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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOnEK 20, 1914. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE nERCUAUTS JATI0I1AL BAtlK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE r.lEnCUAUTS NATIONAL DANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier aH. AIEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUG DALE, Assistant Cashier KOTBt Vote will not fc allowed- for ether than bona fid new vlngt account. Fill number pt vote will be allowed up to ixty days before sloe ot contest whan a limit ot 19.00 will be placed on ach iiw account. N0TICF T0k CONTESTANTS et Tuesday wa will pahltsh the taadlag of all ooateetants who have tars4 la their notuiaatloa eoapoao or eaeh eheoke for votes ra this toa tee. Oe yonr receipts la hy Setor r evening, ao tfcet roar staaalng will appear la the list, thus letting rear frteado kaow tkat yon are con pet) or for a trip to tka renam e-poaltioa, FRENCH REPORTS ON GREAT BATTLE Men Continuously Under Fire from AugTHt 83 Until the Present Time. Contestants' Standing Wo. of Tetea. I.TM.1M ...... S413.5S1 ,B07,a ,S,7S SB7.T10 41,18 ITT,U 140,1 ia.Bei 64.141 . T.911 .7l .9M 1.S3S 1.SSO 1,000 i,oo 1.000 100 1,00 l-OOO 1,000 l.OOO Introductory Sale 1 a aa, Tuesday and Wednesday In the Annex The very latest Party Cases, gen uine leather, values $3.00 to $10.00 33 off at this introductory sale. TXB CROWN 'DP WtOOLUM STAIRS mm V Wliafs the Use of putting good money in an unknown or stenciled piano, when you can buy a high-grade, reputable instrument? Brambach Grand Piano for $155 On mosf conven ient terms. . Again, a most popular and time tried Cable-Nelson Upright Piano, brand new, in choicest woods, for $250, on rental terms. If this is too much money, you can take your choice of" nearly new pianos at legs than $150. Terms, $10 cash, $1 per week. Representing" many high-grade pianos. . No Charge for Stool, Scarf or Drayage. A; HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas Street. Our 40th Year. Varna. ey M. Watt nth A. Ptaaey Charles Kail Mrs. Brants Ferry... wuii wara Sylvia aTakae O. A Intron Arthur WUbeck Jkobert Lewis Lowmea Msry . Aberly Daniel A. &agfela am Steinberg , 2toaw.ll r.tte Kra. A. a. ftmltk Clyde J. Lather Boa aehalefc fred Kara Oraoe . Baker, Seatrioa, Vet.. Herbert O. Wells W, J. Mettlea i Chris Imoaaoa. Utlca, aTeb.... alia Bama arry J. Severeon KU . Xeaaeer ........... nerbert O. London Marie B, Stiver Jennie X. Washburn ,.. Charles O. Thomas Mynls . Harrison Mra. Jame Mortimer Henrietta wanaen Mra. Bobert T. Jonee ., Jamea X.. Xulekofaky Jfjroa Saroreat x. o. Tkompaoa Mra, Oeorra B. BTarW Louie, ranalafkara' raw aonoa ary B. Blna ktxe. tUHan owdas samnat x. Bock John rilokar , Jple WaohatelM Xarrr Brney Mra. B, Beveridre Kra. Vlaaa Olrola William Wlaoaeat Oretoke Xdrar amaa O. Wu.lx fra In Vayne AU.y K. W. Booker Mrs. Jeaitu Martin X.UUan Briokeon, Kaarney, Hek. John Oepleoba, Bur wail, Web. . Mra. Battle Oiknra C bar lea Kaanlj-aa Kobert W. Mulaa. oeie xeaaiar Xaaal Mloh.leon. Tt Crook Otto Zawald Xra M. colomkeok Bdward Boaentkal Australia to Have Splendid Building at the Panama Expo Construction Is now being ruahed upon tho beautiful Australian pavilion at the Panama-Pacific Internatlbnal exposition. Tho architect, George J. Cmkeshoot, has well conveyed the idea-of separate states harmoniously united and giving support to a central fabric which Is the common glory of all. The building- will rlM elegantly from site 293x188 feet, the structure) Itself hav ing dimensions of 180x127 feet and the tower rises to a height of 100 feet kbove tlie level of the main approach. Through out the building the ornamentation will be symbolical of Australia, and the out side shrubbery wlrl be the golden wattle and other' growths Indigenous to the Island continent The ground floor will hold tho main exhibit pavilion, an exhibit annex, lecture hall, reception room, offices for the vari ous Australian states, and a, room for use by the public The second floor Is o contain apartments for the use of the re spective commissioners and the staff. Australia appropriated $400,000 for Ha I participation In the exposition and most I of the exhibits have been assembled for shipment to San Francisco. Winter's Cold Nose Will Soon Rub Up Against You! Brrr! Brrrt And Brrr! one again. Pretty goon you'll have winter. Real winter. Cold ".-plenty. Raw, bluster ing cold. , Then you'll want to Jump Into heavier overcoats, heavier dresses, heavier suits, furs. And ARE your heavier garments in proper SHAPE to Jump into? Are they nicely cleaned, pressed, repaired, roll tied, dyed, recut and altered la style to meet THIS season's requirements? Chances are they are not. Tou need Dreshers' serv ices, and need them at once. It's fair today. Better send in the clothes while you can SPARE them. Just phone Tyler 845 and a Dresner Hurry Maa will call., It you don't, you might be sorry, Brrr! Brestes1 Biro Dry Cleanero Dyers 2211-2213 Ftrnain Street, Omaha. How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Bales ( Cnatest. 1 The See offers and will award three round-trip ticket and expenses to tka Panama Exposition, the total cost of each trip to be two, as prises to the three con. testanta having the greatest number si points at the oloae of the contest. sTb!a contest open to everybody ex cept employes of advertisers oa this pag and or Tb Bee. S-Tbe contest page will be published one day each week and will run for a perioj of one year. -Point will be figured oa the basts ot one point for each 1 cent shown en cash checks or receipts for purchases made from advertisers on this page. Cash checks must be deposited at or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The Hoe not' later than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipts will be lasued for them. . Coateat to close November T, liU. All cash tickets and receipts must be turned into The Bee offloe m later than t p, in. en closing day of contest, or If mailed, must be postmarked not later tbaa that hour. FOREIGN BULBS FOR FAIR ARRIVE AT SAN FRANCISCO ' Shipments of rare unnamed roses and other plants have been made from Luxemburg, France and Great Britain to be entered for the 11,000 prise offered by the Panama-Pacific International exposi tion for the most perfect new variety of rose. The seven commissioners of the Netherlands government to the exposition report that they have assembled from all of the principal cities of Holland the most extensive horticultural exhibit ever sent to America I'om a foreign country. Many rare bulbs have reached the exposition grounds from Holland. . FORCING GERMANS TO RETREAT Pear Days Oeeapled Alone Marae la romslllast Oraeral tea Klack Withdraw . Hie Fareea. LONDON. Oct. 11 In two long reports made public here today Field Marshal Sir John French, commander-in-chief ot the British forces on the continent, recounts wtth considerable detail the fighting la which the British expeditionary forces was engaged during the month ending September This fighting Included the retirement from Mons southward to the Brine and the advance, after a most vigorous offen sive on the part of the allies to the river Alsns and the first stage of the desperate encounters along the line of that river, which Included the crossing of the stream In the face of the determined opposition or the Germans. t The first report discloses that it was September that the allies took' the of fensive which checked the German don era! von Kluck'a advance to the southeast of Parts, and that It required four daya to compel the Oermaaa to turn their backs on the French oapltaj. Two days later the Oermans, according to the report, were bark across the Alsne, having lost heavily' In men, guns and transports on their retreat. Then com menced the battle of the Alsne, which lusted for a month and the phase of which are dealt with. . In the seoond report, which Is dated Oc tober 18, deneral French refers to the at tacks and counter attacks, whloh were still going on when the report waa con cluded itaptember 18. . , "Our experiences In this campaign seem to point to the employment of more heavy guns and uf larger caliber In great battle which last several days during which time powerful entrenching work on both ides can be carried out. Theee batteries were used with considerable effect on the 14th and following days."1 In his report dated September IT. cover- Ing operations from August 28 to October 8. FWld Marshal French calls special at tention to the fact that "from Sunday, August H, up to the preeent date, from Mops book almost to the Seine and from the Seine to the A lene, the army under my command has been ceaselessly en gaged, without one single day' halt or rest of any kind." TALLEST FLAGPOLE PUT UP IN PANAMA GROUNDS The tallest flag pole ever erected, a 232 foot stick of Oregon Dine, waa raeentlv raised before the site of the Oregon build ing at the Panama-Paolfio International exposition. The flag pole was contributed by the cltlsen ot Astoria, Ore, . ' , A "Vital , relat. ' Mr. Porter's judgment was vindicated. "Ah, ha," he exclaimed triumphantly, "do you remember that Uttle magnifying glass I gsve a dollar for the otber day T You said It was a clear waste of money. Well. It hum tnnM than 1 A ffnM i .. 1 already." how sot 'inquired Mrs. Porter. "It detected a 12 bill to which I had the presence of mind to apply It. Those-bills are ao well executed that eyen the experts can hardly tell them from the genuine, but my little magnify ing glass brought out all Its defects." ''How clever you are," said Mra Porter, "to think of examining money with a magnifying glaaa. Now you can make the person who gave you the bill take It back. Who did give It to you, anyway?" Mr. Porter's Isw fell. "By George!' he said. "I don't remenv ber.'r-Mew York Times. ITALIANS DEMAND STRICT NEUTRALITY Df ath of Minister ot X'oreign Affairs Not to Make Any Chang-a ia Policy. VITAL INTERESTS ARE AT STAKE Ne Claaee la Triple Alllaaee, Treaty Repaired Ceaatrr e Oa fa Aid at Uemaay sal Aastrla. (Copyright. llf. by Presa Publishing Co.) ROME, Oct l.-(flpeclal Cablegram to New Tork World and Omaha Pee.) Mar quis Dl Ban Glulano's death has caused profound grief throughout Italy, for his ability as a statesman and his sacri fice for his country were appreciated. 'Whoever succeeds him as minister of for eign affaire, the general Impression Is that Italy's foreign policy will not be changed. An Italian statesman ssld today: "Italy stands on a rock basis consti tuted by her right, her reputation before the world and her vital Interests. It is known that neutrality was proclaimed be cause no clause In the triple-alliance treaty required Italy to aaslst Germany and Austria In the present war. "This neutrality will not be abandoned for advantageous promises coming from either aide, aince It would be dishonor able to sell our participation In the con flirt as did the armed bands of the mid dle ages. Besides, the country would not stand aggression exalnat France, which now ha her Italian frontier entirely pro tected, nor against Austria, without se rious reason. "This does not mean that Italy Is not arming or will not eventually join In the war If circumstances axis endan gering some of her most vital Intareats. That waa the polloy pursued by Minister tt San Glulano, and the same policy will be followed by his successor." HE HAD TO SPELL "OSHKOSH" Callforala Man Arrested la Japaa rroves Ills Aaaejrleaa Cltlaeaehla. Take for a Gormen by Japanese of ficial In Mojll, Japuan. and forced to answer a bewildering set ot question re garding the geography of the United States, Pr. Paul W. Nichols ot Los An geles experienced considerable difficulty In proving that he was an American cltl sen, both by birth, choice and force ef circumstance. The climax came when he waa asked to spoil Oshkosh, Wis. Dr. Nichols arrived at Seattle on the Nippon Yusen Kalaha liner Bado Maru, and la a guest at th Washington Annex. After putting in many weeks In various parts of China and Japan, his most ex citing adventure took place on his journey home. While th vessel was In Mojll several friends war with Nichols, discussing th war situation. On ot th men In the party was a British officer from India, who was somewhat addloted'to practical joking. Taking the Japanese Inspector to on side he whispered that th doctor was a German en his way home from India. Nichols I fair of complexion and ha blue eyes. Two Japanese officials grabbed the medico and accused him of being one of Japan's enemies. Th Brttish officer and Nlchol' American friends modestly withdrew and left Nlchol to distribute Information. ' For more than an hour he was sweated, entreated and bulldosed; he was abown a railroad folder and pronouhced many perplexing question regarding th rail road system of th United States, trib utaries of the Mississippi, the population ef Galveston, Tex., and th length of the Brie canal. Seattle Tlmea. FREE NOMINATION C0UP6N GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Qoatest Editor", of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. . . Name ...... Address , " J .fitadt. ( f a JJ SCIENTISTS TO EXHIBIT AT SAN FRANCISCO FAIR 61 x hundred squsrs feet of exhibit space have been allotted to Christian Science In the Palace ef Education and Social Econ omy at the Panama-Pacific International exposition. The exhibit, which will be most comprehensive, will Include a dls play of the many Christian Science pub lication. II Is being prepared by Oloott Haskell of 6an Francisco, assisted by official of th Mother church In Boston. A Torpid Liver gives a sallow complexion. Take Or. Kins" New- Life Pills and rid the system ef Impurities. Look healthv All drgglta Advertisement. JT7 aV LI"liai,IllH W as U THE MODERN HOUSE is not complete without Electrical Applances. We invite you to inspect our stock of Guaranteed Electric Irons Toaster Stoves Percolators Chafing Dishes Curling Irons Hair Dryers Shaving Mirrors Heating Pads-r-Vibrators Flashlights, Etc. Everyday Drug Wants Priced for Your Profit at tho Rexall Drug Qteres RUDDER GOODS Good Pulh Hyiinse. S Household Hubber Gloves . .SSo i wo-iuart TYnintaln 8vrlnr. 4Sof Atomisers, SSa to S1.8S Kubber Ice lias a, SSo to . .. S1.S9' l-qt. Water lUn ...o Nearly 1,000 articles in. the Kuhherl Goods . line. Experienced ladles In this department. i J S4x J J salea- otrr out TKia ootrroir- Brlna It to us It Is rod for osra araw test ambit Printed In Kngllsh. We shall have some printed In German In a few daya. TorxTrr ABTKr&na JSC Pr. Victor's lYot Comfort 14 ROc Ir. Charlee' Flesh Food.. See S5o Caatorla, genuine Sle Mo futlcura flonp . ITe II Caldwell's Rymp Pepsin ,.Se ftOn Carmen's Powder See fiOo Canthro see (On Ixan'a Kidney pill 4e 11.00 Duffy's Malt SSe ' no Froetilla, 14e f.On Peheoo Tooth Pasts SSe llorllck'a Malted Milk, hospital slie , Ho Popd'a Vanishing Cream ,.14e tOe Pyrup Figs 80 0o Hempre Olovlne see 50o Viola Cream le SSc 4711 White Rose Bosp ....ISe Ho Woodhury'e Facial Bosp ,.14 It ITyomel. complete S3 Kind' Honey and Almond Cream for lilo Lynn's Tooth Powder leo Itc Maesata Talcum ...lee top Mentholatum' '. ,.se 2ftc Mennen'e Talcum. 4 kinds. 10 11.B0 Oriental Cream Oourard'a) see R0c Pepe's IMapepeln , , .So 1100 Plnkham's Compound ...07e nr. n tw j t- n - , , He .lad Halts for ... i 1 ! ! II SOo Ie'a Ilhuharb Laxative .S4o 11.00 Llaterlne for Mc Carter' Liver Pills for BOc Sa.1 Hepatic for ... ..Sle ?a moaa aoA or rAi-st ot-nra soap aarorSay, So. oajtbt araoiALa 40o box Nut and Cream Chocolates for I0o box Maraschino Cherry Choco- latea for SSe ROo box Tango Chocolates So Llgxett' lie Luxe Chorolates, lb. SO la!nty Uutoh Delight Chocolates, 1 pound. SO SHERMAN a McCONNELL DRUG CO. rmoPAntTOBi or rata rotrm omasa &xxat,x. aroauea. hennas a VSeConnell Drag Oo Cor. ltth and Dodge. Loyal rharmaey, Hotel Loyal Hlock. Owl Jtrot Oo Cor. lftth and Harney. Fkarmaoj, Cur. ltth and lam am. . J The Harvard BEa) Lighting Fixtures of Virions Designs TE3E ELECTRO SD8P: WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1810 Farnam. Tyler 1414. 'We are as near to you as your telephone' in This Yunr Mr. Husband: Tou immediately install time and labor-saving devices in your office to increase office efficiency. Why not have your wife send us the family washing and increase .your honie happiness? a Save her the backaches and worry of washing at home. You'll be repaid a hundred times over. . lull rata wAaararostD wu momm BLUE WAGONS. PHONS DOUGLAS 919. J ( "Do It Electrically" l' (Si (f - October 21st is the 35th Aniiivercary of Edison's first Incandescent Lamp When the great inventer saw the first flash of light from the first in candescent lamp 35 years ago, he dreamed of the day when , every home would be lighted by elec tricity. The realization of that dream is now made possible by the development of -the EDISON Mazda Lamps These economical lamps give from 3 to 6 times as much light as old-stylo carbon lamps, without using any more electricity. , If you want to get the full benefit' of this saving you should 'put EDISON MAZDA Lamps in every room of your house. There is an EDISON MAZDA for every lighting purpose from the tiny battery lamps and small automobile lamps to the giant' 1,000 watt size, nearly 2,000 candle power, fop stores, theatres, factories, etc. Let us show you how they save, and advise you which to use for YOUH purpose. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.