Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    P A
Column of Two Army Corps of Saxon
Troops Sent from Thorn ii
Lost in the Swamps.
Tar. 4 Off Drlrra trtm Has
asj.1 Kew PwrrowaaVsl a7
-Captar Is Itoarlr
(Copyright, 1S14, by Prriu Publishing Co )
PKTROGRAP. Oct 24. (Special
Cablegram to New York World and
Omaha Bee.) The blow of repulse
which the RumUoi delivered on the
Grj-raans ha not spent Itself yet. It
developed that a column of Germans
from Thorn, aent to reinforce the
German center, which consisted of
two army corps of Saxon troops,
never reached Hi destination, but has
been turned off and driven from iU
base and la lost In the swam pa, ear
rounded by a horde of Cossacks and
Siberian troops. Its capture nd
surrender la expected hourly.
It Is confirmed that the Osrman rs
trrat from before Warsaw entirely de
serves th nam of a root, though the
Orsnd Duka Nicholas uses tbs words
"rapid retirement."
Mass Catlaa Parsalt.
It will be several days before approxi
mately accurate flKurea of the German
losses can be collected, but they probably
will approach M0.000. The Russian pur
suit is being rapidly pressed.
One Russian maneuvre entirely upset
the German plana and compelled them to
hasten up their corps, from far to the
south of Warsaw, where, according to
their original plan, they should here
forced a crossing of the Vistula and got
in the rear of the Russian lines. Instead
ot earning out this strategic plan these
corps had to hasten northward to support
those corps which bad undertaken to
miirrh Into Warsaw by a certain data.
Kat Eaeaefc t'aratry.
Apparently the Germans surfer from a
shortage of cavalry. Tha commanders of
corps, when ordered up from the direc
tion of Radom, northward toward War
saw, hastily gathered auch Austrian cav
alry regiments a available to use as an
advance guard. Among the prisoners
taken before Warsaw are a number of
Austrian cavalrymen of many different
regiments, whose presenoe Is thus ac
counted for.
The Vistula, In tha region covered by
the present operations, la from 300 yards
to nearly half a mile In width and Is
bridged only at first class fortresses
Tfovo Oeorgiavsk, Warsaw and Ivangorod.
The river Is a quarter of a mils wide at
the latter point and a fortress stands at
the confluence of the Vaprsh with tha
Deters I aed Fore Passage.
. Somewhere near here tha Germans had
determined to force a passage. They ad
vanced near enough to bombard tba fort
ress of Ivangorod with heavy guns, but
It Is reported that tha damage waa Im
material ' and " tha bridges entirely, un
harmed. .' '
Brala Ceaeral Aetlrcaaeat.
Tha Austro-German mixed forces atlll
farther to tha south have begun a gen
eral' retirement about tba latitude of
Novo Alexandria, south of Ivangorod.
Betwea tha Vistula and tba Ban rivers
fighting stUI continues, and it is reported
that this la of the-moat desperate char
acter, but again farther to tha south tba
IitiMlsn attack baa already proved auo
cenful and prisoners are being taken
to the number of 1.000 unwounded men,
with several score of officers and with
out counting tha Wounded. A few miles
north of Prsamysl, Russians took tha In-
trenched position on tha heights and put
the Austrian ta flight In great disorder.
Theaaaads Vm4na.
Mora than 1,000 unwounded royt and too
v,yinded were taken prisoners bare. The
telative proportions sufficiently Indicate
to military men the nature of tha defeat
inflicted. . Twenty-two " offlcera were
among tha unwounded prisoners.
On tha extreme south, approaching the
spurs of tha Carpathians, the Russian
operations axe proceeding satisfactorily,
Four Generations of Hollenberger aFmily
S X V s "V
fr ?fJOf V, f ? "W' IB
Trom lft to Right Mrs. George Hollenberger, Alfred Hollenberger, Mlsa Thftlma Schlndler and Mrs. John Bchlndler.
First Methodist Choir Will
Special Muiio Sunday.
VIENNA (VI rarta. Oct. . -Demands
of tha army for cattle are so great In
tbe.Uva stock market of Budapest that
tha consumption of horseflesh is rapidly
Increasing, while the number of beef
ar.lmals slaughtered haa mora than tripled.
A dispatch today from Budapest states
Uat tha force of laborers at tha stock,
yards Is so depleted that cattle often go
unwatered from three tc five days and
many die in tha pen. Since the begin
ning of tba .war, fco.OuO cattle have been
killed at Budapest, as compared with
S.oc for. the same period In 1911
Great Question!
This brings to many minds an eld and
tried family remedy en external ap-MU-atlon
known as Mothers Friend.
Imrtng the period of expectancy It la
appUrd to the abdominal muse lee and is
designed to soothe the Intricate network
of iiarves Involved. In this manner It
' lu au-h a a i! and id Influence as to Justify
lis usa la all cases of coming mother- ' ??
liood. It baa been generally recom- I YlV. Klml
luroded for years aud years and those
who hare used It speak In htchest prats
of tba Immense relief It affords. I'arUo
ularly do these knowing mothers speak
of the absence of morning alcannas.
aiaenoe ot sumtn on tha ligaments snd
freedom from tnoee many other dls
trsaaes which are usually luoaed forward
to with so much concern.
Inere Is no question but what
"Mother'a Friend" has a marked tendency
to rrhete the lulnd and this of itself la
t Moral as; sal BTeslsg Services
Issaea Pert I seat ta
Sunday morning the First Methodist
choir will sing flanctus," by Oounod,
Miss Hasel Silver singing the solo part.
Miss Margery Shackelford will sing "God
Khali Wipe Away All Tears," written by
liarker. lu tha evening service at 7:30
o'clock, tha choir will sing an anthem,
"Kven Me," written by Warren, Mr. Car
nal singing the bass ado part. A male
quartet, composed of Dean Smith, first
tenor; Walter linen, second tenor; O. J.
Bourlclus, bsrltono, and E. 8. Travis,
bass, will sing "Tha Prodigal Son," writ
ten by Buck. Miss Nora Neal, organist;
Jamea Edward Carnal, director.
Olivet, Thlrty-etahth and Grant, W. A.
Munford, Psstor Services at 11 and 7:J.
Sunday school at 10. i Young People at
.). Wednesday evening at 7:30.
first, Twenty.nlnth ami Harney, Rev.
II. O. Rowlands, Acting Pastor Morning
service. 10:30; subject, "Compound Inter
eat" Evening service, 7fX; subject, "Bill
ot Particulars."
Iinmanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney,
Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning wor
ship st 10:30; topic, "Tha Bible School
and the Klneclom." Itlhla school st noon.
Kvenlng worship at 7:); topic, 'Tba Bat
tleninntml 1,1 fe. Young I'eople'a meet
ing at t:M. Men's supper and Bible study
at the church on Wednesday evening at
suawweK service tor praise ana
prayer Wednesday evening at o'clock.
Grace, Corner South Tenth and Arbor.
E. B. Taft. Psstor Men'a warer meet
ing at 1:30. Simday school at 10. Morn
ing worahlp at It; subject, "How a Pro
fane Fisherman Came to Be a Chris
tian. " Baptist Young People's union at
7. Preaching service at B: aublecL "Thou
Pldst Well That It Was in Thy Heart"
Mission Sunday school at a, 2010 South
Fourth street.
CaWarv. Twenty-fifth and Himllim.
J. A. Maxwell. Pastor Mornlna. "A
hpeciallstba Prescription for a Iangeroua
Disease." Kvenlng, "Tha Presenoe of
Christ." Illble school at noon. A rally
service. Young People's meeting at :$,
led by Mlsa Myrtle Hall; subject. "Mis
sionary Opportunities In American
Cities." Prayer and conference meeting
ot the church Wednesday evening) sub
ject, "Oheilenre." . Annual meeting of
tha church Thursday evening. Dinner
at :au, with reports and election of offi
cers to follow.
First Corner Nineteenth and Daven
port, Frederick T. House. Pastor Morn
ing worship at 1L Kvenlng worship at
7:46. Sunday school at :S.
Central Park, Forty-second and Sara
toga Bible school at 10. Morning" serv
ice at 11. Christian Endeavor society at
Evening aervlce at 7:30;
St. Mary's Avenue, Twentr-eoventh
Street and St. Mary's Avenue, Rev. Ous
tavua A. Hulbert, Pastor Morning wor
ship at 10:30. Sunday school at noon.
Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohk Morning
service at 10::; Rully day service. Young
People's SocW-ty of ('hrletlan Endeavor at
(30 p. m. Mr. William Burton from
Washington. D. C, will speak; subject
"The Christian and the HalloC Al are
Invited. At the evening service, 7:30. U
B. Btegner will speak, subject, "Tha
Temple at Jerusalem."
North Side, Corner Twenty-aeoond and
Lothrop. Georgo U Petera, Psstor Bible
echool at Morning service at 10:46;
theme. "An Efficient Church." Christian
Endeavor at :la. Evening service at
7.; theme. "A Sufficient Savior."
First, Corner Twenty-sixth and Harney,
Charles E. Cobbey, Psstor Morning wor
ship at 11; subject, 'The Plaoe of a Men."
Evening worship at 7:30; subject. "The
Gospel of Another Chance." Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at
:1a. Junior Endeavor at 4:30. Bible
school at :4i
Chrlatlaa gVleaee.
First Church of Christ. Scientist, fit.
Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth street
Services at 11 and 8. Subject. "Proba
tion After Death." Sunday school at
tr and U. Wednesday evening service
at I
First I'nlted. I4 Franklin, Rev. J. M.
Runcle. Pastor Munday school at 10.
Mlaalon band at X. Keystone league
Chrlallan Endeavor at (:k. 1'reacliina at
7:90. Prayer meet ng Wednesday at 7:30.
(Irace I'nlted. Corner Camden Avenue
snd North Twenty-seventh Street, Kev.
Thomas M. Evans. Pastor Preaching at
11 and 7:30. t-undav school at 10. Key
stone league of chrlatlaa Endeavor at
St. Matthias', Tenth and Worthlngten,
Rev. tleorae S. South orth. Psstor
Holy communion st s. en-hocl and' Bible
claas at 10. Morning prayer and sermon
at U.
Church of the Good Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Onto, Rvv. Thomas J. Cellar,
Paator Holy communion, 7.3U a. m.; Kuu
dny school a. m. : morning prayer
and sermon. II a. m. ; evening prayer and
sermon, 7:30 p. m. .
Trinity Cathedral Harvest thanksgiv
ing services at 11 and 7:3u. with sVeclal
ii.ualc liean Tancock lll Draati, at
biiih servKea The morn'ng aarmon.
i ne h! oi iaiure. rne evening sere
mon. "The Harveat, The Crown ami
Ulory of tha Year." Special offering In
I behalf of Clsrkaon hospital.
I Lataeraa.
! 8t Mark's English. Twentieth and Bur-
detle. Itev. lr. L. Uroh. PaatorServ'caa
11 and 7.W. Morning theme. "Easy
Waaler." Evemnc t'nante.
t-f. Oscar P. Ooodmsn, superintendent
Uither league at 7.
Zlon. Thirty-sixth Street and Lafayette
Avenue, Ker. A. T. Irlmer. Pastor
Sunday school at Service at 11.
There will be no evening service. Thurs
day evening m'tlweek aervioa at 7:114.
Choir rehearsal Immediately after. The
men s society win meet at the home or
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Swanson, Cali
fornia street, on Friday evening, October
30. The Willing Workers and the con
firmation class will meet in tha church
parlors Saturday afternoon.
Trinity. Twentv-flrat and Hlnnev. !
Thomas Blthell, Paator Morning service,
10:30; evening servlcs. 7:30; Sabbath
school, 12m; Kpworth league. :30 p. m.
The 'Swedish. Corner or Knrlh Klne.
teenth and Burt Oustav Krtckson. i
Psstor Vnlon service by Sunder school
and church at 10:3ft. Epworth -league
service at :30. Prenchlng service at 7,30. i
Subject, "No mote Sea."
First. Twentieth and Davenport. THus
I-owe, Pastor Morning at 11. "Jesus,
an Historic Personaae. or a Dynamic
Presence." Evening at 7 . "The Heart's
Experlonce of Temotallon." . Hundav
school at . T. F. Sturgess, superin
tendent. Epworth league at
Hirst Memorial, Thirty-fourth and
LAiimore. II. E. Heaa. Paator Siundav
services: 7-reachlng at 11. Subject "The
Church's New Vlnlnn." t'reachlnr I
7:30. Subject "What Doth the Lord Re
quire of Thee. Sunday school at 10. K.
W. Klnnott superintendent. Kpworth
league at :30. Homer Weeks, leader.
McCabe, Fortieth and Far nam. W. H.
Underwood, Pastor Morning service at
11. Kvenlna- service at 7 aft , RiimIii
school at 10. . Mrs. George Kntrikln, su-
xrmtemlont. Adult Bible class at la
Jr. It. C. John, teacher. Enworth Ira sue
at :30. Mrs. Ethel Thorpe, vreeldvnt
Benson. Sixtieth and Main. Rav. Arthur
Atack. Pastor Bible school at la Morn
ing worship at 11. Anthem by the choir.
Sermon by pitstor. Subject: "Inasmuch."
Epworth league at :30. Heppv Sundav
evening service at 7:30. Orchestra will'
play. Music by choir. ' Sermon by tho
pastor. Subject: "Wages."
Hanscom Park. Corner Twenty-ninth
and Wool worth Avenue, C. W. Mo
Cnskill, Pastor Morning service at - It
Sermon by pastor. Thme. "Our Great
est Menace.1' Evening service at 7.46.
Theme. "The Qreat Command." Sunday
school at :S. Epworth league at :0.
Prayer aervlce Wednesday evening at S.
Diets Memorial, Tenth and Pierce. 'C.
N. Dawson, Minister Sunday services:
Sunday school at 0:46. Dr. J. L. Frani.
superintendent. Preaching at It Old
J oiks' day. Epworth leagu .at :.
J-Toyd Shepherd, leader. Preaohing at
7:30. "Some of the Perils of City Life."
Mrs. Fl. F. Williams will sing. Mlsa Rena
Oilman will read a selection and - the
pastor will preach a short sermon to the
?'!. C?-,kf Bun,r morning. Prayer meat
IrgT Wednesday at a.
letter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth snd
Ohio Sunday school officers' and teach
ers' meeting at . Preaching at 11. Re
ligious service at :). Preaching at 8 by
Apostle James A.-allien of Independence,
First-Progressive Spiritualist. Maekle's
hall, lfil Harney, f. A. Thomas, D. S. 8..
Pastor Lentil re and tnesxages, wvenlng nt
I; subject "Sr irlt World." by Dr. Monte.
Tuesday at ft, message service. Thursday
at 2:30, Ladies' Aid message service.
Salvation Army, 1711 Davenport Holi
ness meeting at 11. Juniors' meeting nt 1.
Young People's legion st S:Si. Salvation
meeting at K. Captain ami Mrs. J. Blttorf
In charge, Captain W. Robeon, assistant
People's. 615 North Eighteenth, Rev.
Charles W. Favldge. Pastor Morning,
"Depending On What'tJod Says;" eve
ning. "The Judgment Day." Sunday
school at no an. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening.
The International Bible students will
meet In the labor Temple hall. Nine
teenth and Farnain, at o'clock Sunday
afternoon. T. H. McNniight will lecture;
topic, "Peaco On Earth. Good Will To
ward Men." -
Carranza Willing
to Retire if Villa '
Does Not Get Place
r WASHINGTON, Oct S4.-General Car
ransa is willing to retire from the post
of chief executive of Mexico, provided
General Villa is not Instrumental In pro
curing bis resignation.' He also wishes
to be assured that hla retirement will not
mean the ascendancy of Villa.
. This explanation of General Carranxa's
position made informally at Mexico City,
waa received by the American govern
ment here today.
NACO, Aria., Oct S3. A true was de
clared today between the Carrunxa gar
rison at Naco, Bonora, and the Villa at
tackers. ' f
. Pending the final solution ot the peace
problem by the convention at Aguaa
Callentea, Governor Benjamin Hill and
Governor Maytorena will suspend hostili
ties. The .Maytorena troops are now re
tiring toward a point thtrty-tlve kilo
meters southward.
Germany Reports
Successes in the
Western War Zone
' WASHINGTON. Oct Il.-Tlie German
embassy today announced receipt of the
following official mlreleas from Berlin:
"Official hindquarters' report of Octo
ber ti says Tg'.itlng on the Tscr nana)
is continuing; thst eleven British Var
vessels are supporting the hOftllo ar
tillery and that the enemy was repulsed
et of Dlxmude. Our troops al.o hav
successfully advanced In the direction of
Ypres. There is stubborn fighting west
and north eat of IJlle. The enemy
slowly retreated nlong the whole front.
The fierce attacks from the direction of
Toul aga'nst the heights south of Thla
court were rrpulxed under heaviest losaes
fiom the French.
"It has been authenticated that the
Fritlsh admiral In command of the
siiundron off Ostend could hardly bo dis
suaded by the Belgian authorities from
bombarding Ostend.
"In regard to the Russian theater of
war, part of our forces are following the
retreating army in the direction ot
Ossowlta. Several hundred prisoners
have been taken and some mach'ne guns.
Near Warsaw and in south Poland, after
undecided fighting, yesterday was quiet,
events still developing."
Thirteen Drowned
in Flood in Texas
SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. Oct. 24.-A five
Inch ruin in less than thre hours, early
today caused a fifteen-foot flood in the
San Antonio river here and put the Ban
Pedro and Alazan creeks out of their
banks from 100 to 1,000 feet Thirteen
deaths by drowning have been reported,
with Indications that the record will reach
seventeen or more.
The known dead are:
MRS. ALBERT LIEHE. her baby and
three other children, caught In the col
lapse of their home.
E8!!?0 LOPEZ. 2 years old.
Financiers of This
Country and Britain
Discuss Conditions
WASHINGTON. .Oct. it-Flnonclitl
forces of the government, the wisdom of
some of the most iromlnrnt men in
the American t'snklnj world and the
friendly counsel of representatives of
Great Britain were turned today to
ward a solution of the problem of a re
adjustment of the foreign exchange mar
ket to meet conditions which have arisen
as a consequence of tlio European war.
For mote than three hours the Federal
Reserve board. Sir George Fslnh and
Basil R. ulankett, rt presenting the Eng
lish treasury, and some of the best
known bankers In New York, discussed
the Mtuatlon in all its aspects.
Here are the salient points discussed
In the conference and the Results an
ticipated: American lankcrsstand ready to pay
their ohltcations to England in cash.
The $10.iX.0ft0 gold pool already formed
end tS,Otf).tA)0 raised by a Nw York syn
dicate to n:eet New York CStv's obliga
tions probnhly vetll suffice to satisfy
Englnnd. Payment of this total may not
be necessary.
The New York and London Stock ex
changes will not be opened possibly be
fore the beginning of 1816. A conference
between committees of the two exchanges
will consider reopening beforehand.
The federal reserve board to hasten
consideration of the proposed cotton loan
fund plan, designed In part to give bot
tom to the cotton market.
The cotton exchanges in New York.
New Orleans and Liverpool to be opened
as soon as possible.
LONDON, Oct 34. "For the last few
doys Zeppelins have been practicing the
firing of torpedoes from a greAt height
using as targets rafts floating on Lake
Constance," the Milan corespondent of
the Dally Mall says. "It is reported the
result has been so satisfactory that the
German authorities are equipping a fleet
of Zeppelins with tubes and torpedo ap
paratus, which will be ready In a few
months to co-operate in naval attacks In
the North Sea.
Laugh at
It Simply I'alng a Stuart's Ij !lcf -
. sla Tablet After Any Meal
You Want to Kt.
It sounds almost ridiculous to think
of eating a big meal without pain and
dlwomfort afterwards, doesn't it? ell.
try this simple remedy arvf demonstrate
its truth. You know that 12 men
Jurv) decide the laws of our land. Not
only have 1J men O. K.'d Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, but hundreds of thous
and os well.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
"What do I care about this meal? A
little gtuart's Dyspepsia, Tablet will di
gest It easily (or me."
JUMt think! One ingredient contained
In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
3,000 times Its welgiit In food.
Doesn't this tell you that such aid to
your body means relieving your distress
from food? y
What the thousands are dally doing
you can surely do. Every condition of
stomach end digestive troubles lias been
relieved by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet?.
They have been tested and tried for
years. They are this nation's greatest
dvspepsla remedv. Thev are sold where
ever drugs are sold. Surely this man
ner of proof Is all you need to know
what course to pursue.
If any man csn prepare a better rem
edy than Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets he
cm make millions of dollars. Is there
a better one?
Why not use the hint to awaken your
common sense and make you go to your
druggist today and buy a box. To any
one wishing a free trial of these tablets
please address K. A. Stuart Co., 160
Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich., and a
small sample package will ba mailed
Emden Is Reported v
To Be Accounted For
nvenu. a. r. Kmatv Minister -LONDON, t
school, 12. Toting People's meet- enrresnondent
. The pastor win Preach at 10:)
iHiurasemont." and at 7:30 on wlUl ldi
Culls from the Wire
The Toledo, St Louis and Western rail
road, known as the Clover Leaf road,. Is
In the hands of a receiver appointed In
federal court at Toledo. O.
Th7 7n)y school meeu at 6. The morn-! ' VLd,Vy...t!r':
"Our Alms Th Outlook." Sunday
Mhool at :4i. Young People's Christian
Endeavor at .4V
St Paul's, Twenty-flfth and Evan a.
Rev. L. T. Otto, Paator Services at 10
in ijerman. At s In Engl ah. subject.
"Biblical Answers ta Some question en
the Preaenl War." Sunday school at
li. Young people's and choir meetlns
oa Fridays at , Prof. J. A. Htlgendorf.
Oreo English, ISM onth Twenty-sttth.
ddltiou to the physical relief has glvea v- 1 ' . ....U' Mlniater
li a v.rv wide tuulartt irnont women. I r.vt?.. l U. ' - Morning topic
ll is absolutely safe to use, renders
the akin p. utile. Is penetrating In Its
i.ature and is composed of those embre
tatiuns beat suited to thoroughly lubrl
rats te nerves, muaclce, tcudoas au4
Lirameiita involved.
luu can obtain "Mother's Friend" at
' itt sr Arjt store.
It Is ptired oiil t.y Bradneld Reg.
iaivc Cv., i'.'l Lauar li:dj
The Wlsdum of t'.a Wtae aad the Follv
of the Foolish." Evening toy!.'. "A
K'ng's Banquet with a Thousand I'jjuee."
Sunday hool at t.M. 1. Fred femUn, su
perintendent lesgj at T li.
Kountse Memorial. Feruera Street and
Twenty-sixth Avenue, itrv. Oliver D.
Baltzly. Pli D. D.D.. Paator Morning
w rahlp ai 11, luuvl. "Are You Burn
Loat wTivnir' Evening worship at s.
Atlanta, Oa, feie-lal montnly muakal service: organ
iWJtl Wtsu.s at l w. eunusy i.nooi al
, Presbytertaa. r- Krnst, Minister-
Ing. :46
f-nTouraemoni. - ana at 7:39 on
r irsi nings r irst.
First Seventeenth and Dodge. Edwin
Hsrt Jenks. D. D., Pastor Morning,
10:, a meitiorlal service or Mrs. Oeorgo
Tlldun. Evening, 7:30, "Life's Great Ex
per.encea Sunday school, noon. Endeavor
meeting, 30.
Third. TwentletJt . and Leavenworth.
Robert Karr. I'astor Sunday school, :30;
sermon by the pastor, "Positive Christi
anity." 10 45. Intermediate and Junior En
deavor societies. . Christian Endeavor
prayer meeting, topic. "Tha Christian and
the Ba,lt 6:J0. Evening worship and
sermon by the pastor, theme, "A Message
of Cheer. 7:30. .
The Church of the Covenant, Fratt and
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming.
Pastor Morning worship at 10 30, "Jesus,
the Prophet." the fifth In the sermon
series on "Jesus, the Man's Man.'' Bible
school at noon. Endeavor at . 46 and eve
ning worship at 7:3 "Holy Week." a
sermon on that period of Christ's life. Il
lustrated by tha world's most beautiful
Minting with the stereopUeon. On
Wedusaday evening from to , "Ques
tions of the Wlliul and Deluded.'1 This Is
the third Bible eluuy on "Questions you
will be asked during the Sunday revival."
F.rvle. Pratt and Fortieth, .Charles
H. Flem ng. Pastor Bible school at I and
afternoon worship at 8. Another old fash
ioned gospel song service. Tuesday eve
ning from to-1, ''Questions of the Wilful
snd Deluded." Tuls Is the third Bible
study on "Questions you will be asked
dur.nff the Sunday revival."
Castellar, S.xteenth and Castellar, C. C.
Meek, pastor Services. 11 ami 3. Sabbath,
school, in. Junior Christian Endeavor, 3: SO.
Intermediate Chriatlan Endeavor, J,
Senior Chrlatlan Endeavor, 7.
North, Twaniy-lourth and Wirt, M. 'V.
Hlguee, D. D.. Pastor Morning sermon
st 10:30. "Encouragtug a Couraaeaus Man"
Sunday school at 11 Youug People's
Christian Endeavor rally at i:30. Christian
Entieaor rally at 7:3u. Address by Miss
Josephine Pitrie of New York city. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening ax 3.
iienson, itev. a.. J . Aiciiung, rasior
Ing preaching aervlos at 11. The Junior
Chrlatlan Endeavor meeting at 3. Tha
sen or Endeavor meeting at :3u,
and the evening preaching aervlce at 7:BU.
E. M. Smith will preach both . morning
and evening. Tha midweek prayer matting
on Wednvaday evening at C
Clifton Hill. Grant and Forty-fifth, B.
It Von der Llppe, Pastor Morning ser
vice at II. and evening
by the taator. a
Foray, suuerlntend
Society Christian Endeavor, :30. . Prayer
meet ng Wednesday evening at 3.
Westminster, Corner of Mason Street
and Ueorgia Avenue, James Franklin
Young. Paator Morning worship, 10.30.
Theme, "Chrtat'a Relation to Sorrow and
Anxiety." Bible school at 13. Young Peo-
f le's meeting at .0. Topic, "Ths Chrls
lan and the Fallot" Evening worship
at 7:30. Theme. 'Tha Great Acceptance "
Midweek prayer service. Wednesday, 7.45.
Oerman. Eighteenth and Cuming. F.
Oat art as. Paator ttunday school at 10 a.
m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Young People's society at 7:U p. ro.
Prayer meeting Wedneaday al 3 p. m.
Bt. Matibew'a English, Nineteenth and
Castellar. Rev. O. w. Snydeia. Pastor
Morning service at 11: subject "The Rally
t;nto Chrlat. ' Evening service at 7:;
aublact "Why Did Christ t.'oroe." Sunday
school at IV a. nt. "natty amy. ne
Indies' Aid society will meet Thursday
afternoon at the residenoe ot Mrs. John
Falconer, 2233 Seward street
Ktist No services until further notice.
President board of trustees, C, W. Hue
sel. ill North Tortieth street: Women's
Alliance. Mrs. G. W. Hoidredge. 1310
South Thirtieth avenue. Free literature
ran be obtained by addressing chairman
P. O. Mission, 1303 North .i orty -second
raited Preabytertaav.
First, Twenty-first and Emmet. A. O.
Douglaaa. Pastor Morning worship at
1 JO. sermon en "Christ: tKir Reruge. Re
treshtneat and Rest." Bible school at
noon, classes for all ages. Y'oung people's
meeting at 6 , topto for conaitiara' ion.
"The 'Christian and the Ballot.' Dr. Rob.
art Mulr. loader. Evening worship at
7 i: sermon topic- "Ulvlns; Ilaoa to the
Centrel. Twenty-fourth and Dodge.
Hush H. Speer. Paator Morr. ing worabla
at W , sermon by the psstor; suhject
"Indurance." Sabbath school st itnon.
Toun people's tnmllng at 4. SO. Evening
worship, 7 : subject, "What Ws Have
Seeu Wg Declare."
XI tseejlaaeoas.
ReorianUed ChurtU of Jesus Christ ot
LONDON, Oct U. Reuters Bombay
telegraphing In connection
raids on British commerce by
the German cruiser Emden, says:
"It is significant fhat the Bombay gov
ernment today Issued a statement to the
effect that all sea routes are considered
reasonably safe from a o'clock in the eve
ning et October '21."
The Morning Post's Bombay correspon
dent. In a dispatch dated October li
glvea an unconfirmed report that the Em
den has at last been accounted for.
415-417 South Sixteenth Street.
Beautify and Improve Your
Home by Buying the Right
Kind of Furniture
WASHINGTON, Oct it The United
States today protested to Great Britain
against the recent aelsure of the Platuria,
a tank steamer owned by the Standard
OH company, now detained at Lewis
Island, Scotland.
Thia protest Is Identical to the one filed
in the case of the Brlndllla, held at
Halfax. N.. 8., and requests the immedi
ate release of the ship.
Inasmuch as the admiralty' court' at
Halifax already has begun proceedings ,
to determine -whether the Brlndllla is a !
prise, the British government is expected
formally to decline to release the vessil
until a decision Is rendered. - A prise
court It Is believed will similarly de
termine the status of the Platuria. I
crops and to refrain from speculating
in future prices In resolutions adopted at
the closing session of the annual conven
tion of the National Implement and Ve
hicle association at Chicago.
A Japanese temple, taken down from
the ancient grounds on which It stood,
waa part of the cargo arriving at San
Franc aoo on the liner' Bhlnvo Mam. - It
venlng at 7 30 Preaching ' will te re-erected on the grounds or the
unday school at 10. H C Panama-Paoiric International exposition :
undent. Young People's J Prt of the Japanese exhibit. I
a leLuar in wnicn ii was siaiea mat
Theodore Roosevelt would autograph
books at a regular rate of from tl to 36
?er signature, was introduced at New
ork by tbe government In Its suit against
Jamea J. Farmer. W. J. Hartley and
others chanted with using the malla to
swindle the nubile, to the extent of r0
Oon.OOD by salsa of so called rare books.
Thirty men and women, members of a
gang of which Arthur Jones. 17 years old,
waa leader, have been carrying on robber
ies on an extensive scale In Kansas City.
JUn., accord' n to a confession Jones Is
slle"ed to have made to tba nollce. Tha
arrest of Jons and ten of his aides re
vealed a sucoesa'ul ho'dup organisation
with regular club rooms, where the
vouthful leader Instructed his lieutenants
befor the dsv'a wn a
Face Paint Tabootd;
Remove Shin Instead
'A few years ago only one class of
women painted their faces." says Dolly
Madison In Chicago News. "It was a
sign of social ostracism and waa tabooed
in refined circles. The custom haa be
come so universal we must admit It Is to
be deplored and to be shelved as soon as
How foolish to seek artificial "beauty
of this sort obnoxious from artistic and
moral standpoluta, when it la so easy to
btaia a truly natural complexion by the
Uae of ervtlnary mercoliaed wax, which
may ba had at any drug atore In original
one-ounce packaae. Thla uercoliaed wax
la ao effective, harmleas and Inexpenslvs,
no one need think of ualng anything else
for the purpose. Applied like cold cream
at night ana washed off In the ssornlna
it at once begins to show its remarkable 1
rejuvenating eneeia.
the lifeless surface
gradually ehowing the fresher, livelier.
beautiful underskln. Naturally It takes
wun it au surface selects, ilka freckles.
punpies. mom i-eicnea saa liver spo
Advei ttsemtnt
Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful new things for
the home are being: plaed on our floors daily. Beaton
& Laier offer some of the most wonderful values in low
priced, high grade furniture to be had in Omaha. You owe it to your home and your
self to know how well you can do here how much ypu can save. Come in and see.
. Furniture at Lower Prices Than Ever Tins Week
High Class Living Room Furniture
The Better Made Kind--Arriving Every Day
Jacobean, Charles II, William, and Mary,
Mission designs will predominate If you
want comfortable, tasty, attractive rooms in
your home. See the beautiful examples we
are showing at moderate prices.
Life-Time Rocker Offered This Week
at Special .Prices. .
"Life-Time" furniture la made of solid
quartered, -well seasoned, beautifully finished
oak the leather upholstering is of the very
best. We offer several different patterns this
week as follows: $8.50, 90.73, $11, $13.00.
- You n-ill be surprised and
delighted at the wonderful val
ues we have for you in bed
room furniture. Brass beds at
$0.73. $12.30, $13, $19, and
Dressers ranging in price
from $9.70, $12.50, $14.73,
$16.00 and up.. .
Elastic Felt Mattresses as
low aa $0.75; others at $10.50,
$12.00, etc.
Silk flogs mattresses, for
merly 23.50, for $19.00.
Sleeping on a silk floss mat
tress is " like sleeping oa a
Window Draperies That Invite Sunlight
Lace Curtains That Make a Room Worth While
This week we offer astonishing values in beautiful lare
curtains. Prices have never been equalled for the quality we of
fer. Unless you see these rare pieces you cannot comprehend
how much they will add to your home in beauty, freshness and
$1.75 Scrim Curtains, pair . . ,95c
$3.50 Brussels Curtains, pr. $2.75
$6.75 Cluny Curtains, pair $4.95
$10.00 Cluny Curtains, pair $6.75
$27.50 Brussels Crt'ns, pr. $13.75
Extra Special Curtain Goods by the yard former
prices 75c and 60c Nets, a yard, special 40c
$13.50 Arabian
Curtains for $8.75
$19.50 Arabian
Curtains for $11.50
$15.00 Brussels
Curtains for. $7.50
5 &0
-Til pH
I 4 m
Soft, lacy nets, in newest styles; Swiss and drawn
work scrim. You can make up your own curtains at slight
cost from this flno material.
New Dining Room Furniture
of Rare Beauty
Shown in complete sets Jacobean, Adam,
Sheraton. .Colonial, Mission, etc.; designs that
will suit every taste and can be had at almost
any price It will be a pleasure to show you how
nicely we can furnish your dining room. Coma
in and see these Values.
Dining Room Tables, $9.75, $14.50, $15, $19.00,
$22.00, $28.00 and up. ,
Buffeta, $23. $28, $29.75, $34, $36,s$39.50 etc.
Ctiaira, $1.43, $25, $3.50, $1.00, $1.73.
:SiV5-?3S W BEATON & LAIER CO.. Complete Homefurnishers