T 1HI-; HKK: OMAHA. N i;iNi;siA Y, WTOHKlt "JS, 1!U4. o . 1 o IE Xb. How Our Own Earth "Was Formed By EDGAR LUC1EX LAKKIN. Q.-Doci science know or can give an account of what did our earth look like when It became a member of all of the bodies that exist In the universe? Mal cum J. Larson. A. The earth did not look like any thing until It began to emit light. My theory la: Mind created one electron, then an other, and o on. A row of electrons on Inch long. If they are In contact, would contain 12,700,0O0,OHO,O0O. When created they did one of two thlnga they were forced by mind to re volve around each other with Immense speed, or they began to revolve them selves. There is no escape from this statement. My only reason printed during each twenty-four hours for ten years Is th:it the electrons are carefully counted bo fore they begin to revolve. Wthtn the anUre range of all human experience mind only Is able to count. The Instant electrons begin to revolve atoms named matter appear In cosmic space. At pres ent eighty-nine kinds are known to chem ists. Each atom of each kind contains the same set, fixed and changeless number of electrons. A human would surely make mistakes In counting,- especially when the number of electrons In each atom runs up to more than a hundred. But original mind has not made a mis take. If there Is any other entity, agent, force or power possessing the very re markable attribute of being able to count or determine eighty-nine different sets of numbers, and without error, I would In deed be glad to know what It is. One atom' waa directed or caused by mind to revolve around another, or be gan all of Itselft. Mind directed or caused; as the atoms were first counted or numbered with absolute accuracy. Then outside mind counted, or electrons can count. My theory is that outsde mind did, and now counts and numbers all electrons that are at present revolv ing. But I hope I will never believe this; I want It to be a theory until I ab solutely know It, I fear all-beliefs as 1 do alcohol or any other poison. "Where two electrons first made one revolution around a common center be tween them the first molecule of mattar appeared lit ppace. One of these mole cules-became the center of th body named earth.' For. the molecules attract others and build all of the eighty-nine kinds of matter called elements. On molecule attracted another to It, and the other attracted that. The earth, moon, sun began that way. We know that there are at the very least 100,000,000 suns there may be bil lions, or trillions. We know certainly of eigh .worlds and twenty-six moons here close- to our mtiatf sun, forming' the solar system. But if there trillions of suns, thn there may be quadrillions of worlds and moons. But our local eight worlds and twenty-six moons are all that we can see in huge telescopes. Molecules form Into small meteors, and millions still keep falling on the earth dally, thus making the earth larger. No molecule can now be seen In any micro scope, but it does seem that the new ultra. - -ultra - violet-rays - energy-micrc-photo microscope U now approaching the molecule. . Then our earth began with the falling together of raoJeeules, then excessively small masses, . until they became large as small plnheads, and then they are called meteors; and thence up and up in stse until the twenty-two-ton meteor hit otir earth. I saw It at the fair In Port land, and hope that they will get It for the fair In Ban Francisco. "The Pericon," the Latest Dancing Novelty It's Very Simple as Maurice and Florence Walton Explain It. Hotli Have Heen Touching It to EuroKon lioyalty ;: :zt If fcgtorjsfs. V J -.:.: Madame Ise'bell Given Simpls Direction tor Removing TrouoU some Coma , v . a . 1 . . 1 1 . 1 i.i 1 .in.. i - 1 . - I - ..1 . . . . t .. Here are- the dancers in the fiwt poalUon, rwidy danccd by Uuric 4.,1 I lorence Walton tieforc K..n.r of Hip crowneU to start the four steps In "The Perioon." beads of Kurope. Aiutlier position showing the graceful steK anl attitude In "The Ferlcou" danee. By MAUD MILIAR, Just when everybody thought he or she had mastered th one-step, the hes itation, maxlxe and tango, along come several new dances, which will keep us In dancing . sohool for another while and silence the cynic who predicted the death of the dancing erase. Maurice and Florence Walton, who are originally responsible for the dance mania in America, and also have the dis tinction of winning Queert Mary"s en thusiastic approval of the tango, are showing New Yorkers a new dance one of Maurice's inventionscalled the "Perlcon,," also a waltz classlque, and the one-step eccentrlque the three novel ties of the season. In her apartments at the B lit more Florence Walton talked to a Bee repre sentative of the hew dances and dancing generally. "When Maurice introduced the ene-step and tango' to New Yorkers four years ago he prophesied then that the dancing erase would last five years, and here w'e are in our fourth year with interest still unabated and people gen erally showing more enthusiasm for the art. "American people are most fickle," continued Miss Walton, "and as soon as they learn a dance they must have some thing new, something different, to con quer. Realising this, Maurice has con tinually created new steps and postures, until we include sixteen beautiful dances In our repertoire. "Our latest, the perlcon. Is one of the easiest dances, combining, as It' does, tango and schottlsche with a few Russian steps. The veriest amateur can master it in one lesson, and for ballroom dancing it far excels the tango." "How is the perlcon danced? Why, we start off with eight little running steps, then four taps of the heel, then four glide steps, and break Into a tango movement, all to schottlsche music, "The woman stands In front of her partner when starting the perlcon, and It Is very similar to other of my dances," said Maurice. "When I was commanded to dance before their majesties the king and queen of England, and knowing their avowed disapproval of the tango as then danced, 1 developed this perlcon, which so pleased Queen Mary that she demanded an encore and gave her approval of all of our dances." . "The tango has so many devotees, won't It be difficult to dethrone It for a newer, easier dance," was asked. . "I think It will be a welcome innova tion," answered Miss Valton, "for in the tango very few men rcllBli thu posturing that la necessary. Mind oii, 1 do not mean that men can't danco It as well u the women, but few men arc really na graceful as their women. folk. Now are they? "The perlcon Is not a stage danco It Is primarily for the home. 'Maurice and I saw it danced first In a little town In Italy by six or right people. It wss not unlike our quadrille, as they danced It, but we both saw the pomII'MUch of a very pretty and graceful dance In It and Maurice got the music, which comes from Houth America, and worked out the dauec we now call the perlcon. If an aumtoiir dancer wunts to do Something out of the ordinary the perlcon would certainly be beautiful mudlum. "There Is really nothing new about any of the danccK. for, you know, the one step was developed from the turkey trot and the fox trot Is an Improvement on the onctep, and since variety it what tho people want in their dances, we try to give it to fliem. As long as you ciin show New Yorkers something new, some thing graceful, thoy will dance. Take the turkey trot, the one-step. People who nevpr thought thoy could dance, easily learned thnt rolllcky dance; the niuxlo had a svtng 'twas Jolly and it amused them. They soon graduuted into the more difficult cIsrsck, and today the man or woman who doesn't dance some of the I The are nl the Krrl lrt III. Coinn are a hardening of the epidermis; thHt Is the k'.n throws up extra layers to protect the flesh cither Trom undue pres suie or tril lion. Corns on the toes are generally the result of a foo tight shoe: on the side of Uie foot they may c o m e from the ruhhing of s too loose . or I m p r o perly fitting shoe. If a corn Is allowed t o continue. It turns Into a liotn-ilks substance, a part of which Is burled in the rleKh and the center he cotiiea pointed. There, are a good many corn removers In the market. They generally consist of some ai ld thrxt eats out the center of the hard flesh and no cure of this sort Is permnnent unless the causes of the corn lire removed. This Is bIso. true of tho old -fashioned way of removing a coin with a knife; If the pressure Is not) removed the corn will return.- Still this Is the method most commonly practiced and, therefore. I will give directions for doing it pro)erly. T'rovlde yourself With a regular com knlfe. such as ptofesxlonal chiropodists use, and see that it Is perfectly clean. To be sine of this wah it In boiling water to which a few drops of carbolic acid have been added. Also. If you wish the operstlon to be a success, provide your self with a pair of tweesers with which to pull out bits of loose flesh. iw-gln operations by soaking the feet In fairly hot, soupy water for from five to ten inlnutis. Pry them well and then rul sway as much of the corn as possible with an emery board or bit of pumice stone. A good deal will come off In this way. rnnugh probably to leave the kernel of th corn exposed. Now take tho knife new aanccs is an exception, not tho rule. "" l "'" k'entlly lowaril tho center, pmung om inn Inow pieces of flesh with the tweesers. Maurlcu and Kloremn Walton have won an enviable reputation both hers and abroad. Triumphs In Monte Carlo, Carls und London have left them a reputation that has staved. Maurlrf has taught pri vately at the homes of Grand l)uke Michael of Russia, the duke's slter, Grand Ihichess Anaatasla of Mn-nliurg-rVhwurln, Grand 1ikc Taul of Russia, duke of Manchester and Mrs. John Astnr. If the rnthuslssm that attends their supper dances at "C'lies." Maurice con tinues, the prophecy made -by Msnrtce four years will hsve to be extended. j The Value of Love , Try not to draw blood, but. If such should happen, apply peroxide of hydrogen. . You won't probably get tho .corn off with ono operation, and It Is not desirable to work until the skin becomes sensitive snd sore. After what skin Is loose Is tsl.en away bind tho corn up over night I with vaseline. Repeat tho treatmont overy nlnht until the pdlnt of the torn j Is reached and extracted bit by bit.; I Kind out whnt has caused the corn, i friction or undue pressure, snd In future wear shoes that cause neither ono nor the other. 7?hM.X-&JJL: tTo l! Continued.) Here's the Food for Backbone and Muscle haven't you often wondered at the wonderful strength and vitality of tho Italian race. Their chief food at home is spaghetti a food that is rich in gluten the element that goes to make muscle and flesh. We can follow this example with benefit A 10c package of SPAGHETTI contains more nutriment than one pound of the finest tenderloin steak. Easier digested, too also easier pre pared. And what good eating Faust Spaghetti makes! rich, sa vory, relishable meals, lry it cooked with tomatoes and served with powdered cheese it's great, as per our free recipe book copy free. 5c and 10c pkgs. Buy today. MAUXL BROTHERS SC Louis. Mo. IE By DOROTHY D1X. What Is the cash value of love? So far the only attempts that have ever been maede to give love a market rating have been In breach of promises suits where forsaken damsels have placed the damage to their affections at sums that ranged all the wsy from 1100 to 1100,000. That these esti mates of the in- ' trlnslc worth of af fection have been considered exces sive, and have been liberally scaled down by the juries. Is not to be con sidered as consti tuting a standard of value. Most of us are inclined to be cynical regard ing the break In a heart that can be plastered up and made as good as whole by the application of a few greenbacks. Yet, for all that love la not listed among the I negotiable securities on the stock exchange, and there is no oupld consolidated, or mutual affection, pre ferred, or guaranteed union devotion at whose quotation we may glance in the morning over our coffee, love still has an actual cash value, and Is quite as valuable an asset as anything In our. strong boxes. Nor does this refer wholly to any senti mental consideration. It la a cold, hard, business proposition I that the ability to win love is Just as much a factor in any one's success in the world as Is the ability to earn money. Who are the people that we help, that we lend money to, and whose credit we boost Into success? The worthy? The needy? The Industrious and thrifty? Not at all. It la the people we like. Who are the ones we shoulder Into success? The especially gifted? The un usually fit? Not a bit of It. It Is the people we like. Genius allied to an un pleasing personality still starves In gar rets, while agreeable mediocrity has golden opportunities thrown In Its way. All of us do things for people because we are fond of them that we would not do for them because It was their due to save their Uvea. The most forcible Illustration, however, that the world affords of the real cash value of Wv la to be found In the do mestic relationship. Nobody ever ap praises a man's love for his wife as a tangible asset, yet in reality the worth of a genuine case of affection for Ms wife runs the capital on which any man Is doing business up to IC0.000 a year. If he Is violently In love with her this figure may be safely doubled, while If he thinks she Is the only woman in the world, and that nothing Is good enough for her, he has practically unlimited financial resources. This Is not an es aggerated statement. "Love hath mad this thing a man," said Kipling of a tittle whimpering half beeed, who turned herolo In a moment Of trial for the aaks of a woman. Love has also turned many a poor man lato a millionaire. It is a power so great that It is genius in It self. Just because lie wants to cloths some wot nan he loves in sl'.ks and Jewels makes hustler. Tho knowledge ' that a woman believes In him, and expects him to u'- coed, nerves a man up to the very best that Is In him. Just as the knowledge that his wlfo is Indifferent to him, and will nag him and twit him with his fail ures, saps his energies and paralyses his courage. A quiet, peaceful, happy home Is such an element In a man's success, a tender. affectionate, loving wife is such an in spiration to him, that it Is a wonder that even aelfltdt women, who euro for only what they can get out of their hus bands, have not sense enough to sec thai tn falling to give a man any appreciation they are llt-raHy starving to death the goose that lays the golden egg. A cheerful, loving wife Is a mascot. A fretful, unloving wife Is a hoodoo, and thus It happens that love wins out, and draws down the prise In money ail well as In domestice peace and happiness. LSo far as women are concerned, men 111 find that It Is also money In their pockets to love their wives, and keep their wives In love with them. It Is a cynical Joke that the man who quarrels with his wife has to square himself by means of the fine raiment and Imported millinery. More than this, there Is no doubt that when women are unhappy they relieve their feeling by extrava gance, as miserable men do theirs by drink. Many an unloved wife, of whose expenditure her husband complulns, Is merely trying to make up for the empti ness of her heart by overloading her body with purple and fine linen. As long as a woman bellevos In a hus band's affection she can be happy In a log cabin, or a two by four flat, and It Is because lovo files so often out of the window that so much money has to come In by the door. As long as a man tells his wife that she Is tho most beautiful woman In the world In his eyes, she will wear lust yesr's clothing without one word of repining. As long as a man takes any intercut tn holding his wife's hand she will gladly work It to the l.oiu for him, and. this being the esse, It Is a wonder that the sex that prides Itself on Its financial sa gacity hns never thought It worth while to bestow mora kisses and compliment.' and less i-oln on Its wife.. It would make for economy. l'erhaps when we come to regard love as a tangible asset. Instead of a dream, wo rhall be less careless shout losing or mislaying It. There would be fewer di vorce If the average husband end wife were as careful of each other's affections as they are of a five-dollor bill. Dull, Splitting, Sick Headache You take a Ir. James' Jleadhch Towder and In Just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and pain fades away. It's the quickest and surest rel'.ef for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Bend someone to the drug Store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Be sure you get nr. James Headach i'owders then there will be no disap pointment. Advertisement. many a naturally indolent man into Do You Know That The hump of the buffalo Is not a mass of fat, as some people suppose, but Is formed by neural spines In length fully double those of domestic cattle, and by the huge muscles which lie alongside an 1 and fill up the angle between these neural spines and the ribs. The practicability has been demon strated of constructing a bridge on the rock reef culled Adam's Urldge, which connects the Island of Ceylon with the mainland of India. The dlHtance is twenty-two miles. M Oysters cannot live In the Dal lie sea. I the reason being that It is not sslt i enough. They can only live In water i that contains at h ast thirty-seven parts i of salt 40. every 1.0U0 parts of water. The highest waterfall In the world is Cholork cascade at Yosemlte, Cat., which Is 1.634 feet high, or six feet short of half a mile. Jfc u (fu lull fa r. II . li IL P. 24th and L Sis., So. Omaha Quality High--Prices Low NOT ONE DAY BUT EVERY DAY (wltJfri? ffetef tea l a m 111 I'fiw. .j'1' 1 "i 1 ti-i ii 11 1 wr.r t m ii i ti . i t We have a large stock of !j High Quality Brass Beds in all styles, moderately priced. A New Principle in Complexion Treatment Most creams are injurious when used habitually. Ttt-y clog the pores and event ually form a permanent, soggy, stifling film which Interferes with elliiiiiiatlve sc. tlon and ma keg the skin sickly snd pasty. There is an application mercollsnd wax -which acts upon entirely different prin ciple. Willie perfectly harnilesn, it has the peculiar property of removing by ab sorption tne dead and half -dead particles of scarf-skin, as well as unhealthy mat ter In the pores. Thus It takes away front Instead of adding to the complexion, dif fering In this resorot from cosmetics. The result la a perfectly natural and hoalthy j 7tiiiH vvmiiuiun. w 1 1 1 w . , iro- curable at any drug store (one ounce Is sufficient), Is spplled at night like cold cream and washed off In the morning. ' Ths correct principle in the treatment of wrinkles Is to tignten the skin, which naturally irons out the lints A fare bath. remarkably effective In this direction, may inaiia vy dissolving i ox. powaerea t naxoilte in pi. witch iiaaei. Advertixe- j nient, ,-. ) 0x12 SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUGS at SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS $8.75 14.50 $15.00 9x12 SEAMLESS VELVET RUGS at 0x12 AXMINSTER RUGS at Homo Prldo Rango J? fot up in your homo for X'J) g""" ,1! straws! rJt,-rZ..a- Jjlk Wv.'H.' 1 See Our NEW DAYLIGHT DISPLAY ROOM