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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
1WA I'HK OMAItA SUXIUY HKK: OCTOBER 1314. WILSON SEES DAY CAMHOHJOT JUDGE President, in Y. M. C. A. Address at f Pittsburgh. Sayi Discussion One Pay Will Settle Disputes. LEADERS MUST BE AGGRESSIVE Relieves I Popntaf (iriiif i ruatr, I miff It. Don'l Know from nkrirr Holers Will ( onr, TJnMWCW 'It MHfFmwrt COLLECTINO CHRISTMAS SHIP PACKAGES AT THE OMAHA SCHOOLS This is an example of how the Omaha public schools contributed to the Christmas Ship enterprise.. The photograph was taken at the Cass school as the big truck was starting on its round of three schools.. PITTPJU'lti'M. Oct. 14 ' JVsce rom miesi-lon trratiPK or the kind negotiated iK-trfn th" I'nltcd States and many foreign" were spoken of ly l're.dnl Wilson here today as the means for 'shedding lleht" on disputes which will make the use of fore un rrrcs'sary. The president predicted that efter International d sputes have been riisrussed for a yrer : rrovlusd In these treat!- cannon will not he found ncccs snry to settle thei.l. Thn preslilcr.t addressed a miaa meet ing In celM-ratlon of the seventieth annl ersaty of the Young Men's fhrlstlnn as sociation movement and dwelt on the lesson of Christianity, urging yonnir iwn to be progressive nnd work for the public welfare. President's lira. Tho president pleaded for homes with ChrlKllan atmosphere, saying that 'Thrlatlanlly la catching"' and thnt hlldren reared In Christian liomea aro more apt to be cmmI cltlacna thnn other, j "It would be food for men. both young and old, to detach themselves more from business, and think of higher thngs," said Mr. Wllaon after he had opened hia addreaa by ssylng that by his . being way from Washington, congress could 'have mora leisure to adjourn." "How tired I am of the men whoa litue ia selfish because It la eclf-pro-leetive. I hate the moral coward and I despise him aa well. I wish thn coward would atay on the aide llnea and let cth era do tlie things .to. be done. Do not follow people who atand atlll. Nowadaya Icadera must be aggressive. Uetlevea In I'opalur Bale. "If you can guess beforehand who your leader are to he, the' chance are Ihey will be useless. I bolleve to popular government, becauae under It we don't know from what family or claaa or oc cupallon the leadera will come. "I hope that there will now be a treat Special Offer for This t'Jeek Buys Your Choice of Nine Rote Player Pianos... Just as Shown ii il -J-l H . . in (?eOK ? ' J f . 111 Mm. ii , r -Ns?!. j$m. V M-T II-Free Bench V CAW- .-fS23Smi '.T" Veyji -i-rX. & Si.. ... il - i Stay VioorouG at Seventy ruah of Chrlatlan eplrlt on the door, of evil. What you have to !' la to fiht, not with cannon, but with rlKht." The preal.lcnt left for Waahlnvton at 1:15 p. m. CHRISTMAS SHIP GIFTS START ON THEIR WAY EAST (Continued from Page One.) wajenn load from Hayden Uroa., Hurceaa Naah, the llrandela alorea, Klnt;Peck'a, Kllpatrlik'a and XSenaon 4k Thomn'a. Tracka Kept llnatllna. The Omaha Van and Htorane company had a truck buay all day (fathering up package, from the auburba. whore orga hlxatlona of women and children had (fathered then- tofrether. IHmoat care had been made In the tying up of moat of theae packagea, many belnx tied with XtllOfot Sanitone Wafers BeTiva j colored ribbon and many having Chrlat which thy packed themaelvea into five big boxea. (a ah Uonatlom. Caali donation. . recdYod at Tlia Bee nffke ui to.laat Plifht are; Prevloualy acknowledged $24.RO t'aali .M lir, Talnmge, tfrn.iha 1.00 l-'oUrlh. ll.tti and flxth graces, lla- venna plibUc aohooia 3.70 Kalr.leid , public nchoola, Fairfield, Neb 10.24 Kaiher Kirk, (illibon, Neb l.W Mr. J. N. Petera, Yutan, Neb b.(k Lade, ao'ietlta of Preabyterian church. Neb 10.00 Merman F; l)ahma, Seward, Neb.. 2.fM Mary H. Whuiery, Itentley, ia. 1 M Cu h, Alexanuer. Neb 2.00 Cent throuih ' Klrat National bank. Council H.iitf.. la , 1.50 City of liroken Bow. Neb Prlacllla club, Hoidrege, Nnb.. 16.60 Ttin II. 11. club of Hernia nark. Omaha 11. N. -Wheeler, Tekamali, Neb 1.00 baundera cbllilren, Wlnnetoon, Neb, 2.(10 Aladiaon cltliena: C. H. Umlth I 1.00 William V. Allen l.On W. 8. Crook 1.00 I). T. Hodann 1.00 . K. II. Taj lor 1.0K Paul Ilrlnc.kmnn 1.00 O. A. Kennedy, Omaha. Rhnllon, Nb. Mra. W'ollen Knight, North Platte. .... Houltt. O. W. Updike. Pert Ctimlnga. ..Flenilken. Winner. ClurnbU!i. .... Montgomery, Hupertor. Neb. W. C Irfiraon. Cpland, Neb. Henry, Bolln, Omaha. Mr.. . Ixihlmeu, Omaha, Collegiate Alumni. Louilea, Methodlat Eplacopal church, Mondamln,. la. Miaa Mire, Philllpaburg, Kiyi. Mary nnd Dorothy tlarvey, Omaha. P. and Jack CniK. Omaha, Spencer. O'Connor, l.yona, .N'tb. C C. club, ChHiiron Neb. 2 packagea. Woman'a Alliance I'nity church Omaha Mra. Wolff. Omaha. Mrs. John Rellck, Omaha. Victoria I'hlig, lloldrene, Neb. Roai Kendell, Nebraaka City, Neb. One hundred and fifty-.. x packugea with no namea. Vitality ia Ken and Women When Life. San Begin, to Set. 50o COX FREE. TThat you ARB, not what yot KIIK, I. what count. In the Ram of life. It'a up to men and women to be "live one." and not alow down too aoon. Kellogg'a Hanltone Wafera keep your vital energy aglow drive) '" '""" " " ' I ' ! L , . I'm tae Eud la Nerre Ferae and Fewer, Am a4 ta Kiaiag fciaaralw. awuy all Kloomlneaa and peevluhneaa and alrcnittlien your petored-out nerveri. When umliitton deaerta you and vital ity aa down near aero; when you're Jagged out In brain and body nnd your littrvea lack vim the Kellogga Hani lone Wafera "ginger" you up to concert pitch, put "the punch" In your muaclea, und make you tingle all over with iicaJth. 11.00 a box at drugglata. nena max attcker., The Omaha Merchant. Exprea. com pany had two of It. largest truck, bu.y all day hauling the huge boxes to the Burlington freight depot, where a corp. of men waa on hand to load them, and give them a cheerful atari on their way to the war-elrlcken countrln..' Children of , the weat end had . taken their packages to the homes of Mrs. Clement Chaae. Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mr. Arthur Clulou aand Mra. Charles Offutt, and the women had gathered and packed the gifts most neatly. - Each waa tied In white poPer With, ribbon. The country Which gets the boxes of Chrlatmaa cheer from Omaha will be moat lucky n they contained gifts which will open the eyes of ths little tots for whom they ar destined. , . . . For' the Moat Needy. ' . Ths Methodlat Sunday, school of Pig Spjrlnga, through Rev. ',L R. McOang ley, the paator, sends a check for 112.A6. adding In his letter: "This money 1. for the sufferers In the moat needy place. AVe dealre It to go to the women and children, and not to the front." Mrs. E. I. Turner. 'Ftlend. Neb., encloses her check for $S, while the Fourth grade children of the publlu school . at Lyons have sent ILT&. The First National bank. Soott'a Hluff, sends contributed by the cltlsen. and the public schools. A. J. Bhumway. cashier of the bank, In a note accompany ing tha cash, says: "Hood speed the Christmas ship! May It have a safe journey and bring happlie and'Tule tide blessings to the poor and needy." Front Fullerton, Mrs.; E. B. Penney sends a large box containing suitable gifts for the people of war-stricken your name and addreaa today I . U ... , - 1 . . L 1 iMi.. .i7d :ew n,Trer,T..,iKurops. does this In behalf of the lxix of KelloKg's Bmillone Wafera, to Children's Btory Hour club, a depart V.' :;,K cil'i lotlnl-l Wnck, ment of the Women's Clvlo Improvement Henry Alttchuler J. W. Pekoy Henry Clauasen A. It. Fraaer Walter Planck Jnmea Miller .'. O. 1. Peterson '. W. H. Tannery O. V. Sheer Joe Vnvrick , Nelle Horat C. II. Pcghen A. (i. l'rints A. 11. Ettenson.... F. M. Yewxel A. K. Qadbols M. It. Mcott r Fred It. Davis NV. II. Field..:.'. IT. I). Mathews John Kula Ifeeves..., Paul Henner J. , II. Murphy W, tl. 'Juno.,.. , F. ZoKXln Mark O'Hheai..... H T. MrKlehee I, . M. Lyon..' Kred Funk : I. Kred Dlers '.. W. F. Ktrlmtfellow.... ............ Ponfar Von... William Craig Murlan Owmcs ' M..B. Pouter H. II. K rarer It. C. T'niierberg W, K. Taylor M. C. Uarrtttt.'. First National bank II. ft M. Hardware and Furnl tinn comranV ..'.'. '. Kdward Frlcko Hawthorne arbnol. South Omalu Mrs. K. I. ..Turner. Friend, Neb Method at Hunday school of Big Spring. Neb , Henrv Jjnilth'. Omaha. KaroM Camnt. Omaha Mra K, J. G!llaple, Omaha Cltlxens and public schools, Scott's Bluff, Neb w. ii. b. : School room No. 4, Lyons, Neb.... t'rowrell Hall. Omaha :. Kev.8'xtus Meyer. Nebrsaka City.. Hev. Cramer. Nehraaka City Master Hlliy Wl'Sdn. Nebraska City Mrs. Clement Chase, Omaha The retrular II. Oo else of Kellnra'a rani tone Wafera are for sale In Omaha at Mierman McConnell Drug Co., 10i K. lth Bt.J Owl Drug t!o.. .14 H. 16tli est.: lieaton Orug Co.. 1501 Karnam Ht. ; Ix)val I'harmacy, I7-0 No. llh Bt.: Pell Drug Co., IS II l-fcrnam tit.: Harvard I'harmacy, :tth and Farnam Sta. No tree boxea from drucgtala. GLOUES CLEAI1ED DV THOUSANDS Dresher Bros., Cleaners, Are Highly Specialized Ia This Department. .Total... l.oo 1.00 l.ffl .60 1.00 1.00 .M .60 1.00' 1.00 l.oo .16 .Ift .tf .60 1.00 .60 1.00 1.00 .80 . .f ' 1 00 1.0) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0) 1 00 1.00 v 3 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l. l.oo l.oo 1.00 .W) 1.O0-4.2.S5 1.00 12 85 1.00 1.00 5.00 U.M " 1.00 n ' .60 1.00 too . 00 1.00 ...ttM.lS It seems like a very simple matter to clean a glove but It Isn't Dreaher Bros., at their admittedly fore most I57.0UO cleaning plant at tnimj Farnam street, maintain a force of ex perts si ho clean gloves gloves naught tut gloves each and svery working day r tbs year. Not only have Prenhers special force, ut they've a competent department head and all of ths approved glove cleaning equipment that money can buy; equip, toent capable of turning out hundreds uou hundreds of pairs of gloves dally; cleaned In the Inimitable manner that fommanda Instant praise front those who receive the work. Dresners put your old gloves Into as nearly new condition as poaalbls; ti cy annct vinuks a new glove out of one that la literally "shot to pieces." but they do produce really 'remarkable re sults with old gloves. Department stores throughout ths weat send their slock gloves to Dresners to be cleaned hrnever . necessary, and. If 5 u-4 once experience, the delights of wear ing a Drealier-rleaned glove, you will inter think of letting any other concern h tndlo your work. . Kreaners clean short gloves at mr, medium lengths at 14c a pair and long gloves at Xtc a pair. Phone Tyler 14 tor a maa, or leave your work at the plant, at Dreaher the Ta.lora, UU Farnam t., or at the Dreaher department In the I'.iau.ielr felore. club of ruUerton. At Nebraska City. Miss Rose Agatha IUmold took hold of the work of collect ing goods to be sent on the Chrlatmaa thin. Theae she has sent ou to The Bee, together with a cash contribution. Ths cltlxens of Nebraska City responded lib erally, and among the articles were 1 150 worth of new garments given by V. U. Cleveland oV Bot. merchants. Besides thsae. the people of the city donated thirty-six. suits tor boys, four coats, eighteen drenaes for girls, twelve sweateis snd several dosen dresses for small chil dren, numerous coats, aprons, elocklnge, capa, mittens, and a large quantity of new cloth. There war a floien pretty dolls, tuya. a large quantity of candy and sonic fruit. Among the earth donations reported by Miss Hamold wss 15 from Rev. 8. Meyer, la from Rev. Mr. Cramer, and 12 from Muster Hilly Wilson. Many fulka who wanted to make con tributions to The Dee's Christmas ship I carload of gifts, were ao buiy getting the arttclca together that they failed to send i them In time to arrive by regular freight, j which waa offered free by the railroads. r-o they sent their packages by express or j parcel post In order to be sure of having i them dellevered In .Omaha by Saturday. I Among such conalgnments waa a fine box by in fmm the citlaens ot Elgin, j hoiu anas Uertrude Hurst and the Ladies' Kenklugloa club canvassed for contribution illaa Rose Agatha Rem old, who captained the Nebraska Cty people In the Christmas ship movement, sent l heir big box by express, with the remark that they were sorry they didn't have time to do a great deal more. A parcel post shipment containing warm clothing came front Mrs. Charles Defter of Mlirord. V When kiddles of ths Mlnden public schools gave their pennlea to a fund for ths Chrlatmaa ship many of the business ! mon of the town. wh had no children In i school, wanted to Join In the good work, j So airs. tf. C. Jensen vlatted them and I received enough money from the buelnc aa nteu In a short tints to Increaae the i school children's fund front It to $ii 01. A i dtaft tor Ilia latter amount was sent by! II. W. Werd'.and. superintendent of the I Mlnden school. Tho school children also 1 Additional Packages. Additional packages from those previ ously noted . have been received at The lite office as follows: ,'Mrs. Oreen. Bewsrd. Neb. ' , Mrs. 11. H. Welsh, Omaha. .Mrs. Collier, Omaha. Ts'alhan lllxby, Omaha. .Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, Omaha, A Frlml, Omaha. Miaa Ktola Kennedy, Omaha. Peru State Normal. Peru, Neb. tVothent'ueg. Dean Tancock, Omaha. Olhhona. . . Mra. K. N. Sunderland. Omaha. Hobs Roberta, Falls City. Alice Duffy. Central City B. M. Lam pert. David City. Mrs. Charles Urote. Mra. J.' M. Bateman, Dundee. Mr. Neville, North Platte. . Mra. Homan.. VlrKlnla and Katherlne Herdnian Prenbyterlun Hunday School, Tekamah. O. N. .Carson, tillaon.- Mr. Pollard, Nehawka, Neb. Mrs. Hmith. Omaha. . Mis. Wailat-ev maha. Kntirman School, Omaha. . Mr. and -Mrs. Power, Olbbon, Neb. The Children, Carson, la. Pierce Htreet School, Council Bluffs, two packages.- Monroe, Neb. . Mrs. J. C. T., Waterloo. , - Mis. Thomas. Ida Smith. Omaha. K. g. Arnold Oak Pchook Council Bluffa. Ia. . O. C. Davi., Ord. Neb. .Thomas Olson, Genoa. Mra. T. O. ftelrtok. South Omaha. Mrs.' J. L. Phugart, South Omahs. Mary Ruaacll. Klgln. Friends, Otnaha. Mrs. E. A., Waterloo. Gustlce Boys. Auburn, Neb. L. 8. Oould. Waterloo. Mrs. 'Due, Jr., Maoedonla, Ia. Var-ear club, Omaha. Louis Ta.lmage, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Shotek. St. Paul, Neb. . K-J. WlUlama- Ord.-Neb, C. A. Yfidev. Flm Creek. Neb. A. F. Latstsenhiae. I tort-heater. Neb. Mr. Charles Duffle. Mllford, Neb. 0. RottenliMl, Hebron, Neb. Kthel Kunna. Iloltert trhrtatehaon, Fremont, Neb. Laura Suhr, Hastings, Neh. Prlacllla club. Holdrege, Nch. " .. Mrs., Arms Ksters. .. Harry Nelson, Nehawka, Neb. Peru State Normal. Peru, Neb., five packagea. v Mrs. Joseph Mcflure. Thrwe Uttle Schurmnna. Fremont. Neb. Margaret Alnscow, Omaha, John Butcher, Valley, Neb. Virginia Lie. Fremont, Neb. 1. M. Caawell, Omaha. ITeabyterlan Sunday School, Valley, Neb., two packsges. R Dougherty, Douglas, Neb. V. H. .Western, Omaha. Keith Herdman, Aurora, Neb. Mary Jensen, Broken How, Nob. Rliiabeth Dlmmona, McCook, Neb. WV S. Bank, Holdrego. Neb. Syracuse -Commercial club, flyrac.uec. Neb. R. E. Blah. Utlca. Neh. flwedlah Methodlat K-'tacopa Sunday 8vthool, Ong,.Neb. ' Method: at Episcopal Junior league, Wclboch. Neb. , E. W. Ounth. Omaha. Dorothy McCngue, Omaha. v'lyd and Harold P.abcock, Omaha. Order of Eastern Star No. 6, Omaha. Clarence Quenther, Omaha. Mrs. Chsrlea MeClure, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Collan, Omaha, J. C. Weeth. Omaha. ! Virginia le. Fremont, Neb. Brownell Hall, Omaha. Mrs. E. Dut jene. Omaha. Walnut Hlll'-riunday School, Omaha. . Dorothy Harvey, Omaha. aiadys Rceae, Omaha, four packages. Julius Wolff. Omaha. . Agnes Renard, Oakland, Nch. O. Connor, Lyons, Neb. ladles' Aid Society. Kearney, Neb, Fourteen boxes with no name. Ten boxea from Shenandoah, la. Karthane, , Omaha, M South Forty llmt. M ra, V. O TBlhot, Cmiaha. Mrs. H.' O. Head, Pacific Junction. la, Helen, Btirton and Irving Watklns, South Omaha, 2514 street. , Germans Say Russ Socialists Will Not Help Government BERLIN, Oct. 24. (By Wireless.) In formation waa given out from official i quarters In Berlin today hs follows: "The entire aoclallet party of Italy ! again haa decided to aupport a policy of the strictest .neutrality, j "The ManofirBter (England) Guardian ; says It has received hundreds of letters from British women who have returned to England from Qermany and declare that they were well treated In this country. "Prisoners of war also are well treated. In view of theae facts the destruction and looting of German shops In the boroitfch of IX-mpforil, London, was a fit of hysterias. I'The chief of ' the . Russian socialist party has pointed out officially to Emtio Vandervelde, the Belgian socialist leader, that a victory of the Russian government v.ould mean the strengthening of the anti-democratic policy In - Russia, and abroad. The Russian, government -would then become the center of the reaction ary world. The policy, therefore, of the Russian proletariat would under no cir cumstances' be to help the Russian gov ernment "Tho London Economiat declares- that riOO.000 But lull workmen aro out of em ployment In the Brltl.h cotton industry. "In the newspaper Popolo Romano th-) Italian general, Bomplanl, estimates the strength of the German army at B.OOO.OTO thoroughly Instructed soldiers and 4.000,000 recruits. "The Montenegrins are much depressed over the inefficiency of the French block ade of the Dalmatian coast." free Scarf Free Filusic Containing Best Known Player Action, Fully Guaranteed. Small Payment Down Balance Monthly. Full value allowed for used pianos iiTpart payment. Our line of Aeolian Pianola Player Piauos includes the Steinway, Weber, Steck, "Wbeelock, Stuyvesant,. Stroud and Technola, also used Players at $275, $290 and $325. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Established 1859.' 1311-13 Farnam St. The Oldest Piano House in the Middle West. SBSssV Aren't you proud of Omaha? 10c Apiece at The Bee Office or Newstands A. glance through "Panoramic Views of Omaha" will strengthen your pride for it shows Omaha to her best ad vantage in a series of bird's-eye views, including the skyscraper, wholesale, retail, park and residential sections. Fine for mailing to friends. A most attractive booklet for your li brary table. Three German Spies Are Sentenced by . Swiss Tribunal GENEVA, Oct. 24.-(Via Paris, 18:40 a. m.) Three German spies, having head quarters In Geneva, were sentenced by the third military tribunal here Friday. The three are Lieutenant Colonel Otto irirloh of Berlin. lr. Wohlander and Herr Kohr, a chemist. They were charged with plotting against England and France and thereby violating Swiss neutrality. Colonel Ulrlch waj not present, having gone Into hiding, presumably somewhere in Switzerland. He was sentenced In de fault to serve two years In prison and to poy a fine of :200 tfl.OOO). Dr. -Wohlander must aerve three months and pay a fine of 14, and Hcrr Kohr must re main In prison two months and pay a fine of'!0. All three were sentenced to expulsion from Swltserland for life after serving their sentence. For Grip, Influenza, Coughs, Sore Throat "Ha?) used Humphrey's Cbld Remedy 'Seventy-seven' and derived great benefit. ' Recommended by one of your patrons, who always Keeps it In the house. Send me your free Medical Book." C. R. A., Baltimore. To break up a Cold take "Seventy seven" at the first sueeze or shiver. If you wait till the Cold becomes settled and hangs on, it may . take longer. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00, at all druggists or mailed. , Komphrey'a Horn so. Medicine Co., 15 IVilliam Street. New York. Advertlee-ment Bee readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities in the "want ad" columns. Thuy're worth while reading. DCTLTTK1 (JVLlasorJsco. 0. ilsn if, ; 1sw ; X) y,; ...-V r. 1515 HARF-EY DECflOQSTRATlOU We have secured the services of one of the best experts on Fireless Cooking and Monday we begin on a week's lm- onstratum of the Famous Dorrestic Science Fireless Cooker. The expert will show you how to Bake, 'C i T . .... . . . .. . , i , . . . a . i .-.- lioil, Ifoast ami sstew. ' .iso xuo way to get best resultii with this famous eWker. Come in Monday and every day afttr as there will be something new every day. Oome in. Cr"Tllls. Ft " Catalogue on I retuet. I HTBW ART'S I ' I gF.F.O TB, 1 L nt '!: 1 4. OSS- PestB. 1 w Ueaglas t77. ilffi s pins iifiiiy ' HE STOPPED SMOKING DOMESTIC SCIENCE FIRELESS COOKER RADIANT HOME HEAT. ER3 AND RANGES This Is the Base Burner that gives mora heat from a ton of roal than any other stove made. Coma Ja and. we .wilt show why. QUICK MEAL RANGES The Range that will not rust out. It has an enameled coating on the . Inside of the flues, which prevents rust. You should im this range before buying. BARLER OIL HEATERS This ia an Oil Stove that every body knows to be the best made. CWMFOHT OIL 1IKATKKS. Many styles up from $3.25 gave a larsa assortment of useful gifts. Ewmjuum Mr. S. r. Lr.t. a railroad man. reoorts that he waa an Inveterate smoker for 83 years; uwd the strongest toba. ro obtain able. After arising would light a p.p and kep It hot for the rest of the day eswrt meal times. Often he would smoke In the middle of the night. The hahlt was doing him great injury. He was led to pet a certain book, the information in lyhlch he followed and thereby freed him self from Demon Nicotine. Anyone who ux rlgars. cisarettea, !lce, muff or chewing tobacco excessively and who knows the injury being done through nervousneui. hrsxt weakening, kidney disorders, eye weakness. Impaired mem ory, loss of vltslliy. etc.. should write to Kdward J. Woods, 571 B. r-tation K. New York ttty, and got the very Interesting hook that will be srnt f ree Advert -invnt. I Bee Want Ads Are Famous aa Kesult- I Gutters. a ts&saWmi' JsViasal . . " I . '' ' ' 4