Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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1 J 1 1 : OMAHA SfXIUY r.KK: OCTOREU .'."i, 1914.
Many Te and. Dancei and Social
Affairs for Young- Womtn.
W inter eaaa In flprn .tasplrlwual? J
Hh Manr HrMi and ln-
i ... "...r I
riea.nre. j
M(IM' .;. V. Wattlr. hui. h-i
eon. I'artri lake Sn li-iiniiiE mil K.ll j
in c h v '
TCfrIMY-rob!int lirMae lnh. Mi'
Liiriln Huron Imafe. Turafl.iv HrMi;.-1
luh Hit.vd inailm-e vm-ti- for Mr.
Rallr Slhlln i.f liian'l Isiatvl 'I.M.-I
Pc" il. Turpln acadetnv.
WEnNKPP V - Mr. I lnv.i , N oiler.
luprh'on for Mr. M ll- MMilm c.i .
Irand Island. Wednesday HiHkp ,
I'dumMa 'lrce i-Mtf rtalmiK ni .Vim. ;
V. P. M r lls. first nf a -ri-a of ,m.h-i
eon, lfall.iaern parly lor I T dint. ,
Mtaa AxlMs. Moorp hiti. itt.M-rlt-Itnn
dnn'-ln rrtv. Tiirpln hn'l.
THi nsiT-Salkn nM rlnli. Mrs
I Foley hostess. Hmyth -lU.s ..u k ar.l
ding. Pt. John's iIiipIi. a. in.
I RIIHY-Mr. F. T. Mu'n, I rl.lsy
Hi Ida 1 n 1 1 -,ii rt (tub. Ssi.s Kmml
tkn mi pally, Hurt I, nil, Dundee.
h'f-ai .iu rlHiiolriB art'
S ATI Ml 1 1 V V - TVi. rio Put 1 i lu'l tlt.nolti
party, Inlvrtaltv !'ih rMnner-fi in e
Harmony club, Mr. and Mr. J. I.,
hakcr. I'let rilir., Vmnn Vania party, i
."nturday Mht rlnb rtunHntt pfly at
' hanibcrs'. I.aa Ami I'sni club,
Mrs. .1. M. Otrhurd hostess. , 1
lehutntc an and dances and social ;
affair for these ymiim women will make .
Ilia autumn hhsoii and curly v Inter-
fanptUlllV hltrrratllm. I
Mtsa Mario Flew art. daughter of Mr.
and Mr. 'paries' Tl Hte'WHi t of rminril .
Bluffs, Is the rii it of the debutantes to
have Her engagement announced. Miss !
M'warl left ril1ny evening fur Chicago, ,
her she will be a guest at the home nl I
her fiancee, Mr. Donald M' Krrron
The flrat of tlie (lolnitHnt'S r j
llarrtat Pmlth, ilaunhtrr of Mr. atirl Mr, j
Arthur filttomlrri Spillli. Mra. r'mlth !
will lv an aftornoou t'-a Tlmradav,
Noyamhrr 1'.'. j
Mla Francra Hot lialatlrr. tli" nopn of'
.lc-Par-?trp, will lr formalljr Introduced j
t a t-a stlvcti TiifHdny uftFinoon, .No-1
onilirr 17, glvrn hy hrr inottipr, Mr.!
I'lMiik 1'.. Iloilixtftlpr. Chi'ltitiiiHa pvn )
Mi. and Mrs. Ifochatotlt r and lr. nnd j
Mia. ilurold Oifford will Klvo a ilnmtn.1
I arty for thn yonn(r ppnpln ami the.
ouniir innriiiil a't, In honor of Mian,
i'rancra jit'htfthr ami Mica Anncj
liiffortJ. I
Chilatmaa ii'kIiI Mr. and Mia. Arthur I
i rlltondrn Smith !ll alvo a duiiflna; j
liartV ftir IllPlf llu IIL'tllnr fi,l IliH.nmhnK '
"1 Mr. nml Mm. Will HHinlllon wlll
danrlriK party fur Minn i
First of Debutantes to Announce Engagement
V'-:: --V Vv Myyyy-y .:
'i l ,t ' .. . . ,,, . - . T" . 1
y" I " "' ." ' y ;-' 'y y ""- . ,
t : f
n iy:y
Mr. Tharloa lipurj will rive a dancing
rarlj (icc-ri.bfr .t, . I'ount I y club
hi Iionoi ul III UK'.titn- , M i-'Vmi-lin
rrurl. ho 'vlll Uj uiio ot t' bjCont 'i!.
Aitionn Di other di'bmarttra whow
Plans arV not jot inttde, arc MIn Kut!-nln
ratteraon. Mies Marlon Kiihn, Mlaa All. -3
Jaqiilth, Mif-n Kleunor Mnikay, Mla.i
llarrlrt Mrta, Mlaa rtela Thuinmoll and
Miss Janet Hall.
Creche Benefit. x
Keon Intoreat la being nhown In the
.'rocho txnafit (lance, which will ha glvm
November at the Hotel Rome. ThU
affair fromlaea to be one of the larawat
aortal event of Nebranka nad the com
mittee in charge are making elaborate
Ireurationa for thla large dancing party.
The patroneaaeswlll be:
f. f. Klrkondall. "'Artlinp KmIIm
"'J-V - - i:t-i -'-Ur-n.'V.
. i - - , -
; yyy V, - -; , ' ; ,;..yv v
-:.? a v III
V - i w J III
. lament f'haae,
Many Bnrklry,
John A. McPhane,
V. il. Da via,
.loaeph Paldrlge,
Waul Burgeaa,
ieorge A. Joeyln,
U. V. Meaeath.
Home Millor,
harlea Offutt.
'. N. Ilft,
K W. Naah.
' 'harlea f. Ueoige,
W. J, Fove.
It F. Kkike,
Ttie uahora will be
Harry Tnkey,
I.ewla Clarke,
Ware Hall.
Hohert licirnK.
I'lai ke oall.
I'uthbert I'otter.
I w rente Krlnker,
J. T. (Stewart,
Harry Koch,
i 'harlea Meti.
Harry Dooiiy,
1Bke reuel,
Kjmer Redlck.
(.harlea T. Htuaart,
Council Illuta;
John Aleiillicip.
Council flluiie; '
K. W. Iiixoru
t. W. llollrK,
I. ii L'unadon,
T. l. Orr.
I. J. llrown,
Frank Hamilton,
rt. J. IiiniiiiiB.
Frank Ctilpetaer,
. C. Hedlok,
ilen OHlUaher,
V. V, Crofuot,
Otmld Ulntl,
Joseph Karker,
Karton Mlllunl,
Arthur H. Itoger,,
r.. C. Naah,
Ren OallHgher.
I'aul HallHRher,
Fred Iiangliei'ty,
John Caldwell.
Harton Millard,
John ltrdlck,
Lcwla Clarke,
I he Kappa. Alpha Theta aororlty. . Mr.
lUti'nett formerly lived In Lincoln, but la
how employed by the Sunderland Ma
terial company of Omaha. The bridal
couple were attended by Mia Anna Mo
Caxue of Omaha and Mr. Charle Den
oettv a, baaaher of the groom. '
Brandeii Theater Party.
Mlaa Krama Kammcrer entertalnetl ut
a bo party at the Ilrandcl theater.
Thoae present were:
MlKaoa Mlaaea
Ksala tlrar tl. Viuma Kanunerer,
Clara Hoflumn, leimlo Oreenflald,
Iva Whlifleld, ileiievleve lart.
I rnnia Hardy, . Murauniite Horn,
Muraiiret Whitfield, H. Jpeenfleld, . .
Iiaamar rul...ii, A. llreenflcid.
Uorla Whltrivid.
Women Golfer.
The women golfer will meet at the
Field club Friday at 1 o'clock.
Social Dancing Farty.
The Pagalco club gave a (octal dam In;
party at Metropolitan hall laat Thuraday
evening, thoae prevent Including:
At Waahlnpton Bar Meeting.
Mr. M1. A. Hall waa In WaihtiiEtou
1H week attending the liar aaaoclutlor.
meeting. Mr. Hall will Ult Dultlmore,
New York and Doaton before coming
home. .
Mr. and Mra. Ktlgar Moraman. Jr., art
In Washington thta week for the Tar
aoi-latlon meeting.
To Honor Oueitt.
lr. Floyd I Keller will euteitaln at
luncheon at her cottage at Carter lk
club Wedncaday. In honor of Mr. Rell
Stchlln of (iraod 1'tund. A matinee rty
at the Iloyd will be given Tuevday In
l.onor of Mr. 8Uhlln.
Mr Hoi arc J. Holme entertained at
luncheon, followed by au auction brldae
liarty, at her home Ttiuraday In honor of
Mr. Btdle btehllu of Grand laland, who
la the gurat of hr aunt, Mra. R, K. Pat
lick. High eor f or tu card game wa
made by Hr. V. A. Sherwood and gueet
priara were awarded to Mr Btehlln and
Mra. Harrington of Ptoekton. Cal gueat
ef Mr. Ward Pralth. Thoe preaent were:
Meadame Mearlamea
llelle Klehlln, H. J. Jtmr
1 larrtnaton. F.. J. Hatch,
Ward Miilth. Klovd Carrier.
. A. Mierwood. L. A. rinilth,
Horace J. lioinir.
With the Vititori. !
Ml Ollnda Warhter of I.lneoln, and
Mle Kathleen Matthew of Athlu. are
iho week-end gueat of Mia Nell Ciee
don. Mi. Fraiik Irvine of Ithaca. N. T l
ri pec led in Omaha aome time next week,
hea he will be the guett of Mr. and
Vr. T. A. Urogan.
Mr. F. H. Mritilnger 1 entertaining
her tUter. Mr. "W. 1L. Krerker of Thila,
Mra. Belle fftehlin of Orand laland 1
the gueat of her aunt, Mr. R. E. Pat
rick. M it. A. Harrington of Stockton. Cat..
i the giMwt of Mr. Ward cJmlth.
Mayor and Mr. A.' A. Hmltk and Paul
J. Well of Pious. City are (pending a
lew day with Mr. and Mt. Matiisoa.
Wedded in Kansas City.
One of the Interesting out-of-town veU
ling wa that of Mia Hel-n Bli.h and
il-n I. Bennett at the home of thi
) ride pareuta, Mr. and Mr. Fran).
Ullh. In Kanni City. The weddlnj w
a guict Loin affair, uith tht guest
limited to a ftw tloe (aimly fiit nil and
relative. The bride, alteudtd tlio I nl
rlty of Nebraaka and ia a member of
Mlaae '
Kva May
Helen Harrl
Ixila Manth
Aaatha tiawald
Claire McKennu
Irene Haker
Itoe 1'lKon
Fthel Laraon
France Mulholland
K01 itiine haiinileia
Flliei Mulholland
llencvlevn Callahan
Carrie Kdwaid
Ilea Antony
Alinu llioderdorp
MaiMi et 1. 114
l.lllliin Carlaou
Null Courtrey
Marnaret Nolan
Clura Urotlordorp
Irene I'ndeihlll
Uuih Hiidaon
MarnHiet Tripp
MaMiie Callanan
Keuuor Htudler
il. rl llurnea
M rani a.
O. K. Feniver
1.. A. Cullahen
Frank tHenger
J. J. White
A. tiawald
Al Hwanaou
FuKcne Mtiy
F. W. Helero
K- J. Collierg
Harry Lron
H. H. Ruifiwr
W ill rltuart
T. M. Carltale
K. V. Ke'iy
W. C. Mellc
J. II. Ma Crone
F.lim-r Walton
I J. It. Jaeka
H. F. M.-Kenna
1 II It MhV
J. W. Morrill
It. I IkVo
W. U. Ranker
C. J. Mclionald
K. T. Rellly
i. R. Cleveland
W. M. Vaughn
Mr. and Mr. C W. F.nnia,
TUllo Peteraen
Anna Muher
Nina Walter
lyoiilne Thornton
Veia Huctead
tlepae Hotlttaon
M Hrock miller .
Father rlwanaon
Kva Rnaniuaatm
lAtulae Fraeinan
li.iHd iHtw
Meta lCiiainuaaeu
trace Roberta
Mary Mareh
W-rtrude Wilson
Kmnm Maitlaou
Itutlt MhtvIii
Mattel Wllaon
i.oulae Lambert
A Ilea Carden
Kmma Wllaon '
ntrlla Parka
laabrl Norton
Ka Lambert
Viola Keaaler
Mn Furrier
I,uey Norton
C A. llioderdorp
D. o'lary
R. A. Van Dyke
H. l. Hammond -KilKar
W 111 Ronlter
t. I. Pike
Walter K lager
John R. Yunek
R. V. r-urol
If. T. Petersen
P. U Kelley
Theo. H ni hafer
F. A. Robblna
Ray Korensen
Ut-orae C. Rauer
Oeorgo Freeman
Cleo J lard ley
Mark M Mahon .
Marry I'nltt
K. V. fviriMtn
M. L. Jackson
W. II Ricx kmlller
Howard Keaaler
K.d Mclaughlin
O. K.
Auction Bridge Farty,
Mi. Howard lUtter entertained at 1
o'clock luncheon, followed by an auction
bridge party, Friday afternoon, la honor
o; tin. Bell Htrhlln of Ormd Island.
'.Mr, Stehlln waa awarded the gueat
prixe and Mr. Horace J. Holme won the
hlvh score prlxe. T'10e preoent were:
Meatlamea Meadame
Helle rtelilin, O. A. Mn-rtod,
W. C. H inriton, llovtanl Klltor,
K A. eiiiillh. J. R. Ktlntton,
Horace J. Hulnirn.
Attend Foot Ball Game.
Many Omaha peoplu attended ll.e foot
ball gama'ac Llneoln viatcrday. Mr. and
Mr. Barton Millard. Mr. and Mi. John
Itedick and Mr. and Mia. Louis Clarke
motored to the gum n the Mtll.rd tar.
Fleaturei Fast.
Mr. John Railm rutertatned at tea
dlurday atteiuoon ill honor of tier liou.
gueat. Mr. Ralph lel and Miaa Kllia- . (
beth Lewi of Lyon Fall. N. T. Large
bunche of pink and white coamo 6c
rated the room and tea table. About
forty r utecalled during the hour of
S and I.
Heveral of the high school aVlrls met at
the home of Mr. Alfred Mattaoit on
Thursday afternoon to 1-es doll for the
Chrlstmaai hlp. Those present were;
Martha (leygor.
Kllaabeth riturdevant
lk-rtrurt Mattson. ,
Ruth Carter.
Helen IVycke,
Helen Olltner.
Mildred Rose,
Hallowe'en Farty.
The Coronado club will give a Hallow
e'en danclna: fartv at Chambers' acad
emy Monday evening. A color scheme
of orange and black will be Used ana
two large witches driving a bat will be
a feature of the decoration.
Homecraft Club.
The Homecraft club entertained laat
Friday evening for Mr. Il Klester
at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. K. Nevottl.
Artiatlo llallowe'ea decoration were
used throughout the room and the even
ing waa tpeat in game.
Among tboe prnt were;
Mr. and Mrs. tll K tester.
Mr. and Mr, Fdward NevottL
Mr. and Mra William Martin. ,
Mr. and Mr. Oeorca paviea.
Mr. and Mra. William J. 1 Winlei.
Mr. and Mr. I'aul tStanton.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Benedict.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Peterson.
Mist David Entertains.
Mis Anna Pavld waa hoateaa at a
dinner Thursday evening whn thoae
preaent were Mr. Hruc Webb, Mr.
Frnt-st Auatin, Mr. Frank Robert. Mr.
and Mra J. J. Libal, Master John David.
tie Anna David and Mr. Lester Weat
ci tt.
Tea for Visitor.
Mr. J. 1. MtiMaUea ilruln4 iafurm
ally at a tea rAaturday afternoon at her
apartment at the Weot Farnam, In honor
of her guest. Mrc T. R. Hacker ot Fort
gllUurpc. Mi McMullcn will eater-
tain again at an informal tea some after
noon this week.
Best-Yet Club. '
Mr. A. til Rockwell entertained the
first meeting of tht Heat-Tot Auction
Bridge club Tuesda-. On o'clock, lunch
eon preceded the card game. Mrs. M. B.
Woodward will be the, next oateas. '
Columbian Circle.
The Columbia Circle will give a party
at their liall. Twenty-second and Ixjcunt
street, on Wednesday, afternoon. Mr.
Albert Miller and. Mrs, Morris Murphy
will be the hostesses.
Announcement Farty.
Mr. D. J .Creedon entertained at lunch
eon Saturday to announce the engage
ment of her daughter, Nell, and Mr.
Walter C. Jtronek of Hchuyler, Neb.
A color scheme of lavender and pink
wa carrlod out in thn decorations and
chrynanthemum were used profusely.
Thoae present were:
MiHuea Misaes
Nell Creedon Mnbel Sullivan.
Marcuret McCaffrey .oiinda Wucliter.
Josephine IouKlierty. Gf Lincoln.
Clara McCaffrey, Kathleen Matthew.
Mary Creedon, of Albla.
lreno Iiowney. Florence Hrltt.
Helen McCaKrey, Ilnltn Koatlng.
Mesdunwa . Mogdame.
Leo A. Hoffman, D. J. Creedon.
Wedding Plans.
ine weaning of Mm Irene Roasbauh,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. John A. Ro
bach, and Edward Fraud Hinyth of
Highland Fall. N. Y.. will take place
Thursday morning at St. John s Coluiot-
church, followed by breakfast at the horn
01 tne bride a parents.
In honor of Mia Roaahach, Mia Mary
Louisa Engllh entertained at
Thursda.v, when covers were plated for
ten guests.
Hronek-Creedon Engagement.
Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Creednn iiiniui..M
the engagement of their daughter, Nell.
and Mr. Walter C. Hronek of Schuyler,
Nb. The wedding win V celebrated next
month, Mlsa Creedon i8 graduate of
the Sacred Heart academy and Mr.
Hronek I a graduate of the art uil i.
department of Crelghton university. -H
is a member or the Gamma Kta Gamma
Eaton-Witheri Wedding.
Dr. and Mr. J. T. Wither announce
the marriage of their daughter Ml
Oladys. to Mr. F. R. fcaton ou Wednes
day evening, at the First Christian
church, Kev. Cbarlea K. Cobbey officiat
ing. After a short wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Eaton will be at homa to their
friends at W South. Thirty-fifth street
Shower for Miss Sramek.
Miss Iura FJmqulst entertaiued at a
promiscuous shower given In honor of
Mlsa Rose Sramrk.,
Those present were:
Mlaae Mi
Mable Neleon
Alice Kl tnt Hint
Laura IJ'tinuiat
Rose rramek
Ttlll Menu
Alma fcehoeatder
i-llen Johnson
Jamea Pros
X Ehiulel
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mrs. J. M. Bateman of Dundee spent
aturdsy in Incoln.
Mra Warren Rogers is visiting Mr. and
Mra John llu.kell at Wakefield. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke of Mil ford.
Conn., are guests of Mrs. C. O. McDon
ald. Mr. L. D. Nlon and Mis Kitty Sad
ler arrived bora Saturday front Colo
rado. Mr. and Mr. Cliarle Martin and little
nephew, Franci Martin, havo returned
from a leu day' Yteit in Pt. Louis, Cllu.
ton. Mo., and Ktna City, While In
Clinton they tinted Mr. Martin iistet.
Mr. WViltHker.
Mr. James E. Boyd and Mr. Bier
Lower went to Kama City Thursday for
a week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nlswonger re
si ending a few weeks at Excelsior
n.ii!. 1i...t.fl. ... ,.i... irt
vim v. 1 1 rrt j nil', tlliij
Inst Monday for Elkhart. Ind., tlielr f u-!
tore home. ,
Mrs. purKeaa. mother of Mr, Ward
R'ire.s. litis gone to !-'t. Joseph, Mo., to
visit her daimhter. !
Mr. II. J Edaard of Wilinette. 111.,
who has been visiting her father, Mr. .
P. E. Ilor, returned home Friday. j
Miss Ella Reynolds la upendlnK a week 1
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlskely on
their ranch near Wood 1-ake. Neb. ,
Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry have le-
turned from 1os Anirelea, and have lken
an apurtmenl at the Henahaw hotel. i
Mrs. K. S. Iamont of Portland, Ore., 1
a ho ha been the auost of Mr. and Mra.
A. W. Peribner. returned home Thursday.
Mr. Morrl E. Schneffee from Camden, i
N. J., Is visiting her brother. G. V. '
Chandler, 4"I0 North Twenty-fourth j
tret. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Iuther Kountue and!
daughter Gertrude nd Mr. Stockton !
Heth left Friday for th? Carson rncl;
near Irwin, Neb., for a hunting trip.
Judson Squire returned Punday from
three month' hunting and fishing trip
In the lke region of Minnesota. Mr.
Hqulre will remain home this winter,
but etpects to enter Tala next fall. 1
Mrs. Ralph I,e.wls and Miss Kllrabeth
Lewis of Lyons Fall. N. Y., are spend
ing a few days with Mr. and Mr. John
Battin enrotite. to their . new home In
California. ,j
.Judge and Mrs. E. P. Holme of Lin
coln spent everl -day In Omaha laat
week the guests of their .daughter, Mrs.
C. A. Hull, and Dr. Hull. . Judge and
Mrs. Holmes were on their way to Chi
cago. Mr. and Mr. IT. P. Whltmor re
turned Thursday, from several weeks In
the eest. Mia F.tiRenle .Whltmore re
mained at relham, N. ,T.. the guest of
friends, and will be in New York City
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell returned
Tuesday from the east, where they spent
seme time In Maine, motoring from there
to Ronton. They al.10 spent two week
at Poughkeepsle, where their daughter
Mona Is at Vassar.
Mr. Fred Hadra will leave the latter
pert of the week for the ejaat, where sha
will join her daughter. Miss Erma, and
visit her son, Mr. Louis Hadra, in New
York City. Later Mrs. Hadra will visit
Mrs. Henry Bronner of Philadelphia and
Mrs. Herbert Rosenthall of Baltimore.
Mrs. Hadra expects to be gone several
Personal Mention.
Mrs. E. J. McVannt who ha been ill
at her home for the last ten dsy. Is
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Nwonger have
been spending a few week In Excelslot
Springs, Mo.
Mrs. Campbell Fair and son Campbell
have taken an part men t at the Colonial
for the winter.
A son, Harry Wllklns, Jr., was bora
last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wit
kins of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Balrd have returned
from thoir wedding trip and are In their
home at 8530 Burt street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cornish of New
York are expected soon to spend ten
days with Mrs. J. M. Metralf.
Mr. and Mr. O. W. Holdre-e moved
Tuesday from the Hamilton to their
bouse at 1:110 South Thirtieth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon L. Smith, jr., ha
moved from the St. George apartment to
the Genoa, at Thirty-eighth avenue and
Cans streets.
Mis Hannah Kennedy is now with her
sister, Mr. U. B. Lord, at Burlington.
Vt.. and will probably spend the winter
In Florida with her alster.
Miss Mildred Bacon entertained at
luncheon at the Commercial club Friday
In honor of Mrs. G. A. Manley ot Den
ver, who is her guest. Covers were laid
for six.
Mrs. Mary Gowdy Baker, portrait
painter of New York, was In Omaha
Tuesday and Wednesday, the guest of
Mrs. E. VT. Naah. A very beautiful por
trait of Mis Frances Nash was done by
Mrs. Baker several years ago.
Mr. Isaac W. Carpenter left Wednes
day evert'ng for the eat, to be gone
two week. In New York he will meet
hi ton, Isaac Carpenter, jr., who comes
down from Dartmouth college, and, to
gthr they will attend the Dartmouth
Princeton foot ball game.
Miss Loretta Del lone, the prominent
harpist of New York, arrived Friday and
Is with her sister, Mrs. Flnlay, at 2tr.9
Poppleton avenue. Mlas Dellone came
on for a family dinner reunion on Friday
evening, and will locate permanently In
Omaha, establishing a school for the
liiwotint on KVKRYTHIXG in thin establishment
ae only Hamilton and Howard Watches and a very
few lines upon which the retail prices are contracted.
Our FINAL HK.MOVAL, SALE is a thing of reality;
Fincere; far-reaching; highly Important to von because
or the admitted HIGH GRADK of our goods.
We Mt'ST be at our w quarters In the ne
1'nited States National Bank building by November
13th. It noes without Raying that a NKW More nuan.
a NKW stock from start to finish: therefore, our
of whatever goods we have NOW.
C. B. Brown Co.
Jewelers, Diamond and
Watch Merchants, Silversmiths
403 South 16th Street
City National Bank Building
Sale of
Wavy Hair Switches
Thia Is a sale of exceptional values even
for the Brandela Hair Shop, which has made
Its reputation for the consistent high charac
ter of Itg offerings.
20-Inch Triple Stem Natural Wavv Switches, $o fQ
$6.00 value . 40aO
24-inch Triple Stem Natural Wary Switches, frt CIO
110.00 value ' p7.70
These) Two Numbers We Guarantee for ONE YEAR
From Data of Purchase.
We specialise Hair Dressing, Shampooing and Man
icuring. Appointments by phone.
lasa!! ia iaiiaaiiiiaaiiir !! aanaa
J 1 iii i i -
Funeral service for Mrs William Gen
tleman, 234 Miami street, who died Fri
day nornlng, will be held Monday at
a. ni , from Sacred Heart Catholic church.
Interment will be In Holy Repulcher ceme
tery. Had Mrs. Gentleman lived until
today she would have celebrated her
fifty-fifth birthday.
Gambleize your
sheet music at
Headquarters for everything
, Violins
Ueuuiiio E. Martin, complete
outfit $40.00
Genuine Wiu. Duercr
at $25 to $75
Other complete outfits 93 to 9230
Guitars $6X)& to $35.00
Banjos $7.00 to $35.00
Burton & Washburn, .May
flower, Bruno and Lelaml,
at $8.00 to $50.00
La Favorita, for violin, viola
and cello. Strings for all
stiinged instruments.
Cornets $14.00 to $75.00 Trombones
And Other Band Instruments.
Music BoIIh 50c up
Music Bags, with double fold, $2.50 up.
Metronomes aud all other musical supplies.
Oar 41 at Tear.
1513 Douglas Street.
yMllXCall on U for
KC Oriental
r tag a eon plat
azelnala lias f OHIBBTAI. OOOb.
lacemee, Jaa&e Oaraaaa, Cbtaeae
AaUqae. Jewel Bases, ladiaa Siiasa
la, DuBUMii Inn, Self Ware,
ataxlcaa Trtlagree, Oblaeae, Japan
sad rraaea Tun. A aew saipntaat
of aatlaa Sgypsiaa Bawds aaa Taa
Briggl rotter y ua oetva.
We are new
Beautify the Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
Tha LWoualfd Bcautlfkr
VlF.D AMD KKooaaao
Guaranteed to remove
an, freckles, pimples,
liver spots, etc (xtrerae
case about twenty dsn.
fore and tiuues of impurities.
Two jet, 50c. ,nij ji.ft jy ,oilet
Counters or mail.
KATKifilAL TOILtrr eo.VfSAVr.
Sol4 r Mnuil alotXuiaail ttra Klarat h.
toa lru O, Uru tvi. atnl athatv
This week we will make
special prices on Mink. This
is always the most reliable
and satisfactory fur.
f" We guarantee to give
V al 1 4V V -V i h 9 X-V Ani lfrtltt r" 4 S
yuu iiiu vciy ucai vaiucs , h
I tiff
t It i ' '
at the lowest prices.
How Can We?
Because we are manufac
turers and know competition
cannot meet our values or
. Choice sets of pure Amer
ican Mink up from $50.00.
I 1
J '.t
GF CJlIlff VJT Manufacturing Furrier,
E OUUilLUl 401-403 South 15th Street,