Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Ckrman Writer Dncribei Awful
Silence in Belgian City After
Antwerp! Fall.
rrorLE eropfed all and fled
ks Orf mm Valaaale la View,
TiMm el, GaraVa I. titer
wllk Tr, at F.very-(htaa-
fC'opyrlsht. 19H. by TTro Publishing Co.)
tStsff rnrrfponfVfi tendon Ially News
a4 Nw YorH WrH.)
COFKNHAGEN, Oct 11. Fpcll CaMe
a ram to New Tork Wirla and Omaha
He.)- Fourteen stricken souls running
and crouchimr In th hdow of an
autumn evening and one dot howling
amid the rulna of Ma master's houaa
termed th only line left In Mellne
when the Germans swept through It
few dare ago. Thla dead cathedrsl city
peopled by the few terrified
ahntll that was left of Mallne'
1S.0OJ Inhabitants, who had fled a aoon
aa they aaw the flm hundred Oerman
uhlint galloping along the Toad from
A well known Oerman writer travel
ing with the headquarter' ataff has Just
vlelted thla alricken rlty. Bt Romlialdo'a
irnlhlc cathedral and other part of the
town have received a few more halter
ing blow alnce'the German were laat
through It.
Flrar at Aiitweri'i Fall.
The laat onslaught on Antwerp wrought
a miracle . In .Valines. Every door waa
open, at leant "those of the house which
were left standing. Clean, wnita cloth
was on nearly every table and there waa
open, children' plaything were atrewn
About the pavements and In the gardens
fruit and wine In plenty. The shops were
riactly aa they had been left
Now and then a Oerman aoldler crossed
rear the wool market In Tlaoe Degmont
and Joined mora soldier working on the
railway; thousands of Germane passed
through MeJIoes; hundreds of evening
meals had been prepared,' but not a bot
tle of win waa touched.
hope Left Oprs.
In the suburb of Muysen, the door of a
watch and silversmith's shop stood open
and there were neatly displayed row or
(told and 'silver watches, bracelet and
women' trinket all untouched.
Under the shadow of a cathedral atood
the restaurant of the Golden Fleece with
all Its tablea spread. Viand and wlnee
were untouched. In the back room of
the house a dying eheep with madness
staring out of Us bleary eyoa was dis
covered and It wis untouched. Clothe
were left hanging outside draper' chop
Untouched. '
' Hal aom beautiful dream come true,
asked the writer, that thla miracle had
been performed? In this silent city what
unseen hand wa at th helm of the
empty boats that drifted down the Itlver
Lyl. what fear had killed even the little
yellow singing frtenda of humanity we
call canaries, that were lying dead at the
bottom of cag.
By some devastating stroke of magic
tear the whole lite and spirit of Matin,
he writes, had been reduoed to nothing-
si sea He reeled under the deathly alienee
of the city when he came upon It, a If
aome one had dealt htm a blow. Grinning
dummies In milliner' shop frightened
him more than the whit face of th
kataer victim strewn along th road.
Fearless Ohoata si m Dear.
The writer jumped Into a motor car.
The general staff wa pushing on to
Antwerp. II aaw the fourteen ghosts
led away through th cavernous hoi In
a house where shell had struck and
paaesd the heap of rulna where the dog,
the only living creature left in Maltne
that had freedom, waa howling to heaven
over the body of Ma master.
Time for Pulling
Out of the School
' Board Race is Up
Monday s the Isst dy oa whtfh
withdrawals from the ballot or filing
hy petition for the approaching elet-.tlon
were accepted by the election commis
sioner, the latter classification Including
filings for the school board. There were
no new withdrawal. Work of preparing
the ballot I to be begun Immediately.
Candidates for the echool boerd whose
nsmes will go on the ballot are:
Fifth Ward-Thomss 11. Mullen, tsnlel
E. Jenklnt, August IjuMln, Thomas Fal
coner. Sixth TV'erd W. E. Fsrls, Clarence V.
TVarfleld. R II. fitrlmpie. ,
Seventh WardA. C. Kennedy, Frank
II. Woodland, Charlotte A. Pteere.
Eighth Ward-Edward U Dodder, Ar
thur C Wakcley, John Albert William.
Ninth Ward-J. J. Fester, W. 1L Mlqk,
Isaac W. Carpenter.
Tenth Ward C. J. Ernst, F. J. Fwc
boda. Julius Hoffman.
Eleventh Ward Robert Cowell.
Twelfth Ward-Thorns s A. Fry.
Executive Committee
Makes the Platform
Having failed to Induce the candidate
to agree upon a platform,' the executive
eommlttoa of the republican county com
mittee ha taken It upon Itself to draft
and promulgate a document, which Is
given out by Chairman Thomas a the
party platform. The declaration con
tain ten plans, all of which start with
the words, "We favor," and embodies
pledgee for legislation for reforming
court procedure, encouraging Investment
"In all proper line of private enter
prise," removal of any official "who shall
fall to Co his duty," a workhouse for
Omalv conferring grand Jury "power on
the county attorney, a short ballot and
direct primary, purchase or construction
of a municipal gas plant, public owner
ship of electrle lighting In the water
district Instead of In the city, -a muni
cipal court, abolition of fee office, and
a consolidated tax levy. The declaration
la largely a rewriting of the platform
that waa put out In the same of the
Fontanel! club Just before th last primary.
Reactionaries Bitterly Opposed to
England and Rejoice Oyer
Fall of Antwerp.
Petrwa-rag fore I a Minister "aye
Thla e-mail l.-rmn F.eaea,"
Iiadlaa Hoaeasallera
Family, Kegllsrlkle.
Falls from Brewery
- Truck and is Injured
Iwrenc Jorgenaon, 2713 Caldwell
treet. wa Injured thl afternoon when
he fell from a Krug brewery truck to
the pavement and waa run over by th
rear wheel of th truck. The truck wa
driven by Walter Martin and Jorgeneoa
waa alttlng oa th lap of Peter Martin
when the truck turned sharply at Twenty-fourth
and Cuming streets. Feter Mar
tin lurched forward with the turn and
he and Jorgenson were thrown from the
eat. The heavy vehicle ran over Jor
genson' leg. He waa attended by Dr.
Bishop Bristol
Writes a Book
"Heroines of History," Is the tlUe of
a attractive book by Bishop Frank M
UrUtol of Omaha, Just off the press
of the Methodist ' book concern. The
volume deals with "typical heroines of
mythology of flhkepear and the
Iilble," and la dedicated by Blihop Brl.
tol to hi wife.
Sends Silk Thread
Instead of Cloth
E. Oake Brown of thl city ha been
Indicted by the federal grand Jury on a
charge of using th United Ptatrs malls
to defraud. Brown advertised In several
paper to sell ten yarda of silk at ll.M,
but Instead of sending hi customer silk
good for their money he sent them ten
yarda of silk thread. He haa been placed
under arrest and will be held by the au
thorities for trial by th government.
PETROOARD, Oct. . Attempt by
the Russian reactionary party to .create
discord within the empire and awaken
anti-English sentiment resulted In a state
ment tonight by M. Fasonoff. the Rus
sian minister of foreign affairs. In which
h defined hi country attitude toward
the allies and ita stand against Oermany.
Recent avowal by this element as re
flected In a few reactionary Journals, M.
KaxaQoff declared, went so fr as to
compliment Emperor William and laud
the Hohenaollern family. They alluded
xultingly, he aald to the fall of Antwerp
aa the approaching end of the war,
adversely criticized England by atatlng
that It wa getting other countric to
fight Its battles, and also plainly fore
cast an Anglo-Russian rupture.
Elemeat Negligible.
"Thl small German element" aald M.
aaonoff, -"la wholly unrepresentative of
Russia' and negligible a far aa Russian
police la concerned. Their Idea date back
a far a 1S16. . Totally Ignorant of foreign
politic they are still under the sentiment
of a century ago and are maliciously, but
vainly attempting to aoWdlacord between
the allies by Insinuation against England.
"Onc for all the world ought to be
warned against taking seriously the ef
forts of thla Hl-adviaed minority or al
lowing thla email element " to spread
abroad their attempt to shake the good
faith between England and Russia.
"Will Ba Net Rsttsre,
T want to say most emphatically that
there will be no rupture between England
and Russia and that there la no possibility
or a premature aettlement with Oermany
contrary to our agreement with our allies.
It I preposterous to think that thl ele
ment In Ruaala 4a going to have anr hand
la dictating Russia' policy during thl
war. tm attempt of the Oerman cress
to poieon or pervert feeling all over th
wona, has railed, t least in Russia."
There will be no municipal commis
sioner or the Commercial club. At the
last meeting of the municipal affair
commute It wa suggested that a mu
nicipal commissioner be. chosen for th
Commercial club, whoae buslneaa It would
be to handle the affair which pertain
o mo commercial club activities In
municipal affair. Th executive com
mittee took the matter up and decided
that whatever of such work there Is for
th club can be handled by th present
ouioe force. Instead of creating a new
Office to handle the work.
Night Schools Open ,
With Big Attendance;
Tli night school's at Kellom and at
Comenlu schools opened 1st night with
a very favorable attendance at both
places. The attendance wt Isrger than
It wss In ft year en the .opening night.
At Kellom echool alone there were iV
pupils-the first evening, While laat year
there were not so many the first night
and were scarcely 300 In all 'In" the course
of the term. " . .
The pupils are lrgrly children of for
eigner who either work during the day
or are In one way or another prevented
from getting th schooling they require
during the regular school hours. Many
of them, too, are those who are anxious
to forge ahead, who feel that on ac
count of early handicap they are not
a well along In school they should
be for their ages, or who are -not a far
along a the children who have had the
advantage of th American echool from
th very first.
) a Panlty ;
PirotD C:.:3 Llorc
French horse buyers have Invaded South
Omaha and are on the market for &&00
to 1,000 horse to be shipped to Franc
for use In the war.
According to South Omaha horse com
mission men the Frenchmen are excel
lent Judges of horse and are well in
formed on price. While they are par
ticular a to the kind of anlmuls, they
are taking many that would be rejected
by United States officer buying for
Uncle 8am' cavalry.
It I said that the foreign buyera are
paying 113 to $173 for good animal and
considerable more for thoae that happen
to strike their fancy.
Another party of French and English
horse buyera ar aald to be up In 'the
Big Horn basin country of Wyoming and
ther ar picking up a large number of
range horse for shipment to Europe.
Moat of the ar shipped north Into
Ity Using btuart' J)vipcila Tablet
Yon Can Itrnew the AppcUt
' of Yonr Bojhood Day.
Home of you suffering mm and aomen
ould Just aa soon think of eating pie,
.Jam and cookies as you would of alecp-ix-.K
with a PHlr of Bangal tlgdra. You're
afraid of your atomarh. If you will only
try a ttuart s Lyiila Tablet after
oach meal and at bed time ou villi very
aoon overcome thla fear of food.
la hopes of whacking th high cost of
living by training city men to raise fruit,
vegetablea and poultry on ub urban
acreage plot In their spare time, th
Toung Men'a Christian association haa
decided to add a course In amateur agri
culture to their night school course.
The back-tO'tha-farm movement waa en
dorsed Monday evening by the educa
tional committee of th association, of
which Paul W. Kuhns Is chairman and J.
W, Miller secretary. The latter wni go
to LJucoln Friday, to arrange with pro
fessor at th Ft ate college of agriculture
to preaeut a course of practical lecture
in Omaha during th winter.
Early in the evening when th sky Is
clear the Delavan comet, a relatively new
comet to astronomer, can been aeen low
down In the northwest. Just to the left
and a little below the big dipper. ' In the
morning before sunrise the comet can be
clearly seen In th northeast It I a
bit difficult to see the comet with the
naked eye, but it I very clear and dis
tinct when an opera glass or smalt tele
scope i used. D'ather Rigge of the
Creighton observatory Is making daily
Observation of the comet.
Guardian Appointed
for Valley Fanner
- The only man In Valley who la willing
to undertake the guardianship of Joseph
Oster, a farmer,, owner of a shotgun and
reaolver, haa been discovered by County
Judge Crawford. HI name la - E. A.
Erway and he la a Justice of the peace.
For several daya guardianship proceed-
Inga Instituted for the benefit of (Jeter's
wtf and five children were held up by
the lack of a guardian. When Constable
Church and Wlllard MsxEacbroa of th
county clerk' office served Oeter.wlth a
summon he exhibited to them hi shot
gun and revolver, thus discouraging any
possible desire to Interfere with hi af
According to allegations brough out re
cently In a hearing, Oster is of th opinion
that land should be allowed to 11 fallow
for th purpose of enriching . Itself and
storing up moisture. Judge Crawford
decreed that dry farming mefltod are '
unnecessary In thl section of the coun
try nnd that Oater waa Incompetent. ,
Oster Inherited the farm ' from hi
mother. It waa alleged that he put two
mortgages on H and ha used up th proceed.
Erway, as guardian, will rent the farm
which comprise lap acre, and v will at
tempt to pay off th mortgage.
Steve Maloney one again I accorded
th palm a th first and most efficient
assistant to Daniel Cupid. - The big chief
of detective was chief engineer .at . a
little wedding ceremony that took place
at police headquarter.
A police officer, watching the bridge
for a burglar escaping from an Iowa
town In an automobile thought Byron
Pierce of Appleton, Wis., answered the
description and as th later waa In an
auto, with a woman, th officer brought
them to the station.
At headquarters it developed that the
officer made a mistake, but that Pleree
and Marie Brodtke, the woman, have
been travelling - throughout th country
In a machine, and are not married. Miss
Brodtke 1 and vary pretty.
"Why don't you get married?" In
quired Steve, winking at Miss Brvdtk.
She blushed and Pierce fidgeted.'
"I will It he'll have me." answered
' Tea minute later Rev. E. H. Jenka
waa performing th ceremony. Matron
Gibbon wa maid of honor and Steve
Maloney waa best man. .
' i i
Judge Troup is Dean
of the Uni of Omaha
Department of Law
A. C. Troup, Judge of the district court,
h eticceeded former Judge Howard
Kennedy aa dean of the law srhool of
th University of Oman. He will hold
a special meeting of the faculty this
aeek, at which 'work for the year will
be dlscuserd. Other member of the fa
culty are: Arthur C. Thomsen, Ralph
A. Van Oradcl, Kdward R. Burke, Wil
liam Sternberg, Wymer Treseler, Thomas
Lynch, - Robert I. Neely, Harry w W,
Prhackolford, D. . W.' Morrow, T. B. Dy-
sart, John A. Moore, William Horton,
Chailei-Tt ' Foater, Charlc W." Haller
and Harry O. Palmer.
Ppeclal lecturers stlthe school this
year re: Frances A. Brogan, Joseph
W. Woodrough, Harrison C. Brome,
Matthew A. Hell, Frank H. Woodland.
J. A. C. Kennedy, A. P. Photwell, Arthur
C. Wakeley, William A. De Bord, E. O.
McOllton and Arthur R.' Well. '
Assistant City Attorney W., C. Lambert
expects to argue the, Dodge street viaduct
case In the supreme court next week.
The case was appealed by the-Missouri,
pacific" railroad, , after th city council
had ordered the construction of a viaduct
of sufficient strength to carry street cars.'
Severe Rheumatic
Pains Disappear
Rheumattsra depends on an. acid In the
blood, which affects the muscles and
Joints, .producing. Inflammation, stiffness
and pain. ' This acid gets Into the blood
through some defect In the digestive pro
cess.. . ...
Hood' Sarsaparilla, the old-time blood
tonic. Is very successful In the treatment
of rheumatism. It acts directly, with
purifying effect, on the blood, and Im
prove, th digestion. -Don't suffer.- Get
Hood's -today. Advertisement. .
City attorneys are preparing to enter
an appeal to the United State supreme
court In the "dollar gas case," won by
the company in the lower court.
Assistant City Attorney W, C. Lam
bert aald:
"The legal department I not advising
that an appeal Be taken, but we think
the decision of th lower court would not
be sustained."
The city council will authorise the ap
peal If It la made.
Be Want Ad Are tbe Beat Business
Booster. "
A Wiair Cssgk.
To neglect it may mean consumption.
Dr. King' New Discovery give sure re
lief. Buy a bottl today. Mo and 11. All
druggist. Advertisement. .
William N. Johnson, . T7 year of age,
died at hi residence, 1218 North Twenty
eighth street, Monday evening, after an
Illness of ten days. Mr. Johnson cam
to Omaha In 1&3 from England and lived
In Omaha and Benson ever since. He
made th first pair of shoe In Omaha
and h gained om property In therly
days, which haa atnc been hi source
of income He I survived only by Mrs.
Johnson. . St. John' lodge of Maaon will
have charge of the funeral, which will
be hold Thursday afternoon 'at S o'clock
from - the Masonlo 1 temple.' . Interment
Prospect IIUL . , . .
aly's Cream Balm Opens Clogged.
Nostrils and Head Catarrh Goes
Instantly Clear Air raaaaffe; Von
Iirthe) Krly, Naaty Irtscliarga
Stop, H&d Cold and Dull Head
svrho Vanish.
Gt XV great t a lik a boy
Ttiene little Ftuart's Dyspepsia-Tablets
to tutu tiic stomal ll )ut iW food, 'i'hey
'i. tfi'-lr new und fih diseelive qual-
in- vriili our auntout Iuk in atom-
n an l lnleune and thus run h our
Ix-i-', ttup gaa, irritation atid 'after rel
,n inmn-as." .Hi act tit taking a
t i,lt i) per'&tH Tablet la a pleasing
Mi. You eat ll aa you mould an "arter
oiiiner mint" or a "boobon." It nt once
in.xrs wnb jour fvml and oik-I that
f"oJ. It relieve the ktraia of that meal,
if oure, ml thus you eipertcai- a
) f ui .tiling 1 1 nin your food.
Fnon our !'i--iu- mill return. You
HI flr.4 youi ir eating the fiKxis you
oul.1 dearly lou to eat. but are afraid
io (; ana in a very knort time your
nil dneistK aretcni will he returned to
Vf;u. lor our b-xliea v-ry qul.'kly reat'Juat
;iteiiiM-ives io normal coiicmuma when
e .:, the troupe that makes litem
i.o a your dniKKlat. tio matter where
?on nve. und iuy a bus or htuart a lis
l i-i iui'ii, do invfmt
i'.- trim oi i !;. laiM-ta p!.k ad
r A. htuait Co., IMI Hium t Hlria ,
j -,iimii, .Mh u., mo a aiufc.ll annij'l
Motorcycle policemen and patrolmen
have been busy during the last Tew days
tearing down political, cards which can
didates have nailed to telephone poet
about the city. A city ordinance provides
fin of to per card tor offenders, and
the pol'ce say that after sufficient warn
ing baa been given the offending candi
dates, arrests will follow It they still
persist. Keveral hundred doiara worth of
cards have been destroyed by the police.
Sheriff McXhane, Fred Elsaaser and
John Hi-lgga. police aay. are the worrt
offenders, although nearly every other
candidate has alao been guilty.
Ike Tea ILL, taalelea.
The case of V. Cantbiou, Clarendon.
Texas, la similar to that or many other
who have used Chamberlain' Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. II
Aya. "After trying a doctor for several
months, and uaing different klnda o
medicine for my wtf who ha beeq
troubled with aevrr bowet complaint for
aeveraL month. I bought a bottl of
(.'hamberlaln'a Colic. Cholera and
Inarrhoea Remedy. After using th sec
ond bottle she aa ehtlreiy cured- Fur
sale py U d-al-r Advertisement-
del a small bottl anyway, Just to try
It Apply a little In the nostril and In
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air passage of th head will open;
you will breath freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal aore
throat will be gone.
End auch misery now! Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" t any
drug store. Thla tweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by th heat of th noatrilrPa
etrates and heal th Inflamed, swollen
membran which line the noa. head and
throat; clear th air paswag; atop
naaty discharge and a feing of cleans
ing, soothing relief come Immediately.
Don't lay awak tonight atruggllng for
breath, with head atuffed; noetrlle cloaed,
hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold,
with Ita running nose, foul mucous drop
ping into th throat, and raw dryness I
distressing but truly neediesa.
Put your faith Juat once In "Ely's
Cream Balm" and ' your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear. Advertisement.
CIIgpo's to Bboft 'SEuoa
W.t a !
lea (DqEuci
S4Q .zz
Handaocne awag-fHtlng tall mr patent, - with
cloth top look like th regular $ klavd. - Shown
la errry ciaa ao width.
' W consider thi$ that bttt thot vr huilt to v-JJ
for $4,COmaJs apd4Zy for this hotus. Ask to
at this $4.CO Spda3."
i l&ll Order Pin. '
f . i .! ) i t " i S ek.-aa a
; Take the
best Anthracite,
cu t off about one
fifth the . price,
add more ease of
handling, more
uniformity, more
control of, your
fire, stop filling
your basement
with coal eases' and
the air with smoke,
and stop sifting ashes
that's as near as wc
can come to - telling
you what Vulcan
Coke is. -It burns
weight for weighty with
hard coal, is easier to
control, lasts as long
and gives more, heat
because it - is' 90
carbon, the ' "heat
maker.' ' " Nobody, 's
coal bill is so small
that he can afford to
overlook the' saving that
Vulcan makes.
Produced 6jf
, Coal Product I3?z. C. Jjliet, III.
Exclusive Domeetia Sale Agent.
Htwin-Kikionji Coal t Ceki G.
- XoOeraUok Slag, Caieeg.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
Piafri atari
kc Oatit
S. OaUi
a -
diif f lilt
1 Wt
I 1
; : I:
Every Duyor Can Help
flo matter when you buy or where, mako
"fY!ado-ln-Amcrlca" tho greatest label on
earth! How? Easy! Insist on setting Amer-
Ican-Mado Goods. Every time you do it's a
boost for the country you love.
THIS IS r ;u7lniv
Values you'll
find superior to
any offered in
the city. An im
mense variety
for 8 e 1 c c t i on.
Comparison i s
the very best test. Ex
amine these values, then com
pare thorn "with offerings elsewhere.
The result will be pleasing to both you and ourselves,
we're confident. .
Good large blankets, grar or
tan, worth 69c pir, ea. 12 Vt
Our regular 73c per pair at
each S3c
Our $1.00 Blankets or Comfort
ers at, pair GO
Our 11.25 Blankets or Comfort
ers, pair ............. ...84
Our 1.S0 Blankets or' Comfort
ers, pair 92)?
Our $2.00 Blankets or Comfort-
era, pair -S1.18
Our $2.50 Blankets or Comfort
ers, pair .............. 1.48
Our $3.00 Blanketa or Comfort
ers, nalr oil GO
, ----------- - j.,ut
Our $3-50 Blankets or Cora for t-
" . 83.48
Our $4.00 Blankets or Comfort
ers $2.85
Our $5.00' Blankets or Comfort
ers ...'-S3.88
Our $6.00 and $6.50 Blankets or
Comforters 84.18
Our $7.00 and $7.50 Blanket or
Comforters f . . $4.08
Our $10.00 Blankets or Com
forters r.$7.50
Our $12.50 Blankets or Com
forters $8.75
Our $15.00 Blankets or Com
forters $10.00
Auto Rugs Same reduction as
1 case -65c Babr Cribs, with ani
mal pictures, will go on sale at,
each .. ....... ; 30t
Toy 2nd Book Specials
en 4th Fleer
$1.25 Washable Dolls,. 19
in. high, hip joints,
movable eyes, long curls,
at 75c
Extension Roller Skates,
69c values, Wednesday
at ..49c
Misto Erector Steel Build
er, a dandy at... $1.00
Popular Copyright Books, biff
list of titles, at...'. ...50
10c Writing : Tablets at . . . 5
Composition Books, each . . 5
Mechanical . Trains on . Track,
75c values at ....... .59
Extra large size Domestic
Huck Towels, 15c values,
each ........... ...10c
Home-made Bath Towels
heavy weight, extra' size,
25c values, each. . . . 15c
Mercerised Satin Damask, as
sorted designs, 76c values,
yard........ ..45t
Corrugated' Table Padding,
something new, very heavy,
" $1.25 values,' yard.. . . .75
Bath Mats, a choice, selection,
assorted . sixes and colon,
values to 75c, each.... 50
In Our Superior Domestic Room
Ambskeag Outing, regular. 18 He
and 15c grades.... .l(W
Anderson's Outings, soft, fleecy,
and regular 10c value, . In thla
sale at 7 U
-Other good Outings at, yard. 5
ma H)k
Extra fine heavy ticking at, -
yara 4 18 "d 25
Damask! . J 1.23 oualltr. : . .fltil
Damask. SI. 00 oualitv. . . .T
Damask, 85c quality! .... .GH
Napkins, per doren. . . . . . .454
P to $5.00
The best line' of Batta mud
for the money: 4 . . ,
Our 10c Batts .......... 7g
Our 13 He Batts 04
Our 15c Batts ........ .JO
Our 18c Batts 12H
Our 25c BatU .'.'. 18
1 solid case of 12 c Huck
Towels, while they last, at,
each 7!
1 case of genuine yard wide
Lonsdale, at yard. ..... .64
1 case , of large . Gray Blahkets,
11-4, regular price $1.75 pair,
on sale, each OGt4
1 case ot pure Indigo Blue Apron
' Checks, good value at 6 Vic, In
this- sale 3 W
17 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1.09
We Follow the Market and Give the People the Benefit.
41-lb. sacks Bast Htgh-Orad Dia
mond " H. Flour.' mad from th
beat aftlected wheat: nothing finer
for bread, plea or cakes,
10 bars Coat. 'Em- All, Diamond C,
Lennox, White Russian or Laun-
dry Queen Whit Laundry,. Soap
for :.. as
rakes Selexo Soourlng Eoap..tSo
3-lb..pkg. On Time Starch... ..10a
Yeast ftoam, pkg ., s
Oraps-N'uta. pkg. ;. V.lOa
Corn Flakes, pkg S
The Best Domestic Uacaronl. Ver
micelli or Spaghetti, pkg....TH
4 Ha. Fancy Japan . Rice, lfto qutl-
Th Best Hand-picked Navy Beans,
Per lb. -., 8
10 lbs. Bot'Whlt or Tallow Corn-
t lb. Rolled Whit Breakfast Oat-
meal as
McLaren Peanut Butter. lb..lSH
Ad vo Jell, for dessert. pkg...TH
;-lh. 'cans- Fancy - Sweet Sugar
Com for ,...7H
8-lb, can solid packed Tomatoes,
Hominy, Spinach or Golden Pump
kin , T io
The Beat Tea Slftlngs. lb....lH
Hlrschey's Breskfsst Cocoa, lb. . to
Golden Santo Coffee, lb. .....SO
Ta Bast Creamery Batter, eartoa
or bulk, pT lb......,., 31
Th Best strictly $tesh Guaranteed
tgga, per dosen - 86o
Good No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, Jb. , 8
Good Dairy Table Butter, lb... 96
2 Ha. Good Butterin for SB
Full Cream Chees, lb IB
. xxb rsoru or omaia,
15 lbs. Potatoes to th peck. .-. .10
Demand 15 lb. th law requires it.
New Cabbage, per lb '.l4o
Hubbard Sqnash, each. . . .lOe-lSH
8 bunches Freeh Radlshe. i . . ; .
.3 bunches Fresh Shallots '. . 8c
1 heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce So
Fresh Spinach, per peck 10
Heets, Carrota or. Tarntpa, lb... o
Rutabagas, lb. ..S
2 stalks Fresh Celery Ba
Green Tomatoes, for pickles, bas
ket for ISo
We advise our customers to buy
now. ' W have two carload of
extra ' fancy fruit, for thla Bale.
The market I getting' stronger
and you can look for higher prices
shortly. Some varieties in th
car: Jonathan, Orimea Golden,
eipltsenberger. Wealthy. Hoover.
.Kr'S.rf-. $1.35 to JUS
Try MAYDEN'S First
KopEi pr ings a
Mined- by the Original -Producers, $c?i by the FclSawfog Cealart
Jeff W. Bedford . ;
Henry Foly " "' "
Har'moa ' Wectb
. Boaell A 8o.. : "
C'W. HUU Co,
tV 8.: Johnva .
' " Kfj Lumber Coal, Co.
' Lucas Coal Company
.People Coal Co.
I n Ion Fuel Co.
l"pdike Lumber A Coal Co.
West Omaha Coal A Ice Co.
Jrworak Wrecking Co.
..Haven Coal Co,
McCaffrey Bros. .
Nebraika Distributers. -
Swap Anything in the "Swapper' Column