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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
THE BEK: OMA1TA. WEDXESDAV. OCTOIJER 21. 1914. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, October 20, 1914. OMAHANS In Europe are having difficulty in securing sailings. Monslgnor Colanerl, who had planned to nail last Saturday, was unable to get accommodation and it is not known 'when tie will be able to return. Monslgnor Colanerl is In Italy. Dr. -and Mrs. Despecher, who hare been In Trance visiting relativee, are supposed to have secured passage last week but it is not definitely known if tbey sailed as (hey had planned. Mil's Frances Nash and Miss Natalie ,Myera expect to sail November 7 from Holland, but tbelr plana may be changed again because of the war. Mrs. Theodore Lleben of Kansas City, mother of Oscar Lleben, and her niece, Miss M. Ralender of Vienna, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lleben. Miss . Calender came to this country in July to visit her aunt In Kansas City, In tending to return to Austria In September, but, on account of the war, ahe has been unable to do so. She is as eager to return to Vienna as Americans have been to leave It. For Ont-of-Towa Guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. March entertained at dinner at their home Sunday evening In honor of Mis. L. MrLet.n of Toronto, Canada; Mrs. It. E. Burton of WssH-it-eton, D. C, and Mrs. 1 C. Meyer of Winner, Neb Tl'ose present were: Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Marsh.' Mr. and Mrs. C T. Itoblnson. Mr. and sirs, 1. M. Robinson. Meedames Mesdemes T- Mclean. Mies Ixla Marsh, H. K. Hiurton, Mr. Georfe slarsh. I. . C. Meyer. Vra. H. C. Marsh entertained at lunch eon Monday In honor of these guests. For Mrs. George. The Nebraska Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage will tntertaln at lunch eon Thursday at the Loyal hotel in honor of Mrs. A. J. George of Boston, who sotsk st the American theater this e.enlng. Reservations must be mailed or telephoned to Mrs. William Archibald Smith before s o'clock Wednesday sfter noon. P. E. 0. Sisterhood. Mrs. Frank C. Tatton will entertain Chapter E of the P. E. O. sisterhood at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her horns Thurs day, Following the luncheon there will he a program en "Horns JJfe and Edu cation la Japan." Miaa Marls Lehnhoff and Mrs. F. U. Cox mill havs thsrts of the program. . "x Dabnow-Shames Weddiifg. The marriage of Miss Anna f names, daughter of Mr. L. Bhames. snd Mr. Julius Pnbnow was celebrated . Sunday evenliig at the Metropolitan vltib' rooms. The wedding ceremony wss followed by a supper for guesfa. .' The bride was gowned In whits diichaes satin with over-dress of shadow lace and wors a Juliet cap held in place wtth whits rosebuds. Bhe carried a shower bouquet of bride' roses snd Illlea of the valley. Miss Jeannette Sherries, sister of the bride, was the rhald of honor and was' gowned In yellow crepe, da tnetsor. She rrrtd Mrs. Ward roses. The brldss maids wsre Misses Florence Shames, who wore aa electrla blue gown; Miss Ruth Gross, mho wors apple green, and Miss Kthel Fry m kin, who wss gowned in pals blue crepe de chins. The ushers mors Messrs. Louis Bhsmes. Charles Shames, Joseph X resits snd Max ramkln. Uttla Lucile Golden berg and Karl Lapidus were the ring bearers. Among the out-of-town snwsts at the meddles were Miss Mollis-Paul of Mus. tatlne. la.. Miss Lena fihsmes of Chicago and Misses rah Davidson of Pes Moines. Surprise Party. A. surprise party given In honor of Miss Caroline McBvoy, The awning wss spent In gsmes and rouslc. Covers were 1I3 fort' . Johnston won a match from Urn? ilot fatt and Mr. Clark on the Field club course. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles Test Stewart of Council Xtluffs will entertain at a dance at the Country club Thursday evening in honor of .Mr. and Mrs. William Beach of New York. Mr. Beach, who la a brother of Mrs. Utewart, 'arrived Satur day from Wyoming, where he went on a hunting trip. i Unmrtity Club. Cards have been Issued for the Hal lowe'en dinner dance. Thursday evening, October at 7 o'clock, at the Univer sity club. Reeervstlons must be made before p. m. Tneadsy, October 27. N. 0. Club Meet. Miss Marie Jorgeneen entertained the members of the 7J. O. club. .The evening was spent with needlework". The next meeting will b wtth Miss Lenaie Llud For Sister of Mercy. Members of the. Senior and tilrh a, hnl claasea of Bt. 'Berchma.nn'e and fit. .wwinirs, win sjive a piay, tv borns," for the benefit of ths Ulster's of Mercy, at the Crelehton auditorium Wv4- dsy evening st I. o'clock. Ths play Is aei in wueea citssbetn s day and au In vitation has been extended to all alum nae and friends of ths sisters to attend. At Happy Hollow. The Women Golfers will meet the Hsppy Hollow lub Friday at V o'clock. la and Oat of the Bee Hive. ur. j. h. oosts has returned from a visit of two weeks In the'east. Mrs. If. 8. CDhn of Rochester, N. r., who has been the ruaat nf hap ... Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Meyer, returns horns n eonercsy, accompanied by her slater. Mlas Ruth Meyer, who will spend the Fashion Hint w i is i si r in itnriiABTAti Misses .lulls O'Neill. Catherine O'Neill, lielme rt-ror, Ajnea KIMott. Leon Huolng. Msaia George Bennett. 'llilu tauetnerk, Charles Hliaw, t:.y liosard. Thomas Can, MlSMS ' Gertrude McfXoy, Clara Hsrtmsn, Anna Kaimlneck, Carotins Mt Kvoy. Meisr Jimt Rivers.' i' rarik Baualnatk, Karl Winters, Eugene Ensmlgner. Golf Match. . Mrs. Bruce Moffatt and Mr. Clark of ths rieid club and Mrs. Walter O silver and Mr. Chsrles Johnston of the Happy Hollow club wlllilajr'a two bait four some this ' wsek on ths Hsppy Hollow course. Last year Mr.' Stiver and Mr. VALUE OF HYOWEI It's tha Cafe Catarrh Remedy. Nothing Better for Head . Colds or Bronchitis. Vo not eadsnger your health by taking strong drags into ths stomsi h In ths hope of curing catarrh, coughs, asthma and head colds. At ths. best they usually do lulls mors thaa upset the digestive or gans. . Use Hyonast, which 1 nature's own Vtmedy for stl such diseaas. U la a com bination of healing olbs. gunie and bal sams, which, when breathed through the !onwt inhnler, saturstes the air you breathe with Its curative and heslth-gtv-1ng medk-atlon It cirs'stuf fed up head like ntagtc Ityomal quickly goes to all the sore and inflamed tissues lining the nose, thruat and bronchial tubes. Ita an tiseptic healing begins st once dull headaches, distressing choking, constant nuffilns, and unclean dischargee of ths nose surely cease. Myoniel is not only the most pleasant, but ths most natural treatment, end! very inexpensive. All druggists bsve tt. Re kure to get the complete outfit that con tains Inhaler apd bottle of liquid. Blier nm.n A Mi'vniiell I'rug Co. will sell you iljortiel on tke "No-cure-nt-pay' plan. Purely try t luday you, have notiilng to on this generoua otter. Adverties 7- 'TJieltnak Face Powder ) (In C, ee ICee-as TLs bv-m Money beck U set ea txslysJMMS. hu te u sn4 bersv Ina. Adbetae aeul wiiM e prevents Mubursj sd3 rtura el dletoloretieoa. A riUlt'4,"gtec asers V'ovm tie value. 1tr.vl Flemh. ibfc, Snuttli, White. B rOv Cer mr M"'U SO. Ii'il Til Uauuy, Panic, Tau. U III c Personal Mention. Mrs. C, K. Molony Is very ill at her home on Charlea street. Mrs. I A, Gsrner has given up her apartment at the Majeetle and will make bar home at Mil Capitol avenus with Mr. and Mrs, George Danforth. River Cities Howl ; on Nebraska Rates Bt Joseph has Joins with fXoux City snd Council Bluffs In a protest to be en tered with th Interstate Commerce com mieeloa against the Nebraska distance tariff rates, which wsre srrsnged by the Nebraska Railway commission snd which went Into effect September . These new rsJes for freight trafflo In Nebraxka are a great deal lower thsn ths rates on In terstate traffic. This the St. Joseph. Council Bhiffs vd Oloua City Commsr cUI clubs and shipping Interests claim, puts.-them at a dlnadvsntagn wfth the Omaha Jubbers. In competing for trsde territory. It put them at a disadvan tage with Lincoln end other shipping centers of Nebraska as well aa with Omaha, they maintain. FUNERAL SERVICES OF C. B. DUGDALE IMPRESSIVE Ths funersl of Charles' B. Dugdsls took place Tueadey morning from the fsmlly horns. 717 -Kortb Thirtieth street, to at. John's church. Requiem high mass wss celebrated by the eaatar fv. vf xi Bronsseeet, asslstsd by Rov. Btthen F. . hivii oi v isner, ."xeb. Rev. Bernard Oalvin of fipsldlng, Neb., and Rev. James W. Hteason at. Phllomena'a church. Omaha, with all of wbon the deceased wss Identified In various church activ ities In his boyhood and manhood years. In the chancel were Rev. Frank Mc Msnus of Couaoll Jihiffe sad Reva. Pat rick and Rdward "Flanagan of Omaha. Father RronageeMt spoke feelingly of the life of Mr. Ougdsle snd pronounced tue benedict tqn. Burlsl took place In Holy Hepuliher cemetery, the service being conducted by Father Bronsgeest. Ths pslltearers were; N " . T. P Redmond, John A. Sihall. V, J. Hueaeil, T. Frank CsasL Hdnev Kent. T. J. 1 )!, T. J. Doniihoe. Fred liaiuiiton. NEBRASKA MAN'S COOK TO IMPROVE STOCK BREEQ To improve the breeding of vattWs throughout the northweat an eduraUonal cennaiga has bees started by James J. Hillin w hich the ebook of Prof. II. R. fmltb. .who was formerly head of the department of animal husbandry at tha University of Nebraska and is now head of a si mils r department at the Univer sity of Mlnneaota, is to be chief .factor. Mr. Hill is sending thousands of copies of this book, which is entitled -Profitable Stock reeding." to tha banks to be by them distributed to farmers who raise Slock. - V T :. 'v. x i if BIRTHDAY OF POWER LAMP ' By LA RtCOXTEllE, . Of Its many details adspted to the lines of the mature figure the moet fortunste perhaps of ail In this afternoon frock of black supple Tnolcs Is the corselet ar rangement and tha' fall -of the tunic at front The bodice makes a . corselet in crusted with a Jet embroidery, which suits particularly the elderly women. Parker and Hooker Win Opera Prize CHICAGO, Oct. 20.The 110,000 prise offered by, the Nstlnnal Federation ' of Musical clubs for the best grand opera written In Kngllsh, hssbeen awarded to Prof. Horatio Parker of Yale, who com posed ths music, and Brian Hooker of New Tork, wbo wrote the book. The opera' a name Is "Fairy Land." 1 Under the trms of the competition. In which five operss were entered, the production will be made at Los Angeles next summer. Ths authora three years sgo won a prlss for their opera, "Mons," which was said to havs been aa artistic, but not a financial success. Caught Collecting " Winter Overcoats Ftsnk Puckett, police character, was given thirty days in the county jail for theft of overcoats front automobiles. Do tectlve Finn of ths Brandels stored caught him stealing a coat from the machine owned by George Brewer and later De tectives Dunn snd Kanrielly recovered five valuable garments which had been stolen by Puckett. Among the coats recov ered was a aw one stolen from W. W. Umsted of. the Westers Union. LITTLE TOT IS FACETIOUS AT TEACHER'S EXPENSE MUd!reed culturs caused sn artistic panic at Train school Monday. Young stars la the lower grades srs taught to flatten their "a s" In such words ss "can't" and "sak." One little fellow said- 'Teacher, how do you spell- ox?" O-a." said ths teacher, -o-x, ox. i Why, Johnny?" "th, I Just BnM lu vk u a qu tlos.' ', V BUTLER ASKS APPRAISAL OF ALL CITY PROPERTY City Commissioner Dsn Jl Butler of the department of finance and accounta baa asked City Atstractrr Wood W.' Hartley to estimate the value of all city property, "How am I going to do It?" Hartley asked In consternation. "How tha dickens can ens arilve at the value of the elty hall, for exoipple?" . Butler ' desires the In formation lor the use of bond buyers who mey bid for city bonds. ' Park ConinilHSlonrr J. F. Hummel says it Is next, to Impossible to fix the value of park property. The appraisal will Include all lsnds, buildings, plants, animals and machinery owned by--the city of Omaha. Hartley says the difficulty ' of fixing the value of city property Is that Ita value Is to hevrlty alone, la many In stances, and buildings would bs of little vslue If placed on ths market for coin mcrclsl purposes. Electric Light Born Thirty-FiTe Tears Ago Thit Day. LIGHT COMPANY TO CELEBRATE I. e-l Power Flrse Observe Aaal veraary ef Rdleww lamtliii hy Keestlag; Osea Heaie te All Visiter. Trior to' October a, fr,. the elertrlo light was unknown. Prior to thst time the richest of the rich In the larger eltiea. where It was manufactured. Illuminated their hoiiaes with gas, but the moder ately rich, the common people snd the poor felt, themselves lucky and f erfectly satisfied If they hsd ons of the old-fssh. loned kerosene lamps that have long since gone to the discard and are now only seen In remote country districts snd tha smallest of the small towns. ' In place et the lamps and tha anti quated methods of lighting, electricity Is doing the work and It 'la doing It to such an extent that one of the factories at Harrison. N. J., Is turning out incandes cent lsmps at the" rate of 20,100 an hour. The electric light Is the original product of Thomas Alva F.dlson, born In Milan. O., February U, 1847". later moving to Port Huron. Mich., where be attended school, always standing at the foot of his clsases. Lweai Firsa Observes Day. Ths anniversary -of the birth of the electrle light will bs observed this month by the Omaha Electric Light company, and, while it will not be a society func tion, the officers will keep open house, welcoming all who- csMI, and at the .seme time exhibiting scores of the new things In lighting and electrical appliances. The officers of the company' feel that owing to the rapid advsnces that havs bedo made in applying electricity. .It la meet and proper that 'the anniversary of the birth of the electric light abould be prop erly observed. Referring back to Edison and Incidents connected with him career before he brought the electric light Into existence. When still a school' boy bs Installed a laboratory In a room of his fathar's home and commenced his experiments wtth electricity. He Installed a telegraph line between his horns snd that of a boy chum a few blocks sway. He constructed Instruments and worked the line. Thus hs learned telegraphy and got a position an an operator, but thla wss too slow for him. Then he commenced to drift about, workng to get money and spending It making experiments. WoPka Tweaty-Fesr Hears. - Along In 188, Edison Invented the stock market ticker and aold ths patent for tte.OOO. Thla money put him on bis feet and he went to Newark, N. J. He estab lished a laboratory, and with the Idea that he could use electricity for lighting purposes, commenced working twenty hours per day. He knew no auoh word ss fail, but the discovery of the electric light wss sn accident. He. tried all klnda of material and pastes for filament, but none of them would illuminate, though they would carry current. ' At last, snd when he wss feeling pretty well discouraged, one day Edison plucked a red whisker from the beard oCooe of the men In the laboratory. Thla he put into- one of the little glass bulbs an J turned on the -currant It gave a small wink of light and at once, he knew that he had solved ths problem. Then hex car bonised hairs, but they were' not strong enough to carry current for any length of time, but this marked the birth of the light of today. The next advancement came when he commenced the ' use of bamboo splints, soma of which were In use until a few yssrs ago. When tnetal Ised they proved very satlsfsctory, but still Edison wanted a better llgbt. This was followed by the carbon, wire and it earns Into genera use all over the coun try, continuing until not many years sgo, when, after an Immenss amount of in vestigation In the field of rare metals, he adopted tungsten for filaments. t Reralatlaa la LlghtlasT. ' The discovery upon the pert of Edison brought about tho revolution In lighting, both Interior and exterior, at the asms time reducing the cost of Illumination for with ths old csrbon filament four to five watts of electrical energy per candle power waa required, whereas with ths tungsten filament thla wss reduced to S.10 watts, which the Maxda, the present recognised light, has brought down to l ib watta per candle p"6Wer. CaaatlsMttloa Relieved by Dr. King's New Ufa' Pills. Liver snd 4owsls kept healthy, and sctlva. Don't gripe, sure relief. 25c. All druggists. Ad vertisement. . 1 ' Pszanowski Nips -Three Confidence Chaps in Action To the fact thst Js k I'sxtnowskl does not resemble the stereotyped style of detective, the police attribute the arrest of tkree . young mi alleged to be responsible for s large number of com plaints of petty swindling within the' last few weeks. Prsanowakl waa standing In front of the bostofflre when be ssw a young msm patrolling the sidewalk. When ths officer ssw. the young man sprroach snd go swsy with a farmer a few mln utea lster, hie suspicions were s roused snd bs followed. In a little while he ssw the voting nun click his heels to gether twice, and from the , other, side of the street rsme snother young mar and '"accidentally", met number one and the farmer. Pexanoweki still kept watch snd lster number two gave the wlrde message ; by clicking hta fiels and a third young man rrossjd the street '"ac cidentally" and Joined the party. '. "I gne 1 ve got 'em all together' now, so (I'll Just make the ' pinch." thought Pssanowekl. Hs called the pstrol wsgon snd wsrtcd until It wss In sight snd then went over snd seised the three fr.en. They answer the descriptions of the men who fleeced R. A. Thompson, Wllke ecmvnie. Neb., of 120 Monday and Out I C&rison and W. IT." Mooney of Bert rand, Neb., and St. Louis. The lstter two last week lost $42 and $23. The alleged confidence men described themselves ss Fred Owens, Chicago; Fred Zudeck, Pyracuue, and the third raid Ms name was Reeds and claimed to be a farmer living In Michigan. In, the last month there have been no less thsn a dosen complaints from visitors who have lost amounts ranging from 110 to r by being Inveigled Into fixed com" matching games. I SECOND ACCIDENTAL DEATH Little -Twenty-Month-Old Lad Killed by a Street Car. BROTHER KILLED BT AN AUTO Mather Rears It Wost Herat t aider the Terrlhle gtrala laejarat la to Be Held Wednesday. illy Bee Want Ads Produce Results. "Well crying is not going to bring him back.) I might Just ss well biugb'and be breve for the sske of my children." This w S3 the reply of Mrs. Wlllism J. Drvfs. 2119 Fouth Eleventh street, when a Hee repoitcr expressed surprise st her sppsrent cherfulnes after her 20-months-old, haby boy had been crushed te death beneath the wheels of a street car Monday. The infant, a few minutes st'ter being dressed by his mother, erswled to the street csr trscks at Tenth and Spring streets snd the csr Tea over Jilm before It could be stopped. - . . "There's no use being hysterical. I am heart-broken. It's true, but I have to" cheer up my husband and other chil dren," she added. Her hubanl. a clear maker, was un nerved .when this, their second child to be killed In sn accident, was brought home, mangled. Four and a half years ago, Harry, their S-year-old son, was killed by an auto be, kirgluc to Rundell A Co., contractors. Thry were living st 261 Hamilton street then snd the accident took place right before Mrs. Drefs' eyes. Mrs. Drefs has three children left to her. Johnnie, VUl'e and Eddie, all under 10 years of sge. , . - "Wehad Juat succeeded In pulling him through a siege of pneumonia," she said simply.- "1 clcsned,. him up yesterday i morning and ws wers playing ball for a few minutes. I turned away to take care of my kitchen and teft him playing, I thought, on ths porch. Instead, he bad craaled sli the wsy to the street csr traces. The youngMcr s hit at : o'clock Monday morning, but lived until yester day afternoon. ' Coroner Crosby will hold an Inqueat Wednesday morning and the funeral will take place In the afternoon. r Trusted Postal Employe Caught by Decoy Letter Taid Meyen. aged M yesnv living at ViX -Emmet street, snd for twenty-three yesrs a trusted employe In the postsl service In this Nty, bss been srrested for opening special delivery letters snd extracting money therefrom. Meyen bss been under suspicion sines the first of the year and was arrested after having been seen to open one of four decoy letters snd remove seversl bills' w hich hsd been marked. He was placed under arrest by ths postofflce Inspectors snd his bonds fixed at 11,000. Postmaster Wharton declared that Meyen had been drinking heavily for some time snd sttrlbuted his down fall to this cause. The man himself could (rive no resson ss to why hs had opened the letters. Meyen Is well educated, speaks fivs languages and la the father of a large family. His wife is overcome with grief. Mrs. Meyen sgrced with Postmaster Wharton thst drink had been the caose of her husband's downfall. SIMEON LAMBERT DIES AT AGE OF SEVENTY-SEVEN Simeon Lambert, pioneer In Omaha, died Monday night at his home. Mr. Lambert waa bonr In England In 1837. came to this .country In 1M and to Omaha In 18T, remahiing here ever since. The funersl will be held Wednesday af ternoon st 2:30 from the residence, JTJI Camden avenue, .Interment Forest.Lawn cemetery. . ' y -rvnmmmmmi l nt-m-1 - iinsmi m i in -ti -n sMi-fisi -r-T-rr- r -y rrna ins rimitonaiitiJitrin rz ?1 Our Fall Sale of Lace Curtains and Curtain Materials Next Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 26 and 27 The Blanket Sale That Offers Great Values ! ' i The sale that offers savings of about 35 cents on every dollar you spend. Good Wool Blankets Fine blankets, bought at a vtiy low price la our '. big purchase last week. Worth up to 3.00 each. ( On aale now, each 51.00 Up to $4.50 Comforts Fine sateen covered com-. forts, full size and extra large, hand tufted or fancyscrolt stitched . 2.69 Ses Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. Orchard 6? Wilhelm Co. Buy a Hoosier Kitchen CabiuetNow Tuke advantage of our club plan. $5 Monthly PavrAenti ' v ' rick out your Hoosier now haVa It delivered at once and enjoy Its many conveniences, - SMya u.!M ' ii n.,im rn -.iv :; i ji: 7C3,CC3Vcmen fireUiinglloosieri Strong evidence that the Hoosier la super ior to ail other cabinets. It has more -space In It has more tested conveni ence -is better constructed andcosta no more. Of labor-saving devices tor woman it is the peer. When . you are down town come In and let our salespeople demonstrate the advantages of a Hoosier to you. A few 1013 Model Hoosiers at $3 Reduction while they last. Box - Springs," $15.00 Being made on our 3d floor during our Gift Carnival and Educational Exposition. You can see these aprings In pro cess, of construction and dur ing this time we will sell these box aprings, your choice of ticking for 116.00. , , Willow Chairs, $7.50 In "Newport" style Rocker or Chair being made on our 6th floor from French Willow dur ing our Gift Carnival and Edu cational Exposition. Thla la an extremely Interesting Ex hibit and theae chairs and . rockers are worth much more than we are asking for them, 17.60. Talk on Oriental Rugs ' Wednesday the 21st, at 3 o'clock. Oa the 2d floor liy Mr. NaLigian, a native expert in charge of thi3 department. . Jraaatam Tee) Watf B Ssrveaf Vena 5osiMir Special Belouchistan rugs for .-. . . . . $11, $14 and $18. ORCHARD CI WILHELM COMPANY Wool Filled ' Blankets Full 11-4 and 12-4 sizes. Many like them better than all-wool be cause they don't shrink. Usually priced at 4.00 per pair '2.98 Ali-Wool Blankets . "North Star," "St. Mary's" and other leading brands. Made of finest , selected California wool. Regularly $7.60 pair. Now , J5.00 $1.50 Cotton Woolnap Pl'd Government Blanket Blankets Blankets Heavy,' large Largest cotton Made especial- size cotton blan- ' blankets made. ly for the largest kets, for 1 large Soft finish that' institution, and site beds. Soft, looka and feela 'stamped "U. S. ileecy cotton. In like wool. Weight; I. D." Cost of white, gray and ' 3, to 4 lbs, making theae tan. Wednesday, and worth $3.00, blankets is $2.50 ' pair - - pair each.- Sale price, 98c 1; n.98 H.50 i 85c Cotton . Heavy Wool- Comforts Blankets nap Blankets Worth $3.00 These are for Just the blan- 20 dosen fine three quarter kets you want' comforts, -bought sixe beds. They for large beds. In our big pur come in tan. Very BOft napped chase of last gray and white- and twilled. week, but not ds The regular 85c Sixes up to 72x llvered until yes aluea, Wednea- o Inches. Worth terday. Price day, pair . . $2.60 pair, now, Wednesday, each 49c 1.69 j M.98 IJody Brussels and Wilton Velvet Ruga Size 9x12 feet. Good line for selection; blues, browns and tans. Values up to $27.50. Wednesday ' $17 '98 Jloyal 'Axminster Rugs, Size 9x12 Ft. Good patterna and colore. Floral s p f . and Oriental designs. An ex- V I K 1 1 1 ceptional value Wednesday at. ,'.YASJ v v Anulnster Rags Slxe 27x(0 inches. One nice lot of patterns and colorings. On aale Wed- $1 75 nesday 1 Ilag Rug Speviaf One lot of ' assorted bliee. Values up to $2.00. Special Wed nesday, each.. , . 75c Curtain Materials , THIRD FIOOR. Ribbon Edge Ktamtne Regular price 3c a yard. Special for Wednesday, OC a&sJU W-Id. Colored liorder Ktamine Assort ment of new colors and patterns, yard.. . . . . Very Fine Tambour Muslin for yard AmJ I -yard....v.. 4J 2.1 Pieces of Cnrteiu Special ylQ )Q OP Wednesday, yard. feW 9 7C, ssUC Imported KcoUh Mad ras 46 Incbea wide- Special for Wednes day at. yard.. . , Bungalow and File Net A large assort- mant of new patterna. Special for Wednes- yy:..... 65c, 59c, 49c 59 Dozen linen Vindow Shades 83c- lloe f. Cre tonne AU new faU patterns' Special for Wednes- Of- day, yard.. faOC 39c 61m 36x71 Uchet. AU ready to hang A 4i (9tt4 '"I wuisjvsi; vsav. aa a , . 25c BUY A SUPPLY WEDNESDAY MAIV FLOOR ' We haxe purchased the" entire overstock from one of the biggeat mills. Also a canceled order of a large hotel that was left on this-mill's hands. All go on sale Wednesday. Almost 2,003 BtSUSIS4iB Tiirkisn Towels DIVIDED INTO THREE BIO LOTS. ' For Towels Worth 10c About ' 1,000 dozen. Bleached and unbleached. Fringed or hemmed ends. Good full sise. Full Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Towels 7c For 15c & Towels 12ic& Over 600 doxen bleached Turkish towels. Double thread. Soft and absorb ent. Extra big values. The' regular zoc Quality." Made of heavy twisted yarn. Hemmed ends. Ex tra Bite. About 300 dozen, Wednes dsy .. 19b Turkish Bath Towels Size 28x36 Inches 59c Regular $1.35 kind- Weigh one pound and six ounces. They 'were made for a big eastern hotel. This is a big op portunity for. rooming bouse and hotel keepers. Price In this aale, .each. . . . . . , Enameled Covered Roasters No better roaster made. Irrespective of price. Body and cover are both seamless, fit snug- ly and retain all the natural flavor and Juices of food. Continuous self basting . preventa scorching. Handlea -welded on by electricity, will not come off. Enamel ig tough and durablex Else 16x10x8 . . . Will take the largest fowl or roast. Js I I u ' us" i Mi ('nw, M'aHnMsulaV main sylWts sk umvwms. -sr. aawa . ksp