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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
2-S THE OMAHA SUNDAY KKK: OCTOBER 23, 1014 NO CHANGE' AMONG BOWLERS SUndin; Amonj the Alley Artiits Eemaisi About the Same. ENTHUSE OVER T0U1UIAMZ1IT Itnnl tweml Tesisss rtsspy Or Opportaelty O Bteem City Oil, WEF.K'1 BOWIISO HC1TEOTXB. ASSOCIATION AI.l.KT&. Booster LSTie Tuesday: Kl Perns against Maurer'a Cafe, Pllco atstnst Clara Fellea, Loyal Order of Mixm against Corey MrKensla, Macon ITnaa at.aui.ei t'oweli Supply Co. BRUNSWICK. HOL'TH OMAHA. Made City ljeaeiie Monday: Willow Fprtnae aaninat Loral Ordar of Moose, Jotter' Oi'l Af against Welch Grocery Co.. Thursday: Farmara EMitnn or Inst All Stars, 'White Sox against WKTKOPOUTIN At.T.KTB. Standard Oil ClubMonday: Polarlne Auto Oil. amlnxt Mica Asia Owawi. Ir- lectlon Oil esalnat Crown Oaeolln. Commercial lr4urue Monday: Hrode- f-'aard Crowna against Frank 'a Candy Kid, Stars and htiipea .asalnst . Omaha Hlcyrl On Wednwway: Kaglee ekgalnet Heart In' Old Atlsera Woman" a Ieajru Tuesday afternoon Rearular tram matches. Fax ton A Gallaaher league Thursday? Interdrnartment matches. I'nton Outfitting lau Tuesday: In- tflrncpariment match. - Hmwnlne; Kin l.i:ru Wednesday: Inter-department matchea fltryeo Insane Wednesday: toterde artment matches. . . . - . , MORRISON AlUTTB Fairmont Creamery I eaff'' Monday: Better Butter against Fairmont Karma, Dellrla axalnst Liquid Gold. llartom against 'Puritan Brollera. Uate City Ijeacue Tuesday: Black , Kata against Raran'a Felrtaffa, Trevel : Khoe Co. airatnat Fairmont Creamery Co. ' Thuraday: humohr'a Old Tavarne aralnat American F.prea Co., LjOUla Buffet against Florahclm Phone. IJtho(rrapliera' league Tuesday: Reaa Printing Oa. a-alnt KIotjd Jtartlett Trin radar: Omaha Printing Co. agH-inet Lary Minting t:o.r ft. and n. rTess against Lyon Fnsravera. ' Omaha Use Iejru Wednesday: Rero- lar team whelul. Omaha Ijeague Friday: Prorawaa-Nash ; against iAixua, ntora airalnat Jettera' Old 1 Agr. Mickey Oibaona against Old tyl ' Letter. Th laat week's play resulted In vary little Chang in tha league atandlnx; good average acoraa being rolled, but no leaf ua records were shattered. Th organisation of the Stryoo league and renewed activity among the member of the disbanded Metropolitan league were Interesting feature of the week. The stryoo league wa organised from the etreet railway foroee and will roll oa Wedneaday night at the Metropolitan alley. The Metropolitan league will be reorganized from the remaining member of last year' organisation and a few team from the dtabanded Benaon league. Muoh ehthualkam over the coming rnld weat tournament at Bloux City waa die played during the week. Entry blanka have been distributed among the' rarloua caplalna, and It I thought that from ten to twelve ' teams will enter.- From the Omaha la'ngua,' the Btors, Burgeea-Naah, Iux'ua and Jetter Old Age are aura of aolnir and the Micky Olbaona will aa doubtedly report favorably. The Gate City league, which always furnlshee It ahare, will aend the Lewi Buffet, Ra gan'e Fallitaff and' Rumohr'a Old Tar erna. The Made City leairae will neter the J.ttcr a Old Age and Willow Spring and the All Stare of the same league will be aent by the South Omaha merchant. The Stare and Stripe of the Commercial league and ta PraJrte. IJfe Tnaurano team. of the' UoOBor league je going. Thla Ut be the largeat oaa-of-toam entry ever aent to' Mid we at tournament. The Omaha bowlera.are making eVary effort to give a big ehowlng. aa thl I aa d vantARe In their favor In landing next eaaon'a big event for thl city, big miM meeting of bowler will be held at the Faxton hotel thl afternoon at t:k o'clock for the. purpose of booking the local entry and outlining a cam pal ra for bringing the tournament bare. The meet, tng ha been well advertised and will be the largeat ever held by the bowler. C. J. Cain, the Mldweet representative here. wui preside. Bowling; Korea. m on their Hat. 'Vtarr iu be made extra man ea the Thelm ahoe team. enthualasna- and hard work will land y event, the Midwest tournament will la Omaha next aeaaoa. '"The Corey-MrKenslea ware not rolling their usual game Tuaeday night and lost three to Jhe Clara Ilellee. The merchanu of South Omaha will probably aend a team to the Mldweet tournament again thla year. McCabe, the bowlers" official eheuf feur la still around the alley,' but ta not Tolling hi usual game. Matthea, the old-timer, ta baok In the j fame. He bae altfned with the Drexel fchoe Co. In tha date City league. Bin Irn la shootlnr the beat gam In the ilooster laagtie. a haa been con j alstantly cluiiblng ve the inaik. "Rip" llagermaa o( the Standard OU crowd ataned in hlev climb te the top by hitting the wood pile for a in oount. J. T. C.-Rumohr will' give a geld medal to the high average man on hie Rumohr ( Old Tavern teem in the 3ate City league. Carl Jobnaon la organising the Bowlere' Ianoln club. Ha la being aaalated by Crab" Ilammeratrom and "Urln" Do berty. - No chance for a Federal league. Joe Tiobor, U chief InsUgator. haa algnad with the Mooae club team In the Boueter league. Klnnaman averaged t2 In tha match tm laat Sunday when he and Cochran defeated Huntington and, eii"en. the Chicago crack. -Charley Zarp wa far below hi usual Tatnn In the Rooster leagua laat wsvk. in 1 total U about, a hundred ahort of bia usual mark,.. ..... With the lame fome at the Nebraska Telephone company growing enthusiastic, It la probaola that a laue will be or. ganfzul from Ite employes. Ttr hovuh Omaha All-Burs bare a etru.iir vim I liiatloii thla aeaaon and will trolably 1; -n In the conlosts at the )otnlng Bi'ju vtlr tournanvnt. ; The ptreyoo ' league organliad among tha etnl'loye of the Street Railway corn puny, la a new organisation. They are rolling on tba Metropolltaa allays. "Uynamlte" Raum broke the eann' record m the Standard Oil club by roll In a iii eing-le game. Hul 66 acoiw also Uraila the toiala tn tliat organtaaUoa. If plan work out the Gate City league w ill enter three teams In the tournament t cjt.iux-City. They are the Lewla Buf fet, lHan' Falataff and JUitnohrk Old Taverua. Fits and McCabe. who recently "chal l(nvd any two In the Gate City league, are atlll taking on alt comer. They have a on inree malchea since Issuing .the deft." shooting over l,M la every match Jack WeUh say the Jobbers league la not organising, but will be on dec k when the new alleys are completed. The M. EL Sinllti, Mi'lund Glaaa and faint and Pax. t'i at Gallagher leu nis are already c At S so o'clock thla arte moon the Rtor tfiua will roll a mU h gam with a team from U?ln. Neiw on the Morrtaon al ! . 1 hla ia a retura tuL t h uir. bring the .ra la. the first r-ritt at i j ii CHpietnLfT. . Kinnarnan'e soure wa not rolled on alotted allevs, as ia aomeuiuee character Ikiic of pertw t tJif. He rolled hU oa alleya No. ana 7 at tite Aaaoclattoo. Him ate In iwuir iowlre' eeUinaiioa mrj ajiaya U) ruU tM. ir u.e city iiajl Fc4eraia really u aitnis uciwriuacii. way not start a lewgu Jeff Had No Trouble in Explaining It Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher - i - i - mcttttn i uusrrwrEJM - m 'r Tier- ir as He?-y say nr DR.fSK UAiT N14HT. 1 DJESr?iO 1 wn, tR.0Af1ir ANt WT To Nb ON6 Ol-t rNNGEU KCPT rL"N(. 7 ECRYYfrAs tO STAR Tt T&uc HOw.TeR.RBLe Tmct snoot) WurNS.HfD Ay, puoco evt rtv m . I I Vba I II VvAS He ftiiS -r- n 1 j A LQHU ?irXR.D SJ I Y0 SHOULD ThOfr a aU. lax 1 aaas s r gmr m m W. m fl M k I la4a- a m ajaJ n I . sf 'g :T..'- --c fy. -r--. among the elty hall foroee. The court house employee oo'jld alo start a laaa-ue and at the end of the season a ohamplon shlp arWts could be played between tha county and city champion a. Have your ears In readlneea for an- nounoementa of tha opening of the new r'Farnam alleys," being Installed by W, Ij. Hoboenman at Eighteenth and Far nam atreeia. Work Is prvgreaain; rap Idly and will probably be completed soon after the first of November. Khlman. the, Chicago bowling artist. wa favorably Impressed with the bowl Ing game In Omaha. He waa pleaaed With the alleye. but said the pine uaed here were too light. He wa a -wltnea of the record breaking game the Stora foiled, and alao waa an opponent of "ra Klnnaman whan the latter, rolled that 00 ya-ie. -fi Thl afternoon at :I0 on the Morrison flleys a team from Lincoln will roll a re urn match with the Htors team. The members of ths Capital City team are well known to Omaha bowler,' some of them formerly belonging to teame here. The visitor are out for revenge, aa they were forced to take the loelng end when the Stora played them early In September. There atill seems to be eigne of Ufa In the Metropolitan IcaRue. A recent move haa been made by Its aupnortere toward making up a few taama from the rank of the dlabanded Benaon and combining them with a few tcama made up from the loyal members of the Metropolitan league. It la thought that thta organisa tion will soon be complete and playing a regular schedule on the Metropolitan allay. that mighty run. Aa defensive end he scattered Aggies like paper and took particular delight tn spilling B. Miller rar the aoenerjr. Feter Leads Iaterfereaee. Rutherford, tb. cripple, chopped holes tn every point In the Aggie line and circled the end consistently. Potter demonstrated his worth aa a heady field general and Indicated that he Is m a class by himself a a leader of the Inter ference. He earrled hi back right lane with" him and knocked said mora than ene Aggie tackier ea each and every oo caalon. Dellmetre, Doyle, Balls. Corey, Howard, all played splandld game and their work can always be regarded aa a tribute to' the unlreralty and the state. Quite a number of Omahan attended May Go Back at Quarter for Princeton AGGIES BATTERED BYSTIEHH'S MEN (Continued from Pag One.) slated of kicking dual between Halllgan and Daprato and the Michigan star was forced to take second honor even though he I recofntxed aa one of the longeat and surest punters tn the west The Aggies never mad gain on Nebraska and whenever they kicked Halllgan did just a llttls bit better on the return. Kebrmaka scare esse More. In -' the fourth - quarter, with several substitutes In the lineup, Nebraska started Its scoring maohlne again and two touchdowns were added to the ulti mata count ; After a series of kicks Halllgan busted through the Aggie line for five yarda Rutherford followed with twenty-flv yard, which carried the ball to the three-yard Una A second later Pottet quetsed through for th touchdown, Halllgan kicked tha goal, making th score IT to . ' Th third and last touchdown was scored on a series of forward paseee. A paas from Potter to Balls netted twenty yarda Oa ths subsequent play Ruther ford made a short pass to Halllgan and ths Nebraska captain ran for twenty five yards through the broken 'field and placed the ball on the . five-yard line, float' where Chamberlain went over on a five-yard end run. Halllgan kicked bis third goal and the score stood H In t A minute, later the game ended with the ball la -' the Aggies possession an their awn forty-flve-yerd line. . Captain Halllgan was the brightest star of th game. The North Platte man wa a tower of strength en th Una and It was largely do to him that th noted Julian waa up act eo repeatedly. Whenever the Aggies tried th Halllgan id of the Una thy were frustrated and their -only gala ware mad through the other aid. But It waa Halllgan kicking that drew admiration. Hls place kick was a wander. Until the ball was seen selling through the posts the large crowd ' feared for his auoreaa And on the attempts at kicking goal after touchdowns be proved to be, a master. fSach of the three attempt waa aucoese fuL. Halllgan also mad aoaae terrific tackle-round plunge which netted Ne braska good galna t Chamberlala at last found himself. Ia tha early game of tb season be waa a bia disappointment, but he proved con. duslvely that he is aa excellent running, mat to Rutherford yesterday. His eighty, yard run couldn't have been prettier. The crowd stood up aad cheered for the husky youth or full three solautee after L u i e U Unto bame 'haa "nialul talned Its record of almoat unbroken victory. The feature of the gamo waa tha open style of play, both tea:n at tempting forward paasss many times, and with varying success. South Dakota put up a good gam during the first half, but during th last half evidently lost ccn- aioeraoie courage and could make no great headway against their more skilled opponents But notwithstanding this. South Dakota fought hard to th last. Lincoln Bowlers Coming for Eevenge A bowling team from Lincoln will roll a match game with the Btors team an the Morrison alley Sunday at o'clock. Th capital city player are after re venge a they were defeated on tbetr bom alley by th Omaba Brewera. In the Lincoln line-up are: Rempke, who formerly waa aa Omaha bowler, and l Mockatt at on tint on of th beat tn th west Defeat far North Platte. LKX1NUTON. Nh Oct 4 iKn.i.i Telegram.) Jack Temple, foot ball Un oi tn Islington High school, defeated the fast team of th North Platte High achnol on th ground at th high school building this afternoon. Th score waa t . Thl I th fourth consecutive game the Lexington boys have won. hav. tng defeated Co sad. Oxford and Kearney Military academy. Baaas Defwata Deateeau DENiaON. I a.. Oct M.-48peclel V-Th Denleon toot bell team played with thi high a hool team In Boone yesterday an waa defeated. 4 to ft. The Denlaoa team Waa not uaeJ to tha very rough around selected fur the game and fee la that It oia well to nuld the erore dv n as low aa it did. Next Saturday a game la scheduled at Logaa bctaeca Deuteuu aad Agaa i cams. k - . y lX-s FEDERALS INWARLIKE MOOD Outlaws at New York Meeting De termined to Continue League. G ELMORE RE-ELECTED CHIEF Stew Baker, the former star quarter back of th Princeton foot ball eleven, who 1 believed to be slated for bia old position again this year. DesjHte tha good showing of Amea. the aon of Snake Amea, one of the greatest foot ball play era Princeton ever had, the coaches atlli consider his foot ball a little crude and are wary of giving htm a chance n any of the big contests. Baker Is an experi enced general and looks like the very man Coach Penfleld wants. alao doea very well at quarter In prao tloe. and tn conaequence the Princeton coaches have more cendldatee for that position than they know what to do wltn. Rumored that Ward Ilrothere Will riace Clob la New York City . Doava Players from Or aanlsed Ranks. CRIMSON TEAM OUTPLAYED Harvard Narrowly Escapei Defeat by Penniy State. SCORE, THIRTEEN TO THIRTEEN Visitors Oatraea, Oatklck and Oat. saaaeaver . Kneaay, bat Leee Causae fea Vletery Tkraagk raaablee. CULM BJU DOE. Mass.. Oct M. Harvard narrowly eecaped defeat today by the Penasylvanla KUU college team, which outplayed the Crimson In all departments of th game. Tbe eoor wa a Ua. 11 to 13. For forty-eix minute Peansylvania State) drove th Harvard varsity substt. tutee about the field, oorijig a touch down and a goal from th field la the flrat twelve minute af play. The visitors outrushed. outklcked aad eutmaneuvered the Crimson, but lost a chanoe for victory through two costly fumbled. Lineup and summary : HAKVAkU tlij. PA. T. J. Cooledge UB,L.E rv j. virile ...ikT. u. i unuerwooa . Wallace .. w eaton Trumbull , Soucy Swlgert McHlnluch Kran ka .. Rradlee ...UO C ..R.O ..R.T ..K.R. STATE (IS). Ulggina Kratt Miller .Wood McIowe.! Lamb Thomaa J iimes Weily Tobln (lark ua... c R.O... R.T... RE... Q I..H... R.H RH... .. F F Si-ore bv Deriode: Hsrverd a a s i Pennsylvania Mate, 10 0, . 11 Ref eree: William Maurice, University of Pennsyvanta. Vmplra: Fred Murphy. Brown. Head Linesman: O. V. Brown, Boston Athletio asiuM'tatton. Time of pe riods: Twelve nilnutea Harvard acor Ing: Touchdowna, C. Coolldae, Wilcox: goal from touchdown, WtUilnaton. Penn sylvania State ecortng: Touchdown, Clark; real from touchdown. Umb; goala from field, Tobln. Lamb. S'jLstltu t'nna: Harvard. C. Cooltdae for T. J. Coolldge, T. J. Coolldaw for C. Coofldge Persona for R. C Curtis. R. C. Curtta for Persona Wlthlnrton for 1Tnderwood, ll'gelow for Trumbu1!. Wearherhead for Soucv. Watann for Bwlar-rt. 8wrert for Watson Whttner for M-Klnlock. Robhlna for Whltnev, Wilcox for Rohblna King foe Francke, FYancke for King., M"Kln ock for Pradlee; Pennsylvania 8ate. Paron fer THomaa FleRrton for "Walty, Welly for Edgartoo, Morria for Clark NEW YORK, Oct. Jt The annual meet ing of the Federal base ball league, which opened In thin city today, failed to develop any tlgns of the much discussed peace pact with organized base ball. The in dependent association, during a long ses sion behind closed doors, elected officers for ths ensuing year; listened to various reports from the clubs composing the circuit and then adjourned with the an nouncement that the meeting would be continued tomorrow morning. As if to impress the older leagues with the Idea that the Federal had come to stay. James A. Qilmore was re-elected president for a term of five year. In addition he was soected to serve as treasurer for a similar period. Robert B. Ward, .president of the Brooklyn Fed erals, was elected vice president and Lloyd Rickert secretary, each for a term of one year. All Want to Stick.' President Qilmore stated that the re ports of all the clubs as read at the meet ing ohowed that the league was In a satis factory financial condition, and that the sentiment of the club owners was unani mously in favor of continuing the organi sation along the lines originally laid out a year ago. He denied that anyl Initi ative had been taken by the' Federals looking toward peace with the National and American leagues, or that changes In the present circuit had been dlacuBeed at the meeting. Oilmore added that there wa no truth in th reports that the Ward brother of till city were negotiating for the pur chase of the New York Americana, or that Charles Weeghnwn was about to buy a controlling interest In tbe Chicago Na tionals. Harmony and satisfaction with the 1J14 season and the prospects for next year were the keynotes of the meeting. It was said. Ring of Defiance. There was a ring of defiance in the talk of various officers and club owners of the league. President Oilmore said no overtures toward peace had been sug gested at the meeting, either by the Fed erals or the old leagues. Twelve players. who finished the season with organised bsse ball, have elgned Federal lenguo contracts for 1915, and six or eight more are expected to enter the new league within a short time, according to Oil more. He said that the league had fstled to secure Teareau, Burns and Fletcher of the New York Nationals, aa had been hoped, because eaeh was bound by a three-year contract Although the Federal league magnates refuaed to dlacusa various reports regard ing the future plans of the Individual clubs of the league, there were aeveral rumora which were given credence by thoee who followed the meeting tn aa unofficial capacity. New York May Get Clek. Chief of the waa a report that the Ward would place a Federal club on Manhattan Island In case organised baae ball refused to recognise the belligerents. Another was that a re-arrangement of tha circuit would be made, eliminating several of the long Jumps aad unprofit able citle now Included la th organisa tion. Wceghman dented that h had discussed th purchase of the Chicago National In Cincinnati before oo ruing to this city for th annual meeting. He aid bia talk with Herrmann waa regarding the dls. position of the third club la Chicago, In caee a settlement of the difficulties be tween the old aud new league waa reported. According to Weeghman. he explained , to Herrmann that the Chicago Federals had come to stay, and sine that city could not support three clubs he desired to know what arrangement would be made should a peace compact be agreed upon. He refuaed to give the reply of the chairman of the National commission, Those Preaent. Thoso present at the meeting today and the clubs they represent were: Robert P., George S., and Walter S. Ward, Brooklyn; Charles Weeghman, Qhloago; Euward Hanlon. Harry Gold man end Carroll Ratn. Baltimore; E. W. Qwlnner and C. li. Comstock. Pittsburgh;, E. A. Stelnlnger and P. D. Ball, St. Louie; J. E. Krause, J. A. George, W. H. Watklns and E. e. Gates, Indian apolis; W. E. Robertson and Walter Mul lln, Buffalo; C. C. Madison, Kansas City. Ravenna and Broken Bow Tie. RAVENNA, Neb., Oct. 24. - Special. ) A foot ball game between the Broken How and Ravenna High school toainri played here Friday afternoon resulted In a tie score. 7 to 7. All the scoring was done in the f'rat quarter, after which . neither was able to penetrate the doton of the other. Two players were injured and taken from the field, but neither la seriously hurt. Creljrhtoa High Dejewted. SHENANDOAH, la.' Oct. X.( Speed a Telegram.) Crelghton HlKh lost a epoc taoular game to Shenandoah thla after noon, 84 to 14. Five touchdowna each made by forward paaaes, won lor the local eleven. Quarterback MoCAilre starred for tha visiting team. Bee Want Ads Produce ReauTta ', Kdigar Hlgrk Victorious. EDGAR, Neb., Oct. Z4. (Special.) The Edgar Hlph achooll foot ball team at Kdaar yesterday afternoon, won another i team. Score, Edgar, 7: Hebron, 0. Rcfer i eea. Merrick nf KiIitap anH vm.. c Hebron. 'Bee Want Ads Are tne Best BuslneB Mid Pleasures and fancies wherever he grxs. be he ever so humble, man like rood clothes. Our fitting; Is true and we tailor with care, gtylieh foods that are new and sure of long wear. Good Salts and Overcoats made to measure for from $25 to $40 Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and tjLe. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-806 Booth 16th Street. ... ATTENTION MOTORCYCUSTS Call or write for a catalogue on the 1915 Darley-Davidson and you will have the most ajrreeable surprise imagin able. VICTOR il. ROOS "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Neb.