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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914.- NEW AUTUMN FABRICS WONDERFULLY FINE $2 to $4 A YARD Not only is the variety greater, but the fabrics themselves are more beautiful than any we bavc ever before shown. For the more elaborate suits, Heavy Corded Poplins, All Silk Failles and Sating arc favorites. For afternoon and evening gowns, ma- . terinls which drape and fold in delightfully 1 graceful effects are in demand, such as Satin Meteors, Crepe Sublime, Silk Poplin, Crepe de Chine, Silk and Wool Crepe Poplins. New Marabou Scarfs and Muffs Black, Brown, Natural White $12, $13.50, $14, $15, $19.50, $20 a Set Neckwear Section Main Floor Your Hosiery Wears Well and Gives Good Service If You Buy It Here For 25c a Pair A variety of good durable hoso. Not the ordinary kind found in most stores. Instead they are made regu lar full-fashioned garter tops or ribbed tops, double Boles and high spliced heels. In lisle or cotton, light, medium or heavy weight, also fine ribbed. (Baa feiu :. for 25c a Pair 3 YILLA SURROUNDS PEACE CONFERENCE Places Eighteen Thousand Men Where He Can Envelop City and Imprison Them. PANIC AMONG THE DELEGATES Faaslly rr-ra m Mevrs te Mel emu Bargee trrr aafrtr in taee ef DrTrlnyattli Vi(armkl Caastltattoaallet Cklcf. RAN ANTONIO,' T.. Oct. .-The Msxtran eonaulate here today waived a, report from Mastco City stating (hat OontraJ Francisco Villa, created a panla anions the delegates to the convention of military chief In Agues Callentea today by moving en army of l,O0O men Into position where he rn envelop the city and ImprUein the entire conference. Villa's army It reported to be, within n hour's march of Agues Callentea. To oppoM him there a. re Carranta trnopa at Monterey and Paltlllo. but It nlwld lake several day to ret them to Agues Callentea. According to the message from Mexico City to the consulate here the delegates at Agua Calentts, who Include many chiefs of the constitutionalist army, have mail an appeal to Carranca to guarantee their freedom during the convention, which was resumed today. They assorted that Villa's soldiers who are in Aguas CallenUs as escorts to the chiefs of Villa's army, rob them and Insult them In the streets. Trey ask that Ague Callentea and the surrounding territory be declared neutral during the convention, or that the con vention lc removed to Mexico City. Antonio I. Vlllareal. president of th convention, today ordered that a train carrying K. O. Lllorente, Carlos Domtn- guea, Manuel Bonllla and Andreas Cu- man to th border be stopped. These men were released from prison In Mexico City last night by order of th Arua Callentea convention and wera to be permitted to go to Villa, territory. They were arretted on charges of attempting to Incite rebellion against Carransa. It la expected they are to be held as hos tage, pending further action by Villa. rimiui Family Flees. EAGLE PASS, Tex., Oct .-Th family of Venuitlano Carransa, eonstltu tionallst first chief, reached the Mexican border today. It was announced that they would make their residence tem porarily at Pledras Negraa, opposite her on the Mexican side of tha Rio Grande. The move was reported to be for th safety of Carransa's family In case of developments unfavorable to him. WILSON SIGNSJONKAID BILL President Gives Sanction to Law as to Hights of Entrywomen. GEE AT OTTOTICZ IS . RIGHTED SUrses)ta,tlve larl Takes flam that Hesalta In Olvlas; Riaata smalt Preparer Owans Is) DIs. trfet at CalaaakUu (From a Staff Correspondent-1 WASHINGTON, Oct. (Special Tele gram. Much to Judge Klnkeld's grati fication, President tVUoa today signed th bill which tells th story In Its cap tion, "To provide for a eertlfloele of title to homestead entry by a female American cititen who has intermarried wtta aa alien." ' In making a favorable report oa th Klnkald bill. First Assistant Secretary Jones of the Department of tha Interior aid: . "Hardships have ocucrred In many oases due to the law as' it now exists. There Is no' apparent reason why tha entry Borneo should not be allowed to perfect their claims and receive patents not wit h . standing their marriage with aliens, espe cially as they generally continue to reside In tha Called States." The secretary suggested that the bill be made general and this was done, so that U applies to entries made under all laws requiring cltlsensbip on tha part of the claimants. , Fas assail PrMrty Owaere. Representative Barton showed his stam ina today by fearlessly taking a stand with Chairman .Johnson of the District of Columbia committee tn opposition to a bill which gave to tha Baltimore Ohio railroad a large sum of money for verUlu itutmily la th district and which has been taken over by the government and district for park purposes. He championed th cause of the small property owners whose holdings have been acquired by the government, but opposed th award made by a commission to the railroad. As a result of the fight made today oa the floor th Johnson bill was passed paying the smaller owners of property, but creating a new commission to determine the Baltimore at Ohio's In terest In the property adjoining th capl to! grounds. . . ' J. C. Klnsler of Omaha Is registered at the Wlllard and U la attendance upon the bar association meeting. Irviae la WeeklaaTtea. Judge Frank Irvine, new a member of th Public Bervioa commission of New York state at a salary of U,0 per year, . but formerly of Omaha, Is In Washing' ton attending th meeting of tha Ameri can Bar association. Judge Irvine was a member of tha first corumUaloa of N braaka created' for tha purpose at aiding th supreme court tn tha trial of stipu lated causes. ttr he want to Cornell university as a lecturer on law and after. waraa became dean of tha law depart ment. Ha wss appointed by Oovernor CMynn ta hia present position without tha knowl edge that ha was vn being considered for tha place, TEUTONS ASSAIL . ALL ALONG LINE WITHOUT AVAIL (Continued from Page One') tor the moment ara claiming far more sueoeae. against th Russians than ara the Ovrraana, but even admitting tha correctness of their claims, thsir forces. which fcra alleged to be driving the Mus covites out of tha Csroathlan mountains, sUll are at least seventy mil south of both Prsamysl and tmberg. General Assaalt larajeva. Further to the southward the Servlana ara utilising all their available strength In a general assault on Sarajevo. They especially desire posaeaatoa of tha Bosnian capital before the court has given Its decision In th trial of Oavrto Prinslp, whose assassination of Archduke Praaa rerdlnaad. th Austrian hair apparent. was tha direct excuse for tha war of tha nations. That significance attach to th an nounoement that Canada will keep send ing batches of -volunteer reinforcement, each numbering 10.000 men, so long as the war lasts. Is fully appreciated In eom ments heard both la London and oa the continent. BIO FIGURES IN MEXICO'S NEW SHIFT OF SCENE: Here is Antonio Vlllareal, with his arm around General Francisco Villa (at left), Mexico's strong man, and former , President Carfanza, who relinquished his executive power on Villa's demand, a few days ago. The large photo was snapped at the Villa-Carranza conference at .Torreon. ffiAv;y' I V.'. ' H ' 7 XI jryr fit (;; . I Jtwi CHRISTMAS SHIP'S TIME IS CLOSER (Continued from Page One.) patch. It will take a week at least to land the cars from Omaha at tha Bush dock In Brooklyn. Then cornea the preparation and loadlnc of tha cargo there. That also takes time, and all that can be allowed will not be too long. . The Chicago Herald, has provided spe cial Christmas Ship master of transporta tion, whose duty it Is to look after all railroad shipments and see that they are not delayed.' The Omaha Bea will report to him the number of the train, the num ber and initial of the oars In which th goods are sent, and then ha will watch after thr.r. shipment until th goods reach tha dock at Brooklyn, Thus It will be aeen, everything has been carefully planned out and arranged to get the goods there on time. Mow a tka Tlaae. it you intend to make a donation, now Is tha time. Packages are coming to The Be office from all directions, and letters advising of shipments ara received on every mall Contributions of money are still coming In small amounts. The Burlington secured the first oar to haul from Omaha to Chicago, but th second Is going over the Oreet Western. Assistant General Freight Agent Chlaam wanted the Great Western to have the first car, but he was a little lata In making his application, having been beaten less than half an hour by OenersJ freight Agent Holcomb of the Burlington. When he found that th. hauling of th. J?"1'" L:":.: tematlc plan Is being carried out nearly everywhere and that within the next couple of days the receipt of packages will be enormous. Packaare from flrea River. Th Union Paclflo has received notice that tha school children of Oreen River, Wyo., have -collected 1,000 pounds of suitable presents for children and that they were shipped Monday. The agents at Grand Island, Cheyenne, Rawlins, Kremont and a dosen other stations out on the main, line report that men, women and children are at work gathering articles that will be shipped Wednesday. Mrs. C. a. Lane, wife of the cashier of the Exchange National bank at Hast ings, has sent word that she has col lected and shipped two large boxes of things that wUI gladden the hearts of the little children of Kurope and that today she Is receiving the contributions of the school children of Hastings. Cash donation of the following amounts have been received by The Bee Christmas Ship editor: Cask Donations. Mr. Frances I. Colson, Fremont... :,.S6.00 Hurnell Colson, Fremont 100 Helen and August Worm, Omaha.... LOO Esther Campbell, Osceola, Neb 1.00 Henry H. Campbell, Osceola, Neb J.OO Lee Otllla Bohurman. Phyllis Schur- man. Hortensa Ruth Bchurman. Fre mont 6.00 Boys and airls Christian Sunday school. Harvard. Neb V t-resoyieriaa minnay acnooi. . vvanoo lmo , o Por All katiesa Several telephoned to The Bee to tn quire for what countries the presents to be carried by the Christmas ship ' we Intended. One woman said that a per sistent rumor was afloat in her neigh borhood that they were only for the Belgians. Thin is wrong. The presents will be sent to the Red Cross society and will be divided by that splendid organisation among the children of all the warring countries. anallty of Gifts Excellent ' Tha exceptional quality and good taste of the majority of the packages which ara being sent In for the Chratmas ship are most surprising, even the Christmas ship editor feeing struck with the high character of the packages. One large bundle was sent over from the Brandels stores which showed by the marking that some donor had made purchases of $11 SI and had them aent over without giving any name. Many packages of new stock- HASH RESIGNS PRESIDENCY Head of Electrio Light Company Quits Became of 111 Health. GEN. HAH.Tt.TEa SUCCEEDS HTM Nash Is Eleete to the. Paeltlea of "Chairman of tha Boar af Dl- " rector Reaol a ttoaa ef Regret Adopted. ' P. A. Nash, president of the Omaha Electric Light and Power company, has resigned his position and has been elected to the offloo of chairman of the board of directors of the -company. His succes sor, General George H. Harries, who comes from Louisville,- where he was president of the Louisville Gas and Elec trio compafiy, has been named by the directors. He .will make his home. in Omaha, where he has many friends, hav ing lived hers at one tiros. This Genuine Seamles Brussels Ciiig . . Terni 75c Cash 50c a Week . : v vvV?Vt vv-mo.-'- When You See It In the UNION" Ad : You Know It' True They are 9x12 feet In size are full Seamless and Are Easily Worth $17.50 TERMS- Oriental Pattern The design of this rag It ori ental. AVra it possible to ghow gam in colors in tha newspaper you would then thoroughly ap preciate its beauty. However, we assure you that you will not be disappointed when you see it on our rug floor. On the other hand you will. say it is one of the handsomest designs you ever caw. 75c Cash, SOc aVeek One of our chief reasons for making these liberal credit terms is because we want you to open an account at out store. We much prefer to do business on this basis. We are out to make friends for our store, and we don't know of a better way to do it than to have you as a constant visitor. Special Demonstration of the "IDEAL" Dress Form, Saturday. October 24th. ' 1 1 i ,1,0- ab. v r Union litfittingQ?' v OMAHA A SLCORJSfrJACKSOH STX CWltiTeA I i mil i Ufa JAPANESE TAKE POSSESSION OF ; MORE ISLANDS ,.....- t. . u (Continued from Par On ) . mi mm is It has been said that every third person is UouMed with catarrh in soma form. tVicnce has shown that nasal catarrh indicates a weakened condition of the body; that the accretion of the Bincous membrane are quickly affected, and local treatment la the iorm of aauSa and vasort do little, if any good. To correct catarrh yon should treat its cause by enriching your blood with ths il in rVott's Emulsion which is a mel;cinal food and a building-tonic, free. ir-nn l,x,Lol or any bajtnlulcrugi. 1 ry it. lJ att & Bewix. Blwuaftcld, V J. RENCH ADYANCE JHIO LORRAINE (Continued from Pan; One.) in Iratioe between Arras an4 luya. where progress is claimed; a continued allied assault on UUa. still held by tha Oartnans. and stubborn fighting In th vicinity of Bt. Mlblel, whara for days tha allies have been attempting to drive th Oermans from their southernmost lodgment, wera th acute points today la th belli area of rraac and Belgium. Tn. communications issued In behalf of th allies last night enabled Britons to visualise for tha first time in ten days tha approximate battle after cross ing tha UolgUn frontier and showed how th all lee, during th days of cea senahip ware throwing their foroes westward to meet th Inevitable German advance wnloh followed tha taking of Ostend. Th fighting is now oenterlng only few snllea southwest of that city, and tha Belgian enay, heretofore reported aa having repulsed the Germans aa tha banks of the Yser river,' is again la th thick of th fight, being credited with bending back th Oerman line aa far as Houles. ite'glum, thirteen miles north west or courtral. which point they are holding, according t th latest reports avail ble when this dispatch was writ- DEATH RECORO Mrs. Mary Jaaa )ataler. NORTH bUND. Nb.. Oct (Bpe titl )-Wr. alary Jan Qulglay of Purple Oan, six miles from North Bend, died October M at th bom of her daughter at Ottawa, Kan., and was burled Sunday at Purple Cane, Neb. th waa bom la Ireland la flrat car of Christmas packagea had been given to th Burlington by reaaon of previous application, he at once placed bis claim on th second shipment Now It looks as If he Is going to gat th car. It Is in receipt of advlcea from th Chi cago offtoc of ths company, Instructing him to secure a car of thia freight and to order it hauled free, guaranteeing th beat service that the road can give. The car ttf be handled by th Chicago Greet Western Is expected to leave Omaha next Sunday morning, attached to one of the road's through meat trains. Th train will run close to passenger sohedul an J make the run from Omaha to Chicago in about twenty-one hours. latervwt la Mwet Xaeau Th efforts f The lie to make Christ mas for th little folk In the war sons of Kurope as Joyous a on as possible under th circumstance Is meeting with wonderful results and all th railroads are bending every energy to aid. Conrad Bpene, assistant general freight traffic manager of th4 Burlington, has wired from th Chicago office, informing General Freight Agent lloleoinb, that by telegraph h has instructed every agent of th system to receive packagea, bun' dies and have them transported free. Everything originating in Omaha terri tory will be brought to Omaha and turned over to The Bea, to be repacked and transported to the Burlington freight depot Mr: opens adds that ia Chicago ar rangements have been made for the ar rival of the car from Omaha, There it will go to the Pugh Terminal company warehouse, where it will be held until it la put into tha full train that takes the consignments to New York, later to be loaded oa the Jason, that will carry then to Sarope, Other Reads tn Line. Sam Miller, general freight agent of the Northwestern, and General PVelght Agent Bnyder of th Rock Island have issued erdars similar to those of t'e Burlington, at the same time instructing agants to tell patrons at the etat'ous along the respective lines that the; must hurry, as the time tor getting thi articles to New York is short General Freight 4ent Lane of the Union Paclflo aent cat his order relative te sending la the packages several dars ago, er at least immediately after Th lie engaged wtyh the other paper la the task of 'securing a ship load of presnitw. 11 ia receiving notice front stl Along th line that a )s article of warm clothing for th children tn the war sone where winter Is now ap proaching have com In,' -- rasark Company Jfelpa. J. O. blford of the Cueaca company some sign painter. 'a ' la left handed. but he has painted a splendid sign, which Is now stretched across th side walk In front of The Bee building as a reminder that gifts for th Christmas ship must he in The Bee of floe by Sat urday morning. VI r. Slford donated the sign, which Is In bright red, and pedes trians walking down Karnam street are theYeby given to understand that the time ia short . - been recovered. . The msst of the cruiser Is visible above the water. '" TOKIO, Oct to. It was announced of ficially In Toklo today that the Oerman torpeda boat 8-W, which escaped from Taing-Tau under cover of darkness, has been found aground and destroyed by the Japanese at a point slaty miles south of Klao Chow bay. ' PEKING, China, Oct ft). A. distetch received bare from Tslng-Tau, the .German fortified position In Kjeo-Chow, says the Japanese cruiser Takachlho was Sunk in Klao-Chow harbor the night of October IT by the German torpedo beat 840. Previous announcement baa been made of the occupation by Japanese of Island In the Marshall and Caroline groups. The occupation of an Island In the Marianne or Ladrone group has not heretofore been reported. The Mirlanne Islands lie directly east of ' Luson and about 1.T90 miles from Manila. In this group is the island of Guam, which was acquired by the United States in lOS. Hers the United States maintains a small military force, and thnre ia a cable station on the line be tween Manila, Honolulu and Ban Fran cisco. The Marianne group fa about MO miles south of ths Bonln Islands, which belong to Japan. The total area of the Mariannes Is about 4M square miles. Most of them are densely wooded and all are described as very fertile. . The climate Is temperate and salubrious. With ths exception of Guam, ail the Islands In this group were said by Spain to uermany in ism, ana rorm part or a government district et German New Guinea. Alaska, Vmm Bill WA8HINUTON. Oct 20, President Wil son today signet the Alaskan coal land leasing bill opening the ooal fields of Alaska. Because of restrictions put on the output of coal from Canada to Alaska since the European war began me Din was hurried through congress at the re quest of riecretary Lane and several western aeueiora. Real Oak Weaaaa Takes rwiswau RED OAK. Ia, Oct Ml (Special Tele gram.) Mra Melvtn Edwards, a young woman living northwest of here, com mltted suicide last night by taking tinc ture of arsenic. She had been seriously 111 and hsr mind was affected. 3C 11 1UZ s rrAINT platform or prom- JL iscs that maice a great party, its, the ' men who carry out those promises, EVry thing I say about VELVET is carried out by ' the biggest tobacco house in the , world. . tAt The experience and resources of the world's largest tobacco produccf are .behind VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking To bacco. Two years patient curing" is be hind that eged-in-the-wood mellowness that is VELVET'S oyxi. lCc tins and 5c i 1 It s 0 21 1UL 1 n5 ' ADVERTISING PENCILS '"Publicity That Makes Its Mark.'.' Your 'ad printed on a pencil is an ad that stays and works and pays. Our pencils are made of smooth gritless lead,' cased in wood of extra quality. ; They give service . and ' satisfaction, and create the greatest possible de gree of good will for you. Call and sea us or ask our salesman to call. Phone Douglas S535. M. F. SHAFER & CO. 12th and Farnam St$. DENTISTRY Our painless ' extractl one and filling is the talk of th town. Our satisfied patient are spr a d I n g the Glad News. Crown and bridge teeth as low' as $3.50 BAILEY ILE DENTIST 80 rears m dentist, 20-year guarantee. 706 City NaCl Bank Sky Scraper. Ca lf THE BABY IS CUTTING lEETh use Krs.ffln$!3Wrs Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-HOT NARCOTIC Put Your Valuablas In Safety , Wise is he who guards against fire and theft, but wiser is he who' puts his valables in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. S&f Deposit Boxes for Rent $3.00 Per Year. M te $80 vetoes at $15-520-525-540 Oesae eel eat years. Weas gear XiiasuebS ea fey tl.oe a Week. Watches sag aU Jeweliy. asy Venae. ?V Western Watch & Jewelry Co.. leceae peer Ktreecfc Sik. let as. talk . V m,;. I buy ' the same qnality of ma terial, the best, for use in my eat ing place aa I nse In my home. No matter what you pay elsewhere you are) toot getting better,- and seldom aa good food aa you will get at " The Pur Food Sign." . Qnlckserv Cafeteria Basement City Nat Dank BJdg, Or Doetoa Loncheav .. , Sl Hooth tb Sk 140O Uooglas 8U 1408 Farnam SU TS FLITTOM Seaglaa U3. ABOUT' YCUR EYES AMUIEXENTI. xauia-as-eoe. io-ta-ao-76e. "OstA-MA'a XV M CXsTTXB1 GIRLS MOULIN ROUGED1.. Will H. Cohan, Ida Emerson. Henry Nel son Big cast In the Two-act Fantasy, ' Follies of N. Y. Paris.1' Big Beauty Chorus or Ualnty, iJimplea uariing xanixa' snia beat. igs. WXBX SAT. (VvSsXJan ADTAJf CXO Bertha Kalich .aeae Xeag. TaVDZTXT,Z.S. CHMr acts Utls weak: Will Rosrs, cantwall A lk.r. Monk.r ilreus. ttravtte AMrla, Use Use sad Clasa. Or- Trt-Allntl Trie, Bbstim Tram ekir. . frtea: SUlM, lUUmrr, lOcj Bt SMts (" M(t Satures 4 geeesf). lie. "ll, ISO, t k es4 Ha. BOYD'S THEATER 5gp.V.r.. EVA LANG CHAKLES MILX.KU And f-elr All 8tar New Yerk Company resent "UOIT.HT ANI PAID FOR" By osotai BaVoanarvmaT BUtlaeee TaareAay aaa Baaoraay yrteea Hoe aad, Oe Heat Week ItilTAtlltt A BrggBAaro BRANDOS Tsvsi., rmi. AIUaoAT, mM. x v auav . alatuaee Bataraay, OUrer afereeae Weaeate KELP WAITED o2Jf c5ill!ay rrtoeei ataU. afte-l Bye., lae-aiJO. art Koai starry Iandey. Beats Bow. A'VSiiSM ft" Beat Bale a eHdeoa. TUi atoralag Opialrg Blgat, Bataraay I'S Qv. M "nEADY MONEY" aatUees Baa. Tee Taara, gag, "5e aSy bKAX i$4