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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
T1LK OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: OCTOBEIi 25, 1914. OMAHANS STRIKE RICH 0IL1pIDEH5I..nIoUN1N-p- rViALWAL, CLUB. i Jack Pardoe and Associates Find a New Field In Wyoming. SOME OF THE WELLS GUSHEKS Oat OeejeraJlr Helea Saakesi Ar Jnmt Florrlnv I'adonfra Make Flattrrtaa; Offers a Lease Jack Pardon, known the country orar a Diamond Jack, for cloee to twenty years, ealrs muDiger for the Cola Fry Fish and Oyptnr company of Omaha, haa atnirk oil In Wyoming and twlleves that within another year he will fee Hated among the mllllonartea of the country. He went Into the oil rame a little more than a year ajro and since then he haa been carrying; 1 on hia operations without heralding from the housetops what he has been (loins'. Diamond Jack la just In from the ! Diamond Jack oil fields and with him he brings reports that have astonished the moat enthusiastic people who are asso ciated with Mm. He haa brought numer ous samples of the oil from the Diamond Jack fields and reports on the work that baa been performed. Tha reports show that on the association property, consist, tag of several thousand acres of land In tha vicinity of Oil mountain, sixteen miles southeast of III vert on and near the Northwestern'! Wyoming line, a number of walls have been put down within the last few months and In each oil has been struck at a depth of from forty to 250 feet. 80 me of the wells are gushers, but generally they are flowing propositions, the test of the nil showing that Its Illum inating properties are very high. OanKui Are Interested. Associated with Diamond Jack In the oil fields are Herman Schaffer, Ed C. Elliott, John A. McDanlel and James Wilkinson, associate trustee.- all of Omaha; Patrick .Stanton. Tllden; W. E. Patton and Frank ' J. Neff. Fairmont; John Dlngman. Qe neva; W. E. Urady, Grand Island; J. A. 'Kdaburn, long Pine; Charles Shannon, Cbadron, and a number of other wealthy men of Nebraka and Wyoming. , The remarkable thing about the field, according to Pardoe, la the fact that there la no stock to sell and nothing to place upon tha market for speculative purposes .Everything In connection with the project is entirely within the control of the , parties Interested and whllef called an as sociation, it Is mors In the nature of a partnership. Speaking of the oil outlook for the Diamond Jack fields, Mr. Pardoe Isald: "The outlook Is more flattering than we ' had anticipated. We have found oil In ; large quantities on every seouon of tha land that has been filed upon. We earns , Into posaeaalon of the knowledge regard ing thla field through the kindness of . Otis Barlltt, a business man of Casper. We went Into the project and took In a 'number of our personal frlenda In Ne. (broake. Wyoming, South Dakota and ; Iowa, men; with money, and thus wa are I able to carry on the work without f orra ; Ing a company and selling stock, . "From the manner In which the field J is developing, wa expect big returns be- fore the end of next year. Just prior to starting of the war in Europe , Mr. ; Barlltt had an offer by cable from par !tls in London offering a liberal royalty 'and a number of thousand dollars for one section of land of our holdings. The offer la still good, but must await tho 1 straightening out of tha financial situa tion abroad. , "At this tints there are four rigs put ting down wolls in the Diamond Jack field, one of which la from. California. 1 They will continue werk during tha win ter and we look for wonderful results, . results that .will put tha section of Wyoming around Rivet-ton on the map. Wa expect that the town will be tha sec ond Casper of tha state and that tha oil ( fields will beoome fully as Important as those of the' Band Creek country. Two of the greatest geologists of the world, Para of Italy and Oliver of tha United States, have geologised, tha field and pronounce It to have tha beat and tha largest quantity of mineral eil of any yet discovered. Ilaldlasra Are) LaavaeeL , "Several sections of tha Diamond Jack holdings have been leased to a Danver 'company for immediate operation and ' have enraged tha aarvloea of Dick Rilley, an experienced 11 man from ; Bakarsfleld. Cel., to do our work and proteot our Interests. "At Rlverton I attended a banquet and got the sentiment that prevails relative toward Omaha. The people feel friendly, . but many of them feel that Omaha Is not 'pushing out after the Wyoming trade as it should. I made a speech and assured .the business men about that board that now. with tha railroads reaching Into the interior of tha stats, they would sea that Omaha would get ou after the buat- neas and that every locality would be given fair treatment. "Rlverton Is one of the richest valleys ; of Wyoming and M already attracting much attention as a business center, to ' say nothing of tha capital being drawn there by reason of the oil field develop ment in tha vicinity." 1 'V' K J TIT J Eight Conventions for Omaha Next Year Already Scheduled Klaht conventions will meet here In 1?15. as the result of Omaha's advantages as a convention city and because those ad vantages have been called to the attention of the 1314 conventions by Omaha's bureau of publicity. Some of the gatherings scheduled for next year are of particular Importance to Omaha. Among them la the annual convention of the Methodist churches of Nebraska, which will bring 1,000 ministers and laymen to Omaha for one week. Other big conventions which voted to come to Omaha are Nebraska Spanish War Veterans, Sons of Friend ship, Women's Christian Temperance t'nlon of Nebraska, Federation of Labor, Missouri Vatley Medical society, Missouri Valley Veterinary society. Northwest Province of Episcopal Churches. NEEDS AK-SAR-BEN BOOKLETS OF ALL FORMER PARADES Librarian Edith Tobltt Is seeking copies of Ak-Sar-Pen booklets representing the fleets from the time of the first parade ever held until the present. Those at the Omaha library have been much used and the Institution la In need of duplicates. S. A. CORNEER DEFENDANT IN SHORTWEIGHT CASE S. A. Corneer o- flie Vnlon Fuel com pany and a candidate for the office of county commissioner by petition, is named In a complaint filed sjcalnft the company by City Prosecutor Anheuser, at the In stigation of City Weight Inspector Pegs;, who charges short weighing on coal. The case has been put over until Monday for trial. LCBECK IN NEBRASKA TILL AFTER ELECTION Congressman Charles O. Ix.beck has re turned from Washington and will rem iln In the state until the election la over. He leports everything wearing a better as pect at the national capital and that the Index there to commerce over the United B.ates is a general restoration of confi dence and normal resumption of business. WEATHER IS MUCH COLDER OUT IN THE NORTHWEST According to the railroads, the weather Is considerable colder In the northwest, with temperatures close to the f reeling point at a number of points In western Nebraska. Through the central portions of the slate, rains were general Friday nieht. one and one-half Inches at Arapa hoe and Benkleman, with from one half to an Inch at Mlnden, Oxford, McCook, Holdrege, Wllber and Hickman. RYDER WILL KEEP FORCE BUSY REMOVING LEAVES Street Commissioner J. J. Ryder has) notified property owners that he will bo unable to move sll leaves raked together on the streets and lawns, but that a force will be detailed to remove at many an ronWble. These leaves. In wagon loads, will be thrown Into mudhoVs and depressions in the streets. Commissioner Ryder says several dan gerous holes In the pavements have oc curred where 'contractors have not prop erly tamped the earth after laying sewer pipes. rrorcrty owners have been forbidden to burn leaves on asphalt pavement. JVHJ)ermott J. V. McDarmott of Bhelton, Neb., has been chosen president of the Crelghton University Political olub, which was or ganised recnntly for the purpose of pro moting political activity among the students of the university. At Its first meeting the club voted to remain non-partisan. Membership la recruited from all departments alike, and a vice president Is chosen from each of the five sections of the school. McDermott won tha presi dency after a hard campaign with soma rousing speeches on election night. Ak-Sar-Ben is Given Very Wide Publicity Over 300 newspapers of Nebraska, Iowa. South Dakota, Missouri, Wyoming, Colo rado and Kansas co-operated, with the Omaha publicity bureau in giving public Information about tha features and hap penings of Ak-Sar-Ben's big farewell fes tival. A pegs of reading matter prepared free of coat by E. V. Farrlah, manager of the bureau, and sent out during the campaign at the expense of tho bureau, was printed )n tha 100 newspapers co operating. Besides that, GOO additional papers in tha Omaha territory published news matter sent out regularly by the bureau. Tho wide publicity given Ak-Sar-Ben In that way was responsible to a considerable extent for the record at tendance at this year's festivities. URGES USE OF COTTON FOR BAGS INSTEAD OF JUTE Tha Missouri Pacific) la boosting a pro ject to relieve the situation In tha cotton growing sections of the south and at ths some time ' to Increase the demand for eoton, tho sale of which has been mater ially cut off in foreign countries on ao. count of the war in Europe. J. N, Olthens, assistant to President Nash of tha Missouri Paolflo, Is urging tho asa of cotton. Instead of jute. In tha manufacturing of bagging, twlna and rope, asserting that if this bo dona, al most. Immediately there would corns a de mand of upwards of 1,090 bales of cotton or about S per cent of tha entire cotton crop of tha United States this year. Tho Juts need in tha manufacture of bagging, twlna and rop nearly all ooraes from Indus, E. L KINSEY SERIOUSLY HURT BY WAGON TIRE E. Ik Klnsey. a railroad telegrapher living at 614 South Twecty-seoond street, was seriously hurt when his machine hit a wagon tire carelessly left by children In tha road at Twenty-fourth and Hickory streets. Pollca Burgooa C. B. Felts, who took ear of him, says the Injured man is suf fering from a fractured skull and took him to St Joseph' hospital for treat ment : Mistaken Identity Costs South Omaha : Man Severe Beating A case of mistaken Identity oost Fred 'Parks. SIS North Twenty-third street i South Omaha, a terrible beating at the hands of two strangers and put him in ; the South Omaha hospital suffering from serious bruises about tha abdomen. , . Ha was at Fifteenth and Dodge streets when two men came up to htm. , "Now. we've got you. and we're going to teach you a lesson you won't forget.' 1 they exclaimed, as they commenced slug' ' glng. , When they finished the Job they fled. .Eighty dollars which Parks had In his , pockets waa not touched and no attempt ; Was made to rob him. To Detective John ' Pasaoowakl who Investigated tha affair for the police be said that he had never seen 'the men before and that be cannot think of .any reason for their actions. , evcept that they , might have mistaken ( blm for someone else. His Injuries are not serious and ha will be out of tho hospital in a few days. - PROFESSOR BREASTED SPEAKS AT Y. W. C. A. James Henry Breasted, professor of . Egyptology arid Oriental history at the University of Chicago, delivered ths first f a aeries of Illustrated lectures , "Ancient Architecture and Allied Arts" at the Young Woman's Christian audi- tonuia tiaturUay rooming. "Tomua and ' Temples of the Nile" was the subject of I ha loeture, which was given wader the aunploes of tha Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Prof. Breasted will return to Omaha next Saturday to lecture ' "Painters and Sculptors of Egypt, - 0MMERCIAL CLUB HAS MONEY IN ITS TREASURY During tha first nine months of the year, the Commercial club had revenues amounting to t7S.TM.S0 and expenditures of SGfSUes, or a credit of over PVOOo tor tho period. . Ths figures were Included In a report made by the executive committee and board of directors at their last meet- MaKeYoursiun soft and Clear By me use or cuticura soap For the toilet and bath assisted by occasional applications of Cuticura Ointment, You may try these fragrant super-creamy emollients before you buy them. Samples Free by Mall CuUcurm auas sS Oinlawai Kid tkruMkout th wan. UunuMmMKwtuMtaMiuies, www. wm vmww w er. Ip . -- - I "ii"siias . ii 11 ini mi.u .in miiiain n , , m, miwM 1 n ... mina a .hii mmi , n .m sam i It 1', m m ' Vftafc-.i tifirM'l n 1 .nni fc i.msi tmrntiii rsi All iDon't neglect this money-saving opportunity! If you have not as yet called at any of our stores, make it your busi ness to pay us a visit tomorrow. You have no idea what really wonderful homefurnishing bargains our big Special October Sale offers unless vou call and convince yourself. These big Sales stocks, purchased by us at unusual price concessions, enable us, in turn, to offer you bargains such as Omaha has never before seen or heard of! Don't wait until the stock is entirely exhausted buy now and, if necessary, you can take a year, or more, to pay your bill. SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE- IF DESIRED 1 Massive 2-Inch Chilled Post, Metal Bed mi! i p 1 sXjU.J'I?ir5E?-!" V IJ at" I. J - U.Jt Let Hariman Feather Your Nest L3il TU 1U IUO UIU- 86.95 in STRIKINGLY HANDSOME VERNIS MARTIN BED With 2-inch continuous posts, made of the blithest grade seamless tubing. Has ten heary fillers, metal ball bearing castors and enameled In the high est grade Vera is Martin obtainable. Can be had In all sizes. Our low price this week only ffTSl, Splendid Value a Solid Uak DRESSER AN AMAZING VALVE IN. A STRONGLY CON STRUCTED DRESSER Made throughout of solid oak, finished golden. Base haa three roomy drawera, fitted with wood pulls. Mirror la of French bev eled plate aet In neat. curved standards. Spe daily priced while a lim lted quan tity lasts, at, only TWIT Wonderful KITCHEN CABINET Bargain Sa.SO Cash Sa.OO Meat. OUR NEWEST MODEL SANITARY KITCHEN CABI NET Exactly like il-fy-lustratton. S 1 1 d I n g7 nickelold metal top. Sanitary metal and glass floor bin with sifter, metal fgjL aiiff-ar hi n anil tianHv spice cans. Top white enamel, lined. Metal rake box and base, wire sliding shelves. Don't fall to see this great value "i. " .r".' ,ioB,;iirA,i udhhju nunc. ..isiins; or larre library table, roeaa- i K I VKf1""' ."tt1 wlth roomy stati table arm chair """?.'' "? up""iirrinB; in 01 imperial Spanish FaDrlcold lrsthor oyer a full aet of steel springs. A splendid et at a pTeat aavlner. Three plc?"..con,Ile,e Hiaklnpr a room full of furniture which we price very specially for thla sale at $11.98 lwN'O'i'lA III WfmtKViJ7 i ill wMaav sa iiuiw $6.25 Wtt ARE OFFERING FOR THIS WKEK OUR KPrXlAI. AUTOMATIC ONB MOTION BEO DAV. kntokt rne rrama it or plain, heavy desiirn and the upholstery la of Genuine Imperial Kabriooid leather.' easily convene it into mil nceu uou. ouuauie Tor library, parlor or bedroom. Finished in a rich shade American quarter-aav.ed Imitation oak and quoted spe- flallv fn. Ihl, mt . One motion S17.95 LUXURIOUS COLONIAL PARLOR ROCKER The framo Is very massive and exceptionally well braced. Uphol stered In guaranteed Imperial leather with broad tufted back, roomy seat and steel spring constructed. Exactly like illustration. Very special ... $5.98 SSSHl -1 Ji "A Hartman's Great FREE Premium Offer In addition to the many wonderful bargains offered thla week, we will ulve away absolutely free of chargs a handtiomely decorated 60-plecn dinner aet with every purchase of ISO or ov-ir, cash or credit. Large Size Colonial DRESSER A BEAUTIFU NltW DESIGN DREiSER--Has extra roomy base, large French' hev eled place ' mirror, mi"scirmif 2Hx2i inches. Construct ed throughout of American ounrter awed Imitation oak. richly fin ished In arolden. For this week's sellloc, at, only $11.89 S18.95 Large 0ip' 48-Inch JNVL MASSIVE 48-INCH TOP AMERICAN QUARTERED IMITATION OAK DINING ROOM TABLE -Made of selected hard wood, brilliantly polished in a rich golden finish. The massive non-dividing pedestal is 10 Inches In diameter supported by extra heavy double colonial legs. Fitted with new patent smooth running slides extend- fJbA Of? ing to six feet. Very new and beaultful design table. SH S.als) Specially priced... ViWiWU A CORRECT COLONIAL PATTERN LIBU-iRY TABLE Made of choice selected wood, finished golden In American quarter-sawed imitation oak. Top measures 26x42 Inches and Is supported by heavy s shi - r columns. Has roomy stationary drawer z 4 and large book shelf, A great bargain. tor sv 1 f ' v W QuarastM Yoo a Earing of 20 or More, on AH Stoves Purchased Here. OUK NEW MODEL UN. COLN UASE HURNER Without a doubt the most modern heater ever offer ed at the price. Has dou ble flue system of heating, extra site fire pot, meas uring 16 inchea in diame ter. Self feeding attach a ment, duplex grate. Guar- antecd fuel saver. Must be seen to be appreciated. Oi. sale for this week at ouiv $33.50 Cah Heath. Biggest and Best Range Value ( in umaha. iSHI Unbeatable1 BUFFET VALUE IJtO Cask t SUM a M eat MAGNIFICENT NEW STYLE BUFFET Constructed entirely of ft well seasoned wood, finished golden in American quarter-sawed Imita tion oak. Has large, roomy base, wood pulls. French bevel sd plate mirror set in heavy frame. Offered at the extremely attractive price for this week only ( $12.45 ' : TIP pfM I .'fegafeiiiil V-isiririT't,w'-w''r'''wl'',ll,';'' I915 NEW MODEL GUARANTEED MERUIT REGENT STEEL RANGE f r;f.nw-TT?w n am A HIGH GRADE STEEL RANGE Complete with high closet and all latest improve ments. Duplex grate, 16-!nch oven, 6-hole top, sanitary base, beautifully nickel trimmed and nickel towel bar. Exceedingly well made and absolutely guaranteed. $2.50 Caah; $2.00 & Month :v V - a.y ra X FOR THI3 WEEK WE ARE OFFERING A VERY SPE CIAL VALUE IN A 9x11 FT. VELVET RUO The pat terns are of the newest designs. Made of the best woolen yarn and beautiful color combinations. f 4 pay -m The largeat assortments to select from. 2 1 I m Trnlv a rrnfit value.' .a.wai Your Old Steve Taken in Exchange at Very Liberal Allowances. mi Xsaerlca's tireatett Moose Fmrnitkers. II U ','l i w M 1411-1 G-IB DOLGLAS STUEET COLE'S FAMOUS nOT BLAST 1IEATER Known the world over. Perfect air tight gas and smoke consum ers; will hold fire 36-liours without attention. A marvel and a wonder; no other heater in its elaas. A guar anteed fuel saver in every respect Triced up from 810.95 Casta moib