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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
Tim BEK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914. 11 VOn RENT Apartment nad Flat. Moving. Packing, Floras a. tit N. Uth Ft rtion D MM or WrMXV Gordon Van Co. Rental Service Free W an mvt yon much worry, trouble nil tnnoranr. We can tall you what house and apartment each real estate office has for rent. Phone xm for further information. Douglas 2S&. Fidelity Stor age and Van Co. HUDSON. B-BOOM. 207 S. TH AYR Close In, walking distance. NEW. built In buffet panel wall! In dlnlr.g room; bait block to Famam car. Pee this today. HASTINOS HKTI'EN, 114 Hamey t CHICAGO $012. -NIc $-room and bath apartment la vU heated house. Douglas by. t ROO.Mii, THB DOl'OLAS. 21$ SOUTH WTH AVT5. Haa sunparlor, doe In, walking dis tance, NEW. vary choice. - - HASTINGS HETDEN. 1614 Harney Rt. ins Davenport Kt, 4 rooma. oak finish. furnace heat, aleeplng porch; In ttp-top condition; rent only 127. M. C. a. CARLBliRG, Sit Bra n1 wig Theater.. o t-ROOM FLAT 2S10 California, strictly modern, prao tlcally NEW; hot water heat: cloaa to St. John' church; food location; on Har ney car Una; (40. HASTINGS HETDEN, 114 Harney. BT. CLARE APARTMENTS. 23d and Harney Ft., t room apartment. Call H. 64? or D. 6606. VERT choice 4 or t-room team-heated apartments on West Famam St JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 Farnam Bt ST. CLARK APARTMENTS, ttd and Harney Sta., I room apartments, Call H. 647 or D. 660k. OODKN ANNEX Rooma with kitchen ettes. Council Fluffs. CHOICE HEATED APARTMENT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. ZU SOUTH D ST. A brand new t-room heated apartment living room finished In quarter-sawed oak, larca fireplace, bed rooma, bath and aun room finished In white enamel: large yard, private porch, heat hot and cold water and janitor service furnished. Open today for Inspection. PAYNE SLATER CO, til Omaha Nat Bank Bids;. 810 So. rth St.. t-room flat. 130. C. O. CARIBERO. Ill Brandeis Theater. -ROOM brick flat comer tth and Wil liam fits.; most desirable In Forest Hill Park. Douitlaa 2040. FIVE-ROOM fashionable apartment; no objection to children. 2601 Sherman Ave. 1008 NORTH 28th St. 7 rooms, furnace heat, will deoorale to suit press brick building, most reasonable in city. Rent only $. C. O. CARLBERO. ( 813 Brandeis Theater Building. o t-ROOM modern flat till Bo. 11th. FOUR-ROOM modern apartments, cloaa In; low rant O. P. Btebblns. Steam htd flats. Kith & Web. Tyler 2023. HO 6. 26th Ave., room modern flat, ta. Kit Capitol Ave., t room modern flat, $25. RASP BROS.. Doug. 1663. Board, aat Unease. PT.TT.AHANT front room. 13.60: also can take few boarders (4 week.. 2117 Doug las 8t si.RQANTLY turn. room. excellent board, for married couple, $7 week. 2616 Dodge Bt. BOARD and room for two. ,t4. W. Ma. the Qrumtrt. larae front room, ma hogany furnished, private bath, lava tory, boaj ; Famished Apartment. Bachelors' Apartments. Take Hanscom Park car to B. Mth St, tot. Private residence, two In family. Two suites of rooms, two bedrooms, parlor to each bedroom,, beautifully furnished; strictly modern, with proper care. Private bath; fine for two business men or trav eling salesmen with headquarters In Omaha, wishing a pleasant home. Price reasonable. These eosy rooms on aecond floor; private entrance; east front; south exposure; fine surroundings; near car; walking distance. trwrmlakael Xkowans. PLEASANTLY furnished room In private family,' fit month. Phone Harney 416t FURN. rooms by day or wk.: modem; steam heat; 11.60 up. 10T 8. IT. P. 4968. 2317 HARNEX ST. Modern, warm rooms; reasonaoie. MODERN front room and bedroom ad joining en car line, tit. $223 Charles. Webster 4268. STEAM heat. mod. rooms, adjoining, for gentlemen. $t and to. P. 6216.. FURN1HHED room for rent near Crelgfi ton university, Phone Douglas 7281. COZY, rooms, heat tine view, tit to 210 a month, td floor. 702 N. lth. Furnished room In modern home tor two gentlemen. 2008 Bt. Mary's Ave. UaiMkMilag Reams. THREE nice room, hsfc'g. 1111 S. 11th. ULEOANT suite rooms, furnished com plete ; strictly modern; 200 8. 26th Bt. FaraUae. llemkMlnT Xtawnas. Mod, room with kitchenette; re.; D.7818. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO OR THREE. ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APART-MENTS. Karalakied 11 oases. t-R. furnished house. 1901 Wirt W. . "" FURNISHED HOUSE. Five-room, 2716 N. stth; striotly modern, beautifully furnished. Webster 7176. Hotels aa Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7oM. OGDEN HOTEL Rooma It per week. Council Bluffs. DO DOE HOTEL-Modern. Reasonable. Meases mad I etteges. FOR RENT, UU. A oocy cottage, modem, except heat, and two larae lots, with plenty of room for a garden next spring and nice place for a bunch or cnicaena. i a gooa, reneuis rarty who will take care of the property will rent It all for only $14.60 per month. The lota lay end to end. making one piece of ground one lot wide and 2i0 feet long. Back lot all set to fruit but will make a nice place for a big chicken yard, and also room for a nice garden as well. House Is a neat little bungalow with nice living room, dining room, good slsed bed room, convenient kitchen and pantry, full brick basement, nice hardwood floors, bath room with porcelain tub, water closet city water, electric light with nice flxturea, gas In kitchen for cooking. A good, warm and comfortable little home, almost new, and In addition to big iota on street of neat homes, cement walks all in, close to Catholic school and also near public school. This will rent quickly, so do not wait Bee me at once any evening this week after 7 o'clock. Phone Benson, li, 'lane ceneon car, get on at viat ou In Benson and come south to No. Usui. F. TRULLINOER. New Buildings With lient Within Reason Look at This, All Modern 2232 Willis Ave., full basement furnace, first floor oak finish; a beautiful "Ral ston" kltohen cabinet Installed;, large oak stairway, large bedrooms, latest bath and fixtures, shades and electric flxturea In stalled. Price, t'Jfc per month; only on left Traver Bros. Douglaa 1U1. 70S Omaha Nat'l Bar Bldg. $14 Think of a t-room cottage, modern except heat on paved street, for $1b Ixxk It over at ltUt N. Kth Bt . fit New 6-room cottage, modern exoept heat two largo lota, southwest corner h and Parker Sta. !lt-Ntoe t-room cottage, only It block from -city hall, south front lot; 3bu Pierce ot $25 4-room, t-story, square house. en. tlrely modern. Owner will .nak necessary repairs, wo (Sherman Ave. -room, strictly modern dwelllna. In cluding double garage. In a fine lor a. uon, in. k. cor. mn and Pratt eta SCOTT eV HILL CO.. Douglas ltttV 804-7-1 McCagoe Bldg. IF you want . strictly modern home, t room, never before rented, call Harney 24. Low rent to risht tenant Twenty inn. wi irum ciiy nau. NINE rooms, steam heat, thorinoalat ron rent tt.V-.Klo IJacoln Blvd.. Hernia Perk; dandy Rronm. threuslily mortem house larce lot. averlookinsr park: com plete rtitia tllover Sraln. lvug. SSJ. i-r. mfMi. nouae, CTia t nariea. weinui wi FOR RENT flit California St.. new J. room house, never occupied. I hone weo ter it. t-R. mod. cottaae. 71 S. S7th St., to; 7 -r. moa uouae, sikit Ajeavenworrn t., Both fine locations rhone Webster tf'SO. t'M)SK-lN t-room house, beat condition. m R. list. H. 2706. SKVF.N rooma, modern except heat tl2 toug1as St Douglas lf-i -ROtM ALL MODKRN HOl'SB, KMR CARS, HOT WATER HEAT. DUNDEE. PHONK WALNUT VAX 2716 OHIO 7-roora modern; 17. Douglas 447. LARGE Hat of bouses at special prices for the winter. Do not mla this oppor tunity. F, P. Wesd. 1Mb and Famam Pta FOR RENT November L tit & 2th Ave.. 7 -room modern flat See Charles O. McDonald or i. J. Toms, tit Braadela Bldg. Phono Douglas 2464 BRAND NEW A HOME FOR TOU. 7-room brick dwelling, beautiful oak finish, built-in bookcases, kitchen ratc hets, paneled dining room with plate rail, elegant lighting futures, tit 8. Kth. 1 rier ran J. rh., mod. eottage. 14 N. tti. P. 1246. eottage, flrst-clasa condition; large yard; near car line; $12. H. 717. t-R. HOUSE N. 24th Bt Tel. D. 8M. KHt.RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co., tOS B. 16th St Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. lth A Jackaon Sta. Phone Pouglas tx. MODERN t-room house, 206 8. Kth Ave., vacant November 6. Can be seen after a. m. any day. inquire T. J. O'Brien, Phones Harney 1094 or Douglas 1211 t-R, modem house, 1727 S. 10th. D. 7416. Hmtcaaln all parts of the city. uuusesrr,llh 8on, 4 Co building. BTiAM heat, all modern, I-roora nousei alao 4-room Tat. f No. 23d. Globe Van&Storage Stores, roovea, packa, ships; t-horee van and I men, 2126 per nr.; storage 12 per mo. Batiafactory guar. D. 48M eV Ty. W0. J.CReedSV. moving storage Famam. D. HU; a-a'sa i van, s men. i per hr.; dray. I men. 21 per hr. 171t Webster. Dovg. li t-B, mod. cottage, 71t 8. 7th St.. t. 7-r. b"1.1-., nou- Leavenworth St. 236. Both fine locations. Phone Webster K90. 114 8. 20th, I room modem house, 12a tores aaa lf f Imam. 2ND FLOOR office rooms or suitable for i J11 Wright 4k Lasbury, 606 S. 18th Bt Doug. 162. Barrna. GS,D,b?rn' rSomJor r W horses! . 1917 Websber Bt Call Douglas 43. . WANTED TO HJE1TT TWO n7turnUbed rooma for houeekeep. og. walking distance. Address B. 4H WANTED TO BORROW W.AJKDTT" between t2,0O and W.M9 private money. Will give first "ISli.0" w,torn wal estate, apple Norfout ,J' W0D' REAL ESTATE FARM ex KAlfCH LANDS FOR I ALB Catierado. . , uuin oi luma, tjp'o. ; corn SreUT f'i? Kssus. . . . . FOR BALE Kansas wheat farms. Have ' 'r"i 'ln Proved Kansas wheat farms terms. Address, Owner, Box 164, Inde- BXinneaiotav, BA?aIWU0-CTe Improved farm, miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel road; lays level; about 120 acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; ome fine meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; buildings consist of t-room house, bam, granary, corn cribs, machine shed, windmill, etc,; good apple orchard. Price, t30 per acre; one-half cash, reasonable terras on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double this price. Schwab Bros., 1013 Blymouth Ifldg Minneapolis, Minn. NctbrMkay. BIO RANCH P0R SAUG : -Just the place for a man who has - aral boys and who understands the stock business. Who Is making the most money for the amount invested? Answer: The farmer. What kind of farming pays beetT An swer, stock raising. Why? Answer:. Because there are not enough cattkt raised to supply the de mand. W hat is the principal element In the oot of livlngT Answer: Beef. MORAL: RAISE BEEF. There la no one occupation today that will pay as big returns for the time ot the farmer and' his investment as will cattle raising, and there is no form of stock raising in which you take as little rlak aa you take in raising cattle on the range. V hav a client who has a 4.000-acre ranch In Sheridan county, Nebraska, one of the best In the state, well improved, and in the short grasa country. He is too old to run It himself, and he haa no help. He will sell It at a bargain, and will take a quarter-section, or a half-section, or three-quarters of a section, of land in eastern Nebraska or western lows, which he can rent aa part payment or for the whole amount. Here la an opportunity for a man who understands the cattle business, who has one or more) boys, and who wants a good ranch. We will put you next to the owner and let you make your own deal. Send for full particulars, and any other Informa tion you desire. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Ware Block. Omaha. Neb.- WILL MAKE FINE STOCK FARM.. 1.6o acres smooth,' rich valley land In Morrill county. Neb.; eaatem owner obliged to soil. Will take low price if sold in next thirty days. Write us. HICKS LAND AGENCY, OMAHA. WUcsaala, Upper Wisconsin Best dairy -and general crop state In the union; aetUera wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let M on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Write about our graslng lands. If interested In fruit lands, ask fur booklet on Apple Orchards in 'Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Boo Line Ry., Minneapolis, Minn. REAIi ESTATB LOANS. CITY and farm loans, f, 6, 6 per cent J. H. Dumont A Co., W Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEKFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 1 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2716. HARRISON A MORTON, tit Om. NaU. WTD Farm loans Kloke Inv. Co. Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants, W Farnam Smith A Co.. la Famam. CITY property. Large loana a epecieJty. Thomas, State. Bank Bids:. $100 to t lu. GOO made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam Bts. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans, H. W. Binder, City Natl Bank Bldg. (Cf, CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co.. " 210-tia Brandeis Theater Bldg. 8LE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Truat Co.. Omaha, Neb. ABSTRACTS OP TITT.K. KKRR Title Guarantee aa Abatret Co., a modern a bet r sot office. M S. 1?U St Phone loualse b4.1T. REED Abetract Co., olrieat abstract office in Nebraska. t0 Brandeis Theater. REAL KSTATK ACRKAGR HEAVY " BUTOTO IN EUROPE KEAL BARGAIN 13 ACRES This tract of land I located about one mil from South Omaha llmlta: lays prac tically level and aurrounded by nine homes. No Improvements. Nothing ad joining thta property can be bought for less than ten per acre. For quick sale w are authorised to sell for 2200 per acre, 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler MOt. South Omaha Office, South 1M. Acreage . 1i acrea. tH miles from court house, t22S an acre; Ilea well. t acrea, comers on I roads; direction of growth r 21.000; tM cash. , i acres adjoining, same price and term. Harrison & Morton 14 acre recently advertised aeld. REAL ESTATB NORTH SICK North Side I have for sale a pretty t-room bunga low, nam- all modern throughout and located S block from school and 1 block from car Una. Cement walk In all around. House beautifully finished, principal rooms In oak. balance of house In edge awed hard pine; haa full cement base ment and Is heated by furnace. Terms: $32.50 Cash; $32.50 Per Month. For further Information phone South 1587. CHAR, F. MAHL. Only $2,600 Twotory, square house, entirely mod am, in a good neighborhood on Sherman Ave. oar for tt.atio. Owner anxious to sell and has reduced price for qulok sal. Can be bought on easy term. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas loot. . Two Lots, $850 Fronting Military Ave., near Parker St Really worth tl.Soo. C O. CARLBERO,. 210-12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATB SOUTH RIDE Announcement s Extraordinary Beautiful, high, sightly building lots on your own terms in our new Center View Addition. See Friday evening papers. The Byron Reed Co ' 2t2 So. 17th. .: Phone Douglas 297. Field Club' Bargain. $12,000. - Elegant-residence, seven rooms, taste fully decorated,! good '. sleeping porch, fireplace, delightful sun parlor, modem in every particular, locate on the comer of 23d and Lincoln Ave., lust four blocks irom r ieia ciuo; soutn iront, large lot, (OxlW, This- place Is positively worth 116,000. Can be purchased with 20,00 Cssh, balance monthly. GALLAGHER & NELSON 144 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2J83. SOUTH SIDM COTTAGE. Nloe t-room cottage, the same a new, only 2300 cash, balance 230 per month. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. $1,600 BUYS a 7-room house, large lot 2010 So. tb St REAL EST ATE WEST SIDE Must Be Sold New. modem frame and stucco; oak and birch finish; three bedroom and Bleeping porch; corner lot; paved street complete throughout; big bargain. OWNER, Douglas 162. Great Bargain 6-R00M MODERN Hard Wood Flnlah . S616 Davenport Only $3,600 W. H. GATES 447 Omaha Waft. Bank- Bldg. Doug. 1294. For Sale MODERN WEST FARNAM HOME. The hrfndsome modem residence, 121 a 28th Ave. Owner leaving city, will give immediate poaseaelon. A bargain if sold quick. Telephone Harney 1368. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daatee, Dundee $4,500 A brand new house, t rooms. Including Sleeping porch, with oak finish through out first noor; targe living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; three large bed rooms and Bleeping porch on aecond floor; tile floor in bath room; garage in basement The price I light, end reasonable term considered. Look today. Glover & Spain 11-20 City National. Douglas 2X1 REAL ESTATE KIHCEXLANEOTJS Why Pay Rent? 1922 B. Mth Bt, I a (-room, partially modern cottage that you can buy for MX) caah and per month. Price haa been reduced to sell thl month. Ia on paved etreet and oar line. It la worth the price asked. 2M Dupont Bt., ia a It-room, modern except heat house, arranged ao as to make two a-room apartments. Owner will aell for M-W caah and U0 per month. The earing you make la your rent plus the rent on the other part of this house will make your monthly payment It la worth thinking about suit S. loth Kt., la a 4-room eottage, with city water. Cottage needs repairing, but price and payments are reasonable. Caa be had for t40 cash and balance monthly. The part who buys thie plaoe and puts It In good repair will make money. Creigh, Sons & Co., 'Phone Douglas 200. bOf Be Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Banner Day in Export Salei of Wheat and Oat. Interett ia Financial Affairs Center About Wathing-ton Meeting. NEW YORK TO BE NEXT SCENE Every Available Peaad of Grain la Valted ttatea, Aecerdlag ta It. porters. Finds Aaxleae Take era Abroad. OMAHA. Oct. 3. 114. A banner day In the export sales of wheat and oats was to be seen In all the markets of the In I ted Statee. It was Im poaaible to learn the exact amount of wheat and flour, aa well aa oats and porn, nurchaaed for ahinment to Eng land. France and other countries where breadatuffs may be shipped safely at the present time, but the transactions were enormous. John Htream, one of the leading ex Porter ef the market, aald that in his ooinion every available pound of grain to be had In the United Si a tea would find anxious takere by foreign countrtea. The above firm we on of th leading seller of wheat corn and oat In thl market yeaterday The other rash sales reported were 11,000 bushels com to domestic con aura are, and 10.000 bushels for direct export. OaU a)es here were l.tOO.000 buahela In all poalttons. Veaeel room waa char tered for ltu.00 bushel wheat to go to fiuftalo. The export rleej-ences from the United Btates broke all records during Septem ber, the official figures for that mdhCn being tlT.0i) bu. wheat and flour a wheat whloh waa nearly 14.000.000 bu. n.ore than last year. Theae figure well the total to about tt.OM.OOQ bu. for the first three monthe of the crop year, against W,US,noo bu. last year, and make a total of 15. mono bu, for nine months, beginning with January 1 last, agnlnat 121.10t,000 bu. for the earn time In ISO. Th strength In com was mainly In sympathy with wheat coupled with the reported taking by exporters of more than 100,000 bu. here. Weather over the eorn belt haa been fine for curing and husking, hut there were manv additional complaints of disappointing husking -re turn, There was a big trade la oats both In cash and futures. Prices were higher. Ex porters were the principal buyers. The beArlah bog showing was against the price of provisions, and there was some selling of January pork and ribs that looked Ilk packers. Th strength in grain neipea. Wheat waa unohanawd to Ho higher, 8orn waa unchanged to lo higher, sts were V4rlo higher. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to t)t.0W bushels; oorn, LOOO bush els: oats, 10,000 buehels. At Liverpool wheat closed ltflUd higher; com "ad higher. Primary wheat receipts were l.tfO.MO bu. and shipment 804,000 bu.. against re- ceinie or i,otN,oov bushels and shipments of 789,000 bushel last year. Primary com receipts were 207,000 bu. and shipments tlt.OOO bu.. against re ceipts or 671.000 bu. and shipments of Uw, 000 bu. last year. Primary eata receipts were KM, 000 bu. and shipments 8i6.0UO bu.. against re ceipts of 777,000 bu. and shipments of 877,. vug last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn, Oats. Chicago 1M 130 404 Minneapolis ..... DO ... ... Duluth 484 Omaha IS 21 Kansas City 116 11 St Louie 46 16 82 Winnipeg 471 Theee sale were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car, 21.02. No. t hard winter: S car, tl 06. -No grade: 1 ear, too. No. I spring: 1 oar (white), V7c. No. I spring: 1 car. tl.03H- No. 4 spring: 1 car, 86c. No. I durum: 1 car, 11.00. No. I mixed: 1 oar, $1.03. Ry No. t: 1 car. He; 1 ear, 84Ho. Oats-No. 2 whltei 1 car, 46c; . 7 car,, 44c. No. 4 white: 2 cars. 44HA Corn No. 1 white: 1 car. 74c. No. 1 yel low) 1 car, fltHwc. No. t yellow: 1 car, too. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (near white), 72c. No. t mixed: 1 car, 71c. No. S mixed: S cars, c: i oar. t7c. . Wheat: No. I hard. tl.0ML0tV, ; No. t hard, tLOSVV&l.OTAi; No, 4 har. 7ttSt1.04; No. 2 spring, tl.OIH4Il.04H; No. S spring, H0JH3UBH; No wortng, 4Hc43l .02; No. 2 Durum. tl.OOH'B'LOl; No. 1 Durum, WHoetLOu. Com: No. 1 white, 7SVW7c; No. 2 white. 7SHm3B(j; No. I white. TtHUrWie: No. t white, T37ltc: - No. t white, 7H73c; No. t white, 73Hty721oi flOHWBSHc; No. I yellow, 6He: No. t yellow, smtpwc; no. a .yeuow, wninrroc; No. t yellow. MHOO: No- 1 mixed. tHe; No. S mixed, SH9c: No. I mixed. tw2e$W4o- No. 4 mixed, 6Mf6Ho: No. t mixed, "JWtpegc: mo. mixed, sipwia Oats: No. 2 whit. 4Mi6'Hic: aUndard. 46HiS4EHo: No. I whlu, 44Htto; No. t white. 44Ht4Hc Barley: Malting, MWTOoj No. 1 feed, toeCSo. Rye: No. 2, 86Hoi No. 2, Hge. . ' Mlnneeweli Oratn Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. to. WHEAT De cember, tl.ll; May. tl "H: No. I hard. 1.14H; No. 1 northern. tl.UH&l.lS; No. 2 Borthem, ttOe'tWl.llH. BA RLBY o.SSl'OtlC. RICK faMWHc. BRAN 130. , CORN No. yellow, 71J72c. OATft-No. 2 white. ?46He. FTAX-tl.22H1.86H. REAL ESTATE-i MISCELLANEOUS SOMETHING DIFFERENT One of th most attractive bungalow In Creighton's 1st addition. Six rooms and bath, fully modern; oak finish, In cluding oak floors throughout; living room across th front of house, dining room ha window seat, plat rail with panel walla, bookcases between dining room and living room, den haa four window and a clothe press, v could b used for a bedroom; large well arranged kitchen with butler' pantry and Ice box room; two large bedrooms and bath on second floor; bedrooms have a clothes press, linen cloaet In hall, full of Moreens and window shade; lighting fixture ran be selected by th buyer; full cement basement, furnace heat with laundry connection; fine comer lot tOxlU feet both streets paved; close to school and west side park car. Price out to 12,760 Easy terms, or will consider vacant lot aa first payment. RASP BROS. 1M McCaarue Bldg. Douglas ltM. For Sale At a big bargain, a modern t-room house, well located and cloaa In. Will aell for tl.MO If gold thl week. Address D-664, car Bee. STRICTLY MODERN, 11J0. What do you think of thlsT An almost new t-room eottage, 42 ft long, modern In every possible way and only on block from the street car. Don't overlook thl. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, Phone Dougla 171. War Block. MARRIAGE LICEXIES. The following marriage license were Issued: Name and Reel ds nee. Age. Cvril Morton. Grand Island Over tl Angelina Plndell, Omaha Over If Oscar L. Zackhelm, Bouth Omaha. ... 4t Rebecca Charkln. South Omaha 13 Morris Milder, Omaha vtietlie Buenraan, umini a Ioula Cavtonl, Omaha J Rose Colombo, Omaha. ...... lit Albert Meldllnger, Omaha. 20 aaaoie jacousen. umaua 17 Alfred P. Lindbloom, Chicago 4ft Jennie Callahan, Lincoln , jg Clyde Jt. rock, Omaha.... , to jean aa. vvaieon, irmaita t4 Galileo Albano, Chicago Jj Marlg Laurensana. Omaha 20 Harold R, Smith. Boulder. rvl m Mary Monk, Fort Collins, Colo.. ...... It Byron W. Pierce, Appleton, Wig .-. a Mane n rooma, meenah. Wis Jaooh K. wasem, Battle Creek, la 24 Aaeia Lnl, aienevu, ni. & Albert C. Oroetschal. Omaha. 32 Anna M. Ran, Uinaiua. tt CAPITAL CONFERENCE VITAL OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipta Qait Liberal and Pricet Continue Downward. HOGS WEAK AND TEN CENTS OFF British Finance Mialaler and Offi cials of f. 8. Treaaary Dlaenaa Mattera Bearlag Opealag of riehanaes. NEW YORK. Oct. 20-lntereat In finan cial affaire today centered mainly around Washington, where further conference were held between representatives cf the itrman nnanre minister and orriciaia or the I'nlted States treasury and In which some of the prominent hanking Interest cf the country were parttcloattta The outcome of theae meetlnge,' which re to be continued in this city. Is ex pected to have a very direct bearing, not ot ly upon existing foreign exchange con ditions, but also upon the reopening of the 1nndon and New York stock ex changes. Washlgton ws alao the seat of con tinued negotiations relating to the or ganisation of th proposed cotton pool, In which a hitch was reporud. The rhlef obstable la the way of this plan Is said to be the disinclination of the Federal Reserve board to aaaume full reaponat billty for the project on the ground that other and more pressing duties are now before It for consideration. There waa another abrupt break In ev change on London, caWoe being quoted t 14 KU enit .lemand hills at I4.ML these quotations representing decllnee of 1 cents or more from last week' high figure. Th decline wa generally asso ciated with the recent heavy foreign de mand for our commoditlea, and gave eepeclal point to advice from Chicago te the effect that yesterday' grain export constituted a record breaker. Depression In teel and copper con tinues with lower nricea for copper metal and ateady diminution of shipment of finished steel from leading mills. In fact, the state of th steel Industry at this time Is such aa to Indicate an abandonment of virtually all price ecneauie. Time money wa quoubljr, easier In some Instancer, but actually unchanged. 1 .1 Kb nli. .re hnidina; themaelvea in readiness for prospective renewals Ister In the month, some of theee contract representing ninety day loan mad shortly before the tock exchange im pended operation. Money on rail was freely ottered at an average rate of H per cent, the eupply exceeding the de mand. Banke In the granger section are buying moderately on nign-oiaas m.rriel naoer at 1 Per cent but th In quiry from othr ource I light. Dlacount In London were ritffhUy lowr, the atrong gold P'tl". ' " Bank of England being the ohlf con tributing factor. CHICAGO GRAIN AUB PROVISIONS Peatare tfca Tmdln nn Cleelng Prleaa on Board ( Trade. CHICAGO, Oct, . Enlarged offering from first hand today gave the wheat market a downward turn, rr'oea weak. 14' to IV off. Cbra lot H to 0 net and oat H to HCH There wa an Irregular flnlah In provision ranging from lOo decline to an advance of "Ho. Sign that the continued bulge In price had Induced rural holder In th north west .to accept bid mora freely proved sufficient reaaon to cause extensive profit taking her on the part or recent ouyera. Notwlthatandlng that considerable rally ing power waa shown, especially after the first break in prices the market closed t the lowest point of the day. Active purchasing on European account brought about the best reaction In favor of the ' wheat bulls. The temporary strength was accompanied by reports that the Italian Import duties had been lowered and that trans-Atlsntle army bid for 50,000 barrels of flour would b opened tomorrow in New York. -On the other, hand. It wa aald that ooean tonnage wa becoming acarc. Auspicious weather trndod to eaa down th price ot oorn. Trader were on the alert, however, for a poMlbl renewal of export aalea. , Oat held up relatively better than other grain. Nnabatad call from the seaboard was chiefly responsible. Packer buying rallied provision. At first though, weak nea waa th rule owing to lower prtcee for hogs and because of th difficulty of making shipment to Holland especially lard. Artlclel OpenTTHigh. Wheatl .. Dec.. May. Corn Dee.. May. Oat Deo.. May. Pork. Jan May. Lard Oct.. Nov. Jan.. Rib. I . Oct. ' Jan.. 1 1AH16 1 22H priHW'i MlUlSIU c:.'"T. WHO- 1 60-66 It 00B 10 40 10 26 to 11 00 9 70 I 1(W 1KH 71H fcH UH I 1 77H 1 W 10 40 10 20 t M U 06 t m Low. I Close, I Yes'y. 1 14 1 KH J 7H 70H 4BV 2 it b' ' 11 00 10 40 ' 10 26 I to 11 00 ' 7H 7H1 84 70HS,H7vfie 1 14V .1 20H 1 1H 1 2JH 40 ti 62iO It TTH II 00 10 40 10 27HI it tXW 11 Ot t to MH ii at 10 60 10 20 I 2H 11 04 TH Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, tl.UHtr.K7; No. I hard, Corn: No. 2 yellow, 74W4WO; No. t yel low, 74c. Oats-No. 2 white. 47Ht4o; standard. 4H4S4e. Rye: No. 2. li. Barley, tRtfMc Reeds: Timothy, 4.00$; clover, tU.00014.00. Provisions: Pork, $17.75: lard. $10.46; rib. $10.60U11 .60. BUTTER Steady; creamery, IMKMo. EGOS Lower; receipt. 6.961 cases; at mark, cases Included, WW He; ordinary firsts. 20tiZle; . flrat. 22HU'2o. POTATOES lower: receipt. 42 car; Michigan and Wisconsin, 4tffco; Minne sota and Dakota. 4tt6Sa. POULTRY Allv bigbsr; spring, l$Hc. fowl, UH6lSc. ' 1 New York General Market. NEW YORK, Oct 20. BUOA R Ra w, quiet; molasses, 174c; centrifugal. 4te. Refined, seasy, 26 points lower; cut loaf, t.tOc; crushed. .teOc; mould A, l ata; cubes, 126c: powdered. 116c: XXXX powdered. 4.16c; powdered, 110c; fits granulated, 6 0"c; Diamond A, t.OOc; confectioner' A, t.90c; No. 1, 5.76c. BUTTER yirra; receipt, tuns: creamery extras, 22c; creamery, tZHo; creamery firsts, 2691e; second, 24H7e; process extras, dtfMc; ladles, current make, firsts. 23Hf4c; seconds, 2145c21Hc: packing atock. currant make. No. I, 2x2f JOHc ' CHEESE Steady; receipts. 4,2 boxes; tate whole milk, fresh white and col ored specials, 14Vft)l6c; state whole milk, average fancy, 14Hc; skims, 4frl3c. BUGS Kirm; receipts, 14.242 rases; fresh gathered extra firsts, tOta2c; firsts, 27ae; seconds, 242c; state, Pejnn sylvanla and nearby hennery whltea. I0O 62c; state. Pennsylvania and nearby garnered wnues, svn4Hc; state, Pennsyl vania and nearby hennery browns, 1641 tc: state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixed colors. tHO 36c. . POULTRY Dressed, Vady; western roasting chickens, 17 HO 20c; fowls, 14W)o; turkey, IMjTic. Alive, weak; western chickens. 14c; fowl, ltUHc; turkeys, 17$lc, . Pat hees and La sabs Ten Ceate II Inker .Heat Feeder Xeady ad other Weak te Tea Coat Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct 20, 114. Receipts were: Cattl.Hoga.Sheep. Official Monlay H.775 $.6;,i 47. aetimate Tuesday 7,000 t.tuO $2.o. Two days this week.. MTT5 $1M 7.5W ?m days last week...54 7.1M Tl fame 2 weeks ago M.eiH t.271 76.M! Ssme t weeks ago 24.K90 l.tNl l.oi bam 4 weeks ago JJ.tlt t.T: H.0S2 Kama day last yer...l!,27t t.4t K.241 Th following table snow the receipts of rsttle. hoas and Tneea al trte iSAUth (ImaMa live stock market for the year te date, a w.iwa wun laei yeari 1!14. ml Inc. Dec, Catlla ....... 747.2HT T.4I4 25L1 H 12.r I.01.$46 a2,0 """P ItTltlt t,664a 1. Th following table show the prloe for hogs at th SoUth Omaha live stock mar ket for th last fw da, with comparisons. Date, I ll. Iiail 'imi u. l ;!. .ina. 60l t t I 71 ill 47 1 641 t It 7HI I W 77 I T f t7 t 15 4l f M $ 77 t 4T 7 61 t 20 T 44H itatWtMtr 111 a I I 11 1 in t 11 1 11 1 ill I t if! 1 t Si I 24H 411 T 701 I t 7 26' t 041 I Ml t r I 27 T MM t 6 7 H I Ml t l4MT4llfM Itliin ill a 7 4t t 60 7 f ) 0j t "4 t 2? 1 65 III tH I tii it ir iu I04H tnt7l6lttSSl 4HT7t 627741 $22 Oct 7.. Oct. $.. 0it. t. Oct 10. Oct 11. OcL 11.. tt. 14. Oct 14. Oct 14.. Oct. JT. Oct It. Oct 1. Oct. Hi. Sundav. CATTLE -Receipt of eattl yeslsrday nere the largest In the history of th market and there waa a liberal run again today, making the total for the ww uays me largest ot any a mi Kane City Grain aad Provisions. IVAINDAB I.I i i. oct. . WHEAT No I hard, li.ottil.074; No. 1 red, li.OTjfi 07: Jjh'Hc; .mlearTttiio;' May' OATSNo. 1 whit. 47C-ttc: No, I mixed, 4S-&H4HO. ' 1 BUTTLJt Creamary, 2c; firsts. Jtcl seconds, 24c; packing, 20o. , fcoas KlrU, 22c; second. IttAo. POULTRY-lIen. Uc; broller7 1C t Loala Grata Market. ST. LOI.M8, Oct. 20-WHEAT-No. t red. $1.11H91.11': No. 1 hard. $1.11; Do- CORN-No. 2, 76c; No. 1 white, tie; De- OAT4-N0, I. 4H47c; No. i white. 49o. ' ' Mvexpeel Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. -WHEAT P(,t, ateady; No. I Manitoba, old, s 6d; No. i new, ts; bard winter, s: futures, steady; October, as lOd; December, la 2d. ' CORN Spot ateady; American mlxad. 7 4d; future, firm; No. 1 ta lkd. Metal Market. " ST. Irifl. Oct 20. MKT A LB Lead firm, at $3.17. b'pelter, higher, at $4.70 lar period ince three week ego an larger than a veer am h .. anr head. Thie la the aeaaon of the tiur When rarure cattle am mnstA Ia mnve freely, go that liberal receipts ar by no Means surprising or ta any way unusual. uiner market point war wall aupplted faiemay ana loaay, witn the re sult that there haa been a ahern decline fl along the Una, prtcee an practically week'"1" 0t CtU bln towr thM laat All ' kinds f kllllhg rattle war i'ow aiii weug p 100 lower than real -lay This would apply not only to beef steers, bu: to corns and heifers aa well. This meana that the market Is around 164125c !r than last week. The quality of ine 011 Brings averaged very poor, wlili'l) hel,s to tr.ak the sales on paper look still worse than they otherwise would. blocker and feeder suffered about th Same decline aa killers, he Ine weak to 100 or more lower than yeaterday, or lf26c lower for the two days. Quotation on t'altl: Good to choir corniea oeevee, nMHUilUM); fair to good curnrea beeves, ttl"Wt(i; common to fair oorn fed beeves, gl.KfitOO: good to choloe range steers. I7.jli); fair lo f ood range steers, $.76t7 40; common to lr range steer, $6.7tViR 76; good to choice grasa cows tatbaieLaO: fair to good grades. IV 00(6. 76: common to fair grades, t4.00flo.00: prime feeders, $t.00 e.aa. pura o cnOIOS, m.tdPS.IMl fair tO good, $tf.0ni7.20; common to fair Blockers ana leeaers, ft.ona.H: stock heifers. tn.OO voui biocb cows, 4-bo.7r; stoe.g calves, t0out,00; vsal ealve, $7.&0tyl0.00; bulls, eimaa. eiu., a.auta. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ka. A. Ft. Ho. Av. Pr. t tM I tt l.v U4 t If COW, I Ml 4 Tt BULLS. 1 loo 1 10 1 UU t 71 I I7t IN CALVES. J tit t M I 10 1 M 7.... T 1 let 1 00 It 40 T II STOCK KM 8 AND FEEDERS. It W I. N n f M...I tM 7 M U l f WKRTERN NEBRA8KA. I eow 0 4 M I cows M5 4 to 6 stk.hfr. m lis t atk.hfr. HO t 25 feeder.. 726 4 IS 10 feeder... 702 10 11 co wa,,,., 060 $l t feeders.. UN TOO 10 cow.....10h2 t 0 $ feeder.. 81 M U feeders.. 001 ' 28 II ralvea... $M 7 21 It feeder., all 0 40 2 feeders.. DW 7 00 It cows.... .1021 4 16 It feeders., tat 4 to 40 feeders.. 1U64 tM 10 feeders.. 10M $40 23 feeders.. 10. t I 00 15 feeder. .10M t 75 10 stk.cow tl $ 60 24 oowa 10rl $ 00 16 cows tHO I 00 47 feeder.. (171 W M feeder. .100 TO 27 caivea... 404 T 78 M atk.hfr. 461 4 26 IT feeder. ,104t 40 U feeders.. 10M 10 64 stk.clv. H 7 75 47 stk.clvs. 6 t 71 11 stk.clvs. m T 76 4$ tk.clv. Ml t 70 11 tk.clvs. M4 I TO WYOMING. 29 feeder. .1101 t 76 14 heifera.. $70 ISO 15 eows.k... 641 -4 40 24 feeder. .1124 7 60 22 feeders.. 4 7 16 11 cows lokt I W 20 feeders.. lOKi 7 10 . 12 Blocker. 1UUM I 40 2S Blockers. 101S $40 M feeder., 116 T 25 U cows isM 6 60 2B feeder. .1013 TOO OREGON. 65 feeder., $41 t 46 14 steers.... lit 4 00 62 steers. ...110 6 76 M ter....lo05 4 46 20 fedeera.,1016 4 74 20 feeder.. S 4 74 COLORADO. I tear.... 794 1 26 feeder.. 62 IK 40 feeder.. 864 4 20 40 feeders.. 1WJ I TO IDAHO. 8 steers.. ..107 I 86 4t steer., ..110 115 16 leers. ...1101 165 24 steers.. ..1011 f 16 SOUTH DAKOT.A U feeder. .1146 7 41 40 feeders. .1121 T 71 HOGS Local supplies were fair, and with advices from other point of a dis couraging nature value took aaothe drop today. Packer' arly bid were made 011 a 10c lowvr bar la, ant while wellera held off th an effort to get better figure, blda failed to Improve to any noticeable extant and in the end th bulk of the hoga Bold at figure that were about a dime lower. Heavleo were In boor reouael toAsv en4 In .nest In aianuea vuyera rciuiaa 10 iook bt inem until the more Jean able hog, carrying lea weight bad been pretty well cleaned up. Bulk of the offering moved at t4.6Mr7.00. with best grade selling as high as $7.16. the top. For the first time since March, lklt, the bulk of th hoga t selling uader $7.00. Packer are dotnr All la their power to drive value downward, and, while supplies at this point ar not vary heavy, liberal receipts elsewhere are aiding the tear movement met anally. The decline for the two days amount to nearly too, while todr.y's prices are over a cent a pound lower than ine close 01 laat montn. Today' recelota of seventy-two cans. r 4,j0 head put the two day' total at 1,161 head. Thl is auo larger tnan a ween ago, but slightly smaller tnan laat year. representative faies: Tto. Av. Bh. Pr. No. At. Bh. rr. It 111 i si in u in to t to tt wa ... T to m ii ... , x ... t 4t io n im to 11 ... 1 10 4 t tivt Tt ut ... T u s I7t 1 IN FIG". t n ... tt it im ... t m tl N ... IM . SHEEP In more way than on South Omaha waa again the blggeat ebeep mar ket on the mao this morning aa there were all told some n.000 head yardea against 28,000 at Chicago, U.ono-et Kansas City and t.OuO at St Joseph. Notwlth atandlng the liberal receipt here on yea Urday's market and today there wa some atlrr In the aheap barn this morning, both on packing and feeding account Th character of tho receipts ahowed no material change, the big bulk of offering being on the feeder order. Really good tuff wa la vary meager supply. In a sense It wa a day for feeder buy. era as th feeder supply was liberal. In eluding most ail gredea of feeder, both sheep and lamb. Feeder buyer galore fiaraded the alley of the sheep barn look, ng for something suitable to tak horn wlih them. Gorx. killer of all kind were scarce, giving rise to much competition among the packer buyer and to a general ad vance of 10 ernta all along the line, both on sheep and lambs. Quire a number of lamb sales was marie at $7.50. the top for the day, against $7.40 yeaterday. Bulk of fat' laniba sold at 17.247.40. Some fat ewes reached 16.04. with the bulk at 44.7V4 4 90, Some fat year bags moved at l&.toil 1 16. Trade wa snappy and of course it aid not take long before everything on the killing order waa picked up. . Quotations on range sheep and lambai Lambs, good to choice. $7.4(h7.7; laroba. QZjf.J00' W-"v7-40i lamb, feeders. yearling, good to choloe, $5 6$ 4)4.10; yearlings, fair to good, $6.4036.16; yearlings, feeders. $5.4O6.J0; wether. good to choice, $K.!rV?i 0; wether, fslr tn good, tt.lrV45.26: Wethers, feerlere. lltOff 4 5; ewea. good to choice. I4.75itim.n0; awes, fair to good, $4 60tH,75; ewea, feeders, $2.66 Reoreaentstlve sales' Av. Price. . 1 Wyoming feeder lambs 50 t fl 1 Wyoming feeder lamha SO 4 BO 176 Wyoming feeder lamha HO SO 110 Wyoming feeder lamha 0 40 H7 Wvomine feeder Iambi Ml an 242 Wyoming feeder lamha 57 4 M i"i yoming feeder lambs 5T tan 272 Wyoming lamha l 7 10 " Utah feeder lambs 4. 10 V ftah feeder ewea 15 . $ M Wyoming feeder lamha.,.,,... S5 t 76 2t7 Wyoming feeder lambs 66 $ 76 lr.0 native feeder lambs 53 4 0 US North Dakota feeder lambs.. 47 1 46. 101 North Dakota feeder lambs,. 62 4 45 il4 North Dakota feeder lambe.. 44 4 46 137 Wyoming ewes in 4 bk 140 Wyoming eweB lnO 4 M $10 Wyoming ewea tt 4 AS ' 171 Wyoming ewea too 46 24 Wyoming feeder, ewe....,.,.. 102 4 00 !! Wyoming feeder ewes 102 4 00 212 Wyoming feeder lamha 00 IB 214 Wyoming feeder lambs 0 IM 2W Wyoming feeder lambs l I 68 is Wyoming lamb w . in CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle and Unas Weak Sheep Firm. PHtCAOO. Oct. 20 CATTLW Receipts. t.As) head; market weak; beeves, tt tow; steers, v. wnf.iV. elockera ana reed ers x 004i7 00' cows and heifers. t3.2&B 10; calve-", 7 lr.-11.00. Mtxis Keceipts, n.nn nesn; marxei weak, moetly lOr lower; bulk of sales. rfloffl7.45; light trr7.Sfl: mixed, M .ms 65: heavv. $6.81x0.65; rough, 24.80O4.9t; pigs, $4 60J.M. phekp arsu iAMHS neoeirra, head; market firm; sheep. 24 !vrf.0i; yearling. $5. WW, to; lambs, St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. I1TTIS, Oct lO.-CATTLIJrte-. celpt. head: market lower; native beef steers, $7.60110.75: cows and heifera. to 0Ofi!..V atockers and feeders. IS OOfii 7.50; southern steere, $l.fl0o3t.00; cow and heirers, 4.00fl6.o; natlv caivea, h.oo trio nv HOGS Reoelpts, 11.100 head: market lower; plga and lights. $AHKiJT7 26; mixed and butchers. $ 90417.40; good heavy, $7.28 T66. . . . Ml KEF AND LAMHH-KceiptB l,7J heaf; market steady: natlv muttons, $4.0utio.2&; lambs. 17.000. 00, Kanaaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 20. CATTLE Re ceipta. 17.000 head: market weak; nrlme fed steers. I te 11.00: dressed beef ateer. $7.T6(660; western ateera, t6ff.75; Block ers and feeders. I.iy.40; bulls, $5,009 4.40; caivea, $6.00t, 10.60. HOGtt Receipts, ls.oiig neaa: marKei lower: bulk of ealee. $6.fn'7.20; heavy. $7.15477.811; packers and butchers, $7-00 7.26; light $0 I1t7.26; rigs, t 257 71 . . VHh.h.f .AND" LAMBH iteceipta. head; market ateady; lamba, rVrr7.50; yearllnga. $6 264.00; wether. $6.00tj.t6; we, $4 2M.6.Q0. Ion City Live Stoek Market. . v SIOtTX CITY, la.. Oct. SO CATTLE-" Receipt 1,400 heaA; ' market weaker; native ateera, $00flt.26; cow and hetf r. 14 00$ 5. 75; canners. $2 IM16 OO; stock ers and feeders, $4.2641470; calves, $6,004" 7.60; bull, stags, to., $5.00hn.40. HOOH Receipt. 2.000 head; market firm; heavy. $ 1H 66: mixed, 2H.0ftf u.. uht 4at M,a an huilc n sales, t&ffi - , 1 . -. - , . t.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 100 head, , , Bt. Jeaeph Mvb Stack Market. t ST. JOSEPH. Oct 20. CATTLE R- : celpta. 2.1U0 head. Market Blow; teer. $6.b0ri0.00: cows . and heifer, $4.Kktf.00; calves, $il.0ni0.60, HOltw Receipts, 8,000 head. Market 50' to hV lower; top, $7.26; bulk of aale. $.r1720. SHEEP AND TAMI-ncelpta. S.OOtJ head. Market ateady; lamba, $7.oo7.40. . Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. $0. Report that thi Brasilia n government had oomplete4 ar rangement for It refunding plan, and the continued advance In the rate of Rio exchange on london were responsible for rather a more optlmlstlo feeling In th coffee market today. This was supposed to be reflected In k greater volume of business through the liquidating committee at about 180c for decern ber contract, and while no Im provement waa reported In demand, the spot market waa steady at 6Hc for Rio T' nd I0U for Santo 4's. TOPS BACKS BEAT COVERS TIRE COVERS LINEN COVERS CUSHIONS DUST HOODS RADIATOR HOODS TRANSPARENT SHKKTINQ , LRAX1IKR REPAIRINa FENDERS COVERED AND REPAIRED BOWS STRAIGHTENED DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS Anything; In Leather or Fnbrro Tkac, Cut B Dena. Tlia Holly Auto Trlir.mteg Co. "EXPERTS' 31 Xaraey trsrt. Omaha, V, ieag. tree. 4ug WNk aka few Xnaalf. XS Tear With pramanosi Will rduc Inflamgd, Strmtncxa Sevollea Tnlon, Llgacaant; Muclco or Bruit. Stop tha , , lamcnMg and pala from g Splint, 0H1I VVUS vt WOT DrTIU, m& bliitrr, no hair gom. Hot cm b used. 12 8 bottl delivered. Describe your cat fortpgcial instruction and Book 2 K Fran. U A S J C R 8 1 N J , J R., the anuacrtlc liniment fbf mankind. Reduce Strained, Torn Us- msnts. Enlarged Clanaa, Veins af Muacles. Heals Cuts, boree. Ulcers. AUays pala. price L I DOs bonis st 4ninef4,HMra. Boe "tritomr tn. f. TOUNA, f. 0. F, 104 Ttwpii Itrtel, sprlcirkia, Hut, TOHOPAU nifiinG Pays 17 h.zzzWy Investors Take Notice Thl la one of the country gigantio mining andT aeml-lndustrial enter priae. IVY XT BT Alt, tCBAUst We have Juat prepared and printed aa exhaustive detailed report. Will aand It IISI on requeat Ask for Special Report 22N. "irotking to geU bat service" JONES & BAKER STOCK IIOXXll. I Se. X,aSall St, Oaleage, lit Dtesal Private Wins t all Markets. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Ootton Med Cake O0I4 Xreaaed Cake. Prom Taxaa MUla direct co you, Wrue or wire us for prices on lilgh Orade Meal or Cracked Cake. $2 to 4$ pear rang protein. Cold Pressed Cake, rxxAj ctu abts xxmm co, CAT.I.jg. XXX,