Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Children's Sweaters, Toques,
Auto Caps, Hoods, Leggins, Mittens
Wool Sweaters, Leggins
and Caps to match, in w hi to,
navy blue, brown, cardinal
or oxford, $3.25 to $5.25.
Children's Sweaters, white
and colors, sizes 6 to 12
rears, $2.00 to $5.50.
Children's White Wool or
Silk and Wool Mittens, with
or without" thumb, 25c, 35o
and 50c.
CKQArsB's BeetlOB Third Floor
Children's Caps, Toques
and Auto Bonnets, all styles,
colors and prices.
Boys' Sweaters, oxford,
browns and cardinals, 6 to
12 venrs.
Children's Colored Wool
Mittens, good and warm for
these mornings, 25c, 35c and
Women's Knit Underwear
Women's Cotton Fleeced
Union Suits, Dutch neck,
elbow sleeves, or high
neck, long sleeves, all sizes,
Women's Fine Ribbed
Wool Union Suits, high
neck long sleeves, or
short sleeves, low neck, no
sleeves, ankle length, $1.75.
Women's Cotton Vests.
medium heavy weight, high
neck, long or aliort sleeves,
pants to match, 50c.
Women's Fine Ribbed
Silk and Wool Union Suits,
high neck, long sleeves,
high neck, short sleeves, or
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves,
ankle length, $3.50.
Ub&twt - Third no.
Officer! Arriving at Pari Tell How
They Wiped Out the Germans.
Dr reader Oaae Flrlne aad Maalp-
slaht aad
Pat ta
Am Taea
HOW GERMAN SHELLS RAZE BELGIAN HOMES This remarkable photograph was
made at almost the same instant that a shell from a German field gun struck on the out
skirts of Antwerp. The picture shows the front wall of the building crashing to the
pavement. , ,
. (Continued from Put One.)
(Continued from Par One )
many wltli th army ol the Fortuerueeo
rapubllo. According to report, Manuel
u recently In Portugal.
Thirdly, the unrest In Albania teems to
be crowing. Not only have both Italy
and Greece announced their Intention of
protecting their Interests In thla territory
by force of arms, but the Turaa are aald
to be active la a campaign to send troop
and proclaim Albania a part of the Otto
mans empire.
Mlaea lit Atlaatla.
Aside from these political outcropplngi
of the greet war. England reoelved a
hock (a the newe that a steamer, the
Manchester Commerce, bad been auak off
tha eoast of Ireland by A German mln.
Vp to the preeeat time all auoh dlaaatera
have been confined to the eastern ooaat.
The region where thla vessel was struck
Is on tha first rout of tha great Atlantlo
liners from Liverpool and of tha Clyde
Una steamer from New York? and Cana
dian porta. The Inferenos la that the
Oermana, by penetrating thla area, hoped
to reach tha transports bearing Canadian
troops to tha British Isles. . .
Of tha battle on the Taer London has
heard little news this morning. Tha Oer
man rush to reach .. the French ooaat
would appear for tha time being held In
check, but tha fiercest fighting continue,
with the .Ucrmatis delivering harder blows
on the line between PUrouda aad Tprea,
following their failure to make progress
between Dixmude and tha ooaat British
naval guns. It Is said, have resumed their
bombardment along tha coast, and co
lossal Oerman losses are reported. Tha
Belgians, London newspapers admit, have
suffered terribly, but other loaaes of the
French and the KngUeh no mention is
AlMe Adraaee la leslk,
WkUe the Oermana are making tbalr
supreme of fort 1a West riandera, tha al
llea have been qulolc to press the advan
taged offered nt other points on tha line
by the removal of German troops to tha
German tight wing. Thla probably ac
counts for tha progress claimed by the
allies near SoUaona at Berry-Au-Bao In
tha center, and to the oast of Nancy,
where the Oermana, according to the
Preach official 'announcement, have been
driven acroae the frontier. From alt these
sola is. It la understood, tha Oermana took
men and flung them Into Belgium.
The crown prince of Bavaria Is aald
new to be la .command of tha Oerman
forces on the Tree, and It la reported that
be has been wounded. .
the attitude of the population, which la
Increasingly antl-Oerman."
Tbreateaa Oersnaa Hear.
Tha Potrograd correspondent of the
Times, under Tuesday's date, aays:
"Tha news of ths occupation of Lods
Is regarded In military clrclea as ea
tremely Important because of ths pres
ence of a large cavalry column there
which threatens the whole line of Oer
man communication. Tha Oermana will
bo unable to withstand tha terrible threat
to their left flank, and thla cavalry
movement may precipitate developments,
compelling the Germans to fall back
upon Caenstochowa, In Russian Poland,
close to tha Bllesian frontier, and to
weaken extremely tha Austrian defensive
In Oettcla.
The Chronicle's Warsaw correspondent
sends a dispatch which was delayed in
transmission, , In which he says: 'The
Russian winter, which, brought ruin to
Napoleon and must mean the 'greatest
hardship for tha Oerman troops, has set
In early thla year. When our train crossed
tha Bereslna river rvear.AllnsX. a isvssys
ago, a bllasard was raging and the fields
and forests thereabouts were covered
with snow. . All the way from Moscow to
Warsaw the weather was bitterly cold."
Lla' Maty-Two Miles IonaT.
(PARIS, Oct. M.-The following official
statement about tha war In the oast was
Issued this afternoon:
"To th south of Warsaw tha fighting
extends from Rawa to the Junction of the
River Ilia with the Vistula on n front
100 kilometers sUty-two miles) long. In
the region to tha northeast of Rawa tha
Russians have Inflicted heavy losses on
tha Germans. There has been furloua
fighting In the foreeta between Koilenlca
and Radom.
"In Galicta tha Russians are making
progress. To tha south of Hambor, in the
narrow valley of tha Podbu they sur
rounded the Thirty-eighth division of tha
Hungarian honved, together with detach
ments from the landaturm, and destroyed
them completely, capturing twenty pieces
of artillery and a quantity of war ma
terial. "In Bast Prussia partial attempts at a
counter offensive movement on the part
of the Germans resulted In failure."
PARIS. vt. 77. This la how a portion
of the Oerman lines northeast of Tpres
was tsken yesterday, according to of
ficers who have arrived In Paris from
the bsttle line:
A series of light four-Inch guns. three
Inch field batteries, eech Invisible from
the front, were disposed behind the nat
ural cover of undulations In the field, bits
of wood, ruined farm houses or dry ra
vines The guns, working to their full
capacity of four shells to the minute,
sprayed bursting projectiles over the
German trenches In a wide belt before,
over and Just behind the carefully dug
and roofed field works that Is tha usual
thing with tha adversaries. The Oerman
Infantry, as long as they kept Inside '.he
covered trenches, were secure, except
from the chance of shells falling di
rectly through the narrow spars left for
rifle and machine gun fire.
Oermana Rash Into Shell fire.
The French Infantry, from the rear of
their own line of trenches, got up as If
for the usual run for tha Oerman lines.
Ths French guns, at a moment agreed
upon, ceased their fire, and tha Oer
mana, supposing the usual charging rush
was coming, ordered up their reserve In
fantry, who were held outside of tha
shell aone, to support the slender lines In
their trenches.
The French Infantry, although firing
heavily, did not charge. The French ar
tillery changed their range and at a sig
nal by telephone from ths French
trenches caught the German reserves
coming on the run, l.flno ysrds behind
their works, with a shattering shell fire,
which broke formations and seemed to
bring down a third of tha men In the line.
They simply could not advance through
the section of bursting shells.
Froaek Infantry Charges.
Tha French Infantry then charged and
won their way through tha fire from the
Oerman trenches, which they took with
tha bayonet
The pushing of tha Oermana out of
France opposite Nancy yesterday and the
establishing of French positions Inside
the Oerman frontier Is regarded as an
Important achievement at this Juncture,
proving that the allies are capable of
carrying the war Into the enemy's coun
try while holding their Invading army
In check In the north.
The "Blue Devlla," as the Germans call
the French light Infantry operating In
tha Vosgea, sgaln Justified the terror In
which they are held by the enemy. They
led the final rush which forced tha last
of the Oermana out of French Lorraine.
These troops hesitate at no sacrifice to
gain an end. Tha Second battalion, em
ulating the First battalion, which took
tha first flag from tha Oermana, held the
vantage . ground gained despite great
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Japan Will Not
Build Additional
Battleship Now
NEW TORK. Oct 2--The Eaat and
West News Bureau lasued this afternoon
tha following statement, which was re
ceived from Toklo under date of today:
"Mr. Tuklo Oaakl, minister of Justice,
who has heretofore consistently advo
aatod tha disadvantage of Japan's enter
ing Into tha rare of armament expansion
with tha great powers, makes tha fol
lowing statement with regard to tha
navy and army budget to be presented
before the coming diet:
" 'In tha next budget no proposal for
tha construction of any new battleships
will be made. It will only provide for
tha building of submarines and torpedo
boat destroyers with the sole purpose of
placing tha defense of Japan's adjacent
seas on a safer basla Thla will set at
rest any suspicion some naval power may
have harbored toward Japan.
' 'Again, at the present moment, Rus
sia places Its faith In Japan and China
relies upon It for tha maintenance of
Ita territorial Integrity. Conseauentlv
the Increase of the army hitherto ao
much discussed will be undertaken ao
far as tha people can easily bear the
burden, and to tha extent1 of euaurlng
peace In tha far east." "
Be Want Ads rmduoa Result
(Continued from Fag On a)
Big fire nt Haareewtowa, Ml.
H AGE Rf TOWN. Md.. Oct. . Fire
which partially destroyed the Aatletarn
garage In the gherty building and the
Hotel Baldwin today caused an estimated
loss of MUO.QUO. Seventy-five automoMlea
In the garage were destroyed. It Is be
lieved the hotel will have to be entirely
Answer the Alarm
livery ,
ltctere fs
Telle a t4Xf
If . your, kidneys
are Inflamed, don't
atand around and
do nothing.
Like a fire. It
will soon get be
yond control.
You will get the
alarm In time
backache, or diss!
naaa or disorders of
the urine.
Heed tha warning.
Live simply, flush
the -kloiivi h.
drinking plenty of
pure water, and uaa
uoan'e Kidney Pills
to help stamp out
tha causa of tfcs
I eaat stead this"
There la no other kidney remedy so
widely used, nor ao well rwoommeodad.
Omaha Proof:
Mra Mary Adam. Mia 8. lTth 8t
umaha, aaya; "sty kidneys were af
f acted and sharp pains darted through
by tck. causing ma to Buffer terribly.
Tha kldaey aecretlona were also un
natural. Doaa'a Kidney Pilla acted like
msgkc, correcting the trouble from the
kidney aerretiona. I have bad little
trout le of thla kind el nee.
50 ! at! Drug Store
roeWr-MLliMim Cavgw BuffaUxN Y
(Continued from Page One.)
from Nleuport to lUxmude. They crossed
last Thursday, but ware prevented from
advancing over the main waterway at
that time. On Saturday they auoceeded
la getting across the second channel and
nearly reached the railway Una. They
were finally driven back after fleroe
fighting, and It la the railway embank
ment which now forms tha mala. Una of
tha Belgian defense from Nleuport to
"During yesterday morning a Oerman
force ontered Wxmude and for -i time
paralysed tha defenders, who appeared
Ister to have recovered themselves and
turned on the Invaders.
"Heavy street flghUng resulted In the
capture of the greater pert of the Oer
man baiialion."
The correspondent pays a high tribute
to tha Belgians for their valor and te
nacity. He aays:
"On top of two months' hard fighting.
followed by a -long discouraging retreat.
and while tired and disorganised, they
were called upon to hold the line of Taer
when they well deserved a rest Tot
they fulfilled the task longer than was
expected under trying conditions. The
Infantry haa been In the trenLhes almost
'without repose for ten days, drinking
only tha water from tha eanala which
they are guarding, with little opportJnlty
to prepare a hot meal and constantly
under a rain of Oerman shells."
Bee readers are too Intelligent to oval
WAsVHINQTON. Oct. H-Oeorge W
Steneoh. a New Tor broker, recently
held m Indoa with Hlfcus fa his posse e-
atoa, which ho was carrying to Germany,
has been released, according to word to
the Btate department today. Relative
of Sieaech la New York prseenUd to the
departiaent Information to ahow that the
Boney was to pay off two notes held In
uermaa banks.
: . -V: a"
I I V.
'i V
' 5 -
x - ; , - Y-
Safeguard your estate
by a j p o i n t i u g the
Peters Tmst Compauy
as your Executor. It ia
ever faithful in earry
ingout testamentary in
structions. We also act
as Trustee, Administra
tor or Guardian.
f 1622 "J,b-LO
u Bonglaa UU,
Mine Death Roll
Forty-seven Dead,
Three Missing
ROY ALTON, 111., Oct 28.-The doath
roll In the disaster at tbe mine of the
Franklin Coal and Coks company near
hero yesterday waa placed at fifty at
noon today, after all but three men who
had entered the mine before the explo
sion had been accounted for.
Forty-seven bodies had been recovered
at noon, and It Is thnuirht that th three "d then It was like a Cyclone. Timbers
i .
missing men still are In the mine. . coai ana oust, were hurled through the
It was developed today that most of thei'n""Jr' . trled to get back, to help my
deaths were due to the reversal ol the brother, but tha fan had been reversed
air as soon aa the explosion occurred, j "nu w" puinng tne air damp towards
On the other hand, mine offlrers state j u Tht ony One bealdea me who could
tbat tha reversal of air also pre ented K6t wav man whom I did not
a much heavier loss of life In that t; j stow." i
the afterdamp out of the lower 1
lamaged. The men were quickly hoisted
to the top.
"The men further back quickly dis
covered that the air had been reserved
and made their way to the bottom of the
main shaft and were hoisted .tothe sur
face. Some of them were overcome and
had to be assisted. They all revived aa
soon as they reached the fresh air."
Leo Bellamy, who was arcscued from
the mine, today told how the reversal ; 0f Albania.
or tne air Brought death to some. He
"I was walking along the main air
course when the explosion occurred.
About fifty men were scattered along
the air course. I heard a distant rumble
Italy May Occupy
Section of Albania
PARIS, Oct. . The action of Oreere
In occupying the southern end of Albania
Is regarded by competent observers here
to be news of great moment and which
may cause Italy also to occupy a part
Liverpool Grata Market,
quiet; No. 1 Manitoba, s 4d; No. S, to
Id; No. I, 8s 10d;. hard winter, 8s UMtd.
CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed,
new, 72d-. . : . .
The Elms Hotel
Frank F. Dnnlap, Manager,
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
A paradise for overworked
and nervous people.
Home of the most wonderful
healing waters In the world.
Send for Booklet.
workings, where many of the workers
had begun to scatter when the explosion
Tha reversal of the air fan drew the
poisonous gases Into the alrshaft, thereby
causing the death of the men who had
not gone far Into the workings and who
LONDON. Oct iS.-The Dutch steam
ship Coblens will aall from England to
night for Rotterdam with the first
rushed to the alrshaft for safety. At the I thouaand tons of food purchased by the
or give marked auooeas to one aide or the
other, '
ir the Oermana or Bonding fresh
masses of men to the fighting aone. the
allies probably are equally their oppon
ents numerically with reinforcements
There are still many thousands of French
and British troops who have not 'yet been
In action, although tha latter are on this
side of the channell.
More BelgUai to rroat.
The lie 11 an government has been
stirred to greater activity by the com
' ' .
n.eui uiav were srs largo nunroers ot
oung and physically able Belgtana en
Joying Ufa In England when their proper
place. It la contended, Is In tbe ranks of
their own army. A call now has been
Issued by the Benglan government sum
moning all efficient between tha age
of 11 and to enlist for the duration of
the war and announcing that after Nov
ember U, all bachelors are to be auto
matically enrolled. Blraulteaeously It Is
declared here, the British government
has repeated ot Ita raornt Instructions
forbidding tha capture of reearvlata of
the enemy on neutral vessels, and haa
withdrawn this ardor. Tha publlo wel
comes this change ot front, aa It la
opposed to giving facilities to tha flood
of German and Austrian reservists to
Join their colors and thus neutralists
tha fresh troops tha allies are able to
send Into the field.
aama time a fresh supply of air swept Into
the main shaft, through which the men
had entered the mine, to fill the vacuum
created by the withdrawal of the gas
laden air In the workings. This fresh air
then waa drawn up the shaft.
It developed today that there waa no
fire In the mine and that the reports ot
fire started from the fact that several ot
the bodies recovered soon after the sx-
ploalon were charred.
James D. Brown, mine manager, today
aald that he gave the ordera to reverse
the air. lis was walking from the engine
room to the shaft when the explosion oc
curred. He snouted to the engineer to
reveres tha air fan. Brown's story fol
lows. "The men had Just gone down and I
know most of them had gone tar from
tha shaft The reversing of the fan
forced fresh air down the main shaft to 1
tha men. A cage was at tha top and I ,
Jumped Into R and went to the bottom.
"I found seventy-five men near ths i
shaft who did net know the air had been
reserved and were starting toward the
air shaft. I turned them back and they j
were all saved. The cagea were not 1
American commission for the relief of the
Belgian people. Coincident with tha de
parture of this ship, tha Belgian govern
ment has announced that hereafter all
movements for supplying Belgium with
food must bs conducted through the '
American commission, which Is the sole '
body authorised by all governments con- i
cerned, both belligerents and neutrals, to !
perform the task. j
This announcement waa made because ,
or a group or wealthy Ostend residents
wishing to contribute $109,000, failed to
get In touch with tha commission until
tl.ey had cabled to Washington. Alt con
tributions snd supplies are under tha pro
tection of American and Spanish diplo
matic representative, but the actual
work of distribution will be In the hands
of the American commission.
For Thursday at
A choice assortment
of elegantly designed
and trimmed pattern
Chic Mid-Winter Mod
els, which are worth
regularly up to $12.50
and $15.00 -Thursdav,
First Church of Christ,, Bciejn
tlst, of Omaha,' Announces a '
Frei Public Lecture
Clarence 0. Eaton, C. S. B.
Member of the Board of Lecture
ahip of the Mother Church,
The First Church of
Christ,' Scientist, In
Boston, Mass.
In the Church Edifice
t. Mary's Ats. aad 84th It.
Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 1st,
at three o'clock, and '
Monday Evening, Not. 2d,
: at eight o'clock. '
Tou and Tour Friends Are Cor
dially Invited to Uj Present
The House of'Menagh
Tha Store (or Gentlewomen"
1613 F&rnam St.
OCT. 81.
WATERLOO, la.. Oct. 3- (Special Tel
egram.) Iowa laundrymea in state con
vention dWussed many live probtema
Fred V. Sherman. Fort Dodge, aald ba
nian machinery la precious aad pleaded
for more humans treatment of employea
declaring human machines rocelv the
least aoaalderatlon, aad tha welfare ol
help makea for greater efficiency. Tut
and shower baths were the com
forts advocated. U. D. Wolf of Chicago
advocated cost accounting, which would
sooa lead to uniform charges by laundry-men.
Domcstic Science
Firelcss Cooker
Wo hare with us for one
wek Mlea Katherina Hood,
an expert on Firelesg Cook
ing, who will show you the
many ecuuonilraJ uaea of this
Famous Cooker. She will boll,
bake, roaat or stew while you
watch ber, and in other wayi
teach you flreleaa rooking;.
Radiant Home Stoves
Quick Meal lUnfee, Oak
Moves, Oil Heaters ad Gas
Watch for our eperlai dem
onstration of Quick Meal
Kaagtsa neat week.
. ISIS Kaney Street
Our Drop Pattern
Furniture Sale
Another of those Memorable Sales that Omaha peo
ple have learned to recognize aa EedXetter Events.
An Absolutely True Statement of Facts
We have taken from our stock all Drop Patterns
Samples and Odd Pieces Every one of these arti
cles has been marked below cost Some are priced
at Half and Third cost. These pieces are displayed
on our main floor. Thursday, Friday and Saturday
you may seen them at your leisure judge their real
value but notT.a single piece will be sold until the
sale begins Monday, Nov. 2d, when the doors open
1 at 8:S0.
Thia is the Big Event of the Year.
Monday at 8:30 o'clock.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418.South 16th St. -
Katiaoa aad sTifflit. Beats JTow.
Ruth Ste Denis0
aswais waa aewsssw WMi jutoo..
Twloe sally.
Dally afata BSo.) Breillat, too, 38o, BOe.
lota and Harney ats.
Ajnerlea's O-reatest Xtaotloaal Aetrees, .
... ZaT
Martha of the Lowlands
tarta at 10, HUB, 13:30, 1)45, 8, 1B,
130 S.45, 8, U6.
This woke Ksts Ellasr 6sa WMIUsm,
Bwssor BiWr a Co., U a'bsmr Lxvts Uuln-
t wtta. Chss lH a rraddis Klos, Jaw
Srltastar, Cbtska. Missis Ssuimaa, Tas Til
St Wsrfc o4 Plr.
rrkas: Msllsas Osllerr. bast Mil sef
SusnUr sss Siu4st. Bm. hlshta. lag-Ms-MB-Iaa.
THt-ATHt 147e-Teala-nt
afatlaeea Tase, Tanrs.. Bat..
la tha Cosaeay,
25e ANY SEAT 25
Week of (. li Tlae ISainbow."
l&aJiA-s tai OKTXaV"
Wits Bas SUSHI SSS Osrtrsds Hsraa. Karar
arlura sock s teat: Utcar Hasuuratcla. David
awasre. Oas. at. ( a. At Hams. Mlai tUrf
u Raaaitae earr nails to laojr same.
JjtatraesaaaaM sat ssaraatrs.
AU ai Wai-sin omul. Yaura, Bat.
aad taeav sapas aeaaaaar la ,
rsiaas aaa Ma. Vast Weak -MSmAUmm-