V1IK I.EK: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAV. OOTOltKR S. 1914. 11 FOR KENT. Apartment aad Flats. FT. CLARE APARTMENTS. Bd and Harney Sts., t room apartments. Call H M7 or D. i.. OODEN ANNEX Room with kitchen ette. Council Bluff. Gordon VanCo. til N. 11th St Phone D 894 or Web. IKS. g-ROOM brick flat, comer 8th and Wil liam Sa.i moat desirable In Forest Hill Park. Iouglas 200 Jt0 NORTH 29th et, 7 rooms, furnace heat, will decorate tc suit. press hrlck bulldlncs, moat reasonable In city. Rent enly J0. C. O. CARLBERtV 312 Prtijilli Theater Building. o g-ROOM 2W 8. Wth Ave Hudson dining room has built-in buffet, panel walla, oak finish throughout, close In, no car fare. Pee today. HASTINGS HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. TOR RENT lloaeea aad IslliiM, Stor- eed or ) aara rg van. I men. II S Mr nr.: dra. I men, tl per hr. 17U Webster, ttoug. DM Maggard's-H- FOR KENT November 1. 16 8. rth Ave., T-room modern flat. See Charles O. Mctonld or J. J. Toms, fit Brandels HldK. Phono Douglas MM JP D-.-.J moving . s. IvCGQ ,n storage VVU iao7 Tarnam. D silt; t-R, mod. cottage, 719 8. STth SC. 126. 7-r. mod. house, 314 Leavenworth St.. W. Both fine locations. I'hone Webster 2&5o. HOUSE for rent; modern; 2508 S. 14th. Inquire within. Telephone (to. 9-R. modern house. 1902 Wirt. W. tin. BEAUTIFUL 5 and t-room apartment; nothing classier west of Chicago. 2o01 Pberman Ave. . (II S. 27th St.. 8-room flat. f. C. O. CARLHERG. 812 Brandels Theater. Rental Service Free Wa can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what houses and apartments each real estate office has for rent. Phone us, Douglas 2SH. Fidelity storage ano van 2018 CHICAGO Nice S-roomi and bath In modern apartment nous. a-ROOM modern flat. Hit So Uth, Steam htd flats. 16th Web. Tyler 2023. tni Davenport St., 4-rooms. oak finish, turn ace heat, a leaping porch; in tvp-top condition; rent only $.77.60 C G. CARLBERG. 312 Brandels Thentrv. o CHOICE APA RTMEN TflT THE CARLYLE. 2n 8. 18TH ST. 4 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-Jate In every respect; lame porches and lawn. Janitor will show you through them. PAINE SKATER COM PAH It, 1 Omaha Nat. Bank. THH CARPATHIA, 134 S. 24TH ST an Lmim aoartmenla; bargain rents. Call at our office and w will show you THE FLORENTINE. JOT 8. 2oTH ST. . I rooms. 125 summer and 3!H winter. 4 rooms, (27.60 summer and 136 winter. TlJE LEONE. Mi 8. 4TH ST. I rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date, large porohea uud lawn; W ummer, 40 W,ntpATNE ft SLATER COMPANY, 811 Omana Nat. Bldg. i-ROOM furnished flat. lis. 2421 Leaven- FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This lint can be seen free of charge at Omaha Vsn Storage Co., S 8 ISth St. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and ahlpptng. ltth A Jackson ,ats. Phone lougles 2S8. f-R. modern house, 177 8. loth. D. 741. Ilnncna n all parte of the city ""-""rre-irh Hona A Co . Bee building bl Ai neat, all modern, i-ruoiti house, -rr,n fat ?"fl N"n fM Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; l-horse van ana men, lib per hr.; storage sa mu. Satisfactory guar. l. 4S. A Ty 6-r. mod. 8614 Grand Ave., Us. Web. 670O. CLOSE In rooming house or home, a2 8. 2fith, corner Farnam; 10 rooms, modern. steam heat, hepard, owner, Webster 3612. West Farnam New brick and stucco home, hist heme- finished: true fine bedrooms snd sleep ing porch Id floor; large living room and dining room beautifully finished In ma hogany: 2d floor white enamel; $45 on laaee UU Davenport fit. Peters Trust Co. 161 Farnam, St. Douglas . REAL ESTATE FARM Jk HtMH LAVDK FOR I.K IS Mebra.ka. ISO-ACRE farm seven miles west of Lexington, Dawson county. Neb. Good new house, sevn rooms, good barn, two wells. SO acres alfalfa. 30 acres naature. balance good farm land: no sand. Price I) per acre. This la a snap: must he sohl soon Address Bos 20. Ulysses. Neb. FOR SALE A GREAT BARGAIN. The east half of section 9. town 10. range 19, In Daw. on county, Nebraska. Good 6-room house, barn. granary and cribs; Improvements In good repair; ienoe,i na cross-renceti; ro acres In al falfa, 200 acres under cultivation; T miles from Sumner and 12 miles from Overton: food tenont; best of soil, no sand. Price, ISS per acre for SO dava. Terms to suit purchaser. CLAYPOOL LAND CO., Kearney, Neb. nlLL make fine stock farm. 10 acres rich valley land In Morrill county. Ne- brnsk. Owner must sell. Wants quick offer. HICKS LAND AGENCY, Omaha. Neh. NEBRASKA combined stuck and grain farm: bargain of 1.120 acres, of which 9P0 acres la fine farm and balance, paa ture and hay land; large extra fine Im provement; In fact a modern home; Bi mllea from town on main line t'nlon Pa tlflc R. K ; owner lived on farm con tinually since 1 .": now old and wants to take it easy. Price for short time $),ono. leas than $11 an acre; has now 100 acres fall wheat on place. W. W. MITCHELL. 1820 Spencer St. Om; ha. Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Heavy Baying- on Foreign Account Feature of Wheat Pit. CORN IS SOLD QUITE FREELY Colder Weather, with Clear Sklea, Has Rroagbt Abont Selling Dis position on Part of Yellow Cereal Owner. Ff Louis 12 iniilu C ... Theee sales were repurted today: Wheal No. ! hard winter: ! cars, II 4 car, fl 0f,, 2 cars, II Oh't: 1 car. Il.'t.. I car, ll ftv No. I hanl alnter; 4 cars ll.Of.; 7 cars. II NS; 7 cars. II 04; 1 csr. l.W,; 2 cam. 11 i4. No 4 hard wlnliT 1 cars. ll.C; 4 curs, 11 til. 2 car.. $1 "IV I car, fl. I car . No. 1 mled: I car. II m't. I car. tl m. I car, 11 vii No. 4 spring: , car. !K.v No. 2 durum mlaed: 1 car. II rtl'i. Onts-Stsndard: 1 csr. 44c No. S while: 7 car. 'c No. 4 white: 2 cars. 44c; & cars, 4.1(' No grade: 1 car. 4.1 V, i ; 2 cars. 4.V. Corn No. while: H car. 71c. No li ahlte. S car. 70c. No. ! vellow: 1 car. c. No. 3 vellow: I cars. Ssc. No. & yellow: I car. ff.'Ho; 1 car. new. 0c. No. I mixed 1 i sr. near white. f; OMAHA. 0.t. 27. 1:H tl car. (TTUc. No S mlxe,!: car. ;c. No Tha feature of the wheat market yes- & n)xed: 2 cars. No. mised: S tarday was heavy buying on foreign ac- i csr. Wic. Sample: 1 car. S car, count. All th declines during the last j 4ST.-; iar 64Sc Itve-No. S: 1 car, 17c; few days had led In the buing of le- No I: 3Mi ar. ;-(. camber option, while the selling was by Omaha Cnah Prices Wheat: No. 1 longs, who looked upon the situation aa I hard. II otVu 1 "?: No. 3 hard, 11 Atmrl o. becoming one aided and favoring the bear m0 1Hrd, wtcvll.ot: No. - spring, side somewhat because of thH accumu- H WVdl iU'W; No. 3 spring, l.(:tTvi I W1. latlng stocks. The more conservative , 4 Mprlng. !Vsi I 03. No. t durum. l I'l'i OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Active and Generally Quarter Higher Than Lait Week. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Sheep and Umlia Suitable for Kill- era Strong; to Ten Cent Higher anil 4ctlve Sellers Peedere .'o at Firm Triers. North Dakota. 2.000-ACRE ranch In Plorce county. North Dakota; fenced, close to station, good building., all cattle, horses, machinery, hay and grain. Two flowing springs. Will sell very chesp on account of ill health. Chaft Turnell, 303 Allen Hotel, Minne apolis, Minn. Oklaho OKLAHOMA. Govei anient .ale of Indian lands at auo tlon in eastern Oklahoma, November t to Decenitrr 2, 1914; 11 to Hi per aora. Will huv for purchaser! and soli lands for one-third of the profits. Investigate tat once. V. C. l.ougee. Ji4 & Main bt,, uouncu Kiiiiis, is. men In tho wheat trade and It may be aald the heads of the larger houses, were advlalng their friends to adhere to the bull aide of wheat on all set-backs, ow ing to the fact that foreigners nave l(: No. I durum. l.nmrl.ii. r'rr' No. 1 white. Mi73V: No. i while. 'Ml 7.1 Sc; No. white. 7:,ti7JV,c. No. 4 wulte. 72',i7Ic; No. 5 white, Tlril'c; No. t; ahlte. 7oi:ic: No. 1 yellow, :if bought freely of caah and futures and im.c; Nn. 2 yellow. K7Visc: No. 3 yellow, re In the market daily on a big scale. I (Tir,,vc; No. 4 yellow, 74ii,c; No. 5 Corn waa sold frerly on the colder yellow. 7itii7iic; No. t vellow. iiMii7c: and dry weather of the nornlng. but )s;0 j mXPi, ST "4 ;i7, He : No. 1 mlxel. there was some reaction from the earlv !;,'(: No. I mixed, IKMnilr; No 4 mixed, deellnea later when snow and rain aet In. : finv.diiv.ic; No. 0 mixed. 6itrHc: No. t! There waa a sympathello market In llllxi ,,j,i(V?. iials: No. 1 white, 44'y oats, declines for the day being shown 44.,.; tttndard. Ji,h44V: No. S white, at SifHc. The festuro of the day was the buying of 710,000 December. Parkers led In the selling of products ami were followed by concerns closely connected with the stock yards. This closed thiv market easy. The advance In hogs early helped during the forerUnni, and there waa a fair scattered demand from Inveators and shorts. The change to colder weather Is expected to Increase the hog movement. Wheat was lt;!c lower. Corn w.is unchanged to lo lower. Oats were tflo lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to I.SBl.non bushels: corn. M),000 bushels: lata, 709.000 bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat unchanged to k& lower; corn. IHd lower 44limVc: No. 4 white. 43lf44. Harley Malting. of72c; No. 1 feed. :o. Rye: No. );His''Ci No. I. StniSuHo IHICII.U t R 1 Si AND PROVISIONS I'estnre. of the Trading aad Closla Prleea on Board of Trade. ni!CA(Kl. tVt. 7 Wheat took a downward slide today, influenced by falllnr off tn speculative call and by Hlnik- un of doincsllo stocks. Tnule fln- ished steady liy 10 to 4)C under last night. Corn lost c to lfic net, and oats M1I0. In provisions the outcome was uncnanseii to .o uown WOl'TH OMAHA. Oct. V. 114. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav . W.M Kstimale Tue'day 4 .0 Two las this week. .12. UK . s.Wl Puma days Inst week.. .24. 2. S. SI. 717 Hatne daya 2 w kr agn.2i!.4 7..V 71. Same daya I ks ag..'4 ,371 7C2 Hame days 4 w ks ago. a,xl '' bailie days last year. . .1S.0.W 7. Kit 71.21$ 'Ihe rolloalng table shows the recelpia of cattle, Iioks and sheep at the South Omsha live stock market for the year to date, as Compared with last year: 1914. 1S13 Inc. IVc. Cattle 77i,3t4 ;.Mf ti.W Hogs lAVt.Kll I.120.7H .,"rtl Hheep 2.tk.r a,k.ci(M i.Oil The rolloalng table shows the prices for hogs at the Houlh Omaha live stock market lor the lat few oays. with comparisons J. I. KEMP. 2513 Leavenworth Bt- Dovg. 9S7. 1115 Davenport St., rooms ana ..k...b porch, oak finish, new, first floor, fur- MCrheat- W. CARLRERO. 312 Brandels Theater. o ' GEORGIA APARTMENT Only one apartment left Will be ready for occupancy Nov. 1; 6 rooms, all mod ern and in fine condition; good location, at 1M3 8. 29th St. Rents $40 the year round. Call us up for particulars. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Douglas m. . 1622 Farnam St. Boar aad Bsssu. wiwrrn-Tiiiinr lady to room ana board; use of piano. Addresg H. 668, Be. MOD. ROOM, good board. Web. 6692. A YOUNQ man wishes board and room In a private family where thereto one or two young people. Address H Farnlsfcea $aoaa. ROOM In private family for refined lady gontleman; use of library; walking distance. Phone Harney 7300. 701 8 laTll Koom, wiui nreaniMi upper, for two gentlemen, $4.60 each; lunch tree. If desired. FUKN. rooms by day or wk.: inodern; team heat; Il.tO up. 107 8. 17. D. t.3. Mod. cosy rm. in priv. family, home prlv , lieges. Call bet. :30 p. m A a. m. R. 7b0T. FURNISHED room for rent near Crelgh ton university. Phone Douglaa 7281. Houaekeep. rooms complete. $4.50. T. 2023. NICE room with heat, one block from car. - Wbatr mio. LEAVENWORTH. 2654 - Extra largo pleasant room. team heat, reaaonahle; two men or more; close In. MODERN furnished rooma, 114 N. 4U. Red uaio. THREE unfurnlshod roonu for light housekeeping with kitchenette. H. 416. !817 Poppleton Ave. N EATLT furnished1 sunny front room, with fireplace. $3 for permanent parties. 604 n. mn Stt N. ISTH, front room In private fam ily; modern; to permanent roomerg $3 week 826 8. 29TH Furnished rooms, private family. Harney w 1403" N. 20TH Pleasant, modern rooma. Webstar lout. FURNISHED rooms, neatly furnished, modern, plenty ot heat and hot water, close In, reasonanie. w a. i Jll 8 26TH 8T. Modern, nloely furnished large front room, hot and cold water, clean, reapectable; tl. Fareiaad Hoases. ELEGANTLY furnihd 9-room Wast Farnam district honse. Can rent for t months at $M. Caro of the house and not price owners oDjeci. V HARRISON & MORTON. 816 Omaha Nat. Bank. IfoosekeeplnaT Roosa. THREE nloe rooma, hsk'g. ml & Uth. LEOANT suite rooms, frnisnea com plete; strictly muoc-w. v - THREfcl elegant rooms, gUam-heated. Ill No. zaa. LIGHT housekeeping room an gult. 726 B. lth bt Tyler 1021-W. Faralahed llsawkeeglag . N. 40TH. ISfc-4 ulcelr furnished rooms; references requuea. l.t FARNAM. 6-r.. modern, 16. 34il .lack son -r., modern, flPO ! E. :'sth -r., modern. I2S.6A .'3 R. U4lh t.. 6-r.. partly modern. U. 2V22 Dupont, -r.. partly modern, ,!!. i"19 X. ltitl; Bt., 4-r., cistern, $8. 30X1 8. Ifilh Kt., 4-r., city water, 17. -2 8. 6th 8L, l-r., city water, 16. 2315 8. 2th St., 4-r.. city water. 17 ?U2 Klin, 4-r., well, $K. CREKJH. HONK A CO - Ph oneDou g laa 200. toj Pee ltldg FOR RENT Twenty houses. Phone Douglas K! 660 8 TH AVE.. -r. modern flat. S30 2117 Capitol Ave., 9-r. modern flat, 126. 114 S. :3lth, 8-r. all modern house, $20. 241K S. 2dth St., 8-r.. new, mod. house, 20. 341 Tarker. 6-r., mod. ei. heat, 118. 221 N. 77th Rt f-r r,,,.H h... tic rasp BROS. iiorV)Ms'ia: FIELD CLUB HOME Fine. 7-room and sleenlns- n,ef.k. flmlu finished and decorated; in an excellent location. Reduced to $46. PETERS TRD8T COMPANY. Douglaa S9S. iw2 Farnam St. IATHKDRAL district. T ra., mod. house facins south, built 2 years. Red 62K7. ' WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR! MAKE WAR ON YOUR EXPENSES. SAVE ON YOUR COAL RILL. RAVE ON YOUR LIOHT BILL. SAVE ON YOUR WATER BILL. SAVE ON TOI'R BEMTll. Dil i. 112. $12. $12. $12. $12.. $12. $11. I-ROOM ONE-STORY BRICK FLATS. Gas range, electric llrhts. toilet, sink. water paid. Cement basement. Just like new inside and out. Oak grain finish, painted floors, new papers. Nice, larae court; ashes, lawn and garbage cared ior. no ennuren. Three vacant now. Come. HAVE A LOOK. BE CONVINCED. Two blocks south of Vinton tit. 1'ae on Uth. WOODMAN. 418 McCagua Bldg. Red 4902, Doug. 4:149. 7-R., mod. cottage. 2014 N. 82d. D. 1246. S-R-, 1319 S. 22d St., $20. Tel. Red 4146 NEW. modern, 6-r., cottage, $13. Miami Rt. 2124 8-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. narney 1000. NEW HOME FOR RENT. Living rocm. sun room, dining room, kltohen, four bedrooms, modern in every respect House Juat being decorated. Good neighborhood. Sth and California 8ts. $40. Call Doug. S3R2. Stores and Of floes. 2ND FLOOR office rooms or suitable for ngni mig. wriKht A Lasbury, 60S 8. 16th St. Doug. 152 READY NOW EAST FRONT ROOM 150 8q. Ft., with water and light free. FINE LOCATION STH FLOOR 17th Street Kiposur $22.60 THE BEE BUILDING, Of lice Room, 103. ' Two Rooms, Ensuite. Street Exposure, 390 gq. ft.. Water and Electric Light Ready Nov. 1st. The Bee Building. Offloa Room 101. A WELL located, larae. un-trulil, ,lnr. for rent. Also auditorium sealing l.uuO psupie. Appiy to oupt. Bweatah audl- luriurn. flood rm. with kitchenette; reas.; D. TM8. rjafaralshed Housekeeplagr xVaows. FOUR rooms; modem. Phone Harney 741, . Hotels Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates 12 and up. Doug.as 7083. OODEN HOTEL Rooms $1 Pr week. Council muna. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. Houses aad Ctta-s. t-ROOM modern house, 80S 8. SBth Ave. Owner would reserve one or two rooms and make rent attractive to right tc nant Phone Douglaa 4fo A BARGAIN A. brnd new brlcg home. 7 rooms; exceptionally attractive and practical; better Investigate Md sat isfy yourself. ! Bl- Tvl,sr 2201 J- A FEW desirable store rooma left In the new ouiiaing, northeast corner hith and Casa Sis.; cheap rent Conrad Young. 322 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Tel. Doug. l7l. MODERN store roomand basement, lit2 N 20th, 112. Conrad Young, m, Brandels Theater Bldg., Douglas 1671. W laeonaln. Upper Wisconsin Best uiurv and icei.ei .il crop state In the union: sealers named, lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wlsoonstn Central Land Grant btate acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested in fruit lands. ssk for booklet on Apple -orcnaras in WUsconsln. Address Land Dept. boo Line Hy.. Minneapolis. Mloa. i Most or tn.i se Ulna or wneat came Primary wheat recelnts were l.fWi.OOO from owner., who had recently Diirchaaed bushela and shipment 821.0W bushels liecauao of the large exjnirt trade bual agalnat receipts of ,2K'.i 0i0 bushels and nesa current. It was noticed that not - hlpmenta of 630,000 bushels last year. withstanding the continued activity of Primary corn receipts were fc1.0M Km.ian demand the geni-ral public had bushels and shipments 13,000 bushels. ,not developed any sustained buying en against receipts of ftifvomi bushels and thusiasm. and that more attention ap shtpments of 34.1,000 bushels last year. peared to tn given to the Increased vla- 1'rlmary oats receipts were l.SRl.wO 'jhle supply than to the lilieral, but fam bushels and ahlnments 7.vr,""0 bushels. ! ,tr tian.-Allantlc sale. Particular against receipts of 740.000 bushels ana stress was laid hv tho besrs today on FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT A fine dairy farm. good buildings, loor more; cattle, noraea. ahocp, poultry, farm machinery, pastures all tenced woven wire, water In each; A No. 1 laud, about 176 miles west of li inmiapoils. Will be tented very cheap for cauli. Don t apply unless you have some means and very best ot references. Address Y Bee. HEAL ESTATE LOANS. CITY and larni loans. 6, (Vi, per cent J. 11. Dumont & Co., 1603 Faruam, Omaha. WANTED City louns. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. k'.st Nebraska farms, O KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2716. GARVIN BROS.. HARRISON A Mt)RTON. M8 Om. Natl. WTD Farm loans Kloka Inv. Co. Omaha. WANTED City louns and warrants. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. W CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam 8tah MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Rank Bldg. fiC&CITY LOANS. Remis-Carlberg Co., " 1 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Truat Co.. Omaha. Neb. H K ATfMT ATE FO R KX CHAN UK FINE 320 acres; 46 miles from Minneap olis, every acre under cultivation; leys level; good soil; good water; buildings consist of house, barn, granary, machine sheds, etc. Price, $76 per acre. Will take up to $10,000 good property In ex change, balance some cash and mortgage Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis. Minn. shipments of W7.000 bushels lsst year. CA KLUT HKl'Kll' IK , . Wheat. Corn. Osts. Barley. Rye: Chicago a6 84J X Minneapolis z -Duluth Omaha 113 23 47 8 Kansas- City 8 22 REAL K8TAT13 MISCELLANEOUS JgiO cash buys a new, modern bungalow on the south side, balance monthly. $700 buys 7-room, two story, largo resi dence. A genuine nargain. i nuim w. MUST LEAVE OMAHA A bargain. Owner will sell modern 7-room house, splendid location, one block from cr line; lot 60x140:, also has a gsrage Will show you through. .Call Webster 6sS4. BIAH'K OF LOTS Council Bluffs, near Broadway pumping station; Omaha car ll e and 82d St, arhool. Equal to 12 44-foot lots; fine, high Isnd; lots around them sell $160 to tM. This whole block, I1.0U0; IIOO cash, balance tn suit. McUoe Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, $1,7F0 buys 6-room. modern cottsge on North Forty-fifth St, close to car line. Walnut 11111. 'Phone D. 8607. WE CAN show a new, modern, five-room cottsge on car line In the hills; ran be bought on reasonable terms. A dandy home for you See Williams, 122 Main St., Council Pliiffg, la. I HAVE a pretty new, all modern 6-room bungalow for sale on easy terms. Tel ophone C. E. Davis, Tyler 2047-J. I'iOo cash buys 8-room bungalow mod ern. Cost $4,000, reduced to $2,350 for quick sale. 'Phone D. 8i07. " STRICTLY MODERN, $2,R0l. What do you think of this? An almost new 6-room cottage, 42 feet long, modern In every possible way and only one block from the street car. Don't overlook this. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone Douglas 17M. Ware Block. the fact that stocks In the United States are now 1O."0O,0tt bushels more than st the corresponding time a year ago. Regardless of estimated export sales of 1.0U0.OUO bushels at the seaboard, and of additional foreign business here and t Duluth, the wheat market showed no decided tendency to rally. Tho best prices were scored right at the start thi lowest In the final hour of the session. Ideal weather for the maturing and shipment of corn nut that cereal under bearish control. Traders generally were anticipating a generous movement of tho new crop, although offers to srrlvo have leen small as a wnoie. outs saggMi with other staples despite continued de mand from the seaboard. There waa a steady stream of selling orders from minor lonas. Provisions were depressed by the weak ness or grain snd iiogs. The bulk of tho trading was In lard. Date. 1914. m. 191J.i IHI1 . IIHIO .11- ll Oct.".i 7 40, J eJl r.i 4,1 I ! M 2J Oct M. 7 444 T W 8 HO' 84 8 fci I llrl II I m . lA 1 VI 1 Ml 1 S7I Oct. I.'.) T 4AI I si 84 41 7 70 6 ? Oct. 14.1 7 8 01 I Ml S7 I ir 7 w. o n. th i nl ; ui am I 49 T 4l I 6 Oct mil v l Hi 1 77 4 S0l I 7 4i I 6 iJ 7 :V 7 MM k 741 f S. 8 KM " I ; w i i si; 8 hs; 7 s; 5 4i TOtu, 8 71 I 37, 8 41 7 l: h Jl 94 W 7 7R( 4 0 S 171 7 411 6 22 I S4N 7 41 8 1 8i 8 31 1 7 M, j MS 7 60. 8 4H- 8 44 7 62 6 43 7 03", 7 67 S9W 7M, 6 4 iu II vil 1 tx. 4 a 8 Ri' 6 41 I'.'l.' 2rt i 7 0141 7 671 I 41 241 8 V 7 W IVI . 27.1 4 98 7 tOj 1 lA 8 7 64 fi7.50. As was the esse yesterdsy thg packers cut Into the feeder supply and lonaUerlng th o'inllty of some offerings there were sales that looked more than a dime Ietler than the general run of trananctions on Monday s market. An so live trade was a prominent feature result ing In most of the lambs changing hands be'ore 10 o'clock. The sa es of ased sheep Included year I nk's at M lofl! IS and fome Nebraska e rn- fe.i wethers at $hi Parse and fed ewes moved at oiif. 1 V Prices In the aged sheep division ore shout on a par with those at Chicago. Everything sold la food sexson. Further strensth i oulte evident In Ihe feeder trade, the market on this class of stock being as active as on Monday nd the clearance early. The bum or the good feeder Iambs continued to aell at fa WW 7n, with a few scattering bunches at $;ivri 90. Most of the feeder ewes wera picked up readily at $17M4.I'. There Is still n marked rranity of feeder wethers and yearlings Quotations on ranse sheen and lambs.' Lambs, good to choice. $7 5Ki7.70; lambs, fair to good. $7 l.Mi7.60; feeders, fair to sood. I 4rufW 90: feeders, common to fair. IS JHis 40; yearllnas. good to choice. KM ii16; yearlings, fair to good, !W0fl.H5; vearllngs. feetlers H 405.90; wethers, good to choice. ttSOtTriTTi; wethers, fair to good, Ifi t&ff.l W: wethers, feeders. 14 30 fr4.8i.; ewes, good to ehol'S. 4 7.6.1: ewes, fair to good. $4.6Vff4.78; owes, feed ers. IV2ftr4.15. Artlclei open. 1 1ilgh. Low. Close l Yes y WTieati Dec.. II ir.litr 1 164 1 H 1 HH 1 1M, 1 16 May. 1 2i'o' I l 1 i 1 20 1 'J Corn I I I I De.-. WVu'1 tWi 67 67M3 IWV. May. 71j70-! 71 7047iH"t n4"4 Oats .Deo. 49'vft' 604 49 494 60 6114 Msy. M'xti M4CH t2 62S 684 6S4Ui" Pork.- Jan. 19 000' 1 00 18 77 18 77 18 97 IK 97 May. 19 17 19 17 19 OS 19 06 19 27 Lard. i let. 10 00 10 no 10 AO 10 80 10 ISO Nov. 10 46 10 47 10 42 10 47 10 60 Jan. 92 86-87 9 86-87 I 92-96 Ribs. Oct 10 R 10 65 10 47 10 47 10 70 Jan. 9 82 81 9 76 9 7t-77 9 80 FOR MDSB., 240 acres, near Newport, Neb.; part hay, bal. pasture; 26-foot frame house, large barn and fenced. Loan of 12.41m due Sept. 1H16. Int. per cent. Price $32.60 per acic. Will pay some cash difference. E. R. ROGERS. C'arns. Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 20 ACREiS-KllOO. 1 Three miles from .center of city; 14 miles from car; 14-acre orchard, 8 acres alfalfa, balance all excellent farm and garden land. All tillable, with Just enough slope to drain. Cavo cellar, 4-room house, good barn, chicken house, wagon shed, hog houses', good well and windmill. This place should be sen; let us show you. A. F. Smith Co. (Fsv Smith), 2S Pearl Bt, Council Bluffs. Phone 129. HKAI, ESTATE NORTH SIDE FOR SALE BY OWNER SEVEN-ROOM, all modern. Koiintxe Place home. 2111 Spencer; cost $4,360. If taken at once. Web. 6410. STEAM heated store, near po.tofflce; low rent. G. P. Stebbtns. Haras. GOOD barn, room for I or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St Call Douglaa 41, WANTED TO RE.TT TWO " jturuiahed rooms lor houaekeep. list, walking aiataure. Address U. 464, Be. WANTED To rent a six or seven-room modern cottage, furnished. Call South 1346. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Uurantee and Abstract Co., a uiodern abstiact of floe. Sue a. 17U Bt Phone Douglas 647. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract off to In Nebraska. 208 Brandels Theater. IF you want strictly modern home, 8- room, never wiw i 344. Low rent to right tenant Twenty minutes' walk from city halt 7-ROOM hou, 1118 Franklin. H. 474- N1NE rooms, new, oak finish, hot water heated house, pear cars. Dundee, Wat. jblSL . 7-R house.. 8118 Franklin. Harney sTt. MODERN 8-room house, 206 a Kth Ave., vacant November a. Can be seen after 9 v m. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Phones Harney 1034 or Douglas 1214. t-H. mod. cottage. 719 o. 37th St, $ ; 7-r. mod. hou so. Wit Leavenworth St-, 136. Beth fin locations. Phone Webster 30u6 and But PacUla SC. T-room modem, $30. 401 Park Ave-, cor. Jackson, f rooms, almost new, brick, oak tusn. fin; only $4C The Alaatlaa Apartment. 115-119 8, 38 th St.; best location in the city: 6 rooms; winter rata, .40; garage and xtra rooms If desired. 1319 8. 22d St., 6-room cottage, only $20. 164M S. 27th St., 7 rooms, $).. 4114 N. 2Mb Ave.. T rooms, bath, 113. L. D. Spaulding, Kit Farnam St, Phone Harney ,i or 'lyler 100. REAL ESTATE FARM t RANCH LAND FOR BALE Iowa. FORTY-ACRE FARM. Four mile, of Council Blulfs; about W acres good farm land: (-room house and barn: 6 acres meadow, a little timber; plenty of running wautr. An axotdlent plau for dairy, truck or fruit farm, and cheap at $140 per acre. McGea Real i v tate Co., 106 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Mlaaoarl. 200 ACRES I mllea from railroad town: log house and barn, orchard, 100 acres In cultivation; four springs. 140 acres fenced; R. F. P.: pries $J0 per acre; easy terms. 11011 rteaiiy jo., ioanon, Mo. Mlaacaota. BAROAIN Mo-aero Improved farm, 16 miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel road; lays level; about 120 acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; some fin meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; buildings consist of t-room house, barn, granary, corn eiiba, machine shad, windmill, eta; good apple orchard. Price, tn 1 per acre; one-half cash, reasonable terms on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at doubt this price. Schwab Bros., 1U28 Blymoulh Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL BARGAIN 13 ACRES This tract of land Is located about one mile from South Omaha limits; ay prac tically level and surrounded by nice homes. No Improvements. Nothing a4 inininir this tirooeity can be bought for less than lW per ae.M. For quick sale we are authorized to sen ior saw per acre. O 'Neil's K. E, & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1024, South Omaha Office. Booth 191. I, r'STVTE SOUTH HIDE TOPS BACKS SEAT COVER TIRE COVERS LINEN COVERS CUSHIONS DUST HOODS RADIATOR HOODS TRANSPARENT SHEETING LEATHER REPAIRING FENDERS COVERED AND REPAIRED BOWS STRAIGHTENED DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS Anythtef In Leather or Fabric That Cm Be) Dob. The Holly Auto Trimming Go. "EXPERTS" Sllg arney treat. Omaha. Vsb. Boag. t7S0. Oar Work peaks tot Itself. It Tera With Dnunznoaa. BBAL'TI FL'L 6tlxlSli residence lot on paved 8. 10th St.; hss fine barn on rear. Arirlec.a M. H. Realty CJ.. 2760 S. 9th. Tyler 1031. Snap right now at $ front ft. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE FOR SALS. Handsome, thoroughly modern, up-to- date 10-room residence, on one of th fin est streets on West Farnam hill; only ilf.&OO; owner going away; might con sider small nous or vacant in part pay ment. HICKS, 444 Board of Trado Bldg. 5-R00M COTTAGE At 2779 Capitol Ave, tot 60x160. Only W. IL GATES, 47 Omaha National Bank Bid. Phone Douglaa 1294. REAL ESTATE- DUNDEE EXCELLENT Dundee home, flreplaoe, buffet, beamed calling, tile floor In bath room, etc.; cloae to car line; Immediate possession. Call for further Information. W. 11. THOMAS SON. Doug. 1648. Remember That You Can Buy Dundee Lots for $1,000 On Easy Payments On Paved StreetNear Car Una Water, sewer and sidewalks all In and paid for la full. George & Company Vli City Nstlnral Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 7 T0N0PAH EXTENSION Pay Good Dividend Returns Bar this stack both for !t good slTldsnds aad Its future possibilities. A complete ds U-llsd pr!nl4 report containing ths Istsst Information will lis east KKKK. Ask tor re port N. "sTotklg to gall hot servlc," JONES & BAKER TOOK BXOXIU Bank Floor, 39 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO Yew York Phlladslp la Direct private wtrss to all markets. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make horag VYDeeza, Roar, hare Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with Chlt sgo Cash Prlres Wlieat : No. i red. 11.111(111.14: No. II hard, I1.1Xi1.14. Corn: No. i yellow, nwv'l No. 8 yellow, TtHp 7c. Outs: No. I white, 4V4I'47c; standard. 4s4444e. lUte: No. 1, WiC I94'4,c. Barley, i'o7So. Timothy. H W S.5". Clover. $11,000-14.00. I'ork, 1.40. Uard. IK)..'V. itibs. iiu.uuirii.uu. Bl'TTBH Higher; creamery, Wmic. KOtlS Higher: receipts. .UJ rases; at mark, raws Inrluded, 1KiJ04UjC; ordinary firsts, 221 j 2:1c ; firsts, tji Jc r POITLTHT AUve, higher; springs,, 12o; fowls, loHailc POTATOIOB-Ixiwer; reoelpts, 140 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin. SUq-Uk; Mlnne atita and Dakota. 4o?ffi0c. NEW YORK GENEHtL MARKET aaolatloaa of th Day oa Varloaa Com modltlea. NEW YORK, Oct 17. FDOUR-Market quiet. WHEAT Spot market easy; No. 1 red, II.ILS; No. 2 hard, t-l.lf."; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.16Vk; No, 1 northern Manitoba, 11 .Ul, nominal, c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, market without transactions; December, i.i'3: Msy. I1.2S'. CUIIN Spot market easy; No. t yellow, Mc to arrive; Argentina, prime, 7 so asked delivered. l AT." Sjiot market easy; standant. UV; No. 1 white, 62c; fancy cllppe wlute. 63Wh'. ' Hol'M-fc-asy: state, common to choice, 11)14 crop, -jj42r. HAY Quiet; prime. 1.06; No. 1, tl.OTWf 3 W't, No. Z, VO'QVtw; No. 3. KfWxi; ship ping, 7?i0c. HlDUtf rtteady; Bogota, 24B26c; Cen tral America. 4c. LEATHKIl-Flrm; hemlock firsts, ll 2c: seconds, DOflStc. I'ROVIUIONS Pork, steady; mess, tltOO tf21.W; family, U4.OW2ti.OU; short rleara, t mi i8 00. Beef, quiet; muss, t 1. 0023.01; family. WMa'tw. LMri. steady; mio i. ,.t no iU'ii'10.): refined, steady; con tinental, til 00. ttouth America, 112.10) compound, flrnv f7.uotPT.2n, TADlJW Steady ; city, 6Vio; country, 6U''r',e; special. t'tC. Hl'TTEB Firm; receipts. 12,?19 tuba; creamery extras, 834o; rresmery, 24f; creamery, firsts, 2911 :Vi'; aecuiids, a 2ac; process extras, 2.V(A'.; ladles, cur rent make, firsts, itott-tc; seconds, 21f; packing stock, current make No. i, 2xa CHEBPE Steady; receipts, 4.110 boxes; .tiia wlinla milk, fresh, whllo snd rul- oied slwclals, '.yc; stale whole milk, white ; and colored fancy, 14c; skims, 4'crlSr. ' K0014 Firm; reoeli Is. 14.149 rases; f f resh gathered, extra fine. 34Gi3c; extra 'firsts, Jl'J3c; firsts, (:; seconds, U ti27c;, stats, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, oaiu 'M-. siaie, rennsyi vanla and other nearby hennery whites, :Vfifoc; hennery browns, aVrfUihi-; gath ered browns snd mixed colors, ZMf.l.o. pDl'LTHY Dresseil, weak; western roasting chickens, K.V20r: fresh fowls, HtlDV; turkeys, froxeu, Wit 22c. Kansas Ity firala aad Prolsloas. K ANSAB CTTY, Oct 27.-WHKAT-No. i hard. fl.OtWrl.06V.; No. t red, 11. tlBf; December, fl.0841.14; . May, .1.13W. COHN-No. ! mixed, 7'a'7Jo; No. 2 white 7sc' Iiecember, 3T4)e; May, e. OATH No. 2 white, 47Vc; No. 2 mixed. Vv 44i'. BUTTER Creamery, 29c; firsts, 2tic; seconds. ; packing stok, 20c. j-XK! First. 22c; khviiiiIi, lRVxO. I"OL'LTRY Hens, lie; broilers. lc. Oct. 17. Ott. m. Oct. i. Oct. w Oct. 21. Dct. Oct. it. ot. ri O.'l. 2t t. t. ; SundiiV. CATTU'Viteoelpre t.f catli this morn, in. iihi ...,u- lmi hesd beina re ported in. This makes Ihe total tor ths three daya this week 17,102 head, snd the smallest of uny similar period since the second week In August. last week, und.r the Influences ot extremely heavy, receipts at all point, prli everywhere broke rapidly. This week with receipts much lighter the market here Is advanc ing as rapidly as It declined last week. Henf steers of all kinds were In good dmiiand this morning and the market active at prices that wore nffu nigner than yesterday. This mosns that the market on the general run of fat steers was around 2o higher than last week s low point. Fat cows and heifers were also In ac tive ilemand this mnrn'ns and they, ton, can be quoted c higher than last week's close. Canner cows did not decline very much last week and thev have nut an- vanced so much this week, the change on that kind of stuff being small. Htorkers and feeders were In very gooa demsnd this morning and buyers were out In the yards In good season looaing for supplies. Prices were Um:l6r higher than yestti!ay, or 2.V higher than last week. Quota I Ions on cattle: Good to choice cornfrd beeves, lO.fjO; fair to good rnrnfed beeves, fg.OfKiii.PO; common to fair cornfed beeves. f)1.7o43tx.no; od to choice range steers, 17. i (sir to good range ster, tn dot 7.k: common to fslr rsnge steers, f&.(00t.60; good to choice gins heifers, fH.0ufi.7; good to choice grass rims. fh.fiOiUn.'t; fslr to good grades, K. Ot'tlf.lO; common to fair 'grades. 14.0011 n 0; prim feeders, f7.7(xir..2f; good to chclce, fti.BlWijl; fair to good, f6.24fHI.Sn; rommon to fair, f&.BOtfiiJ.fi; stock hoi f era, M.7I.ti.0O ;stock cows, f4Hj6fcO; stock calves, tS.Ouu7.71; veal calves, f7.6ui)lo.M; bulla, staas. etc., 24. bou 4.00. Kepresentstive sales: BEF.F BTEERB. AT. Pr. Mo. t I M HEIFErUv 421 t Tl CALVES. 1 4MI T 40 !...... I Ml I M BTOCKEltM AND FEEDERS. 21 IM I 1 4 Ill I to NEBRASKA. 1 cowl 0 4 60 13 feeders... 1012 6 ffi No. 9... . Ft KM M M 141 t 7 24 feeoers... s77 06 11 cows 915 4 50 29 feeders... 7H0 S6 fee1ers... K2 6 3T 1 feeders... 760 25 21 calves... 14 calves.. 411 7 a 4X5 I 00 m tn m 7 on V 8 20 942 I 56 403 7 50 ,.12M T 20 ..lUtio to 901 70 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. IT WHP5AT December, fl 10H; Msy. fll: No 1 alio any Bunch or Swelling:. No blutr, no hair gone, and horse keDt at work. Con - . , , . . j ,LeeemDer, ti.ivs, wimy. . iw., i- v centrsud only g lew drops required at aa huxi, fi.u.; No. 1 northern. ll.loH61.12 gpphcauoa, 12 per bottle delivcrca. No. 2 northern, ii.vtit ps. Itook 3 K. Ire. FLOL It-Fancy patents, 25 70; ABSCRBIXE, JR.ti-Ptic l.nimcnt for rnan. 'nr-Z Clear"' W kind, reduces Cysts. Wens. Painful. Knotted liy vih-cti'Xic. VaricosgVeim, Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at "R-J??-Wi , Jl A.i..A PJw,!, f.i.ne.' Ire. ORN-No. I yel OW, ItofjMc. OATH No. I white. l4V4be. first dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. -.'.YOUNG, r. 0. P.. IMltaak. tUeerlsgteid. Ma FlX-1.2'li'4. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Oottoa S4 Cake O0I4 arMas4 Oaka From Teas Mills direct to you. Write or wire us for price on High Oiade Meal or Clacked Cake, 42 to 4t per rent protein. Cold Pressed Cake T-ZAS CAXB AMD -UTTSB OO. 9A-IUI. TXX. Liverpool -rata Mark. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 27. WHEAT fipot. steady; No. 1 Manitoba, t 4d: No. 2, 9s Pd: No. 2, ks lO'td; hard winter, ts llVd Futures, firm; October, 9s; De cember. 9s 2Vd. CORN rlpot, quiet; American mixed, Ta 2d. Futures wsk; November, ts ?Vd. 1 . Basil f'learlags. OMAHA. Oct. 27. Bank clearings for Omaha today were f2.b77,7of.M and for th corresponding day last year. fi4ou,t.K 14 calves.... Ini I 00 10 feeders... ofi 6 90 20 feeders... 1119 50 39 feoders... 5" T 05 12 rows IM l 19 rows im 6 45 15 cows 914 4 so WYOM1NO 10 steers Hot 7 00 12 feeders. 13 steers 12! 7 75 10 steers... 10 f orders... 945 e !0 2 steers.. 19 cows 1143 too 25 steers.. 29 feeders. .. 19 7 50 12 feeders.. BOUTH DAKOTA.7 Ill steer.... 10R4 7 00 19 steers.. 90 steers... .1179 7 lfi It steers.. H. B. ClaPP Neb. 14 cowa 900 oOO 19 rows., 1 cows 820 70 Doyle A Norman Mont. 47 feeders.. 1025 90 lfcoas 1101 5 95 Hobbs Bros. A Bennett Neb. 23 rows 792 6 40 30 feeders.. 800 6 So IIOUS In spite or a rathet moderate Tuesday run the trade opened out dull, and as far aa the packers war con cerned, somewhat lower, -hipping and speculative demand was In better shape mis morning, ana some outcher and lightweight hogs went to the shippers during th early rounds at prices that can be quoted as fully steady. The fact that shippers have been buying very sparingly during the last two or three dsys makes It difficult to site up this end of the trade, but It Is safe to quote ship ping grades as fully steady, and soma sellers were of the opinion that their sales showed some strength. Packers started out to make their pur rhaars on a nickel lower basis, and they succeeded to a certain extent. fcuch grades aa shippers could use were In the best demand, and the competition brought Kiner prices on ineae ainas up to very nearly a steady level, but on everything eirspt the good lights and butchers, the packers' figures are around a nickel lower, so that ths general killing trade la mostly a nickel off. The firmness In shipping grades atrengthsns the average, which Is no more than a shade lower. Bulk of the supply moved at a range of fn.90i&'7.06, with a sprinkling of good butchers as high as 17.10, and tops at fill. Supplies today amounted to sixty. seven cars, or 4.M0 head, bringing the tola! for the two days up to (,6M head. This la 2.000 smaller than lsst week and more than 1,0011 short of a year ago. Receipts for the first two days of the week ar smaller than any similar period In over a month. A very large supply of pigs showed up this morning, nboul a flftn of the total receipt consisting of lights weighing from 140 pounds down. There has been a good demand for pigs from both tin serum men and the puckers, and such pigs as have been coming have on must days found a ready sale. Today's big supply, however, glutte.1 the market tu such an extent that after the beat gradea had moved at nearly steady prices other ainos were lorceu to sell at a reduct un of as much as 2c from the prevailing prices last week. This la the first time this fall that buyers of pigs have had a large enougn assortment to suable them to dlstrlmlnate against the common stuff and whsn most of the buyers were filled up there were still several bunches un sold. Bids at this time were the lowest of th day, being quoted In sum cases as much as toe lower. Most of the pig stun moveo at a range or tt.uwu.i. Quite a number war held un by the gov ernment, but as a rule they showed Bet ter health and were In better condition than Uie pigs which were marketed so freely a year ago. SliKEP Heceli ts wore short again, being eatlmsteil at K.OuO head, compered siitu 24.PW last Tuesoay and M.260 a year agu. The first two days of the week thus iar show a decrease, only 44.791 head being re put led In aga.nat 111,718 for the same tin. a last week and 74 216 a year ago. c hl ago this morning waa reported at having only 24,00u head on sale and a strong market at Monday's decline. Outside ot one or two bunches of good lambs and a sprinkling of wethers and yearlings there was little good stuff here, the quality being mucb like yesterday. Because of the meager supply of right good killers the packer buyers were out early to fill their orders and there being oonaldrabl competition among them, prices on sged sheep and lambs Were gen erally strong to a dime higher, the most Improvement being on the yearlings and wethers. A little better than l.OuO head of Coksvlllit lamb brouaht ST to, as high ss anything sold during th day. and ths bulk of the offerings moved around 17.28 t. I.onls l ire "lork Msrksl. PT. t-oriS, Oct. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.io head; maraet aleadr; natlvo beef steera, 27.;nffl0.7f; cowa and heifers. f'i "HVifO r.; stockers and feeders, tR.ttW 7 no; southern steers, (VKSfH OO; cows and betters, f4.ootig.f0; 11s live calves, tfi.00(3 Hons Receipts, T.onn head; market higher; pigs and lights, t.Mt3?.70: mixed anil butchers, f r.aiT.Tii; good heavy. t7. 8 DEEP AND LAMB. Receipts. 1.W9 head; market steady; native muttons. II. not5. ; lambs, f;.003.0i. I C hlraao l.lre Stork Markex. CHICAOO. Oct 27.-CATTLE Receipts, 7 OnO hesd; market steady; heevea, . tfcr 10 7&: steers, f.").70lit.t(0; Blockers and feed ers, M.sTijiT.'.H): cows and heifers, 28.2MJ 8.71V calves, f7.OOylO.7n. HOJ4 Receipts, 2,0rt0 head; market 1, m Ac under vrsterdav's average: bulk of sales r7.9WW.4i; light, t7.00f7.M; mlvod, V .OT'iirr .tn; heavy. t7.004J7.tO; rough, f7 OixsYMt: piss. f4.2iT7.00. SHEEP AND LA M HM Receipts, M.on head; market strong; sheep. M.iW.; yearlings, fn. .; lamb. tt.VKjfl.n. Kansas Cltv Live gtsek Mark. K A NBAS C1TT. Oct 27. C ATTLK Re ceipts, lt.000 head; market strong; prim fed steera, f9.biVtfl0.75; dressed beef steers, tT Wti9.2fi; western steers. t..6ftfM.Tf ; stockers and feeders. f5 5Ofl0O; bulla. H. 7i.i 2ti calves, tii.OOfflO.M. HOOHRecelpts, is.000 head; market Itwer; bulk of sales, fT .onjJ .20; .Wy, t; liVtiT ; packers and butchers, I7.10! 7.:;llghU f7.0n7.21; pigs. fS.2r-e.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, UOOfl head; market steady to 10c higher; Ismbs. f;.oofi.; yearlings, ft. 508. 26; wethers. f.VOOtuJ.75; ewes. ft.&OUi.ft. Omaha liar Msrksl, OMAHA. Oct n-miRlB HAT Cl.olce upland. 211.00; No. 1. fJOWkd 10.50; No 2. fS.0tmri0.00; No. 8, fn.0rttf8.00; choice n Inland. IIO.S0; No. 1. n.rAiJlO.00; No. 2. ts oiviiS M; No. 2, f tXVfftOO; choir low-' land. fSflO: No. 1. fS.00; No. t, f.008r:.ao; No .1, flOOtftiOO. HTRAW Choice wheat, $5.0: choice oat or rye . 50. ALFALFA Choice pea green. tlt.Oli: No. I, tll.oo'.f 11.50; No. J. f9.totll.t0; No. t. Jti.Kj9.0O. ' New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2T. MERCANTILE PA PER U,'Vc. HTERLlNtl KXC1IANGK Easier; to day bills. f4 'W; 'or cables. f4.90.9KO; for demand. n."'iiJi, HILVKR Bar, c. LONDON, Oct. 27.-SILVER Bar, steady at IS'M per ounc. MONEY Kftl 11-1 Vr cent DISCOUNT RA TEA Short bills. T per cent; three months' hills, 1 per cent. ; Coffe Market. K'EW YORK. Oct. 17. COFFEE -The market remained quiet today and spot prices were uncnangeo on tne oaat or for Rio 7s and 10H for Bantok 4s. Th rat of Brailllan exchange on Lon don was quoted Vc lower, but mllrels prices In the primary markets ware 50 to 1 rels higher. The price of December contracts In the liquidating committee wst about 30 points lower at fS.t0. nil aad Rel. SAVANNAH, Oi Oct. IT-TURPENTINE Nominal, at 4Wio; no sales; ra re pts, 5K1 I. his.: shipments, S83 bbls ; stocks. rt.OOl, bb's. ROHIN Nominal; no sales: reoelpts, 2.711 bbls. ; shipments, 1,174 bbls.; storks, 111,!!2 bbls.; A, , M.BO; C, D, f8.52H; E, F, O, H, I, t3 n6 K, M li; M. M W; N. ffi.OO WO f8 S: WW. fft.ft. . fsgar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. tJ.avaATl-Raw. weak; molasses, 1.24c; centrifugal, tsVC. Refined, eesy. 20 points lower; cut loaf, 70c: crushed, .60c; mould A. .26o; cubes, .0nc; XXXX powdered, f.9c; pow-. dered, .90c; fine granulated, MOc; dia mond A. 6.80c; confectioners' A. f.70cj No. 1. 6.66c, Bt. I,aU 1 Grata Market, 8T. LOU1B. Oot 27 WHEAT Decem ber. fl.llVi; May. fl.U4; No. 1 rad. fl.Obia fil.ilj No. 2 hard, fl.loJl.UU. CORN-No. 2, 71!S;mc; No. I wh(t, 78Vc; December. ,'Yn6ci May. 7oV. OAT-No. 2. 4H47cjNo. I whIU. 49c Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 87. COTTON Spot. In moderate demand; price lower; mid (11 'ng fair, 6.85d; good middling, i.lod; mldilllng, 4.8ud; low middling, 4.7Jd: good ordinary, 4.ad. ordinary. s sl; sales. s,M9 bales. Metal Market. ' NEW TOR It, Oct. Xt. COPPER Elec trolytic. II 1. 36, thirty days, and IU.29 11. NO c: sh. BT. IX"1'I8, Oct. 27. METAL Lead, firm; f.t.. Ppeltcr. dull. f4.90. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. DRY GOODS Cotton goods, stendy; the carpet auction showed continued interest; price easier. Hllks, quiet. Yams, dull. , . 1 Evaporated Apple aad DrWa Pralt. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. EVAPORATBD APPLKB-Julet. DKiKD FK LI ITS Prunes, easy, inn- cob and peaches, quiet. Raisins, dulL 1 nrt. NBW YORK . AVONM'iUTH lNIKN FAl.Mlil'TII.. I.IVKftriKIU, BKHtlKN NKW INDON eats f Ore a Btair. Arrtred. .. Volumnlas. .. Acanls ..Headier.... ..hi- PauL.t. aVni .V, Luck'sabaek. .Lnsltaota. .Krlstlaalaijert. Robsrt Dollar... newpiiRT Nfcrwt Btrathlo 4'H A HI .KVCTON . . . . Wasklastonlaa. . HAI.lioA Mtanisr Dollar... HOTTBRPA! Ryndam . LEGAL NOTICES NOT1CH TO CONTRACTOR-. Sealed bids will b received by the Board of Commissioners of Slate Insti tutions at Its office In th Btate Capitol, Lincoln. Nebraska, until 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, November 7, 1914, for tha fur nlshlng of all material, supplies and labor necessary for the proper construction and remodeling of the power house at tha School for the Deaf. Omaha. Nebraska. In accordanc with the plans and speci fications prepared by James H. Cr ad dock, architect. Omaha. Nebraska. All bldg must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of th amount of th bad, payable to Board of Commissioners of Mate Institutions as a guarantee that th bidder. If successful, wUl Immediately enter into the contract and bond for th erection and remodeling of said struo-' tur. Plans and specification will b on file In the office of the Board of Commis sioners and at the office of th archi tect. Room 12, Continental Block, Omaha, Nebraska. Sets of drawings and specifi cations may b obtained by proapectlv bidders upon application to th archlUMt or to th Board by depositing a check for twenty-five dollars if&.Oo) to insure prompt return, and when plana and speci fications ar returned In good order checks will be re-dlverd to th person depositing the same. Th Board rrvea the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this toth day of October, 114- BOARD OF COMMISSION- Of . BTATE INSTITUTIONS, Br bilaa A. Hoi comb, Chalrrn-a. oa-dtt y