Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1914, Image 1

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    No Decisive Blow Yet Struck in Flanders
Adrsrtlslng Is ths Ufa of Trade
Talk tarenga Im Se T eas
tooMra, year tmpMIWi aatomsra,
your posslale unMM.
The Omaha Daily
VOL. XLIV NO. 115.
Oa Trains and at
lotsl Rti "(.amis, 8c.
Kaiser's WtnUp Makes Daring
Said Into Penan; and Destroys
Fighting Craft of Allies.
Sails Boldly Into Harbor After Add
ing Fourth Smokestack and
. Raising Mikado's Flag.
Russian Cruiser Jemtchug and a
French Destroyer Are Sunk
with Torpedoes.
After Launching Torpedoes Emden
Escapes Into Strait
St Carrlad Crew of More Tnaa Tkra
Haaared M ad Ha Speed
f Twtatr-Faa Knota
aa Hoar.
TOKIO, Oct. 29. The British eni
taasy hears that the German cruiser
Emden. flying the Japanese flag and
disguised by the addition of a fourth
smokestack, entered Penang, a Brit
ish possession la the Straits settle
ments, and fired torpedoes which
sank the Russian cruiser Jemtchug
anda French destroyer.
, The Emden's entrance into the
praters of Penang was audacious. It
came under the guns of the fori and
. after sinking the cruiser and the de
stroyer escaped through the Strait of
Malaocsk Ths fate of the crew on
board. the Jemtchug Is not yet known
Merchant vessels belonging to the
fceIHgerent nations are taking refuge
at Colombo, Ceylon.
- , - -r i ' . .- ......
, Ths Russian cruiser Jemtchug was
a boat of about 8,100 tons and was
laid down In 1902. Its main battery
consisted of six 4.7-inch gwjis and It
had a speed of twenty-four Knots. It
carried a crew of 334 men. 'After
the battle of the Sea' of Japan, during
the Russian-Japanese war In 1905,
the Jemtchug was interned at Manila.
Ths German cruiser Emden, after
Jta exploits In the Indian ocean
around India, whers It sank a score
or more of British steamers, has ap
parently shifted Its scene of opera
tions more to the eastward to the
Mctnity of the Straits Settlements.
On Tuesday it was reported as hav
ing sunk a Japanese passenger
feteamer bound for Singapore.
HALIFAX, N. 8... Oct 29. With holds
filled tip to hatches with food and cloth'
Ing for Belgian refugee the ateamer
Treraorvah, Nova .Scotia's relief ship,
ailed "for London today. The cargo,
valued at 11,000,000, consisted of, forty
eight carload of clothing and 153 car
loads of food, all contributed by the peo
ple of the province.
The Weather
lartirA at Omaha Yesterday.
For Nebraska Fair Friday; warmer In
west portion.
For Iowa Fair Friday; not much
changa In temperature.
Hours. Peg.
..... IB
, b a. m
Vyjf 9 a. in
t 10 a. m
5 p. m
the left), with his staff, on a pontoon bridge across the river Meuse.
7 p. in.
s :. m.
Comparative feoeal Record.
Hours. Deg.
13'4. 13JS. 1J12. lull.
tllh.t todav 58 2 M 4ft
Ixweat today 37 17
Mean temperature .... 4ft 22
Temperaturu and precipitation
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature
Vv.a-- tw .ha itiv
Tytal excess since March 1
Normal piclpltatioii
Deficiency tor me uav
r a3
4X 40
00 .07
iv. 47
.05 inch
r 1 1 1 ic T " . ..... -.-
'i nt.l rainfall lnr March 1..M 40 inches
Iefleiency since March 1 2 73 Inches
Iefloiency for cor. period, 1913. 6 7 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1H12. 2.85 inches
Reports frem Slatloas at T P. af.
Station and State Temp. High
of Weather. T p. ni. eat
' Cheyenne, Clear SO M
favenport. clear w mi
enver. clear 64 70
fits Moines, elver 6u 68
lodge City, clear fii 76
North Piatt, clear M 72
Omaha dear M i"
Hep'0 Cliy. clear t Ki -
Hhertdan. cVnr M 70
Hau t'lty, clear 52 W
Valentin. cl-ar 66 d
St-erlairik-I n repjndi.i..gCa KT
U. A. WfcLit. Locul r'orecs
fall .0)
y i - . ?
i "TV
i v. v.r.- . yr. .,. -.v
-1' i' f, . r rM ' s-Vs 1
- ' i - 1 1 4 " 11' ' (
Bnssian Success in Poland Claimed
in Report to Embassy at
Three Cities Occupied by Czar's
Troops and Prisoners and
Guns Captured.
First Getman Army Corps, for Fourth
Day Continuing Its Severe
French Report Tells of Success Here
for Russia.
Battle of Yser and Other Struggles
Degenerate Into Isolated
- Attacks.
Trmasfer More Seroas Oparatloaa to
- Artesaat ta break Tkressk Liae
from Lille, Walck Wonld
- Farce Back A II lea.
LONDON. Oct. 29. The battle of the
Yser and the series of flghta which haK
taken place along the whole front In
Belglam and France appear, with lite
troops now exhausted, to have degener.
ated Into numerous Isolated attacks and
counter attacks In which the gain nnd
losses are about equally divided tietarxm
the combatants.
On that part of the battle front nearest
the sea, where the Germans have deliv
ered repeated attacks with dally Increas
ing forces. In their effort to make their
way to Wunklrk and eventually to Calais,
and where the allies have offered such
stubborn resistance, there has been an
other day of comparative calm, and al
though the Germans in their morning
bulletin claim to have, made some prog
ress to the south of Nleuport the French
in their communication this afternoon
say there is no change... ' - .
In fact, as was expected, the Germans
seem to have transferred their, more ttv
ous operations further 'Inland and 'to be
trying to break through "the allied lines
from Lille, which if successful would com
pel the allies, who are holding the front
through Ypres to the coast, to fall back
toward Dunkirk, '
Meanwhile the allied commanders an
nounce that their forces are always tak
ing a little more the offensive and lhey
Intimate that It won't be long before they
substitute an attack on the German. posi
tions In' Belgium for the German attack
on the allies' positions In -the north of
France, fit this occurs, there will recom
mence a aeries of 'siege battles for the
German entrenchments which gridiron
Belalum along its southern boundary.
Big- Geraiaa Gaa Kxplodrs.
From Madrid comes an unconfirmed
story of the explosion of one of the
German slxteen-lnch howltsers. which
posnlbly explains the .extremely violent
convulsion which was supposed at tho
thne to Indicate the blowing up of the
pier at Zebrugge, According to the Mad
rid account this gun, which was being
used on the German right 'wing, was
overcharged and exploded. The concus
sions killed all the gunners In the vicin
ity, aome 23) men, besides killing and
wounding a numVer of men at a consid
erable distance.
Flagg Tells Jury He
Made Fifty Per Cent
Profits for Clients
NEW YORK, Oct. 29. Jared Flagg. on
trial fur using the mails In a scheme to
defraud stock Investors by holding out
to them alluring promises of profit, act
lug aa his own lawyer, today addreased
the Jury hearing his case In 4 he L'nlttd
States district court. The government
closed Its' rase yesterday. Daniel N.
Morgan, former treasurer of the t'nlted
Btates, and six others Indicted with
Flagg are to be given a aeparate trial.
Flagg told the Jury that he Intended
to prove that he had made a legitimate
profit of M per cent a year for his cus
tomers', that he had turned over to them
Slow Progress Everywhere in ;
West Told by German Bulletin
BERLIN, Oct. 3&.-(Vla Amsterdam and
London)-The German general head
quarter this morning gave out the fol
lowing report with regard to the situa
tion In France and Belgium.
"Our attacks to the south of Nleuport
are slowly gaining ground. At Ypres the
battle la onchinged. .'.
' "To thwt of LUle qur troops, are
making good progress. Several fortified
positions of the enemy have been taken,
sixteen' British officers and 800 men, aa
well as four cannon have been captured.
"French counter attacks everywhere
have been repulsed. A French battery sta
tioned before the cathedral of Rhelma
and artillery observers posted on the
steeple of the cathedral have been bom
barded. "In the Argonne region the enemy was
chased from several trenches and some
machine guns were captured.
"To the southwest ,of Verdun seero
French attack hav beta repulsed. In
counter attacks our. troops succeeded JnJ
breaking through the French lines to the
main position of the enemy, wWch was
ocoupled- The Fronoh suffered terrlhle
losses, .-,'.
"To the east of the Moselle all attempts
of the enemy have been repulsed."
President Consults Attorney General
on Federal Right to Close
Governor 8 a State of Colore So Caa
liaadle Sltaatloa and Says. the
President Shoal i Dlsre
resrard Oataldera Advice.
WASHINGTON," Oct. . President
Wilson is seriously considering whether
he has authority to close the Colorado
coal mines involved In the strike If the
operators continue to refuse tb plan of
settlemant already accepted by the
miners. ' V, ' ' . '
Attorney General Gregory conferred
with the president today , and it was un
derstood Mr." Wilson had aaked him for
a legal opinion on bis right to close , the
mines if public necessity, in his opinion,
required ' that ' step. 1 After seeing tho
president Mr. Gregory refused .to discuss
the question,
The president has received suggestions
that he cloae the mines. Some of his ad
viKors have gone further and 'suggested
that the government operate them.- He Is
unwilling to keep federal troops In Colo
n-ado indefinitely, but has been told by
representatives of the myiers that if they
(Continued on Page Four, Column Five.)
Converted' German
Cruiser is Sunk in
the Adriatic Sea
' PARIS. Oct 29. A squadron of British
torpedo boat destroyers has sunk in tho
Adriatic a German steamer which had
been converted into a cruiser, according
to a dispatch from Barcelona to the
Havaa News agency.
The Barcelona -correspondent explains
that this newa appears In Publlcidades,
a Spanish newspaper published at Gib
raltar. The British destoryer rescued
Ighty-six members of the crew of the
German vessel.
LONDON, Oeua. The Exchange Tele
gtupha Amsterdam correspondent sends
the following proclamation. Issued by
King Albert to the Belglam troops.
"Our towns have been burned and our
l,ounea destroyed,, and there Is mourn-
Official Report at Paris Says Troops
Gain Several Advantages
Along Line.
Between Ji I en port and Dlsaiade
Battle Line Remains About the'
Same Gcrmaas Wla Oae
' " of Their Attacks.
; PARIS, Oct. 29.-The French official an
nouncement given out In Paris this aft
ernoon says .that ' yesterday - the French
troops, made progress at several points
on , the 's line, but , particularly around
Ypres and to the south of Arras.
The text of the communis Hon follows:
' "During the day oi yesterday we made
progress at several points along the tine
of battle, but particularly around Ypres
and to the south of Arras. .'
"There is nothing new on the front be
tween Nleuport and Dixmude. '"
"Between the Alane and Argonne we
took possession of some trenches occu
pied' by' the enemy, and not one of the
partial attacks undertaken by the Ger
mans ireaulted succeasf ully., . .
"We advanced also In , the forest
Apremont." ,
Great German Gun
Explodes and Kills
Two Hundred Fifty
PAIliS. Oct. 29. The Journal publishes
a Madrid dispatch, credited to the Im-
parclal, which alleges - that one of the
German forty-two-centimeter cannon on
the right wing In France exploded -is
the result of an excessive powder charge
and that the gunners and X0 men were
blown to pieces.
British Sea Lord
Resigns His Office
LONDON, Ocl!9. Prince Louis of Bst
tenberg, first sea lord of the British ad
Dilrally, has resigned. '
Ilia resignation is said to be due to
the campaign in some of tho newspapers
against him because of his German con
nections. -
But more
If we do
inadera 1
171' .00 in .profits in three years, every ling over the whole country,
penny of which was made in Wall atret t j terrible dlsttatera will follow
operations; that he had been sparing In : not free the country of the
his expenses and that not a cent of "That Is your imperative duty and It
r'.ients' f inds had brcn diverted to Im- i Is a duty you csn fulfil a 1th the aa-'
propr um. - jtlaiance of your allies.""
A buHinesa that Is clearing from
1800 to $1,000 per month right now;
7.000 cafch will buy; half cash, the
rest guoif paper; no competition;
within a-block of the Owl Drug Co
Owner la leaving city; must Belli
Tor farther laformstloa about
tbis opportunity, see tee Waat Ad '
BecUoa of today', ea.
In Series of Operatloas Alone Mae
Itrtrreen Mnaelle. aad the Voaorea
Rnsalnna Saeeeed la Taktnar
Xnmrrnai Prisoners.
WASHINGTON, pet. 29. All ot
(he Gorman army corps on the left
'.ank of the Vistula In Poland, are In
(till retreat, according to an offJolal
report from Petrograd made public
here tonight by the Russian embassy.
The report followa:
"On October we overcame the
resistance of the last troopa of the
enemy endeavoring to put up a fight
to the north of the River Pllica. At
the present moment all of the Aub-tro-Oerman
corps on the left bank
of the VlBtula are In full retreat.
"Btrykoff, EJow and Novomlaeto
are occupied by our troops. Radom
la occupied by our cavalry. We' cap
tured several thousand persons, guns,
cores of machine guns, supply rains
and automobiles. -.
"la Gallcla there are no changea.
"On the Coat Prussian frontier the
First uerrcan army corps, auppurieu i
Oy oilier iruuyo, in mt vuo lumw uj
keeping up an attack near Dakalol
jewo. The losses of the enemy are
very heavy."
Germans Forming Mew Base,
Official dlHpatches made public by the
French embassy here today announced
that the Germans retreating before the
Russian armies in Poland are now bneins
on ftdllnsk, Radom and Ilea. The Ger
mans were said lo have lost prisoners and
ammunition. The dispatch added:
"In Gallcla the combat continues on
the entire front with success for the
"In a series of operations along the
frontier between the Moselle and thi
Votget we were able to dislodge sonn f I
the outposts of the enemy. Prisoners wcro
captured almost everywhere."
Raaalaaa Tar. Fresh Troopa.
LONDON. Oct. . The German retire
ment from Poland and the resumption of
the offensive by Rusxia all along the
eastern battle front is generally ascribed
In I-nndon to the enormous reserves
brought up by the Russian commanders.
Instead of two completely exhuusted
armies facing each other along the Vis
tula, as has happened frequently on tie
banks of the Alsne, the Russians make
dully changes, bringing regiments from
the rear and thus allowing th fighters
In the trenches to retire, and rest. This
operation Is said to have been repeated
so often that virtually every Ruslan sol
dier within striking distance of the in
vaders Is now a veteran. While this Ger
man retirement may not be the rout pic
tured In Petrograd, It is nevertheless
held here to be true that the retreat has
progressed so far that Warsaw Is today
free of the menace of investment and
with the pressure on their center relieved,
I he Russians are how devoting more at
tention to the campaign In Gallcla.
I'rseatyal Holdlne- Oat.
Petrograd reports that the garrison of
Prsemysl is defending this fortrcjs with
extraordinary obstinacy Tho forts are
well armed and tens of thousands of
workmen are employed In strengthening
the fortifications. In anticipation of an
lnestment, the supplies snd ammunition
Sre targe. The weakness of the fortres4
Is reported to be found in the scarcity of
provisions. Knorinous 'luantltics had
been collected by the Auatrlans In out
l)liig villages, but the unexpected speedy
advance of the Russians resulted In the
aiUure of these supplies.
War Summary
From the west anl from tho
east German reverses are re
ported. Germany acknowledges
a check In Russian Toland. but
concerning the great batllo In
Flanders, It preserves silence.
The only official word received by
midday today was from tho
French, who again made Indefinite
claims to further progress.
Not since the struggle Blong the
North Sea began a fortnight ago
has Germany made a statement
upon which may be based Judg
meut as to the course of events.
The best Information avallaMo In
dicates that, notwithstanding
their dauntless Attacks and heavy
sacrifices of llfn. the Germans are
further from th coast than when
the battle began.
The secret of the Russian vic
tory, writes a British correnpoml
ent at Petrograd, Ilea In the vast
ness of the Russiun emperor's
army, which he estimate at
8,000,000 men. This enabled the
Russians to keep an Immense re
serve for every army, changing
regiments frequently and never
leaving the same men on the fir
ing line long enough to become
Meanwhile the British, who de
scribe their forces now on the
continent as merely an advance
guard, are training at home an
army of 1,500.000 men, of whom
600,000 are from its colonies.
Todny's French statement,
while again optimistic in tone,
gnve little specific Information.
On the extreme western end of
the battle line, where the fight
ing has beon fiercest, there Is
"nothing new," There la no In
dication that Oermand Intends to
abandon the fight for possession
of the North Boa const. Unoffi
cial reports have It that reinforce
ments are being poured in from
every part of the' battle lines,
where they can be spared.
To the south rand east, along
the battle line across France, suc
cesses are reported by the Freucb
to the totitA of Arras, between ths
Alans and tha Ar,goue, and In the
forest, of Apremont. None of the
German attacks. It Is said, have
been, successful.
The German cruiser Emden,
whose remarkable exploits havo
fairly earned a place In history, is
reported to have performed the
most daring feat of all. Pis
gulsed with a fourth smokestack.
presumably taken from some cap
tured vessel, and flying the Jap
anese flag, the Kmden is said to
have sailed boldly Into the waters
of Penang, a British possession
In the Straits Settlement, and to
have sunk a Russian cruiser and a
French destroyer. The Emden
was reported yesterday to have
oent to the bottom a small Japan
ese passenger ateamer.
The long list of losses , on the
sea continues to grow. Another
ateamer is reported to have been
eunlt off tho north coast of Ireland.
200,000 TROOPS
Pause in German Attack Upon Posi
tion of the Allies in Belgium is
Only Momentary
j Germans Staking Neary Everything
on Move to Control Southern
Part of North Sea.
Next Attempt to Break Line Will Be
Out of Range of Guns of the
British Fleet.
Vicinity of Harbor Crowded with
Submarines and Zeppelins.
Allies Are . 11 ol dinar Their Grouad .
West of the. Yser aad Aniltlas
Fresh onalnnght by the
Geraiaa Troops. . .
A il m
Anotner snip is
Sunk by Mine Off
Coast of Ireland
FLEETWOOD, Eng., Oct. 2.-(Vla
Iondnn.) Word has been received
through a trawler which arrived here
Wednesday night that another steamer
has been sunk oft Matin Head, off the
north coast of Ireland. There are no
details of this new chipping dUaaler.
INION, Oct. 29-The Times lu sn
editorial suggesting that the mines off
the roast of northern Ireliind hsve been
dropped by Suith tea 'trawlers flying a
neutral flag, says:
"The Germans have so flagrantly vio
lated the precepts of International law
that the only safo precaution seems to be
to close the North sea to all neulrttl
maritime traffic In order to prevent any
fuithor dangerous al.uae of neutral flags.
"We do not st present advocate thle
extreme meuaure, but It Is for the
authorities nnd, above all, for the' ad
miralty, to say whether such a dovelop
ment If practicable ant desirable."
WASHINGTON, Oct. Additional
contributions of t'M each from Mrs.
Itrdfield Proctor and Miss Emily P.
Proctor, widow and daughter of the for
mer seaator from Yermont, were an
nounced today by the American Red
FV-a thousand dollars was cabled to
day to Gustav Ador at Geneva, conduct
ing an International prisoners' bureau,
which la giving Information to relatives
of the wounded and prisoners of war.
Conditions on )he Austro-Hervla
frontier a ere reported so distressing tha
Inatead of sending one hospital unit of
; surgeons, nurses and supplies, as was
I oiiinully plsmied. two units will eull
j from f'sw York November 1".
Steel and Iron Men
Meet at Birmingham
PARIS, Oct. 29. The pause in
the German attacks on the left wing
of the allies, where the Germans
have fought furiously in their efforts
to march on the French ports of
Dunkirk and Calais, is considered
here as only momentary.
Rellahle reports are that heavy re
inforcements are on their way and
that when the German lines are
strengthened hy these forces, said to
aggregate more than 200,000 men,
the fighting will go ou with renewed
fierceness. The reinforcements, it
is declared, hare been drawn from
all the other battle lines, both east
and west, In pursuance of the order
of Emperor William that the Fmch
porta must bs taken at all coats.
Reports say that the Germau on-,
eiaughr will be undertaken ' further
sway from the coast, in order, to
avoid the devastating firs of tho
British and" French warships, which
havo thus far taken a prominent part
in the battle in Flanders.
While operations In Flanders havs been
at a standstill, the allies on the center
snd In the soiith have, according to tha
official communications, not only re
sisted the Germans, but bare made slight
There was a resumption today of in
terest In tho operations In the Woevre.
at least in the vicinity of BL. Mlhlel, '
There the French offensive Is said to
have met wh fresh successes.
Calais at All Costa.
LONDON. Oct. .-Telegraphing from
Copenhagen, the correspondent of the
"It la learned In Herlln that from all
parts of the east and west battle fronts
soldiors aro being ruvhnd to Belgium In
response to the order of Emperor William
to take Calais at all costs. It Is seml
offlclslly announced that the Germans
w.ll bo able to control the southern part
of tl e North sea as soon as they possess
"All the entrances to Cuxheven, by
land and by sea, have been closed by Im
erlal command. No civilians are allowed
;n the vicinity of the harbor, which la
crowded with flouting batteries, Zeppe
lins and submarines,"
Eight airships passed over Ilasuelt. on
the German-llelgium frontier, going weat
ward and evidently making for Brussels
and Antwerp, wfcerc. It has previously
been stated. Zeppelin sheds were being
constructed, according to a Rotterdam
dispatch to the lally Wall.
Knorteentb liay of Battle.
Tho fourteentn day of the battle of
Wet Flanders, which Is being fought
over an urea hardly greater than a good
sized farm In the state of Iowa, found
ihe alli.s holding their ground to the
west of tho Yser and the Germans ap
yarently brlmiing up more retnfocemcnte
(Continued on I'a"Two. Column Flvc
. We Know of
a Man
in Omaha who puts all his aavlus
Into Omaha property, tie la work
ing on a ttalary, but he is thrifty and
whenever ho has Haved enough .to
buy a lot, he picks his location care
fully and invests.
He Is also making monthly py
nienta on a good bouse and while he
l.i Bucrtftcing pleasure and a good
time ftst man i.i going to be rich
some day.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Oct. .-Ahout 30j!
representatives of the leading iro-i and'
steel concern, of the country attended! Anyone ho has observed con
the opening sesxion here today or tho'dltlons in other cities appreciates
seventh meneral meeting of the American the splendid opportunities here lu
Iron and Meel Institute. The feature of Omaha to make money In real estate.
k-wtwh mn aauresa Dy A I -1
bert It. Gary of the t'nlted States ttecli
corporation and president of tha Insti
tute. Papers and addreaaes chiefly of a
technical nature dealing with various
problems and Interests of the Industry
also were on the program .
The annual dinner will be hld tonight.
Friday and Saturday Will be devoted to
Inspection trips through' the various mines
and Iron and steel plant la the Bir
mingham district.
Iteud the descriptions of proper
ties in the Ileal Ktate Columns to
day. Hera you will find not only
the best barainx, but the greatest
variety. You will get special at
tention If you tell the advertiser you
saw It in The Hte.
TeUpSone TyUr 1000
Evrybody Radt Wmnt Ad