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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1914)
THE BKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. CXTOBKT. 1914. 11 FOU KENT A pe Mairili a ad flat. 3-ROOM furnished flat. US. 122 Leaven worth St. J. I. KEMP, 3T.13 Is,venworth St P"'ig 91. I-ROOM 213 8. 2Mh Ave., Douglas, beau tifully decorated; ha nun rarlor. close In. walking dletsnce. Sre this nt once. HASTINGS HKY1'E 114 llimfv St. $9 0 Three large rooms, apartment, part modern. 1916 fc'lm St. Harney jt ST. CURE Al'AK T.MENTS. Bd and Harney St., 3 room apartment. Call H. 7 or D. 6.W. FOR RENT lloaaea Bad ( ottaaea. ton RENT by Dexter U Thomaa, 41J Hee bulldlna. cottage, S large rooma, toilet, gaa water. 3010 Charlea. $10. Cot tsse, B rooma. 1 Iota. Spraguo, 111 CATH F.DRA L district. 7 rs.. mod house. facing south, built I yesra. Ked bifu. 7-R., mod, cottage. 201 4 N 23d. D.12ey CI.OSE In rooming houaa or home, .'2 8. 2Fth, corner Farnam; 10 rooma, mod"rn. steam heat. Shepard, owner, Webster W12. OQDEN A NN KX Rooms with kitchen ettes. Council Rluffe Gordon Van Co. ill N. 11th St Thone P HU or Web. 1381. I-ROOM brick flat, mrm r Rth and WIW Ham St.; most desirable in Forest Kill Park. Douglas 2040 6-ROOM 2n7 H Ave Hudson dining room haa built-in buffet, panel walla, oak finish throughout, close In, no car far. See today. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney ft, BEAT'TIKl'L 6 and t-room apartment: nothing classier west of Chicago. ZM Sherman Ave. Rental Service Free Wa can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We ran tell you what houaea and apartments each real estate office haa for rent. Phone ua, Doug, as 28A Fidelity Storage and Van Co. 801S CHICAGO Nice J-wimi and bath in modern apartment houae. 6-R. 1319 S. 22d St.. IS. Tel. Red 4!46. NEW, modern" 6-r., cottage, $19. 2124 Miami St. ; GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Last Week's ToUli for Export Sales of Wheat Are Extraordinary. SPECULATION 13 QUITE LIBERAL aeleese oa rata Aeeoaat la far ror clara Rirtra, Marenrst ( Oats Rein a- A I bo la the Saaxe Direction. i-ROOM cottage, modern except heat Harney l&s. NEW HOME FOR RENT. Living ro m. aun room, dining room, kltchan. four bedrooms, modern in every respect. Houaa Just being decorated. Good neighborhood. 3lh and California Sta. 140. Call Pong. 3.2. Mores a ail Office. !.vn FIXOR office rooms or suitable for light mfg. Wrlaht & Lasbury, 606 8. lth ft. Poig. lM l-ROOM modern flat. 1 : 1 2 So. 11th. Bteam htd flats. l'Uh e Web. Tyler 2023. Hoard aad Roams. ELEGANTLY furn. room, excellent board, for married couple, 17 week. 21j Podge St. WANTED Young lady to room and board; use of piano. Address H. tx8, Baa. MOD. ROOM, good board. Weh. tt. A YOUNG man wishes board and room In a private family where there Is one or two young people. Addreaa 8 K1. Pee. Fnrnlafceu Rtsoeaa. ROOM In private family for refined lady or gentleman; use of library; walking distance. Phone Harney 73UO. READY NOW EAST FRONT ROOM !50 Sq. Ft., with water and light free. FIXE LOCATION 5TK FLOOR 17th Street Exposure $22.60 THE BEE BUILDlXCi, Office Room, 103. Two Rooms. Er.siiite. Street Exposure, 330 si), ft.. Water and Electric Light. Ready Nov. 1st. The Hee Building. Office Room 10X. FURN. rooms by day or wk.; modern; steam heat; $1 60 up. 107 S. 1. D. Kite,!, Mod. coxy rm. In pYlv. family, noma prlv- llegea. Call bet. 8:30 p. m & 9 a. m. R. 7607. FURNlhHED room for rent, near Crigh ton university. Phone Douglas 7 Mi. House'teep. rooma complete. 4.5. T. 2023. NICK room with heat, one block from car. Wbster 6916. LEAVENWORTH. 2064 Extra large pleasant room, steafu heat, reasonable; two men or snore; dose In. MODERN furnished rooms, 114 N. 24th. Red 33. THREE unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping with kitchenette. II. 430. 2817 Poppleton Avr. ONE furnished room for rent to lady or gentlemen; located between two car llnea; walking distance; $ per month. 620 Park Ave. Phone Harney 423. NEATLY furnished sunny front room, with fireplace, 13 for permanent parties. 094 N. 18th. 220 N. 1STH, front room In private fam ily; modern; to permanent roomers 3 week. 826 S. 29TH Furnished rooms, private family. Harney 4008. 2403 N. 20TH Pleasant, modern rooma. Webster 7626. Ilonaclteeptasr nooma. THREE nice rooma. hsk'C- HH 8- "th. ELEGANT suite rooms, furn. shed -om-pletc; strictly modern: 20P P. 26th St. THREE elegant rooms, steam-heated. 216 No. 22d. LIGHT housekeeping rooms en aulte. 725 8. 18th . St. Tyler 1021-W. Faralahelt Iloaek.ceplBSj Rasa). , DAVENPORT. 2018-TWO OR THREE ROOM HOUiSElOCBPINO APART TnKNTS. . N. 40TH,-t 4 nicely furnished rooms; references required. Good rm. with kitchenette; reaa. ; D. 7M8. Jnfaralahed tloaaoUoeplnsI Hooaia. FOUR rooms: modern. Phone Harney 731. Hotels and Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and Call'ornia. Weekly rstes 12 and up. lougias 703. OGDEN HOTEL Rooms II per week. Council tjlufts. DO DOE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. Houses aad Lot ta area. 8-ROOM modern houae, 602 S. 35th Ave. Owner would reserve one or two rooms and make rent ' attractive to right tenant. Phone Douglas 4556 IF you want atrlctly modern home, 8- room, never beiora rented, call Harney 2846. Low rent to right tenant. Twenty minutes' walk from city hail. 7-ROOM house, 311SFranklln. H. 4742. NINE roonib, new, oak finish, hot water heated houe, near ears. Dundf e. Wal. 262. 6- ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 3312 Cass. 14. 7- R. houae. 3118 Franklin. Harney ;42 HANSCOM Park district. 7-r. inoderi. houite. 2o. Rsp Bros . D. 165X MODERN 8-rooiil house. 205 8. 36th Ave., vacant November 6. Can be seen after a. m. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brleu, Phones Harney 104 or Douglas 1216. 6-H. raod. cottage. 71 S. 37tli St., I2; 7-r. mod. houar. 4614 Leavenworth St.. 8. Both fine locations. Phons Webster 2o0. 300j and 3009 Tacific St., 7-room modern, 130. 601 Park Ave., cor. Jackson, 7 rooms, almost new, brick, oak finish, fine; only 840. The Alsatian Apartments. 115-119 8. 15th Pt.; best location In the city; 6 rooma; winter rale. Hi. jt; garage and extra rooms If deHirtd.l 1310 8. 2-'d Ft.,6-room cottage, only 120. Ifv48 S. rth 8i.. 7 rooms. 123.60. 4114 N. 2sth Ave.. 7 rooma. bath, $16. L. D. elpuuldlng, 1618 Farnam Bt. Phone Harney 72 or J'yler lOii. and blur- Co. Heduoad ,-v"fe&'-,- rite, for m days. LsrKe van, t men, $13 per nr.; dray. I men. II per hr. I Tit Webster Dog lM CL06E-1N t-runm liuut, ueel condition. FOR RENT Isoveniber 1. 315 8. 23th Ave.. 7-room modern flat. bee Charles G. McDoni-ld or J. J. Toms, ili tiraudeia Bldg. Phono Douglaa 34S4V J. C. Reed psx -M hams ni D. ,;; 6-R. mod. coit.Ase, 111 a. j;u, B, tib. 7-r mod. houae. .'614 Leavenworth bt.. Ui. Both Tine locations. Phona Webster 2du0. HO USE for rent; modern; 6 s 'tih lngulre within. Telephone ' EIGHT-ROOM modern house; Fort Bt A. V. Dresner, phone Tyler 846. -R. modern house, 1902 'wjrt. Wtl3I. " NORTH SIDE. FOR RENT, Ili PER MONTH. A pretty 4-room bungalow, new, three blocks from car Una. Telephone South 1687. CHARLES F. MA HE. FOR RENT Ti have a complete list of all hoosea, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Htorsxe Co , x S loth Sl Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping, llth A Jackson Fta. Phone Douglaa 24, t-R. modern houae. 17 A. luth. D. 7411 FTnimea n " I'arU of the city building. h'ltukM i.sai, ail i.ioo-rii, .rwuni Iuij, also f ml 'a V rvi Globe Van&Storage Btorea, movea pack a. ships: 8-borso vaa and I wen. $186 par br. ; storage $4 par auo. Satisfactory guar. P. jut A Ty. IJO. tuod. U4 Cirsoid Ave., (18. Web. 6vW A WELL located, large, up-to-date store for rent. Also auditorium seating . People. Apply to Supt. Swedish audi torium. A FEW desirable store rooms leit In the new building, northeast corner lth and Cass Sta.; cheap rent. Conrad Young, 822 Rrandela Theater bldg.. Tel. Doug. 1671. MODERN "tore room and basement, 1562 N 3uth. $12. Conrad Young, S21 Rrandela Theater Bids;.. Douglaa 1671. STEAM heated store, near postofflce; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. sras, GOOD barn, room for 8 or W horsea. 1917 Webster St Call Douclas 43. R E NORTH WANTED TU RE.TT TWO -jfurnlslied rooms for housekeep. ing, walking distance. Addreaa B. 464 Be. WANTED To rent a elx or seven-room modern cottage, furnished. Call South 1386. ( ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern abstract office. U6 6. 17th 8t Phone Douglas 647. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraaka. 208 Brandela Theater. ESTATE FARM Sc. RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Iowa. FORTY-ACRE FARM. Four miles of Council Dlurfs; about 80 acrea good farm land; 6-room house and barn: 6 acrea meadow, a little timber; plenty of running water. An excellent place for dairy, truck or fruit farm, and cheap at $140 per acre. McOee Real Es tate Co., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Mlasesota. BARGAIN 830-acra Improved farm, miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel road; lays level; about 120 acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; some tine meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; buildings consist of 8-room house, barn, granary, corn crlba. machine ahed, windmill, etc.; cood apple orchard. Price, $30 per acre; one-half cash, reasonable terms on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double this price. Schwab Bros., 1028 Blymoutb Bldf ., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska. 1G0-ACRE farm seven miles west of Lexington, Dawaon county. Nob. Good new house, seven rooms, good barn, two wells, 30 acres alfalfa, 30 acrea pasture, balance good farm land; no sand. Price !M) per acre. This Is a snap; must be sold soon Address Box 20. ITIybses. Neb. FOR BALE A GREAT BARGAIN. Tho east half of section 9, town 10, ranga 1, In Dawson county, Nebraaka. Good, i-room houae, barn, granary and crlba: Improvements In good repair; fenced and croas-fenced ; 20 acres In al falfa, 200 acrts under cultivation; 7 miles from Humner and 12 miles from Overton; good tenont; best of soil, no sand. Prioe, 135 pi r acre for 60 davs. Terms to suit purchase!. CLAYPOOL LAND CO., Kearney, Neb. North Dakota. , 2,000-ACRE ranch In Pierce county. North Dakota; fenced, close to atation, good bulldlnga, all cattle, horses, machinery, hay and grain. Two flowing springa Will sell very cheap on account of ill health. Chan. Turnell, 303 Allen Hotel, Minne apolis, Minn. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA. Government sale of Indian landa at auc tion in eastern Oklahoma, November 8 to December 2, 1914; $1 to $16 per acre. Will buy for purchaser! and sell lands for one-third of the profits. Investigate at once. F. C. lougee, 124 8. Main Bt, Council Bluffs, .'a. WiiconilB. Upper Wisconsin Best uairy and general crop atate In the union; settlers wanted; lands for aale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for hook let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acrea wanted. ' Write about our lands. If interested In fruit lacds, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo Line Kv.. Minueaioils, Mlna. FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RUNT A Ilua da.ry farm, good buildings, iu oi more; cattle, hoiara. sheep, pouttiy, I arm machinery, pastures all fom'ed woven wire, water lit each; A No. 1 land, about lit nines west of Mlnntsapods. Win tx. rented very cheap for cash. Don't apply unions you have some means and ery beat of references. AoutKsa V lie. REAL ESTATE LOANS. CITY and luriu loans, o, BV, 6 per cent J. IL Dumont A Co., 1601 Farnam, Omaha. WANTE1 City Joans. Pelera Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O KEEfc E REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715. GARVIN BBOa&S-. HARRISON A MORTON, 1 Om. Natl. WTD Farm loans Kloks Inv. Co. Omaha. WANTED City loana and wairanta. W Farnam Smith A Co.. MM C?TY property. Large loana a specialty 7 W. H. Thomaa, 226 Stat Bank Bid. $100 to IIO.uOO mad promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg . lfcth and Farnam Sta. H. W. Binder. City It y aa Natl. Bank Bldg. 6 CUT tiiND nntii.r.rik.r r 0 810-812 Brandela Theater Bldg. " SEE ua first If you want a farm loan. United Statea Truat Co . Omaha. Nab. KEALE8TATE--WRHEXOiGE FINE 820 acres; 4fi miles) from Minneap olis, every acre under cultivation; lays leval; good soil; good water; bulldlnga constat of house, barn, granary, raochins sheds, etc. Price, 178 per a ore Will la it up to $10, 0U) good property In ax. change, balance some caeh and mor.gsg jtfhwab Bros.. 1028 Plymoutb Bldg., Min neapolis. Minn. FOR MD6K,, 240 acrea, near Newport, Neb.; part hay, bal. pasture; 26-foot frame houaa, large barn and feooad. Loaa of $2,400 duo Sept, 11&. int. 6 par cent Price $32.80 per acre. Will pay some cash tfUiarauca. B. R. ROGERS, yCarna, Neb. OMAHA, Oct. 26. 1911 The banner period In th sales of breadstuffa for export was seen last week. It was variously estimated that between lO.OW.OnO and 18,100,000 bu. were taken In North America in th rlt days closing Saturday. On one day the pur chases amounted to 8,000.000 bu., on an other day 2,FO0.OnO bu. changed bands, ana the business varied between the maxi mum figures given ami 1.000 000 bu. In al positions on ot"ier din. Speculation In wheat on Board of Trad hna been on a fairly liberal scale. The northwest has hedged some wheat here, but as an offset to this selling waa tho buying of nearby months against transac- REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 80 ACRESl-$4.000. Three mllea from center of city; 1H miles from car; lS-acre orchard, 3 acres alfalfa, balance all excellent farm and garden land. All tillable, with just enough slop to drain. Cave cellar, 4-room house, good barn, chicken house, wagon ahed, hog houses: fmod well and windmill. Thla place should be seen; let us show you. A. F. Smith Co. (Fnv Smlthl, 23 Tearl St.. Council Bluffs. Phone 329. HKI. KSTATF NORTH SIDE 2211 No. 28th Ave. A BARGAIN In an up-to-date home, com fortable and modern; 6 rooms and bath. Call Owner. Webster 238.V FOR SALE BY OWNER SEVEN-ROOM, all modern. Kountae Place home, 2111 Spencer; cost 14,350. if taken at one. $3,860. Web. 6410. REAL EftTATfc NORTH SIDE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS 6-room, with electric lights, targe barn, chicken house with fenced yard, large shade trees; ground 100x14) feet; located near 43d and Ohio. Price, only $3,000. C. O. CARLBERG. 810-12 Brandela Theater Bldg. WANT AN OFFER. On a 7-room, all modern houa on Pratt street. There'a a sleeping porch, good furnace, electric light, large corner lot, paved street and you can name the price and terms. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE DUNDEE EXCELLENT Dundee home, fireplace, buffet beamed ceiling, tile floor In bath room, etc; close to car line; Immediate possession. Call for further Information. W. Ji. THOMAS A SON. Doug. 1648. c- -.- REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS MUST LEAVE OMAHA A bargain. Owner will sell modern 7-room house, splendid location, one block from car line; lot 6"xl40; also haa a garage. Will show you through. Call Webster 6K94. BLOCK OF LOTS Council Bluffs, near Broadway pumping atation; Omaha car line and 32d St., school. Equal to 13 44-foot lots; fine, high lsnd; lots around them veil $160 to $200. Thla whola block, $1,000; $100 cash, balance to suit McUee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl bt. Council Bluffs. WE CAN show a new, modern, five-room cottsge on car line In the hills; can be bought on reasonable terms. A dandy home for you See Williams, 121 Main St., Council muffs, la. I HAVE a pretty new, all modern 6-room bungalow for aada on easy terms. Tel ephone C. E. Davis, Tyler J047-J. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth aad Depart. K. C L U Eipraaa s 1:00 tm K. O. St. U Eisraas H Uijm K. C. at. I sul aliMpm tsicsg Ureal Twin Itr Umltsd Twin Cltr Eipraaa.. Cbteago Eipress . Halo a Paclfl Orsrlsnd United California Mall Omaha Express Atlaats Kipress Los AnsalM Utmltsa Dtnw Hpectsi Colorado Express Colorsito 8pMlsl , Ssa Frsaoiaco limited Pirttlc Llmtte4 Oregon-WMblnsloQ Umltea North Plstt Local Urn4 Island Lueal gtromsbarg IjoosI Illinois Cent Westers s I t pa a I K) sm a 1:0 pa .a 8:0 am .a 4 to pin ..SU M sa ..a 7:H.m ..a 4 r pra ..II 01 sm ..10 am ,.sll:M sm ..ail Mam ..a 1 11 an pm .tll:41 pm Maaoa Arrtvs. a 7 .11 am s t to pm B I IB PIS s 130 sm a I N ps a l ot) pm a 1:4 pm a I il an a 1:14 pm a I M tm a I 40 pm lllila 4 01 pin a 7 u am a V'ilpm a 1:11 pm 4:16 pm slO M sm b 1 pa Ckloase Limlua a l pas a I CTilcaco Exprass al.Msm a Cblcaaro, Mllwaakeei at St. Paal rsdflo Umltea ilMu, Chlosco Bpeoul i l:H pm Baa Franoleco L.lmlt4 all Msm t'klrsao Uarlltht BpMtsi tints Manilla Local il:Na Wssata Omaha -St. Loo la Exprsss a Htm Mall tad Express status Buubarrr Local from G. B...b:0Upm Cklcaajo at Nsrtkweitera- MORTU. Twin Ctty Express a 7:41 sm Dakota 1'sssmsf s Ttt tm Blous Cltf loel si :81pm Mlnntapolis Exprass a :il pm Twit city Umitod a pm EAST. Dnvr Dpwclal :.tlia Oarroll lortl a T 00 am Hawkar Eipraaa t t Mia all a 7 : a I all all a I all: bl Caloaao Lactl Carroll Local a 4 so pm Calces" s"pelsl a I 00 pm Kan Kranclseo Llmltad tl:M is Oorland LJmlttd a I m Orofon-Wtaklnstos Limited. .t I U pm 1m Angelas Luailsd -a l:t pm WliHT. ratdroa laical a I so pm Ijoauls-Dtuas a I so pm all U pm il t;o t 7 tl a 7 til all 10 pm 18 tm 84 am is pm 46 pm 13 am Hut 11 pm w tm M pas :4i tm At pm M pm 1 tm Mam 04 sm il pm 41 pm :0 tm 10 pm 11 am M tm is am L4ncola-lxn Pisa t I It pm al Htatlnsa-Buparlor b 1 11 pa b i Detdwood-Hnt Bprinc a I M pm t 1 I'tsptr-Lasdar a 8:11 pm all AIL.loB-Oet.dala fcl:Mpa bl Chtcao, Rock Island A faclflo EAfeTT. Rock? MouaUta Umiwa ait B sm tit Chlcafo Uoctl PtaraiN bio 0 am bl (Meat Uar Eipraaa a (.at am a 4 rtilueao Mht Kspreas s 4:lpm t 1 Pas Moines Loaal raitsoasr.s 4 tT pm all Cbloaao Nobraaaa Urnlitd a 1:01 pm I WUT. rtl-Ntb. Limited to Inooln.. I am I Colorado a Ctllforolt Bi... 1:40 pm a 4 (tkltLhoma Texas Eipress.... 4:0 pm til Iteckr Mountain Limited. . . all IT pm tit t I sm U pm M pm M pm ' tm Upm -01 pm 1 pm 44) pm :;pm Ilia Mam 4Tp OS pm M am .tram 0VH.LIGTON STATION Teath aad Maaoa. Barllartam , Depart Arrle. Ptsrer Limited a I 40 tm t:M is Cblease-Omttm to tm Dinner aad CKfoenta t 4 10 pm a I SO pm I i set Bound Express. a 4 10 pm s I M pm Kebrttkt Pelst i I N is a I I sm Blark Hills a 4 IS pm I S pm lnoola Malt bl Uta til II pm Nortkweet Exprem .all IS pm t T 00 tm NsMaeVt Exprem ... t it tm t I II tn Llaoeln Leral B 7:88 pm k I so tm Hrherler-riattameiitk b 10 pm bsvm am piniamouth liiw a 1:11 tm t I r am Bellevue runsmanth all so rax s I M pm nneaso ttpeolal s 7 :11 tm all M pm rner Serial all 41 pm ncao Exsrem) s I 4 pm t I pm Cbltato Past Express a e ale tm Ciastoa Loot! s s m pm Ml 0 tm m. U A K r. Epecial a 4 M pm St Louir pe!al ill M tm K. C. a St. Joeeph a I'll sm OS pm Uaosla-PlaUMaoutb a 110 pm a I M pm WEBSTER STREET TATIOaTPf. teeath sal Weheter. Cbltaart 88 1 a ao polls Oaaaha Tela Cite Psesesssr bl fl am I IE pes loaa Express b I pea hit Ham toes Clip hS . I M am Local blHta SI Mst r. twiir saest nassay. rt raclfte DeperL ArHes. HNn H s am Fret ....... .MM...k 8.M am s 4 M pas tlona In the cash grain business The busi ness In oath wheat was almost wholly on foreign account, a millers have pur. j chased In a small way only, the dally ' tn:nastm oy mem avrraginE smut w,- The old-time bull crowd, mad tip of some of the nervy apeeulatora from down state, ana the larger holder here and be lieve much higher prlraa will be seen, be cause considerable new corn haa already been fed and the number of hogs In the Interior la large. Oats were on export account, with ttu movement big and th demand will likely continue for an Indefinite period. Wheat waa vc to lo lower. Corn waa IV to Ic lower. Oata were c lower. Clearancea were: Wheat and Hour, eoual to MO.000 bu.; corn, 18,000 bu.; oats. 433,000 bu. Liverpool closing: Not j.ioted. Primary wheat receipts were IslkOOO bu. and shipments fc,000 bu., against ro celpta of l.M,0u0 bu. md shipments of 76SA bu. last year. Primary corn receipta were 6.14,000 bu. and shipments 250.000 bu.. against receipts of 000,000 bu. and shipments of 4M.C10 bu. last year. . lTlmary oats receipts were I.MI.Ono bu. and shipments 1,302,000 bu.. against re celpts of 44.000 bu. and shipments or 7(7,000 bu. last year. CARLOT MEOnrTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. Rye. Olrsgn ing 142 2.tO Minneapolis .760 Duluth ..k...7i'i Omaha 181 41 112 Kan. Clty....4J0 jt 4 .. .. Pt. Ixuls ....817 W 8 Winnipeg .... Thesa sales were reported tlay Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, care, J1.07. No. I hard winter, 4 cars, I1.0SW; 9 care. ILOO; 20 cars. 1108, No. 4 hard winter, t cars, ll; 1 car, 81.04; 1 car. 11.01; 1 car tthln). l.f. No grade. 1 car tsoedl. 8108; t cara. 9; S-S car, Sfic. ltejo-teil. 1 car. 97c. No. S mixed. 1 car, $1.0. No. 8 durum, I car, $1.02. No. 2 durum mixed, 1 car. $1.0hH. Oata: Btandard, 1 car, t.Vtc; 1 car, 4f1c. No. 3 white. 24 cara, 4!c. No. 4 white. 7 cars. 44c; 8 care. 44'.r. No. 8 mlxeV 1 8-6 cars. 44c. No grade. 11 cara, 44e; 2-5 car, 43c; 1 car, 40c. Llsrley: No. 4 malting. 1 oar, .'; feed, 1 car. 6c. Corn: No. 2 yel low, 1 car. RHc; 1 car. 6.H4C. No. 3 yel low, 1 car, . No. 6 yellow, 1 car, 6Vio; 1 oar, Sc. No. 8 yellow, 1 cat, Jc; 1 car, 7Vc. No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 87c, No. 4 mixed, t car fnew), Sc. No. 8 mixed, 1 car, sV. Sample, 1 car, Mr; 2 cara, 66c; 3 oars (new) flftc. Rye: No. 2. 1 car, R7Hc: 1 car. JT'ie. No. 2, 3 cara. 87c; 1 car. S,e. No 4. 1 car, 8c. Omaha Cash Prices WTi eat: No. I hard. $; No. 8 hard. $1.0Wtrl.07; Nv 4 hard. Rc4itl.06t4; "No. 2 spring. $1.05HW1WH; No. 3 spring. $l.O4VJi'1.0(.vl; 4. 5,5TlnJ. lHc1.04; No. 2 durum. $l.ttt4jL03. Corn: No. 1 white. TSVyy74c; Nrv, 5 white. 73107840; No. 8 white. 72 ifjTS'ac; No. 4 white, 72tTT24c; No. S white. 711rT214c; No. white, 71r714c; yeLlow-. WVii'Wa.o- No. I yellow. wijilSHe; No. i yellow, oTMrtSSc; N0. 4 yellow, tr4mifi No. 6 yellow. 67rt8c; No. yellow, 6it4rrHc: No. 1 mixed, 677Hc; No. t mixed. AtitJfOTo: No. 3 mixed, Vfi7c: No. 4 mixed, Vtmtir; No. t mixed, 6(TWmc; No. mixed. 44 Oats: No. 3 white. Crdc ; stiindard. 40(iT 46Hrc ; No. 8 white, 44V4jc; No. 4 white, 44V4S44o. Barlev: Malt ing, Ofjr72c; No 1 feed, . 4MK!r. Rye: No. 2, 87frHc; No. 3. miVtajWc. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of IheTradlac and C'loelnn; lrlces oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Oct. 36. Accumulating sup plies today put the wheat market under selling pressure. Aa a result the close, although steady, was at a decline of He to c n4jt; corn finished M'o to litri'c down; oata off Mftyc, and provisions varying from a lose of SOo to 20o advance. Notwithstanding wheat at the outset showed considerable strength, the conse quence of bulllnh cables and active Kuropean demand, the market soon be came depressed o wring to the prospect; of enlarged receipts from first hands. It waa estimated that Kansas farmers were still In possession of 100.000.ono bushels Furthermore, arrivals nt all primary points were liberal, and the domestic vis ible supply total went decidedly above last year's figures. Cool weather, more adapted to th cur ing and shipment of corn; had a bearish effect on price of that grain. Hlowness of shipping demand waa an artificial drag on the market, and so. too, waa a sharp decline at Buenos Ayres. Oata dla played sympathy with the downward course of other grain. The trade, how ever, waa partly upheld br good cash Bale, suppoaed to be for export Provisions at first had an upward tendency, but later gave way on" the more active months. There were predic tions that although hogs were scarcer to- 1 01 rxn,,f-,d- fold weather wouM bring enlarged receipts. Artlrlel f 'i n I uiu-TI I v 1 . , ' " ' 1 ". 1 4 lose. 1 Bat y. Wheat Dec.. May. 1 1714 1 10 1 22-? 1 214 corn De..Stiw, Maw Oata Dec.. May Pork. Jan.. May. Lard. Oct.. Noc. Jan.. Fib. Oct. Jan.. 71 W I 50tiH 19 IS 1 19 46 I 11 00 10 42'V 10 02V, 10 ool 10 m I 9 art,! 1 174 1 22 3S 71' I 50S i3H 30 19 60 10 an 10 ft) 10 02H 10 NO 9 CTK 115 11 164 1 last. 1 20il 1 204. in, WT 7iyj(Mi tit. so I 6ololf;4 63T as 97HI 18 97H 18 OR 174,1 19 2741 19 40 '0 80 10 60 1 m 10 4n 10 60 I JAM 9 924t 9 87 10 70 ' 10 70 H 01 0 '0 al It nwea Sail Mil Chicago Caah Prices U hnm v . Il.144tll.l6; No, MhSn.U&li it-' Com: No. I yellow. 74Ji74r No a l.f low . TSVtMIVic: Oats: No. 3' whi,' jr S4Wo; standard. 4K4N4c. Rvi- 1 ' f. MTkfflWc. Harley. 6f 78c Heed. ' Tl o hy, l4.0W6.60; clover. $11 OriToo' PT visions: Pork, its Tn. 1 .,a r.' $io.ii 95. riba. HIjTTHJR Firm: receipts 9 HI nk. creamerlea 4fc4 ' Mrcrnfes sota and Dakota. 4u&f,0c ' "nn foXioi11 unetUcd' w10; MEW YORK GL'HGRIIi MARKET 4aoaloa of tho Day oa Varloaa Commodities. WHEATsv Ct -',LOim-Qulet red. IJ.16; No. 2 hard. $1.16U- No 1 M.rtn& ". , J northern! Manitoba, $1.204, nominal, o. . r jjufi falo. Future market waa without trani- CORN -Spot market easy; No. 2 lel low. 84o. e. I. f. to arrive; Argentine Prime. 78o asked for deliver1 Ar'n,me KruZSrP01 ,m?.rl"t, standard, t.trn44Nt,"74,c-",B'3,4!: tMejr 19Htc;ty42c,UU' Cmm0n t0 Ch0,C' ?iAYeTteSdyi Prtm. : No. 1, $ioo t ".'mtfcir.iii Bo'ot- I4ffics c- LEATHER Firm; hemlook firatg. 31 0 32: seconds, StsdSlc. PRpVJ8ION8-Pork steady; mesa. $3.00 5180; family, $34.O04,r38.0O; short clSar. 3a.OO026l. Beef, quiet; meaa, $21 uaa 0? family, $24.064. 00. Lart, steady; mid dle weat. $10 .708,10.10; refined, steady; con tinental. $11.00, Douth America. $1110 compound, firm. $7.O0W.2o. JALOWu,,etaV untry, Ul4c; sparlal, M.0. KVTTER Firm; reoelpU, 3,718 tubs; ereemerw evffrma xeiA. ' - a. " " - ' - t -- 1 r , oaa, cteamery flrsU, 38i8iJ14c; seconds. 244 Kiveee sc isxiies, eur- ront make, flrata. 3utr224c; seconds, 214c Dseklng stock, currant tnak No. 3. 30 CHEE3SB eteady; reoalpta, 430 box; (tat whola milk, fresh, white and col ored apeolala, lie; slat whole milk, white and colored fancy, 14c; klm. 4flrl8o EfiC- Steady; receipts, 7.06 cases; fresh gathered .extra fine, 8'a35c; extra flrata, su8ic; firsts, r29c; aaconds. 24 w - -, , vwmv - mim nvariir hennery whites. UAlibc; atata. Pen nay i- -i" .. n.ivr oc 11 u.i j wntits Sbttitjuc; hennery browns, tbHObc; saLh r 4 hrnwna kill AAlnM iljS'i POULTKV Live, Unsettled'; western niirftfiia, lov , xuwis, uwfiac; luraeys, 17trlo; dreatwd, dull and weak; western renting chlokena, ll4Te0o; fowls, 'freab, liti4oi turkey, frotea, li2c OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Actire and Strong- to Ten to Fifteen Higher. HOQS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP Fwt Sheep aad Lamb 4.ete and Tea to Flfteea Oata lllaher Prtlers Active and "Iron lo lllaher. t-OVTII OMAHA, Oct J6. 1914. Receipta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Katlmnte Mondav .... a.!'" 2.6 .t Kama day last week. ,1,776 8.6M Same two w eeks ago. .1S.S.U t.M M.80O Raino three w k a aro.l2.21S 4.0 37, MP Pame four Wrka aito 14. 2 V-4 48 H4rt fame day laat year... 7.206 8.U6 S, The following tahle allows the receipts of rattle, hone and sheep at the Mouth Omaha live stm-k market for the year to dats as compared with last yesr: 1914. 1913. Iec. Cattle 7ms,72 7S7W1 .34 Hogs l.R.'A 2,llo,4ii3 Stf'.tStt Sheep 2.604.K64 2,04J.i8 W.PI Hheep 2,tVI4.2;W 2.64t.2v8 11.020 Tne following tabic shows the prices for hogs t the South Onmha live stock market for tho last few aays, with com pai Isona. la wis 1 Mil I - Oct tict. Oct. Oi t Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. U4t. Oct. Ort. Oct. Oct. Oct. TMti J 9Vi 7 H74; 7 Mi 7 40l 7 9J 7 444 7 W 9 0l e 8 041 7 921 7 92 7 KO 7 Ml I. 3. . 10 11 12..1 7 V 14.1 7 364 li. 7 2441 17. 1 7 224 is 1 04'l 6 1441 7 7TI I MSI 7 Ml 8 tU l M i Ml I l 7 0,141 7 671 8 :, 4J 8 71 8 77, 8 77 47 8 Ml $4 8 M 6 U 47) J 641 I II 27 7 511 16 til 20 U 8 3: 8 7 67' I 8 Ml 0 241 M 411 7 701 6 8 Sal 871 8 8.", 7 4l 6 M I 8 $ 77 8 74 8 W 8 71, I 8 4ir 7 43 6 M $30 1 7 4f 6 6 I 37 id I 6 4i :l 1 M 7 871 6 42 37 8 Cl 7 ii S 21 t . 8 3i : 371 7 411 5 21 8 31 7 M 6 29 9 44 7 62 6 43 7 M, 6 42 14 . 1 M 17 621 8 431 2H 8 6M 8 41 2. 7 0141 7 67, 8 4tfi 0 241 47 7 5' 6 HKAD. ttle. Hogs. Sheep. 4 III .WS 730 742 4S4 1.1441 7111 4 2,!!ii 732 731 1,012 73 t K ! 341 117 4,"i IK 101 134 62 611 241 3M 277 64 2u6 60 12 7 3 IW 113 125 3 3 aw Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stmk Yards. South Omaha, for the twonty-four hours emilnn al 3 o'clock yesterday: UKCEI PTS-CA RLOA D8. Cattle. Hogs, fhcep. H'ses. C. M. ft St. P 1 2 Wabaah 1 liiion raolflc 102 7 17 C. N. W., cast... 1. 7 1 C. N. W.. west... 73 12 IS 1 C, St. P.. M. at O.. .. I i C, H. & g., east... 2 1 3 C, U. ., west...lH7 S 17 2 C, H. I. at I'., east. 2 C. R. I. A P.. west. 1 Illinois Central 2 Chicago O W .' Total rerelpts 34 tW 7 D1SPOS1TION- Ca Morris Co Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co J. W. Murphy IJnooln Packing Co.... So. Omaha i 'ark Ing- Co. W. II. Vansant Co Jtenton, Vansant At L. , lllll A Son K. B. Ivewls Huston A- Co J. n. Hoot Co J H. inula I,. K. Huts Kosenstock Bros Wert helmet- A Degen.. McCreary A Kellogg... H. K. Hamilton Kothsrhlld at Krebs.... Mo. at Kan. Calf Co... Christie Hlggins Huffman Meyers Baker. Jones & 8 Tanner Broa John Harvey D. F Kline Other buyers Totals MOT M "MHO CATTLE Reoelpts were the smallest thla morning that they have hf1"0" Monday for a number of weeks bark, but still they were larger than for the, aani day a year ago by over 1.000 head. Other points were well aupplled with cattle; In fact receipts generally were heavy and at moot polnta the opening market was weak. The supply of beef steers at this point was largo, a considerable propor tion of all the cattle In sight coming under that head. At the same time thore waa a good buying demand and the mar ket was generally strong to as much as luo higher, th amount of the advance depending upon the kind and quality of the cattle. There waa a fair supply of cows and hel'ers and price were generally strong aa compared with last week's low close. StocUere and feeders sold more freely this morning, being strong to aa much aa 10f(jl6c higher. The movement so far aa the better class of cattle waa con cerned was quite free. Trashy and unde sirable stuff was a little slow and was naturally tho last stuff In the yards to sell. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed baevea, 19 uotrlO.60; fair to good cornfed beeves, IXOrifjdn; common to fair cornfed beeves, 80.764J8 00; good to choice range steers, 37.uumx.2l); (air to good rango altera, 8Myit7.noi common to fair range steers. $5,50C.60; good to choice grass helfcis, $i.0u((j.76; good to cholt grass eows, $6.6tK.75; fair to good gradiis. I6.0oijjt.60; common to fair grades, $4.00f(l 5.00; prime feeders, $7.76'8.$8; Koi (o chclce, $.e65'7.76; fair lo good, $81(184 ?wrTa"J2. ,0 V5 ai; " heifers. $4.7Cj2.00 ;stock cows, $4.26t.60; stock 1 "0'07.i6; veal mives, 7.60tril 0U bi'lla rtuvs etc., $4 6O168.OO. Representative sales: BEEF 6TEEBJJ. 80 laT7 I 71 COWS. I. M III CALVES. M Ig T Hi in XI Ill 7 M I 7 a Lo STOCK Eli H AND FEEDKKS 2 I M II M I t 1. 1021 I 10 " WESTERNS. Dave Moore Utah. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 61 feeders.. 1026 7 46 9 feeders.. W8 70 44 Iowa lUHb $90 18 cows to 6 60 NEBRASKA. $ cows 867 4 eu 1 stk. bull.lW $ 26 10 atk.cows.lOiff i 00 9 tows 1174 I 40 89 feeders.. 886 6 66 10 cows 736 6 75 7 heifers... 414 6 00 i calves... 362 7 26 I calves... 4M) 'J 16 16 feeders.. Kb 1 I 60 16 feeders.. 643 6 20 7 feeders.. 034 h6 8 feeders., kfii C 66 13 feeders.. 1015 $80 $8 feeder., fcfl 76 J. P. Slbbltt At Son-Neb. 17 Bteem ...In 20 8 teera....ll 6 30 F. H. Klng-Ncb. 16 cows Six! 6 3o 4 feeders. .1032 $65 WYOMING. 14 steers.... 964 00 8 feeders.. 787 10 t sta.. clva. any 7 26 40 feeders.. 1027 8 60 Brewster Estate Wyo. 13 Steers... li. 7 00 3 steers.. ..1139 $86 Noble Hancock. Wyo. 23 feedaira..lL4 7 26 COIXlItAXlO. 33 eows 987 6 46 84 feeder!.. 8fi0 80 60 stockers. 6M 6 80 21 feeders.. 94 $ 46 II. E. Wood Colo. 17 feeders.. i 40 6 cows 1080 I 46 HOOo With very moderate supplies for a Monday and stronger value at other points, the local trade opened out In good shape and pretty nearly all of Satur day a break waa leoovered. Sellers were asking a flat dime advance, but after holding off during the early rounds, they finally compromiaad on a 6(J10g higher basis, and It was at thssa flgues that roots of the aa' were made. Trade waa fairly active after the first rounds, and everything waa cleaned up before 10 o'clock. As rule th Monday markets all this year have been If anything little meaner than any other day of th week, and It Is Interesting to note that for the first time In several weeks the week opens with a good, stiff advance. The general trend of value haa been up ward slme tn low market laat Wednus day. and In spite of a sharp setback Sat urday, prices continued their upward ellmb today. Bulk of the sale waa made at $7,009 7 06. with a top of $7.10. There were a fear scattering aalea under $7.00. but the majority of the iioga sold at oven money or better. The Improvement In heavy hogs so noticeable last week I being evi denced In the narrowing down of the spread, and Saturday's range of $.2 7.06 la the amalleat In several week a of ooura part of tuls can be attributed to the slnrkness of the shlppl" demand and the 1 onseiinnt depression of tope Keri'lpta were mubiI even for a Mondny, something im thlrty-elaht cars, or 2fix head, helng received. This la I.OnO smaller man last weak, and about the aamn on tne corresponding day as Ne. 1V. IS . M . 41.. I.. 4.. 4 44. . 4. . 10.. At. . 41t ..rt . X4t . .JKS . tn . SM . ..M .10 tH. Ft !. AT. gh. Ft. i 4 . y m 4 a m t m 1M 4 tn r sss 40 T Of. IW 1 tn as tst .. T sa "4 s . 7 m " 4 t X74 40 T 0T T tw S4 1M . 7 lo 7 0 m sm Ire 7 1 4S 7 m IIQS. . Is ' bHr.F.P- All of the fat stuff waa pretty yiell sold by V 30 o'clock. Some corn fed ewea fed In Nebraska brought $3.16 this mornlnu, and the hulk of all the ewes on saie ranged largely nt 14 W Oft Therel were no good lambs offer I such as! were here at tlie rlosr nf ut -w 1 im on aKen aneo-.i anil amn NEW YORK FINANCE REPORT Another Sensational Decline in For eign Exchange Feature of Day. INVESTMENTS MORE ACTIVE I ate real I nlted Who In TfKlay'a tatea Steel Will niaeaas Meetlaai of Directors, lse of Dividend, la Keen. NEW YOUK. Oct. M -Another an?a tlonal decline In foreign exchange was the most Important financial development today, but announcement that the new federal reserve system Is to become op- were' ""alive the tnlil.llo of November and Indl- Ktirc higher and. nuslltv nrniiH.nJ tv,-. 1 catluna that the cotton problem la In advances on lambs was morn than that Pr"'eas of satisfactory solution also Some lambs like those that arl,4 m f-.i- served to stimulate confidence. The fur- buyers last work went to the packers thor break In cxiimnKe waa accepted aa a today, this heing In a lar minaure diie!0ra result of the recent cotton con- t" 1 ri- mum on in the ,-ercipts thle morning, the estimate calling for no more than about ?Aw head, attains! 47,628 last Monday, ,t4.3.i!l two weeks ago and ,n a year .4g. The market on killers here was higher In spite of the fact that most otitnulo point reported a lower tendency to prices. The drop In the reMipts and the fsct that the packers took inms offering sim ilar to what went to feertce buvrra last week reduced the avntinhle supply of feeders, leaving few good offerings for the feeder buyers to picket from The demand for feeders or all classes win very faJr, and prices acre generally strong, and In some rases traders quoted prices on feeder ewes a shade nlgli-r Trade being active throughout tho clear ance waa naturally early. Quotations on range sheep and lambs. Itlllbs, good to choice. $7 Mii7.7il; l:nils fair to good. $7.1.Vtr7.0; feeilera, fair IO Rood. $0.44tre.9O: feeders, common to lair. lA.X'lttJ.IO; yearlings, gotid to choice. J.i S liO.IO: yeiirllugs. fair to (rood. $,"..hili'i S',; yearlings, feeders, IV4Oiii6.H0; wethers, good to choice, $ii.40ti6.70; wethers, fair to good, $6 263.40; wethers, feeders. I4.3ti 1)4.8.",; ewes, good to choice. $4 "ffVlS; ewes, fair to gixl, $4.6034.78; ewea, feed ers. $3.IV4.16. 11 Wyoming ewes 98 s Wyoming yearlings 74 2.". Wyoming feeder ewe M 133 Wyoming ewes 0 17.i Wyoming feeder lambs 108 Irflnho lambs 20s Idaho lam be , K4 Wyoming feeder 11 Wyoming feetler 164 Wyoming feeder tJ native feeder 2. native feeder Oil Wyoming 197 Wyoming 4A Wyoming Wyoming 224 Wyoming IW Wyoming 233 Montana feeder feeder feeder feeder lambs lamb ewes .. lambs... lambs. .. lambs... Iamla lambs ewea. . ewes., ewes., ewes.. W yomlng ewes 2i Montana wethers 210 Montana wethera 17s Montana wethers isil Montana wethera K3 Wyo. ewes and wethers.... 731 Wyoming lamb l.ii Wyoming feeder lamb 34 87 M 67 60 Ml 69 61 94 142 90 93 (17 M SI i 10 108 1AR IIS) 10H 06 .V 4 6 t 9 90 6 M 6 Ml 7 20 7 20 6 60 60 g r AO 6 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 rth 7 26 6 00 6 Oil $ nil 6 nu 6 no 6 ' 6 Oi 7 3(, 36 CIIICAtiO I.I V H STOCK MARKET Cntlle Steady lo lllher lloa Weak. CHirAfrO, Oct. W.-OATTI-iE Receipts, 19.0OH hesd; market, steady to lk higher; beeves, $'Urfl0.7u, one fancy lot at $11.00; steers $6.7((i.0; stockers and feeders. $4.864i'i'.90; cows and heifers, $3.J,VW.75; calves. l7.0tnirio.iD. XtlUS ltccelpts Bl.txsi neao;' jnaraenj weak at 6i10o advance; bulk, $7.8Ufl&6; light, $7.004j7.tiO: mixed, $7.10IB,7.7O; heavy. $; rough, li.txxB'f.wi; piga, n -1 v 7.011. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta, 48,000 head; market, ateady to 16o lower; heep, 84 Kwti.Ml; yearlings, $5.o6.60; lambs. efl.OOfll.aO. St. I.oale Live Sloek Market. 8T. liOUlf, Mo., OH. 36. CATTI.E Receipts, 5.600 head; market hlsrher. Na tive beef steers, V Wf 1076; cowa and hslfers, $.00iff9.fi6; stockers and feeders, $5.00ii1.60; southern steers, $8.0W-00; cow and heifer. $4.O0itr6.60; native calves. $i.oivrrio.6o. ' HOOS Receipts, 10.300 head; market stronr; Pigs and lights, $6.6O&7.0; mired and butchers, $7.20417.67; good heavy, $7 4W7".65. SHEEP AND LA MRB Receipt. 8.700 head; market steady; native muttons, H.004J6.40; lambs, $7,0i.00. Kansaa City Live. Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct, 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 20,000 head; market strong; prime fed steers, ILSOtf 10.76; dressed beef steers, I7.Wf9.6fl; western steers. $S.608.76; stockers and feeders. $7i.2r,$.00; bulls, $4.7Va.2o; calves, $t.OtVf)10.60. HOUtt Receipts. 9.000 head: market lower; hulk of sales, I7.1W7.2S; heavy, 87.Wr7.3B; packera and butcher, $7.15g 7.40; light n.ootri.aoi pigs, $ti.2fu.75. SHEEP AND IAMIIrt-Reielpts. 8.000 head: market higher; lambs, $7.0T87.t; yearlings. 86.2rif(2; wethers, 86.006.76; ewes, $4 fttii.X. Sloaa City I.Ito Sloek Market. RIOIJX CITY, la., Oct. 28. TATTLE Receipts 4.M) head; market firm; native stMrs, $H.X17.16; cows and heifers, $4.00 476.76; ennnera. IJ SVfr4.0; atnekers and feeders, 3K.rf.n0; calves, $0.00(1.60; bulla, stsgs, etc., .").lWt.00. HOOS-Recelpts, 1.000 head; market 6c higher: heavy. $7.mvty7.1B; mixed, $H.K" 700: light. Jti.aoifjra.BO; bulk of galea. $0 90 I700. SHEJEP AND LAMPS Receipta, 8.000 head; market Wo higher; wethera. $n.aiii 6.76; ewea, 33.00tf6.00; lamba, $5.6tjT69. SI. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Ort 2. C ATT LB Ra eelpts. 1.800 bead; market steady; steers $t.6 4ll0 000; cows at'd heifers, $40Oi00' $4 fV,(ifl0; calves, $.S 10.00. H OO 8 Receipts, 4 6)K) head; market to higher; top, $7 30; bulk, $7.16717.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, tan head; market steady; lambs, $7.0Ou7.60. Live Sloek In Slant. Reoelpts of Ilva stock at tha five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen mum "mana .rn 1. mo Sioux City 4.l 2.'"1 Kansaa City 2.Ono I,fi0 Ht Louis 6,6") 10.300 Chicago 11.000 81.0(10 Total reoelpts 20.000 9.000 I,)) 5.700 .000 .4U.600 68,800 80,700 Taraenllaa aad Roaln. SAVANNAH, Oa,. Oct. 30 TURPEN TINE Nominal, 454c; no aalea; receipts, HI barrels: shipments, 175 barrel; atocka, 27. HX) barrels. ROSIN Nominal; no sale; receipts, 1,832 barrels; shipments, 1,709 barrels: stocks. 110,936 barrels. Quotations: A and B, 13 60; C and D, $3,624. B, F, O, H and I. $3.66; K. $4.16; M, $4.60; N, $0.00; WO, $.36: WW. $-1.36. I Coffee Market. NEW TORK Oct 34-The coffee mar ket waa steady today. Trading remained quiet so far a the cost and freight mar ket waa concerned, but rather a better demand waa reported for some grades from th local stock and prices were held well up to Saturday s advance, with Rio 7's quoted at 94 and Samoa 4' at 104. Santos reported clearances of 4J . 000 hags for New York on Saturday, ar rivals hers over Sunday looted up about 76,000 bags. Evaporated Apples aad Drtetl Fpalt. NEW YORK. Oct. 28. EVAPORATED APPLES, quiet; fancy, 740"74c; Choice, C4i;4": Prime, V,'n,c. DRIED FRUITS Prunes. steady; California. 344711c; Oregon. 94ijill4c. Apricots, quiet; choice, 94'ul0c, extra choice, lOftllc; fancy. 11 4402c. Peaches, oulot; choice. 6fr4o: extra choice 4t 4o; fany, 7&74o. Ralalna, etuy; looa muscatels, 4''4o; choice to fancy seeded. 7498c; seedless, 44f8Vo; London layers, $1.. Isstr Market. NEW TORK. Oct 26 t'GAR Rw, weak; molaases, 166c; centrifugal, 40lc. Refined, easy. 30 polnta lower; cut loaf, $70u, crushed, 4 sue; mould A, C86C', rubes, 1.06c; XXXX powdered, l eic; pow dered, 6.9uo; fin granulated, tVaoc; dia mond A, 1.80c; confectioners' A. $.7Uc; No. I, 6 66c. Cat ton Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct 24V-COTTON- Spot, good Inquiry for both now and old crop, be lee ,ix) bales. ference al Waahlngtnn. Cablea 1111 Lomton sold off to $4.90, with irUhl drafts at I4.MU4,, these xntltuUn the lowest quotation since a week be fore the outbreak of the war, when the outflow of our gold to London waa at its height. Today's rates are lower by over 7 cents per pound sterling than the high flKiuis nf Inst week. Some Improvement waa noted In the In vestment situation, with a moderate de mand for short term notes and the better clnss of bonds, but offerings continue In excess of purchases. Little rhanxe Is seen In steel trade and Interest In tomorrow's meeting of the t'nltcd Ft tea steel directors, when ac tion Is to he taken on the dividends. Is undoubtedly unusually keen. According to rumor there exists among members of the board a different of opinion reelecting the ad visability of maintaining the present 6 per cent disbursement on the common shares In other lines of manufacture reports deal mainly with more curtail ment of operations, thla movement now extending to tho textile Industry In New England. tleneral trade conditions In the weat manifest an Improved tone, due chiefly t the enormous handling of cereals. Senti ment there la more confident, the feeling being that the crisis, so far aa It affecta that section, has isrgely psssed. This Is borne out by the Insistent demand for money, which continues at an averse rate of 7 per rent. Desnlte a flrl lerirn Increaae In cost of operation the Atchison ysiem reporiea a net gain tor Septem ber of 8612.000. OMAHA 4;E!" Eft AL MARKET. BTTTTKR-No. L Mb. cortone, 30c; No. I, flO-lb. tuba. 29c CHEESE Imported Swiss. 38c: Amer. can Swiss, 23c: block Swiss. 22c: tarine. l4c; dalalns, 174c; trlplete. 1S44-; Young Americas, Me; blue label brick, 174c; llm burger. 2-lb.. 20c: 1-lb., 20c; New York white, 19c; Imported French Roquefort FISH Trout, 17c; large crapplea, lOffl 16o; salmon. L'tfloc: halibut. 9 Wo: channel catfish, 16c; pike. 17c: pickerel. 10c. POULTRY Hrollers, I4c; spring chick ens. 11c; hena, Bifi'llc; cocks 80; ducks. Hi-; g-iese. 3c. turkevt. ltic: nlanons. ner do., iMtn: ducks, full feathered 10a; geese, full feathered, 6c; squabs. No. 1. $160; N ). 2, 60c. Market quotations rttrvilshed by Qlllnski Yint company: FRUITS Oranges, extra fancv Valen- clas, Ms, 112. l-is, 150a, 176s and 2T0a, $4.00 per box; Red liall Valenclas, all sites, $8 75 per box. Lemons, fancy 9i0e. 8'iOa. rl 00 per box; choice Red Hall, 30os, 8nt, 1.6O per box. Grapefruit, all sltos, $8 69 per box. Apples, extra ranoy Washing ton Urimee Oolden, $1.76 tier box; fancy Washington Urlmea . $1.60 per box: extra fancy Washington Jonathans, $160 per box; fancy Washington Jonathan $1.86 per box; fancy Colorado Jonathans, $1.26 per box; Colorado Jonathans, choice, $1.00 per box; extra fancy Washington Hoovers, $1.S6 per box; Oregon Spltaenburg, $L&0 per box; Oregon winter Hanana, 11.75 per box; extra fancy Washington Delicious. $2.00 per box; New York tsreenlngs, $3.00 per bbl.; New York Raid win, I2.7& per bhl.; New York King, $3.60 per bbl.; New York Spy. $a.tu per noi, : new xora nua sotts, $3.00 per bbl. Pears, California Clarglnua. $2.26 per box; extra fancy ITAnJou, $2.w per oox. (trapea, ma ays, $1.86 per erato; California Empera. $3 60 ler bb.: New York Orapea, basket, 23c; 28 basket lots. I2c per basket Bananas, per bunclu $1 7Vtfd 60. H HE F CUTS No. I ribs, 18c; No, 3, ir4c: No. 8, lie. No. 1 loins, 194: No. 3, lfc; No. 8, 13c. No. 1 chucks, 104c; No. 3. Pic; No. 8, 9c. No. 1 rounds. 134c; No. 3. 124o; No. 3. 114c. No. 1 plates. 9c; No. 2, 94c; No. 2. 8'eC VEOETABLES-Caullflower, lb., 13Vc; cabbage, lh., 14c; cucumbers, 3 00s. In box, per box, i.oo; ceiery, micniaaa, no.. 8.c; Denver. Jumbo, doa.. 76c; head loltuce. doi., 60ctffll.fi0; leaf lettuce, 00s., ewe; nin valinw lb . I1 4c: red. lh.. lVtc: Po tatoes,' bu 70c; peppers, basket, 60c; fancy tomatoes, basket, i.o; oniona nuou,, rtos., 40c; radishes, do., 86c- horseradish. case. 11.06; garlic, iianen, id., eu:, -in potatoea, bbl.. WW squasn, io., iio. . . .. .. . . , . 1 1 ( Ik Tt: 1 n 1 1 1 NU I B or I II r r II nmt ii ' . . ... lb., 194c; filberts, lb., 16c; nioens, win Naples, lb., 18c; pecans, lb., 12Vfco; Jumbo, MISCELLANEOUS Shelled Popcorn, lb.. 4c; sugar walnut dates, box, $140; al monds, lb., 20c; limes, box, ll.ib; cracaer Jack. case, $3.60; 4 case, $1.75; checkers, case. $3 60; 4 rase, $1.7b; Dromedary dates, ease. $3 00; honey, case $3.60; ft S a. 13 lj-oi. 66c. Ciller, per keg. $1.00; per 4 bbl.. $6.00. Cocoanuta, per sack, $4.00; per doa., 76c. Mlaaeapolla Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct 38. WHEAT December. $1,114; May. $1,174; .."o-' hard. 81.14V; ro. I xiorioern, i.u7x M34; No. 2 northern. ;$1.084l.n4. FLfUR-lTnchangel. ,,.,, HARLKY-4j7(Ui7c; rice. SSVidJW'.C. RRAN-820. CORN No. 8 yellow. 771c. OATS No. 8 white. 45V&4tc. FLAX-$127iH.8o4. i ...... . Kaneaa Cltr Urala 4l Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct 26,-WHEAT-No. 3 hd. $1 07.074: No. 3 red, $1.07; De cember. $1,074; llay. IJ-WLllrV CORN-No. 3 mixed. 734iT74c; No. I whIU, 77074c; December, 64c; May. OAT WO. I wniir, it.. yrH?: ...... 4. -eo liUTKrtV--reamery. am, "" onds. 24c; packing stock, 20c EOOtA Firsts. 22c; seconds UVC. POULTRY Hens. 12o; broilers, lo. Omaha liar Market, OMAHA. Oct. 22 PRAIRIE HAY Choice upiand, $11 ; No. 1. 31O.O0wlo.50; No 3, W.twulobO; No. 8 $.S.0Cfj.U0; choice rrldlandT $1"M); No. L $9.60(6 lo 00; No. 2. I00(iis6' No. 3, $f..tHV(j00; choice low la.y$00: No. 1, $8.00; No. 2, 86.0W.OO: No. 3, H00V4.W. . . STRAW Choice wheat, oat or rye $6 00tj 60. at vii wa f'holce riea rreen. $13.00 1 $11 omq 11.60; No. 2. $.uua'u.uu; no. .. $S.oJni9.00. ' New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct 3. MERCANTILE PA P ICR i'Hfl4c, 8TERUNO EXCHANGE -Weak; 0 day bills. $4 8t: for cablea, K81u'iit92: for demand, $4.91H4 9160. BILV E R Bar, 410. LsONDuN, Oct 24 BILVElR Bar. 224d per ounce MONEY 77T14 per tnt; discount rate: Three) months. 34 per cent Liverpool Giala Marke.t. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 38. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 1 Manitoba. 9a td: No. 3, ta Id; No. 8. 8s Ud: hard winter, as 114L CORN Spot, quli t; American mixed, Ta 34. v Bisk Clrartagta. OMAHA, Oct 38.-rank clearings for Omaha today were $.',132,638 and for the corresponding day laat year $3,862,863 07. $3.60; choice No. Elarla ELOIN. 111., 40 tuba sold. Batter Market. Oct 28. BUTTERr 314c; ST. quiet 4 ft. Metal Market. LOXna. Oct 6. METALS Lead, at 3 36, fcpelter, firm, at U-J COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Cettoa Seed Oak O0I4 Irasls Oaka From Texas MUla dlravt 10 you. Writ or wlr u for price on Hlch Oiade Meal or Cracked Cake, 41 to 4$ per real protein. Cold Preaaed Cake, TXXAI CiU AJfD U3TTU CO, CAT.T.ia, TUX.