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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
12-A TIIH OMAHA SUNDAY l.KK: (MTOnKli z:, 1914. ENGINEER MUST BE PROPHET wcalmanageh for the grant I Automobile Deiijpis Must Anticipate Changes of Tatte. EEASLET OlfE GOOD GITESSER ft l.faM ll antl IIU trslns I.eil Trrnii Toward ar nir Aprrpteil Type. To tlesien nr whlrh will slwsys b ahead of th. llmrj, y-l to nvultl prttlnK o far fllieuil a to loso touch with th. market tomprlsa if an autotnohilo rroiiiifcr'n 1utl-a. UK rnt!y tlrfln.d hy a salrs rxciitlre. Automobile styles rliiine. And th. nslnf-or who irovbl I I concern with a really a J anted Oe.'lKn whlrh is ac ceptable to the public muni he anlmHted by H hlR!i c'.puree cif tor. olclit. a well i 1'UVV I"- - 1 aklll. I V V i ' ' v Vr A t 1 C The rhar. which hn token place In j j$ 'W fe:, C' hjS ft Vti ' ', J the last tw.i ytars anions; cara priced I g4 -. r p ' At? J i around J.'.OfO and the active part taken J "'.'ij v ?'r V i' J In this chance by Chief Knxlneer L . V? L A... 1. vN , it :1a)?. J EIGHT CYLINDERS ATTRACT American Engineers Inreitigrite European Eight Models. CADILLAC THE INCENTIVE 1 leaflet of the Ftudebakcr Corporation comprlae an excellent 41IUHtratlon. Two yearn uro, four-cylinder can, larav and small, virtually monopollxed the market at all prtcea below XX.itH). IjxlptlnK 'Klues" were largo and un wleUily coatly to biy and to maintain. Mr. Heaalet had. after several year of exM!r1ment. determined that alx llnder flexibility and smoothnms could i manufactured Into a car of popular J. T. Adam of Ftndlay, O., assistant alea manager of the Grant Motor com pany, la In Omaha and aeema well pleased to have placed their line with Mr. W. T. Wilson. Mr. Wilson U an old-timer In the auto business and waa on the Row" up to a year ago. At that time price. He Incorporated hla Ideaa Into tha J he enld out with the Intention of leaving Stiidehaker "tlx" a car which at once cut l.OilO pounda off "Hlx" weight, and 1,000 off ,81x" price: a car whoae aalea equalled. In Ita flrat year, that of all other "Sixes" combined. Foaadatloa for far. In Ita original form, this car rang tha death knell or tha heavy, high priced "Four" which haa alnce paaaed entirely from tha accne. It ulao laid th foundation for an entirely new type of car, deatlned to play an Important part In motoring history. Of course, Studebaker ha made tha moat of tha early preattge, thua gained In the light "fllK field. The original model, much Improved In electrical equipment, and equipped with a full floating axle, waa aold In even greater numbers through the 1914 aeaaon. "With even lighter weight, Increaaed power, many refinements In detail and carry ing an additional body atrle of five paaaenger capacity, tha preeent Hestlet dealgnrd Ptudcbaker "Six" conatitutea atlll another tp In advance, in price It remairfa loweet In It field, Increaaed production and manufacturing economies combining to place it on the market at II.SS5 for the flve-paasenger atyle, and I.4M for the seven. An uniinuul feature of Mr. Ileaalet'a work on thla car I tha fact that he not only tlealKr.ed It but aleo, In hi apaclty a vice president In charge of engineering and production, actually nx rvlacd ta manufacture, euaurlng that hi dealgns were faithfully reproduced In me iinmncd cara. Nebraska. He ha traveled extensively for the laat year and haa decided to go back Into the automobile btielneaa In thla city. All Mr. Wllaon had to aay waa that Nebraaka haa the five utara that illuminate the avenue to prosperity corn, wheat hog, beef and alfalfa. W. T. Wilson la now located at 110 Farnam atreet. blllty four year ago; even a year ago such a car oould not have been produced for the money. Improved facilities and Increaaed production have made It poa aible to deliver this remarkable value." I Moinre-yrle Hwtea. Three employes of the Ford Automobile company of Detroit. J. O Donnell, A. Michael and lrvln Bertram, are making a motorcycle trlu through the east. Rntrte fur the annual Grand IMse D0 tn Is motorcycle raea to be held at Bavan tim. Oa., on .Thankaglvlng Iay. will clone oh November 1ft. Blnce the f rat vt January there has beea an Increase of 1.0M motorcyctea registered In Maaaachiumtta over the cor rexpondtng peHod of last year. Al ftUwtton, who won the reeat cen tury motorcycle event at tha Mllwaiik State Fair park, mad the entire 100 miles wlthnut a Ura'oliana-a or even a etrn tT fnet. create the weight or wheelbaxe of any car over" a four-cylinder engine of the a me capacity. Green for the Big Automobile Speedway rhlae on America a Market trneaea Cm r loot I y aa ta I'erformnare. That American manufacturer of motor cara have h-en paying close attention to the performance of eWht-cyllnder car In ICurope, and that thla Interest haa been Irtenalfled alnce the announcement of the eight-cylinder Cadillac, I mated in a recent lamia of one of the leading auto rr.cMIe pubMffttlonx. ' Thla period 'ra I aaya that during the laat alx month the demand from Detroit motor car maker for European experi mental-high efficiency cara-haa Indicated! that considerable atudy la being applied t thla Important acibject, while order from the as me place alnce the new Cadillac, haa been revealed threaten to deplete the available' tek of - e'ght-cyllnder cars, which had already been decreaaed by the European war. , Thl atatement occur in the eourio of Portw' '"" cltlea which" are re- a long article by a prominent engineer on! 'eefvlng their flrat allotment of thi elsht the adt antagea of the eight-cylinder ! cylinder Cadillac cara. motor for automobiles. The author states I These report agree In one conclusion, that, excepting the amall four-cylinder l.wlt: That never since the a.lvent of the engine for low-powered caa, tha eight I f,r,t not't' car haa there been such an will be the ultimate-type of automobile motor. He base thla belief on the su perior flex'blllty, thermal efficiency, power per pound of motor weight, and durability of the eight. He cite, a proof that thl type la moat durable, the fact that, after S2.O00 mile of service, an eight-cylinder motor showed all wearing aurface In good condition, with but slight wear on the cam and valve mech anism. . INVADING RESIDENT DISTRICT Auto Filling; Stations Are Becoming Numerous Out Around Homes. VIEWS AS TO DESIRABILITY h. automobile racing apeertway. whl'h will be built In Kant Omaha by a newly ontnlr.d company of locnl men, tinder the direction of Jack-Prince, wa recog nlised by real estate men at -Wednesday- meeting of the rxrhangp, as a most l-ronv-lalng ndvertlxer for Omaha. w.ill.- Green pointed out that' In Carcely 410 other project could the city gvt ao much favorable publicity at auch small- expense. ' aa through the nation wide press reporla of speed record bmken on an Omaha areedway. He clt roo wmn mnie or inuianapONa ana other cities.! resulting from -auto races. On motion iof .the exchange. Jack Prince has been Invited to be the guest of the real estate men at next Wcdnsday'a meeting of. the exchange, when he will outline the apeeflway project to them. , alera fiearrally Ansert that Balld laaa ow tinlna; p Are ot I ndralrnble aa a ;en eral Hale. Invasion of the residence "dlntncta by auto fllllnc ststlons is cuusinis comment smone reul estate men. IractlcBi:y all cf them agree so far aa their huslnea Is concerned, the filling stations arc" assets, 'rather limn disadVHntagea to a neUthbor- NEW EIGHT CYLINDER - CADILLAC EXCITES WONDER Remarkable " occurences) ar being re. Kaarlae Htaada t!a. It la assorted that the action ot ttils, engine and li condition after hard use are good arguments for the adoption of the eight-cylinder doslga. It had aeen three years of service, and the author, who Is an engineer, and who Inspected tha torn-down motor carefully, aay its condition waa as good aa that of a stan dard American four-cylinder after only' one season of alm'lar service. Thla engineer sums up the advantages of the etch t -cylinder V-type angina by pointing out that It permits equal amrular distribution ot power Impulses; Its su perior tornlog movement amd mors equal ised torque permit a Smaller engine to be lined for tha bum work; haa a abort, rigid, aetf-eouaterbaiaaeed eraak-ahaft and light reciprocating parts; It fcas'lm tnaaitr from critical or vibrating atesda, and It does .sot take anon outpouring of people to Inspect an auto- moiille. , 1 Ij Cleveland more than' a thousand In quirers vlatted the Cadillac ahow room the day 'the car arrived. Kvcry succeeding day has wltneswed an attendance and an Intensity of interest unprecedented In that cltv. J Cnlcajtoana turned out In auch number that traffic waa demc rallied In the vicinity of the Cadillac ahow rooms, and blue coats finally found it neceaeary to take charge, of tbe crow da in front of .the doors. In NewiTork, similar scene were en acted, the 'Show rooms being crowded to their . capacity for several days In sue cession. ' Two ' days of . contlnuoua rain merely reduced the crowd to proportions extraordinary., for an automobile aalea room. There Ja not the. slightest doubt that the Interest, In. the elght-Cy Under Cadlllao t nation-wide and that -"tpdrta -from other el ties to which tbe car has been shipped will equal' and probably surpass those already received. Crea) aad rKk BrarWr. Dr. King's New Discovery gtvea almost Instanb-reUef. First , doae betpe. IVest renardx for coiajbj mlds and lung troub loa. n.otoU and SUA. ' All druKstats. Aoayertlawonent. v . . Vacant lots, which previously have hnrbored Weeds, tin cane and groups of "For Hale" slRns. have been Improved, with handsome office booths, cement or cinder driveway and grass sodding, with the opening of the filliiiir stations In residence nrlrhborhoods. ,aa one real estate man: "The stations, with eucli improvements and with bright lights at nlcht, attract much attention from paseershy and servo to emphasize the neighborhood aa good locations. 1 expect that any property for sale nearby will get more consider ation from prospective biiyerag than be fore the tilling station was put in." Another agent, who does not want his name used, declarea that from a stand point of civic beauty, a filling station on a lot I much better than the same lot untmpro-ed. A canvass of a number of real estate men Indicates that they approve of the policy of the oil companies, In making the station attractive In appearance. One of the stations. In the Wert Far nam district, 1 said to have a five-year lease on Its location, with an option for five years more.' The other stations are also secure In their preaent locations for a term of years, or else have bought the site outright. ' ' Foatr Ilaases Sold. Four houses were sold by the Vogel Realty agency laat week aa follows: Arthur Moraine, six-room cottage, 2M1 Pratt street; Hannah M. Goodrich, nine room house, 2624 Caldwell street; F. L. Barnett, seven-room house. 1509 North Twenty-second street; KIder McCunn, five-room cottage, 4727 Franklin street Headley Asserts ; Omahans Fortunate Enthusiasm over conditions In Omaha nd Nebraska, as compared with those elsewhere, marked the informal address of M. O. Headley at last week's regular meeting and luncheon of the Real Estate xchange at the Commercial club. Ho wa formerly a member of the Klok Heajley Real Kstate company here, and has recently returned to enter business In Omaha, after an atsenee spent In ! Portland. Ore. This city look misrhty I food to him. he asserted. Headley asserted that Omahans and .Vrbraakana are wonderfully fortunate to be living at this time In a part of the country where war influence and busi ness uncertainty seem to have such a comparatively small effect r .sit? .fzz SanatDriuM Thl Institution Is the only one In the central west with separate buildings, .situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dls'and rendering It possible to clnslfv cases. The one buildlce being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others bc? Ink; admitted, the other Heat Cot tage being designed for and de- .-. -;Mi:.ii!ve treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful csra and spe rial nursing. J Bell Box Vmtrr Site. . Yestirday Noma A Norrla completed a trackage deal for the old box factory Kite at Tenth and toward, with a fron tage on Tenth street 'of 130 feet by 150 on Seward street They will put In a supply of lumber and building material. ' Pee Want 'Ada Are tne Beat Btmincaw Boosters. .1 Mitchell Motor Car Makes a Run 'that Establishes Record The Mitchell motor ear has added an other record to the long list that It has heretofore held and a telegram received lust night from Pittsburgh. Ps., sent to A. T. Ktewart, manager of the Omaha Mitchell Motor Car company, tells th story. At 1M o'clock yesterday tha Mitchell car that started out from Pittsburgh on the 7.5JO-mlle thirty-day reliability car test pulled up In front of tbe Pittsburgh Public Bervlce station In perfect condi tion, with the bonnet seal unbroken, thus establishing a record, The speedom eter showed that the car had traveled 7.&1M mllea The car.' as well as tha seals were pronounced Intact by tha field inspector. Chief ot Police Noble, hla as sistant Mr. Mathew. Chief of Police Wat ley and two members of the commission. Out many miles west of Pittsburgh th car was met by a procession ot twenty five Mitchell machine, carrying orfteer ot th MItcheil-Lewls Automobile com pany, the William Hasley Motor com pany, the newspaper men of tha city, au tomobile and car tnon. On the road the car that was Just flnlahlug th remarka ble tour waa given a tremendous ovation and another when It pulled up In front of tha city building, where It waa ahowa that the machine had substantiated every claim made by Engineer John T. Bates, who proved that fhe bonnet seal had not been broken on the trip. Engineer Bate told th crowd that at the end of the trip the engines were run ning better and more smoothly than on the day th machine left the factory. When the Mitchell oar arrived In Pitts ' burvh. the downtown streets over which It paaaed wer blocked thirty minute by the .enthusiastic people, the reception being UeacrlUd a a "regular blase of glory," Drlvcra Haaley, Zudon and Har nett were cheered to th echo. It ao happened that a member of Presi dent Wilson's bodyguard was lit Pitt burgh when the car arrived, and he lin mtvllately announced that after aeeing what the light Mitchell 4 had done, to morrow h would pun haxe for the preal dent'a own uae a Mitchell ,. The car that made the wonderful trip in rvcord tune and without having the seals bruken will be a featurs ot the Pittsburgh automobile show, occupying the Mitchell booth. The Mitchell car paaaed through Omaha a week ago laat Tuesday, on It way from tit. Louis to Minneapolis. From Die last named rlty it went to Chicago and thence to Pittsburgh. Over much of thla duitanre the roads were bad, and with in exception or in in e, when K waa on paved atreeta, it waa run on lo tpetd. On the trip aeven pairs of wheel chains wrre worn out Automobile men generally agree that the trip waa the moat severe ever undertaken by an au tomobile. KISSELKARS STAND FOR ALL THAT IS BEST IN CARS "Kisaelkars have always stood for all that waa high class la motor oar oun ttruction. Wlia materials of tbe flat-st grade, made by workmen of the highest V.V modeled In excellent taste, with uve-y tuinfort and convenience In equlu- irent that money could afford, the Klasal Motor Car company haa never departed from I'.s original rule of fumUI:lng la tr KlsHetkar tha best automobile that loud t-oaeiuly be turret out tor tha i.-ouay." aaya II. K Noyes. "TLe low prtia of the new K four la f. a emlrcfj ta the evoiulloa la auutiao I to rbduiii iq 1 etui menu fact urlitg ecocpsiuira, Sink a car was aa lmpusal t 4H MlS'HHIUimiix. I 'XL " ""-'I USUI II . - w-. M-t-.v -- r. e... .jr - -- - t i SL$ J. li fi 4 "eC A..raes4.1tH " I npHE Airship I v , , "y Jjii ; A i I A escort to th t W f " I ' ' " ieaaii ' a wa "w i - y . r Great Mitchell 7500 Mils World's Record Car as it , entsrsd Chicago, October 19th, 1914, computing . evsr 4,000 ml' of th ran. Chief of Police Gleason has Juit impacted the seals sad found thsm Intact ' 7- 1 The World's Record Long Distance. Dafly Run, Mitchell Sealed Bonnet Car Com pleted Its Long Run in Pittsburgh Friday, October 23rd, 1914 1 WHEN the stock Mitchell 19J5 Light Four Reliability Run Car arrived in" Pittsbureh Friday, Oct. 23rd, 1914, Automobile history was made. AnewWorld'i long Distance and Daily. Run Record was hung up for a Sealed. Bonnet Four Cylinder car: This beautiful light csr had run 7500 miles or 250 miles per day' for 30 ' consecutive days with sealed bonnet or hood. Think of it. Here's light car 35 horsepower four cylinder high speed motor that since September 23rd, 1914 had gone fiom Chicago, Illinois to Portland,' Maine New York City, ,N N. Y Washington, D. C, Wheeling, W. Vs., Pittsburgh, Pa, St. Louis,' Mo., Kansas City, Mo., Omaha, Neb., Minneapolis, Minn., Milwaukee, Wis., Chi cago and finally Pittsburgh. Half the Continent had been circled in 30 days. In all 21 states were traversed. ' Desperate conditions of roads and weather had been encountered Rains, Wah outs, reconstructed roads -crushed stones mountain declivities, hub-deep ' sand and sticky clays. At one stage 65 miles had to be made on low speed, and this marvelous engine did it without overheating in the least degree the radiator was cool. . Th progress of thl World's Record Csr resembled a tour of triumph everywhere Mitchell tntnuiiaiti and there are soma 33,000 owners of Mitchell Car scattered over this country Ci'io official and Gorerntncnt officer welcomed Its arrival snd acclaimd its prodigious achievement In Chicago an air (hip escorted It around town. When th car arrived In was inspected the seal were found unbroken snd tbe cartevealed itself to be In tuperb condition. A Stock Car Now thl i just an ordinary "Stock Car" In no way different from Mitchell Can on Exhibit in our dealer Show room. ! If "you- owned one you wouldn't cive your Mitchell as teVrific use in five years as this 'World's Record Car has had in the past 30 days. Yet if necessary, ?our Mitchell could stand uch use its capability is there its the Car that stands up! v Get the Personal Touch Our deUc will be glad to demonstrate any Mitchell Car to-you and your family at any time you can hold the wheel yourself get the Personal Touch and you'll be under no obliga tion to buy. ' " Please call on him at your earliest conven ience or write us for literature. 1915 THE MITCHELL LINE FOR 1915 . Mitchell Light Four J or S pas senger 4 cylinder 35 b. p. 116 in wheel base 34x4 Hree $1,250 Mitchell light Four 4 paisen. gert asm a above ...$1,300 Mitchell Special Six 3 or 5 pat tengert cylinder 50 h. p. UJ in. wheel bae 3x4f ' $U9S Mitchell SpeoJ Six 6 pawen Jf am above $1,993 Mitchell Six Do Luxe 7 pMo gen tcylimlei 144 i. wheel base W) noise power 37S $2,350 P. O. B. Racina 1 Racine. Wlt.U.S-A, MITCHELL MOTOR CO. OMAHA 2050 Farnam Street LIGHT FOUR $1250 4. rnl iia-- mn yean fmtifU service te t As Amtricmm mvUtt . . Grant Car ELECTRIC LIGHTED ELECTRIC STARTED Price Omaha Dealers who want the agency of a'Small car, with all the latest improvements and the same easy riding qualities that you find in $2,500.00 .to- $3,000.00 cars should get in touch with, us. The Standard Small Car Hero isthe most economical Automobile built. Giv ing the advantage of 30 miles t the gallon of gas, and embodies the highest qualities of materials and having such beautiful lines as. to compel admiration wherever seen. The Orajit is standard throughout 56-inch tread Four Cylinder Motor Cone Clutch Sliding Gear Transmission Two Speeds For ward and One Reverse Shaft Driven Float ing Rear Axle Full Elliptic Springs, and is FULLY EQUIPPED You can compete with any dealer with any car made in the United States if you have the agency for this cai. . v v 17. T. Wilson Automobile Co. 19i0 Farnam Street,' Omaha, Neb. Write for territory and descriptive matter. i IfYouantto Save Money on Tires A millionaire can afford to buy tires on a price basis but the man who wants the utmost in tire value had better buy TIRES Built to meet a demand ; not competition. Marathon Tires are not' made in a hurry. They are built slowly and carefully by hand and wrap cured. Guaranteed for 5000 miles. The price is a little higher because it costs more to make Marathon Tires the way they are made. And nobody ever heard of a Marathon user who was disappointed. Angle non-skid and in smooth treads. All sizes for all styles of rims. Cheaper Tires are made we know Detiet Tires can't be The Marathon Tire & ; Rubber Co. Cuyahoga Falls, O. Akron Rubber and Supply Go. " '. DISTRIBUTERS 2522 Farnam St. Phono Doug. 2SS8 . Omaha, Neb.