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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
Tllh Bhh: OilAllA, WhUNhifSPAY, Wl)HrH 2, lsU. Oh, Miitt Always Makes it for Life Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher tTMtW4H. T'A l V ,J I I V u L 32 .VhG , ;,, ,4J , CTff f , 4, . .. . . . X f.S . 'ft- : , ; awi 1 i BASE BALL MEETING EPOCHAL Bo Should B Omaha Gathering, Sayi O'Neill. MUDDLE FOE MAJORS TO lXMIX Moral Mast Com MUn' Relief w f"railed Flaaae Will Com , ' plete It Warfc De atraetlow. ( Th Annual meeting ' of , the National Association of Bas Ball ' League In Omaha, Novmbr 19-11 should ba epochal la the history of the came, a President Nrr1 U O'Neill of the Western ku see It. "It la up to the blf fellowi." says "Tip." speaking of the wrong and reme dies of present conditions. "Another year of bad lack will surely follow unless th majors lend a land. They have their chance to make rood when the National Association of Professional ' Base Ball lstarue convana' at Omaha.. November 11. 11 and 17. A Joint session of the na tional commission oemposed of Oarry Herrmann, Ban Johnson and John K. Tener. and the national board of arbi tration should be productive (rest re sult, Inasmuch as the minora then might be enlightened as to what moQe of .pro cedure should follow In their future bat tle with U rxJeceJ. . . ."Heretofore the minors have met only te labor unasr 4 nanaicap in mat tnsy have beea chary about taking the Initial tfv la any matter, always fearing they might not get the support of the na tional 'commission. Alt through the min ors titer he been a crying need for as sistance from the big fellows, aid th thee is ripe for drastlo , action." , 1 Mow tV rater Ha "aft. President CfNettl go OH to show how th Western league, together with other minor. . ha got th worst of the; raid tng don by th federals; how the major magnate have for year promised much and don nothing to fortify ith minor against such encroachment. For It all. he blames "trensled 1 finance." Then he offer some Interesting suggestion. For etampto: .. . 1, Outlandish salaries should be abolished. Instead of a monthly limit of I3,M0 th mogul should make It U.C0O. No Class A team should carry more than fourten players., Bench managers, highly paid seoretar rm and other aupemuraerartea should go. Kvery team should have a playing man' ager. ' Expenses must be made more, noarty to conform t gat receipts. O'Neill aar while Wichita and Topeka lost heartl y to 1W the other Western league team mad a UtU. but on a duced seal. Big things. must b don at th Omaha meeting to help save th day. Last Night's Scores with the Bowlers tnadard Oil Leaara. CROWN QASOUNE Int. 2d. 3d. Tot Plamnndon .144 JU ni ff Hoibart ....1H 141 V 414 orothy ,...lf, M 44 ' Baunn 141 242 it M Total B7 tm T)7 17W MICA aXLR OBEAHE 1st. Id. M. Tot. liegeman ..lw 14J ra 4.U Johnson ..AM 119 111 M Jones m 235 l... 6a nouy 10a 1H6 461 Totsl m SSO if2 17M PERFECTION OIL. ifr 1st. Id. Id. Tot. Ollmor ....1'I7 118 1UE tit Moor in JM li4 M1 Kline SI W M SHI Haarmaan .13 lt IXt 1 TotaU.....7l 590 WMT POLAR1NB. lit. 2d. Jd. Tot. Pcnlon ...HI tA 144 4SI Overholt ...140 111 110 3l Brhenk 1S5 ISO 122 a7 Cain 147 1 81 204 W2 Totals K4 B7I 800 1731 Camaser!! Leagae. POLLOCK'S 8. ami H 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Psehr 17t 1U1 174 6 Hnlnmon ...140 154 14 4D McDonnell .1KI 1M lr. f.14 Faton ....-ili 17U Ki9 fcW) Hull 131 207 r.o m Totals. ...'.M6 IM (Wl tm . BRODE'S CROWNS. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. lAne 143 147 203 493 Newcomb ,.1" 10 1 814 atlna 11 12X 179 434 . Cain l m 19 638 Jaroeh ... Totals.. OMAHA TiTtla 1 Hraves K M liner 141 Wstt 1M McUonald .209 ..ISO 184 132 4 ..727 7 fli 2273 B1CTCLK CO. 1st. M. 5d. Tot. 17 1M 148 11 U4 lot IM 1.13 IM 142 Total 7 848 ia 2M KAOLES. 1st. 2d. Id. Tot. Moyna 178 14'J 139 j 44 Hempet ....109 143 143 S Wetter 146 1 123 44 Thtel 1ST 11 1 471 Rle U r Jf4 Total 711 863 1 taal HOEFFEL SEES AGGIES PLAY Aiiiitajit Kebnuka Coach Declarei M. A. C. Better Than MicbJg-an. JULIAN GREATEST ROLLBACK Last Tea' AU-Amertcaa riiolee De clared by lloef fel lllll te Be Beet Maa la Caaatry at Ilia Position. So 'Want Ada Produce p.eauit. ANOTHER LEAGUE OFF FEED Attendance of Wiiootfiin-Illinoit Orff&aintion Very Poor. eBWaawsanaasa EXISTENCE TJ? TO EIQ MAGS Owaar f Oehkosk Vote t t'oattane if It la Shown at Omaha Meet-Is- that Mlaore Will Be Treated Proaerly. , OeilKOSH. WU.,' Oct. .-Whll th attendant! this season of th Wisconsin Illinois league was vsry poor. It was de cided that this wsa an off year and oon aldcrabl optimism was expressed for Mat year at a meeting of the club magnate her today. It wsa ovted to oonUnu th league, pro vided th meeting of to major leagues at Omaha next November Indicated tha th minor league would reoelv proper treatment. President Week and Vio President. Moll, wll lattend th Omaha meeting. ' ' ' i ' ' , : ; v i , Disturber IV Victor ' in Motorboat Race CHICAGO. Oct. IO.-Dlsturber IV. owned by James A. Pugh of Chicago, to day won th first of a erle of motor boat race for th American champion ship. Black Demon HI. ownedby John son brother of Terr Haute. Ind., was second and Bllllcan. th third boat In th race,, suffered . ag1n trouble, which forced it wDr, ' W. T. Warren, to withdrawn. IU ' . Th. rac u run over a thirty-mtl eour in lAk Michigan, just off th Chicago harbor. Th boat winning th flrat thre race will b declared th champion nd the event wa so cloaely .contested by the Disturber and th Black Demon that It seemed likely th whol eriea of flv races will be necssary. to decide. Th Um was 31:41. Th second race will be held tomorrow, Ames Varsity Team t Makes Poor Showing AMES, la., Oct Bpeclai.) Th Cyclone have loafed on their open dati which wa Saturday and from now on It I acrlmmag until th season, close down In Drake statlum, .November 21. Th coaching crew Opened up drill yesterday for th gam with Missouri on th Tiger' horn field at Columbia next Haturday. Th starter for the Tiger battle was strenuous for th first string, with th mentor driving It against th freshmen and bawling out vry man In th lineup. Th coaches shoved th varsity harder than It ever ha been shoved this season, and to top It off the varsity made th most mlsembl showing In scrimmage with th freshmen that It ha chalked uP against Itself this year. Th freshmen mad th lineup that wll undertake to curl th Tiger' tail look Ilk a bunch of candidates far a grade school team. They hammered th varsity front as nf thsr war nothing more tber than a sheet of air, puncturing the tin tor gains con tinually. Their buck field and line mad a jok of th vanity defense and their de fense could not be cut by the varsity, at tack. Varsity play war smothered clear behind th Una, and quarterback run were short It they got away at all. ' Th coaches clearly were dlsappolntsd by th performs no of their string and they Just as clearly were not th sol and only factor of fault for th flat failure of th varsity yesterday. Th varsity tried Mm and again to work the forward throw, but th end and linemen Just a often failed to make ft creditable. a: m im a The Better Stores .Sell Them The way to judge the quality. of Vtvssar Union ' Suits to - .note - the character of the stores that sell them. . ' Only the better stores ; show Vcjssar Union Suits . for Gentlemen ; Kns to it furmone suk at a tuns; Swiwwibbed fsbnes very eUauc; cufTi and anklets arm on not sswed on ooo t roll up or aretth out; ipea&lly tailored' buooo-halte vwxt'l Beti or pull ov: AruaSed like tailored clothe ' wsSo eacluav feature mafc VsJMf Union suit diKincnvsj, ' VASSAR SWISS UNDERWEAR CO. . A KING-PECK CO. Carry a Complete Line of VASSAR UNION CUt Til Plan f or Pcacq in . Base Ball World CHICAGO. Oct SO A "tentative plan tor peace In th baa ball war between rganiMd ban ball and the federal I ensue ha been reaohed, according to a statement , aiad today by Charles Weeghman, head f the local ' rederal leagu club. . . Waeghman w'euld not mak publlo tlx plan at thl time, but announced It had been settled In a long distance telephone conversation last night between himself and August Hermann, ohalrmaa of the Rational Baa Ball commission. Th plan was discussed at a meeting here today of Federal league officials, and will be taksn up Friday and Saturday at th annual meeting of the Indepen dent club owner In ffsw Tork. IOWA CHANGING LINE FOR MINNESOTA GAME 1 I0WACTTT. Ia., tot. 3.-Bpeclal.-r Th Iowa backfleld I to be changed con siderably for net Baturday'a ganio with MlnnceoU en loa field. Follcwlng th experlenc of th Oilcago gam, when the heavy back plowed through tor good gain while th lighter and faster me wer unable to budge, th big Chics g forwards, llawley will send . narretsoa Into th gsme at fullback and Kerwlck wll start at left half. These two worked la today's signal practice with Oroaa at quarter sad i 'arsons at right half. Th combination lacks th eneed or th other, but ha drlv sad weight low will go Into th gam with th Oopher with th line-up unchanged la otner respects. Barron will not b able te play for two or three weeke, but Jaoobsen played a strong gam at hi tackl on Saturday 'and no worry la fell on that score. , Th only sciimmags ot the week will be held tomorrow afternoon, when th freshmen will use Minnesota play y thera by Assistant Coach Kent. Etretrle, Breed, Bitter. Bur relief for lndlgsstion. Myspepala. liver aaa aiansy complaints, dives appe tite, adda ton te system. Sue ar.d H. All drugguta-Admrumav. LINCOLN, Ooi .-(8pnal Telegnafn ) "Nebraskan at going to see a real foot ball game," said Assistant Coach Jo Hoeffel, when he returned thl morn ing after witnessing th Michigan Aggle Mlchlgan contest last Saturday. -'Minn, ota of last season wasn't ' In It with th Aggie.- Th Aggie virtually played ring around Michigan, aooordlng to Hoeffel. although th pupil ot Hurry-Up Tost were on th long end of a 3 to I soor. "It was a lucky drop kick that wotaMor Mtohlgan," Hoeffel said. "In team strength Tost' team did not measure tip to the Aggie. 'i Waadevfal Bkf!l. -Th Aggl have th moat wonderful backfleld eveo gathered together In th west," dsolared HoeffeL "Tim aftar time they would carry th ball fifty and laixty yard at a clip on consistent gain of from six to eight yards. They went through that Michigan lln Ilk It was o much ' paper. In Hennlngs ' and B MUler th Aggie have th finest pair ot ends I hav ever seen on a team. Both are wonderful defonalv player and MUler, specially, la a tar in going down th field on punt. H falls th man In hi tracks every tun. ' Millar I alio a atar at handling th forward pass. Th team 1 on Of th most formld- abl I hav ever seen," said Hoeffel. It 1 remarkably well balanced and In TWO FOOT BALL GAMES AT BEATRICE FRIDAY BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct '. (Special.) Coach Jones .of th second high school foot hall team Monday afternoon ar ranged to 'play the Cotner university eleven here next Friday afternjwn. ' A double-header will be played at th ath- letlo park. Beatrtc and Kearnsy high school having; arranged to meet on that day. MICHEL J. D0NELIN IS MARRIED AGAIN ASHBTOT PAItK, ' N. J., Oct . Michael J. Donlln of th New Tork Na tional teagu baa ball club wa married' her thl afternoon to Miss Kits Roas, a niece of Mr. and Mr. Charlee ). Vyss. This la Donlln'a second marrlag. ' His first Wife, Mabel Hit, an actress, died about two year ago. Prairie Park Whist teorea. Following Is the score of th Prairie park whist play, thirty-six , board pair play, October U: EAST AND WEST. nruce Whselodt. Sr..: ftewart a Ixicke Deghtol t Slckler Barton Keynolda S'eleon Cook EUls a Martin NUHT1I AND SOUTH. Kin a Whrelock. Jeffer a.Isviee . Krell a Morgans . Kluter a Wlleon .. Kerr a Price jtusaell a Morris . Plus. ... 1 6- ... I M .. &-e Minus .. 3 1-4 ... 3 l- .. I l- Plvs. I 1-41 10 -4 Minus. 1 l- J S-4 3 - 3 M . Kdward. Wlaa Cbassploaalilp. rr. EDWARD, Neb., Oct. . Kpeetal e-t. ICdward won the champlouahip of MsJlson, Platte. Nsnce end lVioi.e count lie by defeating Comlea Sunday. The gante was played at Newman Orove and was the third game of a three game svrlsa Kach team 'having on gam tu its credit The score follow: Kt. Rdward, 3: Cornltn t; at ft. Rdward. St Kdward. 4; i'ornlea, 3; at Oornlea. t. r-dward. 3; Com'ea. 4; Newm:i Grovo. The game was played before a large crowd aad the actual count ot automo bile at the park was 31. beore by timings RHE, t. Kdward....! tlllMlMH Oornlo 3 l mm j j Battvrles: nt Edaerd. Hoffman and Agnew; Comlea. Oak and Butler, Umpires; Shirley and Wilson. Boa mt Radgrer lest Unas. NORTH BUND, Nsb., Oat (Spe cial The body of William Roger Allea. th young man who wa killed her Sat urday evening In an automobile wreck, will be shipped te Quaequelen, la., whsre his peopl live. Ill uncle and brother In-law- arrived her yesterday and took eharg of th body and settled hi at bur. Julian, th captain, the Aggies have th greatest fullback In th country." Julian waa put on tne AU-Amerlcan eleven chosen by Walter Camp last sea-1 on. . '. i No Fca la Huker' Camp. I Th new which Hoeffel brought did not arouse th fear In camp 'which it might well b calculated to. The Corn huskar wok up Saturday and played against th Kansas Aggie a gallantly as any Nebraska team has over played. The Aggie wer not weaklings and fought with a desperation that exolted admira tion, but th entire team was a plaything for th Huskera. 1 Th work of Chamberlain, Rutherford and Potter was simply marvellous. Rutherford especially playing th best gam he ha shown sine donning a Cornhusker uniform. Unaided he kept off four Kansas tackier whit Potter wa making hi long run. Frrafcsnaa ttaa R.ever. Chamberlain, Rutherford and Halllgan promts to giv the Michigan Aggies somewhat of a problem next Saturday. in Dig zreenman star ox last season seem to hav recovered from hi stage fright and played with all of the ac customed dash that mad him famous last season. .Nebraska practlc will be especially ever duolng th week. Th Corn huskera cam through th Kansas Ag gie' gam unscathed sav Howard, who. la suffering from a bum leg, hurt In th South Dakota gam. Howard wa forced to withdraw Saturday but young Doyle, who took hi place, played brilliantly and kicked better than' Howard. . Doyle got on punt off for fifty yards. Doyle Is very likely to start the gam Saturday. Beginning tonight, Stlehm' put- th Huskera through a long drilL Th for ward pas will receive th special . at tention of th ooachers. Nebraska failed t ua th pa to any advantage against th Aggie nd Stlehm Intends to put an entire week' drill on It MORAN W1U, RUN THE PHILS Coach of Team Selected as Manag-er by President Baker. CATCHER FOR TWENTY YEARS With th Old Chicago Cab When They Waa Tvre World's Cham pi ash I Vsatr Frank Ckaaee, PITCHBTTRa, Mass, Oct tt.-Patrlok J. Moran, who ha been acting as coach for th Philadelphia National leagu base bait team, today waa elected manager of the club to succeed Charles 8. Dootn, according to a telegram Moran recelv! from President William S. Baker of th Philadelphia club tonight. Shortly afterward -Moran received an other telegram from Han Lobert, third baseman of the Phlldelphla who wa a candidate for th position congratulating; htm on his selection. Moran ha been a catchar In pro fessional base ball for twenty year. H played first with th Lyon club of th New Tork Rtat leagu and subsequently with th Boston, Chfeago and Philadel phia team In th National league. He wa with th old Chicago Cuba whan they won two world' championships. Ho Is 37 year Old. Nat from Beatrloa. . BEATRICE, Nth., Wet X (Bpeclal.)- The republican county candidate will leave the city Thursday morning In auto mobiles on a two days' campaign trip over the county, covering all of th prin cipal town. Th Bee trie Military band will accompany th party. I Dr. Anna Howard Bhaw, president of the National Suffrage association, will de liver an address at th Christian cburoh In this , city Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr. Louise Cas of Topeka, JCan., gar two addresses on th streets her Saturday night and pok on dh suffrag question at th Christian church Sunday afternoon. Plana hav been completed for th hold ing of a oojirslng meet in Beatrice th first week In November. Mr. Elisabeth Phares died Sunday night at her borne at Barneaton after a brief Illness, aged W years. She Is sur vived by her husband and two children. MICHIGAN ALUMNI WORK FOR A GAME NEXT YEAR Alumni of th University of Michigan In the Missouri Valley are working for a gam between Michigan and th Univer sity of Nebraska next year. At a gather ing held yesterday at th University club, it was decided to start th negotiation now. An Intimation wa given that suc cess might crown the efforts. ' ' Much interest Is being taken by Michi gan men in the coming gam betwn Michigan and Harvard a week from next Saturday. Th association will Install a private wire to th University club on that afternoon to recelv return from th field. ' . i A. M. TREAT OF SHELTOM ' ATTEMPTS TO KILL SELF SHKLTON, Neb., Oct 10. (Special Tela, gram.) A. M. Treat attempted sulold at hi boarding house "ber yesterday after noon by shooting , himself In th head with a 21-callber rifle. ,Tb.i is hi seoond attempt at ending hi life, and h I In a precarious condition. Brooding over financial and domestic trouble is glvn as th probabl cause. SAFE IN POSTOFFICE AT GRANT BROKEN OPEN GRANT, Neb., Opt 30.-O5peclal.)-Orant postof flee - was robbed Sunday morning and took 432S In. cash. I ill AfSST. n '. ' eI' k Dmy Frintm A!brt mB ':) j . .. ' 1 awertA wtfsaa V. i tvhut, arvesAsra. v , " Toppy raot lags, 5 ' V , I (Aaa fmr ei'gwrafr ' -,. - VA- ' mAr) tliy rwef Vi (in. I0et mlo AV- ; ;: V V aeM aaaW m4 A.u. i 0 .. Mighty like awincr aces to jam a jimmy pipe brimful or roll up a makin's cigarette with Prince Albert, then make fire -with a match! Such smokingsl Yes. sir, the kind you can draw to all day and all night and have a lot of fun all the time ! Prince Albert came Into the game five years ago a little stranger. In a big land, but it was cut for a square deal, and today it is the one best bet of men everywhere who. play fair with their tongues and want fair play with all . the cards on the mahogany! Catch the thought t Mew i iii 111 .: .-...w. the national joy smoke it built like a thoroughbred. It won't kick, it won't bite, it won't parch! That' because it is made by the now world-famous patented process that cuts out the kick and the bite and the parch ! No other tobacco erer was or can be today anywhere near like Prince Albert! You can raise right here-and clean the table that Prince Albert will win with you because if a true blue, any way you play it ! Costs a dime to sit in and tind out first-hand that all we claim for Prince Albert is case cards signed, sealed, dellxjeredwith the reputation of this great business right behind every grain of tobacco Does that listen? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. ' Wiaaton-Saleni, N. C n mm .v.y.-I MM ..V'.. v.v