Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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tot W. C. Creasy foi Coroser.
fclf bttBf Futures, piirp-lraiH)f n Co.
riSeUty Btorags aad Tsa Ce, Doaf . SB.
War Moe Trtmi It Nw Beacon Pra.
Xworaa accountant and a'ldltor. t 740
Vata for Tkomu W. Blackburn tor
conn-ess. Advertisement.
M4aa WMoa, Vlsltlns; Hair Dru-
err and Manicurist, phone 1ok1 l;
' Knsascmrnts mad from 8 a. m. to II.
Baea trial J01 Kodera Kama Tr Bala
fn tbe easy payment plan. Ban
Realty Investment Co. Phona Doug. X82J.
"Today's Oompirt. Mo via Prorrana"
ulasslfled auction totfay. and appears Is
;v rrha Bee exclusively, rind out hat i
tha various moving plctura thvettrs offer
eeke os Oermaay. r rank L. llallor
t will apeaJt on the "(Serman Side of tha
European War" before the Hanscom
Park Improvement club Thursday even-
lljf at the Windsor school.
Oss Wick rimed. GtM Wick, proprie
tor of the Wheel cafe and salotm at
Twelfth and Podfce strfet's. was fined
and costs by Magistrate Foster. Wlck'a
I.laee was raided Friday 'night.
Tkorasa gnllsts Charles Thorsen of
thlsTTty enlisted In the United Slatea
army Tueaday morning and will ba sent
" from th local recruiting station to Fort
Logan. Colo.
Csadidetes to Address Faattoexa, Tha
" rsthn AthleUe club wlllhold a meet
lng at Twenty-fourth street and Willis
. avenue this evening, when candidates for
office will be Invited to speak.
Two Jola the Wavy Bart Mathouxor
of South Omaha and Richard tea OdJIe
of Lincoln enlisted at the local naval re
cruiting station Tuesday morning and
Will be sent at once to Great Lakes, 111.
Three la IHvoroe J4U1 Divorce pet I
tlons have been filed In district court, as
follows: William Tletjens against Bessie
. and John H. Beck against Roste H., both
alleging abandonment; Sophie Mllcfsk
4 against Mike, alleging non-support.
Two So STot Have Dimmers Arthur
English, S21 North Thirty-elshth street,
and H, Meftens, 17M pouglaa street
were .given suspended fines In police
court when Officer Farrand arrestoil
them for driving autos at night without
dimmers on their headlight.
Hew Qua Ola Organised A new gun
club had been organised In Omaha to re
place the old Omaha Gun club. . Ray C
Klngsley - was selected temporary chair
man at tha preliminary meeting. ' Henry
McDonald and A. Keeline are also
among tha principal boosters for the new
tjii; r.KK
Moid Money This Year
Stock Yards Eeceipti of Cattle
Establish New Record.
atl.1 r...l,.rll.a ronpaay la
, flvea ravlaa; . Toatraeta lor
Twealy.Klret ana Tireslf.
eea Streets.
Receipts yesterday at the stock yards
establUhod a new reoord In tha number
of cara received, over head of cattle
keeping the stockmen going at a lively
This is tha largest supply (pr any or.a
day since October X, 1S11, When a total
of 1S.543 head wera received. On last
Monday the run was 13.K1 head and on
the corresponding Monday a year ago
tha total was W.411 head. As, compared
to 677 cars receive! In tbf record-breaking"
day In 1911. yesterday's number went
two better, cars being tabulated, in
Omahaa Book from Europe William
H. Sctimollcr of the Omaha piano firm
of Schmoller at Mueller, has landed at
New York from Europe, and is expected
home this week, lie was marooned (or
many weeks a Eisenach, in-southeastern
Germany, where bV was visiting his
mother when the war broke out.
Oftioa tot W. W. Hartley. CUy Ab
stracter W. AV Hartley has been ap
pointed a member of the committee on
organization and 'membership of the
American Association ' of Title men. The
other members' of the committee are: W.
S. Mitchell, Little Rock, Ark.: David B
Smith, Canton, O.; Emerson 1. Stowell
Oswego, N. YoT.' M. Scott, Paris, Tex
Hotel Clerks to Meet Members of the
Nebraska-Iowa Hotel Clerks' association
will meet at . Hotel Loyal Wednesday
evening to fix the date for their annual
convention. . They have . already chosen
Lincoln for the place of meeting this
y jar, . The convention will probably be
held during December. Colonel' William
Anderson of Hotel Rome Is president,
but will not bf"a candidate' for re-elec
tion -. "( '.V v. ", '. .
Blck Wife Saves -a rtne.--J3e"use hi
nife ! Ill in a Cnunrll ' Blufla hosDltal.
A. D. Good welt, driver fof the AmerlcaW
Bottling 'company, was not .compelled to
.ay a, fine of $23 and costs Imposed ; by
'Judge Foster. when he was convicted of
exceeding the speed limit with an extra
ordinarily heavy auto - truck. Officer
Emery get him' at Twentieth and'Cum
ing streets going thirty miles an hour.
Because of the truck's weight. It could
tot be stopped within 'a block.
Stndsbaker Oar Stolen, On Saiurdar
evening, during the band concert at the
Auditorium, someone stole a brand now
six-cylinder, seven-passenger Studebaker
' automobile, belonging to William Traver,
of Traver Bros., 706 Omaha National
Bank building. The thief broke a strong
padlock, with which the car was fastened.
The police are working on the case, but
as yet no trace has .been found. .The car
had been driven only about one month
The license number Is 21604,
Dr. P. H. Salter of Norfolk, with Mrs.
Salter, their son and daughter, are spend
ing a few days In Omaha and are reuis
tered at Hotel Rome.
Learn How to Secure Quick;
Safe Relief
The liver is the largest gland In the
s body, weighing nearly four pounds. ' Its
main purpose Is to aid digestion and make
glycogen for the blood. So It Is import
ant to keep it workingrlght.
ICyour liver Is lhsy and your kidneys
throb wtth a dull ache, you need the acl.
ontlftcally blended and chemically pure
varuonaiea in ma ai lna called llheuina
salts. ' .
Lame back, shooting pains, tired feeling.
dlxsinesa and nervousness simply mean
that your liver anUT kidneys are clogged
with impurities and that, poisonous uric
acid la retarding their work of aiding the
dleUva functions and filtering .the
If your liver needs flushing and your
kidneys are not working right. ak your
oruggist for about five ounces of Kheu
masaita. Take two teaspoonfula In a glass
ftf Mr .1... kfArw liMnkl... I-
and in a few dava rM the paina in youx
i . men win oe gone ana you will feci as
"fine as a fiddle." .
Rheumai-alts Is a deHghtful carbonated
arlnK that cleans out the stomach and In
testines, eliminates toxins and poisons
and leaves the Intestlnul cartel clean and
sweet. It is a uric acid aolv-nt as well aa
a sallpe laxative. Acts quickly without
griping or nausea. Fine for growing
Jf your drtiggiat cannot supply you,
write to the Hheuinabaih Co., Mlnnesp
lis, Minn. . .
1602 8. 10th St.
Phong D. 7556
Slar I terse, gale.
A big sale of horses was held at the
stock yard a yesterday morning, and
among the crowd on hand "to look over
the stock were- Edward Holyoke and 1
Pabin, representatives of the British and
French , governments, respectively, who
are authorised, so they stated, to buy
animals for their governments to be
used in battle. Both men were In con
ference with the holders of the sale
but would not state whether they had
found any of the horaes U their liking,
Pavtaar Caatraet.
At a meeting of the city council held
last evening tbe National Construction
company was awarded the contract to
pave the alley between M and N streets
on Twenty-first and Twenty-second.
Four resolutions to. establish grades were
introduced, and a cHaim for )(00 damnges
brought by M. L. Goldberg for damage
alleged to have been done his property
by a defective sewer was turned down.
M. P. O'Connor was awarded I17S In lieu
of a ttt claim brought by him for a
horse whfbh he owned and which was
shot folloming an Injury sustained when
the animal stepped in an open sewer.
W. R, Rowley was awarded the con
tract to pave the sidewalk on the north
side of Q street between Twenty-seventh
and Thirty-el xth streets.
The street commissioner - was ordered
to establish a crosswalk on the south
side of Twent?-seventh and A streets.
The South Omaha Horse and Mule com
pany la to be requested to keep its em
ployes from stretching a rope arcoss the
sidewalk In front of Its place.
Spear Grows Weaker.
- Arthur Spence appears to have lost the
strong grip he has evidenced In fighting
for life and Is now sinking rapidly. His
physicians have almost given, up hope.
Although conscious for a short period
yesterday he was unable to communicate,
with anyone owing to weakness.
Sab Postal ta4oa.
A subpostal station Is to be established
at the Anderson Drug store. Twentieth,
and Missouri avenue on November 11
', TremWTtk neeoverlas".
-William Tremberth, who waa Injured
In Sunday morning's fire at 430 North
Twenty-fourth street, is reported to be
getting along as well as can be expected.
He will no . doubt be confined - to the
South Omaha, hospital for a. week or
more. . - ....
ft y say Reports Robbery.
Carl Metlow' ot the -gypsy, camp whloh
is situated' at Thirtieth and T streets,
complained, to the police, that he. had been
robbed of 1300 by one of' his tribesmen.
As a result Captain Zaloudck and De
tective- Oaughatt arrested-'S. Ochlcka,
Alex Stephen, 8. Miller, Mlna Stephens
aud Bora Duca. , When arrested Miller
had $476 on his person, which was given
him he said by another member of the
colony. .
Metlow stated that the money he lost
had been taken from a trunk In his
tent, which also contained $1,000 in gold
which the thief overlooked. Although
suspicion pointed strongly against Miller,
the gypsies held a conference at police
headquarters yesterday afternoon and
after settling the affair among them
selves Miller was released and the whole
outfit left, the building together.
During the first nine months of 114
the Hoard of Education spent some UI.OnO
more than lset year. The total expendi
ture for the first nine months of this fis
cal year Is liMr.;.T0 and for the first
nine in.inths of hut yrar I"VI.S0.. The
report as made last year shows the re
celpta for the first nine months to have
l-n l7.:3.H, which together with the
balance on hand at the beginning of the!
year made The expenditure to
October 1 leave a balance of IS4..MS.XX
Miss Zora McK night a.i placed r the
retired list at her trwn request, having
served twenty-three years as teacher In
Omaha schools. She la suffering from
nervous collapse following a controversy
over disciplinary measures employed at
the Mason, school. .At present she la
visiting a brother In Mississippi.
Many Nrbraskam Attend Session of
v.. Bar Association.
(imumsa Klnkald aya Seer.
tary of Interior Kavora mil lilf
laa Women Married in Alleaa
llomeatead Rlahle.
Woman"! Club Co-operates in Col
. ' m Ucting Toys.
Affirmative Vote 3lot tuerllrt, bat
Aeceptaace by C batr Greeted with
Vociferoas Applaaae by
Tboae Preseat.
The Omaha Woman's club voted ununl
nwusly Monday afternoon to co-operate
with The Bee in ejecting clothing and
toys for the Christmas ship. The club also
endorsed suffrage resolutions which were
Introduced by Mrs. C. W. Hayes. Mrs. D.
O. Craighead and Mrs. r. J. B.rss. When
the viva voce vote was taken the "ayes''
were not strongly assertive, but the an
nouncement from the chair that the reso
lutions were adopted brought loud cheer
ing. This completes the action of the
general federation, state federation and
local club endorsement of suffrage.
Delesrates Report.
Reports of delegates to, the biennial
eonventlonjn Chicago and the Nebraska
Federation of Women's Clubs' convention
at Pawnee City were the special order of
the day. In reporting the activities of
the civil service reform department Mrs.
W. T. Johnson spoke of the increasing
ivor wnn wnicn tne merit system was
being regarded for civil service. "What
we want is fewer elective offices and
more appointive positions the abolition of
the spoils system in favor of the merit
Advocates Social Hya-lene.
Mrs. K. R. J. EUholm., chairman of the
state-health committee. rejporTed the work
of this department. "l?ew health Is drug
less, fadless and superstltlonless, and will
be attained when people awaken," she
said. Mrs. Kdholm advocated the teach
ing of social hygiene and said that the
national children's bureau had been re
quested by the General Federation of
Women's Clubs to Issue a text book for
parents to teach ' this subject to their
children. ,
Mrs. N. II. Nelson, president of the club,
and Mrs. John Haarman also gave reports.
The club appropriated $100 for a fund tor
the president of the General Federation
of Women's Cluba. who in th,e past has
been forced to call upon her private
means In order to carry on the work of
tasr office. ' . . x
tFrotn a HtaJf Correspondent.)
WAfilllXOTOV. V. C, Oct. ?X-(fpeclM
Trlrsrain.l-tf the roll calls of tho na
tional political (Conventions of the last
twenty years nd more could be repro
duced, many names would be answered to
with much sat'sfactlon by their owners
now In the national capital In attendance
upon the annual meeting of the Amer
ican Bar association, which convenes to
morrow With Tresldent Wilson to do the
welcoming and ex-Tresldent Taft to de
liver the' annual address.
The hotels are crowded with lawyers
of state and national renown, whllo the
headquarters f the association, the
Wlllard. looks for all the world aa If
a great big national convention were in
full swing, and a president to be. nom
inated tomorrow.
Although there are fewer Nehraskana
present than expected, tha list will com
pare favorably with those from other
western states. Already registered are
w. A. Ourley. M. A. Hall and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman. r., of Omaha,
who are at the Raleigh: Senator Norrls
Brown, at the Wlllard; Attorney Oeaeral
Grant Martin and wife and Frank M,
Hall or Lincoln, also at the Raleigh.
W H. Barnes of Falrbury and Thlllp
IT. Fuller of Hastings registered today
as members of the association, and a
number of other Nebraska attorneya are
expected In tho morning.
MeVaaa oa Lamber Case. '
K. J.v McVann, traffic commissioner of
the Commends! club of Omaha, arrived
fr. Washington today with the delega
tion from Chicago, who la here to at
tend the Bar association meetings.
Mn-JleVann said his presence In the
capita,! coincident with the bar meeting
had not been planned, but had been or
dered by the Interstate Commerce com'
mission, aa lie expects to appear before
that body on Wednesday in the. so-called
hardwood lumber case, which Involves
rates from Louisiana, Arkansas and Mis
sourl to Missouri river points. Mr. Mc
Vann represents the interests of Omaha,
fouth Omaha. Council Bluffa and Kansas
City. The rates involved are on oak lum
ber, staves and headings, box material.
egg .case material, etc The railroad com
panies partiea to the case in their plead
ings admit that the advances mado In
volve over IJOO.OOO per year.
Vlaftor In Waablna-toa.
J. H. Mcintosh of New Tork, formerly
a well-known practising attorney of
' Fiasjer Crashed aad Braised.
Bucklen's Arnica alve gives sure relief,
quickly heals gores, bruises, burns. Co.
All druggists. Advertisement.
City Interest Dae.
The city treasurer's office reports that
Interest 'due November I on obligations
at New York and Lincoln will amount toi."
Mayor la Wttaeaa.
Mayor Thomas Hoctor was called be
fore the federal district court Monday
morning as a wttness in a damage suit.
Look lag far Chester.
Adam Chester, 461 South Thirty-fourth
street, haa bean missing from his home
since Sunday morning. His wife stated
that he had considerable money and sev
eral, articles of Jewelry on his person
when be left tha house to go to tho bar
ber shop. . 8he fears foul, play and nas
asked the' police of both cities to look
for him. . ' '
- ' Saspeet Braagbt Back.
Louis Besse, alias "Lucny ' Brown,"
suspected here of the muscle r of John
Kane, was brought to South Omaha Mon
day evening from Kansas City by Captain
Bheahan. Bosse asserts that he la Inno
cent of tbe charge, i ,
Magic City Gossip.
Cherokee coal, unscreened, 14-25; screen
ed, M.7S; South . How-land Lum. & Coal.
Th Willing.' Workers of tho Christian
hurch will take their dinner at the
churchy Wednesday. .
Offiee space for rent In Bee office, 231S
X street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. TeL South 77.
An important meeting of Fouth Omaha
aerie No. 154 Fraternal Order of Eagles
will be beld this evening.
Miss Mary T. Fool, who waa the guest
of South Omaha friends last week, haa
returned to her home at Kpenccr.
The Keno Klub gave an informal dano-
Ing party at tho A. O. V. W. temple
Saturday evening. Fifty guests attended.
All Redmn are requested to meet at
the Redman hall this afternoon at t:!W
clock, to attend the funeral of William
Rsche. ,
Fire Sale at Fishers Water soared
goods, caused from fire In flat above,
wiu be aold out Wednesday, W. W.
Mrs. I A. K. King, formerly a resident
of Couth Omaha, but now living at l)un-lap-,
la., was last week tha guest of Mia.
V.. J. Farrell.
The South Omaha circle of the Child's
Conservation League of America w!
meet Thursday aflernooa at the high
school building.
The economics department of Ihe Aauth
Omaha Woman's club will meet thU) af
ternoon at tne nome or Mrs. J. E.
1311 North Twenty-third street.
The Ladies' Aid ch-Wv of tha First
Presbyterian church will rive a keaslna-
ton Thursday afternoon at the homo ol
Mrs. Charles fcadea. 2622 A street.
The Fraternal Order of Eaaiea will at
tend the funeral of William Reache. Mem-
bera of the order are requested to meet
ine lodge rooms, tnla afternoon at -.x
clock. '
Mr. and Mr. Harrr Fenner of Mil-
tea. Wis., were tha sueata ot
Uvea and friends last week. Mr. Ken-
nr is superintendent of tho Swift Pack
ing company plant at Milwaukee.
' One hundred hUBtlers In the Toung
Men's Christian association campaign to
get 1.000 new members hls week, dined
last evening at the association building
and made their first reports on the pro
gress of the campaign,! Their slogan la
"Every member get a member," and they
will try to double the membership in a
whirlwind campaign. Members of the ss
soclatlon's regular membership, commit
tee, who are among the leading spirits In
the hustling committee of 100, Include
these men: Frank K. Clark, chairman;
Paul Havens, secretary; F. B. AUdredge,
A. A. Avery, T. L. Combs, George M.
Danley, E. H.' Heel, William Klewlt, A.
C. Kennedy, jr.; M. A. Kohn. A. L.
Laurence, J. B. McLean, H. E. Mahaffey,
W. A. Plxley. L. C. Pholes, Will Went-J
wonn, rrvncox, t, p. Wilson
i ... ...
y iwiouniaufcrn Aavire .
Here is a prescription for rheumatism
used all over the U. 8. for many years
and said to be the surest known remedy:
"One ounce of Torts compound and one
ounce syrup Sarsaparilla. Put these two
Ingredients in half pint of whlakey. Use
a tablespoonful before each meal and at
bed time." Put the sarsaparilla In the
whiskey and let stand for two hours be
fore aoding the Torts. Mo It is better to
mix at honu. Get ingredients at any
drug store, tienutne Torts comes In
sealed yellow packages put up by Globe
Pharmaceutical, Dayton, Ohio.
1 IfMflll
W StiMtc,
l.'lf 1 . la H atk
LO j ertW few
tY I V wbM.
f 1 ' 0ia;Bales;
Wf partita
easPow. (
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbaco or
Stiffness way
When your back ia sore and 'lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you
stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a smsll
trial bottle of pld, honest "St. Jacobs
OH at any drug store, pour a little In
your hand snd rub It right on your aotv
mg back, and by the time you count
fifty, the soreness and lameness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing, pen
etrating oil needs to be used only once.
It takes the pain tight put and ends tha
misery.. It Is magical, yet absolutely
harmless and, 'doesn't burn the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica,
backache or rheumatism so promptly. It
never 'disappoints! Advertisement.
7r S TallpsA
V Byaclaths, 1 -
Daffodils, I
Creeasea, 1
Lilies, Kre. I v
s . Catalogue on
' request. I
I. 110 N. ltb at. 1
Opp. Postefflre. I
X- DsagUi TT,
Full Quart Only 80 Cent Expresi PJd
WE want every man ia America who hag sever tried
Hayner Whiskey to try it NOW. Cut out thig d
mail it with your order and 80 cents in ttampg or coirJ and
tho full quart botUo of Hayiur Private Sloth Eotlled-in-Bond
WkiikfjyixW bo sent in sealed ease express charges
pid. It'sfino tBoltUd-iodvAtitjot thochoiceet
kind sealed with the Government's Green Stamp over tho
cork vour aasuranca it la fuMir airact full Z.-
um'L measuro-aa food and pure as can bl produced. It's r
to pteaae joumr to win your luture trade. Yoa take no
chances wAb are responsible been in business 8 years
capiul 1500,000.00 fully paid. Don't put this oK-order
rtkt aw order MOKE than one quart if yoa like and
goods will go forward by first express.
M 1TF K.. cats.
ii ir ,i ii ii
soi l I 60ABf
(AH ftwa enUra mmmM be far FOOH eaarta m BMre) .
Jo ai assaaj
Omaha, is In altendanre uihii the meet
ing of the National r-sr l.ttlon.
Henry T. Wyman snd wife of Omaha
are In the city.
A. (. Poott and alfe of Omaha are reg
istered at the Ualelgh.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Wit morn of Omaha,
who arrived In Washington yesterday,
left today for Nebraska.
Judge Klnkald said today that his bill
giving women who had married alien hus
bands the right to perfect their title In
homestead entries, which they had en
tered up rrevlous to their marriage,
had gone ta the president will the ap
proval of the secretary of the Interior,
snd he liad no doubt the president would
llgn the same tomorrow.
Pee Want Ads Produce Results.
Mother and Baby
Destitute, Looking
For Missing Father
Mrs. riydo Clements, destitute and car
rying a -nonth-M baby, appeared at
the flly Mission last night and asked
permission to atay there for tho night.
Miss Magee. upon hearing the young
woman's pitiful slory; readily granted
that permission. I
Mrs. Clements came here from Valley
Junction, la., In an attempt to find her
huahand, who earns here two. Weeks ago
to obtain employment hero -or In Council
niuffs. Mr. Clements waa working in
ho Rock Island yards at Valley Juno
Hon and came hare when assured better
employment here with another rosd by
a man unknown to Mrs. Clements.
Wednesday she received a letter from hr
husband and she answered It Immediately,
addressing the missive general delivery.
Mr. Clments received the letter, as It wss
delivered by the postal authorities here.
The plight of the mother and child was
serlons Isst night Mrs. Clements Is a
very pretty but decidedly discouraged
young woman. Miss Mages waa doing
everything possible last night to locate
tho erring hushand. Mrs. Clements is
absolutely destitute of funds.
Bee readers are too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want sd "
columns. They're worth while reading.
Ms Hoars iS A. W. ta S P. H. afiays TO!
TMeaay, O etcher ta, I SI 4.
1S aM MarsMT -
The New, Beautiful and Individual Models in
M $35 to $
JVhich have just arrived Present
not only individuality and exclu
siveness in selection, but excep
tional values. .
A ND they offer so many t'harming-
ly different model" that detailed de
scription of all would be impofcsibi. tc attempt
However, it is good to he able to say that, each
suit in this attractive display offers in itself
The newest fashions.
Individual in design.
The finest tailoring. .
The? materials are the new vKturB, imported
broadcloths, chiffon velvet, imported (rabarlinea
and silk corduroys. The colon are mid-night blue,
dark- brown, ilussian green - and plum; also bld'h
Special Demonstration uBien Jolte" Corsets On
Living Models Every Afternoon From 2:30 to 5
MISS JONES who has made the subject of perfect corseting a life study
is here representing the "Bien Jolie" and Jlermonsa corsete and will
tell you how to have the ultra stylish figure without sacrificing one bit of
comfort and health. ' N .
She will demonstrate on living models how to select, put on and wear the corset for
yrtur figure building up from the underwear, the corset, brassier, negligee on to the even
irg gown or street suit ready for an afternoon stroll. ,."'.'. ,
YouH fjnd the demonstration very' interesting. Come, "it's free, and there are seats for alL
' '' Baigaeai ?tas CoJ Sssead Fleer, ' . '
Amenff the nutf arrivtUt
Charming New Models in Crepe de
Chine, Lace and LaceXombination Blouses
NEVER to our knowledge have the styles
. in waists and blouses been so varied and
never have the been so beautiful and
becoming.1 : .', - '
Otir display for Wednesday tnerades:
Crepe de Chine Blouses at $3.95 to $7.50
' A most exquisite collection of dainty creations, some Vlth
tha mlllUry collar, others with the higti rougfj or low. roll
collar, a score or more of asw styles. . ' '
Lace Blouses at $4.50 to $25.00
Individual creations of shadow lace, Mar cut lace, velvet
and shadow lacs combinations also chanaensa aad I sees.
Bara-e .Waaa fa. Seeaaa Plaa
in China Painting
Wednesday Morning
v 10 to 12 ...
MISS EMIO will opes her el&ss in
China painting "Wednesday morn
ing in the China Department on the
new Fourth Floor.
It you hare sot made yonr reservation
uall Miss Emlg ( Douglas 137) and she will
make the necessary arrangements for you.
Splendid tlma for preparation for Christ
mas gift giving.
Bara-aaa Wasfc V Vaarlh
drugs and toi Lets
AniBxnir'i Bath Tab
lets, lOo klnd....Tc
Saal Flush, 35c can
for Mo
Fels Kaptaa S p. 10 cases 2
10-Mule Team borax,
1 lb te
Bnrnasco Hoosebold
Ammonia, lqt... Ue
Borax Chips, larga
slss, package
Liquid, Venaar. ' 50o
sirs 8Se
I Tory Hoafv. ao Stse, Cafcea.." lfs f
for ...
paper, crepe
10c rolls, 4
Beef, wine and Iron,
1 pint 42c
Syrap of irtg, C?
size $4e
Duffy's Para Malt.
II siss 7ie
Absorbent. Cotton
(Lee's) X lb,.... Sao
Hot Water Bottles
and. Byrlrigea, odd .
nnmbera at Just h
price Wednesday.
Barsnas STaafc Cv ajata riMa,
liertp but an idea
$5 Wool Blankets,
$2.98 the pair
Double bed blankets' In gray, tan,
pink and blue and ' checks, others
with slight cotton mixtures. This
blanket is well worth tS.00. An un
usual oportonlty for hotels to sup-
.90 coming cold nights.
Baie price.
pair ........ ..S2. 03
$6.50 and $7.50 VVbol
BLANKbTS at $4.75
Finest California and Ohio
strictly ail wool Blankets, sizes
73x80 and 68x80, weight 4Vs to
6 lbs. to tbe pair. Block designs,
handsome colors. Also extra
heavy Oregon Blankets. 16.60
and 17.60 values;
sale price Wedaes.
jr, pair
$3.25 Wool Nap
Blankets. $1.69
12-4 wlte blankets, finished like
the finest wool. These blankets
were made for one of the largest
and highest class hotels ia Boston.
Through an error they were made
larger and heavier than the con
tract called for. This blanket
could not possibly ba made to re
tail for less than 13.25
a pair. Tour choice
Wednesday, at,
Pir 81.60
Qenuine U. S. Army
BLANKBTS at $2.95
These Government sleeping
porch and institution blankets
are all made frota, the finest all
wool, both wsrp and filling. The
U. 8. Govern meni pays a great
deal more in a lot ' of several
thousand for the sane blanket
The extra heavy gray and blue
sleeping porch robes) and in
stitution blsnkets t m
are worth $6.00. N V.T
Wednesday, pair VX
- Srww.l.
arc a- ash
$2.50 Wool Finished
Blankets. $1.25
Large else white wool finished
bordered bed blankets. This la oa
of tie best cotton blanket bargains -we
ever offered. Stocks are extra
large, so that hotels aad institu
tions that boy ia large iuaatt-
ue win not Da limited
at thla sale. Worth
$2.50 pair. Wedaesdsy
they go in this sals at.
Beaoon Plaids at $2.75
The well known "Beaoon" plaid
blankets, else 46x80; sold tha
country over at $3.75 a
$1-29 Cotton Bls&ketg &t 75c
Hundreds of white and tan eottoa V
blankets, slxe 64x$0. a-as
weight 3 lbs. to the Sf
pair. Sale price, pair......
B&irj Blankets at 8o and 10o
SIm $0x40, bine, white, tan. Soft,
fleecy cotton baby f) n
blankets, each. HCm B I if
at w rf