Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1914, Image 10
4 4a TJ1K J IKK: OMAHA. OCTOBER 1914. WANT ADS Want ad received at iinjr time, but to Insur proper classification must he pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 5:10 fv m. for irirrng and Sunday edition. Want ads reoetved after such hour will he. under the heading, 'To Late to Clnse-ify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, .1 cent a word cacti Insertion. Three time within one week, 1'4 cents a word eerh Insertion. Ona lima J cent a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven, consecutive times, 8 rents a line earh Insertion. Three times within one week, 19 rents a line, each Insertion. One time. 12 cents a line. Count six aver an words to line. Minimum charge, 20 rente. todvs complete movie programs I'xrlnJrHjr la The Re . If AN WOM THEATER. Nth Csstellar. Detective Pan Cupd, Neetor romMy. foe the Secret Service, two-reel Res. The Mind's Awakening. Frontier. LYRIC THEATER. lli VINTON. i.tvk wire mHIM'KH MK.V OF OMAHA Olrt Who Won. lrl Victor S'afes Flnrer. Eclair. blast tmr Weaira. Woman' a Exchange, 4.? Psx. Rlk. W. Oil ACCORDION. M, knife, sunburst. ho pleating; covered buttons, all rtses and style; hemstitching, plrot edging. Iileal Pleating f 'o . jn Pour4 Block. P. 1! FASTIMH THEA. 2ltb A Lcvnw Jim Webb, Senator. S-reei Imp. VENEZ1A THEATER. 1111 a. LITH bl. Tricking the Government. S-reel. The Ree wilt not be responsible for more than ona rong Ineertlon due to typographical error. Claima for error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til dlrcontlniied tnuat be stopped by writ ten order. I You can place jour want ad In Tha Bee tjr telephone. TEI.EPHONH TYLER lm. . Unclaimed Answers v ''; to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer hava been felled for and delivered during the last week. Jt a reasonable to auppose that ail or the people below haw made the de sired aw pe therefor, do not call for the balance of their answers. i3ea Want Ada ire get results. sc. sr. bc ifi. nr. s.r. 73 im ; M ' "4 JOSS un ijer i!i M-n yn vim d 74 lino Jiats K" 1" iin ino rm 12 Mt 1105 124.1 1. Iisa l , 1112 1147 112 l.TS-4 i j ' iiu iw7 ire 4 ni jin iii i.m i !7 P4 1121 l.W ?4 i:.4 ln lno J'il 117 12a 3Jt 4 innj 1 Cl 112 l'4 VU4 147 mio iirt '.?7 n?i I e IV llfii 1?1 iv 3 j'i:7 i.""2 in rti i4ii ?M W1 lv l:74 IMS 1412 l7 1077 1 15-0 13741 Hli HU4 We. HOSnOR THK-TER TARNAM. The l.lnerldr. 2-reel. Eclair. A Ptrona Affnlr, Hlerllnt comedy. Ifollva rll-erance. Frontier. brmmm RKNSOS THEATER. MAIN ST, Tti lw.lllr and the Man: Vrel Victor. Hob Eeonard In The Roob'a Nemeala. Rex C'omdy Ottlo; Frontier. Weetern. CkcII Blalfa. EEITE NO. 1. M5 PROAPWAT. Ill ITnknown Olrl. t-reel Vltasraph. 8weelte'a Clcan-rp. F.eaanay. The Urefer Iove. fibln. JUU'EK THEATrVR. RROAPWrAl, Virtue Ita f n Reward S-reel R. Tha Funny Mr. tinale. Victor romedy. In the Ho)1ow of an Oak. Front. ' at Oaaaka. . WFJ5.QF MTIt Tl RrAwhn Hilly A Fruirmnt of A eh, Ed1wnv rhe- Movlnr Tlcture Cowboiw 2-reel S;1. Sroncho Hilly and the fireaa-, Eaa. MAOIU THEATER. SiTU His Father's Son. treel Victor. A rioee t all. Hterllna; comedy. OR ATI? A WD FinVEKat' Jf OTIC EI Pl'ODALE 4. R.. October 17, ard . Funeral from family reeUlence, 717 North Thirtieth alreet, Tuesday, a. m , to M. John's church, t a. m. Interment Holy fcepulcher cemetery. BEROUtHEIMER-Jeanette, formerly of Omaha, In Chicago, October 17. Funeral services from ladder's "under taking; parlors Wedneiiday, Octoler 21, at 10 o'clock. Interment, 1'leaaant 111U ceme tery. Friends Invited. , BIRTHS AND DKATHf. . RlrthsM. and Victoria ' Alexander, hcepltal, grlrt: l"Yederl:k and Emily Hinder, ho"al. boy; Richard and Min nie Clark, 474 North Fortlth. boyi W. end Anna Drew, J1W Orand avnue, arlrl ; Harry and Emma Itylirhert. North Twenty-ninth, boy; Edward and Maud I'ok, 4"1 Wirt, bov; Harry and Oene levo Oreen, 2 tewrd. sirl; Ausnist and Mat'le Gruemher, Twonty-socond end St. Mary's avenue, boy: -'. I and Vida Oravee, lHi North Twenty-fifth, rirl; Herman and May Hunt, 41 Bew, ard. boy; Frank and lilanche Henry. Ir vinrton, boy: S. and N. I-uno, 1012 launders, boy; E. and Maude Fo, n Wirt, boy; O. and Maria Nuffino, 10S Mouth Twentieth, boy; Jens and Andrea Veteraen. W10 South Twenty-first, slrl; Abraham and Anna Sbar, imi7 North Twenty-flret, boy; H. and Iucfa Vln elverra. 2ii4 North Sluteenth, boy. Heaths James Hlasek, flo yenra, ho tdtal: C. B. Dtiffdale 46 years. 717 North Thirtieth; Joeevh Ilkauf. 17 years, ho iltnl tieorge 11. Madiaon, 74 yrara, Htyt Oak; t'laus H. Stoltenbcrs;. H7 years, i'lii South Nineteenth; John Kchcrmer, 4 years. 1H11 Canton; Ellsabath I. Thur rnan, 42 yeara, hoeplial. ' ORPHEVM. Taw4wlll. 24TH M. 60. OMAHA. Special Festurs. Saturday, tx-tober V. Oi-ef-Tts. EMrREfS. NERRASK A ITTTT, NEB. WEl'NEtfDAY'8 PROGRAM. The Weaklln. J-reet Kalem. Father's Tlmoplsos, Vltaraph. . ANNOUNCEMENTS DON'T rK'iBT-,,-.a-a WATTF.RHONg t'MON ORCTIF-oTRA for all cKcaaiona. Strictly the best. Ad draas 211 N. 80th St.. or phone Pous. "Gibson's Buffet tH South Uth St t)ENTlTHY All kinds of Denial V ork done, under careful supervision, at tha the Crelhton C olWa of .Hentlstry, J10B. ldth Ht. Children's teeth stralhtenl. FEfc'S very moderate. Extraction free. PIANO TUN1.NO. R. BHANIK5N Recommended by Mary Munc.hoff, son snd landow. W. 4KO. 4il N. th Ave HAZEE Leaf Pile "Cones. Heat remedy "for ItchmT bleedln. or protrudln. piles; Mo postpaid; samples free. Bhermaa McConnell vrug co.. wim.. BtTB I W'TOHEK 1 to 24. lift. BAVBtl 41iNa. ahowcarda. Clark Son. P. Weddlns; announcementa. 1X" rto "Everett B Podda. 12aton Blk. P. tsl. I.VC K Y wedding rlime. firadecaard'S. i.tTrKYwedHng ring at Reodegaard'a. ralltlcal. POMTICAI ANNot,NCEMItNT. I am tha republican candidate for re election to the otnoa or ae. r.v. , uet at ration flay, vcioomr -- tlon. Norember . ll4--Addlaoa Walt. John H. Orosaroan. non-pariiaan "'- data for district juma ' . not ba eontroUed by any political boss. BVILDINO PERMITS. A. J. Abrahamson, 219 I r I mora ave rue. frame dwelllnx, f-.tOO; Uarrattl, k Caiaala, 171s Hurt, brick shed. 7M. TODAY'S COMTLETB MOVIE PIUK1RA3IS ExdusiToly In Tha Be. Dwvtat Towaw . CAMF.RAPHONK, 14US POTJOLAB. The Lout Mall back, S-reel KaJaiu. Eats, Vltagraph. The IxiyaKy of Jumbo, Selig. 7.I.1TH NO. 2. 13U FAKNAM. The Iianrer, 2-reel Kalem. Clrcua ly, Eubtn. White Ile. lMIlr. FAHNAM THKATr.H. 141a r A it NAM. The Reenue Officer's Ieputy, t-T. llel. dr. The Tourh of a Eluie Hand. Prince a dra. A Rural Rimiance, Princeaa comedy. aTiTF tTTea tkh. utii'Vnu harney. jut I J We a. Woman and KJaw A Erlan ger'a eoflety drama, tha Cliaruy Ball. l'rl always the aama. 10 cents. ARK. K. UTH 6'f! Iord Cecil Intervenes. Lubln. Tn Fuuon1 Hit. a-reel Edison. Minr-ery hlim and Oreen-Hved Monster. PA1UR TH-EATER. 1408 IVliUUB. Acrificlal T1ts, In thrsa parts, Nsrv comedy reel. VHINC EH.H NO. 1.'. i:tl7-l IkHIUUA. laiut story of "Trey O' Heart." Viv ian s TrennU'rmatl-in," com., N Ivtaa lraa-f-H. Anlmicled Weekly No. 1 W. . . . .artt. AtUAMERA 114 N. S4TH. A Rural Romance, rrlhceas comedy. rule of Molly Ann, 2-r. Broncho dra, Mvttiial Cilrl, Mutual B. C. AIAMO TilEtATElt, til H AND FOHV, Tier O' Hearta No. 10, J reela 1'. ike Jr.'s leaacy, V. Ike comedy. i fm ieii iwitRnr, nmor. PIAMONP TH EATER, 3410 UKK bT. A. :rie-tej wire, t niv. ika comedy. Mary Cotivcrt. Imp. drama. Million Pollftr Myatery No. in. t-r. Than. J rtAfs n.1.1 . Xii at r K Ai iviu The Iievii'a tneture. l-reei Eaeaiiay. Void I' a and the Ireaa, Vitaarap. A Hutnmer Reaort Idyll, EdUon. 1 1 1 ppo d Rt m v.. nrTi and nw n a. Jean of the Wtldemes.' 2-reel Than. dra. iiiuerader. Keyvton comedy. MiiM'n ioiiar jwyetery. e.n epiaode. IT 11tl 1- . WTLT1 J - - v i e.,w o i . Hearet-Selig, No. . The Motor Hucoaneers, 2-reel Esaanay. ieiTHROP THKA. S4TH EOTHROP Her Moiher'a Necklaca, 2-fecl MaJ, dra. Euck a Cook. Kvtone comedy. l)riHK fr the Nls-hl. Amertcen dra. ' J"1A1 CAUlWtU. Uitle tler. Rex dr.' Tlia Choutlng Match. 2-reel The florm I lrd. I-oners' drama. l Aluv. tl .N. UTH. Mwpi t iotlilng, t-reel K.dlaon. . Me .Nearly Won Out, Euhln. i.riMich, tha Enxineer, Kalem. WUCKI'lifiATta sm tAVENIORT. The Miner's Romans. Neator. l-,-!-ni. "aeeball. 8-reelHtaon. ?rHt'RBAN S4TH 4c AME8a"vII a Mjiendid I'Uhonor. reel Eaaanay line are Uucky. EuUn. Hr lx.fwy. Hiograph. death. APOEEO. s4 1JTAVEN WORTH. The Oomg of White , 2-reel rlla. A H.rl,For Uick, Vilaarapri. or hrl-.lra. Eul.ln. tUMruKT IMEAI EK. ;.TIt , V IN Ton . vi ki. .von a vtoole, 2-r. Pom. Hi r itn In Hunienlty, A merit an nlMiiiKe, , Prire Fisht. Kornlc. vL, M-,!A. . 17)0 ''TiruifTr J lie ln.r, 2-reei, Kalem. Kiippery hillin aim tra ci Monaler Ea ...L snu ina fi-eaa VitHjraph. i K . ! . I T K. " ) 7 1 4 V I n ton! n, ponce and the fy, J ,ael. Kalem. I A.a M-i, Vltasraph. ijin k ii. a Tnaiisie l.niv. i 1 l liEAl i.H. 1-4 fr- L Til l.a 11. "l a Tenth Commandnjcnt, 2 reel Imp. txw VTIRK DUBINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha A A EE WATtiKA oiamunua J" - " elery, special prices, Hept. and Oct. i.,,. koII a week. Wtrn Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 117, Karbaco block. 1 1 '" VT J .lulJn lam NEW and sacona-nanu and motora, EaHron Elactrlo Works, 21R 8. 12th. Pour!as 217. ... ... v.7i tj i7 i i iao7 fuminff. 11 lwn tiki. Renovates feathers and J muimHi of all . kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers REN FENPTER. 1410 X. 4th St - W. 7TT7. Flwrlate. A. I)ONAHflT, 1K Harney. rmng. mm RATH R flnrtste, 1M Farnain St. U IIKXHf RN. 1SI Fsrnem. P. 12M. Member Florlet Tele;rsh Ie. Aas'n. HFS Ar SWOROPA. 141S Fa mam St. Hair Dreaalaaj. Harper Method. R. , Ralrd Pldg. P. Mil SWITCHES frotn combing", l W. fi. tM. I.lva Steck Reaaedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 S. Uth. Red. 4X.2. Lla-htlaa- Flat area and WIHaia;. THOMAS DURKIN Eleclrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing son repair work done reason hie. 241S CEMINO. POTTOI.AH 1. Mfra. anal W I adww flbade Cleaaera. OEP ahades made like new. fldwest Hhsde Factory, 4010 Hamilton, liar. 4l. Meseeajarer aael Traaafrr. WHITE LINE, 8n ft. 11th. Pniiglas tXU. Mllllaerr. SWITCHES from combings. 21 6o. Psyeha iree. Mn, H. M. EVk, 9H S. lh. P. 7. Mavl... Steraare mn ( leawlear. W. C. FERR1N, Itth and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Orallais, Eyes etamlned, glasses fitted, par as you ran. Pr. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Rldg. Maaaeaaea. MAGNETIC Trt., Mrs. Broot, In city for ion time, are turning dt Harney 2214. MASH., rheu.. liver, kidney trouble, p. 71. Mara Iee, bath and elec. tr'm't P. r76L BATH and . alcohol rub. Laura Wil son. 103 Karham. R. t P. 27T.1. ANNA Af ARKS i,ATH!- scien- 1S0S Karnam St. Apt . 8d floor, p. fil! M EC HA NO Therapy aV massage. Margar- ue Ftaiioran, ja Ne'11!e Rlk. P. T7l. Mlae Fleher, maaa., ele:t. treat. Red B4. MAKSAOK, lfl S. 17th St. Mra. Steele. k'lolel Ray Mass. it Ree Rldg. P. lix Mre. Snyder, elec. trt. 140S S. Mh. P. 4.W0 MASSAGE AJ?Z- K. Mack, maasaar and manicuring. P. 7&X2. Massage. Miss Walton, R. TM, Neville Rlk. Maasage, Mies Ulbaon, R. 244. Neville Rlk. Osteopathia rkyslrlaas. Pr. Rerurha. 202-4 McCsgue Bldg. P. 8&M. Pa teats. H. A. Sttirre. 3 Brandets Theater Blda. P. O. Haraell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent DeveJapaaeat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St Prlatlngr. WATERS-BA RN H ART Co., quality e ww. odt o. i.un m. pOCOUAil Printing Co. Tel. Poug. 44. CORKY A M'KENZIE FTP. Co, V. 'tfM. RIKMI AI.Tj fig Co., 1W0 Capitol. P. 1103. JBNTRAIi PRINTINO CO. POUO. 87&4. Palattsja; and PapeHag. HUGH M'MANtrB, 417 N. 40th. H. 472s. Plamea Heaevaled. PLUM ER 3l flowers made over, cleaned 4t oyeo. wertna Kruger, 42 Paxton. P. 23M. Raateli Kxteraalaatar. St. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist safe Tlaaa Inelt Kx porta. C A T7T70 OP", repaired eomb. 11,75 changed. F. E. baven- Kkoa Repairing. Elactrlo Shoe Rep. Co., HM7 8t. Mary's Av. Slaaa as4 Bhawemrda. AT CUT PRICm E. M. CLARK dt tK)N, 118 So. ltkh. Room 14. SIGNS Xarei "d Offlea Flxtarea. PESK8, aafe, scales, showcases, ahelvw a , "uy' "ah Future rtiy .o it-i.ii B. rati. P. 2734. teal 4 elllae;. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. loth, Tawel gappltee. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8, 11th. T. M. V ..ill HI .laanar for Bala. VlOUUm cleaning dona In tha home. , Banitary Kervlce CO., m nee nun w-jjyK renW repair, sell needUs and parts W tor 'an lewm. .n.,...,-. - BRASKA CTCLB CO., Mlckls., lh and Harney. Pouglas 12. Aeeeawtaats. Mr7I.VIIX.CD. THOMAS aV COKrANT, 1S7-SS City Nat Rank Rldg. Tyler 110. AddiagT Maoaiaea. , Palton Adding Mschlnes. 4U R. ! P-144. Addr M-h Co., (Wale W. O. W. 11. a. Attractioaa. OMAHA film sg., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and rum Bargains. Asts sad Maaaeta gtepaJriag. Magneto repair work a specialty. P. 241a. Asrtteaeri Powd Auction Co., 1122 W.' O. W. Red CU. larkera. ' 14 Chelra, lOo shaN'a. tieck ahava. U1T Fsr. Bine Prlatlagf. . HORNBY CO. Blua prlntlna, under now ownership. IBS Omaha Nat Bk. P. SIM. Mra as Kaaadrtaa, Paxton-Mltchell Co., rth and Martha SU. Ilalldlaa; aad Repalrtac. K. FRANTA, Ml Paxlon Rlk. Poug. tlB7. A. J. Johnson, carpenter, rep r'g. P. 6ol. t later aad Well PI .lag. NEED well or claUrn cleaned er d'iltT Sf'HAFKER does It. Phone Weh. MH. taaU Dealera. . VI Johnson's special, also Victor nut CJ.J J5..00 Phono P. 1703. . 4 big baakoia coal. II. Wagnar, il N. 11 4 alltaratat Laada. W. T. Smith Co.. Hit City Nat. Bk. P. 1. alrapractara. J. C, Iiwrence, P. c. JS1S Howard. P. K ie1'lle, P. C. 23 Ree Rldg. Ioug. W. E. Purvlanoa. PC. Pax. Wk. p. ml ( alaa I'alatlag. Ruth lotchford. decorating, filing. R. 4942. ( lt KHllaerr. M. J. I.ACY, Bll PEE RTJV1. POT'O. 4715. Ima Separators.. Ths Sharpies Separator On., 12th A Vern. Detect I vea. JAMflS ALLANT, 111 Neville Blk. Evl denca aecured in all caeea. Tyler 1U. Uaaelaax Aeadeailes. Turpln'a Panclna; Academy. th A Vaen. CHAMHK'Krt' Academy, olaealo. P. 1CI. Mark tea Academy, now open, lilt liar. Uraaaaaaklac Terry Preen ma kg college, p3k d- Farnam. Mra. J. M. Todd, liTTv'. 'ldih; at' "fTl coat u me at Introductory pricea. p. n,. Experience of all kinds. Mra. Burt. It ffej. !a I lata. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. 1i08 Fa ream. Ir. Todd a alvevlar.dentletry. 4 Rrandels Railey. l he ttent-t. iu city Nat l bank. Tart Penlal Roomaj Ul7" lxni,l 1. Pyorrhea. lr. FV kea. TA City Nat"liank". Ursgi. lRt'OS at cit prices: freight paid on IW ordera; ratalonues fre. Unarmau 4t Uo- C'oniiell Prug Co. Omaha. Neb. Eleetrle happllea, LEliliON Eleo. Wk.. 1X1 8. Uth. D. 37. Traaka aad Saltcaaea. tiVklPt a aa.-.. . si-HiMLB, HA Farnam St Tallars. PUIS r v . .rx ... . -...-n.-T, y,. imM.,KIUT ins n. 15th St Veterlaarlaaa HR. O. R. YOUNG. 4 C.t.e i, - - - v , ax, srsaV Wlae. .ad Llaaara. ALEX JETES, 201-1 a 12th St. Wines JUSL1!?!?"- dinner 11 to S ite - i en-cent lunch. GL)HS; IJniior llouae i-n v . . . cold beer. 26c. Write 'foTi Z liat "p TaSi i, yo.ur 'amlly llquora at Klein:a Uquor House. 633, N. MUi. Dougla. , iwt HELg WANTED .FEMALB tlerleat aad Urfl.a. BTr'.NO ,l hookkeepar. MO: stena. mt,A bkkpr, M: bkknr. mni caarde?" Va Walts Ref. Co., MQ.41 brlndo. ERICJI1T. well educated young lady a.uid penman; good In flgur; with sinel !& Xp,rlenc- i etatrBk ..Agents mm Baleswai ,, 'DRA PERT SALESWOMEN wanted, en nerleord drapery .,!.. BURQESS-NAeil CO. ' AMhi-A few mora lady aoiioitura. lH.aam, good Seller, exorllent salary. Call S4 Leavenworth or 'Phone H 74M mornings only. Factory aad Trade. DRESSMAKER In Lincoln. Neb., wants experienced aktrt draper to Uke charge of. aklrt room. Oroil aalary to rlvht I arty. Addre,. T 244. R 1 l.KAHN halMreanlna. OppVnheitn Parlora. Ifaaaahaepera aad Honeatlca. Experienced girt for general housework Two In family. Pleasant room with bath. Must bs a good cook. Walnut USi Mr t-lence. WANTED Competent houarmaid; family v. two, rcivrance rvquirea. Apply 411 8. Hh Ave. 'NTE1-A working housekeeper, 4U yA!srKP-A girt JiuiMklaa or P4iah preferred, (n family of two. Mra. Berd. Ko Caldwell. Call Webater T1W. WANTED Uoud while girl for anoeral housework. MinaU faniUy. ail S. fcih St Harney S4o3. V A N T F I A aurae maid Mra. iVUllier ) S. S0h m. Harney 7iS. V ANTE1 A thoroughly vutnpviant pertenoed rook In a family of twa peo Pie, wagea t per week; no waahtng. Ap ply at once to Mr. Hail, I nloa OutfltUng . v . n tinti jar.Miii aireeta. TII1S Servant Olrl Problem feoHad. The "" win run a eervaiit Olrl Wanted Ad FREE unltl you get the dralred reeults. This apuliae to real, tenia r ,,.he kurn, Omaha and Coun.-il b'.uffa Rnng ad to i r,-. oi nre or leiM hune T wr 1i, WAN I Kl bite git, fur neral .iwii.e- wwsa. lt la fautulv- Cali Vaala-U ato). HFLr WANTED TEM.ILE Ileaeekrepera aad kVaeitlri. WHITE girl for general housework; smsll family; no aashlng; only competent girl with good reference need apply. Mrs. J. K. Morrison. l"hone Harney 274. r i r.i vvoman cook, also woman to i general kit, hen work; good wage. Write Mra. F. E. Ruff. Ilartlngton. Neb. V A STEP I 'ook. small familv. aood wage. Apply with referem-ee. Mrs. Hay , . ..nnn 7 Avenue, r remont, p.en. WANTEO-A girl for general housework, 2 In family. H. 4W7. 411 S. 4ith. WANTEP An experienced jlrl or woman for general hc'ieework to go to Council Rluffa. No washing; no Ironing. Oood asges. Family of three. Apply 133 N. ih. H. 4321. W ANTED Olrl for general housework. 17 Famam St x WOMAN for general houaework; none but experienced need apply; good wagea. Csll Itouglaa 4247. 20 No. Ith St COMPETENT girt for general housework; references. H. 24,'V). 2 Ho. SM Ht. OIRI. wanted for general housework; ref erences required. Phone Mra. Oeo lus mueaen. Walnut 1271. or call 4V2 Lafayette Ave. (HUI.for general hou-wcrk. Harney JW1. Mtaeellaaeea. TOL'NO women coming to Omaha as strangers ere Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th ht. where they will be directed to eultahte boardlne places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelere' guide at I'mon station. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTElv-Pay work. Ioulaa M(. B Y wanls work after e-hool hour: caca- nie or doing mot anything. Weh. Wo, WANTFII A position, competent, young man. 22 years of tie, university gradu ate, having a yrar of office eipen)nce want a clerical position In some estab lished firm. Addreae F 71 Ree. WANTEP1 A position as houee aalerma.t by a competent men. university rad li sle, having hsd office and selling ex perience. Aged 2 years. Address IS 670, Ree. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; refer ence furnished. Can take full charge If necessary. WebeHr W7S. WANTED Work as chambermaid In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone H. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Phone Pouglaa l!2, ask for Fay. YOUNG man want place to work for board while attending Boyles college. Telephone Poualas 1S. SITUATION wanted as caretaker of rooming house. Addres A Cee. EX PERI ENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car: careful driver; knows city very wen. Add re F S2 Bee. WANTED Cooking position by colored P R A CTICAL nurse, sanitarium trained, wishes care of Invalid or elderly lady. Address r4 Ruroh St.. Atlsntlc, la WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships. Rig pay. Omaha exomlnatlons soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Pept ,. Rochester. N. T. YOUNG Protestant woman, who can never required to work alone; always In company with an Influential local woman. Salary 110 Per week and exnenaea. Earlv advancement to 123. Reference given and required. Address, B 6&2, Bee. HELP WANTED -MALK. Clerical aad Ofuce. SALESMAN, creamery supplies, J12S. Salesmen. ITS and commission. Steno grapher and bookkeeper, 170- Watts Ref. ..o.. M2 urandeia Theater. EXPERIENCED steno and bookkeeper. iwceptionai opportunity. gl2 Uea Rldg. MANAGER, live wire, with retail lumber and bdw. experience: kood firm: vood aalary; good future; references required. ROOKRS REFERENCE CO.. hi State Hank Bldg. 17th and Harney. Nlrht clerk Whi Can An K1LrAAr.lrt t.LX Collector, young man. with wheel... .'.! Steno. and bookkeeper, German..... 7 ttf-ui tnA i i v r. rtK.r kkkncb. CO., 1016-14 City National. HIOH-ORADB commercial positions, WVIITrDM ntrtl s. novr, acj.. T&2 Omaha Nat Rank Rldg. A areata, naleaaaea aad golleltara. Good proposition for insur ance men of character ' and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & Ac cident Association. 423 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. DRAPERY SALESMAN. Wanted, experienced dranerv salesman. Apply superintendent's office, balcony. HI KUES--NAbtl CO. WANTED by a large manufacturing con cern a competent, experienced salesman to cover the states of Nebraska and Iowa tor ttwir nigh grade line or snirn. macklnaws. sheep lined clothing and sen era! Una of men's furnishings. A man acquainted with the territory preferred. Strictly commission basts. Expenses ad vanced and complete samplo outfit fur nished. Write with references to tne Robitshek Co., Si and 2u Fourth St North, Minneapolis, Minn. o TRAVELING salesmen calling on hard ware. Implement lumber and wire fence trade, a very state, take ordera for fast selling specialty. Big commissions. weekly settlements, pocket sample. The Toledo Cable Co.. Toledo. O. WANTED Four single young men to sell new picture to farmers; partlee must be real live wires, tie me, Hotel Harney. F. B. Wilson. WANTEP Salesman, elderly man pre ferred. Hicks. 4 Hosrd of Trade Bldg. FASlArT Vsa J Tr. . . Drug store spans; jobs. Knetst. Ree Bldg. WANTED Men to learn tha barber trade. The world needs more barber than any other tradesmen. We hava originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn aom money. Tools Included. Board If de sired. Open to everyone. Distant appli cants write. City applicants call. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. Mlsoellaaeeas. LEARX Tartaric Mirror Sllvering-lt pays. Iong. closely guarded secret ot big factoriea. Particulars free. Wm. Bar stow. 414 Sd St. Oakland, Cat Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; tha demand te great for our graduate; we hava trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WOULD you hava to phone for help If your Ignition system on your car went wrong out In the country T Leant how to csre for your owu car at THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, 1414? Dodge. Write for catalogue omana. C. EXPERIENCED installment collector; steady position. 1K11 Howard St. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent: then go right Into the auto busi ness from here. Big new building ; ma chine shop, lathe work, welding, starting system. Writ for Hal of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, II ! Farnam St., Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition US; at of tools given: a axes paid. Tri City College. IJth and Pougiaa MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph 4k Co.. Washington, p. C. WANTED Experienced pickle and con diment man. The Wichita Vinegar and Bottling Co., Wichita, Kan. HELP WANTED AND FEMALE. THOUhANDti government Joba open to men and women; Psi to U4 month. Write for list. Franklin InsUtute. Pept 1U S. Riwhester. N. Y. GET government Job. fi to 116 a month; I,u appointment each month. For list of poaiuona obteipaMo add res Y 2. Bee. AMATEURS a an tod at the A I ham bra Theater every Wednesday night Flrat prise, . Id prise, 3; Id prise, si. Call at theater la evening or 'phoos Doug. 6904. WANTED SITTATIOXS Yol'SO ATTOR-NEY PEStRKS TO CON NKCT WITH PROMINENT LA W FIRM. OBJECT MUTUAL ASSISTANCE BEE. WANTEP Foelilou as house salesman, bookkeeper or correspondent, with wholesale concern by experience! man, 26 yeara of age. Addrea A AM, bee. COMPETENT, energetic tnaa, St, with college education, wants connecttoa with advertising agency, real aetata or apeclej ilrm: commands Engllah, Oerman and H.wDd1navlaa languasea: experienced: fu ture advaacemeat Imperative. M. 423. Bee. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper: no objection to child ren. Telephone Webeter gllS. 01 NG lady wVth two years' experience as stenographer wants position; can furnish good references as to character and ability. Address J 002, care Bee. EDUCATIONAL EXPF.RT ln.1v sten.-srapher will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., tauht and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction if desired. 4SJ4 Pom els s St Tel. Walnut M?7. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, t-4 n. THB OMVLU TYPEWRITING CO, Pougiaa 2911. !90s Farnam. FOR RALE Faraltare. New A Id- hand fund ture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 0fi N. 1Mh. 8 F. VERA L van loads of furniture and some planna. Omaha Van and Storage Co., so R. tat), St. Medium rty be burner, cheap. Bo. 1 Mwataal lastrasaeata. PIANO player: a bargain. Tel. ft. (Tl WBGMAN upright piano for aale; good condition. Sw7 Charlea. Webster bill. Typewriters. TYPEWRITER.1? sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 107 S. 7tn. RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remlna- ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas izM. nentai credited if you purchase, and only very newest and hlahest srrada ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for ror unaertroke machines or 13 per monm ror latest model vtstnie writers. SWArrER'8 COLUMN BUSIN E8.S CHANCES Alanuf acturtng huslncs protected by pstent snd all rights for r-al estte bankable notes, or whst hsve you to the extent of 11,000. Ad dress C l"'".JL,,"j . BOARD FENCE 1M feet good board fence. 4 feet high, with oak poet every feet. What have you? Address 8. C. 1M1, pee. CANRY MAKE KJf OUTFIT complete, all new, furnace, kettles, rollers, gum ma chine, kiss, cough drop braes rollers, caramel cutters, not junk, to swap. 8. C. l&4s Ree. C J. CANAN. Heal Estate and Eachengea. CHALMERS auto for sale or trade for lot or equity In house and lot What have you? 8. C. I, Bee. CARPENTER WORK Will take furni ture, heater, chickens or anything of value In exchsnge. Address S. C. 1KT7, Ree. All make typewriters rented, sold, terms. ""s i ypewnter, ists r trmm. p. )3i. Mlsc-ellaaeoaa. Bakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401 CARPENTER. first-claKS workman, wants work- 30c per hour, or small contract Call Walnut 14M. YOUNG lady with two years' experience as stenographer wants position; can fumlsh good references ss to character and shinty. Address J n02, care Ree RESPECTABLE, refined elderly lady de sires position as companion for elderly married couplo. Employed more or less lll"in me osy, out can assist soma with w-j immw worn, isoaresa tj s, nee lOH SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship In Hoylej Business college, Omaha; good for either short hsnd or business course. Apply at the omce oi i ne otnang rtee. 2- hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paul, 6x7 GRA FLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera ana carrying case ror plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and big bargain for the lot at IU0. Address a ow, Hea. CHILD'S nurse wishes position; beat rci -reni-cs. i-none Red 5S40. YOUNG 'lady desires place as housekeeper or maid. Call Florence 261. AUTOMOBILES. Oreenough. Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 20 Far. Llndhorg Rros.. 2572 Leav. (Flying Merkle) 1100 forfeit i. . . - pair. Coll reps r'g. O. Hayadorfef. 210 N. IS 40 HORSEPOWER 6-passenger 1913 All burn car. electric lighted and in good condition, for sale cheap for cash. Or will acept a clear house and lot No "i?"?".??? Property considered. Cost new about 11,976. H-44J, Bee. HIGH-POWER touring car; -cyL; In ex eellent condition; for sale by owner fEinfi t?pi"nd'd bargain. CaU Tyler a--- as.m pin 1 4 77" FsmXTiy . Industrial Garage Co.. 20th dt Harney Sta. r.. JRY PEL-TON'S GARAGE for winter storage; steam hest; make ar rangements now. 2205 Famam. Matareyelee. ' HARLET-DAVIPSON MOTORCYCLES Tif'w ,n u"d machines. Victor Roos . OTvivnyi w man, xnn Leavenworth 1914 INnuiv xtnTi-far-Yri ip . " -lH uRd machlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 373. BUSINESS CHANCES. $3000 Yearly Income Require an Investment of $1,600. Busi ness can be Increased to 14,0. 0 net profit yearly. Exclusive contract. High class, permanent and requires but one-fourth of your time. This Is certainly worth In vestigating. Address G 73, care Bee. v iBigyiwnB numoer ie convenient CONCESSIONS Blda will be received for concessions at the elevator conductors' masquerade ball given Thanksgiving ova., at Omaha Auditorium. For further par- uvjui.r anure or see. C. J. KITZPATRICK. Treasurer. , nrq oi iTsa Ming. GROCERY STORE for sale, only ax elusive one In live town of 1.100, located ln,.,wetrn Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling. Address Y-234. care Bee. GENERAL BTORlv-lnland . atoie ot genoral marchandise for sale, stock In voice about t,000; business 118.000 yrarlv fine location; good reasons for selling! Address Y 245. Bee. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us . for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 411 Bea Bldg Phone Red xrJ SIGNS, show cards. Clark A Son. D. 127? STOCK of goods and fixtures for saieTor trade. A snap. Address box MS, Silver City, la. STEAM laundry for sale; fully euulppad; value 13.DOO; . to 11,000 cash payment; "m.,n p lernia. ogress I iw, ttee. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real , , wllt rwennopoca 1 :o., Umant, THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. 140 Farnam bt Iiouglas 1AA7, TO GET In or out of business, csll oa OANGE3TAD. 404 Bee BUg. P. 8477. WANTEO-An Idea. Who can think of acme simple thing to patent T Protect your ideas; they mar bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and 'How to iei i our t'ateni and Your Money.' Randolph Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash Inn on P. C. Well established buslneea of unlimited posslbllltlea . for sake- cheap. ia,M. Furniture and supplies worth that No experience required. Address H 74, Ree Haass tear Haaeea gar Bala. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see Us. BUY FROM Uti. LIST wmi is. . , Quick Sales Co., , 411 Bee Bldg. Phoae Red 23M. t-ROOM mod. flat;pteady roomera; x ceilent furniture; cheap (or cash. 414 So. lrtb, P. 73i). EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN la - both day and night sessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that win double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, aalea r.ianahlp, banking, stenography, steno- typy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board ahlle alteodjng. Pougiaa l&S. BOYLES COLLEGE H. H. BOYLES, PRBH. Boyles Building, Omahs. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited arholarsltlp In Boyles Business col lege, Omahs; good for either shorthand or business courses- Apply at tha office of Omaha Bee. MOSHER-LAMPMAN ' COLLEGE FALL' TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes la all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Graduatea guaranteed good positions. Placea pro vided for young people to work for board For a new free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 115 Farnam St.. Omaha. Tangles 441s. The, Van Sant School Stenography Pay school. .0o to 4:0. ' Night school. :ls to :1A. Uth and Faruam Sta, ' Pouglas FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables snd bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds: easy payments. The Hrunswick-Palke-Collender Co., 407-40 R. 10th St. $5 (V) Huye best coal for the money; try It. web. s4s. Harmon ft Weeth. ONE Black L'lamond oven. No. 7, In good repair, ana other fixtures for sale cheap must sell at oace. T. E. Martindale, Cla- nnda, Ja. HARD coal burner, also ' gaa cooking stove, very cheap. 625 S. Ave. LIVE STOtTK FOB SALE. Horses aad Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons la tba city; all kinds of blacksmith work. Painting and lettering. Johnacn-Laaforth Co.. new location, &-31- N. lh St TEAM of mares weighing 2,400, 17&. Big team of work horses, $7S. 85th and county line,- So. Omana. TeL So. S02. FOR SALE Seven Immune brood sows, Jersey red, average weight 260 pound. Webster 262. . LOST AND POUND, OMAHA Sc COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having Lost soma article would do well to call up tha office of tha Omaha dt Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas SOME one has my umbrella, a long white bone handle silk umbrella, which was lost about two weeks ago and has a spe cial value to me because of Its attach ments, than It can to anyone also. Who ever has It surely took It by mistake. If the party will return It I will be willing to buy him an equally good new umbrella In exchange for It. Mrs. Alfred Darlow. if S. Sth- Bt. LOST Brindle bulldog. answering to name Mat wearing green aweater. tag a 9991' ..l-V.l, .... l . . .... , ' . , ' --. ""Ml IIIIW1CU1- timitidy IV.. or W , SOU. CLOCK A fine French artistic, valuable - clock (new) to swsp for anything of Value from chickens, apples, potatoes, and will give a good fair deal; have two clocks. 8. C. 1M2, Bee. CAMERA, ETC. I have Carmon' com bination and postcard camera; an East man postcard centers, S',x5'i, In leather case for film snd pistes both; also a 6x7 machine complete, with two lenses, chem icals, trsyo, supply of stock. Want to swap for a 8 Colt's revolver. Also a 2S-3 repeating rifle for anything, or will sell cheep. Address. S. C. lf7. Pee. CAMERA One minute post card, new. Complete outfit, cost 142 00. Will trade for anything I can use. Address 8. C. Ion. Bee. DESK Exchsnge or sell large roller-top office desk and chair, for large oak flat top desk. Address 8. C. 14SS. Pee. DESK. ETC. Roller top desk with safe. Hat top desk, four-foot floor show case, and candy chss for what hava you? Ad dress S. C. 1.V.1, Ree. PREPS SUIT-Complete. and Tuxedo If desired, to swsp for Vlctrola or any thing I can use. Addrees S. C. 1035. Bee. DIAMOND Hsve solitaire diamond ring worth IJP0. , Will exchange for lumber and shingles and lath. Address 8. C. 1S40, Re. y FURNITURE for a la-room hotel near Omaha, M.S09, Low rata rent on) tha building. What have you to offer I Addreee S. C. 12ft, care Bee FOR SALE Good mortgage, or will exchange for auto, Pora preferred. VA, Bee. FURNITURE. ETC. Oood lawn mower, 50 feet red rubber hose that cost 19 and. good as new, mission plats rack, etc., to trade. What have you? Address 8. C. 1613, Bee. GAS PLATE i-hole equipped, for a small kitchen cabinet or washing ma chine. Address S. C. 1M7, Bee. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOIi-Traveier's set complete with soap, brush snd blades, all In fine leather ease. Cost tti.60 snd will swap for small kodak or any thing. Address 8. C. 1M2, Bee. 6x7 GRA FLEX newspaper earner, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for Camera and carrying case for plate hold era. Tha outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at 1110. Address S. C. 1011. HEATER Small hot water heater, suit able for a small house, garage or chicken house, simple and of cast Iron, complete and la perfect condition. . C. 1547. Bee. KITTENfi Beautiful white angora est or kitten, thoroughbreds, for old fashioned walnut, mahogany or other furniture. Address S. C, I486. Bee. KODAK A new Aiiacu folding kodak. 2Vix4tt, leather tourist cats for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for bard coal burner or range with hot watef attachment or good btcycls. Address &. C. 1081. MOTORCYCLE Twin Ekcelslor. 1913 model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little and en amel and engine In A-l shape. Will trade for roadster or runabout of equal value, or make an interesting price for cash. 8. C. 1441, Bee. 1400 note and mortgage, 7 per cent, due Jan. 1, 1916, exchange for good Ford or other light auto. Address S. C 4S66, Bee. Lost-Class pin. O. H. S '10. Harney ll7. LOST Pearl sunburst with diamond cenier. oeiween sua and Haswell and Tv earn r v' e drus am nwMi .. . . as-s -n. w aw., r-none Harney 8P3, LOST Lady's gold watch; monogram M. rtewara. Tel. p. 4374 after 1p.m.. ' MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula, Cured Pr. H. U. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal disesses without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paia until curea. write ior dock on rectal diseases with testimonials. PR, B. R. TAKKY, 240 Bee. Rupture'1 " iy wmi 104 Bea Bldg.. Omaha. jbjshed' J894.-a MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 ee u. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT t-u, wb rax ton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga- sines. w e collect, we disiiiDute. fhone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 jiKinge et.- YOUNG women coining to Omaha a strangers sre invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be dlreoted to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers aid at. the Lnlon Station. rOtXTBT AND SUTPLCCS STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cneapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically rireproor. 100 a nunored at The Hee office. Mixed grain, H.oO per 100. Wagner, 801 X. 1. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. Poug. si4. W K hllT id -hand clothes. 1411 N. 2t h. WE buy, eell, exch. clothing. Jewelry, etc. Suitcases II up. Friedman. 14th Lodge. HONEY Any quantity, good quality. Give description and price. A. I. Uoot Co.. se W. 7th St.. Pes Moines, la. LIVE STOCK MAKKET OF WESl SHIP live stock to South Omaha, i-ave mileage and' shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful slten tlon. Live Stock CaaasalaaloB Mervbaats. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO Beautiful six-passenger White Steamer, perfect condition, to swap for runabout; must have smaller car for my buslneea. Address S. C. 1114, Bee. AUTO A good 30-H. P. Mitchell, b-paa- senger car; can be used for deliver) roadster or pleasure; the back vests fold down, making a smooth hood. Will trade for diamonds, lota or will make you cash price you cannot afford to mica Address S. C. U38. Bee. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car, income brick business property; well rented In South Omaha, oa prindisxl business street 2Mb snd U 6ts. S. C. l.VH. Bee. A I 'TO Four-passenger Auto to trade to contractor for a garage; auto In good ....... . , ' . i.w, UW. AUTOMOBILE For other automobile bargains sea tha "Auiouioblle" vlaasilp AUTOMOB1I-E To Co.ill actors or Car. psmiaj-s, une 01 me laxeai tariley runahiuit .iiia. m , in order, very classy and artistic, steel- spoa wneei. win swap ior material and work on bouaa and give you ths best of It. . S. C 143. Bee. ' AUTOMOBILE Want to swap a dandy lata date Stanley ateamer runabout, la perfect rendition, for cement blocks, ma terial and contract work oa my house. ana . win s,iv someone a snap. to. C, ISSS OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy soma good sweond-haod offlea furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C U40, Bea. ( PHONOGRAPH, ETC. A small phono graph and ten records for sale or trade. What will you give me Id exchange for' them? Address 8. C. 1&36, Bee. PAINT OR PAINTING Want to ex change paint or painting te man for driving and putting down well; paint la Sherwin & Williams brand; easy well to put in. Address 8. C. 1662, Bee - PIANO Pandy new piano; will exchange for house; want to take It down to get tho lumber. Address 8. C. 1651. Bee. PAINTING AND PAPEtR-JlATlGlNG- Will take anything I can use; low esti mate; good work done: a good heater wanted. Address S. C. 15.19. Bee, ' PERSONAL Want to swap personal property for a small runabout or a motorcycle In good running order. S. C. 1548. Bee. tpASSEENGER BU1CK 1910 model; will" trade for cheap lot or what hava you 2 S. C. 1564. RIFLE Marlin. .22-rifle. with peep sights, for 14-gauge pump gun. Tel. Web. 7tffl. ROADSTER Cost 11.660 new, in very good condition, to trade for lot, or what have you? Addrees S. C. 1535. Bee. ROOMING HOUSE I want to swap for a first-class, high-grade roomuig house with unquestionable reputation and have something to offer with true value back of It which you will appreciate without question. Please state what you have In first letter. S. C. 1549, Bee. SIGNS, showcards, Clark ft Son. P. 1374.. SPOONS Some . three dozen of silver soda or Ice cream spoons, fine and of the beet; also silver soda glass holders, to swap for anything I can use, eat. drink or wear. 8. C. 1544. Bee. TYPEWRITER Have a flrst-oUsa standard make typewriter, two-color ribbon, etc.. will sell for 130, or trade for anything of equal value I can use. 8. C. 1459, Bee. , TYPEWRITER L. C. Smith No. 6, used three months; will sell at a bargain. Address 8. C. 1534 Ree. TRUCK I have an International Har vestcr trcck I will trade for a Ford paaeanger automobile. Pouglas 2314. TYPEWRITER in good condition, will swap for good watch. Address S. C, lf.?8. Bee. WATCH lady's open fai-e watch, 3u year gold-tilled rase, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What haa you? S. C. 146S. Bee. WATCH. ETC. 1 good 17-Jewel silver case watch. What have you, musical or auto matic revolver, to swsp? 1 pair 12-1 n. re volving celling fans, aood aa new. what have you to sa sp. Address S. C. 1550, Bee. FOR RENT Aparlmeats aad Flata. ONLY 146 PFJR MONTH. Beautiful apartment of 6 rooms,' bath and screened porch, on Sherman Ave.. In fine surroundings. Only W minutes' ride. All outside rooms; living room and dining room in oak, beautiful pres brick mantel and gas log, also mirror door in living room, paneled celllnKS and walls and plate rail In dining room, bedrooms In white enamel, large kitchen with built-in cupboards and gas range, all rooma pret tily decorated, every convenience. Includ ing Janitor service, heat, etc. Ask to be shoan through. BCOTT A HI LI. CO., Douglas 1'09- CHOICE HEATED APARTMENT WEST FARNAM PHSTKICX 211 SOUTH nJ ST. A brand new V-room heated apartment living room finished In quarter sawed oak, large fireplace; bedrooms, bath and sun room finished In while ensmeL Larae bard, private iurch, heat, hot and odd water ana janitor avrviue lunimtltd. Open toUay for Inspection. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY, 61 Omaha Nat'l. Rank Bldg. 1115 Datcnport SL. 6 roomso and sleeping porch, oak finish, new, first flour, fur nace! heat 132 ML C. G. CART-BERG. 112 Brsndels Theater. o ST. GEORGE apartments: On five-rooru suite, beat, eater. Janitor service- in- cated In solect West Farnam residence wi'ion- . iat Ave, r-none Web.l74. I-ROOM furnished flat lis. id Lcevea wortU St 'J. I. KKMP SIS Leaven worth t, ' Douj. ST, "