12 TI1H HKK: OMAHA, OCTOBER 19U WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be Pre sented before 13 o'clock noon for evening ronton and 7:M p. m. for morning and Hundsv editions. Want sds received after such hour will be under th heading. "Too Lata to Clssslfy." ' CASH RATES. Seven ronsecutlv timed, 1 cent a word each Insertion. Three tlmea within one week, 1H centi word each Insertion. One time I cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive tlmea, cent a line each Insertion. Three tlmea within one week, 10 centi a line each Insertion. One time, 12 cant a line. Count als average worda to a line. Minimum charge., 20 rent. The Pee will not he responsible for rnnre than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Clalma for error fnuat he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must be atopped by writ ten order. Tou ran place your want ad In The Be by telephone 1 TELEPHONE TTLER lOnO. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" .Jilr5" ot, ,hr ""wers have been wJlr1 V, mm' "yr dirlng the Isst T . u Jt ronahle to suppos that all .r People below have made the de sired awat-e therefore, do not call for the ISn. Li h r,r " Bee Want Ada ura get result. int re n Wl It FIB W4 77 S2I U K4 as v HI M X7 ri 77 r m rt M ion rw loss (W7 m 107T 8. VTt IM IflMl linn 1HH 1116 1111 im 1121 112.1 112 117t 11W 111 hi 12(4 , ir ( 120$ HC. 12i1 1274 122 1ZM 1240 14 1247 1?4 1X1 12f S 12M 12M ma 134 177 12l 1271 im 1290 BC. 1? 177 12r 1 ? 1 1) ii im WIS WW w 1S44 1.121 W; l.WI 15 J 1271 TODAY'S COMPI.KTK M IK riKK.KAMS f:rln1vlT in Tle I tee LIVE WIUE HISINKHS MEN OF OMAHA nn . APPOliO THEA. TX'-'I I.F'.A VEN WORTH Hearst-i-eHg. No. M. III. Brother Rill. 2-rer l.ubln. Post No Hills. Edlsnn. i Columbia tFi ka'tkr. a. iin. Roolle's lishy. Kdl. V.' Fnhle of "One Samaritsn Who (Jot PhibIvsIs of the Helping Hand " Es. A Close sMI. Vltn. ''oMUllIT," i'4TlTANt VINTON. The Runaway Freight. 2-ree Reliance. "ir Mutual (ilrl. No. 4". Their 1'pa and downs. Keystone. F A VOH I T K T H E A T K It! i 71 INTt )N. Hearst-Sellg. No. The Livid Flame, J! red IM. Slippery, Film and the i treefi-F.yeit Monster. Kw. GEM THEATER. lV.S K. THIRTEENTH. Love sn1 Rase ball. 2-reel Rison. The Actress, Powers elrnma. 4 hlrnprsrlnn. .?. '. Lawrence. I r. V!l Hownrd. t. Mfl. e-lcllr j :2m'h- H'iIk. Ion ajlna 1'alHtlnar. Ruth IetchfoM. icoratlna, firlr.ar. R. rlnalneera. M. .1. l,A'"V r,l HKK R1,T0. rf)in r ream Separators. The Sharplrs Separator Co., 121 h Knrn. HASSOOM TIlOTKK, 241 h at Castnllar. p-tectlve Dan Cupid, Nestor comedy. For the Pecret Hervlce. tao-reel Re. The Mind's Awakenln. Frontier. VINTON BT. LVIUC THEATER, lli The Violinist. 2-reJ F.clalr. The Bcarecrow'a 8cc-rrt. Frontier PAS TIM K T 1 1 E A T E R . 4 1 h Le a ve n w o rt h toy (I reel Kc ) Th Foreman's Treachery. Nestor. pastime", "4TH and Leavenworth. The Tenth Commandment, S-reel Imp. VKNEZ1A THEATER, UU. 8. UTIl bt. Tricking the Oovernment. 3-reel. V est. MONROE. ZiSZ FARNAM HT. J. Warren Kerrlunn In Proof of a Man, Victor. Anna Utile In The lw 1 nto Herself, 2-r He. Her Moonshine Lover. ar.Biua B.C. ir'pENSON, W MAIN BT. J J" The Aftec Treasure. J-reel Ecialr. lW. I.liil. KlalAr with llnh Immrd. JUl Hcarecrow and the Chaperon. 1". Ike cum. 1TIS W.4 W17 l.WI 1W I oanell Illatfa. EIilTK THEATER. fits UROADW'AT. Vl Iencer (2 reel Kal Jcale'a Jaacy. tVIt ".he Guldlm Fate (Rio.) jjir I ROPER, M7 1IROADWAV n Trey o' Heart, No. W. 2-reel lold Beal 14071 Those persistant levers, Costal comedy 101 1 he Quarrel, Eclair drama. lo i 1 1411 1412 1415 CARD OF THANK. We wleh to ezpreea our heartfelt thank for sympathy extended and beautiful flora offarlna'a during the alckneaa and eleath of our beloved husband and father. JMKS. U JOHANBON AND FAMILY. DBATHI AND FUNERAL NOTICES KKLfON Ha-a, Oct. V, 114, a-ed M year. Funeral eenrtcea will be held from family residence, B04) Davenport treat, Thursday, Oct. ts. at I o'clock p-in. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. FYlenda Invited. PATJLrTEN Anna C. widow of the laU Senator J. T. Pauleen, Wedneadar momlna; at her daushter'a, Mrs. J. O. Rrandta. realdenca, k22 Lak St Funeral Friday at I o clock from her naiifhter's residence. Frtenda are wnl ix) me. Interment Prospect 11111 cemetery. NOVAK Joseph F., aed 44 years, Oo- tober JS. Remain at Huffmann's funeral home. Funeral nouoa later. BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Rlrths-R. and Ethel Caleton, 2311 Pt Mary's avenue, girl; Julius and Jennie Jordan, hospital, slrl; Em 1 and Mary Kohmtek, 27 IS tkiuth Twenty-flrat street. Slrl; Frank and Rosls Monta-omery, boa pltal, girl; Eric and Jene Peteraon, 42H7 North Thirty-sixth avenue, boy; W. V. and Nellie Weber. 301ft Chicago street, boy. Deaths Mrs. Mary J. Sweeney, M, lbug Military avenue; Mrs. Ellen Gentleman, U years. S234 Miami; Charles Rrown, i veara, 1014 Muth Eleventh street; Ole O. Morlch, 7 years, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Licenses to wed were Cranlad to th followltig: Nam and Residence. Aga Frank Dtttman. Omaha M Jeasie Prenlca, Omaha over 11 Carl H. Klemm. Bloomlngton, 111 84 r ranees A. aaeis, umana z Harold H. Weet, Chamherlath. B. D.... Bella C Thleaen, Chamberlain. 8. D... tS Hugh Poison. South Omaha TS Ueeale Bpencer, South Omaha S3 Cart W. Hoyt. Warsaw. Neb l Ida B wan son, Waraar, Nb 44 J. Rush Wlruret, Omaha i Beulah Hoffman, Omaha Sb Lolael Cotnpton. Island. Idaho . 71 Rosamond Crosby, Dundee g) aualh Oi REfWE THEATER. 24TH AND N. 1 he 4lrl From the Weat, L.ubtn. On the Isle of Karne. 1-reei Edison. They Were College Roya. Ulngrapn. MAGIC, 4TH AND O. Olaf Erlckaon. Boss, 2-reel Rex. Carman a Wash Day, Hterllng comedy. FROLlt: THEATKR. Hhadowa. I-rel Imp. Funny Mr. IMnglo, Victor comedy. Her Life's Htory, Rex drsma. Deterttvea. JAMr-S ALLAN. 312 Neville Rlk. Evl-.lni-e ecui-d in all cases. Tyler IIS. Ilanelaa Academies. Turpln's Dnnclna- Academv, 2th A Farn. CIIAMIIKIiH' Academy, classic. D. 1V71. Mncklc's A'ndeitiy, now open. lSlhHar. Dressmaklna. Terry Dresstnak g college, awh A Farnam. Sirs. J. M."Trid, "ait" N. Kith; styl.eh fall coatumes at Iritroiiuctory prlis I. R4TS. HTIlAMiKK In cltv want day work, 1 y'rs' eiperlrnce. H per day Walnut 3241. Ml.-S STCRDV. 2411 .as. Red S'ju. FAHHIONARLK dressmaking; IW Corby. It. nllsla. Ir. Rrsilhuiy. No pain 1SV1 Fitrnam. I'r. Todd s MlveolHr.dcntlsiry. 4u.1 Urandels Ha.Uy, the Oinllst. 7ii lty Nst't Rwok. Tuft Dciilnl HoomB. 1117 IiqiikIhs. 1. ii. I'lforrtieiiT-! r. Fickes, 724 City Nat. Rank. Drags. IiRl'OH at cut prices; freight paid on 110 order; cataloK'iea fres. Hliernian & Mc Connell Drug 'o, Omalia, Neb. F.leelrlc Sappllea. LFRRON FIpc. Wks. SU R. 12th. n. ?17. Forrle.ra. REN FENSTER, 141u N !4lh Kt. W. TTH. F.verytblna for Womea. Woman'B Exchange. 4;i? Pux. Rlk. R. 4S12. ACt:oltl'ION. side, knife, aunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2 I'oUKlns Hlock. P. I'jJi. I1KLP AXTKI FF.MALK C lerleal anal Offlee, "TEVOORAPHF.H. to " WEST. REFKREN4 E RoNP ARS'N, 752-Ji Omaha NstloiiBl Hank RMg. Csrtorr nail trades. LEARX hslrdrr-ss nr Opicnlielm Parlors. I A I V barl e r w a n t ed i 02H. l.ttht. llonaekeeK-ra a nil Uoaieatlea. COMPETENT girl for upstairs work and cere of children; must have references. Hnrney .nil. , WANTKIt-A clean, healthv second girl, reference reuiilreil. H. S. 'i H E rtcrvant Jirl 1'roulem Solved. The Itee will run a Servant ( rl Wanted Ad FREE until yo'i et the desired results. Thl pplles to resident of Oniana. feouth Omaha and Council Rluffa. Hring ad to Tlie Hie office or telephone Tv'er inoo. W A NT F.I Ciirl to do light housework for room and board In a good home: high school till preferred. Call Walnut 22s. Wanted A laundress. 3112 Iavenworth. WANTED A nursemaid not under ). H. 0. WANTED At once, a responsible lady for housekeeiier; one who llkea children; aged from Sn to 4fl years. Ad dress. Tom Nelson, Sth and L Sts., Fre loont, Ne. Expesienced girl fur sencrfrk housework. Two In family. Pl"aant room with hath. Must be a good cook. Walnut 14.fi. Mm Stence. WA NTEI A nurse maid. Mra. U 108 8. With St Harney 3759. Killer, WANTKII MTt'ATIOXS VOL'NU nian wants place to work for board while attending Royles' college. Te'"ion Ooiiclaa 1W Of 6ITCATION ante1 aa caretaker rooming hou'e Address A iW. Ree. EX KRli.NCK.li Lhaulti ur wishes to drive private car: careTtil driver; know City very well. Address F M Ree. WAM'ED-Cooking uosltinn by -olorej persn; day nrk preferred Weh. 7T7" WANTED A position a bookkeeper; young man. Addrens p.ox 4.17, Grand Is land. Neb. POSITION des red t,y lady ss assistant In small tuardlng house. Mrs. C. 'Bell, fieneral I livery, Omaha. STRANGER In cty want day work. 19 y'rs' experience. 13 per dsy. Walnut 3241. F.XPEHtEN' ED wash- woman wants position. Phone Webster ff.." YOl'NtJ IADY Neat appearance, with several years office experience, desires position: hn thorough knowledge of gen eral office work; good references. Ad dress D. 700. Ree. CARPENTER-Will work rrffur. Red for 3w; per WANTED Position as house salesman, bookkeeper or correspondent. with wholesale concern hv experienced man, 26 year of age. Address A 42W, P.ee. msixKss ciiaxci:s TO yl'K KLY sell you business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. IOST AXD FOl'XO TANK Iron tank, four feet rtia. 3 teet high, two feet hopper. Address S. C. Jfll. Ree. 1 .;ET in or out of bu ness. call on OANOFTAD. 404 Bee Bidg. 1). ?477. V' ANT eT A n ilea" Who can think of some simple thing to patentT Protect your Ideas, they n;av bring you wealth. Write for "Needed lnvenvion'1 and "How to Get Tour Patent and Tour Money." Randolph A Co.. Patent Attorneys. W ash ington o. i . IF FARTT who found lady a purse wtth V) and locket will keep HO and return balance and locket, win ppre--late It. It's all we got. W. A. Scott. Address B fSS. Ree FNGLISH bull terrier, all while, long tall, ears clipiied. 4 months old pup. Return lli Po. 2f.th Ave. R. J. Saunders. I.'beral reward. LOST Gold watch, back of Rlvervlew park; esse No. 124S&1. Reward. D. 317ft. Ftl NDRIack horseTweight l.SX). P. P. Borensen. West (Vnter. Walnut JS71. stuck of news, stationery, cigars, ran-l dlea. Ice cream, notion and toya and all j M h ft 6 r- ' fixture.. 3 fl,vln room, in , rear; rent all I30-. 4 years', lease; dandy location . dollars rewar will handle this. If you . have energy ' , r"r r.1 1"ST Rook of annual passes In name of traveling freight agent. rosd. Kansas Cty, Mo. collect. Kansas City. rd you can make thl a big Winner. C. M. I LOOT-Black corduroy child a coat; th Faton. Webster 431'. HAIRPREPHING parlors In Council Rlufla, enjoying a splendid trade. Big bargain. Handle on $400 GANUESTAD Room 4o4 Bee Bidg. ' Doug. 5477. NOW la the tlrnu and here's your chance to get a good, legitimate, established paving business cheap; no experience necessary. Address 41 103, Bee. j In vest meats.' INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In- POFITION as wstihtnan by aentleman. VM about l,0 In an old esta bushed TA. Sober and Industrious. I.. 6V. Ree. I general mercnanaise ousinrss. win run 1 senerni mer' iitiiit umiiiw, win ..u It with my own help. A good Investment and Lake and 3tth and Amea. Call Benson 6703. MEDICAL. W ANTED Girl for general housework ; "nd Poandlnavlan languagea; experienced ; Mil Cass. i VI i,re a'vncement Imperative. M 422, lOMl'ETL.NT, energetic man, 2;., wlih , for the man that has eome money to college rdjcatlon. wants connection ' loan out. Stock about 10,(X. German nn aavertismg agency, real estate or special firm; enmmanda English, German l IVTI.ll A ulr t,,w a.ncral It. ,l I vnrk no washing; small iamlly; 131 8. JSth i 1 OFITlox by girl who has had six years' 8t H. 2ir,2. I general niflco experience and three ."rV-VJ.v;: rr : , . years as typist. F 102. Bee. WANTED A maid for general house-1 : : . work; small family: good wages. 123 1 ri 1 " '" wanted by lany as nursemaid B. 32d Ave. Harney WANTED Girl for general housework; good waves; no washing or lrontng, 111 N.8kth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mr. C. D'Hturtev.int, 112 . ith St. Florist. A. DONAHl'K, 1(122 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 1W4 Farnam fit. L. HENDERSON. Uil'.i Fainam. Member Florist TeU graph Del D. 126. Asa'n. II EMS A HWOHODA. 141fi Farnam at. Hair Dressing. Harper Method. R. . Ralrd Bldg. D. fcjU. B WITCH Eil from combings, tT7so. D. 243. Live Stoek Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., Wl 8. 13th. Red. 42R2. Vaadevllle. ORPHFTTTi. 24TH AND M.. 80. Omaha Berle No. IS of th Million Dollar Mya tery will be shown her Wednesday. Two thrilling parts. AXXOUNCEMEXTS Desirable Offices For Rent in The Bee Building ONE ON FAItNAM STREET 520 Sq. Ft.-$50.00 Location and Service the Best PLENTY OF 1IEAT FltEE UOIIT Inquire of the Superintendent, l?om 103. DENTISTRY All kinds of Dental Work .ten imd.r esreful auuervlslnn. at ths the Crelghton College of Dentistry. 10 H. 18th BL Chlldren'a teeth straightened. FKFH very moderate. p;xtractlon tree. Lighting; Flxtarea and 'Wlrlagr. TI1UMAS DUKIvlW Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419CUMINO. DOUGI.AB ttl. Mast oalasie and l.ndse Supplies. M FOR, of lodge regal li and coaiumes. The largest stock of maaipierade and theatrical costume In the country. Thep Lleben at Bon, 1M4 Howard. D. 4115. Mfra. and Wlaaov shall 4 leaaera. OLD shades nu1e like new. Midwest Bhade Factory, 4010 Ham Hon, Har. 4M1, Messenaer and Transfer. WHITE LINE, 309 8. 11th. Dougla 3.H2. Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. II W. Psych free. Mr. It. M. Eck. 84 8. lth. D. 657. Movlaari Htorave and Cleaning;. W. C. FEHRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Masseuses. M AR(4. , rheu., liver, kidney .troubles. P. 713. KATHLEEN MACK, massage and bath. Douglas 7581. Clara I-ee. bath and maaage. Doug. -8751 AVXTA IAI)1'C BATHS. 8C1EN- nitiiJiiUiJmvu TIFIC MASSAGE. ISuI Farnam St. Apt. t. 3d floor. D. 81. GIRL for general housework; small tain- ly, no cooking. l'fc N. soth GIRL to do general Franklin Ft. housework. 2602 or llnht nousework. Call H. 874. A SMOOTH-FACED, practical printer Wants a Job anywhere. Married, sober and not afraid of work. Will l.;a.e. H. 11. t ease, rieemer. ivsb. preferred. Address V 254. Bee. To Conservative Investors We offer hlgh-grsde. first mortgage farm loans st prevailing rates. Titles guaranteed and Interest collected without charge to our Investor Tax free In Ne braska. Peters Trust Co. 123 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. o i POSITION wanted at once by respect able lady as housekeeper with 7-yr. old rhl''' in or out of town. Call after 6 p. m. D. 1799. NEAT, reliable young lady wishes a po sition aa telephone operator; seven Vl.t.' e vr...a I..h. ... A.U 1 'f.o t, . -4 ., , c, nuijl LM x ivri, i.r. TOUNO women coming to Omaha mi VOUNQ lady with two years' experience strsngor are Invited to visit me lour. BitHiosrai.ncr wunts position; can iv...rtUI,'. i'h, .n a s a. .e i a t win on l hi I n k. at ' . u n puuu leiervnceB bi lu cnuracLer p c. i..C'. x .,. it. v. Kt where thev and ability. Address J 602. care Ree. ' (TV gages are not ,,.. . ... ...... . . iiihiii or iiKni iioiiscK eping. . us. M J rolled all In travelers' guide nt 1 ron station. - ; w M W collect all in WOMh'.N wj.nted for aovernment clerk' ships. Big pay. Omaha examinations Soon. Sample questions free, rransun Institute. Dept. tiMS. Rochester, in. x. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Dalesmen and Solicitors. WE can uso loo educated men through out the Cnlted States as representa tives to supply the Increased demand for the New International Encyclopaedia owing to the present European war. For full Informs Hon, address Dodd, Mead 4 Co., New York City. Mutual Benefit, Health and Acc. Omaha. drive private car, or will drive car of ny own-if desired. Address Y 2.. Bee. YOCNG lady of neat appearance with several years of experience, desires clerical or office position. Good refer ences, thorough knowledge of general office work. Address G-fiWt. cafe Bee. DAY WORK wanted Phone Doug. M07. WOULD like place In housework where I way go home nights. Call Douglas SKfifi. WANTED Position 127 No. 24th. chambermaid. A SOBER, reliable young man wishes respectable work that will bring ad vancement. Address J S75. Bee. OMAHA concern are looking for good I C1TV SALESMAN, having eight ytar ex meh through u. See u today. Mid- i 1'erience; three yeac wholesale and re went Bonding Co., 312 Bee Bldg. u,,;. 6 year olty salesman for present irrZ7Zr,rz;; ; T t: T employer. Is open for contract Line must TRAVELING salesman; furniture; sal-. be good and business policies must be A wry; good house. 312 Bee Bidg. 1 So. 1. Salary must bo tl.SOO a year or better; reference exchanged. If your line Clerical and Office. , HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WESTERN REF. BOND AtjbN. Tol Omaha Nat. Bank Rldg. WANTED Young man slono. ; out of town, good future, o0. Y. M. C. A. Employment Dept. v VOUNO MAN ST EN O. GOOD Fl'Tl Ac M. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DBPT. SQUARE PEGS IN Syl'AHh. HOLES. We find a position that fit you. CO-tlHERATlVE REFERENCE CO., . 1015-18 City Nat. Hank Bldg. WHY EXPERIMENT? PIANO TUNING, 11. BRANDON. Recommended by Mary Munchhoff, Mills Ryan, Buh. Duffleld. Belle Robin son sed I endow. W. 4. 4S1 N. IMh Ave BUILD1XO PERMITS. J. A. Wnalsn. 1MB North Twentieth, hiiek store. 14,600; Mrs. Roy Shogrwen, SS Decalur. frame dwelling. )1.6JQ, TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusive! 1b jbo Dee. twva Tewa. CAstERAPHONE. 1403 DOOOLA8. Tha Olrl In th Stowaway, i-reel Kalem. Broncho billy and the Greaser. Esaanay. '4.ty s Bweatheart. Vltagraph. ELITE NO. 1-131 FARNAM. "" ! Aa Arusrlcaa Helrasa. Lub. fieed and the Harv.st. Kal. Andy and th Redaklna. Edl. ' T-ARNAM lii FARNAM moriy un omnoci MOimes, s-reel dr. A Rude Awakening. Beauty, com. A Mother's lnfueaoe, WaJ. dr. HIPP THEATER. UTU AND UAiiNiST. Horn f Paramount Pictures. ' SIGNS, ahowcarda. Clark Hon. D. 171 HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; nostnald'. samoles free, blierman M cConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Mlsa Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red tM, MASSAGE, 1W S lith St. Mrs. V lolet, Ray Mass. 4.w Roe Bldg. D. 61)i. Mra. Snyuer. eiec. trt. lVH S. sth. D. 4:V4 M A iS. A 1 1 P. Swedish movement. 424 ilLVeV5iUi Hee lMK uouglas 373. K. Mack, massage and manicuring. D. 76K2. Massage, Mlsa V aiton, R. 224, Neville Rlk. Come to us In the first place. We are In touch with the very best firms ' In Omaha, who tell us their wants because they know wo deal fairly with the em ployer and employe. We want competent Steele, men in all lines of business; men wno isre aniriuious. we especially neeu me higher grade of men at thla time. Get in touch with us at once If you want action. v at i net. ta, md-u uran. inea- CITY SALE8MAN for'good candy line; established trsde. ROGERS REFERENCE CO.. S24 State Bank Hidg., 17th and Harney. Wedding announcement. Imug. ptg. Co. DON'T FORGET. WATTERHON'8 UNION ORCHESTRA for all occas'on. Strictly ths best. Ad dries US W. th Bt. or phone Doug. uM. MasHgM, Ai I ss Gibbon, K. Neville HiK. BATH and Mass.. alcohol rub. Laura WUaon. lHOU Farnam. H. 2. Doug, tub!. MARGARITK- I A LI iO RAN moved to Council Blutfs, la., Rm. 4wl, Baldwin Blk. Ucaitsts. Eyes examined, glaaaes fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Gibson's Buffet ta South 15th 8t Oatvoiialblo Pbyslclaas. Dr. Rerticha, 203-4 Met ague Bldg. D. KM. "Lawn covering, walnut mx 'Everett 8. Dodd, 411 Paiton Blk. D. r1. 'atrata. H. A. Sturgea. 6.10 Urandels Theater Rlda. D. O. Barnell, l'uxlon Blk. Tel. Red 7117. I.tTCKY weeding r'nga at BrcMegaard'k. rwlttloal. Patent De veJopaieat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th Bt. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I the republican idWaU for election to th office of l'aZ n..i..r.tion davs. October and .'4, eloo- Oon, Kovember I. 1914 Addlaun Walt. John H. Grossman, noo -partisan can II daW for district Judge. If elected I will not b controlled by any poliUcal bos. IgPOLASPrlnt.ng Co. Tel. loug. H44 COREY & M KENZIK PTG. Co. D. 2044! RIES-HALI. Ptg Co., Ik) Capitol. D. lluj. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. J754. UVB WHUB BV BINE S3 MEN OP OMAHA HUGH M'MANl'8, 417 N. 40th. II. 6T3. Plna.es Hraevatr.. PLUMES 4k flowers made over, cleaned A uyeei. tieriha Kruger. 4'- Fax ton. D. KttH. Park. Lord C aid N. UTH HT Lord Cecil Inlervanaa. Iiil.lrt I'll Puiaoned Bit. 2-reel EUlaoa. bllppery blira and Greep-Eyed Monter. PAULOa THEATER. 14l UOL'uEZS Tray o" Hearts, aeries No. U. . N PRINCLSa 131J-1 DOUGLAS Ths Lass of KUIIkrankte, Usle AlberL W hite Roses. Ella Hall. ffnookee's Day Of, Sterling com. Monk. ALUAUTBRA THEATKR, 1114 N. J4TH. regular Amateurs, - with pictures. ' program of ?71L a.. 'OUT The Storm Bird, Powers. Heinle's Outing. Sterling comedy. CLIFTON. Military Av "and Uurdettw! Tlie Winning of Demi, t-rwi K-a Siate New Shoes, lieauiy Comedy leM ilk-fed Boy, Mlestlo Drama. J'lAMUM) THEATER. S410 IKEkt .. . . -w. u, n XVF, The Quarrel. Eel. Mary Green sHushand. fnlv. Ike Oim Murphy and the Mermaids, Biograp'n. j-lralryy of- Broncho Billy' (sweetheart A. B C ot Omaha ALL WATCHbiS, d.amonrt and Jew- hoacn Exterminator. B, 11. B. Roach rowder at your druavlst. A ' . -T, ..veiui nrlcea. SeDt. and Oct. U Buy no. w"urn Watoh and Jewelry Co., Room 17, .aruacn block. Safe anal Time Luck Kxaerta. Opened, repaired, oomb, changed. F. E. Daven port, le Dodge. D. 11U1. SAFES XT EW alio secouu-oai". I and motors. Uiron r.wcino ' lit. B. 12th. Douglsa 11. . ...... . . , .... ,,rt . ... i .. . . MAMA flJUl-WV -VJ.. AW! v.uiftiiii. UDoug. Z47. Renovates feathers and matireaaaj ot all kinds. makes feather mattresses and down covers. TWO rooms, snsulie; street exposure; lbs) so., (u; water and electrio I ght. A ready Nov. 1. Ths Bs building office room li3. - VACUUM cluauers for sale. Vacuum cleaning done in th homv. Sanitary v M-rvicc Co., Vug Bee Bldg. E rent, reptftir, sell needles and parts fur all sewing macliiiies. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's. lMh snd Harney. Dougla 1. W: ArCSBBlBBU. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY, 12JI-JW City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler Is 10 Adding. Macklaet, Dalton Add.ng Machine. 411 8. li. D. 1444 Adder Mch I'o.. tWales) W. O. W. D. W.. a u o , . CUMING A Mother a Ciiolce, Thanhouaer i.r. drama. Bill Organises a Union. Koniic comedy Weekly Educational, b top. 1T"THATEB. 66lh AND Ecx-l'L.T i: UtilaroiBbed Shield, Lubln. 'i he VatiistiiBg Tribe, i-reel Kal. 1 he Real Thing In Cowboy. Kel(. U'THKUH THEA.. JITH A LOIHKGK Granny, 1'raina. A Rural Romance, Comedy. .Million Ihillar Mystery, No. 14 i-OlfAL 2 CALRUiuIX eiaa Who Was Ulsu nderatood, t-r. Jmp. 1 rontler Romance, Frontier. Airox the Court. Joker comedy. Attraetlwaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna. Aale and Mii'Mt . Hejealrla. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 14 IS. PARK, Hg js. UTU. Mieep Clothing, t-ret KdUon. , He Nearly Won Out. Lubln. . l.rou.ti, th Engineer. Kalein. lALAC'ij THEATER. 2ool DAVENPORT A Baby IKd It. Nestor comedy. DerrlKt and the Man. t-rwl VP-tor. el 111 HBAN THEATER. Ill h A AMES -i i e iXAt Mail wk, l-re Kal. Kill or Cure, Vliagrapn. 'lu Borrowed Booa, Biugrsph. Aartleaere. lod Auction Co., 113 W, O.- W. Red X2W. atfcrtMrra. 13 ; hair. 10c abava, neck ahave. 1417 Far. Hlae Prlatlaa. HORNBY CO.-Blue prinUng, under new ownership. d Omaha Nat. Bk. D. S1S7 Braaa SWaadrlra. Paiton-.Mltch Co., 17th and Martha Bis. Ualiatac aaa Halrlas. E. FRANTA. U Faxton Blk. Doug. tlRT. t Islera Bad Well Ulgataai. ' NEED well or cistern cleaned or di;g7 tv liar 1-i-.u does it. Fhone Web. 6ii.il IVallfarala Laade. W. T. Smith Co., Mil City Nat. Bk. I. 21. Coal IXalere. 4 .ri0 ,,'ii"i' p-tal. alao Victor nut jpij.iw t,.w Phollr 4 big bajuici coal. $1. ttagttcr, ul N. la. rlntlagf. WATElta-BARNHART' Ptg. Co., quality "'""". HI. uoug. :iw. 624 B. 13th St Shu Hepalrlag. Ilectrlc Shoe Rep. Co., 1H07 Bt. Mary's Av. STENOGRAPHER Wide-awake young man, ambitious to become a salesman. Arpplyat once. 6a State Bank Bldg. FOR high-grade commercial positions se us. Established twelve year. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ABS'N, Originators of the Reference Buamisn, "Ur Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' Factory sail Trades. Drug store snaps; Job. Kneibt. Be Ddf WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Positively the beat trade of tin; kind. Hundreds of poalalons vacated on account of the foreign barbers being dratted for Euroean war. Can prepare you in few weeks. Wages while learn ing. No previous experience necessary. Apply by mull or personally. Open to everyone. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, DO'S. 14th 8t., Omaha. WANTED Chicken pickers and tippers; apply at once. Swllt & Co., 13th and Leavenworth. M lace Ua neons. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It paya. ixug. closely guarded secret ot big factories. Particulars free. Win. Bar- stow, 614 2-Jd St . Oakland. Cal Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobns Ojsineaa the demand la great for our graduates e have trained hundreds of men; lei us train you. write lor tree booklet. Nat'l Auto Training As's'n, 2S14 N. 2oth St.. Omaha. Neb. St. as and khuvtcarda. AT CUT PRICES. E. M. CLARK & SON, 111 So. lhlh. Room 14. SIGNS WOCDD you have to phone tor liolp if your Ignition tyatem on your car went wrong out in ins country r iearn cow to care for your own car at '1HIL1 VkMlP AUU' A A TTTViAf n xiau Aiuuxutuiii auivjiu' BILXSCIIOOL, 14' 5-17 Dodge. Write for catalogue C, umana. will not stand foil this salary, or can't be worked up so as Ho oay it. don t answer this. I can make good., and mean busi ness Address 8. Mil, Bee VAN'TED A position as cook or house keeper. 320 No. 1Mb. St. AUTOMOBILES Llndborg Bros.. 2D72 Leav. (Fly 'rig Merkle). Oreenooirh OmMha Bad. Iteu. Co.. C24 Far. o.ivl.a.ii. 40-H. f.. mi roausier loraaie; price right. Call South Omaha, South 29 for Intortnatlon. Investment of $200 and Services Will give to sober, reliable man one-half Interest In business, positron yesr round; salary guaranteed not less than IIS week, and draw monthly interest from business. You handle the money. Call today. 701 Omaha National Bank. Our Nebraska farm mort- affected by or panlca. $30000. We terest and f charge. 30 years In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Wl Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Omaha. o. RUPTURE Rupture treated successful! by all safe, scientific methods. Th ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. H R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrte for book on eectal diseases with testimonlkls. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee. MOXEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Dougla 14U. PERSONAL. UCATIONAL MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERIIS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes .In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Oraduates guaranteed good positions. Pisces pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1S15 Farnam 8L, Omaha. Douglas 6619. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, :00 to 4:00. Night school, :15 to 9:15. ISth and Farnam St. Dougla 6647. TRY PELTON'H GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 2Ju6 Farnam. $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18 Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th & Harney sts. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE. In steamheated garage. S7.o0 per month. Auburn Auto Co.. 2."59 Farnam St 40-HOR&EPOWER 5-passenger W13 Au burn car, electric lighted and in good condition, for sale cheap for rash. Or will accept a clear house and lot. No mortgaged property considered. Cost new about H.87S. II Mi. Bee. v SEE THESE' CARS AT ONCE Three 1914 five passenger Fords, prac tically new, fully equipped, perfect condl iton, run loss than 3,uU mhos. One 1!'13 five-passenger Ford, fully equ.ppod, perfect condition. One 1914 Ford roadster, practically new, perfect condition. The above list, with thirty more cars, with prices ranging from lli to IS50, are going to be sold within the next week. (let our prlcea and demonstrations. Write for our bulletin No. 7 and large list of satisfied customers. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE COMPANY, gOtl. and Harney Sts. Omaha. Neb. Motorcycles. H A RLEY-D A V I DSOM MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In used machines. Victor Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," i.'Ul Leavenworth. 1814 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready: bargains In usefl machlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. ISth and Chicago. O. S72S. BUSINESS CHANCES BAKERY snd restaurant, confectionery, northeast Nebraska county seat. On of the beat In the state; no Junk; doing a good bualness. Would take part trade or carry up to one-half. Address Y 247, Bee. ktoret (. Office Flatarea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, mo. ve buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4l4-lt-M 8. Uth. D. H7S4. Steel 4 elllags. CARTER Sneet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Towel allea. OMAHA Towel Supply. M7 8. llth. D. US. ranka and kaltcasea. FREI.INO A BTEINLE. latt Farnam St. altars. CHAS. C. IANPERYOIT, 10 N. Uth Bt. Veierlaariaas. DR. O. R. VOl'NO. 44 Center. 11. 1061 Wlari aaa Llejaars. ALEX JETE8. i)l-J a. 1Mb St. Wines. liquors, clgiir. j late dinner 11 to 1, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK IUUOU HOUSE, lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. GI.OBE Uquor House. CS No. Wlh, It qt., CT-r. v rug lor price list. u. 4tj, uur your lam.ly liquors at Klein's miuur iiouae, daj n. iin. Ikiuglas 1 . Bee Want Ads Are Famoua as Result Getters. HELP WANTED FEMALE llerleal aaa Office. YOl'NG lady with some knowledge of oooBBeep ng tor piuuintng coucera, sisie wagea. jiaaress A ki, liee. FOR stenographic or clerical positions sea W ATTS RKF. CO . 4-42 Brsndels The. OFFICE clerk, experienced in credit work with Installment house; good salary to one with experience. Apply at one. Wast. Reference Bond Ass n. 7S3-6 OiLaba NaL Bank. BUj. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to lake our auto work until com petent; then go right Into the auto busS nes from here. Big new building; I ma chine shop, lathe work, welding, aiarCng systems. Write for list or openings. Pr tatal CS.U0. A.MEKICAN AUTO COLLEGE, .'im earnain St., oniana. BARBER HHOPv FOR SALE-Flrst-claa up-to-date barber shop. 10 new white chairs; must aeu at once. Address O. Hansen. 120 No. Uth St.. Lincoln. Neb. For Sale A business that Is clearing from 1S00 to 11.000 per month right now; 17.000 cash will buy; half cash, the rest good paper; no competition; within a block of the 01 Drug Co. Owner Is leaving city, (must sell. Address E 101, Bee. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition. lo; sei OI vooia bivvu, wage" I'aiu A City College, 1-til and Douglas 8ta. MEN with patentable Ideas ante Ran dolph A Co.. WaahirgUn. P. C. tJu PER MONTH and up. Muat have ...x- . .... T ' I .......... L. Box 68, Beatrice. Neb. J FOR SALE A No. 1 grocery and meat market do'ng a strict cash business and no delivery: will stand close Inspection will be sold nt a bargain. i'j7 S. Mam Ht., Council BiUffs, or telephone louglas 1630. 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS' NOW OPEN In both day and night sess'ont Yet It is not too lata to enter. Beffln it once to get that mental discipline thett wllll double your earning capacity. caiM write or telephone for new catalogue. Business prantUeiipok keeping, penmanship, sale' manshlp, banking, stenography, steno- typy. typewrlttna. telesraohy. accounting, tiling, private secretarial work and many ottier course are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Douglaa BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES. PRES. Boyle Building, Omana. EXPERT lady stenographer.' will take Dunils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given lor business ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4624 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut 2377. FOR SALE at a dsjeount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or bualness courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Fhnne Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1111 Dodge St. YOl'NG women coming to Omaha -as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the I'n'on Station. PARTY comtemplatlng trip to Pacific' coast points will find to advantage to address C, Adam. Tekamah, Neb. rOULTRS AND SLTPLIE9 STEREOTYPE matrlce make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain. U.60 per 100. Wagner. 01 N. hi. WANTED TO BUT SLIGHTLY used hlgn grade pianos. W. 372s. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug 6i46. WE BUY 2d-hand clothe. 1421 N. 24th. : W E buy, sell, exch. clothing, jewelry, etc Suitcase II up. Friedman. 14ih & Dodge. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WES SHIP live tock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock CoBtBslasioa Merchants. MARTIN BROS, .ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. BWATPEIV8 COLUMN AUTO Light auto truck, overhauled. A duress h. C. Biu, Bee. AUTO-A 80-H. P. Mitchell 6-passenger car, (no top); has wind shield, lights, etc., to trade for lots or diamond. Ad dress 8. C. 16s6. Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOMK. ' Three montha, 14.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglas 291. IOCS Farnam. FOR SALE Fa rait arc. New & 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furnlturo and some pianos. Omaha Van and. Storage Co.. 80S S. lfith St HOWB Ventitstur base burner. Tyler 2174. FOR SALE Cheap, xl! fine rug. Ori ental design, v.rtually new. Call at 101 S. lfth St. K. Treller. I Maseal lastraaseats. PIANO player; a bargain Tel. H. 47lt UPRIGHT "lano for sale; good tone; oheap for caah. D007 Charles. Web. 613U 'I'r pevt Titers. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. S07 S. I7tn. RENT Remingtons. Monsrchs and amllh Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12SI. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for 15 for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model vlaible writers. All makea typewr'ters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 106 Farnam. D. UML Mlacellaaeoaa. DaVerv and foresee wood Tel. Flor 401. t'OU MALE luvaiid cuiur; practically new, used weeks. Phone Web. 7ta. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship iu Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or bualness course. Apply at tne office of The Omaha Bee. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 2i & Paul. ACCOUNT ot financial reverses wlU trade or want to sell my Apollo player piano at a great sacrifice. This U an axoep- . tlonul bargain tor someone. B. C. 1675. . AUTO Maxwell runabout, first class condition. Cash or trade. No land ol fers. Address B. C. 16t. Bee, AUTOMOBILE For oiner automobllg bargains sea the ''Automobile" clasalfJ- ration BIG BARGAIN MINNESOTA LAND. 31M acres for sale or exchange, Wilkin county. Red river valley, miles R. R. town, all level, best of soli, ISO acres In crop, no buildings; owner live 90 miles from Omaha; account sickness must sell or trade, will take smaller piece of land or piece Omaha property and cash. Price, Vi2.60 per acre, Incumbrance, $7,0u0. LINAHAN REALTY CO., Phone Doug. ,24, S10 Bee Building. BUTCHER SHOP Complete, la county fuat town, 8. K. Neb.. What have you? Addres S. C, 1503. Bee. BULLDOG 6 month old bulldog; good watch, dog. will awap fort furniture or make me casb offer. Address 167s, Bee. CAMERA. ETC.-WIU trade camera, gal- tar or other articles for a limited num ber of butterflies; need not be rare va rieties, but must be well preserved and of attractive design. Address B. C. l.iStt.Bee. CLEAR LOTS to trade for late roadster. Ford preferred. Addres F-687, care Bee. CONTRACTOR and carpenter will To your carpenter woik ai(Q repairing; also put up your storm sash; anything of value taken In exchange; a good neater wanted. Address 8. C. 154. UKOCERV .-TOKk. tin' sule. only ex elusive one In live town of 1.100, located In - -. ,,,, lLn.,..i" . A ... I K.iulA.. Will pay to Inveetlgate. Good reasons f or I b g bargain lor the lot at 110. Addres eittng AnoresB -:t. care nee. ' J nju, oon 6x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holder, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold- ra The outfit in gooo condition ana a W ANTED Fliat-claaa ashman and in giueer; must be temr'rate; wire or write. All slice Steam jundry Co., AI-llam-e. N.-b. 1.KAIIN to play r.ifci.me in ai lessons. Call or write Christensen School, 4-'.t) Cuming St. I'hone Harney Xt7. o NEAT, RELIABLE BOY. Y. M. C. A. HELP WANTED MA IK A.NU rtuMALE. THOUSANDS government jobs opea to men and women; too to 11.4 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dcpt s. R.x'hester, N. Y. GET government )oba t to itA a month; l.ouO appointuienta each month. For list of positions obtainable addrass Y Bee. govarnment lob. t I MEN WOMEN Uet stifi to giw luontn. v rite lor list of pe nnon avausoie. rranaun instltuta. liesa 93. itocnggier, r . SOUCITOR Germsn speaking pre-. I lerred. Big commissions guaranteed. lielvln Art bociety, u jttee Bldg. WANTE1 (SITUATIONS Y ANTED Work aa chambermaid In hotel In Ou-uhi iMr btiutU ciiuaUa. PUeua li GENERAL STORi:-lnlan I aloi 0IAl'TO robe. Canadian blanket 12-gaua ceneral inarr hatidle for sale stock In voice about .ij0; busimss l,OH0 yearly tine location; good reasons for selling. A d dress Y 246 Bee. ' HOTEL FOR SAI-E One of the best com ivrclal hotels In the state of Colorado: only commercial botel In town of 1.6u0. 10 rooms, sli'sm heat and electric light, do ing from 11.000 to 11.200 per month busi ness. Address P. O. Box cC, Brush, Colo. Winchester pump. Friedman, 132 Dodge. SMALL OUTSIDE OFFICE Good Location :io so,. Ft. $i:.oo CAN SHOW YOU NOW Others at $10.00 and up. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE THE BEE BUILDING, Office Room. 108. SIGNS, snow card. Clark A Son. D. 1T7 LIST YOUR BUBlNLSi with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALE COMPANY. Ill Bee Bldg Phone Red FOtt SALE New and teona-nand caruin and pocket blll.ard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of alt kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 4O7-409 S. Uth St. C J. . A.SA.n. itta. k.-:ai sliu a,schangea DA VENPORT Sanitary davenport an! mattress for chairs or anything I can use in the house, or for $5 cash. Ad dress B. C. 1668. Bee. DICTAPHONE-EDISON PHONOGRAPH , with complete outfit for making and re producing both two and tour-minute rec orun, together with supply of blanks; out f.t almu.-t new and cost over $40; just tha thing for shorthand writers requiring dic tation to work up sieed. or can be used fur learning foreign languages. Want good visible typewriter, or will accept any thing of equal value 1 can use. .Address S. C. 1694. Bee. ,. 5x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and. carrying., case for plate hold era The outfit In good condition and a big bargain fur the lot at Uv- Address S. C. lMI DI E BILL A M due hill; good aa cash as first payment on any piano; sell lor t- or trade for diamond or anything. 8.. C. IM1. fc 1V1 luy best coal for the money; try it. Web. 644. Harmon vYeeth. LIVE MTOCH PUrl BALE. Uareea Vehicles. LARGEal .iocs oi deavwy wagons la Uj city; ail kious-of blauasnutu worn, paiuuitg ar.u luiiwiug JounBvi-A--aniorui Co.. uc' ;o.aliou, Ik-H-Jl-i' . turn bc TEAM ot mares. 2,.So0 lbs.. 1176. leaiu of niares, :J6. 36th and county una. South Omaha. Tel ephone boutn Mi. HA Y. ji per ton. Wagner, tut N. 14th. GOOD horse, .reasonable. Tel. II. 4471. LOST AND FOUND. rPi OMAHA A COCNCtL Bi.L'sFn STREET HALLWAY COMPANY. Parsons haTing lost some ariicl would do well to cad up the ofli-e of the Omaha A Council Hlufls Street Railway company to gacertaln wbelaer they left It lu tha strevt cara THEATERS Buy. leas or sell your the-1 Many articles each day era turned in ater. machine and auppllp through and th company 1 anxlou to restore Theater Exchange Co.. laai Farnam bt. I them to tha rightful owner. Call Douglas lougls Ui. A 4A. EwUlTY ll.uoO equity in a coxy four room cottage, almost new; two beauti ful lots, each 4oxla0, located at Benson; trade for equity In Omaha property; price. ll.i-OO. 8. C. 1683. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-passenger Hupmoblle. In first-class running order. Will trsde for another car that I can work over this winter, or what have you? 8. C. 151 . FOR SALE OR TRADE Lot. north of Krug Psrk; fine location; a bargain If taken at once. A eVA SCKNITLKIS for a ft-roona hotel near Ouiana, ",. Low rat reui ou the building. What nave you to offer! Address i r V. rare Re HEATER A good oil heater, almost new; sell (or 44 or trad for anything. S C. 1687. 11 ENS, ETC. 100 Standard bred white leghorn hen and a few fine cockerel, tl m to U 60 each. Might accept new mer chandise or a good typewriter In ex change. O 16lv, Be KODAK EASTMAN 1-A FOLDING pocket kodak; post-card sise. planato graph lens, leal hi r carrying case, tripod etc.; almost ne. Went visible typewriter. " Addiess S. C. 1697. 1-ee. LEAVING" city. Will sell or trade my , Kimball plo0 for . Cost new i2i 8. C. 167J 'I