Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 10

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    . .rUClBEEi , .OMAHA SATUKDAV; OCTOttnn 2.
$ ; . . J . 1 - . , v i If
w r i r i
M r BBJ ' ' ' TT "T " 9W9 I i J w WW ym ) l I .p.p. PMMMWWlJfcyW WW SSj SSi P 9 wWmWPwwWQwWWMMWWW1 WWW I'll WW I S 9W' 1 I . P 1 . PS1 W W 9 9 I I
ssaatawi sWs-nWsrnaw. .-..,ia,K,,JI,,,, .t , j rrfi - - r - r f r n i- r if- - "-i r .,. ... j..... sis,
We Show the Very Fines! NecHtvear
Every outaldo garment, as well a dress, fiwfl a pretiy
touch around the neck. Pretty rolling collars of pique. n?t
and Swiss embroidery add very much to tbe tailored coat.
Texteee Wit Rolllnf Collars A very dalnly dres accessary.
Collar and Cnff Seta We hare a beautiful line of pique, 8wie
band embroidery, also military style CAg nn H IJll
effects, at
Laoadered tolUr and faff Ke In madras, phue - OKC
and linen. Set, -flc each
Candy 2nd Chocolate Specials Satnrday
Our dellrlaaa rreemr mmt and
frail rrmtrr reaaprtsa ('p.
late Rlltrr wti, sad
nlu Strle Milk. 0
IkortlalM, at. lb....
Home-Mad P r I It ltetl
Hiklled In iwii nut r
m at. nntinil
Salted Peanata Special fP
Saturday, pound v.
IVIIcUm Hoa-e-Wsee Maple
('rrrl lene Caramel-., Co
roanut Halls, Maple Oem nd
Map) N'ut kisses, Vttf
I nmind . . . V
- r- .
mil iuTTil KAlriTirC l-srae complete line of ITal
IIALLinttni lWlllIIL-Vloween novelties for parties.
All style, of non-breakable pumpkin, streamer! for dtworat-Ina-.
skeletons and all itjrles of Halloween caps and hats and
fancy Head dress.
lies Si Women's Coats,
nits. Iresses ail SIdrts
A manufacturer's sample line of fine skirts bougbl at
ibout one-half their original value goes on Bale Saturday.
Slurts Worth Up to $12.50
All Sizes Waistbands. Skirt Lengths
Many Extra Sizes lor Stont People.
Odd and
black and whites.
s k 1 r t s In
this lot
worth up tt
$12.50 .each
s 1 1 k a.
Charmeuse, Velvets,
Corduroys, Broadcloths,
Serges, I'oplins, Gabar
dines and Thudda
cloth. Made with the
new high girdles, Rus
slan tunics, pleated
nnlcs, satin and srrgn
combinations, swathed
girdles, etc. Pretty,
large plaids, checks,
stripes, navy, black
brown, green, gray and
Keany wonderful values.
Choice oi 300 Skirts
Worth Up to $6.00
The surplus stock of a New
York manufacturer waa bought
at a nronortionate reduction with
the sample. We offer them In one lot at $2.98. Every
. I ..l.w liull. i i.. tiinli 1 r t m wrA nlftln
models. All colors, all sixes. ,
at $25.
A more remarkable chow In g than ever before and notable
advances In general excellence really $30 and $35 values
A great many new models, Including the emart fun trimmed effects.
Suits, Very Special
A lot tit handsome Suits,
worth up to $25.00.
Many odd samples.
Made In newest shapes
and models. Kvery good
desirable cloth and col- .
or. Yon will wonder bow we can sell
them at such prices wbcu yo Fee them.
Smart New Suits
The new Paletot
Redingote models pre
vail. Smart tailored and
dressy ertects. Skirts
with tho new tunic,
yoke or pleated effects.
Broadcloths, poplins, gabardines,
In all colors.
Values in Dresses
nics. high
black and brown
Special DrcHH Offer:
Choice of ten differ
ent model, in pretty
serge, and serge and
satin combination;.
The new long,
straight paletots and
models; basquettcs, tu-
Almost 230 hk and
silk and aergc com
bination d res-sco,
made in the very
smart swathed gir
dles ; tunics, plain
and pleated; basque
effects, etc. Soft charmeuse, messa
lincs, satins, French sergea, eta. AU
colors and sizes.
heavy materials.
Sweater Coats
Special new lot of Sweat
ier Coats New shapes,
weaves, 'l98
new colors..,.
Jersey Petticoats Bath Robes
Good all silk Jersey Petti
coats All colors, all
. sizes. Ex
cept loaal
New Deacon Blanket Bath
Robes Good patterns,
good colors $
ana iuu
The smartest of medium and
long Coats, in the popular
flared, belted,' boxy an 1
yoke models. All good,
Whether one wants a rippie
back, flared skirt, straight
effect or big, boxy coat, you
can find it in this lot. The
materials are the good chinchillas, seal plushes, Per
sians, zibeline, etc. In all colors. Misses' and
women's sizes.
Wonderful values, -smart
Coats. A va-
ried assortment of
the toppiest Coat?'
we have offered this season. Every one of
the smart styles are shown here in rich and
desirable materials. Many models shown in
this lot not to be seen in' other assortments.
Coat Special $8.98
Worth to $12.50.
-Made in good, heavy, plain novelty
cloths. All colors and sizes.
College Coats
The Season's Novelty at $10
These smart three-quarter length Coat?
ef pretty colored plaids and checkH, with
belts and ulster pockets.
jam. J I M 1
Choice of Imported Blouses, $12-50
Many are Waiting for this Sale
Values to $49.50
We just have twenty-five of these models,
made by the best blouse artists of Paris Samuel,
Robert, Elise, Poiret, Drecoll. They are. beau
ties; each one a model; no two alike.- Come
early and make your selection, as they will not
last long. '
Giber New Clauses Just Arrived N
From New York; dainty trilk shadow laces, black
and cream; stunning chiffon and Georgette crepe
blouses, also crepe de chine blouses, to sell at
SataFday Is CMMren's Uay
at tilte Brsundeis Stores
For Plush Coats for Juniors
Worth Up toSlS.OO
A special purchase of a manufacturer's samples
of plain and fancy plush coats for girls 13, IS and 17
years old at 50o ou the dollar permits this offer.
Good, lustrous silk plushes, brocaded plushes, silk
caraculs, etc.
Children's Good Winter Coats
Worth Up to t$wS9 Each
About 400 child's oats in tho lot, made of all the
good, heavy winter fabrics, with high collars, belted
backs, capes, boxy effects and pretty colors.
$Q AO Dig Lot of Infants' Coats
imitUKJ YTe have gathered together about
250 infants' coats, ages 2 to 6 years, in heavy cheviots,
corduroy, chinchilla, serge, etc. All good, childish
models and good colors.
500 Misses' and Juniors' Hats
Selected from our enormous stock of girls' dress hats,
in all the desirable shades, such as seal brown,
bncht red, black, white. All smart
hats. Values to $2.93, for
4BsaaajBBBVBl MaaalBBsaBBsaBjBjBBSsa tlMM
About 3,500 Pairs ot Kid Gloves
Worth op to $2.00 a Pair, at 95c
This is by far tEe most important announcement we have ever
made concerning Kid Gloves. If you reiilizo that Kid Gloves are
scarce and that most stores all ove? the country have been forced to
advance from 25 to 50 per cent in price, that we have kept the old
price, on all our lines, and that now we aro in position, through,
months -of planninar in advance, to announce a sale which cuts even
thar tfvll ' n.inn. ? 1.-1 Al.!..
, fwvco iu nun. mis an
nouncement' will be nothing short of
astonishing. We will h
Saturday over 3,500 pairs of Gloves
containing, among otners, such fa
mous makes as Adler, Centaur, Der
by and 'Laconla, ' - .
The lot contains " '
Two-Clasp Real Kid Overseam
Gloves. ,
Two-Claap Pine Quality Lamb
Gloves. -
One-Clasp Full Pique Gloves.
Two-Clasp Full Pique Kid Gloves.
One-ClasD Ontseam Cane filnvea
All styles are represented in the lot for street
wear or dress wear. In a good many colors
' and in black and white. Many of the gloves
, have .fancy backs. W'e cannot urge tho wis
dom of securing a season's supply too strong
ly. It is by far the greatest sale we ever an
nounced in Kid Gloves. To miss it will be a
serious loss. Come early Saturday morning
and secure as many as you can of Gloves
worth. up to $2.00, at......
Cbildrei's Wo el Checked Dresses
rftfrettjr chlldiah model ' In
all,ff0' colora and check.
vviade with good full skirls
and pretty waifta.
Children's All Heel Serae Dresses
n fftv"T flr-tlra pattarna. Mada
Z.Jllw,,n taney collar, and cufta.
'"""itlbbDii virdl-a. pU-atvd aklrla.
All colors and aiaea, I to It yaaJrs.
Our SlenoflPaDhcs, Corscls
IVomen's Pure Thread Silk Hose
la bUk, while, bronze, toque, fawn and many other popular
shades. In well-known snakes, such as Lorraine. Kayser,
Gotham and Onyx. ull fashioned with wide garter tops,
high spliced heels and toes and double soles. A M
splendid value, Saturday at, pair , 91a""
n.iar.'. Para Tama ftUk
H.a. black, v. hue and
assorted folora. Kull rerular
mada. hlsh apltced haala, toes
and doubl.t aulet.
II 00 duality. lTOr
Saturday, pair v
S-tlMT fcllk Haaa far Waaaaa
riilk to tbe lop. rull aaatn
lea, double aulas, beela asid
toea, and wide carter
lop. toe grade. Oe
taiurda', pair .atrfv
Waa.ea'a CiUrfa Bilk I.I.I aa4
ii taf U.... All full fu
tuned with narter topa; dou
ble sole, he.ia and
toea. 4 te value. - T
Kilurdoy tur , a.Jv
Mara aad Ctrla' Sekaal Heee
In fine and beavy ribbed ; dou
ble knees; spliced soles, heels
and toes. Regular
ie value. 19IZ.C
feu tur day..
tea's Mreerlae4 Male Mm
4a Uui and black, lull aaaia
ls; double heels, toss and
soles. The "Black
lal" brand. A. sood 1lt
value at. pair 4C
la'aei.e fmmmmurrm Mml Heae
. ilk silk heels and toe.. All
slses. In black oaly. Worth
up to tie. On s)a in
basement Saturday, Am
I at.
iHamond f Koap. 10 bars for He
Ivory or Kacel Soep. bars 1n
Kirk's Jap Uose boap, cake.. a
lnd's Vuilehiua Cream, M
.e sUe ,. XalC
Jap ltoae Talcum l'ow- n.
der, can C
I'eroxtde rap, cake Se
I.Ulerme. 11 viie bottle .... ae
Hrli hur t'aatorta, Jic site SI
Weloross beauty Cream, anA
eOe box aiyC
California t-yrup of nn
tlna. 6c sue .el
Hromo rntltaer. tl alia bottle Se
Mentholatum, tOc else 2
V-Mule-Team KorajL. r
l-lb pk .T7 iC
llorlick . Waited klllk. tt CQ
hospital al.e A.UeT
Aeperln Tablets, i-tcr.. doa. lSe
lpactic Pills. It) In bottle IM
Iriietrite Natl JnauL . 4 Kern
J be also 77T C
Castile hop. l-lb bar lie
' A big new assortment . of
ench White Ivory Mirror.
Heir Brushes, Combs, etc, at
cut prices.
You can write more let
ters if your speed can be
maintained to the latt;rtf0T
part of the day. You will V
not have that tired feeling pY-.
I. J VU tt VOX IHV ilKIll, Vl'l"
set. This is not an extreme model, yet it is in
perfect style. Medium 'and low bust; supports the
back wonderfully; allows freedom over diaphragm and
abdomen. Made of Everlast cloth, boned with
Walohnlong skirt, tailored to fit you. Price.. $3.50
Gossard Corset at '2.00
This Corset is designed for the average figure, beinic
carefully modeled in each size to suit the light as
well as heavy type. Medium bust line, flat back
effect, free hip boning and six hose supporters.
This Gossard Corset has all the exclusive features,
such as long tailored skirt, present vogue wail
line, long wearing "Everlast cloth
and boninor that will not rust. Sizes
20 to 34. Price
Jewelry and Silver wear Specials
ParUlaa Ivary Tea Hair Heee 1 vera and.
Half J axe Worth 60c 25 aWW
F-aeaaUaa Ivary Ne eft lee iVfme
Hot (Jr.. Picture Frames, t'ln Cush
ion. Hat t in Holders, etc. 4
rlpeclal ..
BaraejM rari aad Jet Baits Kt
rlaa-a. Jet lros tuarrtaae S f
Special U V
Saild talel Bieerare-Pet with beauti
ful stones, very brstty desitrns.
Worth to .. Sale SI 5 J
Complete llnea of Sherwood Pattern
Silverware, made by Wm. A. Hovers.
on sals at about half price. Hers are
a lew or tne items:
Tea Spewae,, regular price Tie 4Qf
for set of six. at "a.
Batter Halves aad t..r 1Q
Saelta. Keitular price Jc. at. . .
Gravy I-aAira. Regular price 39C
i.u. k i
Berry Seeeaa. Regular price 2Q
ko. at
Kalvea and KerVa. Regular , Q
pnea J... at
Real Seal and Real Morocco Bags,
newest shapes and designs, silk
lined, with I and 4 realty fittings. $3
values, at
A Big Shipment of
Some with ostrich bands, ostrich
pompoms, fancy numidt crfects,
fur edgings of mon
key, seal, fitch. $7.50
One Hundred Dozen This
Season's Best Trimmings
Such as burnt coque, vulture, pheas
ant,, stickups, banding, wing cf
Tects in all colors, mercury and
luc- and sue
Ostrich Plumes
Selected plumes, made of
prime stock. Kxtra wide, heavy
heads. Colors hlack. white.
pink. (told. rose, blue, soli J.
aiio pastel snadina
ues (or
elihadi.fii' mX' lar '
-51.7U I Saturday for
Unlrimmed Shapes
Of velvet and plush, including
Belgian turbans and roll brim
sailors; in black ifV
and colors. Iiegu- W Ulf ft)
lar $2.50 values. I vaVIi .
Women's Part Wool Union Suits
Plain and Swiss Ribbed; all styles
and sizes.' Worth to $2,50. Per Suit
Women's Fleeced Cotton Fnlon
Suits Ii fine medium quality;
high neck, with long sleeves;
Dutch neck with elbow sleeves
and low neck, sleeveless.. All
sires, fl.00 value, at, 00C
Women's Medium Weight Union
Salts Slightly fleeced, bleached
and cream: high neck with long
sleeves, ankle length. Of n
50c quality, at t
Women's Cotton Vest and Fasts
Fleecy lined. Elbow sleeves,
ankle length pauta. Sizes 4. 5 and
6. 39c values, OCast
garment 4-ill
Children's and Beys' Union Suits
Heavy fleeced cotton; high neck
with long sleeves; ankle length;
drop seat. Ages 3 to 8. Qflfk
50c quality, suit ...t&tJX
Children's and Boys' Part Wool
Colon Halts In white or natural;
high neck, long, sleeves, ankle
- length, drop seat. Worth 7fZmr9
to 1 1-&0 a garment I V
Infants' Vests Part wool and all
cotton. In buttonless and wrapper
styles. All sizes. Worth 4 tZg
to 35c, at ...JUV
Inarts' Fart and AIl-Wool Vests-.
Buttonless and wrapper OQn
style. Worth 50c. Each . . M J
Come Learn to
Knit and Crochet
We Invite, yon to attend our class
In knitting ar-d crocheting with
Pleisher'a Yarns. Tbe class la In
charge of Miss B. E. Strange, who
Is an expert In all brancnes or
yarn work. Every day tn Art
Goods Section, Third Floor, from
8:30 to 5:i0.
With every purchase of Music Sat
urday we are giving FREE COPIES
of the new Song Successes ag fea
tured in tbe "Melorose Beauty En
tertainment" at the Brandela the
ater. "In Beauty Land" and "My Melo
300 Pairs oi Women's Fine Shoes
Worlb It 55 a pair, lor $2.88
Patent leather, dull leather with cloth and
kid tops; tan calf, also tan calf with white
calf top; button and lace. All good styles.
Sixes broken, but all sizes can QQ
in tbe lot Tbe entire lot cHZ.aO
at, pair...... v . ww
iCOPalrsChlldren'sShoes .
SUes to 8. Patent leather with kid
or cloth tops In brown or red ;
soft kid, black suede, etc Worth'
to 82 00 a pair. QSr
Saturday tJOZ