Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 30
0 60 THB OMAHA SUNDAY WuYr. OOTOUKK -J5. 1914. Council Bluffs Council Bluffs TONY FIXA OOTOF TROUBLE Indictment Charging Removal of Gambling Fixtures Off Dockets, j MORE SUITS FILED IN COURT Minor Mention OomaeU Staffs Office .f Ta. Bee U at 14 aT.r Mat at Tu.a. a. Art ion fnr Dl.rc. aad !! t. Damiin Arroiat f I'rnoml I.Jarlrs - re Xtarlcd. County Altornrjr Capell yesterday dis missed the crim'nel riw against Tony Fixa. Indicted In connection ulth the at tempt of several men lajtt winter to re move from the basement of the court house a large quantity of gambling house paraphernalia that waa to be. used to fur nish new gambling house In fcouth ! Umalia. Two grand j.irlea Investigated the matter and parsed It up. but when Attor-; iiejr General Coseon was here. In Juiy he directed the grand Jury to return an In dictment. Fixa ill pot arrested until several months after then not until ho voluntarily returned to the city and surrendered. The case now has nn "teri.l except for the frlenda tt Pherlff 'Jndaey, who recall the manner In which he handled tt. It waa Sheriff IJndsey. perainally, who discovered the attempted removal ar.d prevented It. Jailer Heller hud av cured leave of absence to take hi wife to a theater In Omaha, and Instead of Twrmltt'ng the Jail to bo left for aeveral hcurs In the care of other. I.lndsey as sumed the duty himself and remained un til the Jailer returned at midnight The district court docket for the No vember term waa Increased yesterday ly the filing of a doxen new cases, many of them damage aulta. P. Petersen aaka the court for an ordet requiring the removal of a concrete load ing platform In front of the Mtaget bakery on Myniter street. A landlord's Hen waa tiled by Chris Ktraub against E. E. Gray and the Gray garage, asking Judgment for II, WO of rent to become due under the terms of the leas. William Hansen and wife, "Dora Han sen, bring separate suits against the county for personal Injuries sustained by Mrs. Hansen July i. last, when her horse became frightened at a pile of building rcaterlal left at a bridge approach two miles west of Hancock. The buggy waa wrecked and Mrs. Hansen pa'nfully hurt. Mrs. Hansen wants 2,W for her Injuries and her husband Vf for the loss of her services. Their claims were re jected by the county board. William Hanson and Paul Brown each sue the Rock Island Ilallroad company for personal Injuries sustained while working tho coal chutes of the company's local yards. Kach asks 15,000. The al leged accidents occurred August S3 and September li. A suit for against the Vnlou Pa cific was filed by Claude Green, who claims to have been hurt In the local yards, October . while engagod In mov ing loaded freight car. Work to Develop a Still Greater Iowa Tt accordance with a proclamation sued yesterday by Governor Clarke. N vombcr'15 to 21 Is officially designated its the week during which the people of the state will be asked to co-operate In tho encouragement of the Greater Iowa movement. ' The Greater Iowa association has plunntd meetings throughout the state and the hope la that during the Greater Iowa week there will not be community In the state in which some eapeclal effort is not made to increase the general prosperity of the atate. In his proclamation Governor Clarke auks the people to attend the meetings Iowa J REPEATERS ARE SUSPECTED De Moines Authorities Beliere They Hare Political Plot Davis, drugs. Victrnla. 116. A. Hospe Co. Corrigans, underiaarra. Phone It. Woodnng I'tidertak tig Co. Tel. 3. Gardner Proas, printing, 141 1st Ave. Ivtsis Cutler, funeral d. rector. Phone ST. Hot room, t: per week. Ogdcn hotel. Hnv your ohi at, cu: pics. J. Mleln Coal Co. Weight guaranteed. MtADI.KY KLtiTHH' CO. WIRINO AN1 FIXTCIlEd. PHONE v. TO AVK Olt TO BOWROW, BEB C. B. Mutual Bldg. and Loan Ass'n, V3 Pearl. A. W. Hickman uf Chadrnn. Neb., Is visiting hut niothor at S'S! First aventn. Fully guaranteed nrlct axes, SI li. No. 1 axe. Ford atecl, 1. Thy kli.d that give satisfaction. C. Hafcr l.umlr Co. Pr. It. A. Woodhur'-. dentist. rnovd to Happ Mock. phon lllaek TT. unitary and modern appliances, modern te prices. Conk's Cehnlng Works, rw Broadway. I'hoim 17. Have j our dry cleaning, dye ing and repairing done now before cold wVbcr. Velvet collars put on overcoata. Prices reasonable and first class work guaranteed. Mies Grace llllgren, Albion. Neb., one of the most popular student nurses at .Mercy hospital, illeti tnere y-eieruny , afternoon from typhoid fever, which she . contracted while in the discharge of her . (f'Ules In the typhoid ard. where at one timo a few weolte ago there were more , than a scorn of cases. Miss Mllnen was Ifr years old. Her mother and two sisters survive her. The body waa tnken yceter- 1 dny to Albion tor burial. Tho funeral will tie held Sunday. Pr. 1 A. Tlnlt-y received a letter yester day afternoon from Will Marshall an nouncing the death of his mother at Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Marshall was found lying ied on the lawn of her home., Phe had been apparently In the best of health and was seen working about the lawn an hour before, tflie waa found by neighbors. Heart diseaae waa the cause of death. Tim Marahalls were well known In Council Bluffs, where they lived for many years. Prof. Marshall was for a number of years one of the teachers at the Iowa ffchoo for the Deaf. Prof. Marshall died several years ago, after i removal to California. Will Marshall Is now county clerk at Vancouver. Wash. I Mrs. Marshall was burled at Pasadena on Tuesday. j The funnrnl of Mrs. Burke, who died J Sunday at the family homo in Hardin township, wan buld yesterday, and was very largnly attended. Hev. J. M. Will-' lama, former pastor of the Broadway church, came here from Perry, la., to conduct the services. The pall-, bearers war Prank Perry. P. I. Karnes, U Thomas, George Quick, Martin Jen sen and V. R, Morris. There were a great many (lowers. The casket was burted In the Hardin cematerv. The call extended to Rev. William P. liovett of Grand Rapids to become Pas tor of the First Baptist church here haa been declined by him, apparently with great reluctance. Mr. Luvett had oc cupied the pulp.t many tiinea during the summer and had entered Into the home life us wll as the church life of the con gregation. After the official call was extended the members were confident he woi-ld accept. His declination was. therefore, a distinct disappointment. The Fhiimh has been w.thout a pastor since June 1. The Knlghlrf the Full Moon held their first rehearsal of the new show last evening. It waa not a dress affair, but .",lwosd to discover how nearly all Ptavr had learned their parts. William Hchnorr and v. II lintu. ?r J'm? ".k trl,l headquarters portfolio of songs 'and hfgh grade nia I:??1 .hBt rl" "0r "nto the Moon- MAY BE COLONIZATION SCHEME District Jsjeae f Pelk Cnmntt Helds Retatlea of assea Xeed Het Regit) with asaes la Alphabet Ira I Order. (From a fits ft Correspondent.) DEH MOINES, la., Oct 23. tpectal Telegram.) Though the polltlcsl cam paign In Iowa haa been notable for quiet ness, sufficient Internet has been tsken locally for frauds to be attempted for registration of voters In Pea Moines. The registration board In one preolnct be came suspicious of two persons and upon investigation found that the residence numbers given were fictitious and no such persons were knoan In the precinct. This wss believed to Indlcato a plan to colonize the city for repeaters, and the sheriff took matters In hsnd. nertsloa am flotatloa. Judgo Kamrar, in district court today, decided that It Is not necessary to place the names of candidates for Judge on the ballots In alphabetical order before be ginning tho rotation of names. Butt had been brought against the county auditor to compel him to rearrange the swuna tnierest of one candidate. The court de clared that too much Importance Is at tached to alphabetical precedence. Prior to coming to Hamilton county Andrew rihltllnglaw had been a world rover. He was born and raised tn teot land. Karly In life Andrew and his brother end the letter's wife left Scot land and went to Argeutina, South Amer ica,' where they embarked tn the sheep raising business. After a hard life of many years there, the, brother and his wife both died, leaving the two feeble minded little' children. These Andrew Hhllllnglaw brought to Hamilton county with him. and It Is alleged by the trustee of the estate, who waa defendant In the will contest action, that he had promised his brother that he would care for these mentally weak children all their lives. The contestants allege that Influence was brought to bear on Andrew Shilling law and that he was not In his rtgh,t mind, owing to the excessive use of in toxicants. The relatives who brought the action all live In southeast ' Ham.lton county. They are Jeanette Hhllllnglaw, John Hhllllnglaw. Thomas Bhlllinglaw, Peter Bhlllinglaw, Joseph Bhlllinglaw, Allen Bhlllinglaw, Mary Jane Bhllllngtaw, Jennie Clauaaen, Andrew Gibson Bhllling law and Mary Ritchie, ! i .wM " ' lnere ' rty people "V"" -". apparent. Those .who will take the ur Inrin.i season and who attended the rehearsal Inst n!ght were: P. J. McRrid Pry I fsdoiett. Erwin Pp.'tmn... A. Tow-.!- V. k Hon' L Kvann. Howard Butler' JUiK " C."rl Su"'off- "nJ HICKS WILL CASE IS IN HANDS OF THE JURY GLEN WOOD. Is.. Oc t. .-In district court In session here. Judge Arthur nn. and assist In the fundamental purpoae' 1 siding, the entire meek has been occupied contested will case of John Hicks tf Hastings. The Jury went out at 5 o'clock Thursday evening and at this timo seems hopelessly divided. Mr. Hicks left a considerable estate to h: wife and the contesting children claim mental unsoundness at the lime of the making of lh will, and undue Influence of cne daughter. The c.m, has been ciosciy contested. Or. WltUe of Clar-It-la and I'.rsiow of Council Bluffs ap pearing for the opposing sides as ex ports A rtan.age ca brought to Mills county by the counties f p, Kr,m0nt just commencing. The suit Is brought by Ella Johnson, administratrix, her hus band being killed when a threshing en rine went tnrough a bridge on the Pace county line and Is for fc!l,f. - Spillman Plans Another Busy Week PIEltCK. Neb,o7r Ji-jSpK-iaD-o. Snlllnn. republican candidate fnr ,... rejs In this district, la putting a whlrl ) wind f' to his campaign. Today he - i rcsion. l.?h. Claiksoii. How el.s. OodKs and Knj der. Haturdsv he will speak at Wynot, hi. J.nie,. Hooker, lona. New Castle. JVna and South Hloux City On Monday Bpillnian IJ b Sl another shaking trip, the schedule of which ia us follows: fn, . ..... i. . .. , . wiuurr -t -Merman. 9 a. m.: . .., . i.ii, it n, in - in.. charged with entering a mcrch.ndlsM car. ! I , ' r.r, Ho"-1- i. n . ; Waltlilll. of the association to develop a Greater Iowa In all that the words mean a bet ter and greater cltlsenshlp, a state greater through Intensified agricultural produc tion, through Industrial expansion and development, through promotion and de velopment of Ha animal Industries, through the promotion of its commerce and trade throughout the aUte and world, through the betterment of Its schools. Its publlo highways, through the Improvement of the conditions of living' COME IN AND have a drink with Us. We Just tapped a new barrel of swet cider. We will fill your Jugs for SS cents a gallon. We also have wbat goes with It, new chestnuts and popcorn. If you want to make any sauer kraut we sell you cabbage in thirty pound lots at lj cents per pound. Tokay grapes. S& cents; sweet potatoes, SO cents per peck; Jonathan apples, 23 cents peck; grape fruit, I and 10 cents; new spinach. S cents peck; green beans. I pounds for li cents; celery, i cents; new tomatoes, S pounds cents; cranberries, ISo cents; mlnormeat, 14 cents pound; Golden Rule flour, Sl-tt. Bartel Miller. Tele phone ilA Two Great Western Men Under Arrest George Bteppuhn. a clerk In the Great Western freight orficci, and J. C. POiode, a car repairer, employed by the company, vwere In police court yesterday morning I"jclt was held under bouda for a fuiher hearing today. The nrresls wrre made and tho charges f ;I d by V. A. iiurke and H. U Hall, s-iccial officer of the railroad. They allege that they wale bed Rhodes break the aeal of a ner handue car and alter going trulde an 1 n n 1 1 .... . l'. m.; Dakota. T p. m. ' Til.aiUv. i.N-tober 27-Ponca. t.' , -rl".'r ' w . ni-: Allen, 11 I. m! ,t m.: .aurel. p. .: roUrldge, p. nu: Korrt.vce. "". P. in.: 7 b n m, l"Vv ru:x""- ! Hloomfield' I'- ni. t ...I.....!.. ... . . -. " hammering around for a i.ihiute. nrun.K !,0 ;K pfahntw It I- 5 they say he left car open and went Poster. IJ ,.: IMeroe, 1 p. m.; Osmond.' away, returning soon after with Step- - f- ': Uandolpti, s p. m : Carrol), i puhn. The dclet-Uvea say that after Thul Il:tubr 'Siw'1""' ' m" some guoda had ben thrown out Rhode m.; Kmeinn 10 a. nj.;Thur?nlrn'a.'m- tiled the car with a fresh seal. '' " . I'ehllng. i p.' ,.; winslow. 6 p Both men deny any wrong purpose an 1 ,,,! 1,' pi ; "neruft, t p. m.; U oos KA.y that Kbodes, as a car repairer had a ilKht to break like seal and enter th car, snd that tfteppuho was alio in the dis charge of Ms duties. The detective, however, say the rsr had been previously lepalred. . Friends uf tho uien protest gainst ths arrests and asaert that both men have not been guilty of anything wrong, and that explanations will ex cotiate thein. Heal Instate Traasfers. Tl.e following real e.talfl translers filed Friday weiw reported la The H by th rutiaaattamle Coui.ty Abstract cum T. II. Cue and lf to M Tt. 'her-Tii- k. aS i'.t II and lot 1!. bluck Hi, ' K !'): UU1., w. d fUj W. it. Cchui-a to Thonias McMlllen. hits t r..t 4. A,h k 4. Meiuug c I'atis' u.iit)Mtt, w. d 1.1 Two traiafer. lolnl. NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED OF HAWKE'SJMEN MISSING IXtNDON. rv t. t.-A list of ca.i.Klt'es among the crew of the cruiser Hawke which was aiink recently by a German submaitne, shows that two men Were killed and are mining. Thee figures ere contained In a list Issued by the ad mirulty. It is feared the men reported as missing must be regarded a having been lost when the veasrl MOk. accord ing to the admiralty's statement. Previous reports shoaeg that of the new of Ui officers and men fifty-two were saved by a trawler and twenty-one other were picked , up from a raft on which they bad escaped from the Hawke. Bee Wsut Adj Produce Results Thome Would Have Government Make . Good Hen's Lapses "ej ' WASHINGTON, Oct, 24.-"!f It is right for the government to shield tho railroads from the effects of tlie war: If It Is right for the government to make good tho losses of people In different Industries, I am going to propose a measure that will require every hen In Iowa to lay an egg very day; If she falls to do so, that the government shall make up to the owner of that hen, the value of the egg she did not lay." This statement was made by Clifford Thorite, counsel fur several western state railroad commissions and shippers' asso ciations in presenting the shippers' side of the case at th hearing before the In terstate Commerce commission on appli cation of eastern railroads for a general Increase In freight rates. - 'The hearing came to an end today and Arguments will be heard next weok, with every Indication of an early decision by the commission. The presentation of the rase of the opposing shippers occupied less than two hours, as against five daya occupied by witnesses for the csrriors. Mr. Thorns took the position that no bust I ess depression had been shown by the carriers that did not equally affect ship pers, and that the Increase would be un just. Obunsel for all other shippers re ported joined in the statement. Arguments will begin next Thursday morning and probably will be concluded Friday. CZAR NICHOLAS DECORATES RUSS ARMY COMMANDER LONDON. Oct S4.-Emperor Nicholas haa conferred the order of St. George, third class, on Grand tuks Nicholas, commander-ln-chlef of ! Russian forces, and the as me order, fourth class, on Captain Martlnoff. Captain MsrUaoff. though wounded, remained for three days on an unpro tected observation post, exposed to shell and shrapnel fire, directing the artillery fire- When a shell stsrted a fire close to a powder magaslna he led the party which extinguished the flames. WEAD SUED FOR MONEY PAID HIM BY BEATRICE BKATRICC. Neb.. Oct. 84 tSpeclul Tel egram.) The city of Beatrice today Insti tuted suit In the county court to recover t-V) from F. V. Wetd, a real estate dealer of Omaha, through a mistake In condem nation proceedings for the location of ilLy wells tn Paddock addition supposed to be j owiua uy ur, vro, dido toe amount aas pa'd Mr. Wead It haa been discovered that tho wells were nut located on Ma Un-1 and the city now brings action to recover the amount paid Wead, which he ref'ss to return. Bee Want Ads Are Taiuous as Result-Otters. MAETERLINCK MAY BECOME . FRENCH ACADEMY MEMBER PARTS. Oct J4.-There is a possibility that Msurirs Maeterlinck, the Belgian author, may be elected to the French academy by acclamalioa to fill the seat of the Iste Jules Claretle. The members of the academy are considering such ac tion as recognition of the close relations at the present tints between France and Belgium. If Maeterlinck. Is elected, It will be the first time a foreigner has become a member of the French academy. . Free Victrola concerts dally in our Victor parlor. The only complete lln of records and Victors la this city. ' A. Hospe Co.. 407 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. . , Cole's high oven ranga. a beater and cooker aU In oae. price, tea. P. C, V Vol Hardware company. lot Broadway. ' . Bee Want Ads Are tho Vest Business Boosters, A' tp aslJss to Investors The best investment in the world is Real Estate if properly located. Real estate is accepted as the basis of all values and the safest of all securities in other words, the best security on the earth is the earth itself, If you have a little money laid by and wish to. pur chase a home in which to live or as -an investment, in vestigate some of the offers in the real estate columns of the Classified Section today. Invest your idle money safely It is sometimes a problem to get the greatest profit from your surplus money and yet have it safely invested Stocks are unreliable and are bound to fluctuate more or less. . ' Good real estate is profitable and absolutely safe It grows in vaL ue each year if intelligently purchased Stop that eternal rent bill Make a start today to own your own home. A small cash payment and a conservative monthly amount will enable you to buy a home and live in it rent-free. You will not only be saving money by buying a home, but will , have an asset when , it is paid for and a place which you can call - your own to live in in your old age. Read the real estate columns The Bee publishes today offers of property of all classes. The best bargains and the most bargains are always advertised in The Bee, and those published to day are well worthy of your investigation. 3 Telephone Tyler 1000 TH E OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads