Tim DEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2f, 1014. MANCHESTER'S CREW IN PORT Surrnror. f British Merchant Ship that Struck Mine Make London. snres- Irn- sever minutes Vessel Is X.ittr l.lka al of Wool aea Coea Beaeath Wavaa, Tak fas the Caatala aa Talr Imi Mr Ala. FLfJETWOOP. England VIa London), Oct 3. Th trawler Cltr of London arrived, here early lodar with the eur vlrore or the British frelaht steamer Manchester Commerce, which struck a mine lata Monday ntcht off the north ooaet of Ireland and sank. Captain Tayne -and thirteen of his crew were drowned, while thlrtr others were oared by the itrawler. Ambulances, physicians and a larta crowd Tit townspeople were at 'the docs when lne trawler cam tn.. Peoond Offi cer Qee told the story of the disaster. Ife said; "The- rxploeton occurred twenty miles north of Torey Island, on the mala trade rout .from Manchester to Canada. The exploaloa shook the vessel as If Jt were merely ; a chip of wood. There was no doubt 1n anybody's mind as to what had happened. The ship began to sink at once and was beneath tbe waves la seven minutes, after striking the mine. "The officer and crew exhibited the creates! coolness under the circum stance. We were able to launch only one lifeboat, when the ship cave a sud den lurch and went down. The captain and officers who were at the moment preparing- to launch the other boats were compelled to Jump Into the water to try and save themselves by swimming to the single boat already launched.' Sev eral of them were carried down with th ship. - .. v "I sa-sm for twenty minutes before I was picked up. Tbe last I saw of the captain he was giving order for launch ing a second boat. I took command in the solitary lifeboat and we picked up all the . survivors and then we cruQnd about .for a long time. When satisfied that there ware none to be saved we hoisted-an Improvised salt. We had gone forty-two miles when we were picked up by the trawler. "Several of our men suffered greatly from evposure. as most of them had on no clothing except shirts and trousers." Inventor Edison Plays at Operator , ; and News Butcher DKItOlT. Mich., Oct. 2.'-Thoma A. Edison.: the Inventor, who has beeji visit ing scene of his boyhood In this sec tion of. the state for the last week, cast off the mantle of his years yesterday, and otr a trip to Port Huron once, more tried hi hand at the operator's key and even went so far as to take the wares from "a news butcher and sell them smobg hi friends. It became known to- As a-boy, Mr. Edison sold papers and worked -as an operator for U.o i same railroad: over which he traveled to Port Huron .yesterday. His last trip, was In a special train engaged .for him by ht host, Henry Ford, a local manufacturer. , As the Inventor passed through Mount Clemens, be stepped Into the telegraph operator's office and tapped off a mes sage to his children In New Jersey. Th meaaase wss lntejrtup.ed Jo4Ver.,vTh Mount ; piemen operator turned to Mr. Edison' with a smile aad sal A; - . "An -operator on the Una Is complain ing. II aaya there Is a boy on tha wire ohose practicing Is gumming things up." It la not reported what tha complain ng operator said when he "waa told that rhomiu; A. Edison ''had -caused .the .rouble '. ... 1 -' At Part Huron. Mr. Ford Insisted on equipping his guest wlin all the neces sary equipment of a- news- butcher. Mr. Edison .appeared to .take keen, delight la the situation.' and h U also selling fruit and eaailea to hi friends. Oura brought as high as M cant a package and when the inventor stepped off tha -train be poured fh rrooead Of his day' busine Inte 4 fee tint of a grinning porter. French Report Says .Attacks of Germans Ato Less Violent 'PARIS. Oct .-Th nrenoJi official announcement Issued tills afternoon aaya that yestetdar th. Oettuaa attacks ba tmen N leu port and Arraa were lass vio lent. Tha fosncb position every where weta maintained and French forces con tinued to advance to tha north aad to the east of Ypree. , t .The test of the communication follows "During tha day of yesterday the . -arms ft attack in all tha region between Kleuport aad Arraa waa lesa -i, violent Our poaltkM wore everywhere main tained, and we continued to advance to tha north aad ta th east of Tpraa. We also made soma progress between Cam bria, to tha southwest of La Basse, and Arraa, ' , , J "Further information continue, to con firm previous reports that the 'German losses la dead, wounded ' and t prisoners have been considerable ta ; tha 'aorthera region. 4; . . A - - Y-., "On th light bank ofl the Atane.tha Qennana attempted at night a very vio lent affeaalve movement 1 la ' tha region of Craonne. On tbe height of the high way Pea Dames they have bean repulsed. "la the Woerve district our troop hav tonUaued their advaao la the forests between Aprlmoet and ' St Mlhtel, a well as ta tha forest of Lepretre." Mother Jones Asks ; . President Wilson '' to Close Coal Mines WASHINGTON, Oct .-President Wilson was asked today by "Mottwr" Jones, the mine strike leader and Jamee Lord of the mining department of the American Federation of Labor to close down the Colorado mines. If. the oper ators continue to refuse the fedrat plan of mediation already accepted by tha miner. - . They also asked the 'resident not to withdraw federal troops until some solu tion of the labor trouble had been found. I Tha president listened attentively and aatd ha waa earnestly looking for a solution. Ha la said to be doubtful of hi authority to close th mines, but wss told that In th opinion of the labor leaders he haa tha authority to do so. Mr. trd told lh president that em ployes of the operators were being mus tered Into tha state militia and that tha riKhting would follow If federal troops were taken ont. , , '. "Mother" Jones described condition In tha coal fields and told the i president that women and children . have ! been brutally treated ' andf that the 'state fof ftciale ware unable to cope with tha situation. ; j - . Presldrnt Oompers of the federation ws at tha White House when "Mother" Jones and nr. Lord called, but .ha 'did not see. Mr. Wilson.' ' .. NEW TRADE WILL TAKE TIME Chilean Expert Adriiei Omahans Sooth America Slow to Chang. MUST LEARN TO TALK SPANISH Haven of tatted State Depart neat af fommerew Advises III Listeners to Heroes Posted f try's Laagaeae. Vern V. Hsvens of tha United. States TPartmFnt of Commerce addressed th manufacturer of Omaha and other busi. nesa men at noon at the Commercial club. He hold petition under th De partment of Commerce as "commercial attache to Chile." He spoke of the op portunities In Chile and the South A merl es n countries for American commerce, but pointed out that it, would not be worth whllo for a manufacturer to stsrt building up. his business there unless h Intended. to keep it up. 'Those who ex- ''-t iuiinonjiii, returns on a large seal win oe aissppolnted." h ssld. "It will take time to build up a business there, and the returns will, not likely be greet the first year. There will be a greet deal of expense attached to It It Is useless, for example, for a msn to labor, there to build up an American buMness unless ha mn apeak tha language of ti e country. . Many a manufacturer goe there and flounder around for. a half yer trying to g-t ome buslnee when he know no mora Spanish than he does Chinese. His time Is wasted." He said we must fin 4 markets there for our manufactured goods and that wa have for a long time been getting great quantities of raw material from South America, which w manufactured Into finished products to be sold In Europe Now that the European market la largely cut off. ha said, w must find aa outlet for thl finished product In Poutn America. Rtreaartheas Weak Kldaeys.' Electric Bitters will more than surprise you after tha first bottle; get a bottle tody; safe and aure. 60c and 11.00. All drugglsta. Advertisement. Dutch Lugger is . ; ;V . . Sunk hy a Mine LONDON. Oct 2S.-A Dutch trawler report that the lugger Viaardlngen truck a mine forty mile north of Tmldan. a eesport of Holland, according to an Amsterdam diapetch to tha Renter Telegram company. The crew and h(p were lost Bee Want Ada Produce Results. Tsak Steaaaer I Released. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2.-OffMsl word was received by the State department to rt y of the relrse hy the Rrltleh govern ment of the American tank steamer Bun st Falmouth," Rnsland, last funday, In compllsnce with' tbe request of the Amer ican government. Its case waa similar tn other oil ships recently seised and re leaaed by England. When Women Suffer ' 5d remedy giveg greater reliel thn Antl-kacirrla fA-K) Tablet in all condi tion generally known a "Women' Ac ben and Ills." One trial will satinfy any woman that he baa at last fonnd the remedy aba baa o long been look Ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are yon distressed after eating? Do yon have nausea wben rkiing in the ear or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab let and get instant relief, Cenorui A-K TabUti ba? th K Mnograra. At alt DrmggUt. , Battle on German Right Ahove Lille": . Becomes Massacre GENEVA. Via Prl. Oct .-Tela-gram raoalvel In riasel. Bwltserland. Tuesday night from. Cologne and Cob lens declare that the wsa on the German right from Lille to tha North Bea haa become a massacre. Purlng tha last six days. It la declared, many .thousands of Germans hav boen killed or wounded. Long trains .containing Vounded con tinue to pour Into Cologne, Duesseldorf and Content and tha lied Cross doctor and th hospital In these place are overwhelmed. It Is stated. Ia reply to reported attacks In the American press because' Swltserland haa not officially protested against, th viola tion of Belgian territory, - the Bwlaa paper make answer that America should ' lead tha way. Bwltjerland, they declare, la In an anxious and critical position. Constipation a Penalty of Age Xo thing I so essential to health In advancing ae as keeping tha . bowels open. It makes one feel . younger and fraaher and foreatalla colds, pile, fevers, and other de pendent 111a j r Cathartic and purgatlvea are i violent and draallo in action and ahould be avqlded. . A, mild, effec tive laxatlve-tonlc, recommended vby physicians aad .thousand who hav used It la th combination of almple herbs with papain aold by druggists everywhere undar tha nam of Dr. Caldwell Byrup Papain, The price It fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottl writ to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 41" Washington.' St. T 'Montlcello, III. . - , 15 "trwajj mi if nn se ds roi n n rn .ST Iff St K al V 1 A TO YOUR U0L1E -Ve Carry More High-Grade ftanos and Player-Pianos Than Any Olher Slore in Omaha, and Can Undersell all Competition STEINWAVT - I WEBERT I HARDMAN, blUK & SONS, ' EMERSON, Also the Aeolian Pianola WEBER, . LINDEMAN & SONS, Schmoller & Mueller, layer Pianos, which include Wheelock, Stuyvesant, Stroud and Technola. McPHAIL, And 23 Other Makes the Steinway, Weher, Steck, It's the Price -on These lh rn Which Makes Them Sell So Fast. 0,,p,noUdy atock la arriving; and we must dlapoaa of hnndreda of our present stock of Planoa and riayer Pianos. rheaet nrlcea am bound to make quick sale: - ronnir Frtoe ... am Voae & Hon Untight $400 Emeraon VpriKbt. $350 Franklirf I priRht . ... . 300 Kchmollor & Mueller Upright $300 Davit A Son Upright .; 94KO Kmeraon UprlRht.. 92RO Hazel ton I prliiht 400 Hrhmoller & Mueller Upright Bala Frloe 8150 100 175 150 150 200 05 108 Tonnar rtoe S350 f)merson Upright. . . . .' $400 MePhall Upright ....... $400 8teger & Son . . . .'. . V $300 Hamilton Upright . -. . . $350 8teger & Co. Upright' . 300 Wagner Upright ...... $500 Rteger & Bonn Upright $00 A. 11. Chase Grand .'!: $1,100- 8telnwy Grand. Bale Prlo . S 75 200 175 145 150 148 275 275 450 FKEK MTOOL AND HCAIU-' WITH EVKItV PMXO, Every Instrument fuU7 guarwteed or money refunded H ? .t C tilt V TV aai n wk a ai aw - RENT A PIANO For $3.50 a Month and up. Free Tuning. Fifty makea to rhixme from. . KEMEMHEIl THE PLACE Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 FarnaciiSt., Onaha Oniaha'a Only Exclusive Piano-., i llouae t : : a , .Slpatrkk's Great- Specia . TT? n IF a. .EOT Fowc MMedirect Hat GERMW. CRUISER SINKS . . BIG JAPANESE LINER' BERLIN. Oct. 2.-Br Wireless to Bay viUe. U I. Tha German cruiser. Einaea,' aceordiac to aa official announcement turned today, haa tutik , a . blc Japauese Jincr bound tor Binaapora; -' t i . ' Accordina to th Italian aewapaoar Mam pa, tha German cruiser Emden aad Kariaruba, up to the' present time, have sunk thirty-threa vessels affreaUnf ' a lunnac of VAWO. rlr Cat Vahloaa. - Tou will Ilka that positive act too. They I cava a toalc effct oa the bowels,- and ! . u a a wholrsoQia, thorough .cleaasinc ta ' tha entire bowel, tract. 8tlr the liver to ! Wealthy activity and keep eiomach sweet. Conslloatloa.! headacha. dull, tinul t,Um I ear affiles-those who use Foley Cats arua TabWv. Only Sc. hpectally cora-'fortln- ta stout peraoaa, wbo enjoy tha l.ht and ra feeling they give. All tlvijlera everywhere. AdvertUenrfit '' - !' 'itu AOs Are Kamou a Heeult UeileiS. ' To Be Sold on Thursday Morning. Sale Starts 8:30 A. M. PRICE rL!a O NOV Attention Please! s is the Most Amazing ' . Values ever Offered by Us. . .... j v. and we have had some wonderful hat sales Doors will open at 8:15 so that the crowd can be distrib uted on the entire second floor. No hat reserved. No hat sold until 8:30. 400 of them to sell. $4.50 the prick t,Many worth as high as $20, a few even more than that. Hats themselves tell the story; hundreds have seen them yes there will be a' crowd. is I BIB nSBBSBBBBSRBSSBaSBB 1 SBSBBBBSBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSJBBSBBBBBS W M "Mi'aaaaw. jjiajggi Cmr- 7"t a r m r- e J 0 "I $1365 F. Q B. Dttroii Tovrinq Car. ani dan Top BoadsUr triih Civpe Top, tl.HS : F. O. B. Detroi: CADIliAC CO. OF OMAHA bistrtbator S0S4-M Taraam tU Omaha, JUa. A Comfortable Winter Car The 1915 HupmoMle puts a new aspect on all-the-year tisa of a motor car accoraint to tha Cad illac Co. of Omaha, local Hnptno olle representatlre. "A greater proportion ot Hap owners always, have drlTen thelt cars In winter, as compared with owners of others." says the Cadillac Co. of Omaha. "This winter this proportion will ba Increased. "With Its splendid starting sys tem and equally splendid enr buration, the new Hup will bt equal to the severest cold..'. "Furthermore, the detachable Hupmobile sedan and coupe tops, are going to change people's minds about winter driving. "The new top confers all the advantages . of the permanent closed car, without the high ex tra cost. "Buyers quickly realise tfhat, and we attribute Jfce big fall de mand largely to These moderate priced, detachable tops that make the Hupmobile a two in one car." When You Want Highest Quality and Absolute Purity L say "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." No need to stop to consider when the cheerful question is asked. The an swer is quick and certain "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." Cedar Brook quality has been sure since 1847. Same today as it was, sixty-seven years ago. Same unvarying superior quality. .That's why it is the largest selling brand of high-grade Kentucky whiskey in , the world. Be sure to say, "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." At all leading Dealers, Clabs, Bars, Restaurants and Hotels IT"-. I aw aauSe Ym'-tm we, ! m "1 Tfiuea both"' Bottled In Boor! For Sale Everywhere If Yo'u Intend To Fit up a Stove and are looking for 6ome good bargains, yourself, be fore you advertise bargains to the public, read those pithy little "For Sale" ads in The Bee. Among those to whom these ads always appeal are grocers, drug gists, . bakers, confectioners, tobacconists, restau- rateurs, jewelers, tailors, dressmakers, milliners. In close relation to these ads are the "Business Chance" columns, which are always full of good chances to buy out entire businesses, fixtures and all. If you don't happen to find what you want the first time you look, try the next day. Fresh bargains are offered every day. Get 'on friendly terms at once with bur advertiser by saying that you saw his ad in The Bee. Telephone Tyler WOO THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads -