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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1914)
THK HKK: OMAHA. Tl l-SDAY, oiTOHKK 27, 1!U. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 1 00 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets I LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK I. HAMILTON, Vice-President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier 3. n. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE. Assistant Cashier NOTE: Vole will not ba allowed for othsr than bona fid. new saving Mount Full number of vote will be allowed up to sixty days '.'for closa of eoutsst whan a Urn It of 10.000 will oa placJ on each new account. N0TICP TO CONTESTANTS Heat Tuesday we will pabusa the staaSlajr of all contestants who have tnrn.4 la their nomination coupons or cash cherka for votes ft this coa teat. Oet your receipt a la by Satnr. y svaalBt;. so that yonr staaitlnf wUl appear la the Hat, thus lettlaf year frt.nas know that yoa are com. petlna- for a trip to the Faaama x-poalUoa. Introductory Sale Tuesday and Wednesday In the Annex The very latest Party Cases, gen uine leather, values $3.00 to $10.00 33 off at this introductory sale. THE CROWN VP We GOUXH STAIRS Contestants Standing Van a jt0. of Tote. fay K. Watts 3.7a7,te ah A. PMnney .. .9,530.613 Charles Xall ,3H,8 Mrs. Immt Ferry S.M8.S7S Wllks Ward. 3RiiS ylvla Habas svint Arthur Wllbeck ta8,B8 O. A Hyairoin . Mobtrt liwii liowmsa 134.361 Mary J. Aberly ot.Hl Daniel A. ana Btelnber T.9U ikoswall FoUs 4.71S Mrs. H. 0. Rfuttk., 3.8S Clyde J. Luther i.SJS Bos Bchalek l.tSO Fred Mora 1,707 Brace B. Baker, Beatrio. Beb.. l.OOO Berbert O. Walls 1,000 W. J. Mettlea l.OOO Cbrie aimoaaon, Utloa, Heb.... 1.000 Jnllan Karris 1000 Barry J. teversoa l.0 Minor O. Kennedy l.OOO Iterbert C. London l.0 Marls B. Blvers I00 Jennie K. Waahbura l'OOO Charles O. Thomas , .... l.OOO Myrtls O. Harrison 1.000 Mrs. James Mortlntor I-0" Henrietta Bwaaaea l.OOO Mrs. Bobsrt T. Jones 1.000 James It. Xulakofsky .00 Myroa Deroreat 1,0 . Xbouinaon Mrs. Ooorre M. Bvarts Louis rauulng-barr Paul Korton Henry M. ainr Mrs. IdlUaa Cowdea fcamnsl I. Book Jo&a riiokar Jj'ie Waohst.ta Barry Ara; Mrs. X. Beverldff Mrs. Plana Circle William Wlnquast Oretohaa Edgar ames C. Wisely Sara Lee Wayns JUlsy K. W, Beoksr Mrs. Jennie Martin Lillian Xrlckaoa, Kearney, Heb John Orpleonn. Bur wall, II sb. Mrs. Hauls Oibura tfcarlea Kannlg-an Hoierr W. MUu Kosl. Xssslsr Basal Mlohelsoa, rt Crook.... Otto Eswald Eva M. Colombeok Edward Xoasatual 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1.009 1,000 1.UOO 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 i,oo 1.000 1,000 i,ooo 1.000 1,000 1,000 Wh at's the Use of putting good money in an unknown or stenciled piano, when you can buy a high-grade, reputable instrument!. Brambach Grand Piano for $455 On most conven ient term. Again, a most jwpular and time tried Cable-Nelson Upright Piano, brand new, in choicest woods, for $250, on rental terms. , ' If this ie too much money, you can take your choice of nearly new pianos at less than $150. Terms, $10 cafh. $1 per week. Representing many high-grade pianos. - No Charge for Stool, Scarf or Drayage. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas Street. Our 40th Year. How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Ha Ira of Cnarpal. : Tbs Bee otters and will award (far round-trip tloketa and exponas to the Panama Exposition, the total oust of eaob trip to be $-00. as prises to the three con testants having the urea teat number of points at the close of the contest 1 This contest open to everybody cept employes of advertisers on this pax and of Tb-N Be. The contest pace .will be publish! one day eucn week and will run for a perioJ of one year. . 4-PoluU will be figured on the basis of one point for each 1 cent shown on casd checks or receipts for purchases mad from advertisers on this page. h-Cat checks must be deposited at or nailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The Use not later than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipts will be issued for them. Contest to cioee November T, 1914. All rash tickets and receipts must be turned Into The Bee office n t later than 9 p, in. on dosing day of contest, or If mailed, must be postmarked not later than thai hour. . . ( FAIR M0Y1M RIGHT ALONG Cummins of Union Fitcific Finds Things at 'Frisco Progressing-. COUNTRIES SENDING EXHIBITS Varlnna Nation Are l-'nrnardlna llafla,e of I'lante and Othrr I'rnrtnrta In ft Shown at Imposition. AdVHrtiaitic. Asout Cummins of the I'nlon I'nflfli' Is homr from an x tenJcd visit In 8n Kranilwo ami la fii thuslnstlc over tlir proRree brine, nimlr on the eXKltlon bulldtiiae thcrr. TV I'nlon Pacific's txhlWt. a reproduction of Yellowstone National l-ark. with lt Iteyaera. waterfalls and mountain.. ' rapidly near Ins. completion and prom lee to be one of the must atrartlve fea tures of the great show. Relutlve to tho foreign rxhlhlts. Mr. Oummh ny: "l'urlng the wei-k ending Octolirr 10 five carloads of ethihlts arrived from Holland and conelxtlng In a niraauro of rare plants and bultis giithrred Irt ench of the province of th NetlierlnndM. Dining tho samo weok there wore many exhibits recelvedTrom Ireland nnd Prance The Knglloh have Inatallcd In the Palace of Mines a large collective exhibit. More than MO.OX) tona of exhibits have been brought from Japan. They will be used In the general display and In ft pavilion that Is being eroded upon the exposition grounds. "Ourlng the lat few du s many en tries of live stock from evrrnl tr the countries of Kurnpe hnvn been made and Indications are that this doiartinent will b one of the moat Interesting. "The amusement section of the expo sition, designated as the Zone. Is well along In Its construction and the ehnTa that are being booked are highly ed ucational, as well as being of great In trinsic worth. This section of the big show will cost close to SI0.(ttX) for buildings and Installation of features, nalldlnsjs Vrnrlna Completion. "As to foreign buildings; The ('ana dlan, Honduras and Cuhun pavilions are practically completed. Those of Hwefl r, Bolivia and the Philippine Islands are from SB to SS per cmt completed; tho German Kail syndicate building,' con structed In psrt by the Herman govern ment. Is about Mi per cent finished ind woik iipn'i It Is being rnshrd. Work on the Panlsii pavilion, a reproduction of KmnhviK castle at Klslnore, one of the fortreasos thnt guard t'oponbaxon. Ii nearly cumptotod. Hero will bo exhibited a monstrous display of chins. 'The Italian btd'ding Is about ?o rr cmt finished While this s spoken of as one hulldlna. It Is reidiy seven, show ing a Sfy-tion of a typical Italian city. "The Turkish exhibit will bo onh of the largest coming from a foreign coun-ti-y The Ttrklsli government haa about coniplotl It building, a reproduction of one of the mosque. In Hddltlon to the product of Vie country and city, there will be shown a herd of goats of the An gora variety and a bumji of botars. Ilia Variety nt Haas. "It Is learned that the Persian ex hahlt has been assembled and I awaltlntf shipment. There I an eiidlcas variety of rich and costly rugs, fine fabrics, food stuffs and tobaico .Ispnn hn taken 14.(10 square feet of spaci In the several hulldlnga ami has applied for 2MiO more, where will be shown food products and those from the fields and orchards. "Tho Japanese building la a reproduc tion of the temple of Kin Ka Ku Jl nt Kioto, said to he l.flW yonr old. "The Chinese pavilion, being erected at a cost of, Is pretty well along and many of the exhibits to be shown therein have anlved. "Tactically all of the Poullt American countries will be represented, and gener ally their exhibits will be In th Pnluce of Horticulture, where they have token a large amount of apace. Argentina la making the moat comprehensive exhibit of any of the countries to the south and In the Palac of Mines It will have 5.700 s.iuare feet, where will be shown gold, silver and other minerals. "The Australian pavilion, coating . 0W, is about GO per cent completed. Here will he shown live stock, imultry. meat a. wool and the agricultural products of the Island. Mlain Is building a pavilion, native workmen doing the construction, I ho style of architecture corresponding with that of the national palace." Drive "Irk Headache Array, Agonising alck headache ' cured by name fr. King's New Ufe Pills regu l.irly. Keep liver and bowels In healthy condition. 2.V. All druggists. Adver-tlsemont. THE kEXALL DRUG STORES The above caption nipgns Hint th four 8hrnian & MeConnell drug store nre agents In Omaha for tho Famous Hoxall Remedies and Harmony Toilet Articles which are mode In Doaton and sold by 7.000 especially appointed agonta throughout the I'nlted States, the Canndlan province and the British Isles. There la an agent In Port land, Me, and Portland, Ore-; London, Conn.; London, Can., andiron don. Eng.. all selling the name high grado lino of medicines and toilet articles. There are nearly 1,000 ltema In all. a nw or Tail rniNciPAz. BIXALL KEMBDUI. Amerlcaultl Kllxlr 76O-91.80 t'herry Hark t'ongli Kvrup Sbe-SOo Si Celery and Iron Tonic 8o Cod Idvrr till Mmulslon.. '. I'vspepsla Tablets Soe-BCo-Sl Kidney Kemedy 46O-B90 MMculone '. . SOo-Sl Orderlies tOo-BSO-SOo-Sl Hbeiimntlc Itemrdv . 4Bo-n.So Syrup White line and Tar. . 8S-eoe Syrup H pophosaiiltea 81 Throat llargle S5o-SOo While 'l.lnlment S0o-6Oc Wine of Peruvian Hark te I BOMS KEXAX.I. TOIZ.BT AKTXCI.a Shnini no Piiste 83o I !.t Ilalr Tonic Boe-l-W I Shaving l.otlon a6o-4Be i I'reHni of Almonds...! Theatrical Cold Cream, 'fc lb....So 1 111. ooe I Tooth Paste le Trailing Arbutus Talcum 16 I Violet tmlre Talcum Pace Powder and Toilet Water In Various sixes I sn.1 prices. I Tan and Freckle l.otlon 85 I Nice ta decdortiter) 15o-Io You savf time ami money by coming; to us. Sherman & tfcConneil Drug Co. Irtptlettrs of the Kottr OiiikIim Itexall Mores: BbsrmsB k KoOonaell Drug Co., Cor. !th and fHxlge. Loyal Pharmaoy, Hotel l.o il IIo K Owl Drof Co., for. 1th and Harney. Tb Harvard Pharmacy, Cor. i'tth and I'arnnnv sV'bJBbjastbajBSJaaSsi FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES " I Send or bring tjiis coupon to the "Pnnajuii Contest Editor" of the Bee und you will receiye lUUH votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Nome Address Winter Wheat is All Seeded and Doing Well - i Hurlmjton superintendents have sum marixed the crop conditions on the re spective Nebraska divisions and have forwarded the same to the Omaha head quarters. The summary shows that ev erywhere In the state the plowing has beon finished and that seeding- of winter wheat is practically cotnpletod. On most of the dlvltdona tho grain is up und is Ii excellent condition. According to the report from the su peilnteruleul of the McCook division grasshoppers have made their appear ance on'the edges of some of the wheat fields and are doing; considerable dam age. However. .It is predicted that the first heavy frost will put an end to theli work. On the Wymore and Lincoln division oi the road reports are that the Hessian fly is doing damage In fields of early sown wheat, and In some Instances fields have been plowed up and resecded. Everything You Wear CAN Be and SHOULD Bo Cleaned at "Dresners" If you knew how much better you would APPEAR and FEEL In attire that Is nicely cleaned, pressed, altered, re paired, relined and re-velvet collared, you wouldn't lose ANY time communicating with Dresners' $57,000 Clean ing; Plant. Dresners clean Furs as well as clothes; Dresners re shape and re-block hats; Dresherg put new life, luster, ginger and attraction into your heavy overcoats, etc.; Dresners put experts at work remodeling your winter party gowns and .ladles' tailored suits. Better have YOUR clothes looked after. It PAS. Phone TYLER 345 Tell Dreshers You've a Bunch of Winter Toga to Be Cleaned. Tell r cm to send a hurry wagon Dresheir . Bros Dry Cleaners Dyers 22U-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. ANTI-SUFFRAGISTS HAVE WORKING WOMEN ORGANIZED Mrs. J. W. Crumpacktr, special repre sentative of the National Association Op posed to Woman Huffr.iKe, haa incently organized over 600 wage earning women in opposition to woman suffrage. The purpose of this organization, Mrs. C'rum packer said, la to show to the voters ot the state that women are not generally in sympathy with the suffrage movement. This organization ' nurrbera among Its members women of many professions and trades. FEDERAL BUILDING TO SELL OLD EQUIPMENT I'P till November bids will be re ceived at the federal building on sev enteen different items of old materll I no longer necessary in its equipment. In- eluded In the articles to be sold Is 30,000 pounds of old fittings, iv pounds r.f brass, 12S pounds of sheet copper anJ 1, 110 pounds of sheet lead. Beside this are. linoleum, old carpets, rugs, water colors, filing cases, standing desks, oak and revolving doors and twenty-four combination lighting fixtures. DADS AUTHORIZE FIXING FORTY-EIGHTH STREET City commissioners have sgaln author ized the expenditure of ("0 for the Im piovement of Forty -eighth street from Leavenworth to Far nam. A resolution authorizing this expenditure was passed several week dgn end then rescinded. A number of properly nunera appeared to p. oust against the rescinding. The Wash Day Problem Has Been Solved It was solved long ago by tlioso women who were shrewd er-vugli to take advantage of our family wash ing service. We proved to them that we can not only relieve them of the trouble of wash day at home, but save them money besides. If we can tlo this for other women, why can't we do it for you! WVcan if you will give us a trial. Do that next week. KhMMlXlMNQM. tmb "WAixwoms" or,sa xomjs BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. J THE GREAT LIGHT BUiLDS GETTER BUSINESS Mr. Storekeeper: Electricity, THE GREAT LIGHT, not only builds business, but it build better business. An attrac tive, well lighted store don't just draw trade it draws prosperous trade. The woman looking for a fine piece of silk can pick out the goods as well by electric light as by sunlight.. Ask for a demonstration. Phone or write us today for an estimate on the cost of wiring your store. It won't be much and ' you can pay for it as is convenient. Ju t call Douglas 1062 and our man will come to see you. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. M CJOT BELIEVE' -IT unless you have seen that the BERKLEY ELECTRIC COOKER will cook your meals without your attention. It turns the current on and off through an automatic de vice found in no other Electric Cooker. You can cook 3 meals a day for less than ten cents worth of electricity. Demonstrated and for sale only by era s OP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1810 Farnam. Tyler 1414. "We are as near to you as your telephone.'' We can show you now a few very desirable Off "FICES i Well located, easy of, plenty of light and neat, in the best known, modern aud fireproof BEE BUILDING ''The building that it always new" Prices vary with size and location: 'JOxHi feet $50.00 20x20 feet $30.00 1.1x20 feet $22.50 8x21 feot $15.00 17x.'!2 feet, $45.00 12x12 feet ' $10.00 Meat, wuter and eleetrin light free. The Bee Building Company Office Room 103. i