Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 28

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IYaaeee Cnttan-es.
lloasea sa4 CeOaa-ee.
Fidelity Storage
Now is the time to decide whether or not you will Bavo fuel
and house rent this winter snd etore your household goods. We
offer unusual faciJitiea low Insurance rates, rooms steam heat
ed throughout, clean, well ventilated and conveniently located.
Private locked rooms, from $1.50 per month up.
Fidelity Moving
We are proud of our up-to-date moving and packing
eervico. "Wo are equipped to handle your ordor promptly and
efficiently. We ore a responsible concern and therefore can
guarantee absolute satisfaction. Our rates are moderate. We
(shall be glad to send a representative to figure with you,
Thone us Douglas 288.
Fidelity Storage & Van Co.,
ICth and Jackson Streets.
This la ft eottege ef firs flna reams,
and lit different toa, frmn tint regular
run oi esltaaw homes. Thf ttuMlde ap
pearance, la most pleaslngi It's heat awl
httracttve. THa poreh I ftfl ,lliBictf tf
f, With ttf-wil brick "leig Bulll. uli (m ft
nas brick apnrnnfilWI Mil ,
h steps, hull Ml wlH iieaTf
resting on tp( eULiixft'h '
TIib poreh I i IVl ,11
sse.1 brick BlrrS H'llll
line nut tne i"p ni inn rwi'f
lev and h
aide up ih
Columns resting on tPi UMwr'l'
rretty ornamental dormer t "fk mti
ha Poreh Bleps. Tha .(("?? 18 1
bevel plata quartered oaki LIYinf!
I gnodelsed with maaslvg ea fcW.ytlHAtl
opening Id tilea dtnlruf N-Jifli Le.rse
kitchen and pantry, fail bHt'K ami relt
trete basement two flna helHms .
Closet for each, lam balhrewttil TUI llf n-
Srade plumbng fixtures, r.ieetrlH Uftlita
nd nice electric shower1
polished oak floor. Uvlnrt hnH
Hlr.lni room finished In seletilra fed haji.
Built Rood, strong and substamlttu rllee'f
Decorated throughout. It's a real Hntna
ready to move Into with n eepenrr- '
tm it ready. The lot la full frOalK
bn good street clone te tw lltvd and
school, concrete walks. Several hearing
trott trees that were Bel eai eeiyro me
A cosy eottage, modern except heat,
and tw lara tot, with plenty of room
ior ft aardcu neat swing and nloe plaoe
tor ft 1 until of uhlonetis. la a good, relU
able pail who will take ears of the
properly I will rent It all for only tu.tio
but month. Tha kola lie and to mud. niak-
(us una ! of ground ono lot wide
ttJ ism
lone. Beak lot all set to
house wae hnllt You are nil fletiki new
t ayln; l por month rent rer em' huuat.
that dxe not Jimt Bult you, anil eiiei lee.
that doee not compare with thlit bnei I
know ! ft Httln late to but It
od will look thla place ''"affuli
fnm whl find It Is worth the effort! and.
further, 1 will ray your V'??"
in. i tli. .now. thi-n, let the fent to
are par'nB downtown pay for thla ftBod.
fcniy homo. The price, on aapaMnt ef bt.-
e;ult, but will make a, nice plaoe for a
ilf I'hiuHBU S-ftd. and aUo room for ft
rtva aarden ae well,- House la a neat lit
BOtiaaluw, with nloe living room, dln-
1H reuiiti ffuod-eleed. bedroom, oonvnnlent
ijlvhen and fcmtrr'. full brkk buetnant,
nice liardndad floors, bathroom with por-
eeialn tub, water elussl, ulty water, eieo
jrlo llaht With hlus fixtures, gas In
l lichen for PooMlns, A. good, warm and
foinfiirlnbls little home, almoet new, and
In adotilon to big lots on street oi neat
homes, ncment Walks all In, cloee to
Cntholld kuhool and also near publlo
st'hooli This will rent quickly, so do not
Wnli. me at once today. I'hone
neon 1M. Take Benson car, gel ori : ai
-t Hk. la Uoniun ftiid soma south to No,
Ing ft little laie. la nd t-
party 1 w.ll ell for $1 caeh and P
rnonth. Thla 8 per month "t''j 'hJ
interest 1 want you to see tills home
V oil will not find offers like this ne
Spring. Take tha car now get aff at Ml
Kt. In Beneon, coma south about kaJC .
tlock to 2i. Vbona I4nen, 1U Fi s.
ft-t-r. oottege, Kos i'atrlok A
lft.r, cottaxe, bath, Wtl Ohio.
l--r. houee. JMH-H Harney.
h) 4-r, rnodern lioiiae, 10 Meredltn.
I.r., modern, iw lnthrop1
--r., modern, nice, Maaon.
tw-r modern, fine. 1 Iaveiirt.
.i&-.r. rood , large jtrounda, W Harney,
fit-4-r. house at l N. Jth.
W. M. GATES, ' .
MT Omaha Nat l Pank Uldg. I r. M.
Jt'BT completed, exceptionally attractive
-room brick- dwelling, elegant ,tl"
fixture. A bargain. M H. KUt Ht
Tyler yj01-J.
Karnani, -r., modern, 3d,
ol Jackn. i-r., modern. Ii2.0.
l Po. 2th Pt., -r., modern, IJO.W. '
rMS Ho. 24th Ht., a-r.. part modern, lv
? '.'a liuuont. -r., part miMlern. 111.
PMO Bo. lth Pt., e-r., cistern. I.
SatJ Ho. lih Kt.. 4-r., city water, IT.
itr.'U Ho. th St., -r.. city water, fV
ii Po. tmh Ht., 4-r., city water. Hi
ua Kim, 4-r. well, $H.
CH F-lUIl. PONS CO..-.. .
Iiouglas M Ma Hoe Wlfliri
gooa wall.
litcken tinusa, garden epeoe, $11
BW Hi IUin rear. -r., mm, ,
114 and Wl . lth, two . louls flats,
r and rea. hall U sash, atrlotly modem.
t tarenworth, Id floor, -r. flat mod.
mod. .ex. ht.,
lin . lh, M, B., i-r., mod. ax. heat.
.... . . m.w1 . t-i
wb humlna BL. Id. floor front, a-r.,
A 1h and Ht. Marv a Ae.. can, let two
. 1... anartment: etrli lly moo-
em. Janitor ferrloai w'endtd downtown
loratloni moderate Vni. ,"
apartments over today. Bee Janitor at
rear ouuoing.
First Trust Co.
thiuglasml. , . .
m-i . Itth Kt. nret Wl:w.
tut N. 1TH. 6 rooms third floor. Ill uo.
1311 g. mih Ht.. I roome, all modern. plM.
4ii B. Itth Ft., rooma, all modern, .
414 K. lih Bt., T room, all nioilern, M.
2l N. Nth, rooms. W.
fc3 N. th. roomi. upstair, modern.
1117 Iavenwcrth, 4 rooms, tlT.W.
iwn N. 17th, I rooms, $31.
8. 251 h. I roums, with garage, 140.
Slil JklaMcn, 7 mom, tn.
roa Rr:NT.
I16S-T-I remain, I rooms aach, wrick
uats, all modern, newly flnlahed, tit.
Fhona Douglas IW. til B. 17th Bt.
1KMU PAHK-7 ioiim. strictly meUeraT
reaoy py or Deioie isovcmi)r larga
lot. liKiallon beautiful: t4o4 Hawthorne.
Also Kit Caldwell, 7 rooms, modern ex
Pt hont, flret-olass oondllknn. V, UN1
T-IC house. 111! Kranklln. Harney till
4-rooui. new and moderu. Miller Park
sjecuon, uu. .
a-room, new and "modern Fontanel te
, iiiva. ana inuiora Ave., Uu.
B room (two with 4 lots each), west af
Miner rare, near gooa Brnool, 97. MH
4-room overhauled, new, 17th Bl, ftear
Lka. 111.
Bevral aeree and house, well. ate. .tr-
bmu vu'.ivrr, eie. ngni aiviie 1
, bas. lit JkV II llameoB I o. 1'axtnn lk.
Aii;tw -era lietilct, 7-r. luedera
. noun, tM nump tre . l. iXA.
Ft,,-' irfc'tly mod.nM oak
m r ilia kocailun,
. 14 tlraoe Bt , 1 rooms, modern, fan,
7-n r. wn, to-r.. modern, 22 ink,
&! B. 2M, 7-r., strictly modern, I
1U4 a fcd. I-r.. Ilu.
. 1W0 rarnam. Tel. Imuglaa ln4.
IAKithi moitern douule brick rvotulng
houee. ru7- Farnam. r
-r. modern reeldunce, with hot water
ra.i ma targe grounae,
t-r. houee. 1137 Doutrlas tit.. 13b.
I-r. raod. house, 4 Davenport, m,Mk
r-r. hiou. uricx, lixi rv li, tn.
tJOHT-HOM modern houee at i
waaon. very aice, tor ouly ta
good party.
47 Omaha Nat Bank Uldg Doug, im,
i-HoiM oottage, modern exceut heal
ui emmet m i all eO. .
i-l N. If th fcL-7 rooiua. all mo.Urn, It
i. iMinar-w., Booa. ex. heat. I JO
i . et -r., mod. ex. hat. Ill
h i rj-moe ut a-r m.m. ex. heat. II
- -t urti, t- 1 - hartl. .n.. ill li
IU3 N. Hoi h ht. -r. mod. ex. heaL 1,4
ot.iH lflr.JSliJlv t.O.,
VM Uotlge BL fhone Douglas 411
tLVfcN-KOOa house at Ijv N. 17ih,
modern, hot wter hvet; IJi. Amos
onun, tAiuiiu ew or wrnitor etr.1
ti Heducwd from IJU; -room vottaga,
iu 3) era except hat: east front
paved street; 1411 N. Kith kSU
i6 New f-rooin outtage, utodern except
iwi two luie tote; evia ana farker,
111 Nice 0-room cotlaae. ouly It blocks
irou city nun; souin fiout.
I- bit rooms; two-story square house,
iitlre!y modern; Dutg bheriuaa Ave.
r .".ice s-rooin entirely nioo rn dwelling
lsrice, flii locetluu: north.
aei roiti-r lytb and fmti Bta.
mTT i H1L.I, CO..
I.uiflss '-7-t MeCagua Bldg-
MuDKl-.N ft-ruom house, tub eL Xlh Ave.
vavMi.t Kovrmker a, Cao be Been after
a. in. any amy. inquire T. J. 0"i)riu.
j-iicr nmfr i or KOilglea U1&.
e-H. mod. toiLr. 7i b. 7th bl., lib; j-r.
mod. I.KUJH, icl4 D vuw(,rt h bt., .
kvth 1 tocultoiis. Hie W'ebautr t.Ai.
tlHI Ptnney it., tt-r.. modern, vu
h:i (hlco. I-r.. modem. 12.
Ill li r.tll lv . -r.. modern, 125.
1H) rnlilwoll, 1't.. modern, newly
kill Bn
lul M tolii. T.r . larw rarn.
ton nET
lloaaee 4 ottBsree.
5-r.-m Nichols, will rent to colored. H5.
S-r. lt Clark, within easy walking dla
tsnre. tit.
t-r. 111 N. Ud ft., neat cottage, foot
, rer.ldence district, 1.
t-r. 1 N. 17th Bt.. within very easy
walking illclance: reduced to 121.
-r. 4Z13 N. 24th Ht , cloea to Amea Ave.
car bsrn. Will fix In first-class
shape for good party! also maJte
other Inducements; 111.
-r. 3M4 Capitol Ave., a good cottage,
very cine In, desirable restdence
dlKtrlrt. I22.R0.
T-r. 442. Prlitol, Urge yard, good barn.
only tan.
t-r. 431 N. 14th, close to Amea Are. car
barn: bars-nln at 1-1
t-r. tvi Amea Ave., practically new
house, nicely locatod, modern In
every detail. Danraln at IX.
t-r. -4334 Lake Bt., a brand new, strictly
modorn houee. WUl decoratw to suit
tenant. Reduced to only 6.
t-r. 1117 ). KM, choice cottage, good resi
dence district. 130.
t-r. 110 ft. V-th Ave., In the heart of tha
West Kamam district
I-r. 6 Webster Ht., ft brand new.
strictly modern stucco bungalow;
large living room; beautiful fire
place: beamed ceilings; large yard;
T-r.-el N. Md St.. SOUTH OMAHA.
strictly modorn brick dwelling, close
to business center, onlv ftk.
7-r. 270 N. 20th. first-class condition.
7-r. and sleeping porch 1817 Rvana, praxv
ucaiiy nuw house. In a very destr
able resldenra district, IX. Special
Inducements If tsken at one.
I-r. I4 N. list Ht., 2o.
I-r. 16 .1 S5th Ave., rood realdence) dis
trict; bargain at I.
-r. 4hi3l Harney, choice detached house.
very clone In: hnriraln at i:a Rfl.
I-r. 1M2 N. 40th, choice detached houea,
in rirst-clsss residence district Will
decorate to suit tenant, IJ5.
t-r. iszi Chicago. Will decorate and put
In rlrst-Clusa Shan for enod tenant
8-r. and mu d's quarters 1039 B. .10th Ave.,
a oeauririii aetacnml holme in ft flrst
clnas residence dlntHct tvi
-r. 2X Farnsm. a choice brick dwelling
witnin walking distance) to business
renter: reduced ts ten.
W-r.-I4M Hrlstol a lrrt?fl brick dwelling
with good barn In the rear; largo
(, reuuern to only sja,
t-r. 1404 N 17th clnu In t
B-r.-115 N. ttth; reduced to Bl. SO.
i-r. 7 Howard, a cho ca "St Louis"
flat, first-class condition, close in,
Rood resilience section; bargain at
t-r. ou St. 19th, prartloally new "Bt
Louis" flat, hardwood finish through
out; gas rAnga and refrigerator fur
nished; bullt-ln buffet In dining
room; very choice place; reduced to
-r.-322 N th, within walking distance,
close to CreUxhton college. 132.60.
8-r.-10 8 Mth Bt, a very choice brick
dwelling In the heart of the West
Farnam district; first-class condi
tion, 142.60. I
ItoT-r.-In all part f the city, ranging
In price from J0 to 15. Bee our com
plete list before renting.
QIC Omsha Natlonnl Hank Bldul
Vlaree sal Of rices.
IN'D FLfOR pfflc rooms or suitable for
light mfg. Wright 4k Lasbury, 6o 8.
1th Doug. i:.
Storps for ltent
20th and Farnam Rts.
I 75.00 nr mnth for rooms on ant ri fit.;
fine basement.
I12S.00 per month for rooms Just aost f
Mcrrltt a drug store, fnrltig n
Farnam fit. ht furnlKhM. Thee
rooms sre strictly modern and
very desirable.
Other (lood Store Rooms
I t? to-wi. Hherman Are., ISxW) ft.
32.00 520 Cumins; Ft., new building,
room 'xw ft.; full basement.
sn.on T07 fo lth Ht., 20x00; steam hest
75 00-ail So. lth Bt, fine modern store
room, to) ft: full basement, eleo
trlo light modern show windows.
85.001.1 Firnm St. 20x00; full base
ment IJfi.OO Mil Howard Ft. modern store
room, full basement Bteam hoat
will be Installed at nce
liO.00 621 Bo. lfith St., modem store room
In too Mfx-k; very desirable
150.00 2rlk-fil Farnam St.. rxfi0 ft; full
George & Company,
902 City Nat. Rank BMg. Phone T. 7V. .
EXPICIUtNCKD gmf-ery e.crk; can cut
meat if necessary, tveferences furnished.
SITVATION wanted in privste fsmlly of
not more than three, by colored la'ly.
Reference Call Wcli'cr 4iH9. Mrs. Have.
WASTKIV-A position as chauffeur. Not
afralj of work Homo man Don't lose
the chance. Ad lreee K J1, Pee
CA rtPEN'TFR, f'rst-clas "workman, de
lrs steady pofltl in Walnut
WANTED Hy rood colored woman, day
work. Address H Wi.
POSITION desired so general housework
and janitor, or porter, with 12 years'
exfH-rl'-nce, can furnish reference. I'hone
DAT WORK wsnted. Phone Dong. KM.
150 Sq. Ft, with water and light free.
17th Street Exposure
Office Room, 103.
arji non.. j-.. . , -
terheat ,w'u""co- ' rooms, not wa-
f 2trjLPJ;rk?' T room"' modern.
rWOV-HOS No. Inth fit. I rooms, modern.
vacant November 1.
JSS-li? umnK. 7 rooma, modern.
IS0!!4 No- lh St.. t rooms, modern.
Douglas. I rooms, modem.
! Bo- th 8 1 rooms, modern.
la.OO 1818 Charles, I rooms, modern.
! 2 2H10 No. 14th Bt. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat
lll.oo No, I Shelby Court, 6-r., modern
except heat
ni.OO 4rvT Marcr Bt, 6 rooms, modern. 22.11 Bo. 10th.. -r., mod. ex. beat
llB.oo-IUI No. 10th Bt. t-r.. mod ex. heat
14.0O-1O06 No. m St., -r.; water and
10 no 8401 Parker Bt.. 4-r., mod. ex. heat
10.00-2?i Tssrd Bt. I rooms.
1CI Famsm Bt. Phone Doug. fM
8,00--r.. 414 B. Wth Bt, modern, fins
location. .
l47.r--r. apartment, III f. 1Mb Bt.
steam heat. Janitor Berries.
141.00 t-r., 1111 Cass Bt, modern, garaga.
42.0 4-r. ftiiartinent In Tha Harold,
17th and Jackson Bts.
I40.00-r., 101 B. Central llivd., modern.
ItOilO 7-r., 6111 Capitol Ave., modern
bungalow, hot water heat
tVflo 7-r., 4f Hurt Bt, modern, garage.
HKS.00 7-r KOI H. tAth Bt, modern.
iiKipot-r., R04 B. 14th Bt, modem.
lii.OO I-r., Kl Capitol Ave., modern ex
cept heat
IJO.00 l-r . 4S01 Cuming Bt, modern ex
cept heat
UXOO-t-r., Mil Bherman Ave., modern
except beat
901 City National Bank Bldg.
I'hone Doiiflss 7M
inl Tiouglss, 10-rm. sttani heated. PA
Utf Davenport 7-rm., all modern, IV 50
t-rrn., steam heated flat 40th and Far
nam, I to.
bit . Bl. 10-ri. modera. ITS.
til 4 N. Cd. ft-rtn.. all modern, rood
peiKhborhnod, S8,
s-lt N. lih. s-rm., all mod., close In. ISO,
-Jl Hamilton, t-rtn., all modern, 128.10,
t'.n ft. isth. IniL. all modern exceDt
heat. jlS.
4T"I Padflo it, T-rm., electric light US.
sios lorrjy. -rm.. city water.
barn. 110.
M. r, PrHTWirx. el BOX,
100 Bee Bldg
long and luut Paulflo Bt, 7-room modern,
xiu, (oi l'ark Ave., eor. Jackson. T rooms.
almost new, brick, oak finish, fine: only
w. The Alaatlon ApartmenU. Ut-lll S.
Mh It mat location In tha eltyi I mia;
winter rata, garage and extra
rooms If desired. 1HI B. Ud Bt., l-rro. cot
tage, only no. Wk B. 17th Bt. T rma.
KI M. 4114 N. ttth Aire., T mis., bath. 114.
I- 1. Bfaldlng, 1411 Fantftm Bt Phone
Harney n or Trier MO.
UltKikrN cottage. Praetlcai new. cleam
nova vv f lj. v Busier eooo.-
Largs Van, I men, IJ a
Van ftnd fcter-
age Co. Hedueed
rates for o days.
h kp w
irrr nr. ilia Tvvoflier IKkug. 14SS.
CtAJbfti-IN 4-rtxim house, beet condition.
h o. etai. n,
Foil HKNT-November L 1U ft. tvth Are
7-roo4n modorn nat Bee Charles O.
McDonald or J. J. Tomg. fU liraodels
hii'i ruunf fougiaa iim
Five rooms, modern, on tha FW. t4th St.
ear Una, Eg. Will leaee for ono year to
rreponainie party ror w.
reen rooms and nail. Wnctiy modem,
hardwood finish In first story: 8 bed
rooms upstairs, one bed room or den and
bath on first floor. n. This house fronts
on a paved street and boulevard, IVi blocks
from car line.
Feven rooma, sleeolng porch and sun
room, new and desirable, exceptionally
fine view; quiet nrlghboDhood, tf4, or Ib6
with garage.
Twelve-room house, on Win M.. near
Harney, tHft. .
Fight rooms, monern.. zaiz r-acirio, ti e.
Klaht room, modern, with two bath
rooms. In the West Farnam district, tftO.
Very desirable, s-room brick St. Lrouis
flat, close-tn, ITS.
J. II. UUMUNT eX t-ll..
1r Farnam Bt Phone roug. .
1CS0 No. 24th Bt, 22x00. .Splendid retail
location. Fixtures go with store. Mental
A. P. TtTKEY 4k SON,
441-t-J Board of Trade. Doug. 6n2.
bTOKtl, 140 Harney.
Store, 611 (So. Wth., liki4 Cuming.
Of lice rooms, ud iloor SIS Fo. 15th.
Fine, oentraliy located hall.
124 Omaha National bank lliilg.
Telethone Douglas 1612.
For Sale
In good running condition. Good tires
and equipment Owing to crowded condi
tions we will sell these cars very cheap.
Look them over. If you want one It la
yours, for the price can ba adjusted to
fit your pocketbook.
Automobile Co.
KOI l SAIE peet Job printing plant In
Omaha: laying ; owner must sell ac
count of sickness, tan arrang-i terms.
I'nce, I")
Bee BMu.
Only exclusive stock in the bost
city of twelve thousand inhabitants
In Nebraska.
Best of reason! for tailing, laket
about twelve or thirteen thousand
dollars to handle It, no trades con
sidered. Address Y 250, Bee.
FOR PA L.K A lot of laundry machinery.
including II II -P. ens ne. All In good
condition. Address Falrbury Laundry
Co., Falrbury. Neb
UHOCF.RY TOHK for snie. only ex
clusive one In Itve town of 1.100, located
In western Iowa. Doing good business.
Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for
selMns Address Y-JM. onre Bee.
2421 Fernsm St.
421 Bo. ifth Ave,, fine for barber. 111.
VH No. 24th, S2xf. 3.
14j6 Ho. 14th, X'A 15.
14i Farnam Bt., 4,30u sq. ft. floor space
on M and 3d floors, elevgtor, I1Z6.
Tyler 1K. rotate Bank Bldg.'
Two Rooms. Bnsulte,
Btrewt Exposure,
m si. ft.
Water and K.lactrio Light
Ready Nov. 1st.
The Bee Building.
Office Boom 103.
H.154 Bo. f.'th Ht. storeroom, 24 x 40, $M.
423 Bee Bldg. Doug, tn
HAU., N. W. 24th and Tarker, about
60x60 ft; 11 months' lease,
BTOREHOOM, atesm heat. 14 B. 13th St.,
218 Board of Trade Bldg.
PART 107 S. 16th, modern. 140.
Ill 8. Bt, steam heat.
1.118 Dodge Ht.. 22x100 ft
A WKt.D located, large, up-to-date-store
for rent Also auditorium seating 1.000
people. Apply to Bupt Swedish auditorium.
A FBW desirable store rooms left In the
new) building, northeast corner Kith and
Cass ttts.; cheap rent. Conrad Young. S3
Brandels Theater Bldg.. Tel. Doug. 1671.
itODKRN "tore room' and basement, 1652
N loth, 111. Conrad Youns. S2 Brandela
Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671.
BTBAM heated store, near postofflce;
low rent O. P. Btebblns.
. Barms,
GOOD barn, room for I er 10 horses.
11T Webster Bt fll Douglas 43.
South half of building at southwest cor
ner 8th and Howard Bts. Bpace 66x132.
Excellnt trackage. Rental 175.
First Trust Co.
Douglas 1131.
803-8 B. llth St. First National Bank Bldg
Five-story basement building, 6x.S ft;
sprinkler system and electric elevator.
41150 feet; part two storing and pjirt
four stories; large ahlpplng platform and
trackage. Full information on request
1001 Farnam 8t . Phone Doug. 80.
101 f. 17th. K-r.. modern, newly tfeoor-
ftted. t'A
1 8. 27th. t-r. snd hall, modem, r.
1711 N. Wth., t-r pftrtly modern, 118.
l B. 27th, rear, 4.-r., partly modern, 110.
2XIS Beward. 6-r.. modern except heat, HI.
110-51 S, SNth 8t, attached, stucco, Eng
lish style houses, 7 rooms and sleeping
porch, besides maid's room In basement
latrge tils bath, bedrooms white enamel:
first floor oak; fireplace; bullt-ln kitchen
cabinet: Just completed. These are first
rtass. liOok them over today. Keys at
117 B. Wth ft. Each V7.M.
lit R. nth, I-r., modern. 160.
I1T N. 11st, I-r., modern, I4S.
Til N. Ud. 7-r . modern .
ITll Hurt, l-r., modem, heated, tC5.
1237 Bea-ard, l-r., partly modern. 111,
second floor.
2237 Beward, t-r., partly modern. It,
tl4 N 1Mb, -r., partly modern, is,
441-2-3 Board of Trade Bldg.
rnone iouffiss nox.
CATHEDRAL district. 7 rs., mod. bouse"
facing south, built years. Red SSn-7. "
l-r. mod. MM Orand Ave., lis. Web. 57(5T
SEVEN-ROOM house: fV" a th a,
j-B,, mod, cottage, Ml 4 N. U-t. D. 1J.
Co IDQWln.
packing A storage
Ifeff Farnam r. Sioii
JLi00?' f1''. 1 . I7tk Bt. la. t-f.
r1"4,. bouse, tilt Leavenworth it, 136.
Both fine luostlons. Phone Webster SSW.
t" H 3 for rent . ..a--.' .. ".. .
Inoulro aithln. T.lephoni teua "
KIOHT-ROOM modem house; Fori
t A. V. Dresher. phonajrvje, m.
ft-R modem house. IMg virt. v7llSjT"
. Wi hT oompleta list of all houses.
TU. U-,0lfni UU V"1 ftrefoT lrCnt
T'lla lUt can be seen free of eharge at
ftrnshe Van Mtorese Co . ami H "JuT Su
Fidelity Storage Co.
I-R. mod houa, 17?7 fi. lotti" 1 uT
llOUHPg " . PftfW f the illy.
" "ns r Co.. bulldlna
i, .-rm l.oase.
' -. rt - tvl
Globe Van&Storage
urea, morea. packs, ships; t-korsa vaa
and I men. Ills per nr.; storags U per
mo. Satisfactory guar. U. Sja A Ty. U
t OR KENT by Dexter l Thomas, 411
Bee buuiiing, Ofiie, T large ruems.
toilet, gas water, svtu Charlra, 110. Cou
uga, i rooms. I iota, 1X4 fipragua. til
toree aad Offteea.
Wa hava ft few very desirable stores In
the Flatlron building. i;th and Howard
streets, and The Hterllng, Iwh and Bt
Mary s Ava,. suitable for retail or other
lines, tsee us for terms.
Also at li apd 14ii Capitol Ava., two
splendid Mores In new building, corner
16th and Capitol Ave. Will lease on satis
factory tersna.
First Trust Co.
Douglas 1161.
BM-t & ttth Bt First Nat Bk, PJdg
TWO -furnished rooms for housckseo
Ing. walking dletanre. Address B. 46i
WANTK1-Uy two lsdies. two nice un-
"""" iuuhib in eex rarnam Ultnct.
also breanfaeX. Addrena E-iML cai e Bee
WANTEDTo rent ft six or seven-room
iivuvcu wui, lurnisnea. call Quuth
WANTED Work as chambermaid In hovel
In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone b.
YOUNU man wants place to work for
board whllo attending Uoylcs' uoilega
T.leiilione Douglas 1MW.
SITUATION wanted aa caretaker o?
rooming houe. Address A 630, Bee.
t A PER1KNCED hotel keeper desires po-
eiuun, eitner m notei or private house;
references. 190 Bouth ljih Bt.
mm v. i mm j - , . .
miLn-uci-A"L,u im7 objures care or
small rooming or apartment house for
rooms. Address P WW. Bee,
EXPERIENCED cbuuff.ur wishes to
drive private oar; careful driver; knows
city very, well. Address F till Bee.
WANTED By middleaged lady, goof
place In general housework. Address
421 N. 16th.
WANTED Cooking position by colored
pxraon; oar wtirg yreterred. Web. 7;7a
TOUNO lady with two years' experience
as stenographer wants position; cau
furnish good references at to character
and ability Address J Qt, care Bee.
BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. 6M4
Stores at 18th and Harney
Rent 160 up. Basement cemented under
whole store. Heat fr
War Block. Douglas km
t'Styt-Larra stora room, 2srs N. th 8t
l5.0u Large store room. 14-4 B. lulh Bt.
Ware Block. Douglas tW
For Kent
Empress Garden Spaxe
Bpaia under tha Empress thester, Ifith
and Iiouglas Bts., feet with bal
cony. Can be leased on vary favorable
tsarina. Full Information at oar office.
George & Company
Tel. DJM. MM City Nat Bank Bldg
VKHY desirable offices ta N. F. A C.
Bldg., 8 W. Cor, Itth and Farnam.
Best servloe: reasonable retita. Particu
larly aultable for firms doing business
with wholesalers and Jobbera.
Phone T) ler lUt. Blule Bank Bldg.
DAY WORK or bundle wash. Wb. 74H7. first class, wants position.
Bread, rake. Your chance to Increase
your trade. A. Koch, C 64. Bee.
POSITION as watchman by gentleman,
hX Boher and tndusti-tous. D (Ai. Bee.
WANTED Position as house salesman.
bookkeeper or correspondent with
w-holesale concern by experienced man, 16
years of age. Address A 4 J, Bee,
COMPETENT, energetic man, 26, with
college education, wknts connection
with advertising axem-y, real aetata or
special firm; commands English. Oermsn
and Bcandinavlan languages; experienced;
future advancement Imperative, at 422,
EXPKlUklNCED chauffeur wishes to
drive private car, or will drive ear of
my own If desired. Address Y 2V, Ree.
PLACE desired by colored lady aa Cham
barmaid. Call Webster lOJ
YOl'NG man wants poaitlon aa butcher;
will work reasonable to si art; good ex-perleix-e
in ol d country. C:l Doig. 144'J
EXPERIENCED young man wishes posi
tion as suloeman, un I he ruad or in
city. Ad1res A-a2. eare Bre.
tXfUUKNCKU chauibermaid wants
work. 2711 Parker bt. Webster Vo.
YOlNil lady of nsit ai'pearaiiee "with
aevsral years of experience, desires
clerical or ofllca po-i:l-ji. Good reler
ences, thorough knowledge of general
offloe work. Address G-&1. rare Hee.
tol NO Omaha man. unlvcraiiy gisdiiule.
frwir years' experience aa office m.m
and city salesman, wsnts position with
chunoe to- edvunce. Willing ta begin at
bottom; can Invest some money next
spring. Address, J !), Bee.
EXPERIENCED salea.ady and also
practical nurse wUbes position. Web
Star teUO.
See These Cars
At Once
Three 1914 Five
Passenger Fords,
Practically New,
Fully Equipped,
Perfect Condition,
Run Less Than
3,000 Miles
One 1811 five-passens-er Ford, fullv
equipped, perfect condition.
One 1B14 Ford roadster, practically new,
perfect condition.
Tr.e above list with 10 more cars,
with prices ranging from II2S to ISoO. are
going to be sold within ths next week.
wet our prices and demonstrations.
Write for our bulletin No. 7 and large
list of satisfied customers.
Industrial Garage
OI.N KRAL 8TORE Inlana stole of
ceneral msrchanrtle fur sale stock In
voice about t8,0); bunlncss I1MI00 vcarlv
fine location: good reasons for selling.
Address Y ?45 Bee.
HOTEL FOR BALE One of the best com
mprrisl hotels In the state of Colorado;
only commercial hotel In town of i.FOO. H'5
rooma, stesm heat and electric lluht, do
ing from ll.OOO to ( 1,200 per montlt busi
ness. Address P. O. Hox Kt,. Hrnsh. Colo.
llfiTEL bargain. Itl.OOU cash will handle;
70 rooms, always crowded. Rent Ur
month. Best location In Denver. Will
clear fn.soo year. Price U.CflO. O. P. Do
Ford, liWO California St, Denver. Colo.
HOTEL and cafe, brick bulldlnf,
rooms, flrstlclass shspe: doing good
business: will sell at sacrifice for cash,
clving terms, or will trade for Improved
land. Reason, poor health. Write owner,
I '.ox 244, Palem. R D.
-M INVESTED now may make t2.000;
terms 11 monthly; interest in land and
(V. development. Address Benn-tt Co.,
.-22 Mrst National Bank Bldg., Houston,
10th and Harney Bts.
Omaha, Neb.
Tha Commercial Union Assurance Co.
will pay ldu reward for the recovery of
the seven-passenger Studebaker automo
bile which was stolen on the nlb'ht of
October 17 from In front of the Omaha
Auditorium. The automobile Is the prop
erty of Mr. C. P. Traver of the firm of
Traver Bros, and Is Insured In this com
puny against loss by theft. Description
of car: Blue black body and blue black
wheels; black hood, fenders, frame and
gear; electric equipment throughout. WH
model, 40-horrepower, sis cylinders. Mo
tor No. 8163. License No. 21,604. Address
Information to
1. D. 8PALDINO. Agent.
Iffl8 Farnam St. Telephone Tyler 100
SHOW Oood Roads Clason's Nebraska
guide maps 25c, also Kansas, Colorado
anrt western states. At newstands or
postpaid from Clason Map Company,
Denver, Colo. o
LOZ1 ER, big 9, type M, Lakewood body,
electric llithta, new sliii covers; perfect
condition. Cost M.COO. Now 11,314). Woods
Electric Co., Chicago.
HAVK 6-passengcr automobile must sell
at once; no reasonable offer or trade re
fused. J421 Ave. E. Council Bluffs.
Clri-ennugli Omaha I tad. Kej'. Co., -uA) Far.
Llndhorg Bros.; 2:,TI Leav. (Fly ng Merkle).
10u forfeit for any magneto wa can't lv
. pair. Coll repar'g. O. taydorfer. 210 N. 18
Industrial Oarage Co., 2Vth & Harney tfta.
for winter storage; steam heat; make ar
rangements now. 22u Farnam.
OA K LAN 1)740-1 1 . P., lull road s ("eTfor sa i'e ;
price right. Call South Omaha, Bouth
fW for Information.
In Bteamheated garage, $7.50 per month.
Auburn Auto Co , ifcoO Farnam Xt.
Moiorc) rlr.
bargains In used machines. Victor Boon,
"The Motorcycle Man," S7iJ Leavenworth.
1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now realy;
bargains In used machines. OMAHA
BICYCLE CO., loth and Chicago. O. UTii.
A COMPANY with ample capital wants
reliable state representatives for one
Of the most meritorious Inventions evor
marketed, demand In every home; lame
profits; 1200 to Vi00 flusnces your busl
nes: han lie ow n money. Keroaene
t'tllltles Co , 81! So. Clsrk. Chlcngo.
A REAL bualress chauce for buslneat
man. the rsiiperior Mig. Co. We Mfg.
Incubators, brooders, bee hlvei. farm
gates, electric egg c&mllurs, tools nie
chinery ilx-k and material. For sale at
a real bargain. If you are looking for a
business snap answer this ad. Will
trade. Superior Mfg. Co., Superior, Neb.
A SUBSTANTIAL corpotation wanta re
liable party to ealablkth office and
manage taluamen, should pay I3,0uu to
tit.ouo annually; I3u0 to 7u0 will fleam a
business; you handle own money. Uei.r-eni-es
exchanged. Bales liauager. 4V
Fisher Bldg., Chicago. 111. .
tfi.000.u00 available for Immediate Invest
ment In industrial,, rai.way en
terprtsea. Addrvss Bsnkris Alliance, 11
Southampton How, liniluii. Eng. u
two BUYB a business that will pay :)
or more per month. One man can handle
It Addre B MtU, Bee
BAIvtKY snd restaurant confectionery,
northeast Nebraska couuty sea tn of
tha best In the stale; no junk; doing a
good busineea Would take part trade
or carry up to ona-haif. Address Y 2.',
MAN owning a store or who can obtain a
store or display room can secure a
position ns ssles and advortlslng manager
ror bis town. 1500 to ll.OUO Is required to
carry stock. The right man will make
14,000 yearly out of tnls and build up a
business worth 110,000 in two years.
CNFILI JAMES CO.. Hunter Bids.,
Chics go.
MOVINO picture show partner wanted
to take place of retiring partner In
moving picture show in town of 9.00J
people. tOX buys half shmei grand oppor
tunity. Address Y 349, Bee.
Patents That
Protect and Pay
Books, advice end searches free. Send
ketch or model for search: highest
references; best results: promptness as
sured. Wstson F,. Co'eman. Patent Law
yer. 621 F Bt. N. W.. Wsgblnaton. D. C.-o
PARTY with 12.000 or over to Invest can
make big returns In short time; Invest
ment well secured. Address O 079, Bee.
BARBER outf't , I W
LAUNDRY, half Interest t BnO
HOTEL Business, Iowa 11,800
MANX.'FACTUPtNd, half Interest.. I2,2r
BAKERY, good ono 11,100
GROCERY Business : 11.000
GROCERY Pii"iness I1.P10
GROCERY Business 11.600
ClOAR ?Jtore ,...11,000
CONFECTIONERY IT00, 1000. tl,400
And manv other kinds of business bar
gains. See WILLIAMS. 411 McCagua
lildi., 15th and Dodgo Sts.
Oood Location '
210 Sq. Ft. $12.00
Otherg at $10.00 and up.
Office Roobi, 103.
SIGNS, show cards. Clark & Son. D. 1174.
with us fur quick action and square
418 Bee Bldg Phone Red S2M.
STOCK of goods and fixtures for tale or
trade. A snap. Address box kS8. Silver
City. la.
TO QUICKLY sell your businsss or real
emms, wrua ivennoueoK Co., omana.
THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the
ater, machine and supplies through
i neater s.xciiange CO., leut r arnam bt
Douglas V9t. '
TO GET In or out of bus nees, call on
GANQESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. D. 1477.
WANTED An idea. Who can think of
some simple to patent? Protect
your ideas; lhy mav bring you wealth.
Write fur "Needed Inventions'' and "How
to Get Your Patent and Your Money."
Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash
ington D. C.
WANTED Hardware or merchandise.
Have farm mortgage lor 12,600 and
bankable paper for 12.600.
411 Bee Bldg , Omaha.
To Conservative Investors
We orfer Mgh-grade first mortgage
farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles
guaranteed and interest collected Without
charge to our Investors. Tax fres In Ne
braska. Peters Trust Co.
1HI3 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. n
FOR SALE A, choice 7 per cent 1000 Ne
braska first farm mortgage, secured by
f40 acres, of which 130 acres Is farm land,
balance good gracing land. Improvements
valued at 100. Borrower lives on the
place, owns tonslderabls live stock and
has excellent credit. I have been on the
place myself and valued the property
at H.OOU Phone D. Ilia
Oil Investmen's
Buy oil stock In ft company that al
ready has producing wells.
Absolutely a bona fide proposition.
Clip Out and .Mail This Cuupon Today.
Colcord Bldg.
Oklahoma City, Ok 11..
I rcreby subscribe for , shares
at par value of 1 00 per share. I sub
scribe for this stock with the understand
lnr thst I am to have the same at 10
cents liicl per share, provided I get my
subscription In before the 'J50 0O eharcs
sre sold, nnd should I fail my money Is
to be returned.
V shsres . 10 00
shuies 20 00
M shares fco 'W
1,0 shsres 100 Od
Address ,
CONCRETE construction business opn
fur some euersettc party able to lu
vrat ll.ovO. Experience unnece.iaary.
luture lor hustler. Address Y tvj. Bee.
4.f300 EQUITY In b acres land and sums
' cash fur good going general inerchatv
dUe stock. Address O f. Bee
1JT A BUSHED nianufacturvr wanta
state manager; hitfh-cliin article;
should pay u,) annually; I. -00 tu li.Ual
rapltal. Will pay expenses to thicago
If yuu are man we want. References.
iUubardson. Si W. Van Buren, Chicago
Hoomlaar llaaaea ror fale.
Good Paying Places
7-R, down-town, steam heat 110
down , Price 2"4
14-R, cloie In
Ill U ......... ...... J .1 .. SM
i ,.-..- ..j'iiib ubii.. ............ o .y
! 1J-R., brlca. f ne furniture 476
( s-'t. a sure dandy 40
' 0. 1 1, . . .1 ...... 1 .. n ... . I L it ,
fcVlV. L 1 M IIIL.'MI, W ........ . 1 QUI
MANY UTJiBli Sl'LFA'nil)
Quick Sales Co.
See us before buying.
m Our Nphraiha fsm mort
I fl gsges arij not affected by
11 European wars or panics.
f Amounts ' t I?1'1''').
I W collect all Interest snd prln-
deal free of charge
yeare in the Nebrsska farm loan field
without ft lo Is nur record.
tm Omsha Nat. Bank P'dJ . O-raha.
INVEST MrCNT-Wsnted. a nun to In
vest about i,0o& In an old established
reneral merchandise busltrss: will run
It with my own help. A good Investment
for the man that has some money to
loan out tftock about liO.'OJ. German
preferred. Address T I.'t. Bee.
EXPERT lady rtenusrapher will tska
pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit
ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and
complete training given for business ca
reer. Privste instruction If desired. 4M4
Douglas St Tel. Walnut SMT.
(n both day and night se.cs'ons. Yet
It Is not too lots to enter. Begin it once
to get that mental discipline that will
double your earning capacity. Call, write
or telephone for new catalogue. Business
practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales
manship, banking, stenography, steno
typy. typewriting, teleeraphy, accounting,, private secretarial work snd many
other courses are open to you here. You
may work tor board while attending.
Douglas 15'15.
Boyles Rulldin. Omana.
Ptudcnts admitted any day. t'nsur-
fassed classes In all business and Eng
sh branches, shorthand. Graduates
guaranteed good positions. Places pro
vided for young people to work for board.
For ft new free catalogue address
1R15 Farnam St. Omaha. Douglas Kit.
Tho Van Sant School
Day school, 1:00 to 4:00.
Night school. 8:1R to 1:11.
16th and Farnam Bts. Douglas 6147.
FOR SALE at a discount a full unlim
ited scholarship In Boylos Business col
let, Omaha; good for either shorthand
or business courses. Apply at the office
of Omaha Bee.
PRIVATE instruction given In bookkeep
Ing and penmsnxhjp bv an experienced
teacher. Phone Walnut 2116.
' Three months, 14.00.
Douglas tlt. iKi Farnam.
Y M. C. A. night school. Enroll now
PRIVATE SALl-Houeehold furniture,
consisting of mahogany, . leather and'
fumed oak, fust llko new; must sell ut
once. Phone Walnut 17S1, or call at S113
Dodge St.
New & Kd-hand furniture, cash or terms;
reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 806 N. 16th.
SEVERAL van loads of furniture and
some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage
Co,, m s. ltith Pt
EXTENSION tablg, coal range. D. Ml.
ONE Riverside hard coal stove for Sale
cheap. Call Webster 6045.
t ROOM -3 of turi-uur! of all kinds. In
good condition, 00, or will sell by piece.
8PV N. 17th St ;
FOR SALE Excellent heater. Garland
No. V., 114. Call 3311 California St
QOOD furnishings for ft 7-rouot House,
reasonable. Red 6513.
GEN KRAL household furnishings; good
condition; cheap. &25 Bouth Sits Ave. o
HOWE Ventilator base burner. Tyler 2174.
Mu'iral Instruments.
PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H 4711 '
NEW high grade piano, ft bargain If
taken at once. M Bee.
UPRIGHT piano for sale; good tone;
cheap for cash. 2U07 Charles. Weh 51IU
Typewriters. '
TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired.
Central Typewriter Exchange, r07 s. 17tn.
KKNT Remingtons, Monarch aiid Smith
Premiers of their makers. The Reming
ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglaa
11W4. Rental credited if you purchase, and
only very newest and highest grade ma
chines sent out. Bates, three months lor
$i for understroke machines or 12 per
month for latest model visible writers.
All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms.
Butts Typewriter, 1S05 Fsrnam. D. 1001.
Bakery ftnd furnace wood. Tel. Wor. 401.
1 R H". P. 7x10 Ideal engine.
1 10 H. P. Climax engine.
1 K. W. 12 volt Amp. VQS R. P. M.
D. C. Westlnghouse generator, complete
with switchboard.
2 10 H. P. D. C. mot-ira.
1 15 K. V. 100 D. C. generator.
1 7 H. P. vertical Nagle engine.
1 30 D. C. motor driven fan,
1 18x72 tubular boiler.
This machinery la all In first class
8th and Farnam Streets.
FOR 8 ALE at ft discount ft full un
limited scholarship In Boyles Business
college, Omaha; good for either short
hand or business course. Apply at tho
office of The Omaha Bee.
hand men. Oross Wreck Co.. M A Paut
6x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with
11 plate holders, carrying case tor
ctfmera and carrying case for plate hold
ers. The outfit In good condition and ft
b g bargain for the lot at IU0. Address
A ISO. Bee. .
ACTO robe. Canadian blanket, W
gauge Winchester pumper. Friedman,
1S8 Dodge.
FOR SALE New and second-hand csrom
and pocket blll'ard tables and bowling
allevg and accessories; bsr fixtures of all
kinds! easy payments. The Brunswick-
pqlke-Collender Co.. 407-rH H. Itth Ht
THUICK horsepower boiler, good condi
tion, also circular steel tank. Ixa, very
cheiM. Call at t'Jii Cuming '
SOD of a few lots. Telephone D. 2P7.
$ fWl Buys beot eoal for the money; try
It. Weh. fee. Harmon A Weeth.
BARGAIN In sorts fountsln. Benson 12J.
POil yA LE invalid viiuir;
new. iifcd I weoks. Phone
Web. 762.
FOR SALE Nat l cash register. Cost 1241
when new. Will soil cheap. - Box &U.
York. Neb.
Harass au Vehlolee.
LAROEa'. .tuck of delivery wagong In
the city; ull kinds of blacksmith work,
painting and lettering. JoliKBjn-DanforUt
Co.. new livatlmi It . N. iotn bL
TEAM of niares weignlng t.eUJ, JlTi. Big
luni of wora burses, tVi. iith aaa
county line. Mo. Omen, lei So. Su.
SHETLAND PONY, safe for children to
ride or drive. Aiso sadd and bridle,
practically new. Call Websier iJji&.
FOhTbALE CH E A P Mare, weight about
I Pnone vsinut w.
' HAY. I& per ton. agner. 401 N. l.U.
411 Bee Bldg. Red
j Piles, Fistula Cured
Dr. Ft R. Tarry cures plies, fistula ftnd
other rectal disesscs without surgical op
eration. Cure guaranteed and no money
paid until cured. Write fur book oa reotal
ui.ea.ea with testimonials. DR. . R.
TARRY. 140 Bee.
Ba Want Ads Are tba Best Buaiuaea
Boos tats.
RntllrfCu(, ,n w drB without
upiure pjn. Call or write Dr. Wray.
KM Uf Bldg Omaha, Esjtabliabed IkH.-