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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1914)
L TIIK M-'Iv. OMAHA. WKDXKSnAY, ( KTOllKff :'. l!14. 1 w ft? An Expositionof Evening Gowns Dancing Frocks sliiuinioring flniiitinoss, tlnst droHyiiiakor'H ji ft sire a real Exfuisit' in their products f the lincs-1 pleasure to look upon. Kadi period in the world's liistory has brought forth a distinctive style of its own, and in this present season each period is 'represented. A special Dancing Dress of Chiffon in pink 02 C A or blue i interestiof at the low price of ?6V)tJU Other Dresses priced up to $100 FRENCH TROOPERS PASSING THROUGH FAMOUS VINSYARDS IN EPERNAY Note the women laboring in the vineyards. So accustomed have they become to the passage of troops that they do not trouble to lift their heads to see the soldiers. A Beautiful Showing of Colored Silk Velvets We announce a special display all this week an opportunity for you to look and choose from nn immense variety which does much toward making your selection n delightfully easy and pleasant task. Whether you are merely looking for information or to buy, you are equally welcome. OIXTCCNTH ATltCKTS v--ij WW- V nt t .t If, W ' ATTEMPT MADE TO MURDER YILLA Would-Be Asiaisin is Ezrcuted After Making Confession to Ameri cin Consul. IMPLICATES GENERAL GONZALES Hnld lie Wu Paid I.arce turn of Munr la Mralrn I My hr 2rnrral Vllla'a Stronvrjit Opitonril larrlmlaatlno; Vriirr. CARRAHZA RESIGNS IF YILLA RETIRES Offer to &nit Post as Head , Mexico is Submitted to Conreatioa. of SATS MOTIVES ARE PATRIOTIC IUfn ( (arraaaa Pat Hut Mava Vm Tllla lav aka at ptarrll, Prasraaa mt . Mrs lea. MEXICO CITT. Ort. S7.-Venutlano Crrnx aubmlttad hla raatcnaUon to th Augua Caltantaa convtntton today. Hla offer to rallnqulab . hla poat aa au- prrmc chief of the nation, howaver, la coivlittonal on lha ratlranant to privata lira of OanoraJ rranrlaco Villa. In offering to raalgn Ocn.-nl Caraoaa aald ba waa actoatatl only by the hlghaat motlvaa of patrlollam and that accept ance or rejection of hla offer muat de pend on whether hla elimination would contribute toward haetenlnr pear In the republic and the furtherance of true democratic Ideaa. In dlBcuaalng the tender of hi realg natjon by Ocneral Caransa, a hlah gov ernment official aald today: "(Jiral Villa haa charged General Caraqaa with being a aelf-aeeker who dealred o take advantage ot an accident and perpetu ate hlmeelt- In power. Ueneral Car ranta now ahowa hla good faith to the world by declaring that If the peraon alltlea of hlmaelf and Villa are to be a check on peace and to democratic progreae tn Mexico they ahould both atep down and but. Aa you Americana aay, 'It la now up to Mr. Villa.' The folio were of General Carranaa are will ing to let hlatory Judge thla act of dia Intereatedneaa of hla part, for we ran make no greater eacrlllce In the Inter eat of peace and patriotuim." n Break aChildV Cold by Giving : Syrup of Figs When your child auffera from a cold don't wait; gie the little stomach, liver and bowela a rotle, thorough cleanalnc at enca. When eroaa, paevlah, Itatlaaa, pale, doesn't aleep, eat or act naturally; If breath la bad, stomach sour, give a teaspoonful of "California Byrup of Klga," and In a fas hours all the clog-grd-up, constipated waate, aour bile and undigested food will gently move out ot the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. if your child coughs, snuffles and haa caught cold or la feverish, or has a sore throat give a good loae of "California Syrup of figs." to evacuate the bowela b difference, what other treatment la given. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Mil lions of mothers keep It handy because they know Its action on the stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt and aura. They also know a little given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Atk your drugeiM for a SO-rent bottle of "California Byrup of rigs," which ior ta na clr-lione fur baMea, children of all agea and for grown-upa plainly on the bottle. Beware of rountarfelta sold here. Get the genuine, made by "Cali fornia Klg Syrup Company." Advertisement TEUTON ALLIES ENGAGING MAIN ARMY OF RUSSIA (Continued from Page One.) r: WHAT TO DO FOR ITCHING SKINS Ecsema. ringworm and other Itching, burning akin eruptlona era so easily made worse by Improper treatmeut that one has to be very careful. Titers Is one method, hwever that you ned not tiseitata to use, eves oa a baby's Wnilrr skin that la. the realnot treatment. Ileelnol Is the pre scrlptioa of a Baltimore doctor, put up lq ta form of reetnol ointment and real not aeava, This proved so remarkably suecei ful that thousands . of ether physlclana have bee presciiulag It eonaUntly for IS years. Kssinol su? Itching Instantly, and alsaost slweye heals the eruption quickly as at Utile cet. Reataol ointment and rastaot soap can be bought at sny drug gist's. For fres samples write to Kestaol Lwpl. M R, BeJtlmors, Md. that the Oerinan forces in the region of Klawa and Vlltalavak. disquieted by the eltuatlon on the front at Thorn and Cracow, have retreated In the direction of Kaat rruaala. where the population haa been ordered to retire Into the In terior. ' "Oi the Gallctan front the entire Btry valley southward from ths river and the railroad tracks from the Btry to Pro- hobyes are congested with Auatrlan corpses. Uetween last Thursday and Sunday, during the pursuit of ths enemy, the nuaatsns captured seventeen officers, 4,M men. eleven mschlne guns, twenty two guna, twenty-three ralaaona and trasses of other war material." In a dlepetrh from f'etrograd the cor reapondent of Keutera Telegram company gtvea some details of the retreat from the vicinity of Warsaw: "The Germans retreated from Warsaw at night, covering over thirty miles on their first march.' They left artillery to mask their retreat. The Ruaeian caught up two days later. "Ths capture of Lowlcs lrtuslly en sures posseaalon of the country for eighty mllea to the westward of Waraaw. "Along the whole western front the Russian medical aid worked like clock morlt. Trains, motor, vana, carriages were plentiful everywhere. A bix lunatic aaylum at Tvurok In the lone of fighting near Waraaw had to be deserted. A detachment of troopa were aent with or- dera not to use violence- The dortors contrived a long rope of tied towrla. telling the Inmates If they let go of it they would JM shot by ths Germane. All were thereby taken to the railway. A few recalcitrant women scratched, bit and kicked the wardens. "The Army Messenger ststes that the Auatrlan loasee in Gallcia from the tSA to the SCth of October, were aaventeen officers, 4.1&S men. eleven quick fire guns, twenty cannon and a great quantity of ammunition and atorea. The Kuaslan cavalry contlnuea the pureulL" I KIjPASO, Tox., Oct. 27 An B.ttenl)t ! has Ixert made to itfmrui.ilnate (Jt nnral Francisco Villa by an agent aaid to have j been commissioned and paid bv General Pablo Uonsaws. General C'arranxa's staunch supporter, aald a meaxsge aent : the Associated I'reas today ly Iul jAtigulrre Ilenavldes. Genersl Villa's first I secretary. The would-be asxaanln, Fran : claco I. Mugla, waa executed after mak- ing a confession before George U. Caroth- ers, the Amnrlcsn consular agent I The accusation caused much excite ment. The telegram from Villas secre tary ssld Mugla was apprehended at Guadalupe, where Villa, with hla troops, has been awaiting the outcome of the1 conforenca. The official report stated that the prisoner lust prior to his ex ecution had told the VUla officials in the presence of Csrothsre that he had been paid a large aum of money by General Gonsales at Mexico City.' In hla pos session waa found Incriminating evidence and a loaded plato). "Mr. Conaul; Please advlae your gov ernment and say family that I died a traitor," Mugla waa quoted aa having aald. The accused was an Argentine subject. It waa Mugla who assassinated a Ger man consular official at Mexico City some years ago. ( General Pablo Gonsales, commander of the division of the east, haa been re garded aa Vllla'a strongest opponent In Vllla'a controversies with Carranxa. General Villa notified the convention delegate at Aguaa Callentea of the mat ter, euggeatlng to them that they "act In the present rasa aa Justice and the Mexican honor demanda " IV Official neort Tel. WASHINGTON. Oct. J7.-No report from ConauUr Agent Carothera telllnxi of the reported attempt on the life of General Villa had been received here to day, but officials pointed out that official dispatches from Mexico were coming along more than a day behind newa dis patches. Today'a newa dlapatchea telling of the attempted examination of General Villa attracted great attention In official c Ire lee. iiortli'-aat of DUmude, probably 2.000, I v. ere met by a fine rally of the Belgian I Infantry and of the cavalry, who had tethered their horses, and were driven by niBln force at the bayonet point to the river canal and Into It. There moat have been eome frantic scenes and tja hodlea seen In the water on the next day gave grim testimony of thla. Invaders Are Kiddle. "About 3,000 German mrantrymen got Into Dlxmude. They held it for a time but with ahell and rifle fir the (lace waa riddled through and through. The Germane dashed out of the crumbling hounes only to be wiped out by a sirocco of shrapnel and shot In the streets. "When Runday morning broke the dead and wounded were everywhere. Dtx mude was a cemetery, but in the woods not far away the Germans atlll lingered. They held a position under a deeuerate fire and eventually were reinforced. The allies could not oust them and the Ger mans are atlll acroea the Taer. "Their presence may not be permanent and they may auffer the same fate aa haa overcome hundreds of their fellow during the week, who got over only to meet their death, but the Belgian and French llnea, for the time being at least, have been drawn back about thla point" BOWMAN FOUND GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER YANKTON, S. D.. Oct J7.-8peelal integram. i nanes r. i. Bowman, on trial for his life for killing Nellie Brewer July last, waa found guilty of murder by the Jury and the penalty fixed at lite Imprisonment at hsurd labor. The Jury took the case at S p. m., sptnt an hour at supper, and within . fifteen minutes on return to the jury room waa ready to repoit. Tho murder of Nellie Brewer, a Tank ton High achool girl, with whom Bow man waa infatuated, occurred July S last Bowman' defense was that he shot the girl accidentally hlle in an epileptic fit 1 RAILROAD MAN KILLED BY FARMER IN DISPUTE PIERRE, 8. D., Oct. .-SpeclaI Telegram.) Station Agent O. C. Hunter of the Chicago & Northwestern railway at Midland, fifty mllea west of here, was ahot and killed late this evening by A. P. tlelm, a farmer with whom he had a dis pute. Deputy Sheriff Norman of Stanley county had Just stepped out of the sta tion and was on the platform when the shot waa fired and immediately placed Helm under arrest. affraare Meeting; at Bradahaw. BRADSHAW. Neb., Oct 27. fPpeclal.) -Mrs. Maud , McCreery of Wisconsin spoke on equal suffrage. A good delega tion came up from York. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. DEATH RECORD "Jack" Egglestone. SHERIDAN. Wyo.. Oct 27. (Special Telegram.) "Jack" Eggleatone, 35, for twelve yeara business man here, died suddenly tonight, after an Illness of five days, from the gripe, which brought on heart failure. He leaves a wife. YSER RUNS RED WITH BLOOD OF GERMANS (Continued from Page One. Do You Suffer from Backache? When your kldneya are weak and torpid they do not properly perform their functions; your back aches and you do not feel like doing much of any thing! You are likely to be despondent and to borrow trounie, just as if you hadn't enough already. Don't be a ylo tlm any longer. The old reliuble medicine. Hood a Sar- aaparllla. givea strength and ton to the kidneys; builds up the whole system. Get It today. Advertisement. tured. said that the delay of more t! an a week In crossing this waterway had In cenaed the autocratic military mind In Germany. It muat be croaaed tonight If It coat thousanda of men. That In effect waa the order given and the German soldiers, all credit to them, did their beat. Costs Maay Live. "Probably t.WO ot mem gave their Uvea laat night. They could not give more, yet they failed, but not because the Ger mans did not literally obey their orders. They crossed the waterway all right, aa they were bid. hut oace through they could not make good. They were mowed down with rifle ahot. torn Into human fragments by ahella and bayonetted back, yard by yard over their own dead Into the waters ot the canal. Into the very gray ot the morning thla bloody work 1 went on ao fiercely that there wsa hardly ! a trench or bridge guards In the whole line that d'd not Imsglne that he had been singled out lor itpecial attack. "It la believed that some t.iXO Germans i crossed the Yser river, but hardly one-of them got back. Those to the north end IF THE BAbt li UUlltNQ ItElh use Mrs. WinslQvs Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABIE-NQT NARCOTIC Arate lagsgestiaa. 'I waa annoyed for over a year by at tacks of acute Indigestion, followed by constipation." write Mrs. M. J. Gal lagher. Geneva. N. Y. '! tried every. thing that waa recommended to me for tSIs complaint, but nothing did ma much good until about four months ago I aaw Chamberlains Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them from our drug gist. I soon realised that I had got tan the right thing, for they helped ma at once. Hlnoe taking two holt lea of thsm 1 caa aa( heartily without any bad effects.' golf by all gealera. Advertisement The Men Who Care for clothoa that wear should a visit to us pay. Oar goodi are new; our fit la true and shape In our clothes will stay. Uoodi suits we make without mistake; and the gtyla Is up to date. Fine patterns new madtt up (or yon at prices moderate. Good Sulta and Overcoats made to measure for from - $25 to $40 MacCarthy-Wikon Tailoring Co. 804-304 South' 10 th BtreoC 150 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT any make you want; $1.00 and up per month. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Inc., SO7-80O 8oath 17lh Street. Phone Doug. 4121. mis 'SFLITTON ABOUT YOUR ETES 11 1UL 3C THAR'S two places A whar you can always find sym pathyin the die? tionary an' in a pipe o' VELVET. .A For there's solid solace in that aged in - the - wood mellowness which :hanges Kentucky's Bur ley de Luxe into VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bags. zzzji : 1UL IC SIMPLE BUT SURE Hyomei. the Great Catarrl Remedy. "Just Breathe It and Be Cured. Do not try to cure catarrh, head roldi or snuffles by taking drugs Into thi stomach that can do little more thai upset the digestion. These common but. dangerous diseases, that often cause tht loss of hearing and the sense of smell and taste, cannot be cured that way, The common sense wsy Is to breath Hyomei, which gets the medication right where It is needed to heal the raw an4 Inflamed lining of the air passages kill the germs and restore the diseased tissues to a perfectly healthy condition Hyomei Is a mixture of antiseptic and germicidal oils that you breaths through a small Inhaler. No bother; no dls agreeable medicine to swallow; stmolj unf the Inhaler a few times dally anil the health-giving medication of Hyomei will quickly soothe and heal the Irri tated tissues stop distressing choklni and unclesn discharges of ths noee you breathe N freely dull headache cease, and every catarrhal symptom soon vanishes. Druggists everywhere sell the Hy mel complete outfit that contains In haler and bbttle of medicine. There l nothing more economical, simple an pleasant .to use, or that gives such rapU and lasting benefit as Hyomnl ani perfectly harmless. Sherman & McCon no-pay" plan. Advertisement. Stop Experimenting Try Marathons A tire so good that once you've used it you can never be tempted to buy any other that's . the Marathon idea of quality. If TIRES Built to meet a demand not competition. Marathon Tires are not expensive. They cost a little more from a price stand pointbut they give a great deal more in the end. Built by hand, wrap cured not a bit of hurried work from tart to finish. Guaranteed tor 5,000 miles. Made in angle non-skid and in smooth treads. All sizes for all styles of runs. Cheaper Tires are made- we know Better Tires can't be a. ' The Marathon Tire & Rubber Co. Cuyahoga Falls, O. Akron Rubber and Supply Go. DISTRIBUTERS 2S22 Firnara SL Phone Couj. 238S . Omaha, Neb. FIRE CAN HOT REACH IT nor can burglars get it if you place it in our Vault, because it is Fire and Burglar Proof. You can rent a Safe Deposit Box here for your valu ables for the small charge of $3.00 Per Year. DENTISTRY Our painless xtractl an s and filling Is the talk of tb town. Our satisfied patients are Br re a d i n g the Glad News. Crown' and bridge teeth, as low as SO yers m . J SJJ 20-year guarantee. t BAILEY IHE DENTIST 706 City Nat l Bank Sky Scraper. I buy the same quality of tn-l terlal, the best, for use In my et ing place as I use In my home, j No matter what yoq pay elsewhere you are not getting better, and! seldom as good food as you will j get at The Pure Food Sign. Qnickserv Cafeteria . Basement City Natl Bank BIdg Or Boston Lunches. 219 Month 10th St. 14(X) iMugtaa HL. 1408 Faro am 8U - '" -iF1 AMUSEMENTS. SAT. NKXT, OCT. 81. BUtiaa ana1 Bright. Baata Vow. aad Oompaay i Solo Oaaeara aa iraUva Xlaftooe, Drlrat Barfala Mattaaa, Bast Baats. tl rilbCJ. Branlng, eoo to Stati ao BRAHDEIS Rath St. Denis: xOBLtXAV Mnr CKBTBB" . SSaS's FOLLIES of theOAY WHta 8am BI4mB and Oartrnda Hay.. Nn( brfora .urh a cut: Orear tiaanxratetn. Darti B.IU0O. 0n. M. Cohu. Al. Kama. Mlaa Hu (Stan Raeaptloa a,rr niatlaM to Ia47 palrutu H.rTafcmenu and oaranlra. fcADIXaV XXXB MAT. Will BATS aU x aim waoa aaata uo., aat EVA LANG-CHARLES MILLEI ana tnalr taparb oompaay la SLBTATXlia A. XUSBAJTB." rrtoae Sfte sOa. azt Waok "Bladllny AMERICAM d A-tv 1 Ht ATKk. !. (U WOOBWAJaB STOCK OOKBAaT Via luudff. "READY MONEY" 25 ANT SEAT 25 Waak si Bov. li "Ta Juua.bow.n . raoao Boofiaa) 4S4. ABTABOXD YAtrBBTXULB. Tata n: KaM Sllaara iu WltiWw KlMaor Ukar a Ca., Uia Wham La1 Quia mu. Cku O.IU..U m rraaaia Klav Jaaa a;i,Mr. Cbluke. Mtaai Manfaias Taa Wad at Vkork fiar. prtcaa: Matlaaa Oallary. tai taat aaaai (aaaa Saiara&j au4 ku4aj. SMl kitahta. an li u OPENING DANCE a b. om uu BBBBTBOTOaT. BaVaBU. BATTJAUDAT BIOHT. KUf , TTH, 1S