minor magnates are so desperate that,foro w'11 accessary to-tales care of
they won't oar a whole lot If he calls the, winter demand. Many men axe wait
several strike. ' ing at the mine for- tho opportunity to go
Another thing Dave Is expected to do.) 40 work when vacancies occur, it being
hsro Is solicit memberships for his fret : Impossible to give prompt employment to
Several hundred players will here on'H PPl!cants. . .... .
different queata and Dave alii find them "There ia no controversy between the
ripe for solicitation- To be a member it coal operators and their employe. There
U necessary to havo seven bucks. Most are now less than l.WQ of the former era
ball player won't have It at this season 1 ploy out on strike.
of tho year, but Davo can afford to trust
them. .
Soccer League Gets
Schedule ixed Up
The Omaha District Soccer Foot Ball
league has completed the schedule of
games In the competition of the T. I
Comba soccer trophy.' The season, to In
clude twelve games, with allowance for
exhibition games on Thanksgiving and
Christmas. About seventy-five foot ball
players were present.
Messrs. Flsmmlng. Dear, Marshall Bo
stock and McTaggart were appointed of
ficial referees. Tha executive committee
consists of two representatives of each
team aa follows: Mr. Lund and Lund
qulst, B 1114; Irrington and Carleman.
Townsends: Horn and Bostock, Omaha
City; and Watson and Malsolm, Caledon
ians: Next, Sunday games,, starting at S
p. m. foloma; At Miller park, Townsends'
and B 1914, Mr. Dear referee; at Elm
wood psrk. Omaha City and Caledon
ians, Mr. Bostock, refree.
" ' -
' WEST. POINT.' N. T.. Oct. . -Requests
fo. ticket for this year's Army-Navy
Will Raid Phillies. J t-xit ball game are pouring into tho army
A Chicago Cleiiatoh quotes lltcher Tonvljathletlo headnuarters so fss tho om
it -la beyond -belief that the govern-:
ment at Washington should seriously
consider closing 'down tho coal mining
industry of tho state as a means of in
ducing this lawless clement to keep the
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
:DBS; MOINES, la.," Oct. .-tSpertal
Telegram. V Thirty-six master plumbers,
under indictment for violation of the
anti-trust law, 'filed In federal court to
day demurrers' to ' Indictments secure!
spring.' '" ' ' '
The attorneys for the plumbers assert
that the indictment Is' so vague and tin
Certain in language that it falls to ap
prise their clients of . the nature, of tha
offense attempted to be' charged against
them.. - . ' , .1.
Another ground for the attack on the
Indictment la that It contain languag
In the descriptive parts which Is 'abusive,
impertinent, opprobrious and prejudicial
to' the right of the dVf end ants."' Many
charges are made, which are wholly lm
n aturlal to the alleged conspiracy, the
motion avers. ' - '
. . - '
AMSTERDAM (Via London), Oct. 29
A dispatch from Slul. Holland, to the
Handelablad asserts that parts of several
submarines have been sent from. Ger
many by railway to Zoebrugge. on the
Belgian coast, where they will be put to
gether, and the boats .then- sent against
the British fleet off Ostcnd. Strict se
crecy, according to the Sluls correspon
dent, surrounds the German movements
in Belgium, and all railway communication-
to Zeobrugge, Knocks and -Bruges
ia Interrupted. Bicycle and motor trafflo
is also' forbidden. A map In the office of
the German commander at Bruges shows
a straight Una from Mariarkeke running
south, beyond which no civilians are al
lowed to go.
Treasury Office
Forbids Publication'
of Cargo Manifests
WA8HINQTON. Oct. . Acting Secre
tary Lansing said today that Secretary
McAdoo'a order to collectors of custom
not to make public tho nature of cargoes
of ships departing from Amerloao porta
until thirty days after they had cleared
waa Issued after consultation with th
Stat department. He declined to give!
the reason, but. It is understood, some I
belligerent ship at sea havo been re
ceiving advance information of the con
tents of cargoes through tho publication
of manifests. Mr. Lansing pointed out
that before the war broke out manifests
were not made public aa a rule until sev
eral daya after a ahlp had cleared.
In some quarters hero there waa a dis
position to regard the order aa liable to
cause the ships of tho allies to exercise
more than customary vigilance and scru
tiny, searching practically all ships leav
ing American ports. As the right ef
search, however, is conceded to all bel
ligerents on tbe high sea and shippers
send contraband abroad at their own
requests from eld subscriber must) rllki the American government Is said
la his office before next Thursday; , f, --n.
Knit-On Cuffs and Anklets
arc important features of Vassar. They eliminate .
a nofvelastic seam at cuffs and anklets. '. Thus" ,
arms or legs can't creep or roll up. Thcp iay ,
contfortably in place.
jX This and several other refinements have ,
made the Vassar Union Suit the choice of
discriminating men.
MiT Hjgh class Haberclashers recomniend end sell
Union Suits for Gentlemen '
' Knit to the form one suit at a time; Switt-ribbed fabrics
very lutic; ouffl and anldett knit on not twed 00 don't
roll up or stretch auU specially tailored button-hole '
won't stretch or pull out: finished like tailored clothe
bSsss esskaivs features make Vassar Union Suits distinctive.
Chicago. HI ' '
.M 610 601 147T
lt. hi. J. Tot.
Miller US 11 11 M
J'eterson ... 67 110 to 2M
Nvwland ... 10 M 1SS d
Lev an 1 n 24
Mcloaeld .. W U) lit J
Totals ... 411 M4 tUlbi
1U fcl. td. Tot.
Johnson ....HI 1M lit its
Mertlg 1!7 lit m M
Campbell ..114 lo7 1U t
Hanaea 1M 14 k0 4Kt
Wait 1U lei 14 4l
Tot! ....Tit aft N Est
lat. Id. (d. Tot.
H. Johnson lr 11 1M 44
I-uroua lt 17 Iti 4nj
McDonald ,.17 la) la 4.U
Hvan , I4& l3 14 47
lilud lit l.s Kr MO
ciaia In' charge announced today no new
subscriptions would be received. Lieu
tenant .Meyer,' secretary and treasurer
of the Athletic council, announced that!
whoa distribution of the army allot
ment will be begun.,
. West rblnt. win nave 11.709 seats for
tho game at -Franklin field this year.
whereas Isst year, . when th, gam was.
played at the Polo grounds, in New York.'
th army slon controlled 1T,000 seats. j
r r :. . t
taieaar. ia naai i-r,... .
CHICAGO. Oct .-Coach f?tagg of tho!
I'nivereity of Chtogo foot ball tram to
day sent hi men through there final!
oiill for Rutiiniay gme with Wlsoon- J
sin st MUIon, . The team was renorted
to he in f rt-cJsM e m.Utlnn for what la
eonstdered the hardest game on Chi
cago' schedule so far this year. .
aleaaaea Mettle ST.
Joat at th time wben ths factory roc.
ords show that the mmnany haa made
and sold four and a half million auto
mobile tire, a arreat aleemen' confer
no I .to ba hUl by the Ooodyear Tire
and yti'bKer fomtatiy, at Akron,
toher ft, 3D and U.
Browning King & Co.
sttom or rai Towsr
O., Oc-
HAUFAX, N. B., Oct Three Oer
mans were arrested today tn a house hi
Hoi 11 street, where, tho polio say. they
were operating a wlrelesa apparatus.
The wlrea were not strung from the
customary Pole or mast, but were trailed
out of a third story window and con
cealed amid vines.
.! M iU3 U
Bee Want Ads Froduco Resulla
Missouri Pacific
Leavo Omaha Ar. Kanaaa City
8:00 A. M. 1:36 P. M.
S:00 P. M. P. M.
11:15 P. M. 7:10 A. M.
Modern Eauipmant
Observation Sleepers
8uprb Dining Car Serrica
Meala a la Carta
Direct connections In Kansas City
Union Station for point
eoulh feast W eau
ttct ornrraa
1411 amain at.
Union Station.
Thee. F. Godfrey
General Agent. Faaeeoaer Df pL
Large$t '";""
Showing of
TT'Tv A n tTt' A . TTA gg
Suits at
Nebraska Clothing Company
i ' 1 ' .1
T? . TfAYE you seen that
little booklet of "Pan
ii -li oramic Views of Omaha?"
It is a beautiful set of bird's-eye picture of
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Und brings out in striking form the beauties
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10c at The Bee Office or at Newsstand