Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Is Well Protected
Says Mr. Sherley
rormally Announces Thanksgiving
for Thunday. November 26.
While Wbnlf nf r.rnpe Con
flict lonimrrrr and Prcf In Ike
t'nltert 1nc Mate linnf lf netnrll v I'nrmril.
fori today l?sued a proclamation dfslfr-
tiatlng Thursda, November j
Thanksgiving dny. The presidents pror-j
tarnation, whlrh refers to the fset that,
the I'nlted States Is Ml peace, while the
rent of the world 's at r. follow: I
"By the rrer'dent f the T'ntted Mates
of Amerlcii.
"A proclamation:
"It has long bot:i I ho honored custom
of our people to turn In the fruitful ail
twmn of the year In praise anil thanks
giving to Alni!i;htr Ho. for his many
blessings and mcrrle to u a a nation.
The roar that la now riiaw'tig to a elose
sinee e Inst observed our day o na
tional thanksgiving lias been, while a
vear nf tllsilnllne becnu.o of the mighty
furcea of wnr and of rhnnfs which have
oiaxuriieM mr worn, iusu a nr--rlal
blessing for us.
"It haa been voin hsafed to ua 4o re
main at peace, with honor, and in some
part to sueror the suffering and supply
the needs of those who are in want. We
have been privileged by our own teace
and self-control In some degree to steady
th counsels and shape the hopes and
purposes of a day of fear and distress. people have looked upon their own
life as a nation with deeper comprehen
sion, a fuller realization of their respon
sibilities, as well of their blessing and
a keener sense of the moral and practical
significance of what their part among
the nations of the world may come to be.
War Brloare f 'o-Operatlon.
"The hurtful effects of foreign war In
their own Industrial and commercial af
fairs have made them feci the more fully
and see the more clearly the mutual In
terdependence upon one another, and has
stirred them to a helpful co-operation
such as they have seldom practiced be
fore. They have been quickened by a
great moral stimulation. Their unmis
takable ardor for peace, their earnest
pity and disinterest- sympathy for those
who are suffering, their readiness to
re.p and to think of the needs of others,
has revealed them to themselves ai' well
as to the world.
"Our crops will feed all who need food;
the self-possession of our people amidst
the most serious anxieties and diffi
culties and the steadiness and resource
fulness of our business men will serve
ether nations as well as our own.
hnngea Commerce Channel.
"The business of the country haa been
supplied with instrumentalities end the
commerce of the world wtih new channels
of trade nnd Intercourse. The Panama
canal haa been opened to the commerce
of the nations. The two continents of
America have been bound in closer ties of
friendship. New instrumentalities of in
ternational trade have been created,
which will be alto new instrumentalities
of acquaintance. Intercourse- and mutual
xervlce. Never before have the people of
the United States been so situated for
their own advantage or the advantage of
their neighbors or so equipped to serve
themselves and mankind.
"Now, therefore, 1, Wcodrow Wilson,
president of the I'nited Slates of America,
do hereby designate Thursday, the 3lh
of November next, as a day of thanksgiv
ing and prayer and Invite the people
throughout the land to cease from their
wonted occupations nnd in their several
ho.nea ntid places of worship render
thanks to Almighty (Jod.
"In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the heal of the
Vnited Mates to he affixed.
"Done at the city of Washington, the
?Mh day of October, in the year of Our
Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and
Fourteen, and of the Independence, of the
I'nited States of America, the One Hun
Ired and Thirty-ninth.
"By the President:
"Acting Secretary of State.".
Controls and Fires
Tornedoes Several
Miles Off Shore!
WASHINGTON. Oct JS -As far as the
eye can see with the aid of a telescope the
I it 1S U.I.K. Ky . oct .'V-'Tle t nited
I States Is so well forttfk.1. with the ex-
..,..,.. i-i i-o r"" -"'re .nr. """.movements of a small boat off shore It
Is In progress, that , an attack from the I lv,lM, ,n control such a craft
! laden with a heavy charge of dvnamite.
the use of the radio system, In the
i opinion nf Prigadier tleneral Weaver,
sea probably never will be made on any
i . in . i .. . i i .
tlve Swager Sherley In an authorized
statement nere todny. I h. ,h. mni ittilrrv F.xnerlments
Mr. Sherley Is rhalrmna of the house ( w.hlrn th) rmy , watl.ning are now In j
rcmmlttee on fortifications and Is cam-; proer(, wttn the object of npplving the
patgnlng In the Fifth Kentucky district ! stem of control to a submerged torredo '
reeking re-election to the house. aI1(1 lt , sieved that the rrohlem al-
"The theory upon wh'ch the forilfVa- ready has been solved so that an operator
tlons have been constructed." sa'd Mr. on shore can direct such a frierto with
Plurley. w ho led up to the subject with , surety against an enemy's batt'e: hi; 1 Ing
a discussion of the seventeen-lneh gunsl several miles out at sea
used by the Germans In Helglum, the ex-j
istenre ci wmcn ne saki lie Mounted, "is
to protect impottant harbors from a di
rect attack by a hostile fleet Ti ls hf' BANKED WITH FLOWERS
been done, except at San Pedro. CaL. 1
where emplacements for guns are being- I
built, and at the mouth or the Chess.-! FRKEroRT. N. Y.. Oct. :.Mr
peske. where land has been acqu'red and! Florence Carman, who on Monday wa.t'
otlmatcs shortlv will be submitted for', rc,'lw'd i-n,w following the di--,
Plac pg sixteen-'lnch guns, along w Ith "," J'"- her trial for:
other armament, that should protect thatl'"; n,"r,1"r "f " Ise Pailey ted.. -
, left her borne .here fr her husbands;
... . . I farm at Haven Rock, N. J. Pr. t'arman:
t'nr guns are of the most modern pat-.
.'I-, tin ,n ii , r-iii.n , it, ii iiitit-i
ttrti," he continued, "and are capable of
panied her. Since Mrs. f'arman returned
destroying the most modern superdread- ,)0mp frl,n Ja f ,howtreA
nouBni. "neinrr u may nn mm...,. -. with Rlfts ot flowers. F.verv room In the
vlsable in tile future to prepare certain nnus(. was hanKeJ with novri, to,,av.
minor defenses In the rear of our coast j Hor a(tl,nlpy aad todav npl
fortifications is a matter abo:it which
there Is some difference of opinion, and
which likely will continue to receive con
sideration at the hands of the w,ir col
lege and the general staff."
Throat and Vmnm Tronblea
quickly helped by Pr. King's New Dis
covery ; the first dose helps: best remedy
for coughs, colds and lung diseases. 5oc
and 11.00. All druggists. Advertisement.
CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 28-That a cure
for epilepsy through a surgical opera
tion on the -Intentlnes has bten demon
strated In many cases, was announced 'it
the meeting of the Mississippi Valley
Medical association here today by Pr.
Charles A. U Reed of this city, who
first described his alleged cure several
months ago.
Dr. Reed Held that the majority . f
cases of epilepsy are caused by pblson
ous substances absorbed by the human
system from the Intestines. All previous
surgical practice has been to operate
on the brain-.
been decided as yet whether a second
trial would be demanded for his client.
Bad Cold? Get
Relief at Once
Without Quinine
Vou can end grippe and break up a
severe cold either in head, chest, body or
limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold
Compound" every two hours until three
doses are taken.
lt promptly opens elogged-up nostrils
and air passages In the head, stops nasty
discharge or nose running, relieves sick
headache, dullness, feverlshness, sure
throat, sneezing, aoreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-up! Q.;lt blowing
and snuffling! Kase your thiobblng head
nothing else In the world gives such
prompt relief as "Pape'a Cold Com
pound." which costs only 25 cents at any
drug store. It acts without assistance,
tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience.
Be sure you get the genuine. Advertisement.
Ynn will alwavs
r w ftr
find a far reaching se
lection of
Kuppenheo; Formal'
here ready for instant service
at $25, $30 or up to 550
Berg Clothing Co.
i ' fc'Vn J
We Cutaway Suit
(By the House of Kuppenheimci)
THE cut of your coat is a matter of
importance to the smallest detail,'
Ns. when it comes to Formal Day Dress
such as the CUTAWAY Coat
As the Cutaway is now the one
y j correct thing for all formal wear
in the day time, fashion he-
comes more exacting.
Your CUTAWAY Suit by the
House of Kuppenheimer will show
the finished workmanship of the spe
J cial tailor shops that turn out the Kup
penheimer Evening Clothes and Dinner
Jackets ; all the little refinements of hand
work that mean so much in clothes of
this kind.
Formal Dress is expected to confer
distinction upon .the wearer and enable
him to present a better appearance than
on ordinary occasions.
Kuppenheimer Clothes meet this ex
pectation. In fact, the effect extends
from Cutaway and Evening Clothes to
Lounge Suits and Overcoats. The influ
ence of good workmanship is pervasive.
We want you to know na better ni
we want to know you. We are foinx
to talk to yon right along in thh news
paper. Kuppenheimer Clothes are aold by
a representative dealer in nearly every
Metropolitan center of the United States
and Canada. II yon will give ns yonr
name on a post-card we will be glad to
tend you our Book of Fashions.
Makera of Clothea for Men and Young Men
Cii(i, 114, n Hi.k tt tankur
Rose Seeks Ships to
Carry Cotton Abroad
NEW YOHK, Oct. 28.-Robert V. Rose,
foreign trade adviser of the State depart
ment, held conferences with owners of
American steamships in an effort to ob
tain ships for the carrying of cotton to
, Holland and Germany.
Germany, Mr. Rose aid. is in urgent
need of 30,000 bales of cotton and Austria-needs
io.000 bales. In hla opinion.
, Mr. Rose said, Germany will need SOW
; hales und Austria- 2j,000 bales a month.
The British government has assured the
ttite department tl cotton, not be
ing contraband, woulu he allowed to go
to Germany and Austria In neutral ships.
American ships are desired to carry
( these shipment, which ill materially
reduce the consebtlon of cotton Irj the
I. south, ao that they can bring back dye
stuffs, cyanide, chemiculs, medicines,
tusar bet teed and potash, all of which
uro ready for shipment to this country.
mi'yjn.jmvmw wm&m
. -II- l."j-L" j ,. -
Jts easy
steps with
the mew
(T nil
or me
Victrola VI, $25
; Harvey Makes Second
Call Upon Wilson
WASHIXfiTflK Oct. IS. Tolnnel
George Harvey called upon President I
; Wilson at the White house today fur the
' econd time within a month. With Kred
Lynch, democratic national committee
I man from Minnesota, he discuissed the
1 political situation and told the president I
, that In his opinion the oulluok for demo- J
; cratlc victory was excellent. j
t'olonel llartot revealrd bfter leaving,
tho White house that while he never
agreed with the president's iwjllcy of not i
recognizing Huerta In Mext'-o. he thuiiclil
subsequent events had maie the presi
dents program work out very well.
Colonel Harvey has talked with Henry
Watterson slme the latKr's cull on the
' Preslde-it recently and It was Hald that
all the pre-election unpleasantness bad
teen Ironed out.
The Hesitation. Maxixe,
One Step, Tango, and other
dances all played loud and
clear and in perfect time.
There are Victors and
Victrolas in great variety
of styles from $10 to $200
at all Victor dealers.
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden, N. J.,
hecU lil!ae- - mule i t Oirr.
", Thora la s'icli nuy act'oj ir. Foley
; Kidney Pi'.'.a cu loci their hut I Ing from
th. very flicl doa. Lnikaiic, weak. o-e
,'' kidneys, ; ainf-l l' .ddr and Irregular ac
tion dlsoyiear win thvir use. O. palmer.
Green Pay. Wis.. my: ''My wife is rap
', Idly recovering her health and strength,
du. solely to Toley Kidney rill-." And
i W. T. Hut hcn. Nicholson, Ga., s,yj.
"Just a few duaea mad. me feel better.
' and now rr.y pains and rheumatism ar all
g'Hic and I sleep all r.lght long" A!)
deaJor avery where Ad venlaemenL
Real Bargains in
Musical Instruments
To be Found, in
Bee Want Ads
Most everyone likes music, but instruments are expensive, and
a great many people are deprived of the pleasure of a piano
and other high priced instruments, because they cannot afford the price.
However, good bargains in new and nearly new instruments are to be -found
in The Bee's "For Sale" column. People who are leaving town
cr who need money, often sacrifice these instruments for a quick sale.
Watch this column and you can readily pick up a real good bargain
Ttltphont Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Be Want Adt
Um Tango
7 -
Jl ;,- j
Mr. and Mr.
Vernon Cattle,
teachers ana
greatest expo
nenU of the
modern dances,
use the Victor
exclusively and
superintend the
makinffof their
Victor Dance
Mr. and Mrs.