Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Tot for W. C. Crosby for Ooroaer.
Lighting natures, fluraeea-Grnnden Co.
Fidelity lton( sad Tea Oo, Xowg. "
ot Wt I Now Beacon ITea.
Svtrtk accountant and auditor. IX ?40.
Tota for Thomas W. Jcklura for
congress. Advertisement
Beanfciar All atodsni Bom Tor Sal
en tha easy payment plan. Banker
Realty Investment Co. Phono Doug. KX
"Today's Complato atOTle Frogr"
classified section toay, ana appear la
Tha Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
tha rarloua moving picture theater offer
, Chambers' Baaeta; Academy Tha
home of modern and classic dances, in
structor of teacher who are successful
both in Oraaha and other cltle. Tele
phone Pon. ism. School to depend upon
MMmttmw iwfM .v.
members of the local ordur of Eagle
attended the funeral of Anton Krecek.
which waa held Sunday from the family
residence, 1213 William street.
Sight More Sail The local army re-
cruttlng staUon shipped eight men from
the offlrea here yesterday. Seven
uAi n ITnrt Loaran.
.Erg auiru.j "j -
Colo., while the eighth, a colored recruit,
. goes to Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Wut Fay for nttrewberrie Payment
for 627 crate of strawberries ! sought
tv the Wathena Fruit Growers' company
-'. of Wathena, Mo., which has filed auit tn
district oourt for HT against tha George
Gifford company of Omaha. .
Torf Kama to Tostal Order J. r.
' 'W ard of Omaha has been arrested,
charged with forging the name of Jesse
Calllcott to a 6 postal money order la
aued at Spickard. Mo. Ward was re-
' leased on bond furnished by his attor
ney. Two Ask Cepatatloa Alleging among
other charges that John J. Woodward
waa guilty of "extreme cruelty by being
sentenced to Jail," Mrs. Katherlne Wood
ward has started suit for divorce from
' litm. They live in South Omaha. Frank
Spires has filed suit for divorce from
Gertrude, alleging abandonment. ' "
To Change Street Warns A resolution
was Introduced at the council nteetiug
providing for the change in the nam of
, ent sections of the street are termed by
-the two different names and the idea of
the resolution was to give the thorough'
fare a common name.
Sumner - Game Saek Xmpty Joe
Hummel, park commissioner, has re
' turned from . his first vacation In six
'years. Hummel went up -to some of the
lakes In Nebraska for three days of re
' creation and to bring back a few ducks.
; For reasons which he refused to divulge
he failed to bring back a single duck.
; XowaU for Oovernor Club A Howell
.for Governor club has been organised,
composed of University students and
young men from all political parties. The
following officers were chosen: Prosi-
dent, Ross L. Shotwell: secretary. V. A.
Morgan; treasurer. W. J. Wilkinson;
; chairman of campaign committee, 9.
-XHnnls Cronin.
- To Xlsine; Congress Three delegates
. from Omaha are to attend the annual
; convention of the American Mining con
gress to" be held at Phoenix, Aria., dur-
1 ing the week of December 7. The Com
; merclai club has received the' Invitation
to send three delegates. The invitation
has been accepted and Chairman John L. j
;McCague of the executive committee of
-the club has' been empowered to name
", the three delegates. j
Cannot locate Woman' Scream A
; woman screemlrfg at the top of her
voice, revolver volley, a, . cry of
raln and then' sudden quiet aroused
J the . neighborhood of Twenty-f If th and
2 Grant streets Monday morning at S
. and caused, the police patrol,, loaded with
officers and doctors to make a hurry
-run. No evidence of a murder could be
found, and the police are puuied a to
Tthe cause of the disorder.
Suffering with Typhoid tad Delir-
ion, Mtnowski Fhooti Self.'
Russians Say They Will Win Before
British and French Get Victory
.Bishop MiUspaugh
:: Back in Old Pulpit
Frank K. Millspaugn, tor many years
dean of Trinity cathedral in this city,
Ibut now bishop of the Episcopal diocese
;of Kansas, was back In his old pulpit
.Sunday, whore he preached to a lafge
congregation. Following the services, the
bishop waa greeted by his old pariah
Joners, meeting scores of them.
; The pastoral letter to all Episcopal
tt-hurche in the United States and adopted
Iby the House of Bishops at recent
meeting In Minneapolis was read by the
bishop. It follows:
I "The war In Europe, with immeasura
ble and universal sorrow and distress,
Isys upon the Christian -people of this
country peculiar responsibilities and op
portunities. -,
, '"Accepting loyally and with 'gratitude
ik& leadership, of the' president of the
United States in the cause of peace, In
both Europe and America, we urge you.
that aa brethren of the people of all na
tions, you sustain a spirit of forbearance.
Be careful In- expression of judgment.
and. wbilo not unthoughtful and still less
unfeeling, that you encourage the xr
else of honest neutrality.
, "In the presence of this distress, we urge
simplicity and economy In ' expenditure
and such restraint in pleasures and lux
uries as will express the seriousness of
temper consonant with the affliction and
sorrows of our brethren."
In his discourse Bishop Mils pa ugh took
the position that religion is no bar to
earthly pleasures unless these pleasures
are indulged In to the extent that they
become a matter of Intemperance,
See-ares' Receiver frees Dreer aad
Beads Ballet lata Srala and
Aaotker Tarawa HI
Raving with a temperature of IDA as a
result of a prolonged slegw of typhoid
fever, Anton Mankowskl, Thirty-fourth
and J Streets, shot himself twice in the
temple and once In the breast about
o'clock Sunday mormnr rrth a revolver
he had lying on his dresser. His wife
waa asleep on a chair beside him. lie
died Instantly, He was U years old and
leaves a wife and two small children.
He was a member of the Polish lodge.
Ieputy Coroner Lartn will hold an In
quest within a day f two. The funeral
will be held Wednesday morning from the
home. Interment will be In the German
Catholic cemeterjv
Mankowskl had been suffering with ty
phoid fever for more than two weeks.
During the last several days he had been
delirious at intervals. Sunday morning
about' 4 o'clock his wife went to his
bedside to take his tempsrature. His
temperature then waa 106 degleea.
After taking the temperature Mrs.
Mankowskl sat by his side and noted
that he waa somewhat delirious. Worn
with the long vigil, she fell asleep. She
was awakened by the shot, jumping to
her feet Just In time' to see him fire
two more shots, one taking effect In the
temple and the other Just above the
When the police reached the scene Man
kowskl was dead. The body waa taken
in charge by Deputy Coroner Larkln,
Fir la Treabertk Haas.
After giving a fire alarm to save the
grocery store beneath him and the apart
ments In which he was living above the
store. Willard Trenberth, CO North
Twenty-fourth street, was overcome by
the smoke Sunday morning and fell down
stairs, breaking two ribs. He was picked
up by the firemen and police and taken
to the South Omaha hospital, where his
Injuries were cared for.
Mr. Trenberth lives in the rooms abovs
the store. A gaa jet burning all night
set fire to the wall paper. When he
awoke the room waa full of smoke. He
aroused the other people on the second
floor of the building, got them to safety
and then rushed to a telephone down
stair to call the fire department As
soon aa he had turned In the alarm, he
hurried back upstairs to save some of
his furniture. The smoke by this time
was so dense that he was overcome. Per
sons who gathered on the outside heard
him come tumbling down the stairs. He
was dragged out In a semi-conscious state
and hurried to the hospital.
Aside from having the two ribs broken,
ho suffered only a general shaking up
and a lot of bruise. The fire was soon
extinguished and the damage to the
property waa Insignificant;
Visit to Lincoln.
The Nebraska University College of Ag-
rlcluture will be visited next Saturday
bya delegation of live stock men from
theVouth Omaha yards to look over the
agricultural college and apend a day see
ing the sights on the farm where Ne
braska's sons are trained to do scientific
"tsokr" Brown Taken.
Because it Is thought he knows some
thing of the murder of J. J. Kane, which
occurred In South Omaha . In August,
"Lucky" Brown ha been arrested In
Kansas City. He Is a negro. South
Omaha officers have been sent to bring
bim back. '
William. Rearfcke te Dead.
William Reschke died Sunday morning
at the South Omaha hospital aa the result
of Injuries received In an auto accident a
week ago. He held the important posi
tion of paying teller at the Packers Na
tional bank and was very popular In both
business and social clrclea
The deceased wss the son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Reschke, 2415 D street. His
fattier I a pioneer business man of this
city. Surviving are the father and mother.
two brothers, Paul and Harry, and two
sisters, Mrs. Donaldson of Council Bluffs
and Miss Elsie Reschke of this city. The
funeral will be held from (he home Tues
day afternoon at S o'clock. Dr. BalUIey
of Omaha will conduct the services. In
ferment will be In Graoeland Park .ceme
tery.' Arthur 8 ponce, who waa Injured in
the aame accident, la reported to be !m
gaffs Hit Blr Meetlaar.
Mis Elsie Vandergrlft of Denver and
John A. Rlne, city attorney of Omaha,
addressed the largest suffrage street
meeting ' that ha , been held in South
Omaha since the opening of the cam
palgn. Saturday evening. The meeting
was held at Twenty-fourth and M streets
and' lasted for several hours. Street
speeches have been held Wednesday and
Saturday evening in South Omaha since
early in August..
Hale City Uoaala.
Cherokee coaL unscreened, fci.26: screnl
ed, $4.76: South 7. Howland Lum. ac Coal.
Office space for rent In Bee office, tilt
rn sireeu lenns reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Bouth Xi,
The Columbia club, one of the
(f Dilations of South Omaha. l
nin- a, .jour-aay reauvai, October Jl to
ii. ii win in nra at (Columbia hall,
iMinx-.iiin ana n aireeis. a program
oi orcucairai ana vocal music 1 to be
Four hundred anl seventy-five dollars
found on the person of a Gypsy who
dreaaes In rui and lives in a tent, la some
money. s i least
(i'np right. 1SU, Tress Publishing Co.)
FKTROGARD, Oct. l-peclal Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
Bee.) The progress of the fighting In
Poland strengthens the belief that the
battle will reach a decisive culmination
within a much briefer period than will be
required to complete the weatem battle
between the Germans and the allies. The
Germans in Poland have already brought
the rear reserves, whose base waa Thorn,
and who were brought to Kallsh when
the Invasion of Poland commenced, into
the fighting line. They were compelled
to do this owing to the repeated defeat
of the successive efforts to reach the left
bank of the Vistula.
The severest fighting of the advance
column was directed toward Ivangorod.
There waa a deafening cannonade by
heavy artillery for forty-elaht hours
without inflicting much los of life. Then
the column advanced, but met a terrific
fire from the Russian field artillery, In
fantry and machine guns. Many of the
latter were working at a rsnse of 400
paces. Tha attack broke Into disaster be
tween 7 In the morning and noon. The
Germans h'ad lost SO per cent of their
storming force and abandoned the valley
strewn with dead.
Other columns were working their way
upward along the left bank In the direc
tion of Sandomlers, always seeking tor
a crossing. The Cossacks never lost
touch Of them and the Russians brought
enough men across to drive all the Ger
man vanguards back, also destroying by
shell among their columns their engi
neer, transport and bridge section.
Sixtieth Anniversary of First Church
ii Properly Observed.
Candidate Foster
"Rfinlies to Charges
, r o
Dr. Harry A. Foster, republican candt
date for re-election to the state . legis
lature, says the local democratic organ
is hard up for political gossip. This be
draws from the attack the paper has just
made on bim.' The democratic sheet got
Xels Anderson to say he was against
Foster because he collected 135 expenae
raoney while his committee was Investi
gating the high cost of living.
" "That was the amount collected by each
of the committeemen for their two weeks
tn Omaha, aays Foster. In reply to the
objection. "We considered that fair, aa
we atayed at the Millard and some of
the other hotels of tha city.
"While II I true, a pointed out, that
this I my home,, as a matter of fact,
everyone who know me 'know that, I
have not maintained a household here for
ten years, and therefore my trip her on
a mission of the state was Just aa expen
to e to me as It would have been In any
other city in the state. No one has ever
complained about allowing legislators
their living expenses while they are out
away from the capital on a special in.
Omaha think.
SO the Dolica of South
That is what was found
ir. iiiw iMKxeia oi n. .Miner, w no, aloat
with four other Gypslas, waa arrested
Sunday afternoon down by the tracks
wner mey were lentlnr. They are S.
Ochtcka. Alex Stephen. .' Miller, Mlna
Stephen and Dora Duca, and ax booked
u auapicioua cnaraciers.
Eee Want Ads Produce BcsuiU.
A speeding automobile, containing four
men, early this morning rsn down and
seriously injured John Klug, 1136 South
Sixteenth street, at the corner of Six
teenth and Leavenworth streets.
Klug, although badly battered up, tried
to get the number of the car, but failed.
He say he was crossing the street and
that without sound of a horn or any
warning; th machine was upon bim. The
wheel paaaed over nls body and It was
thought by Dr. J. C. Hubenbeckar when
he first examined him that ha had luckily
escaped with minor Injuries. When taken
te hi home it developed on further ex
arainatlon by the police surgajon that the
man wa seriously injured in tar sally and
be waa removed to St. Joseph's bospltaX
laalgeatiaa aad Weak Bteatacaa.
Take Blectrio Buter. It gives an appetite,-
strengthens the digestive organs, les
sens the work of the liver and kidneys
jec and tl. All druggist. Advertisement. cations Advertisemea
Rev. Ckarlea Mitchell ef Chicago
Preaches Rermoa ail Chart
A. Ooaa RereMes th
Sunday was an important day for mem
bers of the First Methodist church. At
the morning, afternoon anc evening serv
ices special observance was taken of th
sixtieth anniversary of the founding of
the society. A social celebration of the
event had already been held by th con
gregation In the church parlors Friday
It was a long, hard road that the or
ganisers traveled before the little con
gregation became fully established, way
back in the fifties. Many of the stirring
event of those territorial times were
mentioned by Charles A. Goes during th
historic review h delivered at the church
service Sunday.
The morning worship took the form of
a special thanksgiving for the sixty year
of good work done by the church, and for
its present influence and prosperity. The
evening worship was evangelistic in na
ture, indicative of the church' continued
active work.
AH Metaodtats Jala.
At a special sixtieth anniversary meet
ing of all Omaha Methodists at tha First
church In the afternoon the three score
year of Methodism In Omaha were cele
brated and talked over by Methodist lay
men of the city. A representative of each
of the nine Methodist churches in Omaha
made a brief address on the theme, "Past,
Present and Future of Omab,a Method
lam." Those taking part were: R. H. Cheno
weth, Diet Memorial; E. A. Parmelee,
Trinity; William Redgwtck, Hanscom
Park; Dr. W. W. Ward. Oak Street)
George P. Llndley, Walnut Hill; John
Lewis, McCabe; J. Dean Ringer, South
Omaha; Charles Haffke, Benson; Rev.
Titus Lowe, First church and summary.
J. P. Bailey of the First church pre
sided and John Dale, a charter member
of Hanscom Park church and one of the
pioneer Methodists of Omaha, read a
scriptural passage and offered prayer.
The usual order of . worship at the
morning service wa changed, on account
of the anniversary observance. Bishop
Frank M. Bristol was present and offered
prayer and pronounced the benediction.
The pastor. Rev. Titu Lowe, presided,
but had Invited Rev. Charles Bayard
Mitchell of Chicago to come to preach
the special anniversary sermon.
Mr. Goes delivered his historic review
at the morning service- Special music,
directed by June Edward Carnal, was
provided. .
Laackter aad Aaalaase. '
During Rev. Mr. Mitchell' morning aer.
mon hearty applause and laughter fre
quently Interrupted hi remark. Religi
ous truths mingled with witty Illustra
tions, and his enforcement of scriptural
facts was constantly interspersed with
humorous ntoriea that served th double
purpose of holding th congregation
tense with Interest and of Interpreting
rellglou doctrine In term of everyday
life. A a result th listener were deeply
impressed, and were so strongly moved
by the alternating mood and style of
the visiting pastor, that when they were
plunged from breathless attention to
amused relaxation, they forgot the limit
ing bounds of staid Methodist church etl-
quet. and Indulged In laughter and ap
plause. .
Rev. Mf. Mitchell preacheff on the
themes of man' personal accountability
to God, hi personal duties, hi oppor
tunities to shape hi own destiny tn the
world and hi privilege nevertheless of
"casting hi burden on th Lord." The
minister said In part:
"Th place doe not mak the man.
Man makes hi own place in thla world;
what he will to be, under God, he Is, In
SDlte of hi environment. Ha cannot
shut the responsibility of being what ha
is oy mamma; H omi iniv, or vnnatfs pt
destiny. If he does not go to heaven, or
enjoy divine 'happiness, it is because he
falls to grasp the divine forgiveness of
fered so freely.
y "We can make out of eur lives largely
what we wish by the exercise of our will.
t a msn take heart afresh, he ren
create a new environment. God expects
men. In spite of th foolish modern
philosophies of fatalism and so forth, to
stand on their own feet and bear their
own packs, for each must give his own
account to his Maker.
"'No church or clergyman can provide
a church member with a through ticket
to kingdom come. Neither ran society
nor the state be blamed or held respon
sible for men who fail to enforce upon
themselves the prohibition and liquor
law. After such law are made a man
who sinks Into the mlra by transgressing
them ha only himself to blamo. Society
does not owe It to him to see that h
keep straight' That Is strictly the
man' own business."
Black Paint Solves
Headlight Problem
Autolsts who have een experimenting
with their headlights' In compliance with
th city ordinance covering glaring lamps,
are offered a aolutlon by Dr. W. IL Mick,
whj ha solved the problem.
Instead of smearing tha reflector, or the
glass with paint to dim the light. Dr.
Mirk paint the lower half and part of
the front of the bulb In the headlight
black. This throw the light up to the
reflector on the upperslde of the lamp and
then diffuses It In this way clear light
I thrown on tha -road all the time, yet
th ray are so controlled that at no time
are they In such a position as to blind
those In front. Hi experience with X-Ray
machine made the solution of the problem
an easy matter. Hi machine, which he
ha fixed In compliance with the ordi
nance. Is kept tn front of th Brandeis
Theater building all day.
Check Ktaaey T-rabl at Oaee.
There I uch ready action In Foley
Kidney Pill you feel their healing from
the very first dose. Backache, weak, sore
kidney, painful bladder and Irregular ac
tion disappear with their use. O. Palmer,
ireen Bay Wis., says: "My wife Is rap
Idly recovering her health and strength,
due solely to Foley Kidney Pills.' And
W. T. Hutchens, Nicholson, Ga., says,
"Just a fsw dose made me feel better.
anil now my pain and rheumatism ar all
Hit by Automobile,
Former Omaha Man
Dies from Injuries
Jeaae Withers, n former Omehnn, who
has resided In (trend Ixliiml ami Inter In
Rawlins, Wyo., was struck by an auto-
mobile last Tuesday and died Friday from
Injuries sustained. He was walMnc along
the Rawlins streets and at an Intersec
tion was knocked down and rtin over.
The body arrived in Omaha last night
and today at 2 o'clock funeral serv
ices will be held from the home of Taut
Burlelh, Fortieth and Cuming streets.
burial to he at Forest Lawn.
Thirty years aso Mr. Withers was an
Omaha merchant, being connected with
Wilcox A tmlth, who conducted the
Principal dry goods store of the city. Ills
wife wss Miss Anna Iturlrlich. dnushtet
of an earlier sheriff of Douglas county.
She survives her husband, as dors a son,
Paul, now a resident of Chlcaso.
The anti-suf fraglsts are planning a big
meeting for tills evening at the Amer
ican theater. The main argument against
woman aulfragn will be made by Mrs. A.
J.' George of Boston. John I Webster
ha consented to open the meeting with
a short speech.
Th committee on n anccmants has
provided for an oriV-stra and Invitations
have been sent to hundreds of men and
women known to bo In sympathy with
tha opposition to woman stiff rage. The
committee', however, extend a conllul
Invitation to everybody to hear Mrs.
George, who Is a very talented public
speaker, and announces that scuts are
free and there will be no collection.
A. J. Collctt. son-in-law of Mayor Dehl
man, now director general of public works
o! the ItcptiMIc of Fan Domlnsjn, hss writ
ten the Commercial club of Omaha point
ing out that there Is a field for Omaha
husiness In San Domingo ss a result of
the war In Europe, which has to a large
extent cut off European Imports to that
He points out that hitherto prsrtleally
all the butter used In the republic was
Imported from Kurope. It comes In sealed
cans. The best grades of candles were
shipped In from Knsisud in sealed csna
Although Willard F. Cadogan, a Vnton
Pacific clerk, una bnrlcd In an Omaha
cemetery last month, before d'.wovery of
bis will directing that his body be cre
mated, officers of the Omaha Kagles in
tend to file a written request with the
clerk of tlio probato court, that the body
be exhumed and reduced to nshes, aa the
deceased desired, f aloKn made the lo
cal lodge his chief beneficiary, leaving
about $3,000 to Its treasury. A petition Is
now pending for appointment of an exe
cutor of the estate.
The Omaha grain market was strong
ssnm Monday and receipts liberal. Cash
wheat sold at 1.03 to l.K, nearly a
cent above Fnturday. Corn sold at from
H cents to M cents.
' Receipts were: Wheat, W cars; corn,
42 cars and oats 63 cars.
Va&2T?ia J -5"
i . r.t
,i-:'-Ti a -WC.A
':lii: 1 If
f Hotel oTrcfTned
c elegance, located iti
NewYork's social centre
Easily accessible to
theatre andshoppi
S'mgl ronSobfhi-2??fo50?
Single rooms with baths 5l9to5i?
Double room with bain 3 i?to8
Wethcrbee tfWood
You never tasted
daintier, lighter, fluffier
biscuit than those
baked with Calumet
They're always
frond delicious.
For Calumet in
ures perfect
W.rM', Para PmJ
Faaaetttoa. Ckicaaa,
fart Capoaltlna,
Franca, Mana.
ft . .VWAIMV. I
mm '
gone and I sleep all night long."
dealer everywhere Advertisement
'.."jiadQuit Meat When
eVI (A I , . a aw . m
Kidneys botner
Taka m glaa of Salt before Breavk
. fant If your , IVax k hurts or ,
BUdder is troubling you.
No man or woman who eat -meat reg
ularly can mak a mistake by flushing
th kidneys occasionally, says a well-
known authority. Meat form urto acid
which excite the kidney, they become
overworked from the strain, get sluggish
and fall to filter the waste and poison
from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly
all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, dlsziness, sleeplessness and
urinary disorder com from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache In th
kidney or your ' back hurt or If th
urine I cloudy, offensive, full of sedi
ment. Irregular of paaaag or attended
by a sensation of scalding, stop eating
meat and get about foutounoea of Jad
Salt from any pharmacy; tak a
tablespoon ful la a glass of water before
breakfast and In a few day your kidney
will act fin. Thi famou salts I mad
from th acid of grapes and lemon, juice,
combined with 11th la. and ha been used
for generations to flush and stimulate
th kidney, also to neutralise the acids
rin urine so It no longer cause Irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad . Salt 1 tnexpenslv and cannot
Injure; make a delightful effervescent
lithla-water drink which everyone should
tak now and than to keep the kidneys
clean and active and the blood pure.
I thereby avoiding serious kidney compU-
fifth Ave Fiftyfir?h St..
At All Leading Clubs j
ars. Restaurants
and Hotels
it's "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." The minute
the welcome question is asked, the ready answer is
"CEDAR BROOK, to be sure."
To be sure to be certain of "certain sure" superior
ity stick to CEDAR BROOK. That's why it is the
largestselling brand of fine Kentucky whiskey in the
world. Same unvarying quality since 1847. It is
-always safe to say, "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure."
If '
I T ilit -ien
in Bond
At all leading Clubs, Bars, Restaurants,
Hotels, and also at all leading Dealers
IFof Sale Ev'2FyFW'liiei2.